How Your Mental Health Affects Your Physical Perception

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. So much our lives depend on our mental health. Likewise there are numerous external stimuli that impacts our mental health that we don’t consider on a daily basis. The following contributed post is entitled, How Your Mental Health Affects Your Physical Perception.

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Everybody wants to be healthy, but we’re not all motivated by the same reasons and this is where the issues may arise. The way that we perceive ourselves and others differs from person to person, that is simply because of our lifestyles, our circumstances and the ways in which our minds are wired. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is good no matter what the motivation may be, but appearance is often the key motive which can lead to some serious issues with our mental health and leading to disorders. The benefits of being healthy physically and mentally balance out well. They come hand in hand and have been said often over the years by medical professionals. Here are some reasons why good health requires clarity and not just the notion of vanity.

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How you see food should be a positive not a negative.

This is perhaps the most important element of a healthy lifestyle because so many people have a poor relationship with food. How we eat and what we eat not only assist our bodies in the aesthetic sense but also in the sense that it provides your body with generally better health. Look into alternatives too, that’s important in your quest, to explore all options, such as Caduceus Science. This can be of assistance to those with long term pain and chronic conditions that really need a chance of diet in order to improve your symptoms. If you change your long-term diet to include such foods, cut out the bad sugars and starches, and start exercising more to keep your body active then you’ll definitely notice a healthy difference in your weight and general demeanour as well as energy levels.

You should be looking after your face for the right reasons

Your face likely gives you no end of grief, as it does for many people. We are our own worst critics, and that means we often punish our bodies to alter our appearances when there’s actually nothing wrong with us. When it comes to looking after your face, you should be appreciating the way it looks on a natural basis but striving to look after your health on a practical level. If you can take the time to look beyond taking care of your skin, you might also want to start visiting the dentist more regularly also as this is important also for your physical health. If you do not look after your teeth it can lead to heart disease or other blood issues that can cause problems later on in life. Get a healthy smile and a healthier body in general.

Mental health is crucial to being healthy not just in terms of external appearance but in terms of internal thoughts and feelings. Your body can be massively affected by your mind and of course this will put a spin on how others see you. Using your speech and your intelligence to its highest ability is going to earn you some points. Speak well and articulately always. A strong mind can lead to a strong body, and practicing daily meditation could really help you to re-align with your mind with your body and lead to a better future.

Traveling Physicians Are Proving A Massive Hit Right Now

A key focus of my blog is Career Discussions and Health/Wellness. The Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic/Crisis has created numerous opportunities in addition to the chaos and damage it has caused. In some ways it has changed the way medicine is administered. The following contributed post is entitled, Traveling Physicians Are Proving A Massive Hit Right Now.

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The world of healthcare is being turned on its head by a public health crisis nobody expected. But it is having a surprising effect. It is leading to the reemergence of the traveling physician.

Physicians who traveled to their patients were popular in the past for all sorts of reasons. A lot of people simply didn’t want to travel to the clinic. It was either too painful or too far to go.
Others felt sick outside of office hours. For them, the mobile doctor was the only option.

Now that we’re amid a modern plague, though, there’s been a resurgence of interest in the concept. Heck, could it actually be a good idea?

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New York City is one of the most affected places right now. Currently, the enigmatic East Coast metropolis is attracting thousands of traveling nurses and doctors, all responding to war zone conditions.

There’s a tremendous need for people who can somehow help the city contain the expected 240,000 deaths officials believe will occur if they don’t do something drastic. Physicians are being imported by the bus-load to help tackle the problem.

What’s so unfortunate about the current pandemic is how it is hurting patients from all over the medical spectrum. COVID-19 is displacing regular operations, meaning that heart and cancer patients can’t get the treatment that they need.

Offering Crucial Help In Times Of Need

Currently, travel doctors are offering patients across the country critical help in their time of need. They are bridging the gap between supply and demand as never before. And local hospitals are rushing to adapt their payrolls to accommodate the new supply.

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Already, more than 1,000 doctors have made their way to the most-affected parts of the country. More are on their way. They’re required for everything, from testing to helping place people on ventilators.

