A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. With many businesses and workplaces looking to reopen, thought must be given to preparing those workplaces to protect against and minimize infection by Covid-19. The following contributed post is entitled, Getting Over Covid-19: Preparing Your Workplace For The End Of The Lockdown.
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Most people are well aware of the outbreak which has shaken the world over the last few months. Governments across the globe have worked tirelessly to stem the tide of the Covid-19 virus, and the efforts have largely been met with success. As the lockdown eases, offices and other workplaces are going to be able to open again, but this will be under strict conditions which will ensure that there isn’t an additional outbreak. Preparing yourself for this is a good idea, as having everything you need for the big day will enable you to open as fast as possible. But what exactly are you going to need?
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
This first area is one of the trickier things to cover in this post. There have been world shortages of things like personal protective equipment, like face masks and gloves, but you will need these if your employees are going to be working close to one another. Thankfully, many factories across the world are focusing on producing these resources, and this means that you still have time to get your hands on them.
Covid-19 can be transmitted on surfaces, with door handles and computer keyboards being prime examples of ideal vectors for this virus. People have little choice but to share these tools when they work together, and this makes it worth using a Covid-19 decontamination service on a regular basis to make sure that your workplace is safe and clean. Of course, this will cost some money, but it will be worth it to keep your team healthy.
New Rules & Procedures
Social distancing rules are likely to have lasting impact on society, and many people are going to struggle to break away from these ideas, even when lockdowns are lifted completely. Maintaining this within your own office can be a great idea, but you also have to think about things like regular hand sanitization. Many companies are starting to provide this to their teams when they are working. Your new rules should also include wearing the PPE which you provide to your team members. Most people will be perfectly happy to do this, even if they work in a hot environment.
Essential Staff Only
The spread of a virus is always much slower when people aren’t spending their work days together. This makes remote working a great solution to workplace outbreaks, and this is something which offices should all be working to offer their non-essential team members. You may need to provide resources like computers to some of your team members, but this doesn’t have to cost a fortune if you ask those who already have their own resources to use them for their work.
With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to get started on preparing your team to get back to work after the lockdown is lifted. This whole issue has put a lot of strain on businesses, and getting back to work quickly is going to be essential for many to survive.