Zero-Emission Initiatives: Helping Reduce Pollution in Port Operations

“Sustainability has taken center stage in business operations in recent years, and Singapore is no exception.”

A key focus of my blog is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Energy and transportation are two areas that greatly impact the lives of most people on our planet. Moving towards zero emissions for vehicles for a cleaner environment is an area that is getting lots of focus right now and into the future. The following guest post is entitled, Zero-Emission Initiatives: Helping Reduce Pollution in Port Operations.

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• Port operators in Singapore are employing electric vehicles and alternative fuels to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.
• Investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency tools offer environmental and economic benefits for port operations.
• Green certification and energy reduction measures help ports increase efficiency while enhancing their sustainable reputation.
• Collaboration and educational outreach are essential for the widespread adoption of sustainable practices in Singapore’s port sector.
• Energy storage solutions are also crucial for managing electricity supply sustainably.

Sustainability has taken center stage in business operations in recent years, and Singapore is no exception. With its bustling port operations, the country recognizes the need to chart a greener and more sustainable course to reduce pollution and mitigate climate change impacts. Fortunately, there are several zero-emission initiatives that port operators can implement to achieve these goals.

The Use of Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels

One of the most effective ways to reduce pollution in port operations is to switch to electrified equipment, including cranes and trucks. Using electric vehicles allows port operators to substantially reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy and maintenance costs. So, you should look for a reliable electric forklift for sale in the market. Similarly, you should invest in electric-powered trucks to reduce emissions and enable efficient operations. The equipment can be used for loading and unloading goods and other port operations.

Use Alternative Fuels

Another way to decrease the environmental impact of port operations is by using alternative fuels, such as biodiesel or natural gas. These clean-burning fuels are a great way to reduce harmful atmospheric pollutants. Biodiesel, for example, can be made from vegetable oil or animal fats, reducing reliance on petroleum and helping to reduce emissions. On the other hand, natural gas is often used as an alternative fuel for port operations due to its relatively low emissions and price.

Investment in Renewable Energy

Another effective way for port operators to reduce their carbon footprint is by investing in renewable energy. For instance, they can install solar panels or wind turbines to generate electricity. These alternative energy sources can provide significant environmental and economic benefits, as they require no fuel costs, emit no emissions, and will help mitigate the effects of climate change. Furthermore, the cost of renewable energy technology has steadily decreased in recent years, making it more accessible for port operators.

Economic Boost

In addition to the environmental benefits, investing in renewable energy can boost a port operator’s bottom line economically. This is because renewable energy sources often require minimal maintenance costs and generate electricity at a lower cost than traditional fossil fuels. Moreover, many governments offer financial incentives for port operators to switch to renewable energy, making it even more attractive from an economic perspective.

Green Certification

Port operators can also seek green certification from organizations like the GreenPort Program. This program certifies ports that have implemented measures to reduce their environmental impact. As a result, they gain a competitive edge and improve their reputation as responsible businesses while taking a significant step towards an environmentally conscious operation.

Energy Reduction

Green ports also benefit from increased efficiency, cost savings, and customer satisfaction. Ports that have adopted green initiatives often report reduced fuel costs and improved operational efficiency as a result of implementing waste management solutions, as well as energy reduction measures.

Energy Efficiency

Port operators can also improve energy efficiency by investing in energy-efficient equipment. They can also regularly maintain their equipment, ensuring that they operate optimally “at the best possible efficiency for the lowest cost.” By employing these measures, port operators could reduce their energy consumption and operating costs while reducing their carbon footprint.

Energy Storage Solutions

Port operators should also consider energy storage solutions to manage their electricity supply. This could include investing in a solar battery bank that can store the energy generated from renewable sources for later use. By doing so, port operators can ensure they remain sustainable and efficient while reducing their carbon footprint.

Collaborate Towards a Greener Future

Finally, port operators can collaborate with their peers and the government to achieve a greener future. They can participate in knowledge-sharing initiatives, research, and development of sustainable technologies and support the government in enacting policies supporting clean energy and building awareness of sustainable practices. By working together, port operators can create synergies, leverage best practices, and create a sustainable future for the country.

