5 Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Career Discussions. No matter what career field you are in, a health work-life balance is essential. Too much work can equate to too much stress and health problems. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance.

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In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up with work; after all, it’s your livelihood and the better you do at work, the more money you can have for your home life. But, it’s also important to make sure you have a healthy work-life balance too to prevent you from becoming burnt out. Finding that balance looks different for everyone, but let’s take a look at some ways you can find what works well for you so that you can get the best of both worlds.


Understand your needs

The first thing you need to do is understand what you need in your life to make you feel balanced when it comes to working and resting. This could be making boundaries when it comes to the hours you work, or making sure that you make time for your hobbies. It might take some time to find the right balance for you, but experiment with different working hours and how you can fit the things you enjoy into your day.

Find ways to manage your time better

If you’re unorganised, then there’s a good chance you spend a lot of your working day trying to manoeuvre through tasks, which could lead to you spending more time at work to make sure they’re completed. Take some time to organise yourself so that you can get through your daily quote on time and concentrate on spending more time doing the things you love. You can do this by prioritising your tasks and using tools like calendars and to-do lists to keep on top of things.

Let others lead by example

If you run a business, it can be difficult to know when to switch off and have some me time. You could take a look at other great examples of companies that promote a healthy work-life balance and see what they do. You could take a look at Deloitte work-life balance as an example – they understand that employee well-being means that there’s more productivity in the workplace. So, if you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for your employees to keep your business running the best it can.

Set your own boundaries

When it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance it’s important to set boundaries. You can do this by logging off at a certain time and turning your phone on do not disturb so that if anything comes through, you’re not thinking about it until your next working day. It’s important that you relay these wishes with your colleagues/employer to keep these boundaries in place.

Prioritise your physical and mental health

Finally, it’s more than just having the right amount of time to do the things you love; it’s about prioritising your physical and mental health too. Get regular exercise, eat healthily and get enough sleep so that you can not only look after yourself and feel good, but so that you can be in the best position when it comes to work and when it comes to your free time.

Maintaining Your Independence As You Get Older: A Guide For Seniors

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Progressing age is much different conceptually than it used to be. Many seniors are contemplating greater personal independence than in the past. The following contributed post is entitled, Maintaining Your Independence As You Get Older: A Guide For Seniors.

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Retirement is meant to deliver your truly golden years. However, getting older does change the body in several ways and subsequently brings several new challenges to our daily lives. Therefore, it’s imperative that you learn to adapt your lifestyle, particularly if you wish to maintain your independence.

Here are some of the key steps that should be taken to ensure a better quality of life can be maintained throughout later life.

Stay Healthy

Nothing in this life is more important than your health. While the aging process will naturally change your body, it’s imperative that you stay healthy. Keeping active will help maintain flexibility, as well as bone and muscle density. Meanwhile, staying hydrated and staying in control of your nutrition are both key factors. A healthier you is a happier you. Crucially, it’ll mean you are in a better position to take care of yourself in retirement.

You should also seek help if you have issues with your mobility, hearing, eyesight, or dexterity.

Find A Suitable Home

Most seniors who are in a position to live independently would rather do this than live in a nursing home. However, you may need to look for an affordable home that features some modified elements to make life more convenient. The Millennia Companies places a heavy focus on development for people like you. Supporting those developments and learning about units that may become available is advised.

You will spend more time at home than ever before during retirement. So, you must not overlook this step.

Accept Help

Maintaining an independent lifestyle needn’t mean ignoring support. We all need a helping hand from time to time. Frankly, gaining a little assistance in certain aspects of life courtesy of in-home care services can open the door to greater freedom. Whether you need daily or weekly visits doesn’t matter. This support will save you from a lot of stress, as well as potentially risky situations.

Better still, you will notice that this allows you to spend more time enjoying your independence and the tasks you love.

