What Having Kids Teaches Us About Being a Leader

A key focus of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. They say that having children forever changes you. If done right, it imparts one specific quality on you, leadership. The following contributed post is entitled, What Having Kids Teaches Us About Being a Leader.

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Being a parent is about raising this little person and nurturing them. In essence, you are the most influential person in the world to this little thing. As they grow older, you can find yourself losing your way, becoming caught up in your emotions, or making wrong decisions. And it’s the little things that can help you directly if you want to be a better leader. If you are looking to motivate employees or you are considering becoming a leader, what can having children teach you about being a leader?

It Is About the Team, Not the Individual
In the working environment, it’s about a group effort. As parents, we can get drunk on our own sense of power. If we start to be the parent that tells our children not to do things and then respond with “because I said so” when they ask “why,” we’ve got to make a lot of changes to our own abilities. Think about working as a team. And you can do this in simple ways. You can start to play sports together. You can incorporate extracurricular activities where you all play sports, such as baseball or softball. You can even start to make it a real team effort by providing a tangible goal for the kids, such as a trophy. And you can also make it a more fun effort with personalized lineup cards and create a tournament. And it’s all of these little things that work so well in both scenarios. By helping people to focus on the bigger picture, you start to motivate them. This works for employees, but it also works for children. And it also works for you because it makes you realize that you are part of a team and are not someone who is above them.

Everybody Is More Resilient Than They Think They Are
When you have employees and you are trying to improve their performance, despite stress coming from every direction, it’s about applying enough of a stimulus to facilitate an appropriate response. When we experience stress, we have to learn how to adapt to new situations. And there will be things that we can learn from our children that as adults we will completely forget about. Seeing children adapt to new situations is really interesting. You may see that they are incredibly upset when you drop them off for their first day of preschool. After all, you’re giving them away to a foreign environment, but what happens is that they adapt and get over their fears. This is something that we can all learn because we experience troubles but when we get stressed, we, as adults, internalize it. Children tend to externalize it so they don’t necessarily feel the scars, but they also learn to adapt. If we ever start to feel overwhelmed by something, we need to look at our children and remember that they have gone through stressful times more recently than we have, from preschool to all the emotional changes they have experienced in quick succession.

As a parent, we’ve got a lot of life experience, but we have to remember that this life experience can transfer to the office. Having children can train you to be a leader in more ways than you realize.

Reasons Why Potential Clients Won’t Want To Do Business With You

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key aspect of your business that many don’t think about is your reputation. If you’ve developed a questionable reputation for any reason, you may see your business dry up. The following contributed post is entitled, Reasons Why Potential Clients Won’t Want To Do Business With You.

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As a business owner, you will be reliant on your clients for your income. If you have a steady stream of people to do business with, you will start to make a profit and build your portfolio. But if you don’t? Well, you don’t need us to tell you the consequences of a low client base.

If you are struggling to find clients to work with you, there could be some very good reasons why. These include the following, so have a read, and make the necessary changes for the betterment of your business.

#1: A bad reputation

In business, a good reputation is everything. When people only have good things to say about you, you will garner a lot of trust and respect from others. But if you or your business is less than reputable, you will struggle to reach the clients you need for your business.

So, what can cause a bad reputation? Well, if the quality of your work is poor, you can be guaranteed bad word-of-mouth from past clients. If your business is less than ethical, perhaps because you fail to care for the environment in your manufacturing processes, you will also receive negative attention. And if you have a criminal record, even for something that may have happened a long time ago, you might also struggle to attain new clients if they discover something about you on a Google search.

The key here is to improve your reputation.

Focus on quality in every part of your business to ensure good client reviews.

Establish an ethics policy with guidance for on better code of conduct for you and your employees.

And if you do have a criminal record, check out this advice on online content removal, as you may be able to get mention of your name removed if your conviction is spent. You might also want to seek out the services of an expungement lawyer in an attempt to get your criminal record expunged.

