“I intentionally said potential unintended consequences above because economists such as Thomas Malthus and scientists such as Paul R. Ehrlich once theorized that the world would become overpopulated with human beings. I suspect they were not alone then and today.”
It goes without saying that we were living in unprecedented times. Something I ponder and state frequently on my original YouTube channel, Big Discussions76 is that it is a very different world than it was 60-70 years ago when my parents and their peers were young. People from 100 years ago furthermore would not recognize today’s world. A major change has been in gender roles and relations. An unintended consequence of the political and social changes put into place in the 1970s has been added complexities to family creation and reproduction. It likewise is no longer a simple calculus nor is it a forgone conclusion that everyone will form families in the traditional sense and create progeny.
Do Culture and Environment Impact Behavior?
I could say that it is simply societal changes but concern about whether planet Earth will be here in another 20 years is also affecting people today. I have started covering the climate debate on my science and technology YouTube channel entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. As with many things there have been potential unintended consequences from the debate, particularly the Climate ‘Alarmist’ side. It seems fear of the world burning up and not being here in future has dissuaded younger people from having children. I intentionally said potential unintended consequences above because economists such as Thomas Malthus and scientists such as Paul R. Ehrlich once theorized that the world would become overpopulated with human beings. I suspect they were not alone then and today.
By the way the United States and other western countries are at negative replacement levels, something not openly discussed though the fruits of which many of us will witness in our lifetimes. I first learned about Paul R. Ehrlich from the late Dr. Joseph Fail, Jr. as an undergraduate at Johnson C. Smith University. I did not understand the significance of Mr. Ehrlich’s fear/theory though I do currently wonder if his and Mr. Malthus’ concerns have undergirded the social and policy decisions that have shaped our current world.
Biological Reproductive Clocks and Freezing Eggs and Sperm
On my science and technology YouTube channel, I am trying to forge a path as a science influencer. As often as I can, I create content on novel science topics. Something that’s flying under the radar for much of our population, particularly the older generations, is the reproduction of the population described above. Some of the Baby Boomers are seeing younger people not pairing up and reproducing the way they did and are scratching their heads. Again in 2023 it is not a forgone conclusion that everyone will reproduce or wants to do so today.
A dynamic that has emerged is that of waiting until the right time in life to reproduce due to career or personal preference. This dynamic has brought to the forefront the principles of biological reproductive clocks and freezing eggs and sperm. Below are three livestreams I created on my science and technology YouTube channel. The first involves the science of freezing eggs. The second looks at the flipside and discusses men’s biological clocks and the potential need to freeze sperm. I did not cover it in my live stream but according to an article from Forbes, the cost to freeze sperm can range from $250 to $775, and costs of storage can range from $100 to $500 per year. As a bonus, I am going to also embed my video discuss increased vasectomies among younger men as an unintended consequence of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe vs Wade.
“There’s TOO many men, TOO many people, causing TOO many problems, and not much logic around!” Just as I finished this piece, I heard Phil Collins’ iconic lyrics from the 1980s song, Land of Confusion performed by Genesis in my head. Along with men like the late great Carl Sagan, Phil must have seen the future. I think these lyrics are also an appropriate way to end this piece.
I have also started a newsletter. The information is below the three embedded videos below. Please consider signing up. By the way if you watch any of the videos, please hit the like button and consider subscribing to either of the two channels.
A Discussion On The Science Of Freezing Eggs
Do Men Have A Biological Reproductive Clock And Need To Freeze Sperm?
What Is Behind The Increase In Male Vasectomies?
The Big Words LLC Newsletter
For the next phase of my writing journey, I’m starting a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at [email protected] . Best Regards.
On June 9, 2023, the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan hosted its Pharmacology in Color Symposium. Alumni were invited back to the department to share their career paths and experiences for the first time in person since the Covid-19 Pandemic. On Thursday June 8 there was a dinner gathering for alumni, current students and faculty. On the morning of Friday June 9, students gave seminars on their research and alumni gave talks on their educational paths and current careers throughout the rest of the day. In the afternoon there were breakout sessions where students asked direct questions of alumni before the address by the keynote speaker (described below). Finally, there was a happy hour and a second dinner in the evening.