Their primary role, however, will be in continuing to supply medical care to the old and vulnerable. There are a lot of people who require hospital treatment but daren’t travel because of the risks. Visiting physicians will, therefore, find themselves trying to paper over the cracks in the creaking health system and providing essential services to those who need it.

New York won’t be the only city that demands traveling physicians. Other significant centers will also call out for assistance as the virus spreads and more people become infected. Even rural areas could find themselves profoundly affected, especially if lockdown measures aren’t as successful as they are in the cities.

We’re also seeing a lot of people coming out of retirement to help bolster the numbers on the frontline. Boomers who thought that their careers were over are finding that they’re needed more than ever. And there are thousands of them. Authorities believe that more than 45,000 people will return to the fray throughout the year.

How To Become A Great Travelling Physician

There’s currently a massive need for traveling physicians. And as the virus spreads from one city to the next, that need is only going to intensify. Visiting physicians may find themselves running from one location to another to provide much-needed assistance. Each settlement in the country is going to experience a peak. And so they will need medical personnel from other areas to help them cope.

But how do you become a quality traveling physician? What does it take?

Top of your list of priorities should be bedside manner. As a traveling physician, you’re going to encounter so pretty desperate people, many of whom, you won’t be able to help. The best that you can do is offer them some loving support in their hour of need in the hope that they make it through.

Bedside manners are more challenging to achieve than you might think. You can’t let the exhaustion of the job render you emotionally insensitive. Burnout is not an option. Every time you interact with a patient, you need to recognize that you’re dealing with a complex person with a tremendous life history. You could be serving a great writer, musician, author, or business leader. That person could be the leader in their field or a cherished member of the family. And a vast amount might ride on their continued survival.

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Next on your list of priorities should be to recognize that traveling physicians don’t need to work alone. Sure, you might be bouncing between one city and another, but that doesn’t mean you should exist without help.

Every physician, for instance, needs the support of precision lab testing. You can’t go into the field and just guess at the diagnosis. If you want to provide quality treatment, you need accurate measurements. Working with a lab, therefore, can give you the assessment that you need to determine what is wrong with the patient.

If you want to become a world-class traveling physician, you also need a pretty tough constitution. Traipsing around the country administering treatment to patients isn’t always easy. You’re often a long way from home and family. You have to put up with airports. And most of the time you’re sitting down, either on a train, in your car, or on a flight.

Traveling physicians need a strong constitution, as well as strategies that keep them going on the road. As a rule of thumb, you should always check into self-catering accommodation when you can. You don’t want to find yourself living off fast food while you’re trying to administer critical care. And you need to focus on sleep hygiene. Things can all help, like switching off your phone after 9 pm, packing earbuds, and using an eye mask.

So, in summary, embarking on a career as a traveling physician seems like a good idea right now. There’s ample demand for their services in the immediate future. And structural changes in healthcare provision will no doubt mean that we see an enormous difference in patient preference. Why go to the clinic when the physician can come to you?

What You Should Know About Your Employee Responsibilities For Health And Safety

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When you’re a business owner with employees, you have some responsibility for your worker’s safety but they share some as well. In each case you have to be transparent with them. The following contributed post is entitled, What You Should Know About Your Employee Responsibilities For Health And Safety.

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As a business owner, you will know that health and safety are incredibly important. Being complacent can be an extremely expensive mistake, the costs that come from injuries and ill health caused by poor health and safety and working conditions are staggering and can severely damage any company.

Photo by Anamul Rezwan from Pexels

With that in mind, it’s essential for you to know who’s responsible for what in relation to upholding the health and safety in the workplace, following your health and safety policy, and reporting any issues.

For the most part, it is the employer’s responsibility. You need to make sure your employees have the correct safety gear, for example, and you will also need to remain compliant with local laws. With regards the latter, you should check with the local government on health and safety laws in your state and follow them to the letter. Your electrical equipment will need to be certified safe, and if there is a risk of air pollutants, you will need to hire a specialist in Ambient Air Sampling.

However, health is safety is not only your domain. Your employees also have a level of responsibility. Regardless it’s imperative that anyone on site is kept safe, including visitors knowing the fire drills, contractors working safely at heights, or your employees learning the new policies.

