6 Ways Has Technology Has Improved Healthcare

Two focuses of my blog are Health and Wellness and Technology. Technology has significantly changed healthcare from what it used to be. For patients, healthcare practitioners and even investors, it’s important to understand these. The following contributed post is entitled, 6 Ways Has Technology Has Improved Healthcare.

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Technology continues to improve every day, so much so, it can be hard to keep up with it. Many of these technological advancements are within healthcare. Without access to this new technology, our lives would be completely different. It is making it easier for doctors to give patients diagnoses, reducing the length of procedures, and helping people to live longer. Below are several ways that technology has helped, and continues to help, improve healthcare:


Access to information
The information that ordinary people can get access to has increased due to the internet. Instead of visiting your doctor for every issue, you may be able to find treatments and advice about minor illnesses and injuries online. It is not something that should replace going to the doctor altogether, but it allows patients to take control of their health. You may be able to follow the advice that you find online, and then if your symptoms do not get any better, visit the doctor. The internet is also a useful tool for doctors and other medical professionals. If there is something they aren’t sure about, or they want to know more about, they can take the time to research it online.

3D Printing
3D printing is becoming more and more useful in healthcare. It can be used for many things, including implants, prosthetics and even synthetic skin.
Using 3D printing for prosthetics is great because it provides a low-cost prosthetic option for those who need it. Traditionally, making prosthetics is something that can be very expensive because they have to be made specifically for an individual. With 3D printing, it can be personalised to the individual for a fraction of the cost, in a fraction of the time.
3D printing is something that is going to continue to develop and revolutionise many different aspects of healthcare.

Less invasive procedures
As technology has advanced, there have been significant developments made to surgery and other medical procedures which have made them less invasive. In the past, having surgery would have come with high risks and long recovery times, but now in many cases, the opposite is true. There are now procedures that can be completed with keyhole surgery or laser treatments. They are much lower risk, and the recovery times can be reduced significantly.

More accountability and efficiency
The advent of electronic databases means that your medical history and records can be easily accessed by a medical professional that needs to treat you. They will be able to see the results of any tests you have had in the past, illnesses or injuries you have been diagnosed with, and any medication you have been on. It is much more efficient than receptionists having to search through tons of files to get your notes. This electronic database also allows for greater accountability on behalf of the medical professional. Everything must be adequately documented and ailments properly dealt with so that there are no cases of malpractice. If someone needs to investigate any malpractice accusations, it is easy to do with electronic medical record audit trails.


Improved detection methods
All the tests that are used in healthcare provide so much information that it is now easier than ever to diagnose exactly what the issue is and find the best solution to fix it. Medical professionals have access to x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI’s and other imaging devices that can help them to see what is going on inside the body. Many can help to detect problems earlier than other methods, so treatments can be given to prevent issues from getting worse, or with more success and less risk.

Access to wearable technology
If patients visit a doctor with a condition that needs to be monitored, many can now be monitored from home. If a patient has a suspected heart condition, and they need more information that an EKG can give them, they may be asked to wear a small device that will monitor their heart’s activity over a certain period of time. During this time, the wearer can go about their normal, everyday routine while still having their heart rate and rhythm monitored.
There are even watches that people can buy to monitor their health and fitness and encourage them to be more proactive about their health. Many will record the number of steps that you do everyday and detect how active you are by monitoring your heart rate. Some can even monitor your sleep. Knowing this information can help people to make positive decisions for their health.

Practical Tips For Supporting Vulnerable People Who Are Self-Isolating

Two key focuses of my blog are Current Events and Health/Wellness. As our world is dealing with the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic, people are being asked to practice “Social Distancing” and self-isolation. These new Coronavirus strategies aren’t necessarily healthy for people who are self-isolating even though they are necessary. The following contributed post is entitled, Practical Tips For Supporting Vulnerable People Who Are Self-Isolating.

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We live in scary and uncertain times. The coronavirus will have far-reaching effects not just for our healthcare system but for the global economy and business to say nothing of the potential long-term sociological effects. Yet, for those of us who make a living from caring for society’s most vulnerable, or those of us who care for elderly or infirm loved ones, our thoughts turn not to ourselves, but to those who rely on us. If you care for someone who is self-isolated, elderly or sick with a compromised immune system, whether you’re a medical professional or just a loving relative, here are some practical tips for protecting our most vulnerable and isolated in this difficult time.

