What Automation Can – And Can’t – Do For Us

A key focus of my blog is Technology. Automation has been gradually implemented into our industries and there’s more to come. Not many people think about it in their day to day lives but it’s important for all of us to consider. The following contributed post is entitled, What Automation Can – And Can’t – Do For Us.

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Pixabay – CC0 Licence

The very concept of automation is enough to spark a dozen conversations in which the questions range from a simple “good or bad?” to more complicated ones like “what does it mean for small business?”. There is no doubt that we are in a period of increasing technological involvement in our lives, both working and domestic. Opinions differ on what this says about where our future is going; it’s definitely a complicated issue.

Deciding how to feel about this rise in automation is tricky. On the one hand, it can depersonalize a workplace and lead to redundancies. On the other, automation can streamline working processes and keep things moving. There are arguments for and against, and below we’re going to look at a few of those in order to see if we’re ready for more automation in the working world.

Automated systems can work 24/7…

If you can successfully train a machine or code a program to do a job that is usually done by a person, then you have created a worker that never needs to eat or sleep. That means that you aren’t beholden to tight time frames that are dependent on shift workers whose performance will vary during the day as they get tired, hungry or distracted.

…but they can’t work off their own initiative

The flipside of these 24/7 workers that never eat or sleep is that they also can’t think. If a trained worker spots an anomaly in the work in front of them, they can alert someone to it. In many circumstances, they can fix the flaw themselves or devise a workaround. While much of the focus on automation looks at how it covers for human fallibility, that’s very much a two-way street and it’s why you need to have actual workers in the warehouse at all times.

Automated systems can replicate an instruction 100%…

Try, right now, to draw a perfectly straight line without a ruler. If you manage that, draw a perfect circle.

What you will notice is that you didn’t even get to step two, because a human being can’t physically do those things free-hand. There will always be a flaw. That’s what’s so exciting about smart manufacturing. It allows human vision to be made into something solid without the risk of flaws.

…but they can’t spot a logical flaw in an instruction

If you tell a machine to 3D-print a hairbrush that is 9” in length, it will do just that, and you’ll have a perfectly reasonable, nine-inch long hairbrush. If you get confused and tell the same machine to print a 9’ hairbrush, it’s going to try and print a nine-foot long hairbrush – and if it has the materials to do so, that’s what you’ll get. That’s what it’s been told to do, and the product will be flawless. Details like that, obvious to most experienced engineers, are why humans are a necessary part of the process.

Automation as a concept certainly has its upsides, and its incorporation into the world of work could solve a lot of problems. As long as this is done alongside a recognition of the essential part human ingenuity plays, it can end up being good for all of us.

Preventing Cyberattacks At Work: What You Could Be Doing?

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. With so much business being conducted online, there is an increased likelihood for cyberattacks. As such you have to think about how to defend you operations against them. The following contributed post entitled, Preventing Cyberattacks At Work: What You Could Be Doing?

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It’s not always simple to protect your business from a cyberattack. Not only do you need to consider your IT security and hire the right agencies to make sure that your firewalls remain in place, you need to ensure that you train your staff properly in what to see in a cyberattack. You need to train every single person working in your business to know what to look for – and that gets tougher as technology evolves.

The more we bring in new security measures and technology, the harder it gets to ensure that the business is protected. Why? Well, as technology becomes more sophisticated, cyber hackers and attackers get more sophisticated! You need to know that you can handle training on physical theft, phishing simulations, how to recognize spam for scams – it’s vital. Your employees need to be educated in cyber security and all that comes with it so that they can alert your IT team when things crop up. So, how can you do more for your business and protect it properly?

Image Source: Pexels

● Offer Dedicated Training. Your business emails are a gateway for attackers and business email compromise attacks are some of the most sophisticated around. Hackers can extract information from your business when you don’t have the right phishing simulations and spam training invested in for your staff. Someone would see an email and think it’s legit, only to forward it on and further impact your business. With the right training provider, you can ensure that employees know what these scams look like, and they won’t be tricked into sending these emails.
● Put Policies In Place. Your business may be a flexible, “down with the kids” type business, but that doesn’t mean that you should allow your staff free reign over the internet. Company devices should be connected only for professional reasons, but you can still be flexible with personal devices at work. Teach your staff which files they can download and from which websites. If they know which networks are issued by you and are safe to use, they’ll be able to lower the risk of being scammed. Keep those policies in place and reestablish them as you need to. Don’t let it go, either, as you want to ensure that everyone is on the same wavelength with regard to security policies.
● Add Password Training. Your IT team may hand out passwords to staff, but that doesn’t mean that your staff shouldn’t know how to change them as needed. It should be that you all change your passwords every couple of months and they must remain case-sensitive and hard to break.
● Educate On Reporting Procedures. Lastly, train your staff to know where to report any scam issues they come across. It’s so important that they know to whom they should raise the alarm and how to ensure that the right people know straight away so that precautionary measures can be taken. Mistakes will happen – it’s human – but it’s easier to fix those mistakes if everyone knows what to do.