Some of the responsibilities your employees have to include:

Take Some Responsibility For Their Own Care For Health And Safety

Your employees need to take an active approach when it comes to the care of their personal health and safety whilst in the workplace, They should be avoiding anything that could compromise this. There is certainly no size fits all for how you put this into action. How it works is going to depend heavily on the working environment you are working in. There are going to be different natural hazards that occur in different workplaces such as an office compared to a warehouse.

It’s best for you to carry out a risk assessment on each working zone in your workplace and with each individual member of staff. You can then discuss the ways your employees can help to look after their own safety with them on a personalized basis.

Cooperation With The Policies

A big part of your employee’s responsibility is to make sure they are following the instructions that you have set in place for health and safety. They’re there for a reason so, make sure they are following the rules. This includes them completing any needed training, communicating with you if there are any issues, and noticing any hazards that appear that are unusual.

It’s a good idea to make sure you keep track of any training your employees complete, this way you can put steps into place to give them the time to complete anything that is missing or updated.

Not Putting Others In Danger

Ok, so your employees need to be looking after their own health and safety, but they also need to be making sure they’re not putting others in danger too. In order to make sure they are fulfilling their duties, every employee needs to put into practice everything that they’ve learned through their training. This includes things like misusing equipment, not wearing protective equipment and taking unnecessary risks. If they see any dangers they should be reporting it straight away. Whether it’s wiring near their desk, drawers have been left open or fire exits been blocked, you can’t physically have eyes and ears everywhere at once. This means your employees need to think of health and safety as part of their job role.

Ultimately you need to make sure you communicate and train your employees to practice the health and safety policies at all times, the above areas will help you to make sure they are following their duties.

What Does It Take To Run A Successful Healthcare Business?

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Healthcare businesses aren’t just large corporations. In some instances they are small healthcare businesses. If run properly they can be lucrative. The following contributed post is entitled, What Does It Take To Run A Successful Healthcare Business?

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It is estimated that the global digital healthcare industry will be worth more than $234 billion by 2023. Healthcare is one of the most prosperous sectors and it provides millions of jobs worldwide. While setting up a business in this industry can be lucrative, there are no guarantees of success. To make it to the top, you have to ensure you check a lot of boxes. Here’s a handy guide to what it really takes to run a profitable healthcare venture.

Understanding the market
The healthcare industry is complex, and it would be impossible to launch and run a well-oiled, streamlined business in this sector without in-depth knowledge of how the market works and what is involved in the management of a company that provides medical services. Before you start working on a business plan or try and convert ideas into a functional model, it’s crucial to spend time looking into the mechanics of the industry, researching rules and regulations and analyzing what companies that will be your competitors are doing. It is also incredibly beneficial to look at how the market has been performing in recent years and how it has changed and evolved. The digitization of healthcare, for example, has revolutionized the way providers communicate with patients, how patients make appointments and how practitioners access, store and share data.

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Finding your niche
The healthcare sector is broad and it covers a raft of services and sub-sections. If you’re thinking of setting up a new business, it’s wise to find your niche. What kinds of services are you keen to provide, and who are you targeting? Analyze the demand for services and create an accurate picture of who you are going to treat. It’s important to have an ideal customer in mind when strategizing and drawing up marketing, branding and sales campaigns. Competition within this industry is fierce, and you may want to avoid a market that is already saturated. You need to ensure that your business will stand out from the crowd, and that there is a demand for the services you plan to provide. If demand is low, and your competitors already have an established client base, it will be tough to make waves with a new venture. Look for gaps in the market or offer a new spin on existing models.

Once you know who you want to target and the kind of brand you want to create, conduct thorough research to get to know your customers. Ask questions using surveys and online polls and feedback forms, and use the information and data you gather to inform your decisions going forward.

