Old School And New Approaches: Essentials For Running A Store In The Modern World

Some of the key focuses of my blog are: Financial Literacy, Wealth Building, Business and Entrepreneurship. Doing business has changed significantly in today’s digital/information age. Many ‘brick and mortar’ retail stores have folded altogether, while others have had to rethink their business models in order to survive. What are the keys to running store in the modern world? The following contributed post is entitled; Old School And New Approaches: Essentials For Running A Store In The Modern World.

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There are two schools of thought when it comes to setting up a retail store in the modern world. Firstly, you may find that your target audience doesn’t physically go shopping, but prefer to go online. But, conversely, the demand for a physical store in recent years has seen a rise. And if you are selling products of various types, the temptation could be to go via an online marketplace, but you could find that you are neglecting certain parts of your target market. But, are there things we can do to harness the online capabilities with the offline capabilities in a physical setting?

Implementing The Quick Checkout Service
The best way to marry the fast checkout service of an online store with the personal approach to the modern retail store is to have online payment services inside the store. The vast majority of stores have self-service methods to pay now, as well as various ways in which to provide payment, such as through your cell phone. But in addition to this, you need to still implement a personal approach to your customers, and this can be quite tricky to get right because it depends on each individual customer. At the end of the day, the customers come into a physical store because they want ease of access to a product, and they want to see it themselves. So, as soon as they find that the product suits their needs, they want to be able to pay for it without lengthy queues. On the other hand, others still prefer that old school approach. Implementing both covers all bases.

Taking Responsibility For Your Customers
And as the physical setting requires a lot more consideration in relation to health and safety, this means that you have a few more things to consider in comparison to an online store. Whether this is employers liability insurance just in case of accidents in your store, or ensuring there’s enough space for your customers to walk around, this is a deft combination of legal compliance with common sense. Taking responsibility for your customers isn’t just relating to the safety side of things, but also ensuring they have a good experience in your store, and this boils down to how your employees interact with the customers.

Looking After Your Workers
A very easy thing to overlook nowadays is the impact that your workers can have on the customers. Because personal interaction is at an all-time low, with the reliance of the internet to do the vast majority of our work for us, the personal touch is a very difficult thing to achieve. This is why you have to work with your employees to ensure that they are not just representing your store properly, but they have the common courtesy that we demand as customers. But in addition to this, the retail industry is notoriously underpaid and overworked, which this is something else you have to think about when it comes to making your employees work effectively for you, but that they’re also happy in the position.

The best retail store is a component of the old school personal methods, with the modern technological approaches. It’s a tricky balance, but they are both essential in the modern retail store.

Could You Be Making It Easier For Your Employees? Here’s What To Think About

Some of the key focuses of my blog are: Financial Literacy, Wealth Building, Business and Entrepreneurship. A key to effectively doing business in today’s world is creating the best possible work environment for your employees. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Could You Be Making It Easier For Your Employees? Here’s What To Think About.

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When it comes to running your business often as you start to expand, you get to the point where you may end up having employees working for you. However, if you do end up having employees working for you, then you may want to ensure that you do what you can keep them happy. After all, happy employees means a happy and productive business workforce. So what can you do to make things easy? I thought I would help you by sharing some of the things your and your business could do.

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Making the working environment comfortable

One of the first things you may want to think about is the working environment that you have for your staff and whether or not you feel that it is comfortable. There are things that you can do to ensure this. First off, thank about their workstation and seating, their desk and where they are positioned. You may want to think about room temperature, not too hot out too cold especially on hot and cold days outside. You may also want to think about the facilities you have in place, such as drinking water, places to store food and drink for lunch breaks and lastly whether there is outside space for fresh air. These things can make life easier on your employee in terms of how they feel in work.

Making the work levels simpler for your employees

There are things that you may want to think about internally to help simplify the workload that you have for your employees. Such as document management. After all, there is a likelihood that there will be a lot of documents passing through your business. Things like invoices and receipts, contracts and signed papers, and a software system to manage them may help matters. This is when looking into websites like https://www.templafy.com/document-management-software/ could really help you out.

Keeping your staff and employees safe

When you have staff and employees working for you, you have a responsibility to ensure that you keep them safe. So you may want to think about how you can do that as an employer. Things like having a decent health and safety p-solicit in place is probably a good place to start. Regular rose assessments and ensuring things are checked over is a great way to do this. It can often be the simple things such as this, that can have employees feeling valued and respected while they are in the working environment. Having a policy booklet on hand can also help ensure that everyone is aware of the policies your business has in place.

