Perspectives on Modern Reproductive Biology, Biological Clocks, Freezing Eggs and Sperm, and Increased Vasectomies

“I intentionally said potential unintended consequences above because economists such as Thomas Malthus and scientists such as Paul R. Ehrlich once theorized that the world would become overpopulated with human beings. I suspect they were not alone then and today.”

A Brave New World

It goes without saying that we were living in unprecedented times. Something I ponder and state frequently on my original YouTube channel, Big Discussions76 is that it is a very different world than it was 60-70 years ago when my parents and their peers were young. People from 100 years ago furthermore would not recognize today’s world. A major change has been in gender roles and relations. An unintended consequence of the political and social changes put into place in the 1970s has been added complexities to family creation and reproduction. It likewise is no longer a simple calculus nor is it a forgone conclusion that everyone will form families in the traditional sense and create progeny.

Do Culture and Environment Impact Behavior?

I could say that it is simply societal changes but concern about whether planet Earth will be here in another 20 years is also affecting people today. I have started covering the climate debate on my science and technology YouTube channel entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. As with many things there have been potential unintended consequences from the debate, particularly the Climate ‘Alarmist’ side. It seems fear of the world burning up and not being here in future has dissuaded younger people from having children. I intentionally said potential unintended consequences above because economists such as Thomas Malthus and scientists such as Paul R. Ehrlich once theorized that the world would become overpopulated with human beings. I suspect they were not alone then and today.

By the way the United States and other western countries are at negative replacement levels, something not openly discussed though the fruits of which many of us will witness in our lifetimes. I first learned about Paul R. Ehrlich from the late Dr. Joseph Fail, Jr. as an undergraduate at Johnson C. Smith University. I did not understand the significance of Mr. Ehrlich’s fear/theory though I do currently wonder if his and Mr. Malthus’ concerns have undergirded the social and policy decisions that have shaped our current world.

Biological Reproductive Clocks and Freezing Eggs and Sperm

On my science and technology YouTube channel, I am trying to forge a path as a science influencer. As often as I can, I create content on novel science topics. Something that’s flying under the radar for much of our population, particularly the older generations, is the reproduction of the population described above. Some of the Baby Boomers are seeing younger people not pairing up and reproducing the way they did and are scratching their heads. Again in 2023 it is not a forgone conclusion that everyone will reproduce or wants to do so today.

A dynamic that has emerged is that of waiting until the right time in life to reproduce due to career or personal preference. This dynamic has brought to the forefront the principles of biological reproductive clocks and freezing eggs and sperm. Below are three livestreams I created on my science and technology YouTube channel. The first involves the science of freezing eggs. The second looks at the flipside and discusses men’s biological clocks and the potential need to freeze sperm. I did not cover it in my live stream but according to an article from Forbes, the cost to freeze sperm can range from $250 to $775, and costs of storage can range from $100 to $500 per year. As a bonus, I am going to also embed my video discuss increased vasectomies among younger men as an unintended consequence of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe vs Wade.

“There’s TOO many men, TOO many people, causing TOO many problems, and not much logic around!” Just as I finished this piece, I heard Phil Collins’ iconic lyrics from the 1980s song, Land of Confusion performed by Genesis in my head. Along with men like the late great Carl Sagan, Phil must have seen the future. I think these lyrics are also an appropriate way to end this piece.

I have also started a newsletter. The information is below the three embedded videos below. Please consider signing up. By the way if you watch any of the videos, please hit the like button and consider subscribing to either of the two channels.

A Discussion On The Science Of Freezing Eggs

Do Men Have A Biological Reproductive Clock And Need To Freeze Sperm?

What Is Behind The Increase In Male Vasectomies?

The Big Words LLC Newsletter

For the next phase of my writing journey, I’m starting a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at . Best Regards.

Why You Need Smart Tech At Your Small Business

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today modern digital world smart technology is everywhere. Nowhere is it more than in your business operations. The following contributed post is entitled, Why You Need Smart Tech At Your Small Business.

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CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

With the rise of mobile devices and apps, you are probably aware of some of the most useful features on your personal phone. But you need smart tech at your business to help you stay ahead because your competitors will also be looking at ways they can use new systems.