#2: Bad comparisons to your competition

If your business type was completely unique, you wouldn’t have to worry about the competition. However, you’re probably competing against a number of rivals in your bid to win new clients to your side, and you will struggle if you pale in comparison for any reason.

So, research your competition to find out why they might be winning more clients than you. It might be because their products or services are of better quality. They might be charging fairer prices. And it might be that their website is a lot better than yours in terms of professional design and content. These are just some of the reasons why you might be losing out to them, but there could be others.

To beat your rivals, better them in every conceivable way. Focus on quality work, adjust your pricing, improve your website, and do whatever else it takes to stop potential new clients from siding with them over you.


These are just two of the reasons why potential clients won’t want to do business with you. Of course, there could be other reasons, and to find out, you might want to ask them. Feedback forms are always a good idea, as are conversations on the phone if you want to find out the answer. When you know what the problems are, do what you can to make changes, as the more clients you have coming to your doors, the better.

Building Your Own Home? Don’t Cheap Out on These Things

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Home and Property Discussions. Many people want to build their home, versus purchasing a previously lived in structure. If you’re building your own home, there are some things you should scrimp on. The following contributed post is entitled, Building Your Own Home? Don’t Cheap Out on These Things.

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Designing and building your own home is an exciting journey. You get to build your dream home that has everything you could ever need. It can be exhausting, even if you’re not doing the hard work of actually building it, but the results are worth it. Building a home from scratch is certainly not cheap, but there are ways to save if you want to. However, there are some things you should almost definitely not skimp on if you want to build a solid home. Before you start looking for ways to save money, be sure to take the following things into consideration.

Windows and Doors

The windows and doors of your home are two of the most important elements. They not only keep your home secure and protect it from the elements, but they also provide ventilation and sunlight when you need them too. Trying to buy and install doors and windows cheaply could lead to problems. It might mean you end up with leaks and drafts or it could mean you need to repair or replace your doors and windows sooner than you had expected. Choosing good quality products will protect your home and ensure both the interior and exterior look good too.

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Insulating your home properly keeps the heat in when you need it most. As well as keeping you warm, it’s good for the property itself. A warmer home will prevent mold and mildew, plus it will help you to reduce the amount that you spend on your energy bills. You can find different insulation materials and methods at varying price points, so it’s worth considering it carefully. Once you’ve insulated your new home, it will be difficult to change it after everything is finished. It’s better to get it right the first time if you don’t want to spend too much.

The Roof

Similarly to your home’s insulation, the roof will protect the structure of your home. Without a roof over your head, it won’t even be a property. The roof that you choose is also an aesthetic choice, and it forms a big part of what your home will look like. When you want to get the roof right, consult with a roofing company to find out what options you have. They can help you with different roof types, materials and other factors. Consider things like how long your roof will last and how easy it is to maintain.


Someone will have to carry out all of the work to build and finish your property. This is something that you definitely don’t want to cheap out on if you want to build a quality home. Cheap labor is more likely to produce poor results, so it’s worth paying for people who are going to get it right the first time. When you collect quotes from contractors, going for the cheapest option available isn’t always the right choice.

There are some ways you can save when building your home, but investing more in some things is a must. You should know which is which before you start construction.

How to Regain Your Focus in Life

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. A key to your personal health is having a level of focus and direction in your life. Having this focus will allow you to invest your energies in positive places and prevent them from getting lost in negative places. The following contributed post is entitled, How to Regain Your Focus in Life.

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We are living in uncertain times, so it is natural for this to impact your wellbeing. For many people, the current COVID-19 situation has taken them out of their daily routine and put their usual activities on hold. This, combined with extra time at home to think can lead you to raise a few questions about your direction in life, and what you are hoping to do with your future. During these challenging times, you may have lost your focus a little and be looking for ways to regain this. If you feel that you have lost some of your direction in life, and are looking to get back on track and return to the ‘new normal’ with renewed energy, why not give some of these ideas a try and see if they work for you?

