Reasons Why You Should Consider Learning a New Language

A key focus of my blog is Career Discussions and General Education. Learning a new language is a tremendous power and can have a myriad of benefits. The following contributed post is entitled, Reasons Why You Should Consider Learning a New Language.

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Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom

Learning a new language is a very rewarding experience and it’s going to come with a lot of benefits. It can be daunting to think about diving into uncharted waters and learning something new especially if you haven’t done something like that in a while.

Most people had their first encounter with learning a language in school and if you have been out of that environment for a while it can be very intimidating to start learning a language again. However, it’s worth taking a look at the benefits so that you can decide whether it’s time to force yourself off of the fence of indecision.

Enhanced Cognitive Abilities

If you’re planning on learning a new language you should know that it’s going to stimulate your brain. This is going to lead to enhanced cognitive function for you. There are many studies that have shown that when you’re bilingual it helps you to solve your problems a whole lot better.

It also improves your memory and gives you greater multitasking ability. This is a mental exercise and it will keep your brain sharp. It can be used to offset age-related cognitive decline in some cases. Those are undeniably amazing benefits that you really can’t afford to throw away.

Career Opportunities

It’s a globalized world and being proficient in multiple languages is going to enhance your career prospects. Many companies have begun to favor employees who can communicate with their International clients and partners.

When you’re fluent in a second language, doors are going to swing open for you to help you with job opportunities and promotions. You may even open up the possibility of working abroad when you do this.

It’s going to set you apart from your competitors in the job market and firmly showcase your commitment to your personal and professional growth. This is always going to be impressive and make you look good to employers. You can learn Spanish online at websites that are dedicated to teaching the language remotely.

Cultural Awareness and Connection

Learning a new language is going to provide you with a deeper understanding of a different culture, traditions and perspectives as well. It’s going to allow you to connect more authentically with people from many different backgrounds. This type of cultural awareness is going to boost your empathy and your tolerance. It’s going to broaden your view of the whole world.

Whether you’re going to be traveling and making new friends or you’re simply going to be consuming media in that language, you’re going to find that you feel a deeper connection and awareness for other cultures.

Personal Growth and Confidence

When you take on a challenge and conquer it you’re going to feel good about yourself. When you approach a new language it can feel like you’re about to climb Mount Everest.

However, once you reach the top of that mountain and start speaking the language fluently, you’re going to feel a massive amount of success as waves of pride will start washing over you. This will make it all worth it.

How To Improve The Security Of Your Home Business

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Any business must be kept secure, but especially home base businesses as they may not have the thorough security measures found with large corporate businesses. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Improve The Security Of Your Home Business.

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Security is important to your home and to have it in place provides a peace of mind feeling that is worth the investment. When you’ve got a home business however, it’s even more important to have security measures in place that protects anything and everything that’s part of the business – including yourself.

With that being said, here are some helpful tips to improve the security of your home business this year.

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Put in a security system

First and foremost, be sure to put in a security system. This is imperative when it comes to your home because if there’s any one who is looking to break into the property, the security system is going to pick it up straight away.

It’s very important to avoid any potential harm coming to you or your belongings, so identify what security systems may be appropriate for your property. Based on the budget you have, will determine what degree of security you have in place. The more you have, the better it protects your home.

Look at window tinting options

Window tinting is a great option when you don’t want people looking into your home, especially if your home is in an area or spot where it’s easily viewable. You never really know who might be looking into your property, which is why window tinting is a good alternative or addition to blinds and curtains during the day.

The best DFW security solutions are worth exploring when you want to add that extra bit of privacy to your home. Window tinting can be great for many homes where home businesses exist. This could also be applied to garden houses if your home business is located outside of the main property, for example.

Identify any weak spots around the home

Are there any weak spots around the home? It’s good to identify any vulnerabilities around the home that would make it an easier target for the person or persons to get in. From weak door frames to windows where the latch or lock has broken off, are the prime areas of vulnerability that you should be looking out for.

These weak spots are putting your home at risk, so it’s good to take home maintenance into consideration when improving the security of your home business.

Lock away valuables

Valuables are something that you don’t want to have out on display at all times. These should ideally be locked away or at least out of sight when it’s not being used.

For example, if you have a desktop computer close to a window, consider putting a cover over it to make it look less like a computer. Put any keys or work phones in a drawer that’s lockable.