Educational Outreach

Furthermore, port operators can also support their local communities by providing educational outreach and training programs. These programs can help community members become more informed about sustainable practices and teach them how to apply such practices in their everyday lives. With an increased understanding of sustainability, port operators can ensure that the future of everyone involved is green and prosperous.

Achieving a greener course for Singapore’s port operations requires closer collaboration, collective action, and a long-term commitment to achieving sustainable practices. By integrating electric vehicles, renewable energy, green certification, energy efficiency measures, and collective action, port operators can take significant steps in mitigating the anticipated impacts of climate change while reducing their operations’ carbon footprint. Ultimately, this will help build a sustainable and resilient Singapore.

Maintaining Your Health In A Modern Industrial Environment

Three focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, Health/Wellness and Workplace Discussions. Working in an industrial setting comes with its own unique set of challenges. If you’re working in such settings, you have to take the precautions to maintain your health. The following contributed post is entitled, Maintaining Your Health In A Modern Industrial Environment.

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(Image Source)

Working in an industrial area will always come with some dangers. Machines can be misused, accidents can occur, and the materials being used don’t always react in the way that is expected. Of course, though, while you may have to work in a factory, warehouse, or on a building site, you don’t have to accept these risks without minimizing them. To help you out, this post will be exploring several of the key areas that will help you to maintain your health when you work in a place like this.


PPE can be extremely important in an environment like this, with things like hardhats, knee pads, and breathing equipment being very important to maintain your health. You should make sure that you know the law in your area, pushing your bosses to invest in the items you need for your role. This will be different in every job, with some people needing far more PPE than others. Of course, though, this should be easy to figure out.


There is a lot of equipment used in industrial settings that can make or break the safety of your environment. Ladders, warehouse shelving, and the machines used in these places need to be adequate for their jobs, while also being used in the safest possible manner. Training is key when you’re using the equipment that comes in this sort of environment, but you may have to push your employer to put you through this if you feel you need it to be able to do your job safely.

The Building

If you work inside a building, the odds are that you are exposed to particles that aren’t usually found in the air. Many production processes involve gasses that can be harmful to people, and even the dust that is found in many warehouses can damage your health over time. This makes it well worth using some sort of mask or ventilation when you are at work. Many modern industrial workplaces have special air filtration systems in place for this.


Your hearing is one of your most crucial senses, but it can easily be taken away after years of being exposed to loud noises. People who work in loud environments should always wear ear protection, ensuring that they don’t suffer from problems once they retire, while also ensuring that their employer is safe from legal issues. It can be hard to tell when noise is hurting your ears, but this is something that you have to be very careful with.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on your health when you work in an industrial environment. It’s always worth keeping yourself safe when you are work, but you also need to keep in mind that your boss should also be interested in keeping you safe. If your employer ever ignores the safety tools you need, you can easily fight back and take them to court to get the problem solved.

4 Career Options For People Who Love The Environment

A key focus of my blog is Career Discussions. There are a lot of rewarding careers for individuals who love the environment. Sometimes loving the environment can be stigmatized, but there is fulfilling and abundant work out there involving the environment. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Career Options For People Who Love The Environment.

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Once upon a time, it seemed that the only people who got into environmental professions were tree-hugging hippies who hated the thought of wearing a shirt and tie to work every day. Nowadays, we realize that isn’t the case, and there are, in fact, a diverse number of careers that enable you to help the environment. If you’re close to leaving school or want a career change that will make a difference, here are four options for people who love the environment.

Park Ranger

If you’re someone who loves the great outdoors and is happy to live in a rustic log cabin in the middle of the forest, a park ranger career could be the answer. It will allow you to spend all of your time deep in the wilderness while ensuring that the public takes proper care of their surroundings.

Park rangers can work at national parks, local parks, and protected areas. You may need to deal with people disrespecting the environment, but being able to revel in the dense woodland throughout the day will make this a little more bearable. You’ll need a degree in environmental studies, or something relates to environmental management.

Energy Auditor

Energy auditors might not have the cool factor that park rangers or other environmental professions have. However, they are still a crucial part of ensuring people learn to care for the environment better.