The students that presented their research included:
● Anthony Garcia, Osawa Lab, “Pharmacological Modulation of Hsp70 Selectively Removes Misfolded nNOS” ● Juan Valentine-Goyco, Auchus Lab, “Biochemical Characterization and Pharmacological Inhibition of Aldosterone Synthase” ● Chanté Liu, M.S., Satin Lab, “Understanding the Mechanisms of Pulsatile Basal Insulin Secretion” ● Loyda Morales-Rodriguez, Puthenveedu Lab, “Location-Biased Activation of the Proton-Sensor GPR65 is Uncoupled from Receptor Trafficking”
The alumni invited back to the department to speak included:
● Colleen Carpenter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Biology, University of Richmond (Keynote Speaker) ● Nnamdi Edokobi, Ph.D., Patent Agent, Choate, Hall & Stewart ● Mohamad Shebley, Ph.D., Head of Clinical Pharmacology Neuroscience, AbbVie ● Rashonda Flint, Ph.D., Office of the Dean, School of Medicine and Advocate Health, Wake Forest University ● Diamond Thomas, M.S., Clinical Research Coordinator, University of Michigan ● Anwar Dunbar, Ph.D., Pharmacologist, Health Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, United States Environmental Protection Agency ● Tigwa Davis, Ph.D., Director, Health Economics and Outcomes, Inovalon
Opening remarks on June 9 were given by Dr. Lori Isom, Chair of the Department of Pharmacology and Dr. Steve Kunkel, the Executive Dean for Research and the Chief Scientific Officer of the Michigan Medical School. Closing remarks were given by Dr. Alan Smrcka of the Department of Pharmacology who played a key role in organizing the symposium. The sessions were moderated by alumnus Dr. Chiamaka Ukachukwu and student Hongyu Su.
“Once you are maxed out, you need to learn something new,” said Dr. Mohammed Shebley of AbbVie, a native of Southeastern Michigan. As with all the speakers, Dr. Shebley discussed his journey to and through the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan. He further discussed his career at AbbVie and keys for success for working in the company. His quote involved the importance of professionals continuing to evolve and figuring out new career directions, particularly when levels of personal and professional comfort are achieved. Dr. Shebley worked under Dr. Paul Hollenberg for his doctoral studies at the University of Michigan where he worked on projects involving Cyrochrome-P450s.
“I was blown away by everything, the commitment to students – all of it,” said Dr. Colleen Carpenter discussing her arrival at the Department of Pharmacology. Dr. Carpenter worked under the tutelage of Dr. Margaret Gnegy in the areas of Amphetamines and Dopamine signaling. Dr. Carpenter discussed her introduction to science in her native Jamaica, her educational path before arriving at the University of Michigan and her research afterwards. She is now an assistant professor at the University of Richmond where she uses Zebrafish and technologies like CRISPR to screen new drugs.
The alumni in attendance worked in multiple sectors including academia, industry, government, and patent law. One of the key themes that emerged in all their talks was that no career path was a straight line. That is all experienced some form of adversity or made decisions to explore other parts of the Pharmacology world and beyond. The students in the audience were further encouraged to enjoy and take advantage of the expertise and training available to them. Dr. Anwar Dunbar who worked under Dr. Yoichi Osawa for his doctoral training, noted in his talk that science is a culture, a craft, and a way of being which is unique and not well understood by other segments of society. Dr. Dunbar’s thesis project involved the inactivation and cellular degradation of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase.
The department endeavors to provide the best science training for its students. While academia is the classic career path following Pharmacology doctoral training, it attempts to expose them to all the career options. To learn more about the University of Michigan Department of Pharmacology, its stellar faculty, students and research, visit the department online at: https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/pharmacology .
Essays on the Science of Drugs and More
Pharmacology is the science of drugs, specifically how they modulate biological processes to treat disease and sickness. If you want to learn more about this exciting science, there is an essay discussing Pharmacology and its many aspects right here on this platform. There are similar essays on ADME/Drug Metabolism, Toxicology and Inhalation Toxicology. There are also essays describing the world of Basic Research, and the Transferable Skills learned from science training. Finally, there is a personal story regarding the challenges surrounding doctoral training as a minority.
The Big Words LLC Newsletter
Thank you for reading this piece on the Pharmacology in Color Symposium hosted by the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan. There are several other science-related essays here on my blog with more on the way. As a writer, I have started a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, The Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from my writer’s blog and this blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. One of those channels is a science and technology channel. It is entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. Finally, I will share updates for my book project entitled, The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is an issue with the sign-up form, you can email me at [email protected]. Best regards.
Three focuses of my blog are General Education, STEM and Technology. A significant number of careers of the future will involve science and technology. That said money cannot be the only driver and a love for these disciplines should be sparked and cultivated early. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ways To Get Your Kids Into Science.
Science can be an exciting and rewarding subject for children to explore, as it offers a window into the world around them and encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. However, some children may not immediately gravitate toward science or may view it as too complex. As parents, it’s our responsibility to inspire and foster a love for science in our kids. Here are six ways to get your kids excited about science and help them develop a lifelong passion for learning.
1. Encourage Curiosity and Ask Questions
Curiosity is the foundation of scientific exploration. Encourage your children to ask questions and express their curiosity about the world around them. Start by asking open-ended questions like “Why do you think the sky is blue?” or “How does a plant grow?” These questions can stimulate your child’s imagination and encourage them to think critically.
When your child asks a question, resist the urge to provide an immediate answer. Instead, work together to investigate and discover the answer, fostering a sense of accomplishment and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
2. Conduct Hands-On Experiments at Home
Nothing sparks a child’s interest in science more than hands-on experiments. Simple, age-appropriate experiments can be conducted using everyday household items, such as making a homemade volcano, growing crystals, or creating a simple circuit.
