Community Quarantine: Working from Home During These Times

Two key focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Current Events. The Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic has at least temporarily changed workplace conditions around the world. While working at home sounds like a win-win, there are some caveats to it, especially if you aren’t used to it. The following guest post is entitled, Community Quarantine: Working from Home During These Times.

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Now that the country is under quarantine, with Luzon on enhanced community quarantine, working from home is now being implemented by the government and most companies in the private business sector.

Under the threat of the COVID-19 disease, the Philippine government is encouraging private companies to make adjustments to its processes and put in place a work-from-home structure. If you’re new to this scenario, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your time at home:

5 Ways to Be Productive as You Work from Home

1. Treat it as you would any normal workday at the office.

Simply because you’re working from home now doesn’t mean you need to make major adjustments in life. You still need to go about it as you would any normal day at the workplace.

Wake up early. Take a bath. Prepare your work station. Clock in at a certain time to start your workday. Focus on the day’s tasks and deliverables.

It will still pretty much be the same thing you do at work. The only difference is you’re getting all your work done from home. Establish a routine to maintain or even enhance your productivity.

2. Prioritize.

Take a look at your day-to-day tasks and prioritize them according to importance or degree of difficulty. If you are uncertain which ones are needed the most at the end of the day, give your supervisor or boss a call. Sure, you don’t have access to your PBX business phone systems but a text message or an email should do the trick. Knowing which tasks are priority helps determine how your day will go.

3. Organize your schedule and try to stick to it.

Once you have already identified which deliverables are urgent and which ones can wait, plot down your schedule according to these tasks.

Writing down your daily or weekly schedule helps establish the rhythm that you need to keep you on track. Working from home can give you plenty of distractions. You need something tangible to help keep you from getting off-course and keep you goal-oriented throughout the day and week.

4. Take breaks.

One of the things some people tend to take for granted is taking breaks. Breaks are essential to a person’s productivity. These help you recharge and refocus after lengthy periods. Taking a break is not exactly a luxury, but it is a necessity for any worker.

When you take breaks, it is recommended to step away from your workstation. Stand up, stretch a bit, walk around to get the blood flowing in your system, and enjoy a cup of coffee or a sandwich. Do whatever normal people would do at the office when on break.

5. Stop at the end of the day.

Like any other workday, you should stop at a certain time. One of the downsides of working from home is some people can no longer differentiate time for work and time away from it.

Clock out at the end of your day. Once you have already completed your eight hours, step away from your work station and move on to the finer things in life like spending time with your family or taking your well-deserved rest.

Working from home is a privilege. Do not take it for granted. Work when you need to work, stop when you should stop. Learn how to properly balance work and life. Learning how to manage that will make you more productive in the end.

Building Your Own Workspace? Consider These Aspects First

A key focus of my blog is Business/Entrepreneurship. In some instances you may need to may need to build your own workspace. In some instances it’s easier said than done as there are numerous considerations. The following contributed post is entitled, Building Your Own Workspace? Consider These Aspects First.

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Pixabay (CC0 Licence)

There are numerous old sayings that relate to the importance of having an appropriate workspace in which to do your work. Trying to muddle along as best you can with what you have can only work for so long, especially if you happen to have a job that depends on precision and accuracy. If your work involves time spent in a kitchen, a lab, a ward or any other facility where the timely following of instructions is a necessity, then you need a workspace that is up to the job.

You can request the building of a space, and lay down your specifications for the expert contractors who will put it together. You, yourself, can construct the space to your own specs and oversee every part of the work. Either way, it is essential to keep in mind certain basic principles which will guide the successful building of a functional workspace, and ensure the right results from your efforts time and again.

Make sure your space is easy to clean

If you’re working in a lab, sterility is absolutely essential – and it’s the same story if you’re in any kind of commercial kitchen. Scientific experimentation or simple replication is dependent upon laboratory conditions – in other words, the merest speck of dirt, the merest impurity on an important surface can negate the work that has been done to achieve your goals. This means that surfaces should be chosen for their ease of cleaning, resistance to moisture and ability to show up any impurity that might linger. Sinks, tables and floors are all of vital importance in this regard.