Remember to protect your WIFI too

And lastly, don’t forget about your internet security too. Protecting your WIFI is also important and something that you should consider when it comes to making sure your home security system is as strong as it can be.

Improving your security is paramount, so make sure you look after your home business with these tips.

7 Simple Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Stress is a major health challenge for everyone today. As such, it’s critical that we all learn how to manage it today. The following contributed post is entitled, 7 Simple Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life.

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In the whirlwind of daily responsibilities and commitments, stress can often seem like an unavoidable part of life. However, adopting certain habits and lifestyle changes can significantly reduce stress levels and enhance overall well-being. Here are seven simple ways to cultivate a more relaxed and stress-free life, including the use of natural remedies.

1. Prioritize Time Management

Effective time management is a critical step toward a stress-free life. By organizing your schedule and setting realistic goals, you can avoid the pressure of last-minute rushes and the anxiety of unmet deadlines. Use tools like calendars, planners, or digital apps to keep track of your tasks and commitments. Prioritize your tasks based on importance and urgency, and don’t be afraid to delegate when necessary.

2. Engage in Regular Physical Activity

Exercise is a powerful stress reliever. It not only improves your physical health but also increases the production of endorphins, your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. You don’t need to engage in intense workouts to reap these benefits; even regular walks, yoga sessions, or light jogging can significantly improve your mood and reduce stress.

via Pexels

3. Maintain a Balanced Diet

What you eat has a profound impact on your stress levels. Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides the necessary nutrients to fuel your body and mind. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar, which can increase anxiety and contribute to mood swings.

4. Get Adequate Sleep

A good night’s sleep is crucial in managing stress. Sleep helps your brain and body to recover from the day’s stresses. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. Establish a calming bedtime routine, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to regulate your sleep cycle.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are effective techniques for reducing stress. These practices involve focusing on your breath and being present in the moment, which can help you gain a calmer and more focused mind. Dedicate a few minutes each day to these practices, and you may find significant reductions in stress and anxiety.

6. Foster Strong Social Connections

Social support is vital in managing stress. Spend time with family and friends who uplift and encourage you. Sharing your thoughts and concerns with others can help you feel less overwhelmed and more understood. Additionally, being there for others can also provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, further reducing stress.

7. Explore Natural Remedies

Natural remedies can be a gentle way to reduce stress without the side effects of conventional medicine. Herbal teas, such as chamomile, lavender, and green tea, are known for their calming properties. Essential oils like lavender, bergamot, and frankincense can be used in aromatherapy to help soothe the mind and body. Furthermore, supplements such as magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and even Delta 8 THC vape carts have been shown to help alleviate symptoms of stress. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.


Living a stress-free life is more about managing how you respond to stress than eliminating it entirely. By incorporating these seven simple strategies into your daily routine, you can improve your ability to cope with life’s challenges and maintain a calmer, more fulfilling life. Remember, the key to managing stress is consistency and a willingness to take proactive steps towards your mental health.

Should You Go into the Travel Business?

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The travel business is typically always lucrative no matter what’s happening in the greater economy. Is this sector for you? The following contributed post is entitled, Should You Go into the Travel Business?

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If you are debating starting your own business but have no idea where to begin then you’re not alone. So many people are in the same position as you are right now, but if you pinpoint the type of business you want to run, things will become easier. The travel sector is one of the best industries for you to explore right now, due to its high level of growth and unlimited earning potential.

Unlimited Earning Potential

One reason why you should think about going into the travel business is because you have unlimited earning potential. You get out of it exactly what you put in. Earning a commission every single time someone books a holiday means you can bring in a lot of money in a short space of time. You can sell flights, but you can also sell cruises, guided tours, airport parking and even attraction tickets. You will earn a commission based on all of this too, so it’s a good idea for you to explore this. If you want, you can even start a side hustle by offering some tours yourself, if you live in a high-demand area. If you shop boats for summer adventures, then you will find that you can take people out onto the ocean and expand your business idea, which is always a good thing.


Another great benefit of starting your own travel business is that you have a great deal of flexibility. You can work part-time if you want, or you can work full-time as a travel consultant. As long as you have a phone with you and as long as you have a solid internet connection, you should find that you can travel the world freely. Having the flexibility you need to create a lifestyle suited to you is always a good thing, and you would be surprised at how much positivity it could bring you moving forward.