Get Your Finances Under Control

The harsh reality is that getting used to reduced revenue is hard. For many, it is the most challenging and stressful part of retirement. If you have savings, making them work harder through investments can work wonders. Crucially, though, you should find ways to reduce your expenses by cutting out unnecessary waste. Experts like Senior Services of America can help you discover entitlements too. Embrace it.

When your finances are under control, it will lift a weight of stress off of your shoulders. This will encourage a better quality of life.

Be Ready To Learn

Finally, if you wish to stay independent in retirement, you must be willing to adapt. You are already tech literate. So, if you’re not already using online banking or telehealth services, now is the time to learn about them. Meanwhile, developing skills that can help you out around the home can have a big impact. Being open to new hobbies and social activities should be on the agenda too.

When combined with the other steps mentioned above, the rewards will be immediately seen. Truly golden years await.

Prevent Everyday Injuries: Tips To Stay Safe And Smart Throughout Your Life

“The good thing is that the ways to improve our health and avoid injuries aren’t that difficult. It’s just a case of knowing a thing or two about how we all function and how to avoid silly mistakes.”

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. A key our successes in life is staying healthy. A major part of that is preventing injuries that are preventable. The following contributed post is entitled, Prevent Everyday Injuries: Tips To Stay Safe And Smart Throughout Your Life.

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When it comes to the health of our bodies, there are so many different things that can go wrong. A lot of the time, it’s not even her fault because certain injuries can happen when we are living everyday life. One day, we could be absolutely fine and another day, we could find ourselves in a terrible predicament. There are obviously lots of things we can do in order to live a healthier life, but not everybody is clued in on how to live the best possible physical existence.

The good thing is that the ways to improve our health and avoid injuries aren’t that difficult. It’s just a case of knowing a thing or two about how we all function and how to avoid silly mistakes. It’s also good to know the right people who can give us all the advice in the world. Everyday life can be filled with plenty of physical challenges, here are a few ways to limit those challenges somewhat:

Be Mindful With Your Movement

Being mindful in any walk of life makes everything so much better. Engaging your mind and really thinking about what you’re doing can allow you to avoid issues. Being absent-minded only leads to errors and mistakes. Even when moving around the house and doing chores, it’s wise to actually consider how you are doing them. So many people are naive and end up hurting themselves when taking part in one of the most basic domestic activities.

Use Proper Techniques When Exerting Yourself

If you have worked out before, or you have taken part in sporting activities a lot, you will know all about the importance of technique. It’s not just about performing at your best or looking at the part, it also helps you to avoid painful instances. It might be tedious at times and you may have to go through a learning curve, but learning the right techniques when doing any kind of movement can help save your body in the long term. Even if it’s just in regard to lifting things around the house, make sure you are doing it properly.

Create An Ergonomic Environment At Home

One of the best ways to avoid issues around the house is to make the space better for the body. You don’t have to do anything too drastic or spend too much money. Simply moving things around so much or replacing items that are uncomfortable can make such a big difference to how your daily life operates. From things in the kitchen to the chairs you sit on, consider what is comfortable and what is causing you home. This may seem like quite a petty point, but it can make all the difference.

Get Professional Guidance When The Time Comes

A lot of people neglect this idea because they feel it is unnecessary. Getting help from professionals can make life a lot easier. They know an awful lot more than you do and will be able to put you in the right direction. Whether you are speaking to a chiropractor or a physio, they can give you the right advice and put you on the right program. Even a few appointments with them can give you more confidence surrounding your situation.

Preventing yourself from getting injured in your daily life requires a mixture of preventive actions. From creating a more ergonomic home to minding the simplest movements and consulting with professionals like those from Huddle Men’s Health, you can lead a better and healthier life. So cheers to you and your safe everyday life!

4 Healthy Ways To Boost Your Child’s Development This Fall

“Whether it’s planning outings or engaging in home-based activities, it’s the simple things that create strong bonds and boost a child’s development.”

Two focuses of my blog are Creating Ecosystems of Success and Health/Wellness. If you have children, one key consideration is their proper development. There are some things to consider in the fall months. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Healthy Ways To Boost Your Child’s Development This Fall.

