3 Essential Practices To Stay Safe As A Laboratory Technician

Two focuses of my blog are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), and Health/Wellness. While a lot of important work gets done in research labs, there are a lot of potential health hazards as well. A major component of science is thus laboratory safety. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Essential Practices To Stay Safe As A Laboratory Technician.

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Safe lab practices are essential and shouldn’t be compromised on, as a lab is generally a hazardous place that requires utmost attention and a focus on protection. In 2019, 40% of lab researchers and technicians admitted to not wearing PPE at all times. The slightest error or lack of judgment can result in irreparable damage and even death. How can you ensure that your actions or inactions don’t put you or your colleagues at risk? Read further for details.

1. Proper storage containers

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Due to the varied composition of solvents and other compounds, every chemical in the lab must be kept in appropriate storage containers. For example, it’s not recommended to store organic solvents in plastic containers. Acids should also never be stored in metal containers; neither should HF be kept in glass because it reacts with sodium silicate (the main component in glass) and causes it to corrode.

The reason for proper storage of these compounds and chemicals is to eliminate a hazardous reaction in a close unit such as a lab. It’s a safety measure to protect the lab technicians and others who work within the same space.

Furthermore, flammable chemicals must be handled with extreme precautions. That explains why most labs keep large volumes of such combustible substances in fire-rated cabinets. Lab handlers must also do well to keep acids and caustics apart; they must be placed in isolated cabinets or cupboards with plastic lining. The plastic acts as a buffer against any escaped vapor that may react with any metal element within the cabinet.

2. Quality waste disposal systems

As discussed in the previous list item, proper chemical storage is critical, and that flows into how these chemicals are disposed of as well. The approved method of waste disposal is to have them stored in safe non-reactive bins. An alternative is to use waste bins with a non-reactive inner lining. More importantly, every lab must invest in a hazardous waste removal service to comply with the United States legislation on Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals.

3. Protective garment usage in the lab

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Known as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), these refer to goggles, lab coats, nose masks, gloves, and any other garment intended for self-protection in a laboratory. This includes long pants and footwear that completely covers the lower body and feet. Because of the likelihood of spills and splashes within the lab, you’re better off protecting yourself from biological and chemical agents.

Did you know that some chemical spills on the body can start a chain reaction to developing cancer in the long term? These are substances known to have delayed carcinogenic effects in humans. For instance, medical research indicates that asbestos inhalation can cause lung cancer in the long term. In other instances, chemical inhalation can travel into the bloodstream and cause Leukaemia many years after initial exposure.

The lab environment is a critical area that demands utmost caution at all times. Without these safety measures, it’ll be even more dangerous to choose an occupation requiring physical presence in a lab.

How To Identify A Good STEM Program For Your Child

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). As the years go by, there will be steadily more STEM jobs and a corresponding need for the STEM professionals trained in those fields. The key though educationally, is the start. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Identify A Good STEM Program For Your Child.

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The world’s progress will depend mostly on advancements made in science, technology, engineering, and math. Already, the advent of the smartphone has propelled technological advances in just ten years! Unfortunately, a report by the National Assessment of Education Progress revealed that 66% and 60% of 4th Graders are not science and math proficient. So, how can you identify a good STEM program for your child? Find out below.

1. It has rigorous Math and Science content

Every good STEM program should have intensive Math and Science content to live up to its name. However, for young children, the fun component is needed to maintain interest and develop the urge for more. On the other hand, for older children, the focus should be more on using math, science, and basic engineering knowledge to create designs.

For instance, a STEM class assigned to design a lifeguard chair should use real-world questions to influence their creation. For example, questions such as, ‘how long should the lifeguard chair be?’ or ‘How does the guard get onto the chair?’ will compel the child to apply arithmetic and science to come up with the perfect object.

2. A good STEM program should have on-site and off-site labs

In many cases, especially when it’s a private school or academy, STEM is designed to funnel all other subjects into the program. In other instances, it is a part of the school’s primary curriculum. Another approach is when the school decides to make it an elective class. Regardless of the varied ways it is taught, the most significant factor is that the STEM course should have modern labs where students can experiment with what they learn.

