Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. The year of 2020 forced technology to the forefront in terms of education. In all likelihood, this trend is going to continue. The following sponsored post is entitled, What Is The Future Of Education?
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Advancements in technology and science are rapidly increasing. The speed at which these advancements are being made means that it may be difficult for the workforce to keep up. Compounded by this is the fact that there is a wealth of information at our fingertips. Knowledge and skills are becoming much more accessible at an unforeseen scale. What does all this mean for the future of education? There is no doubt that the internet and technology are changing the scope of education, and understanding what that means for yourself and society as a whole plays a critical role in how you think about curating a positive and progressive future.
The Inclusion of Technology
As with most industries in present day society, education and technology have already started integrating. This conversation has become especially pertinent after the coronavirus pandemic quarantined millions of students around the world. The inclusion of technology is critical for education, and building an infrastructure that maintains quality education at home is no easy task. Students and educators are becoming more aware of the pitfalls of educating online. Armed with this knowledge, now is the perfect time to integrate educational design projects that can ease the transition back to school and provide valuable feedback on the ways in which technology for educational purposes and the infrastructure used to maintain it, can be improved.
A Shift In Teaching Styles
As more people study education, it becomes glaringly obvious that the way people learn can vary widely. Understanding and catering towards different learning styles has been the focus of educators for years. As technology improves and becomes more deeply integrated into our daily lives, there is a chance that much wider variability between education and learning styles can be catered to. Structuring classrooms in a way that students work at their own pace and with educational materials that focus on variable skills is becoming more and more accessible, and will likely shift the way information is dispersed and learned.
A key focus of my blog is Technology. No matter what kind of operation you’re running, you’re going to want to make sure you’re on top of your technology in 2021. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Refresh Your Technology For 2021.
Technology has done a lot to improve our lives. Its many benefits include better healthcare, improved access to information, and the ability to start a side hustle from home. Sometimes, however, you can end up in a state of “technology overload”. If this sounds familiar, then perhaps it’s time to give your technology a New Year’s refresh.
Streamline your storage
If you have files scattered across all kinds of storage media, then corral them together in two places. That’s one main offline storage location and one online storage location. These will be backups for each other. Then set up two other storage locations (one offline and one online) for your fresh files.
As you go through 2021, make a point of keeping your new storage organized. Whenever you can, go into your old storage and clean it out. Ideally, by the end of the year, you should have all the files you need and want organized over two storage locations. If you don’t get that far, that’s fine, as long as you keep making progress.
Purge your hardware
The fact that technology is getting smaller all the time makes it easier to store as well as easier to carry. That’s great for small homes and mobile lifestyles. Sadly, it also makes it easier to toss old technology in a drawer and forget about it. If your home is slowly turning into a private museum for old electronics, it’s time to do something about it.
Unearth all your hardware and everything which goes with it (e.g. cables). Then work out what equipment you really need and what you really want. Figure out what needs to stay with it to make it work (e.g. memory cards). Then get rid of everything else. Hopefully, you won’t have to bin it. Some of it may even have resale value, if not see if it can be recycled.
Update and protect the hardware you keep
In some cases, updating hardware can mean physically as well as in terms of the software. For example, you may be able to increase the memory and/or storage capacity in your main computer. Mostly, however, it tends to refer to making sure that you’re using the most recent version of your operating system and any apps you use.
If you’re on a PC with Windows 10 installed but not activated, you’ll see a prompt to activate it. Since Windows 10 is the most recent version of Windows, you may want at least to consider doing so. If, however, you’re not a Windows 10 fan, there are other ways to remove watermark.
Other operating systems and applications will tend to send occasional prompts to update. It’s generally a good idea to act on them as quickly as possible. These updates often enhance the security of your device. On that note, the end of a year is a good time to check you have the best, possible security software on each device.
Delete unused accounts and apps
In harsh terms, any account or app you use has the potential to compromise your personal data. This means that you should only keep accounts and apps where the reward justifies the risk. If you’re not using an account or an app then you’re not getting any benefit from it so close it and/or delete it.