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The cool weather is no reason to slow down, as Fall remains a busy season for most families. With only a few months left to Winter, most families will want to get their holiday plans and preparations underway. It’s also a wonderful time to stop, connect with your kids, and have fun together as a family. Whether it’s planning outings or engaging in home-based activities, it’s the simple things that create strong bonds and boost a child’s development. The season is filled with opportunities for kids to learn and grow in a fun way. Here are some ways to boost your child’s development this Fall.

1. Head outdoors every day

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During this season, the summer heat gives way to cooler and crisp weather, the leaves change colors, and there’s much to see, feel, and smell outside. So take your kids out as often as you can – every day, if possible. Engaging in various outdoor activities this Fall can improve your child’s motor skills. Choose activities like running, raking, collecting leaves, climbing, hopping, catching, and hide-and-seek. These activities involve gross motor skills, which are important for coordination, good posture, balance, and overall physical development.

2. Plan more family activities

Backyard BBQs, get-togethers, family dinners, parties, and family time are also excellent ways to boost your child’s development this Fall. These social activities can help improve your child’s social skills, understand, relate with others, and develop relationships. You can help improve by teaching them appropriate words and actions during social gatherings. Also, consider taking them to kid-friendly social events or encouraging them to play with other kids outside the home. Remember to address issues that could discourage your child from engaging in social activities. For example, consider the possibility of hearing aids if your little one has been diagnosed with hearing loss. You can also learn effective tips to address social awkwardness in your child.

3. Give them simple ‘day jobs’

Understandably, you’re busy with plans and preparations for the upcoming holiday season, but your kids can help in simple ways. So, consider giving them simple day jobs so they don’t feel left out or abandoned. For example, you can ask your little one to wipe the dinner table, fold laundry, sweep the floor, or put littered toys away as their job. Such simple responsibilities will make your child feel important and teach them much about being responsible. Some kids can even start preparing snacks or helping with minor kitchen duties. It helps if you give them a little tip, allowance, or reward for completing their tasks, which will encourage them even further.

4. Create Fall art projects

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Sometimes, temperatures may drop too low to head outside. But you can encourage creativity indoors by encouraging your kids to create Fall-themed arts and crafts. They can draw various Fall sceneries or objects, make collages, create Fall leaves chalk art, pumpkin picture frames, and other fun but educational activities. Art and craft allow your child to tap into their imagination and creativity. It also helps to improve their motor skills. Plus, it’s a fun way to spend time together with your little ones.

Staying Healthy: A Guide For Those Of Retirement Age

“Many people work their entire lives for their retirement years. A major consideration though is not just having enough money, but also being able to enjoy the time in terms of health.”

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Many people work their entire lives for their retirement years. A major consideration though is not just having enough money, but also being able to enjoy the time in terms of health. The following contributed post is entitled, Staying Healthy: A Guide For Those Of Retirement Age.

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Our health is always important, but we need different things as we move through different seasons of our lives. The good news is that if you are currently in the retirement season of your life, you can find out how to stay fit and healthy below.

Keep moving

Mobility and exercise are incredibly important for people of retirement age. This is because we tend to slow down a bit physically around this time, and then once we no longer head to work every day, it’s easy to become more sedentary. The problem with this is that mobility is a use-it-or-lose-it skill, which means the less you do the less you end up being able to do.

To that end, putting a plan in place to stay active and mobile is crucial. This may mean joining a gym and following their class program each morning, or it could mean heading to the course for a round or two of golf. The activity you chose isn’t as important as making sure you enjoy it and do it regularly as this will help you keep up the habit and stay healthy and mobile during your retirement years.

Wear your hearing aid

Many people of retirement age experience some hearing loss and are given hearing aids to wear. Unfortunately, lots of us do not like to wear them because they make us feel older than we are! However, if you require a hearing aid and don’t wear it you could be setting yourself up for all sorts of health issues. This is because the mind and body do not respond well to the stress of hearing loss, and will continue to search for sounds even when they cannot be heard. This can put a great deal of stress on your system and lead to an increased incidence of depression, dementia, and even IBS!