Source: Pexels

Travel Opportunities Around the World

Another huge benefit of being a travel agent, or starting a travel business is that you can travel more. The more you travel, the more you can share with your customers and this will encourage people to book with you. You can also increase your knowledge of different destinations too. You can become an expert on a certain country type or you can even embark on new adventures. This can give your life way more fulfillment and you’d be surprised at how many memories you can make by just pursuing different avenues like this. With so many opportunities available for you to explore, and the chance to earn while on holiday it’s no surprise that this is one of the best sectors for you to venture into if you want to start a business.

So as you can see, going into the travel business is one of the best things you can do right now, and if you have a solid plan, then there’s no reason why you won’t be successful when you decide to launch.

Common Struggles Many Business Owners Have With SEO

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. SEO is a critical aspect of all our lives in this digital world. Business owners who understand this area are more likely to thrive in today’s business environment. The following contributed post is entitled, Common Struggles Many Business Owners Have With SEO.

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SEO, or search engine optimization, has quickly risen to be one of the most valuable digital marketing tools in the hands of someone who knows how to use it well. However, getting to that stage isn’t always easy. There are a lot of issues that newcomers to the practice can find, and here, we’re going to look at them, as well as what you can do about them to unlock the full potential of your SEO efforts.

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Ignoring Local SEO

Ignoring local SEO can significantly hinder a business’s online visibility and growth. Local SEO focuses on optimizing a business’s online presence to attract more customers from relevant local searches. Many business owners underestimate the importance of local SEO, which can lead to missed opportunities in their immediate market. To alleviate this issue, businesses should claim and optimize their Google My Business listing, ensuring that all information is accurate and up-to-date. Incorporating local keywords in website content, obtaining local backlinks, and encouraging customer reviews can also enhance local SEO efforts. By prioritizing local SEO, business owners can attract a more targeted audience, increase foot traffic, and ultimately drive sales.

Spending Too Much Time On It

Spending excessive time on SEO can divert attention from other crucial aspects of running a business. To mitigate this, leveraging AI and automation tools can streamline SEO tasks, saving time and effort. SEO automation tools can offer much more accessible solutions for keyword research, PR link building, and performance tracking. Additionally, AI-powered content generators can assist in creating optimized content efficiently. By automating routine SEO activities, business owners can focus on strategic decision-making and core business functions while maintaining a robust online presence. Delegating SEO tasks to specialized tools not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that SEO efforts are consistently aligned with current best practices.

Keeping Up With Algorithm Changes

Staying updated with frequent algorithm changes can be daunting for business owners. Search engines like Google continually update their algorithms to improve search result relevancy, which can impact a website’s ranking. To alleviate this challenge, subscribing to reputable SEO news sources can provide timely updates on algorithm changes and industry trends. Engaging with online SEO communities and forums can also offer insights and practical advice. Additionally, conducting regular website audits and staying adaptable in your SEO strategies can help mitigate the impact of algorithm changes. By staying informed and flexible, business owners can maintain their site’s performance and visibility despite algorithm fluctuations.

Writing Compelling Content

Writing compelling content is crucial for effective SEO but can be challenging for many business owners. High-quality content not only engages visitors but also improves search engine rankings. To address this, businesses should focus on understanding their audience’s needs and interests and creating content that is informative, relevant, and valuable. Utilizing keyword research tools can help identify popular search terms and topics. Incorporating multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics can enhance content appeal. Additionally, updating existing content regularly ensures it remains current and accurate. By producing engaging and optimized content, businesses can attract and retain visitors, thereby boosting their SEO performance and overall online presence.

SEO isn’t just a one-and-done activity in your marketing schedule, it’s an ongoing effort that has to be maintained. Keep that in mind so you can allocate it the focus that it deserves.

What Are Customers Looking For From Your Business?

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. No matter what concept you have as an entrepreneur, your customers are looking for specific things. Identifying what that is will be critical to the success of your business. The following contributed post is entitled, What Are Customers Looking For From Your Business?

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Credit – Pixabay CC0 Licence

Whether working in B2B or B2C environments, customers have the casting vote on whether your business succeeds. Therefore, understanding what they expect from a modern company should be one of the top items on your agenda.

By putting yourself in the customer’s shoes, you will be better positioned to build a brand and business that they respond to. Focus on the following factors and you won’t go wrong.