When conducting experiments, explain the scientific concepts behind each activity, and encourage your child to make observations and predictions. These experiments not only provide a fun learning experience but also help your child develop essential scientific skills like observation, hypothesis formation, and data analysis.
Toys and games can be a fantastic way to introduce scientific concepts to your child in a fun and engaging manner. Look for age-appropriate toys that encourage problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, such as building sets, chemistry kits, or robot-building kits.
Incorporate these toys into your child’s playtime, allowing them to explore and learn at their own pace. As your child becomes more comfortable with these scientific concepts, gradually introduce more advanced toys and activities to challenge and engage them further.
4. Read Science Books and Watch Educational Programs
A great way to inspire a love for science is by exposing your child to a wide range of age-appropriate books, documentaries, and educational programs – something you can find more info about here. Choose material that covers a variety of scientific topics, from biology and chemistry to astronomy and physics.
As you read or watch together, discuss the content and encourage your child to ask questions and express their thoughts. This shared experience can help deepen your child’s understanding of scientific concepts and foster a love for learning.
5. Visit Science Museums and Nature Centers
Visiting science museums, nature centers, and other educational institutions can provide your child with interactive and immersive experiences that bring scientific concepts to life. These venues often offer hands-on exhibits, workshops, and demonstrations that can captivate and inspire young minds.
Make the most of these outings by engaging in discussions, asking questions, and encouraging your child to participate in activities. Frequent visits to these institutions can help reinforce scientific concepts and ignite your child’s passion for science.
As you can fostering a love for science in your child is a rewarding and enriching experience. It can also set them up for the future, so what are you waiting for?
Sometimes things come together all at once and that is the case for this essay. As I was finishing up edits for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story, I did a broadcast on my science and technology YouTube channel for Black History Month. It focused on the Physicist Dr. Sylvester James Gates, Jr. and his peers. I started the broadcast by noting that I struggled with Physics during my junior year of high school, an important part of the story arc in my book.
I further noted that having the right Physics teacher can make all the difference in the world. Dr. Gates stated the same thing in the interview with him I read during the broadcast. He shared that an early Physics teacher inspired him to start his storied journey using an intriguing physics demonstration/experiment for he and his classmates. The sum of all of this was the genesis for this essay discussing learning Physics, and the critical role teachers play when giving instruction on the Grandfather of all the sciences.
The Grandfather of the Sciences
Physics is often referred to as the Grandfather of all of the sciences. I recall hearing that somewhere. Simply put, this just means that Physics is the basis for all of the other sciences. While my doctorate is in Pharmacology, Physics touched every aspect of my graduate research at the University of Michigan. My thesis project asked questions about drugs and their effects in living systems. That said all of the instruments we used to ask those questions used physics-based principles in one way or another. That goes for our columns used for chromatography, our orbital shakers, our mass spectrometers, our 96-well microtiter plate reader, our high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) devices, etc. In short, no matter the science or application, Physics touches it.
My High School Physics Teacher
My Physics teacher at Hutch-Tech High School six years earlier was Mr. Kenneth Boudreau. As you can deduce from his name he was of French descent. He was a skinny man who typically wore a white button down shirt, fitted black slacks and black shoes. He had gray hair, a gray beard and wore glasses. He could have been your stereotypical government scientist at NASA or any observatory. Everyday he brought a thermos to class and seemed to be wired on caffeine. A classmate actually joked once that he never blinked. Finally I noticed that he frequently popped chewable antacids in his mouth. He was in fact robot-like and spoke in a monotone way.
Our Teacher’s Level of Effectiveness
“It is that simple folks!” Every time Mr. Boudreau explained something to us or showed us a calculation on the board, he ended by enthusiastically saying, “It is that simple!” I only remember a few things from that entire year under his instruction. I remember an initial lesson on scalars and vectors. I also remember hearing the word Mechanics which was the chapter dealing with the movement of objects, impulses and velocities. I am certain the Electrical Technology and Mechanical Technology majors at Hutch-Tech remember more. They had to as Physics was the basis of their majors. The Electrical Engineering majors particularly had to understand electrical potentials, currents and resistance.
“Is there a way you can make this more exciting and interesting?” I also recall a classmate asking our teacher potentially the most important part of learning Physics, especially for beginners. As described later, Physics is a calculation intensive science and unless you know why you are doing those calculations, it is easy to get lost. While our teacher knew his calculations and formulas, there were not many demonstrations so we could see their applications.
By the way I am not sharing these stories to beat up on Mr. Boudreau. As I will describe later, he did something very important for me towards the end of that year. That said, making classroom material interesting is a larger educational skill and transcends Physics. It goes for pretty much every subject.