Storage needs to be accessible and unobtrusive

For ideal results, ingredients and implements need to be accessed at exactly the right times, used and put back where they belong – the importance of avoiding clutter is something that applies to all workspaces. A clumsily placed item can lead to spillage, cross-contamination or worse, so ensure that your workspace has dedicated storage which doesn’t get in the way, but is easy to access when you need it. Using carbon fiber design to create precisely the right implements is certainly a good idea; it’s a versatile compound that can deliver excellent results.

There must be room for maneuver

Space is essential when you are working with anything that may be volatile, anything that may give off heat, or anything that needs to be left to itself for a spell of time. Whether in a lab or a kitchen, you’ll need to have room to move around to look for items, and in some cases (such as emergencies) just to get out of the way. Account for this room when putting together your workspace – particularly if you will be accompanied in there at any time. Bumping into another person constantly – as will happen in cramped spaces – is far from ideal in a working area.

Ensuring that everything is just the way it needs to be can make a huge difference when you are looking for the perfect working space. Considering these points, and others, will help you get the results you need.

Picking Up New Skills for Better Personal and Professional Development

Two key focuses of my blog are General Education and Professional Development/Skills. No matter what your professional training is in, you can never have too many skills. Likewise, you never know where certain skill sets are going to translate for the betterment of your life. The following contributed post is entitled, Picking Up New Skills for Better Personal and Professional Development.

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No one should ever stop learning if they want to reach their potential. Learning anything offers a variety of opportunities no matter who you are, and it gives you the chance to explore new ideas and experiences that others – especially those who gave up on learning – could never imagine.

But, there is so much to learn that it’s challenging to decide what to focus on. There are a variety of options to choose from. You can try something creative, you can learn to follow and expect current trends, or you can consider improving on what you are already proficient at. Regardless of what type of learning you indulge in, you can feel confident that it will open a world of opportunity for you.

Do Something Creative

Creativity is something that too many people believe you are just born with. However, anyone who works in the creative industry, or indeed likes to spend their free time flexing their imagination, will tell you that what it really takes is hard work.

Learning to do something creative, whether it’s learning how to draw or paint or mastering the Piano in 21 Days, among a wide range of other adventures, will be a welcome change from the daily monotony of work.

Giving your mind a break from the serious is excellent for your mental health. Furthermore, with enough practice, you may even find yourself with a useful side hustle to take advantage of in retirement.

Predict Trends

Being able to predict trends will allow you to stay ahead of the pack in the business. By anticipating the next big thing, just like the social media giants did with Facebook and the like, you could find yourself pioneering your industry and taking strides that competitors could never dream of.

There will be times where you get ideas and predictions wrong, but you were never supposed to be some Nostradamus-esque magician.

You can use your knowledge of the industry and its history to consider what might come next, and if you put enough work into it, there is plenty of success waiting for you.

Improve On What You Are Already Good At

While it’s useful to learn a new skill, there’s also plenty of benefits from perfecting what you already know. This can apply to anybody, whether you are a snowboarder or a salesperson. There is always more for you to do and learn.

Becoming the leader in your business will set you apart from those who became satisfied with their current skill level. However, if you become comfortable, you also risk becoming complacent.

Continuously striving to be better than one person: yourself is sure to give you a challenge every day, meaning you’ll never get bored and always have someone to compare yourself to.

Thinking of Your Future

It’s vital to think of your future no matter what you do. By opening up your skillset, you give yourself even more potential to succeed in whatever you do. All skills take a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you care about discovering better personal and professional development, you understand that it is worth it.

5 Ways to Enrich Your Life While Working 9 to 5

Three focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, Health/Wellness and Professional Development/Skills. Many people stagnate once setting into a 9 to 5 career/job while others continue to grow and thrive. There are ways to continue thriving both personally and professionally while working your 9 to 5. The following guest post is entitled, 5 Ways to Enrich Your Life While Working 9 to 5.