A Great First Impression

Prospective clients will begin to form an impression of your business within seconds. While setting a positive vibe doesn’t necessarily guarantee a sale, a negative one could end your hopes. A growing percentage of consumers now discover brands online. So, a well-designed website and strong SEO strategy will be vital. Not least because it boosts brand awareness.

When meeting prospective clients in real life, good body language is essential. However, you can aid your cause with a host of materials. You should print business cards with premium designs and materials to make a lasting impression. Meanwhile, the right outfit and personal styling can make a significant impact. People judge you as well as the business.

Whether online or offline, customers interact with thousands of businesses. Make yours stand out with a great first impression to boost your hopes of success.

Credit – Pixabay CC0 Licence


Clients also need to have 100% trust in the business. To secure their trust, you must show legitimacy and professionalism in every step of the process. After all, prospective customers now have more choices than ever before. So, if your company falls short in its bid to build a brand that consumers can have confidence in, sales will fall.

Customers are concerned about privacy, which is why safeguarding customer information is vital. However, you also need to provide excellent client care underpinned by quick responses. Chatbots and live chat facilities can transform online interactions. Similarly, automated messages during order fulfilment help too.

Accolades and business memberships can highlight your credentials. When supported by testimonials and reviews, consumers will have every reason to trust your firm.


You need to provide value to the customer. This begins with creating quality products and services that they can rely on. Without them, nothing else you do will save your reputation. Of course, customers want value for money, which is why affordability is key. Still, most will happily pay more for better products and customer experiences.

Value doesn’t only come from the products, though. It can also be created by association to your brand. Using greener packaging can be a great way to connect with the desire to adopt a responsible lifestyle. Meanwhile, running membership programs and loyalty schemes can work wonders. Making customers feel more valued will increase repeat conversions.

Flexible repayment plans, ideally with 0% APR, will also be appreciated by customers. Given that it can open your brand to a whole new audience, the potential impacts are huge.

The Final Word

Building a business that appeals directly to the customer will always boost your hopes of success. Finally, then, you should ensure that everything is geared towards your demographic while also connecting with them on an individual level.

As long as your business operations are under control too, success should follow.

The Responsibility of Safeguarding Customer Information

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When you are partnering in business, trust is critical. A part of that trust is protecting customer information. The following contributed post is entitled, The Responsibility of Safeguarding Customer Information.

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Safeguarding your customer data cannot be underestimated. Organizations of all sizes and industries owe it to their customers to safeguard their personal information, both legally and to build trust and maintain positive business reputations.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Understanding Customer Information

When we refer to “customer information”, we mean any data that can be used to identify an individual. Including names, addresses, phone numbers, emails addresses and payment data gathered through customer interactions. Given its sensitivity, businesses must treat customer data with great care and consideration.

Protecting Customer Information through Robust Security Measures

Effective security measures are key components of safeguarding customer data. Companies should invest in advanced encryption technologies that protect both in transit and at rest. They can employ multi-factor authentication, update software regularly and conduct vulnerability assessments as key elements to bolstering their organization’s security infrastructure. Businesses should also educate their employees on recognizing and avoiding common cybersecurity threats like phishing attacks.

Establishing Transparent Privacy Policies

Crafting clear and transparent privacy policies is important to communicating your commitment to data protection to customers. They should detail what data is collected, used, protected and managed as well as the rights of your customers with regards to their data. Furthermore, reviewing and updating them periodically with ever-evolving regulations and best practices helps maintain ongoing compliance while building customer trust.

Ethical Use of Customer Data

Ethical considerations play an essential part in how businesses handle customer information. Businesses must use customer data responsibly, avoiding practices which might be perceived as intrusive or unethical. Consent must always be obtained prior to collecting or using personal information, with customers given an opt-out option available if applicable. Openness around how data usage occurs helps build trust while showing respect for privacy concerns.

Getting ISO 27001 Certified

Acquiring ISO 27001 certification can be an enormous undertaking, but using an ISO 27001 Documentation Toolkit makes the process significantly more manageable. This comprehensive toolkit offers a structured approach for establishing an information security management system (ISMS) compliant with ISO 27001 standard requirements. Information security documents come equipped with customizable templates, guidelines, and checklists that make documentation simpler while covering all necessary aspects. Businesses using this toolkit can systematically address the standard’s various controls and speed up their journey towards certification. Furthermore, this resource can provide ongoing maintenance and continuous improvement of an ISMS that helps protect information assets effectively.