I also struggled with Physical Science in the eighth grade at Campus West, the precursor to Physics. The teacher was also a little on the dry side. He shared the same last name as a famous singer from the group ‘The Rat Pack’ whose first name was Frank. Okay it was Dr. Sinatra. I excelled at Life Science the previous year under another teacher who brought a lot of enthusiasm and creativity to our classes. That was Mr. Radamacher. My undergraduate Physics professor at Johnson C. Smith University also did not make the subject particularly interesting either but at that point, I knew how to approach the class.
Early Struggles and Gradual Progress
My junior year was marked by a mysterious injury suffered when running cross-country, a basketball season that came off the rails, and struggles in both Course 3 Math and Physics. While I struggled early in Physics, my math grade was average but dipped during the adversity from my basketball season. After my basketball season came to its early finish, my math grade rebounded once I refocused.
“Physics is a different way of looking at the world,” my father said over the phone during my struggles. He majored in Physics in college but there was minimal help he could give from five hours away with no internet. I did not understand his riddle immediately but I eventually figured it out.
My progress in Physics was incremental after starting off with a grade in the high 60s after that first semester. As described in my essay entitled, The Keys To Learning College Level Physics, once I sat down and started going over the materials and the problems, things started making sense. I wrote a similar piece about Chemistry. Physics was a quantitative science and it was calculation intensive. There was a formula for most of the principles whether it was a car accelerating or a rocket jettisoning into space. Once you understood the principles you could identify which formula to use. You could then plug in the numbers given in the word problem. Oh yes, all of the problems were word problems, so reading comprehension was also critical. Afterwards it was simple Algebra as Mr. Boudreau stated.
Turning Things Around
“I want to congratulate you for turning things around this year! You have made a lot of progress!” Late in the year, Mr. Boudreau sought me out in one of our classes. I sat in the back of the room goofing off with some classmates. He watched me struggle in his class early that year. He further observed when the switch turned on for me and when I started to understand things. I did not become the top student in the class by any means, but I was no longer scraping the bottom either. His acknowledgement of my progress was his greatest gift to me from teacher to student. It was an encouragement that I never forgot. It was an important step for me academically and in my future education and career as a scientist.
Understanding the Applications of Physics
As I end this essay, I want to acknowledge that teaching is one of the hardest professions out there. It can be exponentially more difficult depending on the district you are in and the students you have. It is a profession I do not know if I have the patience for. There are several factors that go into how well a student performs in a particular class. The teacher is just one of them. In some instances outside factors can impact how students learn. In some instances like mine, the seeds are planted early but do not bloom until later.
Regardless, for a class like Physics, I think using real world applications is critical for learning it, especially for beginners. Years later while volunteering at the David M. Brown Arlington Planetarium, I saw firsthand why planetariums and fulldome shows are important, especially for young people. I further understood the advantages kids who attend them regularly have over those who do not. Planetariums and fulldome shows about outer space spark curiosity and the imagination. They also show how subjects like Physics are applied. They show that the calculations can be fun.
One such kid who got to attend a planetarium regularly was Raphael Perrino. I met Raphael through his father Ralph whose tutoring company I worked in for a little while. Eventually all three of us worked together while volunteering in the group, The Friends of Arlington’s David M. Brown Planetarium. After finishing his education, Raphael started working in the aerospace industry. He was gracious enough to agree to the interview on my science and technology YouTube channel below. Early in the discussion, he acknowledged his high school Physics teacher and trained actor Dean Howarth, another planetarium volunteer, for creatively, effectively and enthusiastically teaching him and his classmates.
Basketball, Physics and Life: What’s the Connection?
As discussed in the opening of this piece, my early struggles with Physics was a part of my early basketball journey chronicled in my two-part book project entitled, The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. As I went through my struggles, my coach at the time Ken Jones suggested tutoring by one of our team captains who also did not finish out that year. He will remain anonymous. Me and this captain were not particularly close and when I called him seeking his help, he did not respond in a way that encouraged me to further pursue his help. I thus took a risk and decided to figure it out on my own.
When I look back on the whole thing, a couple of things come to mind. The first thing I think about is my lack of mental toughness. Our basketball season hung in the balance and I should have done whatever I needed to do to keep myself academically eligible even if it meant a little bit of joking and ridicule. It was a two-way street though, and the second thing I thought about is that winning teams are cohesive units that stick together. Thus If a teammate is struggling, it is important for teammates who have the ability to help, to help them for the good of the team.
Closing Words
This concludes this piece. Thank you for reading it if you did. Some of the images used in this essay were lifted from an issue of Understanding Physics. If you have a child or know one who is struggling in a course like Physics, you might also consider getting a tutor. As described earlier, I worked in the tutoring world for a little while. It was fun coaching struggling students up and it generated some extra income for me. Also consider visiting your local planetarium or nearby science demonstrations. You might help that struggling student by doing so, and you may inspire the next great scientist! Best regards.
The Big Words LLC Newsletter
For the next phase of my writing journey, I’m starting a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from my writer’s blog and this blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at [email protected]. Best regards.