Getting your figures and finances sorted
Launching any kind of business requires funding. Whether you plan to set up a small, local healthcare company, or you have grand plans for a chain of practices or a national or global brand, you’ll need to ensure that your finances are in order. If you’re borrowing money, or you’re approaching investors, you should have calculations to hand, and you should be able to provide explanations to outline where your money is going. Cost out all your expenses, work on price points, produce realistic turnover projections and make sure you can answer questions related to the numbers. If you’re presenting as part of a pitch to secure funding, or you’re approaching a lender for a business loan, rehearse your presentation, have confidence in what you’re saying and try to preempt questions and prepare answers.

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Checking the legal boxes
As a business owner in the healthcare sector, it is vital to understand the regulations and legalities involved in providing services to patients. There are policies and procedures in place to protect patients, clients and members of staff, and you must adhere to the rules at all times. Make sure you are familiar with the laws that govern practice in your state or country. You will be required to provide high standards of care in clean, safe settings, to take steps to minimize the risk of negligence, accidents and injuries and to shield sensitive data and personal information. It is always beneficial for healthcare business owners to liaise with legal experts to ensure that everything is in place to check the boxes and ensure best practice guidelines are followed. All staff members should be aware of the latest updates in policies and regulations.

Investing in the right equipment and technology
Equipment and technology play an increasingly integral role in medical research and the provision of short and long-term care. As a budding entrepreneur, it’s an exciting time to be starting out in the healthcare field. Before you decide what kinds of machinery, tools or equipment to purchase and what type of technological systems and gadgetry to employ, analyze the competition, look into emerging trends and see what is available on the market. There are some investments that will make more financial sense than others. Spend your money on machines, technology and medical equipment that will benefit your patients, your staff and your accounts. Your purchases should be relevant to the services you plan to provide, and it’s wise to cost out expenses before you make any final decisions.

Cutting-edge technology can make the difference in the world of modern healthcare. If you choose your investments wisely, you should be able to provide the latest treatments, to offer high standards of care on a consistent basis, to improve efficiency and customer service and to minimize the risk of mistakes and human error. Consider what is essential for your business and then explore options that will further enhance the patient experience. From a vaccine fridge and treatment beds to blood pressure monitors, PPE and computerized records systems, it’s critical to ensure you have everything you need to treat patients before you open for business. If you don’t have the right equipment, or you’re using outdated technology, you could lose out to rivals and your profit margins might suffer. Once you’re up and running, it’s useful to conduct audits on a regular basis to see if you could benefit from making changes or upgrading your tech.

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Building a strong team and hiring the best talent
As a patient, there are few things more important than being able to trust the person who is in charge of your care. The team you hire will represent your brand, and in many cases, patients will judge your business based on the individuals they meet and the standards of care they provide. When hiring, look to build a strong, cohesive team made up of talented individuals who have the skills and experience needed to excel in the roles available. Use the interview process to get to know the candidates and look for people who show enthusiasm, passion and commitment, as well as having a brilliant resume. You want to be able to trust your team to take on the responsibility of representing your brand. Working in healthcare is not easy, and you need drive, energy and compassion to succeed. It’s important to think about the kind of person you would want to look after or treat you if you were a patient. The individuals you hire should embody the ethos of the business.

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Marketing your business
Achieving success in business is not just about receiving 5-star reviews. It also involves turning over profits. In the healthcare sector, marketing plays a key role in connecting patients with practices and driving sales. Use the findings of market research to engage with people who are likely to have an interest in the services you offer and choose techniques and platforms that will enable you to reach the right audience. The healthcare industry is unique, and for most patients, the number one priority is finding a reputable provider that champions optimal levels of care. Your marketing and branding strategies should reassure prospective patients that you are trustworthy and reliable at the same time as up-selling your USP and encouraging customers to want to learn more.

In this day and age, it is vital for healthcare businesses to engage with clients online, and having a fantastic website is an excellent place to start. People who search for healthcare providers and practices online are often looking for information, and providing accurate, factual guides, FAQ pages and informative, interesting blog posts can help you attract attention. It’s a great idea to vary the content you share on your website and social media channels. Infographics and video clips can break up text and make information more digestible. The brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text, and videos are much more likely to be shared than text posts.