Building Trust Through Accountability

Responsible treatment of customer information involves being accountable. In the event of a data breach, prompt and transparent communication with affected customers is critical. Companies should have an incident response plan in place which includes notifying affected customers promptly and offering assistance where needed while also taking immediate steps to mitigate the breach. When companies demonstrate accountability by taking responsibility in such scenarios it can build customer trust and confidence more quickly than competitors can.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

Data security is ever-evolving, so businesses must adjust to stay up to date of emerging threats with continual adaptation of measures to secure customer data. Regular audits, staying informed of security trends, and gathering feedback from customers all form part of an adaptive continuous improvement strategy that ensures effective data protection strategies remain efficient against emerging challenges and opportunities.


Safeguarding customer data requires an all-encompassing effort that includes strong security measures, clear privacy policies, ethical data usage practices, getting ISO 27001 certified, accountability measures and continuous improvement strategies. Organizations that prioritize these aspects not only comply with legal requirements but also create strong, trust-based relationships with their customers.

4 Reasons to Use Notary Services for Your Business

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. An important component any business activity is capturing certifications and transactions. Notary services are thus critical. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Reasons to Use Notary Services for Your Business.

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When it comes to starting your own business, there are likely to be lots of situations, forms, signs, and legal documentation you need to work through to ensure your company and its activities are legal. You will also need to be able to act on your own if something untoward happens.

When making significant business decisions, such as signing paperwork, creating contracts, or making investments, it’s wise to have these actions witnessed and signed by a notary public. This step adds an extra layer of validation to your business decisions.

A notary public, a state-appointed official, is a key player in securing your business. They not only verify identities but also witness signatures on crucial documents, thereby ensuring the legality of your actions, partnerships, and purchases. This level of protection can instill a sense of security and confidence in your business decisions.

Let’s look at some of the top benefits of using a Notary public.

Fraud Prevention

In an era where fraud is a growing concern, a notary public plays a pivotal role in ensuring the authenticity of signatures and identities. By using government-issued identification and a physical presence, a notary public can provide the assurance that you are dealing with the right people, thereby instilling a sense of trust and protection in your business transactions.

To Ensure Compliance

Consider a scenario where you’re updating your will to accommodate what you want to happen to your business if you are no longer able to run it or you unexpectedly pass away, and you want to prevent your decision from being contested. A notary can serve as an impartial third-party witness at the signing of the will, ensuring all parties are aware of your sound mind and capability to make changes and that no one is being coerced. This same level of assurance can extend to business loan repayments from investment partners, verifying that everyone is in full compliance with their obligations and no one is being pressured into unwanted actions.

To Preserve Documents

If you’re making business decisions that you want to be upheld now and in the future, notarizing them can help ensure their legal validity and future adherence. When establishing your business, it’s crucial to set the foundation for how things should be and have the correct policies and procedures in place. Notarizing your documents can reinforce these requirements and preserve them for future reference.

To Facilitate International Business

When conducting business with internal companies, there can often be a lot of red tape and hurdles to jump to get the deal done. Suppose you want to speed up the process. In that case, you can have your documentation checked, verified, and signed by a notary to help you avoid delays and legal implications that might arise if things haven’t been inspected by another person with no interest in the business deal and relationship and who is legally responsible for ensuring compliance and legal credibility.

A notary can be extremely useful for business owners who want to add production of documents and business agreements and ensure that the transactions are all legal and above board.

25 Common Medical Acronyms Defined

A key focus of my blog is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). One of the most important fields in our economy is the medical field. There are many terms to know and understand in the medical field. The following contributed post is entitled, 25 Common Medical Acronyms Defined.

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Pixabay. CCO Licensed.

There are literally thousands of acronyms used within the healthcare sector. This includes acronyms used to describe health conditions and acronyms used for various treatments and procedures.

Most of these acronyms are only useful to know if you’re a doctor or nurse. However, others are commonly used by the public and can therefore be beneficial for everyone to know the meaning of. This post delves into 25 of these common examples.


Accident & Emergency. This is the department of a hospital that deals with patients who require urgent treatment – often for serious and life-threatening injuries and illnesses.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a behavioral condition present from birth that causes people to act impulsively and have trouble concentrating. ADHD can be managed through various behavioral strategies and sometimes medication. About 5% of people worldwide are believed to have ADHD.