If you’re not sure, then try deleting an account or app and see how you feel about the result. If it matters to you then you can always recreate it/reinstall it. If you have dormant or semi-dormant email addresses, try setting up a forward to an account you use regularly. Update senders with your new address as, when, and if necessary. Give it six months or so and then close the account.
As a bonus tip, be very careful about keeping valuable emails in your main email account. If you lose access to the account, then you also lose access to the email. Use the “print to PDF” function to create a couple of copies of them and store them with your other valuable files. Do this at least once a year, more often is better.
Update your passwords
Updating your passwords means more than just adding 2021 to the end of them (or updating 2020 to 2021). Cyberattacks are now a serious enough threat that you absolutely must take strong passwords seriously. In fact, you should implement two-factor authentication as much as possible.
TFA combines something you know (e.g. a password) with something you have (e.g. a one-time access-token sent to your cell). It meaningfully increases the difficulty of hacking an account. Even with TFA, however, you must still use strong passwords.
Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In the post Covid-19 world, virtual events have taken on an increased significance. As such, you want to host the best events possible. The following contributed post is entitled, How To level Up Your Virtual Event.
The events and tradeshow sector has taken a huge hit this year due to travel restrictions and policies around COVID-19. However, the industry is starting to find its footing again in the form of virtual events. 79% of event planners are now providing virtual events.
Rather than simply holding a glorified online PowerPoint presentation, you need to up your game and find ways to make your virtual events a must-attend event with our top tips.
Send out promotional items to key registrations
Who hasn’t been to an event and walked away with a bag full of pens, notebooks, USB keys, socks, and candy? It’s one of the perks. Well, just because the event is virtual doesn’t mean you have to dispense with the corporate swag altogether.
Identify key people that you want to sign up for the event. Once they do, send them out a package full of promotional items ahead of time. Or you can use it as an incentive for early registration. Think of items your audience will want and get in touch with water bottle companies and promotional item suppliers.
Use gamification to keep attendees interested
Stop attendees drifting in and out of the event by adding a layer of gamification to your virtual event. Attendees can build points for attending sessions or asking questions. These points can be converted to prizes or discounts with some of the companies running the show.
Up your keynote speaker game
A great keynote speaker is one of the key factors that draw people to sign up for events. As you’ll likely be saving the budget on venue rental and the cost of travel and accommodation for the speaker, you can funnel this budget into a fantastic keynote.
Facilitate 1:1 meetings
For sponsors and attendees, one of the main reasons to attend a trade show is to meet with potential sales prospects. Create a facility where people can book 1:1 short virtual sessions with each other.
Create different streams
At a standard trade show, people from various disciplines attend the sessions relevant to them. Resist the urge to have one track-linear timetable for your virtual event. CEO’s don’t want to sit through content aimed at finance managers and marketers don’t want to watch content for IT directors. It’s a sure way to lose attendees quickly.
Promote the different stress to the right people so that they can enjoy the entire event without waiting for their relevant sections.
Make breaks interesting
You don’t want to risk people drifting off during breaks and not returning to the event. Resist the urge to fill it full of boring promo and arrange something a bit different. It could be something like an interactive quiz (for prizes) or a live demonstration of cooking or even a comedian.
Provide high-quality content downloads
Once the event is over, keep a website live so that attendees can access videos of the sessions, marketing downloads, and get in contact with sponsors and corporate partners.
Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. An important piece of technology most of us own and invest copious sums of money in is our cars. While transportation is a cost no matter what market you live in, cars can be a major source of stress as there are hidden costs in them. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Take The Stress Our Of Running A Car.
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Many of us rely on cars to get to work, travel and see friends and family. Although driving can be fun, and it’s a convenient way to get around, running a car can be stressful. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective solutions to take the hassle out of owning a car.