Being approachable as a boss

Finally, being approachable as a boss is a crucial to ensuring that you can keep things going. Your employees will need to feel comfortable talking to you about things such as their career development, but also feel comfortable and confident enough to talk to you about personal issues that may involve them having time off etc. Being approachable is something you may need to work on, but it could help ensure that you do right by your employees and your business. Articles such as https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141008154953-152548954-6-steps could help you do this better.

I hope that these tips help you make things easier for your employees.

Finding Your Target Audience

Some of the key focuses of my blog are: Financial Literacy, Wealth Building, Business and Entrepreneurship. A major key to succeeding in the business world is understanding your target audience and clientele base. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Finding Your Target Audience.

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When it comes to creating a marketing strategy for your company, one of the things you will want to think about is finding the right people to market your business towards. There is no point for example trying to market a teen fashion brand to people in their 50s and visa versa. In order to get your name out into the world and be as successful as you can in your business you need to make sure to find the right audience and target all of your marketing to them.

Business or Consumer?

The first and easiest question you can ask yourself to narrow down your market is whether you are aiming to sell to businesses or consumers. Both b2c and b2b sales have their own style of marketing and you will notice that B2B companies will often be more formal with their work than B2C because it is seen as more appropriate. Make sure you know which one you are going to choose for your business and this will have a big impact on the type of content and the tone of voice you use later on.

Age and Gender?

One of the biggest things you will need to consider when looking for your ideal target audience is their age and their gender. Let’s say for example that you plan to sell birth control products or sanitary products. You can’t focus your marketing towards men because this wouldn’t make any sense, and similarly you wouldn’t target it to women who are under the age of 13 or over the age of 60. Make sure you understand how your product or service is going to fit into people’s lives and how you can put across your point in a clear and interesting way.

Hobbies and Interests

One of the other things you can bring into your decision as far as your target audience goes is their hobbies and interests. With sites like google analytics you can monitor what your audience is interested in and this allows you to use their hobbies as part of your marketing campaign. For example let’s say you are a food company and you often share recipes on social media to demonstrate your cookware. You might notice that a lot of the people who follow you and engage with your brand also enjoy Game Of Thrones. Here is the ideal opportunity for you to create some Game Of Thrones style video content such as a recipe for Arya Stark’s Pie, Daenerys’ dragon eggs or the beer which the nightwatch drink at the wall. Think of being relevant and make sure that you can interact with your audience on a meaningful level.

Who will value the product?

When you are trying to gain an insight into who will use your products, think about what everyday problem your product solves. If you are selling a bathroom cleaning product which can make the job much easier, to won’t be targeting this towards teenagers. You would instead be targeting it for new homeowners and anyone who stays at home for work or runs their home full time. Really sit down and think about what your product does, what value it will add to your customers lives, and who would appreciate it the most. This will allow you to narrow down your audience easily to find the ideal one for you.

Choosing Social Media Platforms

When it comes to finalising your target audience and narrowing down the field of who you will market towards going forward, the main way you can do this is to choose a social media platform which fits in with the customers you are looking to target. For example, if you are a fashion brand looking to target women between the ages of 18-30, the best social media site for you would be Instagram, because most of Instagram users fall into this demographic. Think about what social media accounts will suit the type of content you share and who exactly you need to reach out to.

Creating great content

Now that you have chosen your target audience and you are set up on social media, you need to start making content to draw them in. People are visual beings and video content is becoming more and more popular on platforms outside YouTube. If you are struggling to know what kind of content you should create, you can always take a look at your competitors and see what kind of things that they are doing. This can be a huge help and it will give you the inspiration and ability to get out there and reel in your customers.

Unexpected Wellness Benefits Of Motorcycling

One of the focuses of my blog is Health and Wellness. There are several perceptions of motorcycles. In some instances, they are viewed as status symbols, and in other instances they are viewed as health hazards. It turns out that there are some therapeutic benefits to riding motorcycles. This contributed post is thus entitled; the Unexpected Wellness Benefits of Motorcycling.

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If you own a motorcycle, you’re already conversant in the arguments made against them on a regular basis. You probably hear them fairly regularly from your significant other, your parents and /or your children. They constantly remind you of just how unsafe you are on a motorcycle compared to on a car or how they worry about you every time you don your leathers and take to the road.