Actively Monitoring Your Systems

When your services are up, so is business. But if you aren’t there to keep an eye on things, you don’t know how well things are going. One of the key features of smart tech is that it can provide an all-in-one appliance management solution, so you always know what is happening. With a reliable internet connection, smart tech can keep you informed with alerts. This means you can keep an active and stable business going even when you’re not there to manage it yourself.

Solidifying Existing Infrastructure

There is no long-term business if your supporting technologies aren’t up to scratch. So you need to select the right services for what you and your valued customers need. Fortunately, some of the best smart tech around today makes this easier than ever. For example, you can use apps to manage projects and employees, access daily tasks for your business, and provide more security to your critical systems. As a result, you have a robust operation with minimal hazards.

You Need Smart Tech for Safety

Further to security, smart tech enables a safer business, company, and work environment. And you don’t even need to worry about costs. Most reliable services, such as managed IT, offer tiered payment solutions for any size of business with all kinds of needs. And this can be as simple as using automatic updating for your small business antimalware packages. Of course, you can link security systems with apps to alert you to any failures or impending attacks.

Working from Anywhere at Any Time

A vital feature of almost any smart tech system is the ability to link to cloud systems. Cloud systems work over the internet and offer enhanced ways to operate pretty much anything. For example, you can access your store’s CCTV systems while you are at home. Or you can manage your business virtually with collaboration apps, project management, and even HR services. This also applies to your employee who can also access core services from home.

Future Proofing Your Services

There are many smart solutions for all types of businesses. Cloud services alone are predicted to grow to almost 50% of business by the end of 2023. Because of this, partners, employees, and, of course, customers will expect your company to use reliable and common smart technologies, or you risk losing out to the competition. Some of the benefits of future-proofing with modern smart tech include more income, increased growth, and keeping good employees.


There are many reasons why you need smart tech and other types of modern systems. You can monitor systems for safety, get alerts and updates and ensure your business is ready for any future expansion plans. Also, you can take advantage of the work-from-home revolution.

How To Incorporate Technology-oriented Learning Solutions Into Struggling Communities

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. One of the things that is a hallmark of struggling communities, is access to technology. As such, access can limit areas like education. The following guest post is entitled, How To Incorporate Technology-oriented Learning Solutions Into Struggling Communities.

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Technology-oriented learning solutions provide an effective way to bring educational opportunities to communities that are struggling. There are numerous benefits, such as increased access to educational materials and improved engagement between students and teachers. However, for these solutions to be successful, they must be appropriately implemented. Here are tips for incorporating technology-oriented learning solutions into the educational institutions of struggling communities.

Leverage Existing Resources

It’s essential to leverage existing resources when introducing technology-oriented learning solutions in struggling communities. This includes looking at what software and hardware are already available and how they can be used most effectively. While starting from scratch may seem like a good idea, this can often be more costly in the long run. It’s essential to take stock of all the resources that are already available before making any decisions.

Start Small

When introducing new technology-oriented learning solutions, it’s best to start small and build up from there. For example, if you decide to introduce tablets into classrooms, it may be best to start by providing one tablet per classroom rather than providing every student with their own device right away. By starting small, you can gain valuable insight into how the technology is used before investing further resources into expanding the program.

Involve Educators and Community Members

Educators and community members must be involved in the process when introducing new technology-oriented learning solutions into struggling communities. This ensures that everyone is on board with the program and will help ensure its success in the long run by ensuring that there is buy-in from all stakeholders involved.

To reach out to educators and community members, creating a dialogue with them is essential. Listening to their opinions will make it easier to tailor the program to fit their needs and ensure that everyone is comfortable with the changes. Establishing a good relationship with them before the program is implemented will go a long way in ensuring it can be successful.

Partner With Other Organizations

When introducing new technology-oriented learning solutions, partnering with other organizations with experience in the field can be beneficial. Partnering with other organizations allows you to leverage their expertise and resources to create a successful program. Additionally, partnering with other organizations may make it easier for struggling communities to access funding or grants. This is because many of these organizations are already well-connected and established.

For example, partnering with an education research and development institute can help provide access to otherwise unavailable resources in a struggling community. They may be able to provide professional development workshops, assessments, and more. This can help support teachers and students as they adjust to using new technology-oriented learning solutions.