But what do they do? Energy auditors will work with companies, cities, and countries to reduce energy consumption and recommend alternative energy methods. If you live somewhere that is still highly reliant on fossil fuel, this could be a way to change the status quo. You will need a high school diploma and a relevant qualification, such as certification from the Business Performance Institute or your country’s equivalent.

Environmental Lawyer

There is only so much one person can do, though, so what if you had the power of an entire lawn firm behind you?

Environmental lawyers will fight companies for the rights of the environment. You can argue for green energy practices, protect crucial ecosystems or battle climate change. However, it’s no surprise that you’ll need a law degree and be qualified to practice in your state.

Marine Biologist

Not all environmental jobs are restricted to the land, however, and a marine biologist career is fantastic for people who want to explore and conserve the deep blue. With this, you can use a bongo net to study plankton and analyze the effects of plastic and other contaminants in the water, or you can discover new species that look like they’re from another world.

Marine biologists usually need a degree in biology. For more senior roles, you will need a more specialized degree depending on the type of marine life you want to work with.

Working For the Planet

Working for the planet and helping the environment is not just something that will make you feel all fuzzy inside; it also does legitimate good for the world around us. Without people dedicated to saving the environment and working every day to protect animals, plants, and the landscapes around us, we will witness the world fall apart before our very eyes.

7 Tips To Help You Become More Sustainable

Three focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship, Organizational and Management Discussions, and STEM. An important considerations for many individuals and business is sustainability. Our lives and activities can be done, while still maintaining the environment. The following contributed post is entitled, 7 Tips To Help You Become More Sustainable.

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Photo by Akil Mazumder from Pexels

Throughout the years there have been numerous reports stating how humans are damaging the environment. This has led to people wanting to discover the ways in which they can do their bit for the environment. However, despite many businesses starting to implement sustainable practices, many people still aren’t doing this at home.

A key way of improving poor air quality and pollution, as well as ensuring clean water is accessible to communities, it’s important to realize that sustainability really does start at home.

If you’re wanting to boost your sustainability, here are 7 simple tips that you could use:

1) Upgrade to Solar Energy

Although many newer properties might have solar panels already installed, older houses might still require regular electricity. However, there are so many benefits that come with upgrading to solar panels.

Not only will you see a reduction in your monthly energy bills, but solar panels require little maintenance. Not to mention the biggest pro of all – that it’s a renewable energy source and it’s a big step towards making your home more sustainable.

Although many people worry that solar panels are expensive, as there are now so many providers supplying them and they have been around for several years, the cost is probably lower than you think.

2) Ditch The Plastics

There are so many reasons why you should ditch plastic within your home. Not only is it really harmful to wildlife (the majority ends up in the ocean), but it’s bad for humans and is typically only single-use – meaning that it will end up in landfill after you throw it away.

To become more environmentally-friendly, sustainable flexible packaging is a great choice. With an aim to reduce waste, lower transportation costs (the smaller the truck/the fewer trucks, the less pollution that’s created) and align with sustainability practices, it’s easy to switch to.

3) Buy Locally

Although it might be tempting to always shop in a chain grocery store, it’s far more sustainable to switch to smaller, local stores. By doing this, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint as you won’t be contributing to congestion and pollution.

Also, many local products tend to be organic and pesticide-free, an extra bonus that leads the way to a more sustainable planet.

4) Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

One of the easiest ways to become more sustainable within your home is to recycle. However, you need to do it properly in order for it to be effective.

When done correctly (i.e. you put the plastics and other materials in the right boxes), then you’re helping to reduce the amount of landfill, reduce financial expenditure (products can be created out of recycled products instead of raw materials) and help to reduce the pollution that’s caused by waste.

5) Consider Different Ways to Travel

Although in the short term you could make travel alternatives such as ditching your car and opting for your bike, in the future, it might be time to consider cutting down on the number of flights you take.