Image by Pexels

While it could be argued that motorcyclists are actually safer than their car driving counterparts as not only does being able to turn their heads for an unimpeded view of their surroundings make for better hazard perception and eliminate blind spots, motorcyclists are also much better positioned to react quickly and decisively when they perceive a hazard. Of course, if you are injured on the road as a result of someone else’s negligence you should always contact a motorcycle accident lawyer to pursue justice. Nonetheless, your family needn’t worry for your wellbeing. While you hit the road on your trusty steed, you actually benefit from several unique health benefits…

Improved cognitive faculties

A study by the University of Tokyo demonstrated that motorcycling regularly can have a positive effect on cognitive function. In the study, a group of 40-50 year old male motorcyclists were compared to non-motorcyclists of the same age for 2 months. After 2 months of daily riding, the motorcyclists not only scored higher on their cognitive tests than the non-riders, they found a cognitive improvement of over 50% in some cases.

Burning away body fat

It’s not only your brain box that gets a boost from setting out on your bike. Regular motorcycling also helps you to keep some of that unsightly wobbly matter at bay. Steady state riding in urban environments can burn around 200-300 calories per hour. Riding over uneven terrain can burn up to 600 calories per hour. Who needs to be bored rigid on a treadmill when you can be working out with the open road.

Increased core strength

A strong core is important for much more than having a set of shredded abs that make you able to stroll down the beach with confidence. Good core strength is at the heart of most of the movements that we take for granted in our day to day lives including (of course) turning and banking on your bike. If we hope to retain great mobility even in old age it’s essential that we maintain good core strength and regular journeys on your motorcycle are a great way of doing this without spending hours in a packed, sweaty gym.

Boosts your mental health and encourages positivity

There’s no feeling in the road quite like the freedom of the open road. The feeling of speed and exhilaration combined with the raw power beneath you all combine to create a thrilling experience that beats sitting in a stuffy car any day of the week. Moreover, motorcyclists enjoy a meditative state feeling at one with the road that few drivers get to experience.

It’s a great stress buster and mood booster that can help you maintain a positive outlook no matter what the rigors of your job, career and family life.

Could You Start A Sports Club?

Some key focuses of my blog are Business and Entrepreneurship, and Athletics and Sports. While not everyone can go on to play in college and the professional levels, many individuals go on to start their own Sports Clubs. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Could You Start A Sports Club?

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Thinking of starting up your own sports club? Here are a few of the steps you may need to consider to make your club a reality.

Get qualified/licensed

Some sports are governed by an official body – to teach these sports you may need to obtain a license or teaching qualification that is officially recognised. For example, you can’t teach skiing without completing a ski instructor course, whilst you can’t coach a swim team without registering with USA Swimming as a coach. Even in sports where qualifications aren’t necessary, taking some kind of course can be beneficial for helping you to understand the process behind running a club.

Know your competition

Before starting up a club, you may want to check that there aren’t any other similar clubs locally. You may find it difficult to get people to join your club if there’s already a well established club in the area teaching the same sport as you. If you’re starting a club that’s part of a national organisation, you may even be restricted from starting up a club if there’s already one in the vicinity. Either way, make sure to do your research.

Shop around for equipment/venues

You’ll need certain essentials such as equipment and a venue. Shop around to find something that suits you need – you should weigh up factors such as cost, availability and practicality. You may want to design your own equipment in some cases such as custom basketball jerseys. Also consider whether you may need a van to transport equipment in – this may not be necessary with a pilates class but could be much needed if you’re running an outdoor boot camp.

Work out your running costs

On top of upfront costs of equipment, you’ll need to consider the running costs of renting a venue and possibly insurance. Make sure that you’re going to be making enough money to cover these costs. If you’re not making money from your club or only planning on breaking even, you’ll need to to ensure that you’ve got a job that supplies you with a source of income large enough to afford your club’s running costs.

Consider the commitment

A club is a big responsibility. People will expect you to show up and run the club each week, so make sure that you’ve got the time and the personal drive to do this. Quitting the club could let down any members who you build up – it should be something that you plan to be in for the long run.

Do your market research

Market research will help you to understand the demographic of the people that live locally to you and the people that are most suited to your club. If you’re going to be charging high fees, you need to be sure that people in the area are wealthy enough to afford your club. If your club is aimed at children, you may want to check that there are a lot of schools in the area and therefore a lot of kids to market to. This will all help you to realise how feasible your sports club is.

The Ethics Of Uber

Two key focuses of my blog are Business and Entrepreneurship. Uber has become a prevalent means to making money for the lay persons while also providing competition for conventional Taxi services. While Uber has become a convenience for most everyone, are there any drawbacks? The following contributed post is entitled; The Ethics of Uber.