Establish Guidelines and Policies

Establishing guidelines and policies around the use of technology within educational institutions of struggling communities is essential if you want your program to succeed in the long run. These guidelines should include proper usage of devices during class time and acceptable online behavior while using devices both inside and outside of school hours.

Additionally, it’s essential to establish policies around the maintenance of technology and what measures should be taken for repairs or replacements in the event any devices become damaged. Taking these steps will ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to using technology correctly and efficiently and can help prevent potential problems before they arise.

Train Teachers and Students on Proper Usage

Once you have established guidelines for tech usage within your educational institution, teachers and students must receive proper training on how to use these devices safely and effectively within their classrooms or homes for online learning purposes respectively. Training should include topics such as cyber security, creative problem solving, and coding, as well as other core subjects related directly to technology.

Having students engaged in the training process can help to ensure that they understand how to use the devices safely and responsibly, as well as provide them with valuable skills that can be used both inside and outside of the classroom. Additionally, training teachers on the use of technology within their classrooms can help ensure that they are prepared to integrate technology-oriented learning solutions into their instruction.

Incorporating technology-oriented learning solutions into struggling communities can open up a whole world of possibilities when it comes to education opportunities for students who may not otherwise have access to them. However, it’s important that these programs are adequately implemented in order for them to be successful. By following these tips, you can ensure that your program reaches its full potential while also helping create meaningful change within your community.

Learning About the Technology Businesses Use for Efficient Communication

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s highly digital world, technology is used in most every facet of business. If you’re looking to go into business yourself, it’s important to be well versed the multiple technologies. The following guest post is entitled, Learning About the Technology Businesses Use for Efficient Communication.

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Businesses must keep up with the latest technology to remain efficient and competitive. This can be a challenge, but staying current is essential to survive. Communication is one of the most critical aspects of business, so it’s necessary to have a system that allows for quick and easy communication between employees, customers, and clients.

There are a few different business communication systems available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few of the most popular options:

1. Email

Email is a great way to communicate with people inside and outside your company. It’s fast and easy to use, and most people already know how it works. It’s also one of the most cost-efficient options available. However, email’s downsides are that people can use it to send spam messages, and it’s not always secure.

If you’re sending sensitive information, you may want to consider another option. Many businesses use a combination of email and another communication system, such as instant messaging or chat. This way, employees can quickly communicate via email and have more secure conversations using another method.

2. Instant Messaging

In the past, people primarily used instant messaging for personal conversations. However, more and more businesses are also starting to use it for work. This is because it’s a great way to keep employees connected and can be more secure than email. It’s also fast and easy to use, which makes it ideal for busy workplaces.

The downside of instant messaging is that it’s not always secure, and some people may find it distracting. While working, employees should only use instant messaging for work-related conversations and should avoid using it for personal chats.

3. IP PBX system

An IP PBX is a private branch exchange that uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to route calls. It’s an excellent option for businesses that need to make many calls, as it’s more efficient than a regular phone line. A multi-tenant IP PBX solution can also be used by multiple businesses, which can save money.

But an IP PBX system can be expensive to set up and maintain. It’s also not as widely used as other options, so you may have to train employees to use it correctly. You may also need to purchase additional hardware, such as VoIP phones. But, if you take many calls daily, this system can save you money in the long run.

4. Cloud-based solutions

Many businesses are now using cloud-based solutions for their communication needs. This is because it’s more flexible and can be accessed from anywhere. It’s also often more affordable than other options. Many cloud-based solutions offer group chat, video conferencing, and file sharing features.

However, some businesses may not want to store their data in the cloud. And, if you have a lot of data, you may need to purchase more storage than what’s offered for free. Additionally, cloud-based solutions may not be the best option if you have a slow internet connection because they can be slow to load.

5. Social media

Social media is a great way to connect with customers and promote your brand. It’s also an excellent way to keep employees up-to-date on company news. Because social media is so popular, there are many different platforms to choose from. Some of the most popular options include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

But social media for business communication can have some downsides. First, it’s not always secure, so you should avoid sharing sensitive information. Additionally, because it’s publicly accessible, anyone can see the information you share. And, if you’re not careful, you may accidentally share too much information.

6. Chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs that try mimic human conversation. Businesses use them to answer customer questions or help with customer service. Many companies are now using chatbots because they’re available 24/7 and can save time. They also don’t get tired, so they can provide consistent service.