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ALS is a deteriorative motor neuron disease that affects the spine and brain, causing difficulty with breathing and control of arms and legs. It cannot be treated, but can be managed through medication and hydrotherapy. The ‘ice bucket challenge’ in 2014 famously helped to bring attention to this disease.


Blood Pressure. The force at which your heart pumps blood around the body is often referred to as ‘BP’ by doctors and is measured with a BP monitor.


Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a condition that affects one’s mood – often causing people to become emotionally unstable more easily. Therapy and medication can help people manage this condition. About 1% of the population are believed to have BPD.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. COPD is a lung condition that causes breathing difficulties. Many people with COPD require breathing assistance equipment. While it can be hereditary, most cases of COPD are caused by smoking. Bronchitis and emphysema are both types of COPD.


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. When someone has a cardiac arrest, it is recommended that someone performs CPR – which typically involves chest compressions and rescue breathing. This helps to keep the blood pumping and body oxygenated, allowing a person to be more successfully revived by a paramedic with a defibrillator.


Do Not Resuscitate. Someone who does not want to be resuscitated by CPR and defibrillation can sign a DNR order. This legally states that they do not want to be brought back to life if their heart stops beating.


Deep Vein Thrombosis. DVT is when a blood clot forms in the body – usually in the legs. It typically requires urgent treatment, which may include use of blood-thinning medication or surgery.


Emergency Medical Technician. EMTs are medical professionals who are trained to respond to emergency call-outs. They work with paramedics in ambulances (EMTs are taught basic emergency care, while paramedics are trained to provide additional procedures).


Emergency Room. ER is typically used to refer to a hospital’s emergency department – sometimes instead of A&E. However, ER can also refer to individual rooms where emergency patients receive treatment.


Electrocardiogram. An ECG or EKG is a simple type of test used to record the rate and rhythm of the heart. To perform this test, a medical professional must have EKG certification.


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Sometimes referred to as acid reflux, this is a condition in which stomach acid flows up the esophagus into the mouth. It can cause nausea and damage to the throat if not treated. Medications known as proton pump inhibitors can help people manage GERD.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Disease. IBS/IBD is a dysfunction of the intestine that can lead to either diarrhea or constipation along with bloating and stomach discomfort. It is typically caused by certain triggers – which could include certain foods or stress. Avoiding these triggers and using medication can help people to manage IBS/IBD.


Intensive Care Unit. This refers to special wards where people in critical care are monitored.


Intravenous. This refers to the injection of substances into the veins. Many patients have an IV tube fitted to provide fluids or medicine. IV treatment is typically quicker than providing medication or fluids orally.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This is a radiology procedure that involves taking 3D photos of a person’s internal organs using a large machine. MRI scans can be used to diagnose everything from cancer to dementia.


Multiple Sclerosis. MS is a chronic condition in which the immune system attacks the brain and nerves. People with MS can gradually develop mobility issues, eyesight issues and other problems caused by nerve damage. There is no treatment for MS, but it can be managed through medication and lifestyle changes.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is a form of anxiety which causes people to carry out excessive rituals and routines such as constantly checking locks or washing one’s hands. It may require therapy to overcome. Over 2% of the population are believed to have OCD.


Physical Therapy. This is a form of treatment used to restore movement and function after an injury or illness. It is carried out by a physical therapist at a hospital or clinic.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is a form of anxiety caused by a traumatic event. Everyday reminders of this trauma can trigger anxiety attacks, flashbacks and nightmares. Therapy is typically required to overcome PTSD. 8% of women and 4% of men develop PTSD at some point in their life.


Repetitive Strain Injury. Repetitive actions can cause long-term injuries known as RSIs. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow and runner’s knee. RSIs can be treated by taking a rest from the activity that caused them, however some may require physical therapy or even surgery.


Tuberculosis. This is a bacterial disease that affects the lungs. Historically, it is one of the biggest killer diseases, however nowadays it can often be easily treated with antibiotics if caught early enough.


Temporomandibular Disorder. This condition causes pain and stiffness in the jaw. It can have many causes, but can usually be treated with painkillers and jaw relaxation measures.