With that in mind, you must wear your hearing aid if you have one. If there is a problem with it that is keeping you from using it be sure to speak to your specialist who can help you reprogram it to suit your needs.

Consider supplementing your diet

Supplements can be a controversial topic, as many believe we can get everything we need nutritionally from a well-balanced diet. However, chances are that by the time you have reached retirement age you know the foods you like to eat and the ones you don’t, as well as the vitamins and minerals you may be lacking in your diet.

With this in mind, the idea of supplementing what you eat with vitamins and minerals to help boost your health seems like a no-brainer. Just make sure that you check with your doctor before you take a new supplement as they have interactions with other medications you use.

Embrace wellness checks

Yep, a visit to the doctor can be scary even if it’s only for a scheduled check-up, but that is no excuse to avoid them. In fact, the wellness checks offered to you by your doctor based on your age can be very helpful in keeping you healthy over the long term. This is because they are designed to test people at ages when these issues become more prominent and serious. The good news is that by attending these screenings you will either catch any issues early which makes them so much easier to treat, or have the peace of mind that you have a clean bill of health.

How To Recognize Health Issues

“Personal health is probably our most valuable possession. It is not static though and must be monitored and protected continuously.”

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Personal health is probably our most valuable possession. It is not static though and must be monitored and protected continuously. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Recognize Health Issues.

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It’s always vital to take better care of your health, but sometimes you can try everything you can think of, such as exercise and eating better, and still suffer from health symptoms. Many people may just assume that’s how they are, but these issues could be more serious. While everyone can feel tired or ill now and again, chronic issues point to potentially severe health conditions, which is why you need to learn how to recognize health problems.

You Are Tired All the Time

Chronic exhaustion could be a sign of many things, but regardless, it is not normal, especially if you have a good night’s sleep of anywhere between seven and ten hours. Sometimes, this solves the problem even if it takes a few days of consistent sleep, but if your tiredness persists, there’s the risk of something deeper affecting you. Common causes include depression but it could also be chronic fatigue syndrome which could be treated by a combination of the doctor and exercise.

You Have A Long-Term Cough

A cough that lasts more than eight weeks is a sign of something severe, so you need to visit your doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms could point towards problems as serious as lung cancer, especially if you’re coughing up blood, but other problems could be COVID (if you have had it recently) or allergies. You may never have had allergies before, but since pollen and pollutants continue to evolve, it’s possible to develop them even when you’re older.

You Are Struggling to Hear

Hearing loss affects millions of people across the country, but it is not just old age that causes these problems. You can experience hearing loss at any age, especially if you attend concerts or work in noisy environments. Illnesses and clear blockages can also be the source of hearing loss, so speaking to your audiologist and receiving assistive listening devices can offer temporary or permanent treatment.

You Have Lost or Gained A Lot of Weight

While weight loss and weight gain are common, especially if you are actively trying to achieve one of the other, it is not healthy to experience unexplained weight loss or weight gain at any point. These problems could be various potential health issues, including gastrointestinal issues, cancer, a tapeworm infection, pregnancy, or menopause. For the most part, these problems are easily treatable, but it’s worth getting them checked out immediately.

You Feel Nauseous

Nausea is never pleasant, but you usually know why you feel you’re going to vomit. Perhaps you have a heavy night drinking or you’re on a boat and feel seasick. These reasons are common, but chronic nausea is less clear. Women may assume they are pregnant but it could also be a sign of an ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux disease. If you find out you are not pregnant and your nausea persists, see a doctor immediately.

While facing your health issues can be scary, you should not and cannot ignore them forever. Eventually, you will need to go to the doctor to discover what–if anything–is wrong with you. From there, they can prescribe treatment and guide you through the recovery process.