How Remote Work is Changing Home Safety

Two focuses of my blog are Technology and Workplace Discussions. The implementation of the technologies that we now have, have significantly changed the workplace so that remote working is increasingly the norm. The following contributed post is entitled, How Remote Work is Changing Home Safety.

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Pexels Image: CC0 License

It’s official – we’re living in the age of the remote working shift. Admittedly, this change has been bubbling away under the business surface for a while now but, with many companies having to shut shop, more of us than ever have found ourselves in home offices overnight. And, according to around 74% of firms, this is a change that’s set to stay.

After all, remote workers are famously more productive, while a reduction in office hours can mean reduced costs in everything from bills through to rental costs. The only trouble is that, as the ways in which we use our homes change, so too do the security risks we face. While theft avoidance has always been a priority of sorts, the majority of us have been relatively relaxed with safety measures. Now, home safety becomes a must as thieves from all sides take advantage of this home office phenomenon.

Here, we’re going to look at what exactly those risks look like, and how you can protect against them.

Soaring cybersecurity breaches

Perhaps the most notable security change has occurred in the cyber-sphere, where there’s been a 400% increase in attacks over the last twelve months. This isn’t altogether surprising considering that businesses are operating almost solely online right now. With malware in the right places, hackers can quite literally access entire infrastructures.

The good news is that businesses are responding with in-house cybersecurity efforts including cloud computing and end-point networks. Still, there’s nothing to stop attackers accessing your personal network. Hence, now is the time to arm yourself, not only with knowledge but also that anti-virus software that you’ve never felt the need to get around to until now.

More valuables than ever before

Many of us also now have a whole lot more valuables at home. At the very least, we’ve had to bring work computers into home offices. Not to mention that our cars are sitting on the driveway for longer. All of this means that thieves are guaranteed to get away with more.

Now could, therefore, be the ideal time for increased home security. At the very least, CCTV alarm systems could keep your vehicles safe. Meanwhile, in-house protections like floor safes can ensure that no one gets away with your all-important work valuables. That way, you can save yourself money in replacements and lost working hours!

Pexels Image: CC0 License

The risk of complacency

Alongside these risks is one that proves equally problematic – complacency. After all, we’re each home a lot more now, and you may assume your presence alone is enough of a protection. Sadly, someone is home in around 266,560 of household burglaries. Separate home offices in the garden are especially problematic, as thieves who keep a close eye will be able to gain access the moment you head off for your lunch break.

To avoid this eventuality and the shock that it can bring, remember that you are not an island. Rather, you need security measures in place to keep you safe, even when your back is turned!

5 Best Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. With more business being conducted in cyberspace, the need for effective cybersecurity is of the utmost importance. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Best Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses.

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It is a big mistake to think that owning a small business reduces your risks of a cyber attack. And this erroneous mindset can cause budding entrepreneurs to compromise their cybersecurity practices. In fact, the United States’ Congressional Small Business Committee discovered that 71% of cyber attacks were targeted at businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Learning Cybersecurity Basics can help you run your business smoothly despite the rampant cyber threats seen in the current season of the pandemic. On that note, here are five of some of the best cybersecurity tips for small businesses.

1. Use a firewall

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A firewall may act as one of the first security layers on your business. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), all SMBs need to set up firewalls to create strong barriers between their organizational data and cyber-criminals. It’s also necessary to add an internal firewall, even if you have a standard external firewall. Ensure that your employees who are now working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic use firewalls on their home networks. In general, firewall software can greatly improve your business’ network security.

2. Document your cybersecurity policies

Revamping your organization’s cybersecurity culture starts with documenting your cybersecurity protocols. The SBA’s portal provides tons of useful information on how small business owners can protect their online businesses. Consider taking part in the C3 voluntary program for small businesses, as it offers a detailed toolkit for the best cybersecurity protocols and practices.