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Attracting positive reviews
Research suggests that over 70% of patients consider reading online reviews a crucial part of choosing a medical practice or a doctor. To attract new patients and keep hold of existing clients, you have to ensure that you provide the highest possible standards of care and customer service. Offer training for staff members, always ensure patients receive a warm welcome and go out of your way to help every individual feel safe, comfortable and relaxed. Try to ensure that appointments run smoothly and efficiently, communicate with patients on a regular basis and make it easy and quick to organize and pay for treatments. Invite patients to leave feedback and reviews, read comments and take ideas and opinions on board. It’s essential to learn from both the positives and the negatives.

Launching a successful healthcare business isn’t straightforward, but if you make the right choices, you’re committed to providing the highest standards of care and service for your patients and you deliver on promises, it could be a very rewarding decision.

5 Reasons Fishing Is The Best Hobby For Your Health

Two key focuses of my blog are Athletics/Sports and Health/Wellness. Humans have been fishing all throughout history. While its an industry and a sport, it’s also a therapeutic activity. If you’re looking for an activity that’s good for your well-being, fishing is something you ought to consider. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Reasons Fishing Is The Best Hobby For Your Health.

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There’s nothing like a new hobby to challenge your body and mind. Perhaps you haven’t ticked many items of your new year’s resolution list yet, but thankfully there’s still time. Maybe you’ve considered a few hobby options, and haven’t made a decision? Well, fishing is a great hobby to improve your health. There are many benefits to grabbing your fishing gear and heading to the waters!

1 . Great exercise

Fishing is an excellent form of exercise; you’ll give both your lungs a heart a nice bit of stimulation, plus work those muscles when you’re casting and reeling! Of course there are many different types of fishing, and some are more active than others. Fly fishing is usually done from a drift boat, however some adventurous fly fishers like to wade into the water. When you’re knee-deep in the water, standing strong and throwing the rod, you’ll be working your core!

2. Learn new skills

When it comes to fishing, there’s so much to learn, from the types of equipment and sustainable fishing practices to the best forms of bait. If you choose to try deep sea charter fishing, you’ll get to learn about the different fish you’ll catch (depending on the time of year). With this info, you can schedule your trip whether you’re looking for Yellowfin or Snapper! A fishing charter trip can be a real once in a lifetime experience, whether you’re a novice or a professional.

3. The great outdoors

Many studies indicate that the great outdoors boosts our health, whether it’s swimming in the ocean, hiking in the forest, or a fun-filled fishing trip! In our modern society, many of us have lost our connection with the natural world. We go from our offices to our TVs and forget about the joy of the outdoors. When you take up fishing, you’ll get out in the fresh air and help your body to raise it’s endorphin levels. Being out in the sun helps you to get enough vitamin D which is essential for a healthy immune system. For a fast way to boost your wellness levels, fishing is the key!

It certainly helps to live near a location where you can fish such as a lake or a river. Since many of the best fishing spots are out in the wild, some people combine their fishing trips with hunting as well. It’s a similar hobby that uses some of the same skills, such as understanding your surroundings and setting up the ideal conditions to successfully catch an animal.

4. A social hobby

One of the best things about fishing is that it’s a really social hobby. A fishing trip with family or friends is excellent fun, or you might like to go to a local fishing club. At a fishing club, you’ll get yourself some fishing buddies plus gain some great fishing tips. A fishing trip with friends is a great way to find new camping spots across the country and explore the countryside.

5. Improved concentration

Fishing requires a lot of concentration, and so within just a few weeks, you’ll see your concentration levels improve. As we age, it’s important to do activities which boost our cognitive health, and fishing is undoubtedly one of them!

Check out sites like Facebook or Meetup to see if you can find a local fishing club in your area. When you are starting out it really helps to have some connections and like-minded hobbyists.

6 Simple Ways To Practice Self Care At Work

Two of the focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Health/Wellness. As many of us spend our adult lives pursuing our careers, we must also think about how to do so in the most healthy ways possible. Depending upon what your career involves, you should consider what you can do to maintain yourself self to maximize both your performance and your health. The following contributed post is entitled, 6 Simple Ways To Practice Self Care At Work.