Unfortunately, the pandemic season makes it imperative to build more labs within and outside the school. The objective is to minimize the number of students at any given time within the lab. For this reason, some schools have opted for safe off-site facilities to conduct STEM experiments. Therefore, if you run a school and are looking for an off-site location to rent or lease, you should try ball ventures Ahlquist. This commercial development company delivers excellent service to tenants, partners, and investors.

3. It helps your child to think outside the box?

The objective of STEM programs is to cause the young mind to think beyond the ordinary. It is a structured course that requires a high level of cognitive thinking to arrive at the desired result. Introduced over 120 years ago, STEM was created at the same time as electricity. The Committee of Ten at Harvard thought it would be the Launchpad to develop interest among members of the public.

STEM became a conduit through which teaching science-related subjects evolved since that time. As proof, today, there are professionals who capitalize on their strong STEM backgrounds to service cars, electric appliances, etc. Thinking outside the box is the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to its practical aspects. This is what is required of a STEM program. Besides, it is an excellent way to assess its positive effect on your child’s cognitive abilities.

STEM fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and discipline. As the world continues to develop, there is no way science-based advancements can be left behind. Therefore, the best decision you can make is to get your young ones interested in their early years.

6 Common Types of Urine Tests

A key focus of my blog is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Urine tests are a critical tool in the medical sciences and forensics. Certain illnesses can be detected and identified through urine tests in addition to the presence of pharmaceuticals, illegal drugs and toxins. The following contributed post is entitled, 6 Common Types of Urine Tests.

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Image by Polina Tankilevitch via Pexels

When it comes to testing for diseases, urine has special prominence as the ideal specimen. This is because it has a specific composition, and foreign substances usually point to particular ailments. For instance, excessive protein in the urine, known as proteinuria, often indicates heart issues or poor kidney function.

Urine samples can be collected in various ways for specific tests. Here is all you need to know about the standard urine tests and what ailments and conditions they point to.

6 Common Types of Urine Tests

1. Random Urine Tests

As the name suggests, these tests are done without any prior scheduling. They are typical during routine testing, especially before a patient is admitted to the hospital or before surgery. Some random urine tests, like rapid tests, can even be carried out at home.

Rapid urine tests generally come as strips that change color depending on the specimen’s chemical composition. You can then interpret the results using the table that usually accompanies the test. Although you can carry out the test on your own, it is best to seek a trained medical professional’s opinion and advice.

These tests indicate the presence of various substances in the urine, including such compounds as bilirubin, proteins, sugar, urinary casts, and ketones. These substances are not usually present in urine, and their presence usually indicates that a part of the body is malfunctioning.

For instance, urinary casts, which are cylindrical solids in urine, indicate a problem with the kidneys’ renal tubes. On the other hand, high cholesterol levels show that a patient has excessive amounts of this unhealthy substance.

2. First Morning Urine Tests

These tests are also called 8-hour urine tests. The first urine sample of the day is used for these tests. They are typically more accurate than random urine tests since they tend to be more concentrated, having stayed in the bladder for a longer time.

3. Mid-Stream Clean Catch Urine Tests

Mid-stream clean catch tests are used to collect urine under sterile conditions, which is then tested for germs. The patient starts by cleaning the genital area using water or antiseptic wet wipes to perform the test. Then, they begin emptying the bladder into the toilet, pause midway, collect the mid-sample in a sterile container and then finish voiding in the bathroom.

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To create a bacteria culture, a medium on which bacteria can grow, like glass, is placed in the collected urine. The sample is placed in an incubator for two to four days. By four days, any bacteria in the urine will have started to form colonies that a Urine Collector can identify.

4. 24-hour Urine Tests

With these tests, the patient collects all their urine for 24 hours and then submits it for a laboratory test. However, the first urine of the day is usually not included in the tests. Instead, the urine sample for the period after the 24 hours is collected and used for testing.