3. Develop a mobile device action plan

As much as they account for a large portion of web traffic, mobile devices may also create significant security challenges. That’s if they contain personal information or gain access to corporate networks. Management needs to configure systems requiring all users to password-protect their devices. You may also want to ask your team to install security apps and to encrypt their data. These can bar cyber-criminals from breaching employees’ mobile devices when they are connected to public networks. Create a mobile device action plan by laying down reporting procedures for stolen or missing equipment.

4. Use complex passwords and multiple-factor authentication

Ask your employees to avoid costly password mistakes. For example, encourage your employees not to reuse their passwords but instead to use strong and unique passwords. You can also consider implementing multi-factor authentication codes such as 2FA; these will demand extra information beyond passwords when unauthorized users attempt to log in to your systems. Find out from vendors who handle sensitive information if they can help you set up multi-factor verification codes for your business accounts.

5. Train employees on cybersecurity principles

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Finally, outline basic cybersecurity principles and practices for your workers to observe. Establish an effective internet usage guideline, and spell out the penalties associated with workers who violate your company’s cybersecurity principles. Management can create rules of behaviors detailing how the business protects customers’ valuable information.

Backup your essential business data along the line as you implement all effective cybersecurity measures. Automatic backups can safeguard your financial files, word documents, and other critical databases.

3 Mobile Marketing Strategies to Help Make Your Sales Figures Soar

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In 2021 it’s critical to have a mobile marketing strategy to propel your business and your sales figures. The following guest post is entitled, 3 Mobile Marketing Strategies to Help Make Your Sales Figures Soar.

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Mobile phone usage is increasingly quickly across the globe. According to a report from Pew Research, over five billion individuals have mobile devices.

If your small business isn’t marketing to smartphone users, now is the time to start. Marketing your business to mobile phone users can bump up your brand awareness. What’s more, it can help boost your bottom line. The right marketing strategy will help mobile users find information about your products and services, which can help convert them to customers.

Take your business to the next level by adopting these mobile marketing tactics:

1. Optimize for Voice Search

Some mobile customers depend on voice search to complete everyday tasks, such as order food and find grocery stores near their area. They call on Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant and other voice-controlled personal assistants to help them with requests. If you have potential customers using voice search on their mobile phones, you’ll need to refine your marketing strategies to help your business become more visible to these people.

Not sure how to optimize your website for voice search?

Here are a few suggestions:

• Keep your business information up to date. You want to make sure that on-the-go voice search users can easily find the location and contact details of your business when they visit your area.
• Add long-tail keywords into your website content phrased in the way mobile users speak instead of the way they type. When people do voice search, the words they use tend to be long-winded statements or phrases compared to typed searches.
• Use your website to answer common queries. Find popular or frequently asked questions in your niche and provide answers to them in your site content.

2. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

When you use mobile marketing to reach a wide audience, you want to capitalize on it. An effective way to make this happen is to have a mobile-friendly business website.

Many companies have a website, but not all have a responsive site design that’s suitable for mobile phones. So, take this opportunity to get your website optimized for mobile users. If you need help with this, look for digital marketing agencies that include mobile site optimization in their website design and SEO packages. By having a mobile-friendly website, you can deliver a better browsing experience for your visitors and further improve your online visibility.

3. Spice up Customer Engagement with Augmented Reality

Concepts, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), are relatively new. Some marketers don’t completely understand how they can apply these tech trends in their promotional strategy.

AR involves projecting virtual images and other elements in a real-world environment. VR, on the other hand, is an immersive and simulated experience wherein an individual wears a headset that places them in a virtual environment, such as outer space.

Although VR marketing tools can get expensive, you can use AR components to your mobile marketing campaigns. Tools, such as Blippar and ZapWorks, let you integrate AR into your campaigns.

Employ these mobile marketing tactics to help boost the bottom line of your business. Remember to personalize your mobile marketing efforts because personalization can contribute to higher sales.

What Is The Future Of Education?

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. The year of 2020 forced technology to the forefront in terms of education. In all likelihood, this trend is going to continue. The following sponsored post is entitled, What Is The Future Of Education?

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Advancements in technology and science are rapidly increasing. The speed at which these advancements are being made means that it may be difficult for the workforce to keep up. Compounded by this is the fact that there is a wealth of information at our fingertips. Knowledge and skills are becoming much more accessible at an unforeseen scale. What does all this mean for the future of education? There is no doubt that the internet and technology are changing the scope of education, and understanding what that means for yourself and society as a whole plays a critical role in how you think about curating a positive and progressive future.