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Over the last several years, employee burnout has been on the rise. The term refers to becoming exhausted, overwhelmed, or unwell due to work. According to a survey cited in Thrive Global, ‘60% of office workers in the United States and Canada feel burned out.’ The study’s respondents pointed to impossible deadlines, large workloads, pressure, and breaks amongst the contributing factors.

Your own job might involve reasonable workloads and deadlines, yet this doesn’t mean it’s not possible to become stressed. To reduce your stress levels throughout the working week, it’s important to establish a self-care regime. Whether you commute or work from home, these simple steps will set you up to practice self-care at work.

1 . Meal-prep

Most of us can appreciate that a good self-care regime involves eating healthy and nutritious food. If you pre-plan your meals, it’s easier to establish and follow a healthy regime. Prepare or plan your lunches on the Sunday before the week has begun. Spend time researching new healthy recipes, and use apps such as ‘Noom’ or ‘YogicFoods’ for some inspiration.

2. Perfect your space

Working in a dull and unattractive looking environment does nothing for your morale and well being. Try to perfect your working space as much as you can. According to a survey in ZenBooth, ’46 % of professionals said office design impacted heavily on their productivity.’ Another study by The World Green Building Council found that ’69 % of businesses that implemented healthy building features reported improvements in employee satisfaction and engagement.’ These healthy features included good ventilation, lighting, attractive interiors, plants, and collaborative workspaces.

3. Occasional Telecommuting

An Owl Labs study found that’ full-time remote workers reported being happy in their jobs 22% more than workers who are never remote.’ Perhaps the current COVID-19 lockdown has ruined the fun of working from home! Nevertheless, when things return to ‘normal,’ keeping the odd telecommute day here and there is highly beneficial for your well being.

4. Inventive breaks

It’s vital to take regular breaks throughout the working day to avoid burnout. If you want to improve your self-care, you’ve got to get a little inventive with your breaks. Use them wisely to do activities which help you to relax. If you’re working from home, it could be a quick sunbathe in the garden! You could try a brief work out, meditation session, or reading a book? Instead, you might take time to write a reflective passage in a journal or maybe take a walk in the park. Whatever helps you to feel peaceful, make sure that you practice these activities, throughout your day.

5. Set boundaries

Set boundaries for yourself and with your co-workers about how much work you can realistically take on. Juggling too many projects at the same time is bound to affect the quality and stress you out. It’s essential to aim high, yet set yourself realistic expectations about what you can achieve.

6. Prioritise health & safety

It’s vital to pay close attention to health and safety to look after yourself during the working week. Review your health and safety training often, and report anything that you are unhappy with. Even in an office role, for instance, it’s important to use ergonomic furniture to stop yourself from sustaining an injury. If you are unfortunate enough to become injured at work, you’ll need an excellent personal injury lawyer behind you. Companies such as Hadley Law Firm provide some great services.

Dealing With A Drastic Change In Your Healthcare Business’ Day To Day

Three of the focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic/Crisis has created drastic changes for healthcare businesses. Whenever something happens that imparts systematic changes, it’s important to understand how to deal with them. The following contributed post is entitled, Dealing With A Drastic Change In Your Healthcare Business’ Day To Day.

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Whenever something needs to change within a business, the company itself can have a bit of an overhaul. But when it comes to a healthcare business, there’s a lot more back and forth to go through – operations management can get very complicated when both health and wellbeing are involved.

So, considering the current global pandemic, and the need for change within the healthcare sector around the globe, let’s go into a little more detail about making a drastic change. The day to day in a healthcare business can be highly unpredictable anyway, but especially so in times like these.

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Come Up with a Strategy

Your patients still need to know you care. And without knowing what you’re going to do over the next few months – without a plan – you won’t be able to keep up with the tide of patients you might not even think about having to accommodate for usually.

A strategy is going to be essential right now, and it might be hard to come up with on your own. Thankfully, Healthcare Consulting companies are out there, and are looking to band together to help you make an effective yet drastic change to your daily operations. Put this kind of resource to good use; healthcare is all about lending a hand.

Pick Up on Technology

Technology is one of the main things that can help your healthcare business to cope during difficult times. Tech has revolutionised the healthcare sector in the modern era; more people have access to regular and quality healthcare simply because they can talk to a doctor online, and almost everyone has an internet connection.