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It goes without saying that consumers are crazy about Uber. From their point of view it has numerous sizable advantages over the conventional taxi model. First of all, it’s cheaper. As a digital intermediary between owner drivers and their passengers, Uber has significantly fewer overheads than your average taxi firm and are able to pass the savings on to their customers. Secondly, since Uber can recruit more owner drivers than your average taxi firm, it’s likely that wherever you are you can get an Uber at your door much more quickly and efficiently than you could get a conventional taxi. But while Uber may seem like the perfect option for those who want to get around quickly and affordably, it does have its ethical caveats.

Image by Pixabay

The transportation giant has had its fair share of ethical scandals over the past few years which have faced considerable public scrutiny. While this blog wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do with your money, here are some things that must be borne in mind before you tap the app…

Uber’s practices could push drivers to act unsafely

One would assume that unfettered the of overhead costs that befall most taxi operators, Uber would be able to guarantee a better deal for its drivers. But there’s overwhelming evidence to suggest that this is not the case. In fact, last year the intermediary restructured its pricing and increased its own cut of fares while reducing the drivers’ take home.

This has left Uber drivers having to make more fares to make their operation economically viable. Unfortunately, more fares means faster driving and with faster driving comes more scope for accidents occurring as drivers are more concerned with getting passengers to their destinations quickly rather than safely. You can read more about Uber car accident law online if you have been involved in an incident where this has happened. Suffice to say that Uber will have to either raise its prices or relinquish some of their cut if they are to pursue more ethical standards.

Regulatory ducking and weaving

Unlike other taxi services which are beholden to strict state and federal regulations, Uber has demonstrated some regulatory ducking and weaving over its lifespan that might put the legendary Muhammad Ali to shame. All over the world the app has used a technique called greyballing to deceive authority inspectors in locations such as San Francisco, Boston and Las Vegas. Greyballing was used to prevent officials from accessing Uber drivers by using personal data derived from their devices to mark them out as officials. This has enabled the taxi giant to avoid scrutiny but it’s far from the only measure taken to avoid regulation.

After the giant was effectively banned by London’s transport authority due to potentially unsafe practices and lack of corporate responsibility, Uber managed to dodge regulations which would have irrevocably altered its working practices. The giant has also been hit with a multimillion dollar fine for refusing to reveal its business data to US authorities.
While Uber has tightened up on their background checks for drivers and some territories are actively pushing for the taxi giant to operate with greater transparency and a better deal for its drivers, there are certainly a number of reasons why ethically minded passengers should be given pause.

Healthcare Business Ideas You Can Set Up Yourself

Some of the key focuses of my blog are: Financial Literacy, Wealth Building, and Business and Entrepreneurship. It is predicted that there will be a lot of opportunities for growth in the Healthcare industry. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Healthcare Business Ideas You Can Set Up Yourself.

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If you are looking for a business idea which makes a big difference to people’s lives, you need look no further than setting up a healthcare company. With a rising and ageing population, there is always going to be a demand for a wide range of products and services directly related to people’s health and wellbeing. There is also more of a widespread focus on health and wellness than there has ever been before. However, you may feel like you need a bit of focus when it comes to what sort of healthcare business you would like to establish. To give you a helping hand, here is some inspiration in this regard, here are some possible ideas about the type of company that you could set up.

Home Healthcare Service

Nowadays, there is a greater and greater strain being put on hospitals. And as beds continue to fill up, there is a call for more healthcare at home to pick up the slack. Just some of the types of people who could utilise home healthcare include those recently discharged from hospital, senior citizens, and those in regular need of personal support. Of course, you will need to have all the proper skills and qualifications, as well as equipment like a portable ultrasound machine for sale. With all of this, you could have a very rewarding business concept on your hands.

Medical Records Management/Admin Business

One of the main problems which many medical professionals have is trying to keep up with the mountain of paperwork which regularly comes their way. You could help to alleviate this issue by setting up your own medical records management and administration business. Of course, you will need to have a high level of organisational skills and a keen eye for details to make a success of this particular venture.

Physical or Occupational Therapy Centre

Another area of medicine which comes in for high demand these days is physical or occupational therapy. Pursue this particular business path and you can play a central role in helping patients recover from their injuries, regain a full range of the motions which they had before, and perform some of the tasks involved in daily living. Again, you are going to need to have the correct certification and qualifications in order to pursue a business of this variety.

