Why More Iowans Are Using Solar Panels in Their Homes and Businesses

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In addition to being more environmentally friendly in terms of powering homes and businesses, there are financial incentives for incorporating this type of technology and one state in the union seems to be leading the charge in terms of its usage. The following contributed post is entitled, Why More Iowans Are Using Solar Panels in Their Homes and Businesses.

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Thanks to a number of incentives available, more and more Iowans have been adopting the use of solar panels in their home. Whether it’s tax incentives or easement laws, it’s become easier than ever to start using solar as your renewable energy source of choice. Regardless if you’re a homeowner or a business owner, solar can reduce your energy bills by a significant amount and also offer you a number of other benefits depending on your use case.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/mIlvCv21W1s (CC0)

What are the benefits of solar energy?

Solar panels come with a range of different benefits, but the most important ones are:

● A renewable energy source that reduces your carbon footprint.
● Reduced electricity bills thanks to solar energy powering many devices and electronics in your home.
● Low maintenance costs due to no moving parts and high reliability.
● Low maintenance as a user; all you need to do is clean it occasionally to remove debris and dirt that covers the panels.
● Constant technological improvements to efficiency and power generation.
● Space-saving design; solar panels typically stay on your roof and don’t demand extra space in your home or business.

The average cost of solar panel installations in Iowa

According to Energy Sage, the average cost of installing a solar panel in Iowa ranges from $14,408 to $19,492. This can seem extremely expensive, but it offers a constant return in the form of energy savings and there are many financial options and incentives to help you afford the installation. For many businesses and homes, you can expect to get your investment back in just 8 years. This is also known as the solar payback period. After that 8 year mark, any savings from solar are going to be pure savings that will be helping you save money.

These numbers are a rough estimate so it’s important to get in touch with a local solar company such as Iowa Solar to help you crunch the numbers and give you an accurate estimate based on your use case and location. Although the amount of sunlight that Iowa gets per year is fairly average by U.S. standards, it’s the incentives that have helped push many Iowans to adopt solar in their homes and businesses.

Iowa’s history as a renewable energy leader

Even back in March, Iowa passed important legislation that provided opportunities for solar energy to grow in the state. The bill highlighted the codifying of net metering in Iowa law and the grandfathering of existing customers into their current plans. It also discussed the transition to a Value of Solar rate in the future. Thanks to this legislation, Iowa’s solar industry has become a little more predictable and will continue to focus on low costs for all customers for both residential and commercial uses of solar.

Iowa has been a leader in renewable energy sources for many years now. They’ve constantly been pushing for wind and solar investments and, thanks to many collaborations between different organizations, Iowans have continued to enjoy the benefits of the state’s transition to clean energy at all levels.

Helping Older People Choose The Right Mobile Phone

Two key focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. Mobile phones have now become a part of our everyday lives. While the younger generations can and will adapt more easily to the technology, it can be a daunting task for the older generations. The following contributed post is entitled, Helping Older People Choose The Right Mobile Phone.

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A mobile phone is an everyday essential item that lets you stay in touch with family and friends. Some older people may have put off getting a mobile phone for many years, but now more than ever, it’s important to stay in contact with each other. Choosing a mobile phone can be hard as there are many devices to select from. If you are helping an older person choose a new phone, there are some things to consider.

Although there are many models available, there are two main types of phones to choose from, cell phones and smartphones. Cell phones have features that are designed to help older people, like emergency buttons, hearing aid support, and GPS tracking. The buttons are considerably bigger on a cell phone, and the interface is much easier to navigate.

Smartphones are more advanced and can be beneficial for seniors who are more tech-savvy. With features such as a bigger and brighter display, it makes it easier for older people who have eyesight problems. Another bonus for smartphones is that they come with a protective case so they won’t get badly damaged if they fall on the floor.

The below infographic from Fanmisenior explains in further detail the differences between a cell phone and smartphone and looks at which of two may be better suited to older people. When it comes to helping them choose the right phone, you need to keep in mind the different features and which will be more beneficial. Check the infographic out here.

Infographic Design By https://www.fanmisenior.com/news/what-is-the-best-mobile-phone-for-older-people-infographic

Maximizing Efficiency For Your E-Commerce Business

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In our new digital world, much of the commerce is done online. Even with the efficiencies already built into e-commerce, you want to make sure you’re going everything you can. The following contributed post is entitled, Maximizing Efficiency For Your E-Commerce Business.