However, chatbots aren’t perfect. They may not be able to understand all questions, and they can sometimes give inaccurate answers. Additionally, chatbots can’t replace human interaction altogether. If you need to have a complex conversation, you may need to talk to a real person, which a chatbot can do by redirecting clients to a human customer service representative.

There are many different options for business communication, and the best choice for your business will depend on your needs. If you’re unsure which option is best for you, consider talking to a communication expert. They can help you choose the right solution for your business. With the right solution, you can improve communication and make your business more efficient.

Business Technology Tools: Secrets to Success

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. Today technology is a part of all our lives in varying capacities. It is especially critical in the business world and if you’re not maximizing your usage of it, you’re likely falling behind. The following guest post is entitled, Business Technology Tools: Secrets to Success.

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With continuous technological advancements, businesses are under constant pressure to adopt the latest tools and platforms to stay ahead of the competition. However, with a plethora of options available in the market, it can be challenging to identify which technologies will be most beneficial for your business.

Below are some must-have technologies that can help take your business to the next level.

Recruitment Software

Of course, every business needs employees to function. However, the process of recruiting can be time-consuming and expensive. Luckily, many recruitment software simplifies the process by automating repetitive tasks such as posting job ads and sorting through resumes. It allows you to spend more time interviewing candidates and making the best hiring decisions for your business.

So if you don’t have one yet, it’s time to get a hold of this technology tool. Many providers offer this tool at an affordable price, usually around $45 to $950 a month, depending on your needed features.

But if you’re on the tighter end of the budget, don’t fret. You can find many recruitment management software for free. So, there’s no excuse not to use this tool.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

CRM software helps businesses manage their customer relationships effectively. It provides a 360-degree view of customers, captures customer interactions, and stores essential customer information such as contact details and purchase history. This valuable data can help identify trends, improve marketing strategies, and boost sales.

Suppose you’re not using a CRM system yet. In that case, you’re missing out on many opportunities to understand better and serve your customers. Like most applications, CRM software is available in both free and paid versions. However, suppose you want more features and customization options. In that case, you’ll need to opt for the paid versions, which can cost anywhere from $12 to $300 per month.

Whichever CRM system you choose, ensure it integrates smoothly with your business’s existing systems and processes. You can avoid disruptions and get the most out of this tool.

Social Media Marketing

With over 4 billion active social media users worldwide, businesses can no longer afford to ignore the power of social media marketing. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide firms with an incredibly effective way to reach out to their target audience.

Businesses can build a solid social media presence by creating engaging and relevant content. It will help them boost brand awareness, drive traffic to their website, and generate leads. That’s why it’s essential to have a social media marketing strategy in place.

Many companies now offer services to help businesses with their social media marketing efforts. So, if you don’t have the time or resources to do it yourself, consider outsourcing this critical task to a reliable agency. This way, you can focus on running your business while leaving the social media marketing to the experts.

Data Analytics

Data is one of the most critical assets for any business. With the help of data analytics tools, companies can make sense of large data sets and glean valuable insights. It can help improve their decision-making process.

Data analytics tools help businesses track and analyze customer behavior, understand market trends, and optimize their marketing and sales strategies. This way, they can make more informed decisions to help grow their business.

And since a computer predicts the future better than any human, businesses that use data analytics will have a significant competitive advantage over those that don’t.

Many data analytics tools are available on the market, so, regardless of your budget and needs, you should be able to find one that fits your needs.

Task Tracking Software

Before the internet, it was nearly impossible for businesses to track the progress of their employees’ tasks. But now, with task tracking software, companies can easily monitor employee performance and productivity.

This type of software allows managers to assign tasks to employees, set deadlines, and track the progress of each job. This way, they can ensure that tasks get completed on time and that employees are working efficiently.

Many task-tracking software applications are available, so it’s essential to find one that fits your business’s needs. Some of the most popular options include Asana, Trello, and Basecamp. Whichever one you choose, make sure it’s easy to use and that it integrates seamlessly with your business’s existing systems.

The above are just a few essential technologies that can help businesses grow. By investing in these tools, you’ll be able to understand your customers better, track employee performance, and make more informed decisions. So, don’t wait any longer; get started today and see the difference for yourself.