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Time is a precious resource not everyone has. This becomes especially relevant when you reach your adulthood. The typical set-up for most working adults is a 9-5 job. Some work for as long as 10 hours, or work during nighttime. You might be cursed with daily 3-hour commutes. Much of your adulthood will be spent on earning a living and a lot of times you won’t have a weekend well spent aside from lounging around.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t live your life to the fullest while working hard. There are many ways you can enrich your life and get the most out of every situation-if you make time for them. Here are some ways you can step out of your 9-5 box and enrich the moments in your life:

Learn New Skills

The advent of new technologies like the Internet and smartphones paved the way for easier access to things you might not know yet. More often than not, if you don’t know something, you Google it. You can go to online schools and open universities to learn something new. Better yet, you can even learn new skills from YouTube, like learning how to cook or fix the sink.

Also, if you can manage your time, you can try to go to take vocational courses from accredited institutions or continue your education and take a graduate degree. All these can add something new or further hone your skillset, which can help you in the long run.

Declutter Your Life

Take a page from Marie Kondo’s minimalistic way of living and declutter your life. Fill your life with things that spark you joy; get rid of things that don’t make you happy or you have no use of anymore. You can donate old clothes, recycle your stack of papers, or even cut contact with someone toxic from your life. When it comes to work, categorize and sort everything. Make everything in your life valuable and it’ll help you in the long run.

Practice Mindfulness

Become more self-aware. Mindfulness brings you to the forefront of your very situation instead of being stuck in the past. You can do this kind of meditation whenever you’re feeling pressured with your work, or with making a very important decision. You can do things with a clear mind. It lets you become objective; you attune to what’s happening right now, regulating your emotions.

Apart from being a good stress reliever, you gain control that otherwise would’ve been lost when you panic or freeze.

Don’t Forget to Relax

When you have no plans for the weekend, sometimes you might be thinking to yourself: “How do I make the most of my weekend?” Well, there’s more to life than doing a Netflix binge, so do whatever relaxes you. If it’s reading by a warm fireplace, then do that. If you’re more of an extrovert, try doing volunteer work. Be creative, express yourself.

Take Control of Your Narrative

“Live your life so it’s a story to tell,” says one lifehack. Sometimes, there are things that hold you back from achieving great heights. Although, other times, it’s you who’s holding you back. You need to gain the courage and confidence to step up and take a leap of faith. You know yourself well; you know well what you can do.

You don’t have to leave your 9 to 5 to do anything rewarding for your life. Go in headfirst with no regrets. If you stumble along the way or get to the finish line in the end, it’ll be a rewarding, learning experience for you.

Encouraging Ultimate Efficiency In The Workplace

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. As a business owner, one of you goals should be to maximize efficiency. Maximizing efficiency will allow you and your staff to get the most done and save money in the long run. The following contributed post is entitled, Encouraging Ultimate Efficiency In The Workplace.

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Running your own business can be an extremely rewarding project, as there’s scope for respectable profit and a great reputation amongst many other benefits. However, when your company is not reaching the goals that you had set out to achieve, it can be much more of a disappointing and infuriating scenario that may seem impossible to work through. One of the biggest reasons that productivity can take a hit is the overall efficiency of your business, and luckily there are many different things that you can do to start moving forward. So, if your business is struggling to achieve targets and may need some restructuring to become more efficient, then read on to uncover some of the best tips and tricks that you can make the most of today!

Image Source – Pexels

Training Is Key

One of the worst things that you can do as a business owner is to scrimp on staff training, as without the right knowledge your employees will not be able to do their jobs properly. You need to make certain that your staff have access to constant training sessions and extra learning opportunities that can allow them to understand their role inside and out, and help to ensure that they can use machinery in a safe and secure way whilst working as fast as they can. You simply cannot expect your employees to learn everything they need to know on their own, and if you leave them to fend for themselves then their productivity rates will no doubt be at an all time low. Efficiency will take a huge boost as soon as your staff know how to get their jobs done in the best way, so it’s up to you to set the standard and show them exactly how it’s done.