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It’s been reported that e-commerce is the fastest-growing global retail channel through 2022. It is currently on course to become a larger retail channel than traditional grocery retail. Within the e-commerce space, the grocery sector looks set to be the fastest-growing area. E-commerce is changing how people shop for virtually everything.

One of the most important and fundamental aspects of the growth in e-commerce is convenience. Online retail allows customers to quickly and easily browse and shop. The buying process standards have increased to the extent that customers can make purchases using a single click. Consumers now have very high expectations when it comes to online purchases. A clunky website layout can be enough for someone to abandon their cart. In the era of next day delivery, e-commerce businesses must optimize operations.

Efficiency is becoming one of the most crucial elements of an e-commerce strategy. By prioritizing efficiency, companies can improve processes that ultimately lead to increased profitability in the long-term.

If you’re focusing on maximizing the efficiency of your e-commerce business, here are four key strategies you must consider implementing.

Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels.

1. Step up your digital marketing efforts

Digital marketing is the most crucial factor in promoting your e-commerce business. Ads must target specific customer segments, encouraging them to view your site or make purchases. Ensure that your adverts are keyword enabled and choose a strategy that’s best suited to your business. Consider cost per click (CPC) and pay per click (PPC) as two major advertising routes.

While there are many advertising and marketing options out there, e-mail is still one of the most important ways to advertise and grow.

By focusing on high-level digital strategies, you can concentrate on other areas of business with peace of mind that marketing is optimized.

2. Use a mail fulfillment service

Fulfillment efficiency can be the difference between retaining customers or losing them in the long-term. Logistics is tricky, particularly when you’re in competition with larger and more established companies. By outsourcing your marketing material fulfillment to a company such as Action-mailing.com, you can benefit from an existing specialized service, maximizing efficiency.

3. Focus on mobile customers

Modern companies must increase their focus on mobile customers. With increased reliance on smartphones, as well as the continued growth of social media, mobile customers are taking over a larger percentage of sales when it comes to e-commerce.

The company website, buyer journey, and purchasing process must be optimized for mobile customers. Advertising and marketing content must also take mobile customers into consideration. This makes for a more efficient sales process.

4. Utilize the data

No matter your industry, data should be used to gain insights into the effectiveness of your strategies. By utilizing the data provided by your website, social media channels, and digital advertising, you can spot opportunities to improve operations.

Pay attention to the data and look for ways to improve efficiency in all business functions. If the analysis tells you that customers are abandoning their carts on the second or third checkout page, perhaps you should consider streamlining the process to make it more efficient. SEOpressor.com put together a list of key tools to determine e-commerce performance.

Let data drive decision making and guide you toward being a more efficient business.

What Will Post-Covid Events Look Like?

Two key focuses of my blog are Current Events and Technology. The stark reality is that our world may be considerably different than what it used to be post-Covid. We will likely see a world that has a greater digital presence. The following contributed post is entitled, What Will Post-Covid Events Look Like?

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We are not going back to the safety of our pre-COVID lifestyle any time soon. Admittedly, it’s hard to imagine that the current pandemic will turn into a permanent health threat. However, businesses will likely face more than one COVID wave, so it’s essential to start thinking outside the box.

We can’t arrange for life events in the way we used to anymore – at some point in the future, it will be safe again. Therefore, businesses need to create health-conscious events that are engaging, exciting, and safe for the time being. For marketers, making health a strategic priority at the same level than any other objective requires a change of mindset. As useful as Zoom meetings have been since March 2020 – they’ve virtually rescued many companies from bankruptcy –, you need to think above and beyond the simple webcam trick.

Unsplash – CC0 License

A digital event only

Of course, video conferences and workshops remain a safe option for participants and guests. However, Zoom meetings and other popular video alternatives can lack engagement on a large scale. Turning a digital event into a platform for exchange can rely on smart and cost-effective social media strategies. Indeed, you can use social media to build a digital presence for your brand, ensuring that the event gets sufficient buzz online ahead of schedule. You can prepare your platform with event-related content. Uniqlo is a brand that has relied heavily on social media events to reach out to new audience groups.