Image by Matthias Zomer via Pexels

Encourage healthy eating

Those who are isolated tend to be less inclined to cook for themselves. Moreover, those who are in a state of stress or anxiety may experience a dramatic decline in appetite. At best, vulnerable people may sustain themselves with a variety of highly processed sugary, fatty or salty convenience foods. At worst they may eat nothing at all.

It’s essential to encourage, or even facilitate, healthy eating. Ensure that they eat a diet that is balanced with a good nutrient to calorie ratio. Make sure they have access to as much fresh fruit and veggies as possible. Not only is fresh produce packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein, it also contains phytonutrients which are believed to support immune function.

Plus, let’s not forget, food is a source of enjoyment as well as fuel for our bodies. Sharing delicious home cooked meals can make a huge difference to someone’s day.

Encourage them to wash their hands properly

We all know how important hand washing is in the current climate. As much as people seem to think that stockpiling alcoholic hand sanitizer will insulate them from the risk of coronavirus, there’s really no substitute for good old fashioned soap and water. In fact, the very act of washing your hands literally tears viruses apart. Viruses come packaged in a wall of fats and proteins. Soaps dissolve the bonds that hold viral cells together so when you wash your hands, you’re not just washing them down the drain, you’re wiping them out.

However, our charges who experience diminished cognitive functions or neurological impediments such as dementia may not be willing or able to wash their hands regularly. Where possible, it’s vital to ensure that they understand and use the proper hand washing technique. Medical professionals will already be well aware of this but family carers can check it out here. Where it’s not possible to educate your charge on proper hand washing technique, it’s up to you to ensure that their hands are clean especially before eating.

Ensure that they are continuously monitored

As hard and as diligently as you work to protect the person or people you care for, it’s okay to admit that you’re only human. Fortunately, technology can lend a helping hand to monitor charges even when you’re not on the premises. Continuous EEG monitoring equipment is appropriate both for home and hospital use. It offers real time monitoring of brain activity 24/7 to give carers peace of mind and inform ongoing therapy options. It can track seizure activity, provide a steady stream of data for review by your charge’s doctor or specialist physician and help medical professionals to make fast and effective decisions pertaining to therapies or drug treatments.

Help them feel cared for and supported

We’ve yet to encounter the true sociological cost of self-isolation. As friends and family members become separated from one another and married couples experience potential cabin fever that can put a strain on their relationship, we can expect to see some serious social fallout as a result of the coronavirus. However, for the people in your care, it may compound their existing feelings of isolation and vulnerability. The elderly and infirm are among the most isolated in our society and the most prone to anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts.

As such, perhaps one of the most important things medical professionals and family members can do is be there for our charges socially. Keep them chatting, let them know you’re available. Ask how they’re feeling and encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences with you.

Your emotional support, compassion and availability may be just as lifesaving as your health and hygiene precautions or the medication you administer.

This current pandemic can exacerbate the sense of isolation felt by the isolated and make them even more vulnerable. In this climate, the support you lend them is more important than ever!

5 Ways to Enrich Your Life While Working 9 to 5

Three focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, Health/Wellness and Professional Development/Skills. Many people stagnate once setting into a 9 to 5 career/job while others continue to grow and thrive. There are ways to continue thriving both personally and professionally while working your 9 to 5. The following guest post is entitled, 5 Ways to Enrich Your Life While Working 9 to 5.

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Time is a precious resource not everyone has. This becomes especially relevant when you reach your adulthood. The typical set-up for most working adults is a 9-5 job. Some work for as long as 10 hours, or work during nighttime. You might be cursed with daily 3-hour commutes. Much of your adulthood will be spent on earning a living and a lot of times you won’t have a weekend well spent aside from lounging around.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t live your life to the fullest while working hard. There are many ways you can enrich your life and get the most out of every situation-if you make time for them. Here are some ways you can step out of your 9-5 box and enrich the moments in your life:

Learn New Skills

The advent of new technologies like the Internet and smartphones paved the way for easier access to things you might not know yet. More often than not, if you don’t know something, you Google it. You can go to online schools and open universities to learn something new. Better yet, you can even learn new skills from YouTube, like learning how to cook or fix the sink.

Also, if you can manage your time, you can try to go to take vocational courses from accredited institutions or continue your education and take a graduate degree. All these can add something new or further hone your skillset, which can help you in the long run.

Declutter Your Life

Take a page from Marie Kondo’s minimalistic way of living and declutter your life. Fill your life with things that spark you joy; get rid of things that don’t make you happy or you have no use of anymore. You can donate old clothes, recycle your stack of papers, or even cut contact with someone toxic from your life. When it comes to work, categorize and sort everything. Make everything in your life valuable and it’ll help you in the long run.