Maintenance Car maintenance should be a priority for every driver, but it can fall by the wayside when life gets hectic. If you can’t remember the last time you checked your tires or your oil, now is the time to start looking after your car. Basic maintenance can reduce the risk of breaking down and it can also prolong the lifespan of your vehicle and lower costs in the future. It’s particularly important to check your car on a regular basis during the winter months and before you set off on a long journey. Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank, check the tire pressure and tread and top up your oil and water levels. It’s wise to book services frequently to ensure that any problems are identified and addressed quickly.
Replacing parts Many of us drive around without a care in the world, assuming that our cars will never let us down. The truth is that even the most reliable vehicle may need some TLC along the way. It’s crucial to take good care of your car, but also to seek advice and consider replacing parts such as coil springs or brake pads if there are warning lights on the display, you notice strange noises or odors, or you want to enhance the performance of your vehicle. There are some jobs you can do yourself, but if you have concerns or the task is more complex, seek expert advice.
Shop around to save money Cost is one of the most significant sources of stress for drivers. It can be expensive to keep a car on the road. If you are trying to save, there are various steps you can take. Investing in maintenance work will save you money in the long-run, but you can also shop around for insurance and reduce expenses by buying a fuel-efficient vehicle. If your insurance is due for renewal, don’t automatically roll the policy over until you’ve compared the offer to deals from other providers. You can use the Internet to search for policies in a matter of seconds, and you could save a fortune.
Drive carefully Driving can be dangerous, and thousands of people are injured in crashes every year. To lower the risk of collisions and make driving more enjoyable, keep your eyes on the road at all times, give other vehicles time and space, pay attention to the speed limit and take extra care if the road is slippery, it’s raining heavily or visibility is poor.
Three focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy/Money and Technology. In today’s digital world, there are multiple ways to make money besides working a nine to five job. You are literally limited by your own imagination. The following contributed post is entitled, Can Everything Be Monetized In This Day And Age.
Today, we’re talking about monetization. In brief, this refers to taking something and making money out of it. Specifically, I want to discuss the idea that everything can be monetized in our society. If you have an idea or see something, you can basically think of a way to make money from it. Well, that’s the hypothesis – is it true?
I’m certainly in the mind that almost everything you can think of can be monetized. There are a few examples in this post that go a long way to explaining this in more detail:
The rise of the influencer
Influencer marketing is a prime example of how anything and anyone can be monetized. Nowadays, if you have a large following on social media, you can monetize your profile. People will pay you to post pictures on Instagram, you get paid to write tweets, and you can make money from YouTube videos. This is all possible because you have an audience that’s interested in everything you do.
As a result, businesses recognize your influence and are keen to capitalize on it. To them, it represents a more effective way of targeting their audiences. I guess the overall point here is that anything can be monetized if it suits the needs of businesses. Or, more accurately, if it can help a business market its products.
The growing CBD market
CBD is just one example of many things that fall into the following category. In essence, I’m speaking about monetizing things that aren’t technically legal. In the case of CBD, it’s a way of legally monetizing marijuana/cannabis. You can’t buy and sell cannabis in some states, but you most certainly can extract chemicals from the cannabis plant and sell them as CBD concoctions.
In turn, this opens the door to many other money-making opportunities. Companies will produce things like a joint case to store marijuana joints in. It’s technically legal because you’re not selling weed at all. For me, the whole CBD and cannabis industry is a great example of how things can be monetized even when the actual product itself might not be able to be sold.
Monetizing knowledge
Lastly, let’s look at the idea of monetizing knowledge. If you know a lot about something, you can make money from it. Even if it’s as simple as understanding a foreign language. Now, you can sell this ability to other people online, with relative ease.
The same goes for anything; trading knowledge, marketing knowledge, business knowledge – the list goes on. The online world has given us platforms to share our knowledge with millions of other people, at a price! It’s almost impossible to learn anything for free – you have to pay for it these days.
This whole article shows you how everything and anything can be monetized in modern society. What does all of this mean to you? Well, it shows that there are so many ways you can make money! If you put your mind to it, you can find something that you’re able to sell for money.