A safe-distancing show

Can you be COVID-safe without going online? As the current restrictions are easing, you can arrange for an open event as long as your guests are social-distancing accordingly. A VIP event with a reduced number of guests can be the perfect answer to your problems. You can even record video material using a drone and a camera – if you’re not sure where to start, check online articles such as the RC Hobby Review. Once edited, the recording videos can be put together into a sum-up of the event. You can also add light features – LEDs are ideal for branding messaging on social-distancing venues!

Unsplash – CC0 License

A video community

Have you ever considered organizing an event when participants are in different places? You can encourage participants to send their videos on a specific topic, which can be edited to be played as part of branding films, for instance. Depending on your participants’ reputations, you can turn the events into a live-tweeting contest as you release the film.
Alternatively, you can also consider lifestreaming videos. While the effect may seem more real and engaging, streaming technology focuses on one venue only, which reduces the number of guests.

Storytelling via a mic

Everybody loves a good story, which is why podcasts are so popular. Podcasts are not life events; however, you can set up a recording studio with a streaming service. You can record guests via an online connection, running your podcasts on a communication tool such as Skype or Whatsapp calls. There may be a few microseconds delay due to broadband facilities, but you can ask in real-time questions that auditors are sending.

Are life events going to disappear? The answer is no. However, we need to adapt and transform our strategies to keep businesses and people safe. COVID-friendly events do not have to feel like another work Zoom meeting. On the contrary, you can get creative and design exciting arrangements for all.

Improving Your Digital Skills

Three focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, Professional Development/Skills and Technology. As our world becomes more technologically advanced, it’s imperative for current and future workers to become more fluent in skills in the technology sector. These skills will likely be the basis for our economy and world going forward. The following contributed post is entitled, Improving Your Digital Skills.

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If you’re looking to make moves online, there are a lot of different courses that can help you with this. So, what options are out there? Let’s take a look:

Cyber Security Training
There is only one place to begin, and this is with cybersecurity training. Data breaches are on the rise, and you cannot afford to take a risk.

There are basic cybersecurity courses that are available, which will take you through using and choosing a VPN, installing a firewall, and other basic cybersecurity features. However, there are also more advanced cybersecurity courses, which will take you through specialist security procedures, such as penetration testing.

Adobe Illustrator Training Classes And Photoshop Training
Adobe Illustrator training classes and Adobe Photoshop training courses are both highly popular. However, a lot of people struggle to choose between the two. If you are one of these people, don’t fret.
Both Illustrator and Photoshop are used by designers, video and film professionals, photographers, artists, and illustrators. However, a lot of animators and publishers also use Illustrator. Both are excellent platforms, you simply need to determine what is going to be the most suitable for your requirements.

Photoshop is the most popular Adobe program; it is great for modifying graphics and images that have already been created, like photos. Raster or bitmap graphics are created via this platform, with raster images being made up of pixels. Illustrator is advanced vector-based software, which means it does not use the same pixel-format as Photoshop; rather vector graphics are created using mathematical constructs. This is why Illustrator is often used to make logos or anything else that needs to be displayed or printed at different sizes. Therefore, an Adobe Illustrator course is advised for those creating logos. It is also considered the better choice for wireframing and sketching. However, if you are creating a website, Photoshop will probably be your go-to choice. Illustrator provides a lot of advantages for the design of interfaces nevertheless.

Finally, when it comes to digital art, it’s hard to separate the two; Photoshop is great for photo-based illustrations yet Illustrator is excellent for graphical illustrations.

Google Analytics Courses
Google Analytics is arguably the most popular marketing channel today, and so learning about it can certainly be beneficial. A basic course is all you need to get started, helping you with assessing different keywords and setting custom alerts. As time goes on, you may want to advance your learning, but a lot of people find that once they are comfortable with the platform they can advance their skills themselves and with online resources.

Sending Effective HTML Emails
When your business sends emails, you have two options; you can send plain text emails or HTML emails. The reality is that there is no competition between the two. To make the right impression and reap maximum benefits, HTML emails are a must.