Don’t Be Afraid To Outsource

When your business is going through tough times, it’s tempting to let go of staff and appoint more work to other employees to reduce your overall spend, however this will do nothing to improve your efficiency or standard of work. Many business owners are afraid to let go of the reigns and ask for help, and that’s why so many tasks are completed in house – yet, outsourcing other professionals to perform just a few tasks can take a huge weight off your staff’s shoulders, and allow them to focus on their regular tasks too. It needn’t be expensive to seek out services like stock plan administration, marketing campaigns and other specific topics that your employees don’t have the time or skills to cover, and it will really help to improve your efficiency quite dramatically at the same time. These professionals would not be able to function if the service they provide isn’t top quality, so you can still retain ultimate peace of mind knowing that your projects are in good hands.

Encouraging ultimate efficiency in the workplace has never been so simple when you are able to make the most of the top tips and tricks detailed above.

Avoid Health Hazards At Work

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. While we go to work to earn a living, there are also multiple health hazards depending on the workplace. There’s a lot of planning that management has to think about to prevent these hazards. The following contributed post is entitled, Avoid Health Hazards At Work.

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There are many hazards that can occur in the workplace and if they are not properly dealt with, it could cause a big problem and you could be paying out for compensation, insurance and more. Offices will contain health and safety hazards which need to be monitored and controlled, even outside the office. For example if you have poor paving and someone trips and breaks their ankle, you need to ensure that you have a good working environment outside also. Looking at concrete replacement could be something for you to look at to ensure that your paving is perfect.

Photo: Pixabay

But inside the workplace, you will certainly find that offices need to have hazards identified and there must be risk assessments carried out to be sure that the right measures are in place and can be implemented just in case something occurs. You must secure your office Here are the most common things and hazards that you will find inside the office:

● Poor or inadequate lighting, people could trip, fall, drop things
● Ergonomic hazards;
● Extremes of temperature, if the heating is broken, it could lead to cold-related illnesses or vice versa for hot.
● Manual handling hazards which may include machinery
● Tripping and falling hazards such as poor placement of furniture, boxes being left or equipment not properly stored.
● Electrical hazards, sockets, wires, poor electrical systems that aren’t tested etc.
● Contagious illnesses spread by sick workers, because workers feel they cannot stay home and take a sick day for fear of getting behind or leaving other workers in the lurch
● Fire hazards, poor fire exits, or none at all, no real route to get out of the way should there be a fire
● Chemical hazards, cleaning products or any toxic products left around or not stored properly, or falling into the wrong hands.
● Stress hazards such as high stress jobs, tight deadlines and poor working environments that can make people suffer stress and anxiety. Stress at work is a huge thing as you can read about further here

All health and safety hazards must be properly identified, and then you will need to ensure that there is a risk assessed and that then you can implement the new rules and regulations to keep your workers safe. To do this you need to look at the likelihood of the risks causing any serious injury and then prove that you have put the necessary things in place to stop them from occurring. Workers may file a complaint if this is not done or things don’t change, after all they too want to protect themselves from issues within the workplace.

Then, once the systems are implemented, you must control the measures, keep an eye on them and monitor them closely as it is essential that you keep on top of them all to ensure that they remain effective for some time and that nothing is sliding back into old ways. Moving forwards will help everyone and ensure a more productive workspace, inside and outside of the working office. You can find more information online about how to implement this but it’s also best to assess yourself first.

How To Make The Most Of Your Car Commute

A key focus of my blog is Career Discussions. Many of us spend significant amounts of time every week commuting to and from work. That time can actually be used constructively if properly planned for. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Make The Most Of Your Car Commute.

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Pixabay. CCO Licensed.

Some of us spend hours a week commuting to work. This can often feel like time wasted – especially for those of us who drive to work. While those using public transport may be able to read a book or play on their phone or even get work done on a laptop, you can’t do this while driving a car. Fortunately, there are still ways in which you can occupy your time and be productive without taking your concentration off the road. Here are just a few ways to make the most of your car commute.

Entertain and educate yourself with audiobooks

While listening to music is a reliable way to occupy a car journey, audiobooks could be an alternative way to pass the time. These could be audiobooks as a form of entertainment such as novels or autobiographies – or they could be educational audio-guides such as language learning audiobooks. There are lots of platforms from which you can download and stream audiobooks. There are even places where you can download free audiobooks as listed at this site Book Riot. Not everyone is able to concentrate on audiobooks while driving, but for many it can be a relaxing way to pass the time.