24-hour urine tests are virtually the best for indicating how much of each substance is contained in a patient’s urine. Whether it is excessive amounts of salt, protein, or white blood cells, the 24-hour urine test can shed more light on what is ailing a patient. Some common diseases tested for using the 24-hour urine test include diabetes, urinary tract infection, heart failure, and kidney disease.

5. Pregnancy Tests

If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she can carry out a urine test to confirm her suspicions. A pregnant woman’s urine contains the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, which can be detected by a urine strip test. Most such tests have detailed instructions on how to go about the process, and many deliver results in seconds. However, be warned about the possibility of the test returning false results, especially if you are under medication or have taken too much water. It is always best to have your doctor confirm whether or not you are pregnant.

6. Drug Tests

Another common urine test is a drug test, typically done in learning institutions, by employers, and even law enforcement agencies. Drugs, like weed and heroin, remain in the body for a long time after consumption, hence can be detected through urine tests with ease. Weed, in particular, remains in the bloodstream for weeks after you smoke it.


Urine is one of the best specimens that doctors use to diagnose different diseases. Some of these diseases include heart failure, kidney disease, diabetes, and bacterial infections. It can also be used to test for pregnancy or drug use. A urine test is easily one of the best ways to tell how well your body is doing.

How To Succeed In Agriculture

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM. Agriculture is a huge business and an industry and a key component of the economy of any nation. If you’re going to launch in this business, it’s important to understand the keys to succeeding and the causes of failure. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Succeed In Agriculture.

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Whenever you are looking for an industry to get involved in, you are always going to look for one that you know will probably be profitable far into the future. With something like agriculture, that is what you are always going to get. No matter what, this is the kind of business that is likely always going to help you become richer and it is therefore worth looking into. In this post, we are going to discuss how you might be able to succeed in the world of agriculture, and what it might take to do so more easily.

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Consider The Economic Plain

First of all, you need to look into the current economic conditions and think about whether it is the right time to be starting an agricultural business, if you don’t already have one under your belt that you already look after. There is no easy right or wrong answer here: it is mostly a matter of your own consideration and looking into whether or not you are going to be able to make it profitable right now. Research what other people in the industry are doing, and you should find that this helps to give you some idea about what to do yourself.

Sourcing Supplies & Equipment

If you have decided that you can do well enough with agriculture and you are going to try and start a business, then you need to look into how and where you are going to source your supplies and equipment from. There are a lot of options you have here, but one of the most obvious and beneficial is to look into suppliers like https://pomi.dk/en/ whom you know you can trust, and whom you are going to find offering good prices for agricultural machinery of all kinds.

Source – CCO Licence

Reducing Costs

There are many costs that you might want to look into reducing too if you want to make sure that you are running your agricultural business just right. One of the most important and simplest measures that a lot of farmers end up taking, especially during times of drought, is to reduce their water usage. Not only is that beneficial for everyone and the planet, it is also an important step in making sure that you are not overspending your cash, and that is essential for running a business in a healthy and strong way. See more on this at https://bizconnect.standardbank.co.za.

Dealing With Uncertainty

Frankly, it is a fairly uncertain time for agriculture, so you need to make sure that you are thinking about what you can do to make it better. You need to look ahead and predict as well as you can, but you should also think about what you can do to bolster your business against the worst. At the moment, you need to think about covid and the possibility of a second wave, which could make things very difficult indeed. The more you think about it, the more chance you have of surviving as a business.

7 Tips To Help You Become More Sustainable

Three focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship, Organizational and Management Discussions, and STEM. An important considerations for many individuals and business is sustainability. Our lives and activities can be done, while still maintaining the environment. The following contributed post is entitled, 7 Tips To Help You Become More Sustainable.

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Photo by Akil Mazumder from Pexels

Throughout the years there have been numerous reports stating how humans are damaging the environment. This has led to people wanting to discover the ways in which they can do their bit for the environment. However, despite many businesses starting to implement sustainable practices, many people still aren’t doing this at home.