An HTML email is one where you have the ability to customize how the email looks visually, i.e. you can underline text, change the header, include image, hyperlink text, incorporate various colors, and so on and so forth. The fact that text links can be clickable is important, as it makes it easier for readers to open the link in the email, and thus you increase the possibility of increasing website traffic. Another benefit of HTML emails is that they are easier to scan. If you only send plain text emails, some of the information can become lost in translation because it is difficult to make certain parts stand out, and thus recipients may simply ignore the emails you send. HTML emails are also crucial when branding your business. You will be able to incorporate graphics and colors, which are crucial for generating a visual impact and having a memorable impact on the viewer. Finally, one of the key advantages is that open rates can only be tracked with HTML emails and not plain text emails. How are you going to market effectively if you cannot track your results?

Are you interested in learning about WordPress? This is one of the most popular open-source content management systems (CMS). In fact, as of January 2015, WordPress was used by more than 23 percent of the top ten million business sites. Therefore, it really is a skill that anyone in web design and development needs to know. When choosing your training you have various options at your disposal, yet you are advised to go for a WordPress personal trainer, and in this section, we will reveal why.

● Catered to you – There is only one place to begin, and this is with the fact that this type of WordPress training is going to be entirely catered to you. Topics will be selected to suit your own needs, and so more time will be spent on any areas you struggle with, or any areas you want to focus on because you believe it will be best for your business.
● Learn at your own pace – In a classroom environment, it is likely that you will either get left behind or you will waste hours learning about things you already know. You can be sure that this will not happen with a WordPress personal trainer.
● Value for money – This leads onto the next point perfectly; value for money. Private training ensures value for money because you are extracting the maximum value from your experience. Every minute is spent on teaching the elements of WordPress that you need assistance with.
● Freedom to ask questions – Last but not least, you can stop and ask questions whenever you like. This is difficult to do when you are learning in a group.
● It is not difficult to see why the services of a WordPress personal trainer come so highly recommended over a classroom environment. The same can be said for other training courses as well, be it HTML training or an Adobe Illustrator course.

Cell Phone Coverage 2020

A key focus of my blog is Technology. Cell phones have become a part of our new digital world and all our lives. Its technology is ever evolving and it’s important to keep track of it. The following contributed post is entitled, Cell Phone Coverage 2020.

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When it comes to choosing the ideal cell phone provider, one of the most significant questions that you need to ask is “what kind coverage are you going to get?” For a long time this was just a matter of knowing what kind of signal you would get for phone calls. However, the coverage that different networks provide these days is often very different.

After all, not only does your cell phone network have to provide coverage for making and receiving calls but also for sms messaging. Not only that but with the rise of smartphones and other smart devices, the importance of digital data speeds are becoming a bigger and bigger concern. A network that doesn’t provide fast 5G coverage in certain areas is going to present a big issue for a lot of people both in their personal life but also in terms of their working lives as well.

If you’re trying to find the best possible coverage then you need to know who it is who’s going to be able to provide you with it and who you can rely on for consistent coverage no matter where you are or what you’re doing. The truth is that these factors can often be very changeable. Which providers offer the best coverage in which state is something that is often in flux so it’s always a good idea to make sure that you have all of the information that you need before making a decision.

The following infographic gives you all of the information you need to know about cell phone coverage in 2020.

Infographic designed by CellularStatus

How To Nail Your Social Media Branding

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re in business, a key aspect of your marketing strategy today has to involve social media as so many people are now plugged into it. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Nail Your Social Media Branding.

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Image Credit: Pexels. Free to Use Licence.

Building a brand for your business is one thing, but ensuring that your brand is relevant and carries over to your social media is another. Effective social media branding is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy and can be the difference between success and failure. If you’re unsure how to build your social media brand, then here are some tips that you may find useful.

Go back to basics and define your audience

Before you take a branding idea and run with it, it is crucial that you first take the time to thoroughly define your target audience. Defining your target audience on social media will allow you to create a brand identity that effectively resonates with the audience that you are trying to reach. When determining who your audience is, try not to cast your net too wide as this can make it difficult to refine your branding and does not automatically ensure that you will capture your target customers.

Don’t feel as though you need to be on every social media network

As you begin to define your target audience, it may start to become clear that your audience is not present on all social media platforms. Rather than wasting time, money, and energy on creating a brand presence on platforms your target customers do not use, start by focusing on one or two platforms that they use on a regular basis. Facebook and Twitter are usually a great platform to start with, as is LinkedIn if you are B2B, and Instagram for B2C content, but you may also want to consider trying TikTok, or YouTube who can help you to harness the power of video.