Practice Mindfulness

Become more self-aware. Mindfulness brings you to the forefront of your very situation instead of being stuck in the past. You can do this kind of meditation whenever you’re feeling pressured with your work, or with making a very important decision. You can do things with a clear mind. It lets you become objective; you attune to what’s happening right now, regulating your emotions.

Apart from being a good stress reliever, you gain control that otherwise would’ve been lost when you panic or freeze.

Don’t Forget to Relax

When you have no plans for the weekend, sometimes you might be thinking to yourself: “How do I make the most of my weekend?” Well, there’s more to life than doing a Netflix binge, so do whatever relaxes you. If it’s reading by a warm fireplace, then do that. If you’re more of an extrovert, try doing volunteer work. Be creative, express yourself.

Take Control of Your Narrative

“Live your life so it’s a story to tell,” says one lifehack. Sometimes, there are things that hold you back from achieving great heights. Although, other times, it’s you who’s holding you back. You need to gain the courage and confidence to step up and take a leap of faith. You know yourself well; you know well what you can do.

You don’t have to leave your 9 to 5 to do anything rewarding for your life. Go in headfirst with no regrets. If you stumble along the way or get to the finish line in the end, it’ll be a rewarding, learning experience for you.

Avoid Health Hazards At Work

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. While we go to work to earn a living, there are also multiple health hazards depending on the workplace. There’s a lot of planning that management has to think about to prevent these hazards. The following contributed post is entitled, Avoid Health Hazards At Work.

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There are many hazards that can occur in the workplace and if they are not properly dealt with, it could cause a big problem and you could be paying out for compensation, insurance and more. Offices will contain health and safety hazards which need to be monitored and controlled, even outside the office. For example if you have poor paving and someone trips and breaks their ankle, you need to ensure that you have a good working environment outside also. Looking at concrete replacement could be something for you to look at https://www.keflatwork.com/concrete-repair-replacement/ to ensure that your paving is perfect.

Photo: Pixabay

But inside the workplace, you will certainly find that offices need to have hazards identified and there must be risk assessments carried out to be sure that the right measures are in place and can be implemented just in case something occurs. You must secure your office http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheBigWordsBlogSite/~3/nA54f2JImMg/. Here are the most common things and hazards that you will find inside the office:

● Poor or inadequate lighting, people could trip, fall, drop things
● Ergonomic hazards;
● Extremes of temperature, if the heating is broken, it could lead to cold-related illnesses or vice versa for hot.
● Manual handling hazards which may include machinery
● Tripping and falling hazards such as poor placement of furniture, boxes being left or equipment not properly stored.
● Electrical hazards, sockets, wires, poor electrical systems that aren’t tested etc.
● Contagious illnesses spread by sick workers, because workers feel they cannot stay home and take a sick day for fear of getting behind or leaving other workers in the lurch
● Fire hazards, poor fire exits, or none at all, no real route to get out of the way should there be a fire
● Chemical hazards, cleaning products or any toxic products left around or not stored properly, or falling into the wrong hands.
● Stress hazards such as high stress jobs, tight deadlines and poor working environments that can make people suffer stress and anxiety. Stress at work is a huge thing as you can read about further here https://qz.com/work/1443824/stress-at-work-is-a-dangerous-health-hazard/

All health and safety hazards must be properly identified, and then you will need to ensure that there is a risk assessed and that then you can implement the new rules and regulations to keep your workers safe. To do this you need to look at the likelihood of the risks causing any serious injury and then prove that you have put the necessary things in place to stop them from occurring. Workers may file a complaint if this is not done or things don’t change, after all they too want to protect themselves from issues within the workplace.

Then, once the systems are implemented, you must control the measures, keep an eye on them and monitor them closely as it is essential that you keep on top of them all to ensure that they remain effective for some time and that nothing is sliding back into old ways. Moving forwards will help everyone and ensure a more productive workspace, inside and outside of the working office. You can find more information online about how to implement this but it’s also best to assess yourself first.

How You Can Help A Friend With Cancer

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Most people will be touched by cancer in their lifetime whether it’s ourselves or a loved on. In addition to actually managing the condition itself, there are psychological aspects as well for both the patient and their loved ones. The following contributed post is entitled, How You Can Help A Friend With Cancer.