Reconnect with Your Talents

Everyone has talents and things that they enjoy doing. Reconnecting with your talents is an excellent way to remember what you are good at and which activities bring greater enjoyment to your life. The process of reconnecting with these is useful to help you focus your energy on things that you enjoy and make you feel good about yourself.

Get Inspired

Discovering the paths to success that inspirational people have followed is a useful way to get some inspiration for your journey. Seeing the route that successful people in society, like Alex Becker, have taken will help you to see how others have made changes in their lives and focused their attention on their future goals to enable them to make significant achievements.

Having inspirational role models to look up to shows you that it is possible to regain your focus and take back your control over your future.

Talk it Through

If you are feeling truly stuck in a rut and unable to move forward, then speaking to a professional can be super helpful. Scheduling an appointment with a trained counselor or therapist can help you to gain a greater understanding of the way that you are feeling. With guidance from your counselor, you should be able to move forward through the thoughts that are holding you back and to focus instead on the present and what you want from your future.

Make an Action Plan

Making a plan of action that lays out step by step how you can move your life forward is an excellent way to get yourself back on track. You may want to think of the action plan as a road map to your future success. It is much easier to work towards your goal when it is broken down into smaller, actionable steps. This enables you to make constant progress and keep track of how far you have come.

Remember, regaining your focus and achieving what you want to in life is not something that happens overnight. Instead, it is a journey, which makes it even more satisfying when you reach your goal. What will be your first step towards regaining your focus?

Corporate Christmas Party Planning Success

A key focus of my blog is Organization/Management Discussions. No matter the industry and no matter how arduous the workplace, the annual corporate Christmas party is a big deal as it’s a time for everyone feel good and fellowship in the organization. As the world eases back to some semblance of normal, it’ll be something workers will look forward to. The following contributed post is entitled, Corporate Christmas Party Planning Success.

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If there is one thing that all employees look forward to it is the corporate Christmas party. This is an event that will make sure you end the year on a positive note, giving everyone a morale boost for the coming year.

With everything that has gone on this year especially, it shows us just how important our employees are. As we get to the close of the year, it is the perfect time to host a party (even if it needs to be virtual in your part of the world) and to review your employee benefits for 2021. Head to https://cjfig.com/employee-benefits/ for more advice on this.

With that in mind, read on to discover some top tips on planning your corporate Christmas party, including choosing from all of the Christmas party venues has to offer.

One of the best places to start is by getting feedback on how last year’s party went. It is a good idea to put together a small questionnaire with a number of simple questions for your employees to answer. Examples include: What would you prefer was not included this year? What would you like to see again? What did you think of the venue hire? What was your favourite part of last year’s Christmas party? This will give you a good idea regarding what they like and what they don’t, which will help you to form the basis of this year’s party planning.

The next thing you need to do is set the right date and time. There are two factors that will come into consideration. Firstly, you need to consider your employees’ schedules. When is the ‘official’ last day of work? The party should be on that day. No one wants to come back to work the day after the Christmas party. The second factor is availability. There are many Christmas party venues, however, there are also a lot of companies looking for venues too!

There is a lot that needs to be considered when looking at Christmas party venues. You need somewhere that is convenient. No one wants to spend a fortune on taxis because the venue is far away from a tube station! You also need somewhere that is unique and will get everyone excited about the party. Your employees don’t want to feel like you have simply chosen the cheapest venue that is on offer. After all, your Christmas party is meant to be an opportunity to thank your employees for all of their hard work.

Aside from looking for the best Christmas party venues, you also need to organise entertainment. There are many different options to choose from, including musicians, DJs, magicians, comedians, and much more. The best thing to do is talk to your employees and find out what sort of thing they would like. Of course, your budget is another important element to take into account. Take the time to devise a proper budget, and then decide how much you are going to attribute to each element of the party. It’s vital to spend on the important elements first, i.e. food, drink, and music. These are the things that matter the most. The décor and any other extras can come after this.