The Inclusion of Technology

As with most industries in present day society, education and technology have already started integrating. This conversation has become especially pertinent after the coronavirus pandemic quarantined millions of students around the world. The inclusion of technology is critical for education, and building an infrastructure that maintains quality education at home is no easy task. Students and educators are becoming more aware of the pitfalls of educating online. Armed with this knowledge, now is the perfect time to integrate educational design projects that can ease the transition back to school and provide valuable feedback on the ways in which technology for educational purposes and the infrastructure used to maintain it, can be improved.

A Shift In Teaching Styles

As more people study education, it becomes glaringly obvious that the way people learn can vary widely. Understanding and catering towards different learning styles has been the focus of educators for years. As technology improves and becomes more deeply integrated into our daily lives, there is a chance that much wider variability between education and learning styles can be catered to. Structuring classrooms in a way that students work at their own pace and with educational materials that focus on variable skills is becoming more and more accessible, and will likely shift the way information is dispersed and learned.

How To Refresh Your Technology For 2021

A key focus of my blog is Technology. No matter what kind of operation you’re running, you’re going to want to make sure you’re on top of your technology in 2021. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Refresh Your Technology For 2021.

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Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels

Technology has done a lot to improve our lives. Its many benefits include better healthcare, improved access to information, and the ability to start a side hustle from home. Sometimes, however, you can end up in a state of “technology overload”. If this sounds familiar, then perhaps it’s time to give your technology a New Year’s refresh.

Streamline your storage

If you have files scattered across all kinds of storage media, then corral them together in two places. That’s one main offline storage location and one online storage location. These will be backups for each other. Then set up two other storage locations (one offline and one online) for your fresh files.

As you go through 2021, make a point of keeping your new storage organized. Whenever you can, go into your old storage and clean it out. Ideally, by the end of the year, you should have all the files you need and want organized over two storage locations. If you don’t get that far, that’s fine, as long as you keep making progress.

Purge your hardware

The fact that technology is getting smaller all the time makes it easier to store as well as easier to carry. That’s great for small homes and mobile lifestyles. Sadly, it also makes it easier to toss old technology in a drawer and forget about it. If your home is slowly turning into a private museum for old electronics, it’s time to do something about it.

Unearth all your hardware and everything which goes with it (e.g. cables). Then work out what equipment you really need and what you really want. Figure out what needs to stay with it to make it work (e.g. memory cards). Then get rid of everything else. Hopefully, you won’t have to bin it. Some of it may even have resale value, if not see if it can be recycled.

Update and protect the hardware you keep

In some cases, updating hardware can mean physically as well as in terms of the software. For example, you may be able to increase the memory and/or storage capacity in your main computer. Mostly, however, it tends to refer to making sure that you’re using the most recent version of your operating system and any apps you use.

If you’re on a PC with Windows 10 installed but not activated, you’ll see a prompt to activate it. Since Windows 10 is the most recent version of Windows, you may want at least to consider doing so. If, however, you’re not a Windows 10 fan, there are other ways to remove watermark.

Other operating systems and applications will tend to send occasional prompts to update. It’s generally a good idea to act on them as quickly as possible. These updates often enhance the security of your device. On that note, the end of a year is a good time to check you have the best, possible security software on each device.

Delete unused accounts and apps

In harsh terms, any account or app you use has the potential to compromise your personal data. This means that you should only keep accounts and apps where the reward justifies the risk. If you’re not using an account or an app then you’re not getting any benefit from it so close it and/or delete it.

If you’re not sure, then try deleting an account or app and see how you feel about the result. If it matters to you then you can always recreate it/reinstall it. If you have dormant or semi-dormant email addresses, try setting up a forward to an account you use regularly. Update senders with your new address as, when, and if necessary. Give it six months or so and then close the account.

As a bonus tip, be very careful about keeping valuable emails in your main email account. If you lose access to the account, then you also lose access to the email. Use the “print to PDF” function to create a couple of copies of them and store them with your other valuable files. Do this at least once a year, more often is better.

Update your passwords

Updating your passwords means more than just adding 2021 to the end of them (or updating 2020 to 2021). Cyberattacks are now a serious enough threat that you absolutely must take strong passwords seriously. In fact, you should implement two-factor authentication as much as possible.

TFA combines something you know (e.g. a password) with something you have (e.g. a one-time access-token sent to your cell). It meaningfully increases the difficulty of hacking an account. Even with TFA, however, you must still use strong passwords.

How To level Up Your Virtual Event

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In the post Covid-19 world, virtual events have taken on an increased significance. As such, you want to host the best events possible. The following contributed post is entitled, How To level Up Your Virtual Event.