Technology and Real Estate: Streamlining Acquisition Process

Three focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship, Home/Property Discussions and Technology. Just with every other sector, the real estate world has been impacted and in many ways enhanced by technology. The following guest post is entitled, Technology and Real Estate: Streamlining Acquisition Process.

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Technology has had a profound impact on the real estate industry. It has allowed for more streamlined processes and made it easier than ever to locate your next property. Below are some ways technology can help you during your next real estate transaction.

Online Listings

In the past, finding a property that fits your specific needs could be a challenge. You would have to rely on print advertisements, word-of-mouth, or brokerages to see listings that met your criteria. After which, you would have to set up appointments to view the properties in person.

However, with today’s technology, this is no longer necessary. Most property listings are online, and you can effortlessly search by specific criteria such as location, price range, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, etc.

It’s an excellent way to save time and streamline your real estate acquisition process.

Virtual Tours

Another advantage of technology in the real estate industry is virtual tours. It can be highly beneficial if you’re looking to purchase a property but live in a different city or state from the property you are interested in.

Virtual tours give you a realistic way to view a property without being physically present. You can view the properties remotely via video walkthroughs, which means that you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to get a glimpse of what the property has to offer.

It eliminates the hassle of arranging viewings and makes finding the right property for your needs easier.


There are different apps to buy a house, and they can be beneficial in your search for the perfect property.

For example, some applications allow you to search for homes based on location and find information about schools, crime rates, and other essential factors. It also provides user-generated reviews of neighborhoods.

These apps show you updated listings in real-time, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on a newly-listed property. It also allows you to make an offer or schedule a viewing in the blink of an eye. So whether you are searching from afar or prefer a more digital approach, it can be a valuable tool to help navigate your search.

Property Checklists

Of course, buying a property is a considerable investment, and you want to be sure that you are making the best decision for your needs. This part is where technology can help.

Nowadays, many online checklists are available to help you evaluate a property and ensure that it meets all of your requirements. These checklists can help you stay organized and on track during your search, so you don’t worry about making mistakes.

Plus, you can refer to these checklists when it’s time to negotiate the purchase price. By having a list of all the must-haves, you can be sure that you are getting the best deal possible on your dream home.

Professional Support Services

Once you’ve found the perfect home for your needs, it’s crucial to have reliable, professional support services to help with the acquisition process.

From working with a realtor and mortgage broker to having an inspection team verify that all systems are in good condition, having an experienced team on your side can help you navigate the buying process with ease.

Many websites offer a list of qualified professionals in your area to ensure that you are working with the best possible team for your needs. It allows you to tap into the resources and expertise of experienced professionals to feel confident that you are making the best decision for your next property.

Loan Matching Services

Technology has also made it easier to get pre-qualified for a mortgage and compare different loan options. In the past, you would have to work with a bank or broker to find out what you qualify for and compare interest rates.

Nowadays, online services can help you do this quickly and easily. You can input your information and estimate the monthly payments for different loan types. It can help you streamline your search and enable you to find a property that fits within your budget.

Besides, it gives you a better understanding of your financing options and allows you to shop around for the best deal.

Automatic Payment Systems

When you’re buying a property, there are a lot of payments that you need to make on time. It can be challenging to keep track of everything, from the deposit to closing costs.

Fortunately, technology has helped you stay on top of your payments with automatic payment systems. You can set up automatic payments for your mortgage, insurance, and other associated costs.

It takes the guesswork and stress to make sure you’re making your payments on time. So you can focus on enjoying your new home.

Technology has revolutionized the real estate industry and made it easier for buyers to find their dream property. From online listings, virtual tours, applications, property checklists, professional support, and loan matching services to automatic payment systems, there are different ways that technology can help streamline your real estate acquisition process. Keep these in mind when you’re ready to start your search.

How Technology Is Changing Manufacturing and its Workforce

A key focus of my blog is technology. As our world becomes more and more technological, everything is becoming impacted, in this instance manufacturing industries. The following guest post is entitled, How Technology Is Changing Manufacturing and its Workforce.

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Technology has become pervasive in our society; it’s difficult to imagine how things would work without the many gadgets and machines that make life easier. This holds especially true for companies that depend on mass production, such as manufacturers.