On February 22, 2023, The Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition (GWRCCC) hosted its 2023 Opening Reception. The reception took place at the Eaton House at the Eaton Hotel in Washington, DC. The reception was an opportunity for clean energy and transportation leaders from throughout the region to network and align goals for the DC, Maryland, and Virginia’s (DMV’s) transition to clean transportation and energy equity, inclusion, and justice. Featured speakers included Ward 5 Councilmember Zachery Parker, GWRCCC Executive Director Antoine Thompson and Jill Hamilton, GWRCCC Board Chair and President of Sustainable Energy Strategies, Inc.
“There are people in this room who are promoting propane, electrification, biofuels, renewable natural gas, and green hydrogen – I love them all! I love them all! There is a role for every one of those fuels in our country and we owe it to the next generation to implement them in our transportation strategies,” said Antoine Thompson, the Executive Director of the GWRCCC discussing the importance of alternative fuel sources to petroleum products. “We had a listening session last night in Bowie, MD. It was about two hours. The people were very moved by the information we have access to.”
“Taking a step back, when I think about climate change, the cleanliness and quality of our air and our environment, we often hear narratives anchored around weather events. There has been a hurricane. There has been a tornado. There has been a storm and that is why we need to care about clean energy, clean air, and clean water systems,” said Zachery Parker, the Ward 5 Council Member of the DC City Council. “But I am here to tell you that representing a community that bears the burden of the city’s industrial land where there are more heat spots – it is many, many more degrees warmer in Ward 5 than in other parts of the city.
“Those effects are disproportionately affecting black and brown people – that is why we should care about this. It is not just because it is anchored around weather events. It is also because it is disrupting the quality of life for not only the people in DC but across this country and certainly in this region.”
The GWRCCC works to shepherd the DMV region towards the increased usage of alternative fuels in the region. Examples are the previously described biodiesel, electric and propane. Phasing in of vehicles that utilize these alternative energy sources are further expected to have beneficial impacts on both human health and the environment. To learn more about the GWRCCC, visit their website at: https://gwrccc.org/ . There you can also donate to the coalition and become a member.
The Big Words LLC Newsletter
Thank you for reading this piece on the GWRCCC. If you enjoyed this offering and have thoughts, please leave a comment below. There are several science-related essays here on my blog with more on the way.
As a writer, I have started a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from my writer’s blog and this blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. One of those channels is a science and technology channel. It is entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. Finally, I will share updates for my book project entitled, The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is an issue with the sign-up form, you can email me at [email protected]. Best regards.
Two focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM. A farming business can be quite lucrative if you know how to operate it properly. There will always be the need for food. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Benefits Of Starting A Farming Business.
If you have recently come into a substantial amount of land and don’t know what to do with it, starting a small farming business could be the perfect answer. Even if you never consider yourself a farmer, the industry offers an array of benefits that could encourage you to consider a career change. If you’re still unsure, don’t forget these key farming benefits that will help you and the wider world.
It Is Good For Your Health
Farming work is tough, but it can be immensely rewarding physically and mentally as long as you prepare for it. The long hours provide exercise and contribute to improved mental well-being, especially since you spend so much time outdoors. Of course, you need to have the right attitude to tackle the highs and lows of farming, but if you approach your responsibilities with the right mindset, you will reap the health and fitness benefits.
It Is Challenging And Stimulating
Part of the joy of farming is that it can push you to your limits, which is why it is not a career for the faint-hearted. If you’re ready for early days and long work, you will revel in the challenging and stimulating experience. It doesn’t need to be all back-breaking labor, though. Resources like AKRS Equipment offer used and new parts and machinery to help you manage your farm throughout the year.
It Helps Rural Areas
Farming work can boost the income of rural areas that may have been neglected by the government and councils. A prosperous farm provides a steady stream of income for a variety of farm produce, whether you grow crops or operate with livestock. A dedicated farm can cultivate a high-end and bespoke service by selling high-end produce and meat to local customers and customers from further afar.
It Can Benefit the Next Generations
Farmers are renowned for having an excellent work ethic. They are dedicated and passionate about what they do, which is ideal for inspiring the next generations. If you have kids, they may see how much you put into your farm, and they will be inspired to follow in your footsteps by undertaking farming education to prepare them to take over the farm. Since you will struggle to manage even a small farm all by yourself, this extra set of hands will ease some of the pressure and give you the chance to bond with your kids.
It Helps To Improve the Environment
Prioritizing sustainable agriculture has become more common throughout the farming industry. Many farmers are searching for ways to plow the land without damaging the environment. This can include advanced equipment or adjusted practices that focus on protecting habitats and giving wildlife other options to maintain biodiversity in the area. As much as you want (and need) to make a profit, you must also ensure the environment remains stable and healthy because you won’t have anywhere else to farm, otherwise.
Farming Success
Farming isn’t for everyone. But if you have the tools and resources to make it a success, you can enjoy these many benefits and discover something important that you never thought would be a crucial part of your life.
Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and STEM. There are many options in the medical field aside being a medical doctor. If you want to get into the field, it’s important to think about all the options. The following contributed post is entitled, Exploring Different Career Paths In The Medical Field.
The medical field is a broad and varied industry with many career paths and opportunities. From doctors and nurses to surgeons and pharmacists, there are various options available to those looking to pursue a career in the medical field. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to switch up your current job, exploring different career paths in the medical field can help you find the path that’s right for you. With the proper education and training, you can find rewarding and fulfilling roles in the medical field that match your skills and interests. This article will explore the different career paths in the medical field and the options available to you.
Vaccine Research
Vaccine researchers study and develop new vaccines to protect against infectious diseases. They also monitor the safety and efficacy of vaccines and help make sure they’re accessible to the people who need them. Vaccine researchers work in various industries, such as government, academia, and the biopharmaceutical sector. Vaccine researchers typically need a Ph.D. in immunology, microbiology, or other related fields. A master’s degree may also be sufficient, depending on the employer and the type of work you’re doing. Most researchers work in a lab setting, conducting experiments and studying samples. There are several types of careers within the vaccine research field. For example, you could work in vaccine discovery, development, testing for Polio Eradication, regulation, or safety. Most researchers also assist with educating the public about vaccines and working with doctors and other healthcare providers to determine which vaccines are needed and how they should be administered. To help with funding, you can find many grants and donors, such as from the Dwoskin Family Foundation, to help you fund your work and find new vaccines, methods in administration, and breakthroughs you might be working on.
Cancer Researcher
Cancer researchers study cancer’s causes and developmental processes and the effectiveness of different treatments. Cancer researchers examine human and animal tissues, looking for patterns and connections that may help us understand the disease better and develop new therapies. Cancer researchers typically need a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences, such as oncology, genetics, microbiology, or immunology. A master’s degree may also be sufficient, depending on the employer and the type of work you’re doing. Most researchers work in a lab setting, conducting experiments and analyzing data. Some researchers even do fieldwork, studying samples outside a lab setting. This may include examining soil, water, or air samples to see if they contain any traces of cancer-causing agents.
Lab Technician
Lab technicians help scientists conduct experiments in various settings, including university and commercial research labs. Lab technicians typically need an associate’s degree in laboratory technology. Certification programs are also available for technicians interested in advancing in their field. Lab technicians help scientists conduct experiments, maintain lab equipment, and prepare samples for analysis. They may also help with the design and implementation of experiments. Most lab technicians work in a lab setting, but some also work remotely (often via video conferencing). In a lab setting, technicians typically work with small experiments and samples. However, they may occasionally assist with large-scale experiments as well.
Cytotechnologists help diagnose and treat health issues related to the body’s cells and tissues. They’re often found in pathology labs, conducting microscopic slide tests and analyzing samples to look for signs of disease. Cytotechnologists also often assist pathologists during autopsies and other medical procedures. Cytotechnologists typically need a two-year associate’s degree in cytotechnology and certification from the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). Many employers also prefer that cytotechnologists complete continuing education courses throughout their careers. Cytotechnologists usually work in a pathology lab setting, with samples and slides to look for signs of disease. This may include preparing samples, making diagnoses, and assisting in treating diseases.
Clinical Researcher
Clinical researchers examine the effectiveness of new treatments, analyze clinical data from trials, and design protocols for drug studies. Clinical researchers are typically fully licensed medical doctors with years of experience, like Hanid Audish DO. They typically are specialists in medicine or a related field and have experience working with large-scale clinical trials and studies. Clinical researchers usually work in hospitals, research institutes, universities, or private companies. They analyze data from clinical trials, create protocols for drug development and testing, and provide advice to doctors on the best treatments for patients.
With the proper training and education, you can explore a career in the medical field and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. No matter which medical field you choose, there are various factors to keep in mind, such as work environment, salary, and job outlook. You may also want to consider your interests and skills to help you decide which career path is best for you.
Three focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, General Education and STEM. In our ever evolving economy, there will always be a need for engineers. One critical area in which they work is in our infrastructure – building and maintaining it. The following guest post is entitled, The Power of Engineering in Making the Road Safer.
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When it comes to road safety, engineering plays a vital role. Engineers are responsible for designing safe and efficient roads and reducing the risk of accidents. But what exactly do engineers do to ensure roads are safe? Take a closer look at the crucial role of engineering in making the road a safer place for everyone.
1. Road Construction
Road safety engineers focus on designing roads that reduce potential risks and prevent serious accidents. This involves factors such as implementing rumble strips along the edge of highways to alert drivers if they drift off course, using wider lanes for more visibility, and using guardrails to protect vehicles from going over cliffs or embankments. Engineers may also be tasked with creating barriers between opposing traffic lanes to minimize head-on collisions.
They also design intersections and roundabouts, which help direct drivers safely through areas where multiple roads converge-an essential element for keeping drivers and pedestrians safe from harm’s way. They design these intersections to improve the flow of traffic and reduce the risk of collisions.