Flying as a whole is a very carbon-intensive form of transport and causes incredible amounts of pollution. However, shorter flights tend to take the cake, emitting more carbon emissions than longer flights,

So instead of flying, why not opt for a more eco-friendly mode of transport such as a train. There are so many trains available that can take you far distances, without you having to step foot on a plane.

6) Try Not To Buy More Than You Need

This is an issue that if fixed, could help to reduce waste significantly. Many people buy way more than they need – whether this is grocery shopping or other items. But by buying more, it’s only causing damage to the planet. Therefore, try and only purchase the essentials.

7) Unplug The Electronics

Even when you’re not using every electronic device, those that are still plugged in will consume energy. And because of this not only is it costing you hundreds of dollars every year, but it’s not beneficial for the environment. Therefore, it’s a good idea to unplug them or turn off the switch on the wall when you stop using them.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are 7 simple tips that you can use to make your home more sustainable. No matter which changes out of the above you make, you’re one step closer to creating a sustainable environment, lowering your carbon footprint and helping the world to become healthier and a better place to live.

A Short Guide To Environmental Remediation For Your Business

Three key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Of their many considerations, businesses have to think about being environmentally friendly and responsible which is where “Environmental Remediation” comes in. The following contributed post is entitled, A Short Guide To Environmental Remediation For Your Business.

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What is environmental remediation?

Environmental remediation refers to the process of reducing levels of radiation exposure, for instance, from surface water, groundwater, or contaminated soil. The process is often informally referred to as a ‘clean up.’ The idea is to eliminate radiation sources, and offer protection for both the environment and people. Before our society became more environmentally conscious, nuclear activities often took place without proper consideration for the earth. Thankfully, laws and practices have become stricter and more comprehensive, and there are many services to help businesses adhere to environmental regulations.

Why is environmental remediation important?

Contaminated sites can produce both adverse effects on the environment and negative health effects for those people who live in the surrounding areas. Due to this, action must be taken to ensure that companies adhere to environmental best practices. There are a few different ways that remediation is carried out. The first is by immobilizing or isolating the source of the radiation and then removing it. The second is by assessing the risks of radiation exposure and attempting to separate the source from the people in the area. An example of this might be by evacuation or changing the way that the land is used. Some sites will have high radiation levels, which do not cause any harm. To determine the state of your site, you’ll need to invest in the services of an environmental remediation company.

Environmental remediation considerations

When you are approaching environmental remediation, there are many factors to consider. Radiation risk to the public is the first, so you must take steps to close the site if dangerous radiation levels are confirmed. Any workers will also be exposed, so it’s essential to see that those accessing the site take the appropriate safety precautions. It’s also vital to consider waste and adopt solutions to manage waste created in the most sustainable way possible.

Choosing an environmental remediation company

There are a number of environmental remediation companies to choose from, so how do you choose the right one? Firstly, you’ll want to look for a company with plenty of years of experience who can provide an expert analysis. A quality company will be supported by a team of scientists, who are accomplished in the area of environmental remediation and molecular biology. It can also be useful to look for a company that does not actually sell treatment solutions. This way, you’ll get an unbiased service offering accurate interpretation. Lastly, your business is likely looking for a cost-effective solution, and so it’s worth doing some price comparison to find a service that suits your budget. Microbial Insights, Inc. offers a top-quality environmental remediation service, along with corrosion and source tracking.

As a business owner, it’s your social responsibility to adhere to environmental laws and best practices. Consumers expect brands to take their social responsibility seriously and consistently seek solutions to improve the ethicality of their operations. A greener business is consequently a more profitable and successful one.

Efficient and Environmentally Sound Storage for Your Company

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If your business deals with inventory and deliverables, you ideally want to secure storage that serves your purposes but is friendly to the environment as well. The following contributed post is entitled, Efficient and Environmentally Sound Storage for Your Company.

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Efficient and Environmentally Sound Storage for Your Company

If you own a company, or just manage one, you’re probably always thinking of ways to minimize storage, create more space and store inventory in economical, efficient and environmentally-friendly ways. Sometimes it can be hard to envision ways to do this that meet all those criteria, but with a little creativity, hard work and motivation, you can streamline your inventory and make the entire workplace more efficient and eco-friendly.