A key way of improving poor air quality and pollution, as well as ensuring clean water is accessible to communities, it’s important to realize that sustainability really does start at home.

If you’re wanting to boost your sustainability, here are 7 simple tips that you could use:

1) Upgrade to Solar Energy

Although many newer properties might have solar panels already installed, older houses might still require regular electricity. However, there are so many benefits that come with upgrading to solar panels.

Not only will you see a reduction in your monthly energy bills, but solar panels require little maintenance. Not to mention the biggest pro of all – that it’s a renewable energy source and it’s a big step towards making your home more sustainable.

Although many people worry that solar panels are expensive, as there are now so many providers supplying them and they have been around for several years, the cost is probably lower than you think.

2) Ditch The Plastics

There are so many reasons why you should ditch plastic within your home. Not only is it really harmful to wildlife (the majority ends up in the ocean), but it’s bad for humans and is typically only single-use – meaning that it will end up in landfill after you throw it away.

To become more environmentally-friendly, sustainable flexible packaging is a great choice. With an aim to reduce waste, lower transportation costs (the smaller the truck/the fewer trucks, the less pollution that’s created) and align with sustainability practices, it’s easy to switch to.

3) Buy Locally

Although it might be tempting to always shop in a chain grocery store, it’s far more sustainable to switch to smaller, local stores. By doing this, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint as you won’t be contributing to congestion and pollution.

Also, many local products tend to be organic and pesticide-free, an extra bonus that leads the way to a more sustainable planet.

4) Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

One of the easiest ways to become more sustainable within your home is to recycle. However, you need to do it properly in order for it to be effective.

When done correctly (i.e. you put the plastics and other materials in the right boxes), then you’re helping to reduce the amount of landfill, reduce financial expenditure (products can be created out of recycled products instead of raw materials) and help to reduce the pollution that’s caused by waste.

5) Consider Different Ways to Travel

Although in the short term you could make travel alternatives such as ditching your car and opting for your bike, in the future, it might be time to consider cutting down on the number of flights you take.

Flying as a whole is a very carbon-intensive form of transport and causes incredible amounts of pollution. However, shorter flights tend to take the cake, emitting more carbon emissions than longer flights,

So instead of flying, why not opt for a more eco-friendly mode of transport such as a train. There are so many trains available that can take you far distances, without you having to step foot on a plane.

6) Try Not To Buy More Than You Need

This is an issue that if fixed, could help to reduce waste significantly. Many people buy way more than they need – whether this is grocery shopping or other items. But by buying more, it’s only causing damage to the planet. Therefore, try and only purchase the essentials.

7) Unplug The Electronics

Even when you’re not using every electronic device, those that are still plugged in will consume energy. And because of this not only is it costing you hundreds of dollars every year, but it’s not beneficial for the environment. Therefore, it’s a good idea to unplug them or turn off the switch on the wall when you stop using them.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are 7 simple tips that you can use to make your home more sustainable. No matter which changes out of the above you make, you’re one step closer to creating a sustainable environment, lowering your carbon footprint and helping the world to become healthier and a better place to live.

A Short Guide To Environmental Remediation For Your Business

Three key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Of their many considerations, businesses have to think about being environmentally friendly and responsible which is where “Environmental Remediation” comes in. The following contributed post is entitled, A Short Guide To Environmental Remediation For Your Business.

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What is environmental remediation?

Environmental remediation refers to the process of reducing levels of radiation exposure, for instance, from surface water, groundwater, or contaminated soil. The process is often informally referred to as a ‘clean up.’ The idea is to eliminate radiation sources, and offer protection for both the environment and people. Before our society became more environmentally conscious, nuclear activities often took place without proper consideration for the earth. Thankfully, laws and practices have become stricter and more comprehensive, and there are many services to help businesses adhere to environmental regulations.

Why is environmental remediation important?