Urinary Tract Infection. This is an infection of the urinary tract that typically causes pain when urinating. UTIs can often be cleared up by drinking a lot of fluids, however antibiotics may be needed in some cases.

Is Wealth Building Boring? Should It Be? A 2024 Financial Thought Piece

“The fact that you don’t have any major financial hiccups or issues or news to report is a good thing!”

A Quick Plug

Hello. Thank you for clicking on this link and I hope you enjoy this essay. Writing a book was the genesis of me blogging and becoming a video content creator. I am close to publishing part one of my book project entitled, The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Please consider visiting the page to learn more about the project and see promotional content I’ve created surrounding the project. And now on to our feature presentation.

I Don’t Like Your Financial Messages!

“I’ve seen some of the financial writings you post on Facebook Anwar and I don’t like them,” an acquaintance I’ll anonymously call Jenny told me at a social gathering in upstate New York. Jenny was a lawyer who I knew for years. We were in school at the same time at a highly prestigious anonymous university.

We weren’t what I would consider close but her words surprised me and were worth capturing. I knew Jenny well enough to know why my financial writings would cause her heartburn. My writings encouraged smart money management and planning which some would consider being frugal. Frugal is a word that is often confused with being cheap. I wrote an essay about that years ago which you can read at this link.

Jenny’s words surprised me because as a print and video content creator, you never know who is consuming your content until they say something. One of the podcaster Chris Williamson’s guests in fact stated that less than 10% of viewers openly interact with your content. The majority are ‘lurkers’ who watch and observe but don’t say anything. Jenny lurked and revealed her disapproval of my frugal messaging when I least expected it. Jenny will appear towards the end of this essay and will help me finish it up, so stay tuned.

My Financial Team’s Surprising Assessment

If the title of this blog post sucked you in, it was meant to. This is not clickbait though I can assure you. This piece was inspired by real life experiences like many of my writings and it is certain to touch someone. The principle of wealth building being boring is something I’d heard about several times up until now, but this particular experience made it stick in my mind and craft this essay. This happens a lot in life.

“The fact that you don’t have any major financial hiccups or issues or news to report is a good thing,” a member of the anonymous gentlemen I refer to as my financial team said. “Wealth building is supposed to be boring and unexciting,” the other member continued. “Keep doing what you are doing Dr. Dunbar. You are doing well.”

The Era of Consumption

Wealth building is supposed to be boring? I was surprised but not surprised to hear them say this. They were both two financially savvy men who were well versed in the markets and trends. They were further not the types to follow the crowd and societal trends in terms of consumption and spending. It made sense that they would make such comments and conclusions.

Their words were in direct opposition to the mass marketing we’re all bombarded with which emphasizes consumption above all else. Being a content creator compels me to spend time on social media, more than I admittedly should at times. Regardless of the platform, I see the consumption and the excesses, some of which makes you wonder how people are paying for the things they’re doing. Take a peek into the world of Instagram to see what I’m talking about. Also look up ads from companies such as Temu. That said, you see similar things in real life too, so consumption and overspending are not restricted to cyberspace.

Boring Habits

“What are you having for dinner later on?” An acquaintance from the church I attended asked me about the remainder of my day after service one Sunday.

“Oh I’m going to have some leftover beans and rice (Emiril Lagasses’s recipe),” I replied, feeling good about my cooking skills.

“That’s boring. That’s boring,” she playfully jabbed at me, but also partially being serious.

I didn’t know what to think when she said this to me. Eating leftovers was a part of my lifestyle growing up that stayed with me over the years. It made sense to me to make large quantities of a meal and then to continue to eat it in the future. It was very cost effective too and ‘stretched’ dollars out. I also understood in hindsight that this habit could be seen as boring to individuals who solely eat out and who can’t cook or both.

I later found that part of the culture of the Washington, DC metro area, particularly among the black professionals, was eating out, eating out well and not a chain restaurants (Applebee’s, TGI Fridays or Ruby Tuesday for example). Many people proudly touted themselves as ‘foodies’. Sunday brunch after church services was more holy for some people than the actual morning worship.

What might be some other boring habits? The following are potentially boring habits:

● Regularly cooking as opposed to eating out
● Eating leftovers
● Bringing your lunch to work regularly
● Budgeting and planning out expenses
● Budgeting for and wisely planning out vacations
● Sticking to your budget
● Buying based upon your needs versus your wants
● Thinking long-term and setting spending goals/limits

Retirement Savings: Another Boring Wealth Building Habit

“If you’re not saving in your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), you’re leaving money on the table.” Retirement savings is another boring wealth building habit. I did not understand my TSP when I first started my federal career. My financial team and others impressed the importance of investing in it early enough where it could be an asset to me in my later years.