As technology is getting more advanced and widespread, there is a shift in the way things are made and the skills required for manufacturing jobs. Here are some examples of how technology is changing manufacturing and its workforce.

1. Automation

Manufacturers are starting to use automation in their facilities because it provides them with many benefits, such as ease of use and efficiency. Automated machines let the manufacturers produce more in less time; in addition, they can be operated by fewer people. A manufacturer in California, for example, has four employees and produces 80 million metal parts per year. It needs only 50-55 workers to produce such a massive amount of products, given that it has automated the production process using robots programmed with assembly lines.

2. Use of Cobots

What are cobots? Cobots are what people call collaborative robots, which collaborate with human workers instead of replacing them. Collaborative robots work alongside humans to make the workflow more efficient. For example, a cobot can be programmed to place objects exactly where they need to go for assembly. This way, workers don’t have to spend time walking around the facility looking for what they need; instead, they can do what they’re supposed to do – which is assemble parts together – while the cobot does what it’s supposed to do.

3.3D Printing

3D printing is a type of manufacturing where raw materials are turned into parts and products. It’s used to transform digital designs into real objects that can be held in one’s hand. It works by putting down layers of material, such as plastic or metal, to create durable and strong parts using CAD (Computer Assisted Design) software. 3D printers were only accessible to large companies with well-established connections; now, however, they have become more affordable for smaller businesses as well. As a result, it has become part of the manufacturing process for many companies.

4 . Virtual Reality

Virtual reality lets people experience a different time, place, or world entirely. It takes them to imaginary places that don’t exist outside of the digital realm. While virtual reality was once a gimmick used only in video games and science fiction films, it’s becoming part of real-life as well. Manufacturers are now using virtual reality for training workers on how to make something from start to finish.

5. Improved Communication

There is improved communication between manufacturers and the people who buy their products. Manufacturers can now interact with customers directly through social media. This way, customers can tell the manufacturer exactly what they want and expect from a product before it hits the market. The manufacturer can work on perfecting an idea based on these suggestions without investing time and money in manufacturing something that’s not wanted by consumers.

6. Increased Collaboration

Collaboration has also become easier due to technology. Manufacturers are now able to work together across state lines or even across the world. It’s not uncommon for manufacturers to hire consultants from other countries because they have knowledge, expertise, and experience that one can’t find domestically. There is an increased emphasis on allowing people to work remotely as well, which isn’t possible without effective online collaboration tools.

7. More Training Opportunities

Technology makes training easier too, both for workers and factory managers. Online platforms allow managers to take courses through their computers at any time of day or night without having to take off from work. A lot of manufacturing companies now require employees to take classes, so they can stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements that keep companies competitive. What used to require a college education is now only necessary for high-level management positions.

8. New Jobs

Technology is creating new jobs as well, which are often more high-tech than the manufacturing jobs that once existed. For example, there are now 3D printers, CAD designers, computer numerical control operators, cobot programmers, data analysts…the list goes on. There are also many other types of administrative positions that didn’t exist before technology. With the steady growth of technology in manufacturing, this list will only continue to grow.

Technology has had a profound impact on the manufacturing industry and the workforce. It has made the process more efficient and has allowed for increased collaboration between manufacturers. It has also made training easier, both for workers and managers. As technology advances, it is likely that even more changes will take place in the manufacturing landscape.

How Technology Is Changing The World You Live In

A key focus of my blog is Technology. As the years go on, technology is going to become steadily more and more advanced. As such it’s important to understand how it’s going to change our world. The following contributed post is entitled, How Technology Is Changing The World You Live In.

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There is no doubt that technology has changed the world you live in. There are now countless ways to connect with others, and new technologies are emerging all the time. It can be hard to keep up with it all! This blog post will take a look at how technology has changed your lives and where it is headed in the future. It will also discuss the implications of these changes and how they might affect you individually and in society.

Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels

1) How Has Technology Changed The World?

There is no question that technology has had a significant impact on the world. It has completely changed the way you connect with others and share information. In the past, if you wanted to communicate with someone, you had to either speak to them in person or send them a letter. Nowadays, You can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world via text, email, social media, or video chat. This has made it easier for you to stay in touch with loved ones and friends, and it has also allowed you to connect with new people from all over the world.