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You can hope that everything is going to run smoothly in life, but the fact of the matter is that you can’t always predict what’s going to happen. And eventually, the sheer randomness of life will dictate that something bad happens. Recent studies have shown that around 1 in 2 people will be affected by cancer at one stage in their life, which makes it extremely likely that you’ll know someone close to you that has to battle the disease. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a few ways how you can help your friend after they are diagnosed.

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Process Your Emotions

Before you try to help your friend, or even before you visit them, it’s important that you take some time to process your own emotions. It’s understandable that this will be tough for you, so don’t feel guilty about looking after yourself too. Ultimately, once you’ve processed your own reaction, you’ll be able to help your friend more. When you visit them, the focus should be on them, not you. Ultimately, if you’re in a good place, then you’ll be able to be the rock of support and strength that they need.

Educate Yourself

One of the best ways you can help a friend who is suffering from cancer is by educating yourself about what they’re going through. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding cancer, and by gathering as much information as you can, you’ll be able to chat with your friend about their diagnosis. People who are suffering from cancer can often feel alone since no-one else knows what they’re going through. As such, educating yourself is one of the more considerate gifts that you can give them.

Helping Out

One of the less-discussed difficulties of going through cancer treatment is trying to stay on top of all the regular tasks that comprise life. Things like preparing meals, cooking, and the like take a backseat, but they still have to be handled. This is where you can come in. You could help to prepare meals, using cancer fighting foods as ingredients. It’ll help to free up some of their time, and will also ensure that they’re eating well. You can also look at helping to tidy their home when you’re visiting.

Room For Sadness

One of the more difficult aspects of managing a relationship with a friend going through an illness is trying to figure out whether to keep things light or to embrace the sadness. While your friend should set the tone, it’s generally best that you don’t try to avoid the sad feelings. They are present, after all. Some people try to act as if everything is fine, but this can only help to make the friend feel alone.

Stay Yourself

Finally, try your best to stay yourself. This is a unique, unwanted situation, but it’s not as if it has to change everything. Do your best to stay yourself: your friend will appreciate having a familiar presence in their life.

How to Relax after you Have Had a Manic Week at Work

Two of the focuses of my blog are Career Discussion and Health/Wellness. While we all have to make a living, sometimes our work weeks can exact heavy tolls on our qualities of life. As such it’s important to understand how to manage your health under such circumstances. The following contributed post is entitled, How to Relax after you Have Had a Manic Week at Work.

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If you feel as though things are just getting too much at work, then this may show that you need to spend some time relaxing. If you don’t then you may find that the stress gets worse and that you are unable to deal with it as well as you once could. If you want to get around this then you need to focus on giving yourself some downtime now and again.

Schedule Downtime

The first thing that you need to do is make downtime a specific goal. Schedule it into your daily schedule and also make sure that you give yourself 5 minutes from time to time. At the end of the week, you might also want to have a date night as well. Little things like this can really help you to achieve a true state of relaxation and you would be surprised at how much it could help you in the long-run. If there’s a show coming up, why not book no service fee tickets?

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)


It doesn’t matter how you choose to unwind because it can be difficult for you to truly relax if you are constantly thinking about work. The first thing that you have to do whenever you leave the office is turn your phone off. You also need to make sure that you avoid bringing work home with you as well. After all, you deserve to have some “you” time and there is only so much you can put work first.

Take a Hot Shower

The best and easiest way for you to leave work behind you would be for you to have a shower or a hot bath. When you have a hot shower you can easily wash the tension away from your body. Water is known for having a calming effect on both the mind and the soul. If you want to get the best result out of your soak, then try and splash some cool water on your face afterwards. This will energise the cells in your body. If you are having a bath then light some aromatic candles.

Exercise or Take Part in Team Sports

Working off stress is always a good thing. Exercise will release endorphins and you cannot argue with science. Regular exercise will help you to feel more energetic and it will also help you to feel better about yourself too. The best thing about team sports is that they have a huge social element to them. If you prefer to exercise alone then a good playlist can always work in your favour.

Get out of the House

Being out in the open after being cooped up all day will really help you to relax and it will also better your mental health. When the weather is fine, you need to try and seek out nature. You don’t have to go much further than your garden either. A bit of fresh air will help you to unwind and it can work wonders for your overall stress levels. So when the sun is out, get a chair and put your feet up.

Is Your Home Keeping Your Healthy Or Making You Sick?

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. While our homes are supposed to be safe spaces where we can retreat from the world, they can also be sources of injury, pain and sickness. This is something most people don’t think about. The following contributed post is entitled, Is Your Home Keeping Your Healthy Or Making You Sick?