Take advantage of voice command and smart technology

Using a smartphone while driving is dangerous and in most cases illegal. However, voice command and smart technology have made it possible to use many phone functions safely and legally. Many modern cars are able to be linked up via Bluetooth to your phone – using voice command you can then do everything from making calls to setting calendar reminders to even dictating texts hands-free. Even if your car doesn’t have this technology, you may be able to use wearable tech such as Amazon Echo glasses to link to your phone. In fact, you can also link up this technology to other smart devices that you own. This could include your home’s heating or even your home’s garage door – using voice command, you could turn on the heating remotely while driving back home so that you get back to a warm home, as well as using voice command to open your garage door as you pull up so that you don’t have to get out your car or press any buttons.

Buy yourself a thermal flask

Being able to drink coffee on your way to work could help you to stay energised and offer some comfort. With a thermal flask, you can keep your coffee warm for the whole journey. Of course, coffee isn’t the only thing you can put in a flask – you could also put soup in here or even porridge. Take some time shopping around for the most decent flask you can find and consider buying a clip-on cupholder if your car doesn’t already have one (this will ensure your flask doesn’t spill and that you can easily access it while driving).

3 Ways You Can Become a Better Boss

Two of the focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Professional Development/Skills. Many individuals want to be the boss, but it comes with a great deal of responsibility and risk. In many instances it requires constant learning and evolution. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Ways You Can Become a Better Boss.

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Looking after your workforce can have many benefits for your business. If you have a high turnover rate, this could possibly mean that staff morale could be low due to the frequent number of employees that have been replaced amongst other things.

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As the owner of the business, the last thing you want is for this to reflect badly on your company. For this reason, you will need to be proactive in making sure you are giving your employees what they need to be able to the job well. And also enjoy the job they are being employe to do and want to stick with you.

A happy workforce has the potential to totally change your company’s fortune. After all, chances are, if you have people working for you, you realistically can’t do this all yourself. So what can you do to change the fortunes of your company by focussing on your employee’s needs?

Staff Training

Are you taking the time to properly train employees when they start work with your company? It can be tempting to rush training, especially if you need to replace employees quickly to keep things ticking over. But in short, this could harm you in the longer-term rather than help you.

Sending an under-qualified, under-trained member of staff to do something they are confident doing could have a detrimental effect on your company. Resulting in poor customer service, flouting of health and safety regulation and again, poor staff morale. Invest in their future with you and make sure they have been thoroughly trained to help them do what they need to do well.

Look After Their Emotional and Physical Well Being

Have you taken the time to get to know your employees and what they require to be able to work? A lot of people have different physical requirements to help them be able to do their jobs. Being able to accommodate this or make allowances or adaptations will make you feel that you care about them and have their best interests at heart.

Contracting a company such as Jobfit Health Group can help you provide healthcare for your staff including pre-hiring checks and workplace injury assessments. Making the health of your staff a priority will instil trust throughout your workforce.

Provide the Correct Equipment

Sure training the team is highly important, but so is making sure they have the correct tools for the job too. Employees can’t expect to do their jobs well without the correct equipment for what they need to. From the right, suitable safety clothing, to stationery, or even company cars to keep in touch with clients. People work better when they have everything they need to do their job easily. Unsure of what they need? Ask them! After all, they are the ones performing the job day after day, they will know what will make things easier for them.

At the same time, if what they need is more flexibility, can you see how you can offer this to. From the working parents who need to start at slightly altered working hours or even the option to work from home to reduce days taken off sick to those with health issues who struggle to do things able-bodied people take for granted.

How to Relax after you Have Had a Manic Week at Work

Two of the focuses of my blog are Career Discussion and Health/Wellness. While we all have to make a living, sometimes our work weeks can exact heavy tolls on our qualities of life. As such it’s important to understand how to manage your health under such circumstances. The following contributed post is entitled, How to Relax after you Have Had a Manic Week at Work.