Nutritionist or Dietician Business

A lot of people are highly concerned with what they are putting in their bodies these days, and if you are one of these people, you could start your own business as a nutritionist or dietician. Since this is becoming a more complex field these days, you could even specialise further to focus on an area such as sports nutrition, weight loss or something else.

As we mentioned at the start, healthcare is always going to be a field which requires dedicated people working to improve it through innovative businesses, and these are just some of the business types which you could set up yourself.

How To Beat The High Co$t of Living

Two major focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, and Wealth Building. A key part of both of these areas is budgeting, planning and controlling costs. The following contributed post is thus entitled; How To Beat The High Co$t of Living.

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Another day, another bill. Another day, another dip in the bank balance. Another day, another moment when you wonder how you are going to cope with the rise in energy prices, bank charges, insurance costs, and more.

Rather than confront another day like yesterday, we wouldn’t be surprised if you huddled under your duvet in the morning, fearful of losing yet more money simply by going about your daily life.

Don’t despair! It is possible to beat the high cost of living, but you are going to have to work at it. You can put the ideas we give you in this article into your five-year plan, or better yet, your yearly planner. You see, you don’t have to let the financial aspects of your life get on top of you.

For starters, quit those bad habits that are eating away at your monthly income. Not only will you have more money in your pocket, but you will feel better as well. We are thinking of smoking and drinking alcohol, two expensive habits that are harmful to your health. We are thinking about watching too much tv; despite the many wonderful things to watch (and the utter drivel), you will save on your electricity bill if you spend time doing other things, such as (dare we say it), exercise! And quit your spending addiction. If you’re forever buying things you don’t need, then it’s little wonder you have no money for the essentials in your life. Put that credit card away!

Don’t let your utility companies take more money than they should. They are forever putting their prices up, but you are in your right to ditch them. You can get the same gas and electricity from another supplier, so use a price comparison service to find a cheaper deal. After switching, instill good habits around the home to make further energy savings. We have already told you to stop watching so much tv, but there are further ways to save money. Ensure your family are up to speed with your energy-saving habits as well, because as you know, they can often be responsible for draining your bank account!

Cut down the cost of driving too. For starters, don’t use your car if you are only travelling short distances. Why waste money on fuel when you can save money (and feel healthier) by using your two legs. As with your utility companies, use a price comparison site to save on your insurance. We use this site, https://cheapautoinsurance.co, but there are there are plenty of others available. Then practice safe driving. You see, the less reckless you are on the road, the less likely you are to do damage to your vehicle, and the less likely you are to pay out on huge maintenance bills. Driving safely saves money on fuel too!

Don’t let your bank take you for a ride. If they are charging you monthly fees just for having an account with them, it’s hardly fair! As with some of the other things on this list, you can do yourself a favour by ditching those banks who are inflicting damage on your account and transferring to another. You should be able to find lower rates and fees, and may even get rewarded for making the switch too. Check out this banking guide as a way to make the most of your money.

You can beat the high cost of living by making changes in your life, and by doing your homework into finding cheaper alternatives to the people who take your money away from you. So, don’t delay, start to make savings today, and continue to practice good habits and price comparisons in the months and years to come. It does make perfect financial sense, after all!



Your Five-Year Plan

Two of the principles of my blog are “Creating Ecosystems of Success” and “Long-Term Thinking and Delayed Gratification”. A key to being successful is looking into the future, setting goals and planning the steps towards achieving those goals. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Your Five-Year Plan.

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Do you often find yourself just going through the motions of your life, without any clear goals or targets? Just living life day to day, without purpose or focus? Many of us do. Then, a few years down the line, we look back at what we’ve achieved and find that nothing has changed. We still have debts, we still live in the same place, our relationship hasn’t developed or grown, we’re no closer to getting what we really want from our life, and our career has stalled.

Well, this happens when we don’t have a plan. You’re never going to hit your goals if you don’t have any. You get one life, you should be making the most of it. A five-year master plan can help you to do this. Five years is a great period of time. A lot can change in five years. Think about who you were five years ago, what you enjoyed doing, who your friends were. Now, look at your life today. In five years, we grow, we change, we start to enjoy different things, we meet a lot of people. You might eat differently, look after yourself more or less, and even go to bed at a different time. Five years is long enough to make massive changes and achieve a lot, but not too long that you can’t look ahead with focus and determination. So, here’s a look at how to create a five-year master plan to help you to develop and get what you want from life, as well as some ideas of things that you should include.