Technology has also changed the way you learn. You no longer have to go to school or university to get an education. You can now access educational materials online for free, and there are countless online courses available. This has made it easier for people to learn new skills and knowledge, and it has also allowed them to study whatever they are interested in.

Finally, technology has changed the way you work. You can now work from anywhere in the world, thanks to the internet. This has allowed many people to telecommute or start their own businesses. It has also allowed you to connect with others who share your interests and collaborate on projects from afar.

So, how has technology changed the world? In short, it has changed the way you communicate, learn, and work. These changes have had a significant impact on your lives and have allowed you to do things that were once impossible.

2) How Will Technology Continue To Change The World In The Future?

Technology is constantly evolving, and it is safe to say that it will continue to change the world in the future. In fact, many experts believe that the world is currently on the cusp of a new technological revolution – the fourth industrial revolution. This revolution is being driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and blockchain technology.

AI is already starting to change the way you live your life. For example, there are now AI-powered virtual assistants who can help you with tasks such as booking appointments or ordering food. In the future, AI will become even more sophisticated and will be able to do things like drive cars or diagnose diseases.

Robotics is also evolving at a rapid pace. There are now robots that can perform surgery, and there are also robot vacuum cleaners that can clean your house for you. In the future, you may even see robots taking over many of your jobs.

Finally, blockchain technology is changing how you transfer money and store data. It has already started to disrupt industries such as banking and finance, but in the future, it could disrupt other industries too. Blockchains for NFTs, like, are starting to make an appearance and it will change the world forever. For example, blockchain could prevent people from copying music or films without paying for them.

In conclusion, technology is changing the world at an unprecedented rate, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. The fourth industrial revolution is already underway, and it is poised to change the way you live your life even further. So what does the future hold for you? Only time will tell!

Ways Technology Makes The World More Convenient

A key focus of my blog is Technology. As the years go on, there will be more and more emerging technologies that will make our lives and our world more convenient. The following contributed post is entitled, Ways Technology Makes The World More Convenient.

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Technology is one of the most talked-about and used things in today’s world. It is often considered a necessity for business owners to be technologically savvy and have an understanding of how it can help their business grow. What many people don’t realize is that technology, especially software, has been playing a role in making life more convenient for a very long time. This blog post will explore how technology makes the world easier for everyone!

Photo by Eduardo Dutra from Pexels

Technology Makes Communication More Convenient

Technology has made it easier to communicate with others. There are many different types of technology that people can use to contact, such as email, texting, or even social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. When you are working on an important business project and need the opinion of your colleague who works somewhere else, you don’t have to pick up the phone anymore. You could send them a quick text message which could save time instead of having another telephone conversation for fifteen minutes about something simple or small detail related to your work product or presentation at hand. This way, both parties will know what they need if their input is needed before the deadline day arrives – saving everyone valuable time throughout the process!

Technology Streamlines Business Processes

Technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate. From streamlined processes, with the help of things like accreditation management software, to increased communication, technology has made doing business easier than ever before. Let’s take a look at some of the specific ways technology has had an impact on business operations:

-Businesses can now operate globally with ease. Thanks to online payment processing and shipping options, businesses can sell products and services to customers around the world without having to open a physical location in each country.

-Businesses can now easily monitor operations from afar. With remote access tools, business owners don’t have to be in the office 24/seven; they can log on at any time from anywhere around the world through a mobile device or computer with an Internet connection.

Technology Facilitates Collaboration And Cooperation

The world is becoming smaller thanks to technology. Businesses can collaborate and cooperate through the use of the software. For instance, one company can outsource work to another business in a different part of the country or even around the globe. This has made it easier for businesses to expand their operations without investing in expensive real estate because they don’t have to hire more employees if they need extra help on certain tasks that require multiple sets of hands. The collaboration platform allows workers from different companies to come together as teams with complementary skill sets, so projects get completed faster, which ultimately leads to reduced costs by leveraging resources across organizations regardless of where those resources reside within an organization’s structure or outside its borders.

Technology Enhances Customer Service

One way that businesses use technology to improve customer service is by using digital signage. This is a type of marketing where messages are displayed on monitors or screens. Digital signage can provide information about products or services, promote special offers, announce events, and more. It can also be used as a tool for customer feedback. For example, customers can be given a tool to rate their experience on a scale of one to five, or they can be asked to provide feedback in a short survey. This allows businesses to collect data about customer satisfaction and make changes if necessary.