A key focus of my blogging platform is technology. In today’s digital world, everything involves some form of data generation, analysis and processing. Regarding analysis, prepping the data so that it can be visualized by others is key in terms of communicating its meaning. The following contributed post is entitled, Four Tips For Data Visualization.
Computing power has largely solved many of the problems relating to collecting and processing data. Computers have not, however, solved the problem of effectively communicating the results of data analysis. That still comes down to human skill and judgment. Here are four tips to help.
Start from the raw source data (if possible)
Starting from the raw data will eliminate the possibility of you repeating any errors which have been made by other people. It will also keep your data visualization from being skewed by any unconscious bias in existing visualizations of the same data.
As a rule of thumb, this is most important with older data. Studies that were considered cutting-edge in their day might be viewed as seriously flawed now. They might also have been interpreted in the light of outdated assumptions and perceptions. It does, however, still apply to data provided by modern analytical laboratory services.
Think about your audience
Data visualization is usually easiest when you have a clearly-defined audience of people with a similar level of knowledge. It doesn’t really matter if they know nothing about the topic or if they’re experts. What matters is that they all have approximately the same level of knowledge.
If you’re catering to an audience with a broad range of knowledge, then you probably want to create multiple data visualizations. Start with one which assumes no/the least knowledge and then work up from there. Signpost these clearly so people can see which one(s) are likely to be of most benefit to them.
Focus on clarity
One of the biggest errors in data visualization is to try to fill visualizations with too much information. This may be a legacy from the days when everything was on paper so printing costs were always a concern. These days, however, data visualizations will almost always be viewed on a screen so make the most of everything this offers.
Also, be aware of its limitations. With printing, you have complete control over the use of color. With digital visualizations, by contrast, you’re dependent on the screen to reproduce the color faithfully. High-end screens generally do this very well, but lower-end ones are unlikely to be so accurate.
This means that you should usually avoid relying on conveying fine details by subtle changes of color. Instead, you generally want to use as much contrast as possible. This also goes for the text and the background. Furthermore, all text should be in simple fonts. It’s fine to bold important words occasionally, but avoid italics and regular use of capital letters.
Look for ways to make visualizations interactive
This is only possible if a person is going to view a data visualization on their own device. This is, however, likely to be the case a lot of the time, so it’s always worth considering. Interactive data visualizations follow the same principle as having a person click on a link for more information. Instead of going to a new page, however, a part of the visualization expands.
Two focuses of my blog are Current Events and Technology. In our new digital world, social media and reached into pretty much every aspect of life. On top of that, pretty much every generation is now using social media. It’s fun for young kids but it poses numerous dangers as well. The following contributed post is entitled, Social Media Secure: Keeping Your Kids Safe Online.
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Social networking platforms are incredibly popular and the number of users every day is growing more and more. The general feeling is about safety and security as more and more individuals flood to use them. When millions of people use social media, they have to be secure, don’t they?
In reality, just like any other website, Facebook, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and Kik have their fair share of security problems, many of which have been addressed in the media. Some of the problems are due to technological issues, and others are due to the individuals using them.
This is a problem for everyone, but it needs to be tackled because children and adolescents, who are especially vulnerable, make up such a large percentage of users. Fortunately, with a few simple steps, you can protect your identity and account, as well as those belonging to your teenager.
A UNICEF study notes that ‘some time on social media is actually good‘ and that it can be positive for the social relationships of children. Given the present conditions that we find ourselves in with COVID-19, this is even more plausible. Social media gives us the chance to stay in touch with families and friends around the globe and to keep up-to – date with global events.
With the average teenager, however, spending about nine hours a day on a laptop-how much is too much screen time? The general guideline is about two or three hours in total, although it naturally varies from person to person. According to Monitoring the Future, anything more than that and social media can lead to feelings of anxiety and unhappiness.