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Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

The events and tradeshow sector has taken a huge hit this year due to travel restrictions and policies around COVID-19. However, the industry is starting to find its footing again in the form of virtual events. 79% of event planners are now providing virtual events.

Rather than simply holding a glorified online PowerPoint presentation, you need to up your game and find ways to make your virtual events a must-attend event with our top tips.

Send out promotional items to key registrations

Who hasn’t been to an event and walked away with a bag full of pens, notebooks, USB keys, socks, and candy? It’s one of the perks. Well, just because the event is virtual doesn’t mean you have to dispense with the corporate swag altogether.

Identify key people that you want to sign up for the event. Once they do, send them out a package full of promotional items ahead of time. Or you can use it as an incentive for early registration. Think of items your audience will want and get in touch with water bottle companies and promotional item suppliers.

Use gamification to keep attendees interested

Stop attendees drifting in and out of the event by adding a layer of gamification to your virtual event. Attendees can build points for attending sessions or asking questions. These points can be converted to prizes or discounts with some of the companies running the show.

Up your keynote speaker game

A great keynote speaker is one of the key factors that draw people to sign up for events. As you’ll likely be saving the budget on venue rental and the cost of travel and accommodation for the speaker, you can funnel this budget into a fantastic keynote.

Facilitate 1:1 meetings

For sponsors and attendees, one of the main reasons to attend a trade show is to meet with potential sales prospects. Create a facility where people can book 1:1 short virtual sessions with each other.

Create different streams

At a standard trade show, people from various disciplines attend the sessions relevant to them. Resist the urge to have one track-linear timetable for your virtual event. CEO’s don’t want to sit through content aimed at finance managers and marketers don’t want to watch content for IT directors. It’s a sure way to lose attendees quickly.

Promote the different stress to the right people so that they can enjoy the entire event without waiting for their relevant sections.

Make breaks interesting

You don’t want to risk people drifting off during breaks and not returning to the event. Resist the urge to fill it full of boring promo and arrange something a bit different. It could be something like an interactive quiz (for prizes) or a live demonstration of cooking or even a comedian.

Provide high-quality content downloads

Once the event is over, keep a website live so that attendees can access videos of the sessions, marketing downloads, and get in contact with sponsors and corporate partners.

How To Take The Stress Our Of Running A Car

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. An important piece of technology most of us own and invest copious sums of money in is our cars. While transportation is a cost no matter what market you live in, cars can be a major source of stress as there are hidden costs in them. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Take The Stress Our Of Running A Car.

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Many of us rely on cars to get to work, travel and see friends and family. Although driving can be fun, and it’s a convenient way to get around, running a car can be stressful. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective solutions to take the hassle out of owning a car.

Image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/traffic-locomotion-roadway-mobility-3612474/

Car maintenance should be a priority for every driver, but it can fall by the wayside when life gets hectic. If you can’t remember the last time you checked your tires or your oil, now is the time to start looking after your car. Basic maintenance can reduce the risk of breaking down and it can also prolong the lifespan of your vehicle and lower costs in the future. It’s particularly important to check your car on a regular basis during the winter months and before you set off on a long journey. Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank, check the tire pressure and tread and top up your oil and water levels. It’s wise to book services frequently to ensure that any problems are identified and addressed quickly.

Replacing parts
Many of us drive around without a care in the world, assuming that our cars will never let us down. The truth is that even the most reliable vehicle may need some TLC along the way. It’s crucial to take good care of your car, but also to seek advice and consider replacing parts such as coil springs or brake pads if there are warning lights on the display, you notice strange noises or odors, or you want to enhance the performance of your vehicle. There are some jobs you can do yourself, but if you have concerns or the task is more complex, seek expert advice.

Shop around to save money
Cost is one of the most significant sources of stress for drivers. It can be expensive to keep a car on the road. If you are trying to save, there are various steps you can take. Investing in maintenance work will save you money in the long-run, but you can also shop around for insurance and reduce expenses by buying a fuel-efficient vehicle. If your insurance is due for renewal, don’t automatically roll the policy over until you’ve compared the offer to deals from other providers. You can use the Internet to search for policies in a matter of seconds, and you could save a fortune.

Drive carefully
Driving can be dangerous, and thousands of people are injured in crashes every year. To lower the risk of collisions and make driving more enjoyable, keep your eyes on the road at all times, give other vehicles time and space, pay attention to the speed limit and take extra care if the road is slippery, it’s raining heavily or visibility is poor.

Picture from https://pixabay.com/photos/motor-metal-vehicle-machine-part-2595269/