The Benefits of a Five-Year Plan

If you are the kind of person that just lives day to day, you might not see the point of a five-year plan. But, it can have some definite benefits. It gives you focus. Instead of a general idea of what you want to do with your life, you’ll have clear and well-defined goals for all areas. Five-years means that you’ve still got time to be spontaneous and do what you want, as long as you get back to your plan and continue working towards your aims. It also helps you to prioritize, to stay on track, to keep motivated and to say no to things that would take you off course.

Merely sitting down and writing goals forces you to think about what you want and reflect on your choices so far. You are also statistically more likely to achieve things if you’ve written them down. Something about writing down a target makes it real and gives you a greater focus to achieve it.

How to Create One

Sit down and think about your life so far. Think about what your dreams were when you were younger, and if you still want the same things now. Then, write yourself a Wishlist. Think of your ultimate goals and dreams, no matter how outlandish they might seem. Write them all down. Even those that might take longer than five years to achieve.

Then, ask yourself why you want these things? Will hitting these goals make you happy or improve your quality of life? Try to picture your life if you reach these targets? Take some time to imagine your ideal life. Now, look at your list again, do you need to add or remove anything?

Now you’ve got the what’s and the why’s. It’s time to think about the how’s. This is potentially the most crucial part of your master plan. Without plans, your goals are vague and unreachable. Ask yourself what you can do to meet your targets, or to get significantly closer to them. Write these down too. Now, let’s take a look at some of the things that you might want to include.



Money is often a big part of our future plans, and your goals might depend heavily on your current financial situation and what you want from your future. If you need to borrow to help you achieve other goals, this is the website to help. If you need to save, or pay off debts, work out how much you need to save each year.

You might have something specific that you’d like to achieve financially, perhaps saving enough to start a business, or to buy a house. Or, you might want to improve your credit score and pay off your debts. Five years is long enough to make massive changes to your financial situation. Think about your goals and take the time to make a household budget to match.



Your relationships will also depend on where you are now and what you want in the future. If you are in a relationship, marriage and children might be in your near future. If not, you might want to think about meeting the right person and starting down the road to settling down.

Wherever you are romantically, there will be other relationships that you need to nurture. Make giving your friendships plenty of love and attention a goal. You might also want to rekindle old relationships, mend family feuds or meet new friends and expand your circle.


Your career is a big one. Getting your career right can improve your financial situation and allow you to take more time for your relationships. Do you have any burning ambitions? Do you want to start your own business, or would you like to dive into a career change? If you are happy where you are now, you might just want to aim for a promotion or try to learn more about your industry to become more confident at work.

Health and Fitness


Our health is something we often neglect when making plans for the future. Especially when we are young and healthy. But, it shouldn’t be. Your health and fitness are essential to a happy and long life. But, your goals don’t need to be huge. They might just be to carry on what you are doing or to make small improvements to your diet. Think about small, realistic changes that you can make that will improve your health and fitness.

Break it Down

Now you’ve got your five-year targets, you should think about breaking them down. A five-year master plan is fantastic, but it can be hard to stay focused when something is so far away. So, break it down and make plans for the year ahead. Thin about what you can do in the next 12 months to help you to reach your goals.

Is Your Company Using Social Media Correctly?

Some of the key focuses of my blog are: Financial Literacy, Wealth Building, Business and Entrepreneurship. A key to effectively doing business in today’s world is the proper and most efficient use of Social Media. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Is Your Company Using Social Media Correctly?

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There is no getting away from the fact that social media has revolutionized the way in which most companies operate these days. If you’re just starting out in the business world; you might struggle to work out how to use those platforms to your advantage. With that in mind, take a moment to read this post, and it should help to point you in the right direction.

Use social media for marketing

Sites like Facebook and Twitter are excellent tools for promoting your business and reaching lots of new customers. There are paid advertising tools on both of those platforms, and there is no minimum spend. So, you can mess around with the targeting options until you find something that works. You can then make a more substantial investment.

Use social media for customer service

Facebook is one of the easiest ways to keep in touch with people these days. So, maybe you should undertake customer service duties on that platform? The infographic below will let you know more about social media and customer service so make sure you check it out!

Use social media to keep up to date

As an industry leader; you need to keep abreast of the latest news. Social media platforms are often the best way to make sure you don’t miss anything, and you’ll usually find the news on those sites first.

Now you know how to use social media correctly; nothing should stand in the way of your success. Remember to take a look at the infographic below for extra tips and tricks.

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