Create consistent valuable content

Your social media content is a direct reflection of your brand and should be written and designed to reflect your tone of voice and company values. Not all of the things you post need to have a sales angle, but it is essential that everything you post provides your followers with value. To make sure that your content is well thought out and is consistent, most businesses create a content strategy and try to build their content well in advance so that they can see how it sits together. As a general rule, for the maximum engagement, you should aim to make one Facebook post per day, 1-2 Instagram posts, 15 Tweets, 1 LinkedIn post and 1 TikTok per day,

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a professional branding or social media agency. Creating an effective social media brand and an efficient strategy is time-consuming and complex, which simply makes it unsustainable for many businesses to take on in-house. Do some research and get more information from some branding and social media agencies that cater to your sector to see if this is an avenue that is worth exploring.

So there you have it – a few simple tips to help you nail your social media branding. Is your business on social media? Which social media networks do you use?

Business Marketing: The Power of Video

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital world, there are a myriad of ways to market your business. A powerful tool for doing so is video. The following contributed post is entitled, Business Marketing: The Power of Video.

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Picture by Free-Photos from Pixabay – CC0 Licence

Video marketing is an essential component of most small and large companies’ marketing programs. Over the years, creating a video has become much more accessible to SMEs. Allowing them to make use of what is one of the most attractive content marketing techniques available.

With 75 million Americans watching videos online every day, videos maintain a profound influence in attracting and engaging customers. To find out more about how video marketing could benefit your business. Whether you own a startup that’s focusing on breaking even, or a long-established company, seeking to modernize your current marketing strategies. Below you can find a few reasons why videos are crucial.

Higher Ranking On Search Engines

Search engines like Google favor platforms online that host videos. Videos are respected as a valuable form of content by search engines. Providing the video created is appropriately optimized, it can work wonders for lifting the ranking of your, for example, company website. To optimize a video correctly, while uploading the video online, you must fill in the metadata and include relevant keywords.

Influences Purchasing Decisions

People are much more likely to purchase a product if there is a video demonstrating its use. It gives a customer’s buyers confidence as they can witness a product in action. According to Social Media Today, 90% of customers stated a video is fundamental in their decision-making journey, on whether to buy something. A video demonstration provides the viewer with a better understanding and appreciation of its functions and benefits.

If you have a smartphone or video recorder, you may be tempted to create your own video. However, it’s advised you source and partner with a Video Production Company that can curate quality and professional moving pictures for your business instead. Reason being, suppose you create a video that is inferior in quality, featured in bad lighting, or there’s a problem with script continuity. It shall tarnish a customer’s opinion of your company and the advertised product or service. Thus seeking an experienced video production company is crucial to eliminate this risk.

Easy To Digest

The public prefers watching videos because they’re easier to digest compared to written content. The accessibility and engaging qualities of video make it a popular medium for businesses to use and consumers to view.

It allows companies to present and inform users about their products adequately. And, better yet, customers are more likely to remember a video over stand-alone content and graphics.

Simple To Share

A business video can be distributed more or less anywhere online. A company website, a Youtube channel, a blog, and on most social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Vimeo.

With video, you can extend the reach of your business online and increase brand awareness. While you work to upload and distribute your video across the web, once your target audience sees it, (providing it’s relevant to them, informative, engaging, and entertaining), consumers are likely to share it!

To unlock the power of video as a useful marketing tool for business, companies need to seek a production team with experience creating compelling motion pictures for enterprises.

How Does Light Impact Productivity Levels?

Two key focuses of my blog are Organizational and Management Discussions and Technology. When you’re running an organization and are in management, a huge consideration is how to create the optimal workspace to get the most productivity out of your staff. It turns out that light has a lot to do with this. The following contributed post is entitled, How Does Light Impact Productivity Levels?

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Many business owners do not consider the lighting in their offices; they simply go for the cheapest solution they can find in order to keep their costs down. However, this could be costing you money, as poor lighting can have an extremely detrimental impact. In fact, did you know that 68 per cent of employees complain about the lighting situation in their office? With that being said, read on to discover more about the issue and why LED office lighting is a must.