In conclusion, technology has made the world more convenient for everyone. Business owners have access to more tools and resources than ever before, making it easier for them to run their businesses. Consumers have access to more products and services than ever before, making it easier for them to find what they need.

How Technology Is Changing The Home

“Technology grows up around us and integrates with our lives in such a seamless way that we hardly know it’s there.”

Two focuses of my blog are Home/Living Discussions and Technology. As our world becomes more and more digital, life as we know it is adjusting as well, our homes included. The following contributed post is entitled, How Technology Is Changing The Home.

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Technology can be defined as “the practical application of knowledge”, and in this respect, technology has been around since our ancestors learned to make tools and light fires. However, today’s technology is a little different – we might call it digital technology -, and it’s advancing all the time. We’ve already seen the way that technology has elevated our gaming experience and with websites like retrogamepriceguide helping to recreate those games of times go by, we’re simultaneously clinging to the past while trying to move into the future. Technology is truly changing the game, and why not? It’s helping to propel every other area of life so why not gaming, too?

Technology grows up around us and integrates with our lives in such a seamless way that we hardly know it’s there. This is no more the case than in the home where we couldn’t imagine living without washing machines, kettles, and televisions. But technology in the home is once again making huge strides.

Integrated entertainment systems

Cells phones began life as one-dimensional devices; later, they included text messaging and simple games. Nowadays, these functions are secondary, and the smartphone has become an essential mobile computer with the versatility of a Swiss army knife.

It seems this convenient technology has made its way into the home as well. It is no longer just smartphones that serve multiple functions; televisions do as well. A modern television device is also a computer and streaming service. Using apps, you can also make video calls through your Television.

Uncomplicated household chores

It’s no surprise that household chores have also adapted to the modern era. Washing machines and dryers have been commonplace for decades, but nowadays, you can buy units where the function are combined, offering excellent space-saving potential and lower energy costs.

That’s not all; you no longer need a cord for your vacuum cleaner. New designs mean you can go cordless and forget about the stress of reaching far away rooms or entangling the cord. You can also find AI vacuum cleaners that clean the floors for you while you enjoy other things.

Modern furniture sets

A sofa set is a must-have for every home; we all need a place to relax with the family on the weekend and watch a movie or get comfy with a coffee and a good book. But the style of sofas are changing; you only need to take a look at some of the modern brand names.

These days you will find a growing trend toward corner sofas with pared-down cushions. Perhaps it’s the influence of the Scandanavians, or maybe it’s the minimalist movement that seems to be sweeping the globe. In any case, this sofa type offers plenty of comfort and style.

All-in-one devices

The internet of things continues to grow and advance. The internet of things is the concept of connecting one device to many others in an environment – in most cases, the home. All of the connected devices share information and contribute to improving efficiency and lifestyle comfort.

If you ever wished you could have a personal assistant in the home to remind you of events and switch devices on and off, the IoT is the answer. So it’s worth getting on board with the IoT sooner rather than later because the progressive AI technology will only improve your home life and progress with the passing years.

Massive storage potential

Have you always dreamed of a library containing all your favorite books and magazines? Well, now you can have one, and the upside is that you don’t have to sacrifice any of the space in your home. Instead, you can use that spare room as a study, playroom, or sitting room.

Using an electronic book or e-book reader, you can store two or three times as many books as you could hold in a physical library. You also have the books at your fingertips without the weight, and you can read them anywhere. As a result, electronic storage is a growing trend in the home.

New gaming experiences

Gaming has a relatively recent history in the grand scheme of things, but even still, it has come a long way in recent decades. Advances in graphics and playability have encouraged the latest game developers to reach for the stars, while players are becoming just as obsessed with retro titles.

The modern home has not forgotten about this entertainment hub, making room for multiple consoles in the TV stand and connections to suit a variety of systems. Not only that, you can play with friends online or strangers around the world – there’s no longer any need to organize special gaming evenings.


As technology advances, the homes we live in also transform; they become more convenient and more energy efficient with every passing decade. But recent years have seen huge leaps in smart technology and new apparatus such as smart devices and wireless services. Often, new technologies come into the home gradually, but perhaps it’s time to make more progressive choices.