There are in fact a group of people who are ‘TSP Millionaires’. These are self-made millionaires who gradually saved into their accounts and by the time they were ready to retire, they were literally millionaires. It wasn’t done in a flashy way as we often see in pop culture and on social media, but instead through methodical savings from every paycheck, budgeting and prioritization. It further involved choosing the right assets/funds within their accounts to take advantage of the Law of Compounding Interest.

As a disclaimer I received assistance on this latter aspect. If you’re able save money in a retirement account of any kind, but aren’t savvy in terms of where to invest the money, I recommend finding someone who has already successfully started and is willing teach you. In other words you should find a trustworthy expert.

What is Wealth Building?

No. Wealth building doesn’t mean a boring life. It can actually be quite fun dodging the snares of creditors who are always on the hunt for more prey. It just means going against the grain of what we as a society are being encouraged to uncontrollably do which is to spend. When you think about wealth, think about your Net Worth which is the difference between your cash and assets and your liabilities. Debt is a very bad thing for financially minded people. They are careful about using it and seek to control the use of it at all costs. Visit the channel entitled, Savings Minus Debt on YouTube to get an outlook on debt that you’ve probably never heard before.

Proverbs 22:7 in fact says that, “The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender.” I have personally found that to be true as I got myself into some really deep debt trouble at one point in my life. It is a stretch that I will never forget as I never wish to go back there.

“The banks would call me a freeloader. I pay off all my credit card balances at the end of the month but gladly use the airline miles they give me,” talk show host Bruce Williams said nightly on his broadcasts in the early 2000s, one of my favorites of all time. Bruce talked about the wise use of retail credit cards which involved paying off all of his balances every month but gladly accepting the benefits. Do you pay off all your balances or pay the debt every month?

Can You Afford A $400 Expense?

Another interesting finding as I learned about money was that many Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency expense. I think Rodney Brooks of the Washington Post wrote the initial piece about this phenomenon. If I can find it, I’ll link to it. Similar pieces have been written throughout the years though.

A surprising finding for me though was that there were quite a few members of the prestigious six figure club who couldn’t cover a $400 expense. How is this possible? Well first everyone’s situation is different but there are several explanations for six figure earners who can’t cover a $400 emergency. One is the afore-mentioned debt. Debt can cripple your finances even if you are a high earner.

The conclusion most come to is overspending and poor money management. Money management in itself does take work because you have to sit down, proactively do the math and stick to the budget, or spending plan you’ve devised. This is part of the conundrum though. Aren’t you supposed to be able to spend whatever you want to if you’re a high earner? What do you think?

Closing Thoughts

This essay was written with some subtle humor in case you didn’t pick up on it. I first heard about wealth building being boring from an anonymous individual on YouTube I’ll call Ra-El in a livestream discussion. He was another ‘money guy’ who was interested in this topic of wealth building. Saving and investing money versus spending it is a major point of contention between couples today for those who don’t know. I also want to acknowledge that in this summer of 2024, many people in the United States and around the world are grappling with their daily financial survival which is a separate set of considerations than retirement savings. If you’re fortunate to have resources where survival is not a concern, then this topic is something you should consider.

I further want to close this essay by stating that I am not a financial professional. I am a scientist, writer and storyteller. I am also a very effective budgeter. I am not an expert at investing. I rely on individuals who are smarter than me in those areas. I can tell you that investing correctly requires a level of financial budgeting, restraint and prioritization. But is that all there is?

My financial team further shared the basis for the follow up piece to this one with me. It was a piece of advice stating that those who have wisely saved and invested should eventually get to a point where they should enjoy seeing their investments grow. Furthermore, saving for the sake of saving is just suffering. It was a profound lesson for someone disciplined like me. Look out for that essay. Finally thank you to my folks for not raising me in a consumerist mindset and my financial team for your guidance and encouragement. Finally thank you to Jenny for inspiring me to write this essay in addition to my financial team.

The Big Words LLC Newsletter

For the next phase of my writing journey, I’m starting a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at . Best Regards.