2. Traffic Signals
Engineers are also responsible for installing traffic signals, which aid in the coordination of vehicle movement. Signals are used to control traffic when a conflict between different users of the road arises-such as pedestrians crossing streets or vehicles merging into busy lanes. They also manage road line marking projects that indicate lanes and provide visual guidance for drivers.
Some engineers even work to design intelligent traffic control systems, which employ advanced technologies such as sensors and cameras to detect traffic flow patterns and optimize signals’ timing for maximum efficiency. Although many of these systems are still experimental, they have the potential to improve road safety in the future drastically. Many of these systems are already being deployed in cities worldwide.
3. Structural Design
Engineering plays an even more significant role in constructing bridges and tunnels. Engineers must ensure these structures are built with solid materials that can withstand ever-changing weather conditions. Before construction begins, they must consider the weight limits of any given bridge or tunnel to accommodate all kinds of vehicles-from small cars to large trucks-without any problems. Depending on the location, they may even need to design bridges or tunnels with unique features to protect against natural disasters such as earthquakes.
They are also responsible for bridging drainage systems to prevent flooding and keeping roads free from potholes or other damages. Engineers do this by using a combination of advanced materials, effective drainage systems, and innovative applications of engineering know-how. They may also need to consider any seasonal changes in the environment that could have an impact on the construction.
4. Roadside Safety
Pedestrians and cyclists often share the roads with motorists, and to keep them safe, engineers must take into account factors such as visibility, traffic speed, and road width. This could include the installation of special lighting fixtures, widening roads to accommodate bike lanes, or even creating separate paths for pedestrians and cyclists.
In some cases, engineers may develop more innovative techniques, such as embossed road markings that alert bikers and walkers when approaching a street with high-speed traffic. This technology is currently being tested in some parts of Europe and could potentially help reduce the number of accidents involving pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. Not to mention a drastic rise in the rights and the law when it comes to safe driving, and how to handle accidents with firms like GJEL ready to help.
5. Road Maintenance
No road is perfect. Engineers must regularly inspect and repair the road surface to ensure its longevity to prevent potholes, cracks, and other damages. In some cases, they may also maintain existing roads and bridges by checking and replacing broken or worn parts. They are also tasked with designing more resilient and efficient road materials that can withstand extreme weather conditions better.
Of course, they also play a part in redirecting traffic when these road maintenance activities occur. This usually involves the installation of temporary traffic lights, signage, or road markings to guide drivers around any closures or detours. They may also be required to coordinate with local authorities to minimize disruption. Road maintenance can be completed faster and more effectively when traffic is managed correctly.
Engineering plays a vital role in ensuring road safety for everyone on the streets today. By designing safer roads with features such as rumble strips, stronger bridges and tunnels able to handle all types of vehicles, traffic control systems like traffic lights and signs, as well as intersections and roundabouts – engineers are helping make sure our roads stay safe for everyone who uses them! Ultimately, this helps reduce congestion while simultaneously increasing efficiency – key elements necessary for keeping everyone safe while traveling on the road.
Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and STEM. One of the most significant biological processes in the living world is birth. While child birth is for the most part celebrated, there are difficulties associated with it. The following contributed post is entitled, Coping With Difficulties During And Following Birth.
When we plan children and learn about aspects of pregnancy and birth, we tend to be fed information regarding ideal situations and situations where everything goes well and expected. Of course, hopefully, every baby will be born problem free. But the truth is that, often, there are difficulties and complications that can result in your little one’s journey into this world being difficult, either for baby, parent or both. The lack of information in this area means that if you happen to experience something outside of the norm during late stages of pregnancy, the birth itself or following birth, you can quickly feel lost and unsure of what’s happening or what to do. This can add extra pressure and leave you feeling overwhelmed during a time that is already causing a major shift in your entire life dynamic. Here’s some information that may be able to help you should you need it.
Follow Doctors’ Advice
First and foremost, if there have been difficulties during or post birth that require treatment for you or your baby, you need to make sure that you fully understand what has happened, what the consequences are and what you need to do to make sure that you can fully care for yourself or your child in the wake of the incident. You should have a good understanding of what medicine needs to be taken, what actions need to be taken and what therapy or other follow up treatment you or your baby may need to maximise recovery and improve quality of life. You can never ask too many questions. It’s much better to be sure of what you’re doing to ensure that everyone is as well cared for as possible.
Seek Compensation
You may find that issues during birth were the result of neglect or malpractice. Of course, this isn’t fair. You can always look to seek compensation for issues that impacted you or your baby. This is particularly true for instances that are major, such as brain damage during birth. Compensation can help to reduce chances of the same situation happening to another person, as well as providing you with a means of financial support that can go towards ongoing treatment or care for yourself or your child. You shouldn’t have to deal with major debt due to someone else’s mistake or poor conduct.
Create a Support Network
Some conditions can make raising a child more difficult than the average person experiences. You need to make sure that you have a strong support network around you to help you in a number of easy. Whether that’s friends or family who can help with raising your child or giving you rest now and then, or others who have been impacted in a similar way and can give specific advice that will help you in your routine.