Hopefully, you now have all of the advice you need to get started with planning your Christmas party. From choosing the right date and time to assessing Christmas party venues with care, there is a lot to take in, but it will all be worth it in the end when you throw an incredible party.

The Benefits of Gentle Exercise

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Most people think of exercise in the vigorous context. Gentle exercise has a very, very important role to play as well and be very beneficial. The following contributed post is entitled, The Benefits of Gentle Exercise.

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We all know that exercise is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle, but you don’t have to spend hours at the gym or run for miles in order to get results. In fact, gentle exercise can be a great way to achieve your fitness goals and overhaul your physical and emotional well-being. To learn more, take a look at some of the benefits of gentle exercise:

Weight Loss

If you’re aiming to lose weight, it’s easy to assume that you’ll need to do intense workouts to shed the pounds. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Studies have shown that exercising at a gentler pace can be as effective when it comes to losing weight. In addition to this, participants also saw an improvement in their cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings, which highlights just how much gentle exercise can impact your health.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Intense workouts tend to be a heavier impact, which can increase the risk of injury. Running can place a significant amount of stress on your joints, for example, which could cause an injury or exacerbate an on-going issue. In contrast, gentle exercise, such as yoga or Pilates, allows you to reap the benefits of working out while reducing your risk of being injured.

Increased Sociability

Exercise doesn’t have to be a solo activity. In fact, exercising with other people can help you to stay motivated and keep you accountable. Of course, it’s much easier to engage with others when you’re having a leisurely round of golf or taking a brisk walk than it is if you’re taking part in a spinning class or lifting heavy weights. By choosing to do gentle exercises, you can turn your workouts into a social activity and enjoy them all the more.

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Lower Stress Levels

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for how your body reacts to stressful or dangerous situations, but it can also be triggered by intense exercise. Sometimes referred to as the ‘flight or fight response’, you’ll notice that your body mimics the physical effects of anxiety when you’re engaging in a strenuous workout. By switching to a gentler form of exercise, you can prevent this from happening while still gaining the health benefits associated with being active. As a result, you can enjoy a calmer and less stressful workout.


If you’re struggling to stay motivated, the thought of undertaking a grueling workout can put you off exercising altogether. When you’re committed to doing gentle exercise, however, it’s far easier to stay motivated and keep to your routine. This means you can hit your fitness goals more quickly when you incorporate gentle exercise into your schedule.

Finding the Best Gentle Exercises

When it comes to gentle exercises, there are plenty of options to choose from. A brisk walk, a round of golf, or a leisurely bike ride are all great ways to boost your fitness, for example. Alternatively, yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates are great forms of gentle exercise that can enhance your physical and emotional well-being.

How To Prepare For A Future Working From Home

Two focuses of my blog are Current Events and Career Discussions. The year of 2020 has forced a lot of changes on everyone and one of the biggest changes has been working from home. Even after Covid-19 subsides, working from home may become more permanent. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Prepare For A Future Working From Home.

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Image by Rajesh Balouria from Pixabay

While you might have enjoyed working from home temporarily this year, are you prepared for a future of working from home? Who knows if life will ever go back to normal, and even if it is safe to return to work, your company may decide that it is going to be more beneficial to them financially to have everyone working from home for good now. If this is the case, are you prepared for this, and do you have everything you need?

A Decent Office Space
Working from the kitchen table may have been acceptable as a temporary measure when you didn’t know how long it would last, and everything was out of sync. But as life gets back to normal, then it’s time to look for a more permanent place to set up your office. You don’t even need a whole room to do this as you can create a great office space in the corner of a room or under the stairs if you have enough space. All you really need is a desk for your laptop and papers, some storage and some peace and quiet. Also, check there are enough electric outlets.

If it’s going to be a permanent way of working, your company is responsible for making sure that you have the right technology to do your job as best you can. You’ll need a good internet connection and access to everything you would have in your office. Having 5G would make working a lot easier too, and according to Vertical Consultants, telecommunication companies have not quite delivered as promised when it comes to 5G, so that doesn’t make it an easy option right now; however, is something that will be important in the future.