Contaminated sites can produce both adverse effects on the environment and negative health effects for those people who live in the surrounding areas. Due to this, action must be taken to ensure that companies adhere to environmental best practices. There are a few different ways that remediation is carried out. The first is by immobilizing or isolating the source of the radiation and then removing it. The second is by assessing the risks of radiation exposure and attempting to separate the source from the people in the area. An example of this might be by evacuation or changing the way that the land is used. Some sites will have high radiation levels, which do not cause any harm. To determine the state of your site, you’ll need to invest in the services of an environmental remediation company.

Environmental remediation considerations

When you are approaching environmental remediation, there are many factors to consider. Radiation risk to the public is the first, so you must take steps to close the site if dangerous radiation levels are confirmed. Any workers will also be exposed, so it’s essential to see that those accessing the site take the appropriate safety precautions. It’s also vital to consider waste and adopt solutions to manage waste created in the most sustainable way possible.

Choosing an environmental remediation company

There are a number of environmental remediation companies to choose from, so how do you choose the right one? Firstly, you’ll want to look for a company with plenty of years of experience who can provide an expert analysis. A quality company will be supported by a team of scientists, who are accomplished in the area of environmental remediation and molecular biology. It can also be useful to look for a company that does not actually sell treatment solutions. This way, you’ll get an unbiased service offering accurate interpretation. Lastly, your business is likely looking for a cost-effective solution, and so it’s worth doing some price comparison to find a service that suits your budget. Microbial Insights, Inc. offers a top-quality environmental remediation service, along with corrosion and source tracking.

As a business owner, it’s your social responsibility to adhere to environmental laws and best practices. Consumers expect brands to take their social responsibility seriously and consistently seek solutions to improve the ethicality of their operations. A greener business is consequently a more profitable and successful one.

Challenges Facing The STEM Sector

Two key focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). While we’re encouraging participation in the STEMs today, there are potential challenges in the sector going forward which we must also be aware of. The following contributed post is entitled, Challenges Facing The STEM Sector.

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Without a thriving STEM sector, it is hard for a nation to rise and meet its obligations and challenges for the future. Considering that STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, it’s easy to see just how much of what goes into building a country falls under that banner. Then, consider that (before Coronavirus hit, throwing all future plans into chaos), the USA is on target to have 2million STEM jobs unfilled from the 3.5million that it needs to source by 2025. America needs to work on its STEM shortage; so what can be done?

It seems clear that something needs to be done. 2025 isn’t some mythical far-off future; it’s five years away. STEM, by any reckoning, is a field from which we get doctors, pharmacists, engineers of all kinds and programmers, along with a great many other occupations. If there is a reluctance among younger people to focus on STEM subjects, and a lack of aspiration towards careers in the sector, what does the future hold for all of these industries?

There is a significant gender gap in STEM industries

It is easy to point fingers and find explanations for a shortfall of women in the STEM workforce, and yet… the key fact is that the industries are not attracting anywhere near as many young women as they need to be. At the crucial ages of 15-16 – just as they are starting to focus closely on what they’ll be doing at college – just 20% of girls have a positive impression of engineering jobs. Other numbers suggest that as many as three-quarters of school-age kids don’t understand what STEM careers entail – so creating the conditions to change this is an essential first step.

Concerningly, the reputation of science fields at academic institutions is not great from an equalities point of view, with women on campus reporting a pervasive culture of sexual harassment.

Less inward immigration means fewer overseas experts

Regardless of one’s political standpoint, it is necessary to point out that you can either have a world-leading STEM sector at all levels or a country that applies harsh limits on immigration. You cannot have both, and the numbers of H-1B visas being issued is trending downwards in all sectors – including to STEM graduates. This, according to experts in the field, is inevitably handing advantages to other countries – notably China which is home to 4.7 million graduates in the field, compared to America’s 560,000 as of 2016.

The term STEM is often poorly-defined

Who works in STEM, in your opinion? A few occupations were named above and, for sure, doctors and engineers are certainly STEM experts. Anyone getting in touch with LOC Scientific for essential lab equipment, or researching potential cures for illnesses like the one sweeping the planet right now is also a STEM worker. So, too, is any architect or therapist – and the lack of clarity over the definition of such a vital term could be overall off-putting for people who think about the whole sector as having to do with bubbling flasks and test-tubes. Perhaps, more than anything else, what STEM needs in the next five years is a rebrand.