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If you feel as though things are just getting too much at work, then this may show that you need to spend some time relaxing. If you don’t then you may find that the stress gets worse and that you are unable to deal with it as well as you once could. If you want to get around this then you need to focus on giving yourself some downtime now and again.

Schedule Downtime

The first thing that you need to do is make downtime a specific goal. Schedule it into your daily schedule and also make sure that you give yourself 5 minutes from time to time. At the end of the week, you might also want to have a date night as well. Little things like this can really help you to achieve a true state of relaxation and you would be surprised at how much it could help you in the long-run. If there’s a show coming up, why not book no service fee tickets?

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)


It doesn’t matter how you choose to unwind because it can be difficult for you to truly relax if you are constantly thinking about work. The first thing that you have to do whenever you leave the office is turn your phone off. You also need to make sure that you avoid bringing work home with you as well. After all, you deserve to have some “you” time and there is only so much you can put work first.

Take a Hot Shower

The best and easiest way for you to leave work behind you would be for you to have a shower or a hot bath. When you have a hot shower you can easily wash the tension away from your body. Water is known for having a calming effect on both the mind and the soul. If you want to get the best result out of your soak, then try and splash some cool water on your face afterwards. This will energise the cells in your body. If you are having a bath then light some aromatic candles.

Exercise or Take Part in Team Sports

Working off stress is always a good thing. Exercise will release endorphins and you cannot argue with science. Regular exercise will help you to feel more energetic and it will also help you to feel better about yourself too. The best thing about team sports is that they have a huge social element to them. If you prefer to exercise alone then a good playlist can always work in your favour.

Get out of the House

Being out in the open after being cooped up all day will really help you to relax and it will also better your mental health. When the weather is fine, you need to try and seek out nature. You don’t have to go much further than your garden either. A bit of fresh air will help you to unwind and it can work wonders for your overall stress levels. So when the sun is out, get a chair and put your feet up.

How Can You Get The Most Out Of Your Employees?

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In any business, a key is getting the most out of your employees. Getting the most out of your employees will assure your business stays open for years to come. They are more than simply workers for your purposes. The following contributed post is entitled, How Can You Get The Most Out Of Your Employees?

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There’s no denying that your employees are right at the heart of your business. Without them, it’s likely that the entire thing would come crumbling down pretty quickly. Far too many business owners simply think of their employees like one of many resources to be used to improve their business. But the problem with this attitude is that it forgets one very simple truth: your employees aren’t machines, they’re people. This might seem obvious, but it’s amazing how often it gets overlooked. People have needs and limits, and they can’t simply be expected to deliver amazing work time and time again with no support or reinforcement. With that in mind, here are some simple ways that you can get the most out of your employees.

Give them a positive work environment

One of the most common mistakes that a lot of businesses make is that they simply don’t think about the ways that they can really help their employees feel as happy and comfortable at work as possible. There are plenty of ways to do this. From making sure that your office space is as spacious and well lit to incredibly simple things like installing glass doors so that you break down some of the barriers between the different areas of your office. Creating an environment where your customers actually want to turn up and work is going to not only increase productivity but is also going to make sure that your employees are as positive as possible about your business at all times.

Provide clear goals

Nothing is more dangerous to productivity than employees who don’t know what they’re actually working towards. You need to make sure that your employees always know exactly what their goal is. Once they know that it’s their duty to figure out the best way to achieve it. Rather than focussing on hand holding and guiding them too directly, by providing them with clear, achievable goals you’ll be able to create an environment where your employees are able to take the initiative and find the best possible solutions. Over time, you may find that the best employees begin setting their own goals as they come to better understand the business and their place within it.

Support them

As previously said, your employees are not machines, they’re people, and people have their limits. You can’t only ever expect your employees to perform without also understanding that they require your support. It’s so important that you create an environment where your employees feel comfortable talking to you about things that might be bothering them, whether it’s in regards to their work, the people around them, or something about the company as a whole. By adopting an open-door policy then you create a culture of trust and camaraderie that will help to build incredibly strong bonds between you and your employees.

The reality of running any business is that without the right people, you’re never going to be able to get the most out of it. Your relationship with your employees must always work in both directions.