These 8 Habits Could Be Ruining Your Mental Health

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Arguably the most important aspect of your personal health is your mental health. Sometimes we do things that hurt our mental health. The following contributed post is entitled, These 8 Habits Could Be Ruining Your Mental Health.

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If you want to protect your health as much as possible then you should know that these 8 habits could be sabotaging your efforts. If you want to start taking better care of yourself today, then this is the guide for you.


Pursuing excellence is certainly a great habit to have. It’s important to do your best when trying to achieve an important goal. After all, doing something perfectly will increase your chances of success. If you try to be perfect all the time however then this may end up undermining your efforts. Psychologists have said that perfectionism can be positive but at the same time, it can also be negative. Habits of negative perfection involve you setting standards that are far beyond your reach, or being unhappy with anything other than perfection. You may also find that you have a preoccupation with failure and that you feel as though you are unworthy.

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Poor Posture

Sitting up straight can easily reduce your symptoms of anxiety. It allows you to sit with confidence and it also helps with self-focus. If you have a poor posture then you could be harming your spine, and causing extra tension in your muscles. Over time, this can lead to stress which is very bad for your mental health. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you sit up straight and that you focus on maintaining a healthy spinal posture. If you can do this then you will soon find that you end up feeling better in no time at all.


If you feel guilty about leaving your family because you have to go to work, or if you feel bad about leaving your job because you have family obligations then over time, this will impact your mental health. If you leave this unchecked then you may find that you end up in a constant cycle of guilt. This will stop you from being able to give your full attention to either task. If you want to do something about this then you need to cut yourself some slack. You need to avoid magnifying problems and you also need to stop yourself from claiming responsibility for problems that had nothing to do with you. You are not a bad person if you make a mistake either, and if you can remember things like this, you will soon find that it is easier to benefit your mental health overall.

Not Exercising

A sedentary lifestyle is really bad for your waistline. It’s also very bad for your heart and your mental health. Regularly exercising may ease depression as endorphins are released. This also boosts your immune system while helping you to feel better in yourself. Bad exercise habits however, are all too easy to form. They can impact your mental health more than you realize. Some of the negative impact of exercising is you exercising irregularly or not exercising at all. You may also find that you end up exercising to the point of exhaustion, or that you adopt a bad form. Engaging in only one form of exercise is also a bad idea, so make sure that you avoid this where possible.

Failure Mindset

Everyone has negative thoughts now and again. It’s also possible for you to experience feelings of failure when things go wrong. There is nothing wrong with this, if it is only happening on an occasional basis. If your mental health isn’t great however then you may find that this ends up interfering with your own ability to succeed. Ugly thoughts often tell you that your life is bleak and that you have failed at everything you set out to do. They can stop you from sleeping at night and it can also stop you from being able to move your life forward. If you let your continual thoughts carry on then thinking them may become a habit. Feelings of failure can inflict a lot of damage on your mental health, leading to anxiety and depression. If you want to do something about this then one thing you can do is remind yourself of your success. What have you done well? What has worked in your favor? If you can give some thought to things like this then you are bound to reap the benefits.

Overusing Social Media

Overusing social media can contribute to feelings of anxiety and poor self-esteem. Mental health issues often arise from overusing social media. Using too many social media sites can also be damaging to your health. Studies have been done and they have found that if you use a lot of social media platforms on a daily basis then you may be at a higher risk of both depression and anxiety. Overusing a smartphone is also a bad idea. Using a smartphone can be a rewarding activity, because messaging systems, apps and more can all trigger very positive feelings. Using your smartphone habitually is a good thing, but if you use yours all the time then this can impact your mental health. You may find that you become addicted to compulsively checking for notifications and this is the last thing you need. Compulsively using your smartphone can lead to chronic stress as well as anxiety and depression too.