Which is why it’s key to focus on your tech capability right now – what would you be able to do with the digital strategy you’re already putting to good use in your business? You can’t be sure you’ll have the chance to upgrade right now, so you’ll need to focus on what you do have.

How many virtual appointments could help keep patients safe and at home? Can you have at least two to three people man the phones at all times? Can you use an online delivery service for medications?

Think About Costs

And finally, operations management in healthcare is all about knowing where the costs are going to be, and how you can cope with them. You can use data analysis to work out where the big and recurring costs are, so do this first.

Then, if you don’t already have an emergency fund in place, or a form of insurance that you’ve paid into over the years, be sure to reach out for donations and/or for government aid. You and your workers are on the front lines during a time like this, so ensure you have a portal for people to lend their aid through right now.

Dealing with a drastic change in a healthcare business’ day to day is one of the hardest things. Make sure you know the drill above.

How To Make Health Insurance More Affordable

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Health/Wellness. A major personal cost depending on your stage in life and circumstance is healthcare. Most people don’t understand their premiums and how to manage the costs but it can be done. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Make Health Insurance More Affordable.

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Pixabay. CCO Licensed.

Getting insured is the best way to afford healthcare – but what if you can’t afford health insurance? While rates can be expensive, there are a number of cheaper insurance options out there. Here are just several ways in which you can lower the cost of health insurance.

Check if you’re eligible for Medicare or Medicaid

There are federal and state programs in place across America that could help to pay for some or all of your health insurance. These are only eligible to certain people however.

Medicare is eligible for those over 65 and those with disabilities – while you must still pay a contribution, this program could allow most of your insurance to be paid for you. There are a number of different plans out there ranging from Medicare Plan A to Medicare Plan G. These each offer a different level of coverage.

Medicaid is meanwhile eligible to those with a low income, pregnant women and people with certain disabilities – participants pay little to nothing for coverage providing they meet requirements. This is largely state funded, unlike Medicare, so can vary a little from state to state.

Talk to your employer

Many employers offer health insurance to employees as a company benefit, often making contributions to help lower the cost. If your employer does not offer this, you could try talking to them about the possibility of setting up a scheme. Even if they contribute only a tiny amount to it, it will still save you some money and it has tax benefits for your employer.

Join organizations with health insurance perks

Aside from working for a company that offers health insurance, you may also be able to gain access to cheap health insurance by becoming a member of certain organizations. This includes state farm bureaus, university alumni associations and automotive clubs such as the AAA.

Raise your deductible and use a HSA

A high deductible plan can also save you money. The deductible is the amount of money you’re willing to pay out of your own pocket before asking an insurer for help in the event that you need to pay for healthcare. It could mean that you still end up paying for most minor healthcare, but you’ll still get some assistance if you need major treatment such as surgery.

A HSA (Health Savings Account) could help you to pay your deductible. This is a savings account in which your earnings are contributed on a regular basis. The main benefit of such accounts is that you don’t have to pay tax on any earnings that are put in these savings accounts.

Start living more healthily

Health insurers tend to ask a number of questions about applicants’ lifestyle in order to get an idea of how healthy you are. If you smoke, drink heavily and do little exercise, you could find that your rates are higher – this is because there’s a greater risk you’ll need to claim insurance for healthcare.

While you can lie about your lifestyle to gain access to cheaper rates, this could backfire if you’re found out. Start living more healthily so that you can honestly take advantage of cheap insurance – less health problems could also mean less health insurance claims in the future, which means cheaper future rates.

Believe It Or Not, The Current Public Health Crisis Is An Opportunity For Health Care Providers

Three focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Throughout history, vast opportunities have been created out of crisis situations and the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic is no different. One area that is in the eye of this storm is the healthcare sector. The following contributed post is entitled, Believe It Or Not, The Current Public Health Crisis Is An Opportunity For Health Care Providers.

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With COVID-19 spreading like wildfire across the planet, the eyes of the world are on the medical sector. People are watching the industry like never before and, frankly, forcing it to do new things.