Cybersecurity will need to be up to date, and again this will really be your company’s responsibility to make sure the equipment you’re using is safe. But when it comes to your home, you may need to make it even more secure than you would have done before. For example, if your job requires you to handle confidential documents, then you’ll need a safe place to keep them. It might even be worth looking at video door entry systems for your home too, which will not only reduce your distractions but also keep your information extra secure.

A good routine
Many people struggle with a good routine and motivation when working from home, but once you get used to it, it becomes the norm. It’s essential to have a structure to your day and treat it still as if you were going into work, so make sure you get up, shower, and get dressed (even if it’s into something comfy), have your breakfast, and then get to work. Also, make sure that you separate your work from your home life and home admin, and when it’s time to finish work, you switch off completely and enjoy your evening.

How To Establish An Ethics Policy For Your Small Business

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key aspect of your small business is your ethics policy. You may have the most new and novel product/service and systems, but unless your human component is solid, you may be missing the most important ingredient. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Establish An Ethics Policy For Your Small Business.

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Ethics is an important part of any business, but it is not talked about often. Ethics and morals is how you keep your reputation as a small business owner. Ethics ensures that no matter what every employee, customer or client is treated the same way. That is why establishing an ethics policy for your small business is a step in the right direction. Most successful businesses are successful because everyone a part of the team, no matter how high or low they sit on the ladder, are working toward the same goal under the same codes of conduct. If you are looking for ways to set up an ethics policy, here is how you do it.

Determine The Priorities

The ethics policy of your company should work in tangent with your company’s mission and goals. You also have to keep in mind the company’s office policies because how people are supposed to conduct themselves at work will be a major factor in the ethics code for your business. The priorities of your business should address things like the social responsibility of the company and its employees, goals of the company and the guides and rules for employees to follow in any given situation. Help from a Rockwell Legal Group attorney could make this process smoother.

Discuss With Your Employees

Your ethics policy should not be made in a vacuum. You want to make sure that you have all stakeholders held accountable. Your employees are a large part of your company, so it would make sense to have their input on the ethics policy. Giving your employees the opportunity to add to the code of ethics is a great idea because it will increase the chances of them understanding and agreeing to follow the policy.

Get Specific

Many ethics policies are specific. Do not be afraid to get specific for yours. Some touchy topics are typically romance and nepotism. Being specific about those types of things provides clear expectations that everyone will be held accountable for. No one should be able to say they were confused about anything in your ethics policy. That is why being specific is beneficial. It leaves no room for error or wrong interpretation.

Appoint An Ethical Authority Figure

After you have successfully established an ethics policy, you will now need someone to help implement it. This is where appointing an ethical authority figure comes into play. Everyone should get a copy of the ethics policy. Require that they sign and give back the policy to show that they have read and understood the new policies that will be going into effect soon. Often times, the ethical authority figure is the human resources department.

You should also consider putting someone up to the task of regularly updating the ethics code so that your business is never caught slipping. Make sure that whoever you pick they are someone who is personable, reliable, honest and committed to the company code of ethics. Having someone there who easily sways their position will only do harm to keeping the code implemented.

Major Keys For Estate Planning

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. A critical component to one’s financial strategy is their estate planning. It’s not the most comfortable and in some instances exciting area to deal with, but it has far reaching implications for one and one’s family. The following contributed post is entitled, Major Keys For Estate Planning.

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Estate planning is not just for the rich and famous. A well-thought-out estate plan can help alleviate stress from your family members when you have reached the end of your life. It can help get your affairs in order so that you can have the peace of mind knowing that your family is secure after you pass on. If you are looking to start estate planning, here are some major keys that will help you along the process.