Regret is an emotional state. Everyone has some regrets in their life, whether it is not getting married when they could have done, or taking a new job. Regret should not be a daily habit though. A lot of people find that they make a habit of regret and they put it into daily practice. From this, you may end up experiencing depression, anxiety and sleep problems. Don’t spend all of your days ruminating over things that you regret, and instead, take steps to benefit yourself by focusing on the things you do have going for you. If a lot of your regrets stem from alcohol usage, then it could be a good idea for you to go to alcohol rehab. That way you can work through all of the feelings you have, and this can work in your favor.

Poor Sleep

Sleep is often a source of emotional resilience. If you do not give your brain and body the chance to switch off then you will never be able to recover from the hardships of the previous day. Sleep also helps you to prepare yourself for the challenges of tomorrow. If you lose sleep for one or two nights then this can lead to feelings of grogginess and grumpiness. You may also find that you can’t focus and that your mental health suffers as a result. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you take steps to benefit yourself by allowing yourself to sleep well at night. If you find it hard to switch off then build a good sleeping routine by reading a book before you go to bed, or by watching television. If you can do this then you are bound to reap the benefits and you may even find that you can relax more at night too. Consider investing in some aromatherapy candles, or diffusers. Relaxing essential oils are great if you want to unwind and they are also very good if you struggle with stress on a daily basis. Remember, if you do want to make a bigger change, you can invest in a new bed, or some new sheets as this will help to boost your mental health if you have had a very long day at work and need to relax in a comfortable environment.

How to Take Better Care of Your Health

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. There are several aspects to our personal health. Our physical health is not the only one but it is critical. The following contributed post is entitled, How to Take Better Care of Your Health.

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Good health is one of those things that go unappreciated until you lose it. When you’re young, it’s easier to maintain your health, but it still takes effort. It’s true that, no matter how hard you try, you may develop a health condition or get injured. But in this case, it’s even more important to maintain good general health so that you can recover and manage your condition better.

If you’re fit and healthy, you will look and feel better. As you get older, you will find that you’re less likely to develop chronic, age-related health conditions. You will retain your strength for longer and even look younger. With this in mind, how can you take care of your health now?

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Keep Fit

Our bodies were designed to move. Unfortunately, modern life often encourages a sedentary lifestyle. We drive rather than walk, and we might spend hours sitting at a desk for our day jobs. We are busy and tired, which can make it hard to fit in a fitness routine.

However, it’s vital that we keep fit and active. Even thirty minutes of activity a day is better than nothing. You might also find exercise is good for your mind and enjoyable. Set goals, work your exercise regime around your schedule, and reap the benefits.

Eat Healthily

Your body needs food and water to function properly and thrive. This is also your primary way to take in nutrients, which help your body to restore and repair itself. Too much of certain foods, such as takeout and junk food that is high in fat, salt, and sugar, can have a negative impact on your health.

The trick is to eat a balanced, healthy diet that has all the nutrients you need. You should also eat an appropriate amount of calories according to your needs and activity level.

Medical Help

If you do have a health condition or you’ve injured yourself, then seek medical help right away. A doctor can diagnose your condition and come up with a treatment. Ideally, see a specialist to deal with your problems. For example, a foot doctor will be far better at diagnosing and treating foot and ankle injuries than a psychiatrist.

On that note, your body and mind are equally important. If your mental health is suffering, then you can’t maintain good physical health. If you are struggling, then see a doctor and talk to a trusted friend or family member.

Sleep Well

When you sleep, your body and brain repair themselves from the day’s activities. Most people can go without sleep for a night and, while they’ll be tired the next day, they should be okay. But if you have chronic sleep problems, then the fatigue can very quickly add up.

Practice good sleep habits, such as going to bed at a regular time each day. If you need to, drink herbal tea and encourage your body and mind to relax before you go to sleep. In some cases, you may need to see a doctor for medication or specialized advice.

Suffering Fatigue But Not Sure Of The Cause

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Life is more challenging than ever in today’s new digital and fast paced world. As such, it is very easy for fatigue to set in for everyone. The following contributed post is entitled, Suffering Fatigue But Not Sure Of The Cause.