Photo Credit: Alexander Isreb

Here are a few ideas on how to get started:

“Green” Storage
Whether you’re looking at small storage solutions, like tupperwares and other small containers, or something much larger, like huge bins and storage facilities, a variety of “green” options exist at all sorts of price points, sizes and styles.

Utilizing items that don’t contain harsh chemicals and plastics will reduce your carbon footprint, improve the health of your employees and provide excellent, efficient storage for any type of inventory.

It isn’t just true of storage containers, either. You can find shelving, flooring and all sorts of other eco-friendly “green” options to optimize your inventory and make your workplace a sustainable one.

Shelving, Racks and More
If you have shelves and shelves of product, you’ve likely looked into shelf and rack options that save space, time and money. You want these products to be environmentally sound, too, so you’re likely trying to avoid lots of plastic and other harsh chemical materials.

Cantilever racking is a great option for the business with lots of shelving and inventory to contend with. Easy to customize, move around, and clean, cantilever racking is not made of harsh plastics, is durable and will last for years and years. They come in a wide variety of sizes, each one able to be customized and moved quickly and easily and are available in both single and double sided configurations.

For the business that has lots of pallets and heavy boxes to store, these are a lifesaver. Strong, weather-resistant and durable, but best of all, affordable and eco-friendly.

Trash and Waste
Every company, especially ones that ship a lot of product, have excess waste they must contend with. Everything from broken down boxes, to wrapping materials, labels, packing material, paperwork, and more.

It’s simply good business practice, not to mention eco-friendly, to have a plan to reduce your waste by recycling. Not only is this better for the environment, but it will save your employees time and cut down on your waste disposal/dumpster costs.

Lots of people are on board with recycling things like bottles and cans, but you can recycle almost anything. Check with your local county regulations to see what items you can recycle, including all that unused cardboard, packing materials, and more. Bins can be purchased for very affordable prices.

These are just three ways your company can cut down on waste, utilize shelf space and streamline inventory while still looking after the environment and cutting down on bad business practices. There are many more ways you can be eco-friendly and efficient at the same time.

Why Your Business Should Be Flexing Its Green Credentials

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM. For your business itself and for the environment, making your business ‘green’ can have multiple benefits. Many aspects of running a green business are easy to implement. The following contributed post is entitled, Why Your Business Should Be Flexing Its Green Credentials.

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With Greta Thunberg taking on the mantle of climate change warrior and championing the future protection of the planet, more and more businesses are taking their corporate environmental responsibilities more seriously. You might want to get in on the action. If your office is wasting paper, you are sick of seeing computer monitors forever on standby, and you are concerned about your water usage, it’s time to make your business more eco-aware. This doesn’t have to cost you money, and can actually save you cash by making your venture more efficient and relevant to the twenty first century. Read on to discover how you can be successful and flexing your green credentials.

Image credit Pexels – CC0 Licence


It doesn’t matter whether you are an office based startup or whether your business is more practical, such as a street food van or a smallholding, you can always find ways to manage your water usage more effectively. Outside, this could be something as simple as installing flumes on a smallholding. If you produce crops or food in an organic way, you can manage your irrigation systems more efficiently. If you are an office based entity, you may be more concerned about how many times the kettle is boiled on coffee breaks. Make sure you have posters up, detailing the importance of water preservation. If every staff member is more conscious of their environmental impact, you can be more environmentally aware as a corporate entity.


Death by paper is a concern of many businesses. The advent of cloud based storage has made paper reduction all that more easy. You no longer have to print off email after email, only to shred it within minutes after a meeting. Instead, you can now head onto the cloud, download the needed document and utilize a Sharepoint style package to show your team. Printouts are no longer a go-to way of distributing information. Ensure that you limit your paper usage. Doing this will limit your carbon footprint and help you to do your bit to protect the world’s rainforests. If you do need to use paper, counteract this by contributing to a tree planting scheme. This may have a financial impact, but customers are more savvy with who they choose to do business with. They will be more inclined to pay more for a product or service from a company that is conscious of their environmental impact rather than one that doesn’t care.