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When it comes to improving our health, we need to think about more than just the changes we make to our own bodies. We need to think about how our environment affects our health as well. For that reason, we’re going to take a look at the impact that our home can have on us, how it can make us healthy, how it can make us sick, and how to make better use of it.

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You may have more guests than you realize
No one wants pests in their home. That much should be a given. However, many may underestimate just how much harm pests can really do once they’re inside. Their droppings, urine, and other dander can lead to a major risk of allergies and respiratory illnesses. Other pests are disease carriers. Read more here about how to identify whether you might have pests in your home, and what to do about them if you do. There are many pests you may be able to ward off without professional help.

How clean is clean?
If you’re very health conscious, then you’re also likely to be very clean conscious. You want to get rid of bacteria that could get you sick, but what do you use to do it? Common household cleaning products could contain more dangerous ingredients than you might realize. Some can cause irritation, others can exacerbate respiratory issues, and some are even linked to cancer. Learn here about the household cleaning ingredients we should all be much more aware of, as well as some the alternatives that could be much healthier for you and your home.

How well do you manage your air quality?
The very air we breathe is going to have an impact on our health. As such, the home plays an important role in creating a boundary between us and the outside world. If that boundary fails, we can let in all the allergens, not to mention the damp, that can slowly make the air in our home more dangerous. Learn more about keeping the roof repaired and sealing off air gaps to protect the boundary of your home. You shouldn’t simply let the outdoors come in when it wants.

Home is where the head is
When it comes to your mental health, the home can have just as profound an impact on that, as well. For instance, a cluttered, messy home has been shown to increase symptoms and feelings of stress significantly in people. More importantly, the home should act as a comforting haven that you’re glad to return to after a day of dealing with work and other responsibilities. Ways to make your home more welcoming can include incorporating more personal aspects of decor, such as photos, and making use of aromatherapy candles to help relax.

You can’t avoid every malady with the tips above, but it does raise the important question of how our homes contribute to our health. Make sure you take care of your home and it will take better care of you.

5 Ways To Stay Safe On The Road If You Drive For A Living

Two of the focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Health/Wellness. If you’re in the trucking business and spend lots of time on the road, it’s important to understand how to stay safe as there are plenty of potential hazards. Learning to stay safe will ensure that you’ll stay both alive and in business for years to come. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ways To Stay Safe On The Road If You Drive For A Living.

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Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

If you’re looking for ways to stay safe on the road but you’re unsure where to start then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’re travelling as a one-off for work or you’re travelling on a daily basis, you need to ensure you’re doing everything you can to keep both yourself and others safe on the road. Luckily, there are lots of ways you can ensure you’re doing exactly that. With that in mind, here are 5 ways to stay safe on the road if you drive for a living:

– Make Sure You’re Checking Your Route Before You Leave

One of the best things you can do when it comes to your safety is to ensure you’re researching the route before you leave. Not only will this give you a chance familiarise yourself with where you’re going but it will also allow you to see whether or not there are any road closures or diversions. Whilst you may have a smooth route ahead of you, it’s always better to be prepared. For tips and tricks when it comes to planning your route in advance, you can visit this site here.

– Carry Out Safety Checks On Your Vehicle

Another important thing to do before you get on the road is to ensure you’re doing safety checks on your vehicle, no matter what size it is. From checking your tyre pressure to checking the quality of your seatbelts, you need to ensure everything is good to go before you leave. Whilst your chances of being in a crash are low, safety checks for both cars and trucks are essential. For more information, you can visit this trucking crash expert here.

– Pack An Emergency Kit In Your Trunk

No matter the length of your journey, you also need to ensure you’re packing an emergency kit in your trunk. From a flashlight to warm clothes, you need to be sure you have absolutely everything you’re going to need in case of an emergency. For inspiration when it comes to putting together your emergency vehicle kit, you can visit this handy guide here.

– Ensure You Take Regular Breaks

Tiredness while driving can be incredibly dangerous and if you’re not taking regular breaks, chances are you’re going to struggle to drive. Whether you’re taking a 20-minute break for some lunch or you’re booking a hotel somewhere overnight, it’s important you’re taking as many breaks as you need to get through the journey.

– Pack Enough Food And Drink To Last

Finally, you need to ensure you’re packing enough food and drink to last you the whole journey. Although there will be plenty of stops along the way, you need to ensure you have exactly what you need just in case you break down or struggle to find the food that you like.