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There are some health symptoms that are not only affect your quality of life, but can be rather frustrating in terms of identifying the source of them. This is because certain symptoms could be contributed to by a mix of issues and causes, which is why doctors spend so much time learning their practice before they’re permitted to apply it.

Fatigue is one amongst these symptoms, and can be quite debilitating. This is especially true if fatigue seems to come on unannounced, without any notable cause that seems obvious at first. Moreover, fatigue can be so nondescript that the only medical advice you may get, at least initially, is to get better sleep, exercise, and eat more healthily. Of course, all those things count, but they won’t resolve the issue in 100% of cases, particularly if you’re already doing those things.

In this post, then, we’ll discuss how to go about considering fatigue, even if you’re not sure where this new issue stems from:

Has Your Nutritional Intake Changed?

If your nutritional intake has changed, then it could be you’re exposing yourself to an allergy you didn’t know you had, or you’re reacting with sensitivity to that new ingredient. It can be worth taking time to consult with an allergy doctor if only to rule this issue out.

For some people, sensitivities to food can be a little distracting but not entirely life-changing. For instance, people can be lactose-intolerant to various degrees, but fatigue is certainly a potential symptom that can be experienced.

If you’ve made a large change to your diet, such as limiting your carb intake, cutting out sugars entirely, stopping alcohol consumption or even switching from a balanced to ketogenic diet, your body can react with disrupted energy levels. This doesn’t have to mean you have to revert the change, only that you have to identify it, gauge its impact, and consider how long it’s going on for.

Note that your change in diet doesn’t have to be so drastic. Maybe you’ve been drinking coffee at around 3pm each day and it’s affecting your restful sleep each night, which is causing you to crash the following day. Even minor changes you don’t think about, such as this, can have an effect.

Are You Using Any New Medicines?

New medicines can, unfortunately, cause side effects or take time to adapt to. You may find this in the case of anti-depressants, anti-histamines causing drowsiness, and other prescription meds that might influence how you feel. Pain medications, especially stronger meds following surgeries, tend to cause people to sleep more easily.
It’s worth consulting with your doctor about your fatigue, especially if you’ve noticed a change since switching or lowering your medication intake. This way, they may be able to find an alternative, suggest that you complete the course to see if this is a temporary symptom, or quit this particular course of treatment altogether. In some cases, it’s just a matter of getting the dosages correct.

How Are Your Stress Levels?

Stress, and the hormone cortisol, can have odd impacts on the body. For example, it’s not uncommon for those under stress to break out in skin rashes because of it. However, stress can also affect fatigue levels too.

As you can imagine, stress is often a fear response, meaning that you often feel alert when under it. However, that “twice-burning of the candle” can lead to a deep crash which can lead to prolonged periods of fatigue.

If you’ve started a new job but feel incredibly tired because of it, have been suffering a health scare and feel exhausted thanks to that, or are simply dealing with new changes in life, it could be that your stress is manifesting itself, and needs a healthier outlet.

Could You Be Suffering Withdrawals

In some cases, withdrawals from both medicines and even bad habits can cause fatigue as our body learns to heal. We mentioned alcohol above (it’s always important to slowly taper off alcohol, particularly if you used to regularly binge drink, because the body needs it to function. A proper medical course of treatment should help with this), but it’s also important to include certain medications, and even consumption habits like sugar.

Even psychological withdrawals can have an impact, such as if you stop playing intensive video games or looking at erotic material online. That might sound odd, but both sets of stimuli are primed to encourage dopamine responses, which if abused over time can lessen your dopamine sensitivity. As your brain heals from this via a process called neuroplasticity, you may experience physical effects such as tiredness and faux-depressive symptoms.

What’s Your Routine Like?

It’s a simple question but it does matter – what’s your general routine like? Asking this question can help you more easily determine the best approach to take here.

For instance, if you rarely have a consistent bedtime due to shift pattern work (or just your neighbor purchasing a new speaker set), then it’s not hard to identify the culprit. If you’re rather disordered and messy in your personal life, such as finding yourself always rushing, or struggling to negotiate with children before the school run, or have too much on your plate, then your routine can be harmful, not helpful.