Keep an eye on their online behaviour
There are different apps that you can use to keep an eye on what your child is doing on different social media platforms, as we mentioned above. It is a way to make sure that any would-be predators, who are very good at fooling kids and teenagers into thinking they are someone they are not, and are not grooming them. It also helps to give you an idea of whether there is any cyberbullying or other unpleasant behaviour going on. In more extreme circumstances, you can hire a hacker for cell phone to watch everything that is happening.
Talk about privacy settings
The privacy settings on many social media networks can be so nuanced that even the most tech-savvy of adults fail to get their heads around it, let alone kids. It is important, however, to do your research and check everything. The fewer details that strangers will see, the better. Discuss the data they post on social media and discourage images that reveal where they go to school or where they live from being posted.
Unfortunately, teens and kids can almost always get around using social media and get into trouble with them, so by putting these tips into effect, you will reduce the chance of this happening and keep them safer for longer.
Two focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. With so much business being conducted online, the potential for cybercrime has increased. It’s thus important for you to proactively take steps to prevent those cybercrimes for you and your customers. The following contributed post is entitled, Prevent Cybercrime In Your Business.
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It’s not unusual to hear reports of the big businesses out there being hit with data breaches and cyberattacks. Bizarrely, it has become the norm to hear these in the news, but most small businesses are not aware that cyber attacks can affect them, too. Consumers always wonder how these attacks keep happening, especially as every company should be taking their business security as seriously as possible.
You have to realize that your business can be on the receiving end of a breach no matter what size it is. You need to do all that you can to prevent cybercrime that could damage your business and there are six solid ways you can do exactly that.
1. Think about limiting the access that you have handed out to the most valuable data in your business. Every employee usually has access to all of the files in your business, so you need to pull this back a little and limit how many have those passwords of the most vulnerable information you hold. If you prevent as many people having that access, you can slow down how many people can pass off the info to outsiders.
2. Bringing in a team to help you with your cyber protection. You could look into a professional managed IT service provider to make sure that your business is covered 24/7. It’s one of the reasons that some companies are attacked online; they don’t have 24/7 security!
3. You are likely doing business with a wide range of vendors outside of your business. You need to know who these vendors are and how much access they will have to your information and you need to know personally the people who are working with you. If your delivery guy has had a previous record of theft, then it’s likely you won’t want to work with him!
4. Training is so important if you want to prevent cybercrime in your business. You need to make sure that you are not just leaving your employees to carry on and hope for the best. You need to take precautions and training and education are the best ways that you can do that.
5. Keep your software as updated as possible – this is another thing that IT managed services can do. You need to consider that an upgraded software base will keep your business safe. The more upgraded the software, the safer it’ll be.
6. Multi-factor authentication is important if you want to prevent people hacking into your systems. Your data has to be kept private, and if you have more than one layer of password protection, you can guarantee that it’s more private than usual. Cyber Breaches can often occur because there is not enough protection surrounding your online files. You don’t want people to steal your information, so have case-sensitive passwords as well as text authentication to make your business secure.
Cybercrime doesn’t have to be a problem in your company – with these tips, you can take the risk down as much as possible.
Two key focuses of my blog are Blogging and Writing, and Technology. For new bloggers, there is much more to blogging than simply having novel and exciting writing ideas. There are also strategic and technological considerations as well. Once you understand these elements, you can have a lot of fun and achieve your goals, whatever those are. The following contributed post is entitled, Ways to Enhance Your Blog for Modern Audiences.
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Things on the internet are constantly shifting and changing. So if you’re still blogging in the same ways you were 10 years ago, you’re probably not doing it right anymore. That might sound harsh but if you want to enhance your blog and reach an ever wider readership, you really do need to keep in mind the needs of modern audiences.
If you think now might be the right time for you to start making changes to your blog and how it operates, we’re here to help you with that. There are many ways in which you can make your blog more modern and meet the needs of modern audiences.