Each of the steps above can help you to cope with any difficulties you may experience as a result of issues during or following birth. Hopefully, they will come in useful if you need them!
A key focus of my blog is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). I key component of medicine is toxicology which has both clinical and research aspects. If you’re on the clinical testing side, there are certain principles involved. The following guest post is entitled, 4 Principles of Toxicology Testing in Clinical Labs.
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Toxicology testing in clinical laboratories is essential for monitoring and evaluating the impact of toxic substances on human health. It plays a crucial role in helping us understand how our environment affects us and providing information to healthcare professionals about possible risk factors associated with specific exposures. The four principles of toxicology testing provide vital insight into the practice of toxicology testing.
1. Collection
The first step in any toxicology test is collecting a sample from the tested person. This can be done using various methods, such as blood or urine sampling. In some cases, tissue samples may also be necessary for more specific tests. Depending on the type of sample being collected, additional steps may need to be taken to ensure that the sample is adequately preserved and handled.
Once the sample is collected, healthcare professionals must test it with clinical laboratory equipment and supplies. Equipment suppliers for clinical labs provide a wide range of solutions for any testing need, from test kits to specialized instruments for measuring sample toxins. These suppliers also offer a variety of consumables, such as reagents and disposables, that are essential for testing samples. In addition, they provide training and support to ensure that tests are accurate and reliable.
To get the most accurate results, it is vital to use the correct type of equipment for a given test. For example, a specialized laboratory oven might be needed for specific tests, while a microscope might be necessary for others. Knowing what equipment is required can help ensure accurate testing and results.
2. Analysis
Once the sample has been collected, it must then be analyzed to determine what substances are present and how much of each substance exists in the sample. This can be done through various tests, such as chromatography or spectrophotometry. The results from these tests will indicate which specific chemicals or other elements are present in the sample.
The analytical techniques used to analyze the sample can vary depending on what it is being tested for. For example, if a sample is being tested for pollutants, then methods such as fluorescence spectroscopy may be employed. This technique measures the amount of light absorbed by different substances to identify them. Similarly, gas chromatography may be used to analyze samples for volatile compounds. This technique separates the components of a sample based on their boiling points and allows for highly accurate quantification of them.
Once the results from the analytical techniques have been obtained, these can then be compared to various standards to determine if any issues are present with contamination. Standards may vary across different jurisdictions, depending on the regulations in place. For example, if a sample is being analyzed for heavy metals, the results must compare to the accepted levels set by environmental protection agencies. It is essential to ensure that any substances present in a sample are within acceptable limits so as not to pose a risk to health or the environment.
3. Interpretation
Interpreting test results is essential for determining if any health risks associated with specific exposures exist. Toxicologists use various techniques to assess the toxicity of the substances found in a sample. This includes looking at the amount of each substance present and its potential effects on humans or animals.
Several factors must be considered to interpret a sample test’s results accurately. Factors such as the dose-response relationship, environmental fate, and bioavailability should all be examined. Additionally, healthcare professionals must consider potential synergistic effects to understand the full implications of the test results.
The dose-response relationship is an essential factor to consider when interpreting toxicity test results. This relationship describes the rate at which exposure to a substance increases or decreases its associated health risks and can be used to determine if specific exposures are safe or not. Environmental fate refers to how long a substance persists in a particular environment. At the same time, bioavailability describes the amount of a substance that enters the body and the rate at which it is absorbed.
Synergistic effects refer to interactions between substances that can cause adverse health effects. For example, exposure to low levels of two chemicals may not result in any adverse effects individually, but when combined, could lead to serious health risks. Toxicologists must consider these factors when interpreting test results to ensure accurate and comprehensive interpretation.
4. Communication
Once the results from a toxicology test have been interpreted, it is essential to communicate any findings to those involved in the testing process. This includes notifying healthcare providers about any significant health risks associated with exposures to certain substances, as well as informing laboratory personnel about how to handle any hazardous materials present in samples properly. Additionally, communication between different laboratories may be necessary when coordinating multiple tests related to the same exposure event.
When communicating results to healthcare providers or laboratory personnel, it is vital to be clear and concise. The report should include all relevant information and recommendations for further action or follow-up testing. The report should also be backed up by documentation such as case history forms or chemical analysis reports ensuring accuracy. Healthcare professionals should also provide reference materials to facilitate further understanding.
Before disseminating any results, it is essential to review the material for accuracy and completeness. Quality assurance procedures should be followed to confirm that all necessary steps have been taken before disseminating information. Relevant personnel should also be consulted where possible, as this can help identify potential issues or discrepancies.
In Summary
The principles outlined here provide an overview of the various steps involved in toxicology testing and how they all work together to keep individuals safe from adverse health effects associated with exposure to hazardous materials. By following these guidelines, clinical laboratories can play a vital role in keeping patients informed and protected from potential risks.