In these cases, addressing how you could alter your schedule for the better, or how you could help get back into a natural rhythm may assist you in feeling better rested during the day.

What’s The Extent Of Your Fatigue & How Does It Propagate?

Ultimately, it’s important to write down how your fatigue is being experienced. This can help medical assistants help you. Does it come at the same time each day? How pervasive does it feel? Does it stop you from feeling productive? Does it occur on the same days? How about the weekend when you don’t have to work?

These questions, if nothing else, can help identify a cause.

With this advice, you’re sure to take helpful steps towards understanding and potentially resolving fatigue.

How To Make Your Skin Feel Good

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. One of the keys to your personal health is the wellness of your skin. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Make Your Skin Feel Good.

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Everywhere you look there is a magazine that gives you an article about skin care. It will talk about Botox and microdermabrasion, how to cure redness and how to get rid of blushing. Skin care is at the forefront of everybody’s minds, because we all need to have good skin care tips to help us to flourish. The skin care tips usually point to doing the right thing for your skin. It will talk about cleansing correctly or moisturizing deeply, toning regularly and applying the right oils and serums to your face along with face masks. It’s a lot of work and it’s exhausting, and if you don’t have time for this much self care it can feel like a chore rather than a privilege. These are all things that may be great for the health of your skin but they might not feel too good when you’re doing them.

Being able to put your skin care routine in the hands of people such as Dr. Mendez and Dr. Salloum is the smart thing to do. Skin care routines become tiring and we seem to do the same things on repeat every day without being aware of the results. So, it may be that you’re turning to other solutions to make your skin feel good in a way that you can see it straight away rather than having to wait for weeks to see results of a serum you started using. Of course, these are the things you can do in addition to your existing skin care routine and you can spice it up a little bit. You want to make your skin feel pampered and nurtured, so here are the tips that will help you to do that.

Image source: Pexels

● Baby, it’s cold inside. While you may not like the feeling of the cold air hitting your cheeks, you may love the feeling of cold spoons or ice cubes. You can grab them straight from the freezer and it can relax and rejuvenate your skin pretty quickly. If you pop some steel spoons into your freezer at night time, you can then put them onto your eyes in the morning to reduce puffiness and exhaustion. It will instantly lift you up and make your skin feel more awake, fresher and looking lovely. You could even do the same job with an ice cube by rubbing it all over your face to inject that shot of energy that you need to wake up in the morning. The best part is that you also minimize your pause, which will be really helpful when you do your makeup routine.
● Reduce your current skin care routine. If your current routine is very elaborate with oils, lotions, potions and serums, you need to cool it a bit. Minimize your ritual to the following three: cleanser, toner and moisturizer. This may have been something you saw female relatives used for years, so now you need to jump on board. Keep the serums, masks and oils to just once or twice a month as a top up rather than something you do every day. Being able to cut down your current skin care routine is really going to help you stick to it.
● Get a facial. When you apply a moisturizer, it can feel really nice to smooth it across your skin and give yourself a facial massage. Booking yourself into an oxygen facial or to us targeted aromatherapy facial is a whole other ball game. You’ll be so surprised to see how much of a difference it can make in reducing the puffiness of your skin and increasing the blood circulation to the surface. Your skin will feel relaxed and calm, and that’s something that you could really write home about.
● Get your sweat on. When was the last time you did a workout that made you actually sweat? A little exercise can do wonders for the skin, and when you sweat it out you release a lot of toxins. Washing your face afterwards but not in the shower can help you to feel naturally revived and cleansed. You can pick any sport or activity of your choice here, it doesn’t have to be something that forces you to do cardio!

It’s never a bad idea to take care of your skin if you have the means to do so. Making sure that you are keeping your skin looking fresh and revived is going to keep you feeling confident and looking gorgeous. Focusing on your skin care will help you to appreciate the way that your skin looks.