Each of the tips we’re about to discuss will help you get the fundamentals of good blogging right. And by doing that, you can ensure your blog is fit for purpose for a long time to come. So read on now to find out more about what you need to know about enhancing your blog for modern audiences.
Make Sure the Blog is Properly Categorized
First of all, you’re going to need to make sure that your blog is organized and planned out in the correct and proper way. That means putting proper categories in place and ensuring your posts are tagged correctly can be found in their corresponding category. It’s a simple thing but it matters.
It’s about making sure that people can find what they’re looking for when they visit your blog. If the task of finding content becomes difficult and frustrating for them, they’re definitely not going to stick around for long and you can be sure of that. So it’s worth taking the time to make your blog navigable.
Make Sharing Content Simple
You should also make it as easy as possible for people to share your content. If people are having difficulties finding that share button, they won’t share your post; it’s as simple as that. After all, they’re not gaining much by sharing your content.
It’s you who benefits when your readers enjoy a post and subsequently want to share it with their followers online. You should use share buttons and layouts that make it easy for them to do this. It’s not rocket science but it’s certainly something that you’ll need to go out of your way to put in place.
Use Clear CTAs
What do you want your readers to do? Calls to action are very important on most modern blogs and that’s something that can’t be denied. You should try to find a CTA that’s relevant to your blog and that your customers can get something out of.
Maybe you have an email list and you can use a CTA to prompt visitors to sign up to it. This is good for you because it affords you greater email marketing opportunities going forward, but it’s also something that can appeal to your readers too because they’ll then be able to read your regular newsletter.
Cross-Link to Other Relevant Content
As a blogger, you want to make sure that people are visiting as many pages on your blog and reading as many posts as possible each time they visit. Ideally, you don’t want them to simply read one post and then leave again. And cross-linking is the way to get this right.
So whenever you write a post, take the time to find other posts that are connected to it or relevant to the subject of the post in some way. When you do that, you can link to those posts within your current post. This will encourage clicks and encourage readers to stick around for longer.
Use a Web Design Service if You Don’t Have the Necessary Skills
If you don’t have web design skills and you want to update the aesthetic of your blog, you should definitely think about using a web design service such as Caltech Web. These days, people expect a lot from a blog and they might be immediately put off if your blog looks outdated.
There’s nothing more revealing about a blog’s age and relevance than the design. If the design looks like it hasn’t been changed in 15 years or more, then you’ve got a problem. You should try to update it at the earliest opportunity.
Learn to Write More Appealing Headlines
It’s imperative to create headlines that are going to make people want to click and read your content. That doesn’t mean that you create headlines that are false and misleading because that’s not the answer to this issue either; a balance needs to be struck.
Learn to write headlines that are interesting, catchy and appealing. They should be relatively short and to the point, and you can then follow them up with longer subheadings that help to give the reader a better idea and understanding about what they can expect from the post.
Ensure There’s Great Visual Content
The right images and other kinds of visual content will be vital on your blog. If you want to make sure that people stick around and pay attention to your blog, you need to be using visual content in one way or another. This helps break up the text and keeps things interesting for the reader.
There are so many examples of visual content that can be used, from good images to video content to infographics. Make an effort to include as much of that stuff as possible in your posts if you want to keep them interesting and visually appealing.
Be Open to Collaborating with Others
These days, it’s very common for bloggers to collaborate with other bloggers and online personalities. This might not be something that you’re used to doing, but it can be a great way to keep your readership interested and to expand your reach and make your blog known to more people.
You should try to be more open to collaborating with others because there are benefits. It can be as simple as guest blogging, so if you haven’t tried that before, it’s a good place to start for you. It could do more for you than you might expect.
These days, there are so many analytics tools out there to help you understand your audience better than ever before. You should definitely be making the most of these because you can then optimize and improve your content when you have a fuller understanding of what your audience actually wants.
Take the time to understand keywords and search terms that you feel are relevant to your blog and your target audience. You’ll be able to capture readers better and ensure relevant people have the chance to see and click your links via search engines with the right SEO approach.