Take clinical trials, for instance. Usually, these take years to set up, conduct, and publish. But in the current context, they’re taking a matter of weeks. The nature of the emergency requires it.

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The same applies to vaccines and drugs. It used to take the FDA the length of a career to approve specific medicines. Now the CDC is recommending that some Americans take virtually untested drugs in the desperate fight against COVID-19.

What is interesting about the current episode is the giant leaps that the medical establishment can make when it absolutely has to. Most of the time, it is sclerotic, dormant, and apathetic to the needs of patients. But when you suddenly add the scrutiny of public attention, things change fast. All of a sudden, you CAN deliver life-saving drugs in just a matter of weeks. Odd, isn’t it?

Of course, all this chicanery has a lot of people asking why this rate of progress wasn’t possible before.

Expect all the usual weasel words at this point. “There are processes that we must follow.” “Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.” “We have the best healthcare system in the world.”

But, of course, everyone is going to remember this episode and demand that the sector change in the future. When the bureaucracy gets out of the way, it appears to improve patient satisfaction. Why can’t that continue?

Public attitudes will undoubtedly change going forward, creating opportunities for specific providers in the industry who stay on top of the current situation. People are looking for outfits that they can trust to get the job done – and without bankrupting them.

Shift Your Business Model

The opportunities for healthcare providers who get their message right, therefore, is tremendous. Already, we see big shifts in how the industry operates. Some clinics are offering patients flat fees for consultations, instead of milking the insurance system.

Others are looking for ways to make medical services subscription-based. You continue paying your doctor to keep you healthy. When you get ill, you stop paying and only resume payments once you’re back to normal.

Healthcare providers are also going to have to think much more about their hygiene messaging. While keeping things clean is important at any time, it is even more so in the aftermath of a pandemic.

Offer Patient Direction

Healthcare providers that can provide patients with clear guidance in the current crisis will be those that most successfully build their brands. Those who really understand how to react to the needs of their patients will emerge as a shining example to the rest of the industry. At times like these, patients need a considerable amount of help. Many people will still be getting sick from regular illnesses and need medical attention. Clinics who can orchestrate an effective response will be those that gain the most trust in the community.

3 Great Resources To Help Improve Your Mental Health

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Maintaining your mental health is critical, arguably more so than maintaining your physical health. Most people don’t think about it though or know how to do it. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Great Resources To Help Improve Your Mental Health.

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Maintaining good mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. We are all likely to experience some form of mental health issues at some point in our lives, but as long as you know how to deal with it effectively, you can come out of the other side much stronger.

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There are plenty of lifestyle changes that you can make, but it is also important that you make use of the resources that are available to you. There are so many great resources that can teach you more about mental health so you understand the root cause of your issues, and some resources that can give you good advice on improving your mental health. These are some of the best resources that can help you manage your mental health.

The Internet

The internet is a huge source of information and there is so much about mental health on there. There are sites like Prosperity Alaska that have loads of great articles about mental health and wellness, with so many great tips on improving your mental health. Reading these kinds of sites will help you to find new ways to change your habits and lifestyle for better long term mental health.

You can also find a lot of information about the causes and symptoms of mental health issues, which helps you to identify when you may have a problem. However, there is a lot of bad information on the internet, so it is important that you find official medical bodies so you know that you are getting good advice.


There are a lot of great books out there that can help you to improve your mental health. In a lot of cases, it helps to know that other people have experienced the same problems as you and found ways to deal with them. You can learn from their experience and try some of the methods that they found useful, which is why books about mental health are such an effective resource. There are books that cover a lot of different things, like managing stress, dealing with anxiety, reaching your full potential, and dealing with traumatic life events. Not everything that you find in these books will be applicable to you, but if you are having a hard time, you should try reading some books about mental health.

Your Doctor

The best place to go for advice about mental health is always your doctor. Even though it is good to make lifestyle changes and find your own advice, you should always see a medical professional if things are getting on top of you. They will be able to prescribe medications that can be very useful, and they will also help you to find other treatments, like talking therapies, which are so effective when trying to deal with mental health problems.

If you make good use of these resources, you will find it a lot easier to manage your mental health and avoid any serious issues in the future.