Image credit Pexels – CC0 Licence


If you have a staff team that commutes to work using their gas guzzling cars, set up a car sharing scheme. Even better, consider a subsidized cycle to work scheme, encouraging your staff team to whip on their helmets and get healthier. This can result in a team with a boosted morale as well as decreasing the carbon monoxide that your company produces. If you have company cars, ensure that you opt for hybrids. These may cost more initially but the running costs will be infinitely lower.

Don’t be too insular when considering your business aims and motivations. Take a bigger world view and take your corporate responsibility seriously when flexing your green credential muscles.

Creating the Perfect Educational Environment

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is General Education. There are a lot of moving parts to the actual learning process. A major part is environment. Creating the optimal educational environment for students can be the key them excelling or faltering. The following contributed post is entitled, Creating the Perfect Educational Environment.

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When you think about the classroom, everyone has pretty much the same image. There is the teacher’s desk, a whiteboard, coat hangers, and desks. All of these are important, but some might consider some more so than others.

There’s no such thing as a hierarchy of importance when it comes to education, though. Whether it’s kids venturing into academia for the first time or adults searching to improve their skills, everything matters as much as everything else. However, some things are often neglected or even downright ignored, but this is no way to create the perfect educational environment.

A Place to Sit and Think

An indisputable essential for the perfect classroom environment is having educational furniture that means students can sit and think in comfort. There are many ways to do this, from desks to tables to beanbags, but whatever it is, your students should be able to get on with their projects without discomfort.

Lousy posture can hinder productivity and affect concentration, while awkward seating arrangements make it near-impossible to fulfill potential. It’s a simple thing, but it’s also crucial to help create a positive school experience.

An Encouraging Atmosphere

You should also strive to create an encouraging atmosphere that celebrates achievements and helps pick people up when they’re down. Classrooms of the past may have chastised those for getting answers wrong, but this is something you must avoid.

From teachers to other students and parents or significant others, a culture of support is vital for ensuring everyone feels safe within the classroom, and once they get home. By creating this support network, you give everyone the chance to succeed and enjoy their time at the school.

A Willingness to Adapt

All teachers understand that sometimes things do not go to plan, so a willingness to adapt is an outstanding quality to have if you want to create the perfect educational environment. Things change, activities don’t go as planned, and all your preparation goes entirely out of the window.

It’s easy to panic when this occurs, but while you may be screaming on the inside, you’ve got to keep cool on the outside. Stay calm, and move onto the next thing if possible. It always helps to have a contingency plan just in case you encounter difficulties.

A Space Not For Learning

A space where students both old and young can embrace the creative side of education is another way to foster a superb environment. This allows them to take a break from the rigors of memorizing and critical thinking while still working on skills that are essential for real life.

You can make the space somewhere for musical instruments, painting, or even interpretive dance. It gives the students a chance to try something new and also prevents burnout from sitting down working throughout the day. Once they come back, you’ll find them more energized and ready to get back to learning.

The Perfect Place to Learn

Students should enjoy your lessons, so doing everything you can to make their time there as enjoyable as possible will only have positive effects and positive outcomes during their educational odyssey.

Does an Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle Have to be Expensive?

A key focus of my blog is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Fortunately our society has become more environmentally conscious than ever before and is embracing environmentally friendly lifestyles. More people are thinking of how to preserve the environment as much as possible. The following contributed post is entitled, Does an Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle Have to be Expensive?

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We all know about climate change and the damage that we have been doing to our planet. We know that how we’ve been using it is starting to have an effect and that our children and grandchildren face growing up in a very different world if we don’t begin to do something about it. It’s widely reported in the news, there are countless documentaries about our planet and how we need to fix it, and we’re being told in a variety of ways, what we should be doing differently and why. The “I didn’t know” excuse no longer flies. We all know.

We’re not good at making sweeping changes, nor are we good at admitting fault, or facing up to what is coming. So, new excuses have developed. One of the main ones is that we can’t afford to make the changes needed. We can’t afford to change suppliers, buy sustainable fashion or organic food. But, that excuse isn’t good enough either. Leading an environmentally friendly lifestyle doesn’t need to be expensive. In fact, it can even save you money if you do it right.