Why Little Farm Businesses Are Role Models

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM. Agriculture is an industry need by most of the developed world. In modern times though, many consumers are putting more and more of their trust in little farms for various reasons. The following contributed post is entitled, Why Little Farm Businesses Are Role Models.

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More and more people prefer to buy their food from trusted sources. While large farming organizations used to be a reliable food source in the past, more and more modern customers are turning to small, family-sized farming and food businesses. The reason is simple: They can’t trust corporate food magnates anymore. The list of controversial decisions taken by large farming companies is too long to write down here. But to name only a few examples, customers demand controlled origins, sustainable productions, and ethical choices from their food suppliers. As such, small farm businesses are making a name for themselves because of their positive management choices.

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They are more likely to be eco-friendly
While the agricultural industry is one of the first skills developed by mankind, it’s strange to think that many businesses have lost their ways and used environmentally-adverse approaches to exploit the soil or the animals. On the other hand, small farming businesses have maintained their planet-friendly strategy and remained accountable for their results. A sustainable farm can be profitable, especially at a time where buyers demand to see your green strategy. As such, vegetable farms can rely on homemade compost and natural repellents to keep their harvests. Fish farms can look into getting ethical certifications to convince customers of their green intentions. Additionally, as a fish business, you can also rely on reliable equipment, such as the Delta Net and Twine tools, that are handcrafted and made to measure. As such, you can have the best tool for your environment.

They are close bonds with the local community
Do you need to own farm fields to become a farmer? More and more dedicated businesses choose to rely on community efforts to build a farming environment that supports local needs. For instance, Boston Medical Center grows its own food for the benefits of patients on top of the hospital. The rooftop farm grows more than 25 crops and guarantees the best products for the patients. Ohio City Farm is an urban farm that trains refugees to help them integrate and acquire the skills they need for their lives in the US.

People trust people
Corporate farm businesses are faceless. On the other hand, a family-sized farm is made out of people that you can meet and get to know. Human beings are social creatures, and, as such, they naturally put their trust in other people. Customers find it easier to bond with individual farmers than with a global brand. As such, they are more likely to support local farms.

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The rise of leisure farming
More and more homeowners are moving outside of towns and into the rural regions. Millennials and Generation X quit their urban lifestyle to buy an abandoned farm and grow their own vegetables. Farming may not be a commercial activity for these. It is a life choice. They want to go back to their roots and learn to cohabit with Mother Nature. As they do, they develop a deeper understanding of environmental challenges and build a new appreciation for small farming businesses.

Small farm businesses are the unsung heroes of the planet. They dedicate their efforts to grow plants or keep animals that are healthy for consumption. Additionally, their decisions are dictated by their love for the environment and the desire to put the community’s needs first. Family-sized farms are the role models we all need to combat climate change and health crises. They are built on respect and values.

Why Your Business Should Be Flexing Its Green Credentials

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM. For your business itself and for the environment, making your business ‘green’ can have multiple benefits. Many aspects of running a green business are easy to implement. The following contributed post is entitled, Why Your Business Should Be Flexing Its Green Credentials.

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With Greta Thunberg taking on the mantle of climate change warrior and championing the future protection of the planet, more and more businesses are taking their corporate environmental responsibilities more seriously. You might want to get in on the action. If your office is wasting paper, you are sick of seeing computer monitors forever on standby, and you are concerned about your water usage, it’s time to make your business more eco-aware. This doesn’t have to cost you money, and can actually save you cash by making your venture more efficient and relevant to the twenty first century. Read on to discover how you can be successful and flexing your green credentials.