Write About Those Things
Writing about the things you find out your audience is interested in is key. You need to be offering up content that’s relevant to your audience otherwise they simply won’t keep reading it. It’s as simple as that. Do your best to make sure that you don’t leave your audience behind.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself and explore new ideas through your blog content because you can. But the desire to do that also needs to be balanced with the needs and wants of your audience members.
Keep Your Content Readable
Readability is an important factor when it comes to writing blog posts. If your style or writing becomes too unwieldy and complex, people will likely turn away. Keep sentences relatively short and always read over your posts before publishing them, and do so with readability in mind.
You might even want to hire an editor or simply ask a friend to read the post over before it gets published. An outside perspective and an extra set of eyes can make a huge difference when it comes to assessing the readability of your work. That extra person might point out some things you haven’t noticed yourself.
Respond to the Responses
Interaction is key as a blogger. As your blog’s audience starts to develop and grow, you’ll find that people are interacting with you on social media before and maybe leaving comments under your blog posts. If that’s the case, you should try your best to respond.
People will really appreciate that added interaction that comes with doing so. They’ll see the human and personal side to you and as such they’ll feel much better connected to your personal brand and the blog you run. That can only be a good thing from the perspective of retaining readers.
Blogging is a challenge and there are no quick fixes or easy answers. If you want to get to where you need to be with your blog, it’ll only come about through hard work and action. Make the most of the ideas above, but don’t feel confined to these changes. Find your own way forward; it’s your blog after all.
Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re using an office to conduct your business and operations, you may want to consider future-proofing your office to ensure its continued operations. The following contributed post is entitled, How Future-Proofing Your Office Can Save Your Business Money.
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If you run your business from an office, you’ll likely also employ many staff to take care of the daily running of things. As you can appreciate, today’s modern offices require a lot of equipment and technology to operate at optimum efficiency.
The trouble is, some business leaders don’t invest much time or money into modernizing their working areas. As a result, it takes longer to do things due to outdated or faulty systems. And that ultimately means a lower annual turnover and reduced profit.
The good news is that all is not lost. You can take several steps to future-proof your office and ensure that your business is a market leader. Here’s what you can do to bring your company into the 21st century:
Install fiber optic cabling
One of the first things you need to look at is how your business interacts with the outside world internally. All modern business offices have network cabling that allows computers and electronic devices to communicate internally and across the Internet.
But, if you have a large office or your business is spread across several different offices, you could easily face the limitations of CAT5 and CAT6 network cabling. To overcome those challenges, it makes sense to use fiber optic cabling for trunk communications.
You might need fiber optic cable installers to install the cabling for you. But, any person competent in IT communications can install and set up fiber equipment such as switches and routers to utilize fiber optic cabling.
Upgrade to high-speed Internet access
You should also upgrade your office’s Internet access to complement your new fiber optic cabling. The shocking truth about many business locations is they only have basic broadband speeds – completely inadequate for the needs of today’s modern business.
Did you know that fiber optic Internet access is very affordable these days, even for small businesses? It makes sense to upgrade to such Internet connection technology. Plus, as your business grows, you can upgrade to higher speeds in the future with ease.
Upgrade to a unified communications model
It goes without saying that all businesses need telephone systems, whether they are landline-based or mobile. But, one of the challenges that face all companies is tying together the various communication methods they use each day.
Thankfully, it’s now possible to upgrade to a unified communications model in your business. What does that mean exactly? In layman’s terms, you can unify your telephone, voicemail, fax, and email systems into one single setup.
For example, you can receive voicemail messages and faxes in your email inbox. And you can easily divert your phone number to any location around the world, making it easy to work from home or abroad.
Final thoughts
The above is just a few of many ways that you can future-proof your office – and your business. In an extremely competitive market, it makes sense to do everything in your power to stay ahead of the competition.
Future-proofing your office is one of the biggest ways to achieve that goal, yet it’s also one of the least thought of methods.