Reuse As Much as Possible

A big part of being more sustainable is throwing less away. Every time you put something in the bin, you are contributing to filling landfills or putting plastics into the oceans, but you are also throwing money away.

Instead, try to reuse as much as you can. Don’t buy anything that you know you will only use once. Instead, spend a little more on something that you can use again and again. A reusable water bottle is a perfect example. It will cost more than a cheap plastic bottle of water. But, fill it up with tap water or even rainwater from your Clark Tanks, and within a few weeks, you’ve got your money bag and throw much less away. You can also use reusable wipes, cloth diapers for your babies, reusable makeup remover wipes, clothes around the house instead of wipes and handkerchiefs instead of tissues.

Buy Less

Reusing things allows you to buy less. But, there are other ways to do it. Instead of spending money on cheap clothes and fast fashion that you’ll only wear once, invest in quality items that you’ll wear often and will last a long time.

If you’ve gotten bored of your furniture and fancy something new, ask yourself if you could make easy changes, or upcycle your pieces into something new, instead of just throwing it away and buying something new.

Visit your local library instead of buying books, take sandwiches out instead of buying fast food and if you do need to buy something, first look in charity shops, at yard sales, and on online auction sites.

Take from the Earth

The best way to live a green lifestyle and save money at the same time is growing things for yourself. Grow your own fruits and vegetables, start a small herb garden, and even try scavenging for berries and seeds. Then, make your food last longer by freezing extras for another time.

Why Every Business Should Be EcoAware

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In 2019, customers are not just concerned about finding the products and services they want, but also that the businesses they’re patronizing are environmentally conscious. Being EcoAware can have several advantages for business owners. The following contributed post is entitled, Why Every Business Should Be EcoAware.

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Image via Pexels

The value which should be the watchword of all small business? Efficiency. By their very nature, start-ups are lean and therefore a lot more creative. Without huge amounts of capital, small businesses have no choice but to be innovative about ways of getting things done. Along with financial decisions and business processes, being environmentally aware goes hand in hand with this approach. It’s hard to ignore the many positive benefits of starting up your business with the planet in mind – from an enhanced reputation with clients and customers who actively seek out greener companies to do business with, to the economic benefits of being kinder to the planet, and having a positive impact on the community. Sustainability initiatives should be a major part of any new business plan.

Winning More Business

Consumers are more aware than ever of environmental and social responsibility in the businesses they choose to deal with. People now choose to vote with their wallets in a globally competitive marketplace and seek out goods and services which align with the values they have. Studies show that nearly half of consumers now make purchasing decisions at least partly based on green factors, and the majority are also willing to pay slightly more to for goods and services which they see as environmentally conscious. Going green can also help you attract and retain talent. From aligning with specific causes that resonate with what you to promoting practical greener measures like adding bus shelters or facilities for cyclists to encourage greener transport, quality candidates want to know that you are embracing sustainability. These days you simply cannot be a thought leader in any industry without having an environmental stance.

Making Cost Savings

Taking your business greener doesn’t just have intangible long-term benefits – it also offers immediate savings, reduced waste and much better efficiency. There is so much you can go, from cutting down paper and plastics waste to reducing energy usage, and these will all put back into your budget as well as helping to safeguard the environment. Most countries also have some forms of government incentive aimed at making business greener, so you may also be able to benefit from tax breaks or financial grants to help with the purchase of equipment

An Easy Move To Make

Taking your business greener doesn’t have to be a huge, daunting undertaking. You can take a few small steps which will quickly add up. Simple things like replacing all your lighting with low energy LED bulbs isn’t hard and can have an impact on the energy you use. Try to keep all heating and cooling equipment serviced regularly and running efficiently – or try just opening a window rather than relying too much on air conditioning units can also work. Adding occupancy sensors and programmable thermostats is another really positive step. Make evaluating energy use a regular part of your business practise, to identify further opportunities to reduce and save. You could also look at switching all the paper used in your office to reams which come from sustainable and recycled sources, and taking on the software to run a paperless office with software in the cloud is also incredibly efficient.