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It doesn’t matter whether you are an office based startup or whether your business is more practical, such as a street food van or a smallholding, you can always find ways to manage your water usage more effectively. Outside, this could be something as simple as installing flumes on a smallholding. If you produce crops or food in an organic way, you can manage your irrigation systems more efficiently. If you are an office based entity, you may be more concerned about how many times the kettle is boiled on coffee breaks. Make sure you have posters up, detailing the importance of water preservation. If every staff member is more conscious of their environmental impact, you can be more environmentally aware as a corporate entity.


Death by paper is a concern of many businesses. The advent of cloud based storage has made paper reduction all that more easy. You no longer have to print off email after email, only to shred it within minutes after a meeting. Instead, you can now head onto the cloud, download the needed document and utilize a Sharepoint style package to show your team. Printouts are no longer a go-to way of distributing information. Ensure that you limit your paper usage. Doing this will limit your carbon footprint and help you to do your bit to protect the world’s rainforests. If you do need to use paper, counteract this by contributing to a tree planting scheme. This may have a financial impact, but customers are more savvy with who they choose to do business with. They will be more inclined to pay more for a product or service from a company that is conscious of their environmental impact rather than one that doesn’t care.

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If you have a staff team that commutes to work using their gas guzzling cars, set up a car sharing scheme. Even better, consider a subsidized cycle to work scheme, encouraging your staff team to whip on their helmets and get healthier. This can result in a team with a boosted morale as well as decreasing the carbon monoxide that your company produces. If you have company cars, ensure that you opt for hybrids. These may cost more initially but the running costs will be infinitely lower.

Don’t be too insular when considering your business aims and motivations. Take a bigger world view and take your corporate responsibility seriously when flexing your green credential muscles.

The Real Reasons Animals Are Used For Testing

A key focus of my blog is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). In the biological sciences, animal models are frequently used to answer human health-related questions in numerous areas. Examples are Pharmacology, Toxicology and Virology. Some sectors are working to eliminate this usage altogether with in vitro and in silico methods, but until then, they are our most reliable scientific models. The following contributed post is entitled, The Real Reasons Animals Are Used For Testing.

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Animal testing is something which is a controversial subject. It has been long used to help companies test things such as medicine and cosmetics as well as food stuffs, and many of the animals who are tested on will go on to lead a healthy life.

Of course, there is a double edge to this sword, and when testing failed treatments and cosmetics on animals it can have detrimental consequences to all. Whether you are for or against animal testing in our world, we have to take a look at the uses it has in the world we live in.

If you have been often unsure about animal testing and what it is used for, these are some of the top reason why animals have been used to test products.

To advance understanding

Science provides the building blocks of the world and when we aim to discover and understand the world, science is key. It is a fact that experimentation allows us to understand science and the world, and in biology, animal testing is something that has allowed us to understand a myriad of things in the past. For example, with genetic testing using samples from different creatures, we have been able to discover the genomes of all living things, and create a roadmap of evolution. We have been able to use Jellyfish DNA to explore the secret of life, as well as using other clever biological mechanisms to heal and innovate. The reason we often test on animals such as mice and rabbits is that they have similar genomes to us, and their body anatomy is similar enough for us to utilise to learn from. Transgenic mice and other specially bred animals are at the forefront of scientific research.

To study disease

Disease is a scary thing, and all living creatures can fall privy to microorganisms and their dangers. Humans and animals share a lot of common illnesses, and as such it is common for animals to be used to study a disease and its symptoms, as well as to discover and test treatments to combat it. For example, rabbits suffer from atherosclerosis as we do, and testing of the disease has allowed humans to make huge advances in treatment. Using an infected animal as a model, we can test and study how a disease takes hold, and what mechanisms happen in the body. This allows us to develop treatments to save animals and humans alike.

To develop and test treatment

As we said above, one of the most prevalent uses for animals in the lab is to allow us to test treatments. By inducing an animal with a specific illness, we can begin to develop and test treatments to see if they have a positive effect. This is something which has always been incredibly important for medicine and it has had a huge impact on the ability we have to treat minor and major illness. Without the efforts of scientists in this way, we would not have treatments for Parkinson’s, Cancer, or Emphysema.