Get Together A Team

Get a team of people that consists of your key financial advisor, your tax professional and your estate planning attorney from Wyolaw Law Firm. This team of very important people will help you draw up and navigate the perfect estate plan just for you. It may seem like having all these people involved will make things confusing, but quite the opposite. These people will ensure that all your assets will be given out to the appropriate people with little to no confusion.

Write Down Your Will

A part of every estate planning is writing down your wishes. This is not a sentimental exercise. This is a binding agreement, so make sure that you clearly list out all your wishes. Make plain how you would like to handle your probate assets and other possessions. It should include a healthcare power of attorney or proxy, a durable financial power of attorney, a living will, a health insurance portability and accountability act release form, and your last will and testament.

These things will assign the person who you want to make health decisions for you, who will make the financial decisions for you, what treatments you do and do not want if you are unable to speak for yourself, who can have access to your health records, who are the designated beneficiaries of your property and who will be the guardians for your children who are minors.

Set Up Guardianship For Minors

If you are caring for any minors, this is a very important step if you do not want the state to decide what to do with them. Determine who you want to look after your children or if you take care of someone with special needs. Before you give off that person’s name, make sure you consult with them first. You need their permission. Keep in mind that this person will also be managing any money you allocate for your child’s benefit.

Think About Getting A Trust

A trust is just a place that holds money for your children. You get to have a say in what goes into the trust, who has access to it, and how it will be allocated. As long as you execute it well, your estate plan will be executed just the way you intended.

Prepare For State And Federal Taxes

Find out if your estate will be subjected to state and federal taxes. If so, you will likely have to pay in cash up to nine months after your death. Some people’s assets are not in cash, which could cause some issues. If that is the case for you, you may have to sell your assets. Talking to an estate planning attorney can help clear this up.

How To Take The Stress Our Of Running A Car

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. An important piece of technology most of us own and invest copious sums of money in is our cars. While transportation is a cost no matter what market you live in, cars can be a major source of stress as there are hidden costs in them. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Take The Stress Our Of Running A Car.

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Many of us rely on cars to get to work, travel and see friends and family. Although driving can be fun, and it’s a convenient way to get around, running a car can be stressful. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective solutions to take the hassle out of owning a car.

Image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/traffic-locomotion-roadway-mobility-3612474/

Car maintenance should be a priority for every driver, but it can fall by the wayside when life gets hectic. If you can’t remember the last time you checked your tires or your oil, now is the time to start looking after your car. Basic maintenance can reduce the risk of breaking down and it can also prolong the lifespan of your vehicle and lower costs in the future. It’s particularly important to check your car on a regular basis during the winter months and before you set off on a long journey. Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank, check the tire pressure and tread and top up your oil and water levels. It’s wise to book services frequently to ensure that any problems are identified and addressed quickly.

Replacing parts
Many of us drive around without a care in the world, assuming that our cars will never let us down. The truth is that even the most reliable vehicle may need some TLC along the way. It’s crucial to take good care of your car, but also to seek advice and consider replacing parts such as coil springs or brake pads if there are warning lights on the display, you notice strange noises or odors, or you want to enhance the performance of your vehicle. There are some jobs you can do yourself, but if you have concerns or the task is more complex, seek expert advice.

Shop around to save money
Cost is one of the most significant sources of stress for drivers. It can be expensive to keep a car on the road. If you are trying to save, there are various steps you can take. Investing in maintenance work will save you money in the long-run, but you can also shop around for insurance and reduce expenses by buying a fuel-efficient vehicle. If your insurance is due for renewal, don’t automatically roll the policy over until you’ve compared the offer to deals from other providers. You can use the Internet to search for policies in a matter of seconds, and you could save a fortune.

Drive carefully
Driving can be dangerous, and thousands of people are injured in crashes every year. To lower the risk of collisions and make driving more enjoyable, keep your eyes on the road at all times, give other vehicles time and space, pay attention to the speed limit and take extra care if the road is slippery, it’s raining heavily or visibility is poor.

Picture from https://pixabay.com/photos/motor-metal-vehicle-machine-part-2595269/