Light and productivity in the office
First, let’s take a look at how lighting has an impact on productivity. It is believed that poor lighting accounts for a two per cent loss in productivity per year. This may not sound like a lot, but that is two per cent for each worker! Moreover, 24 per cent of office workers have stated that discomfort and eyestrain has caused a loss of work. When the lighting is poor, it puts unnecessary strain on the eyes, which is only made worse when workers spend all day looking at a computer screen. Their eyes become irritable and they experience discomfort, which means they cannot work as efficiently. Some people need to take themselves away from the environment so that their eyes go back to normal.

This is why you would be wise to consider investing in LED lighting for your offices. There are many benefits associated with going down this route. One of the main reasons they are ideal for the workplace is because they do not contain any toxic elements, and a lower amount of energy consumption is used as well. Not only does this ensure a better working environment, but also you don’t have to worry about your utility bills going up either. In fact, you are more likely to save, as these bulbs are much more energy-efficient. All in all, you will be shocked by how much of a difference LED office lighting can have on productivity levels.

Light and productivity in an industrial setting
Choosing lighting solutions with care is not only important when it comes to an office setting, but it makes a massive difference in warehouses and in a commercial setting as well. If you speak with experienced manufacturer engineering consultants, they will tell you that lighting plays a massive role when creating a manufacturing center for any client. Not only does it make a massive difference in terms of productivity, but it is imperative when it comes to safety as well.

If you do not have the correct lighting within an industrial setting, you could easily end up creating an environment whereby people cannot do their work properly. This presents massive dangers when using heavy machinery, which need to have the perfect setting. You cannot afford to cut corners or take any sort of risk.

So there you have it: an insight into lighting and the important role that it plays in any sort of commercial setting. This should never be ignored at any business!

An Introduction To Cladding

A key focus of my blog is Technology. Not everyone is familiar with cladding though it is a key aspect of constructing and optimizing buildings and building usage. The following contributed post is entitled, An Introduction To Cladding.

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Cladding does not form an integral part of the building, but covers it, shielding it from the elements and from heat loss. It also provides a range of other benefits, such as protecting the fabric of the building from damage, offering additional security and aesthetic appeal.

What Is Cladding?
It is first worth explaining the wider term that you’ll often see in the same context – the ‘building envelope’. Simply put, the building envelope encompasses all the elements that go to make up the physical separator between the internals of any building and the exterior. That might include the floor and roof, the walls and the doors, along with any roof lights or roof windows that might be fitted to the property in question. The building envelope is what helps to preserve a controlled interior environment that protects the building, its occupants and any activity that takes place within from what’s outside. That might primarily be the weather in the majority of cases, but could also include noise pollution. It is additionally expected to provide thermal insulation and control heat loss from the building, and even protect against fire, whether from spreading from in the building or from entering the building if the fire is outside its walls.

Cladding can be one important element of the building envelope. Whether incorporated into the original design of the building or added later as part of a refurbishment, rain shield composite panels involve applying an additional layer to the outside of the building. It’s not part of the structure in the same way as bricks and mortar or timber may be, but it’s a skin which helps to offer a further degree of weather resistance and thermal insulation. Cladding can also add to the aesthetic appearance of the building.

The Benefits Of Cladding
So having given a broad outline, what advantages does cladding offer to a building? Whether you are a business owner or a homeowner, you’ll know that there’s pressure on us all to reduce our energy consumption for environmental reasons. With energy prices rising all the time, we understand that’s to our benefit from a cost point of view too. The Carbon Trust’s research has shown that up to 60% of the energy used to heat a typical office is lost through the fabric of the building. Around 22% alone escapes through the roof and 9% through the walls. Cladding provides a degree of insulation that can prevent those losses, and therefore, reduce a business’ spend on the costs of heating its premises.

Wall cladding also plays an important role in preserving the fabric of the building. While it doesn’t strictly add to the structural integrity and therefore, the stability of the construction, it can prolong its lifespan in a number of ways. From directing rainwater away, so it does not infiltrate and damage the building’s structure to forming protection against the spread of fire, cladding can ensure your home or business premises need less maintenance on an ongoing basis and will survive longer than without it. By adding a level of soundproofing, it also protects privacy internally and reduces external noise pollution. And finally, it can be used to create an external façade that is more attractive or blends in better with its surroundings than that of the structure itself.