Are you looking for ways to stay safe on the road? What can you do to ensure you’re protecting yourself and those around you? Did we miss anything? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

How To Choose Where You Live

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. A major aspect of your personal wellness and that of your family is where you choose to live. The place where you live has multiple effects on your life. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Choose Where You Live.

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It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to retire or you are just looking for a new place to live, deciding where to go is not a natural choice to make. There are so many cities and towns, suburbs, and municipalities to choose from. It’s always smart to look at your options and move to what you feel is the best location for you.

But where do you begin? Choosing where to live takes research. You’ll need to know where the jobs are and how the real estate market is looking (and Peter Barlin makes this easy for Austin!). You need to see if you will have the right amenities in your new place, and you need to find out whether you are in the right place for everything that you will need. So, what do you need to consider when choosing where you should live the rest of your life?

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  1. Town Size. Whether you covet the city or you swoon after the suburbs, you need to choose the size of the town that works for you. You want to find somewhere to live based on your needs, and it starts with the size. The internet is invaluable for this, as you can find out what the populations are for all the areas you are interested in.
  2. The Weather. If you hate rain, Seattle is not a good idea. If you love the sunshine, then Miami could be for you. The weather affects your mood, and it affects everything that you want to do – especially if you love the outdoor life. Choose the right climate for you, and you’ll be able to enjoy the new area in which you are basing your life.
  3. Entertainment. Are you looking for a quiet life, or do you hope for jazz clubs and buzz? Living within the right area can make a big difference in the way you look at life. It would help if you considered what you enjoy and what’s close by to you. There’s no use in feeling isolated and living so far away. Be aware, though, that the more built-up the area, the more expensive it can become.
  4. Employment. Are you moving for your job? Do you hope to find a new job when you do eventually move? These are essential questions that you need to answer because without doing so, you’re going to find it hard to settle without means to pay your way.
  5. Amenities. Are you moving with children? Well, you’ll need to consider schools you may also want to know about public transport and local hospitals just in case you need this. You will need to live somewhere that ticks all the boxes, whether that’s a town or city to start with!
  6. The Great Outdoors. Nature is a big deal for a lot of people, especially if you love hiking and walking to new areas. Beaches are also a big deal if you love water sports. Choose your area based on your interests, and you can’t go wrong.

(Big and Small) Lifestyle Changes for Better Mental Health

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Arguably our most important aspect of health is our mental health. There things we can do to maintain and foster good mental health. The following contributed post is entitled, (Big and Small) Lifestyle Changes for Better Mental Health.

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So many of us struggle with our mental health that is is becoming a very serious epidemic. Obviously, if you are feeling very unwell, it is useful to visit a doctor or therapist and see what they have to offer, but there are lots of lifestyle changes, with big and small, that if you are able, could help you to live a happier, healthier less stressful life too.

Combining doctor’s advice with the following ideas may prove to be useful to you on your wellness journey…

Eat an Enhanced Diet

Although it’s unlikely to be the whole story, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the way we eat can impact upon our mental wellbeing, as we all know it does with our physical health. Whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains have been found to boost mood, as have omega-3 rich foods, while trans fats and junk food have been found to be unhelpful, perhaps due to the fact that they change the bacteria in our guts for the worse. So, by adding more good foods and reducing the number of unhealthy foods we eat, we can easily increase our sense of wellbeing.

Change Your Job

If you do a job that you hate, which is hard work for you and which sees you get few rewards, it’s easy to start feeling stressed out, anxious and depressed. It’s a big step, but if you feel able to take the leap, retraining for a job you know you’ll love could be just what you need to get you out of your funk. Whether you find farming land for sale and ditch the office for a life living on the land or you quit the call center and start work in the office, shaking up your work so that it’s more in line with who you are could be the start of things looking up. Be brave.


Meditating is something you can do in 5-15 minutes each day, but it can be completely transformational for your mental health. Learning how to be more mindful; how to go with the flow more; and how to stop identifying with every negative thought you have, can bring you a peace of mind you never thought possible. Meditation has been shown to improve symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety, so make it a part of your everyday life.

Travel the World

Taking off and traveling the world might not be practical, and if you’re feeling very mentally well, it might not feel remotely possible, but seeing more of the world when you are able to do so, can really help boost your mental health. Seeing new things and having new experiences can shock you back into the present and put life into perspective for you. It can teach you new things about yourself and show you what you’re really made of. Even if you can only travel to the next state, getting out of your current environment could do you the world of good.

Make as many positive changes, as big or small as you can manage, and your wellness levels will soon start to soar!