Resurrect Your Business Post-Pandemic Using These 4 Ways

Three of the focuses of my blog are Current Events, Business/Entrepreneurship and Organizational and Management Discussions. Many businesses were levelled by the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Crisis/Pandemic while others were able to hang on, albeit by a thread. For this who have survived and in position to rebound, it’s important to have a plan of attack. The following contributed post is entitled, Resurrect Your Business Post-Pandemic Using These 4 Ways.

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Nobody knows when the COVID-19 pandemic will end. As a result, researchers and medical experts have suggested that we exist together with the virus for the time being since it could take several months or possibly years to develop an effective vaccine. This means adherence to social distancing protocol is expected to remain a part of the new normal. But what does this mean for businesses?

A recent report has proposed that close to 7.5 million small enterprises in the United States risk closing down in the next few months as COVID-19 continues to impose enormous business challenges. However, this could be considered as one of the many setbacks faced by businesses, and you may need to gear up for a comeback. Are you wondering how? These four tips should help your business to work its way back from the crisis.

1. Create a plan for the comeback

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Lack of proper planning can only compound your challenges further, therefore, you must develop a clear strategy that will guide you towards your targeted business goals. The list must be explicit on what must be done today to achieve the results you want tomorrow. Per the current situation, businesses are more focused on survival than growth. To develop a good plan, find answers to questions such as the following; what parts of the business are collapsing rapidly due to the crisis? What part of the company can I change to adapt to the times? In answering them, think deeply and broadly, and into the future.

2. Understand the impact of Covid-19 on business culture and identity

Just as the pandemic has affected different aspects of our lifestyle, it is very likely to impact business cultures and identity. Challenges can bring people together or likewise set them apart depending on their level of trust. This moment presents an excellent opportunity to view your business perspective and how it might evolve. How prepared is your business to handle this crisis? Will the pandemic unite people or set them apart? How different will they see your business post-pandemic? Your answers to these questions will inform what you can achieve after the pandemic.

3. Do you need to launch new products?

Like “Black Swan” events, the current pandemic has increased innovation and more resilient start-up businesses than before. What opportunities does the COVID-19 pandemic present? Growing challenges present businesses with ideas worth exploring, but in doing so, you need to set priorities to avoid starting multiple projects which will depend on the same limited resources. For example, COVID-19 has led to the increasing demand for protective equipment like face masks, hand sanitizers, and HDPE gloves. Several manufacturers have therefore shifted to PPE production for health workers and the general population, to combat the virus and keep their company afloat.

4. Are you ready to execute your plans and projects?

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Finally, it would be best if you considered the readiness of your business to start projects. Is your business prepared to take on and finish up new projects? You would have to consider the significant contrasts in preparedness at the individual, group, company, and public levels. Current available resources, coupled with the speed and dynamic processes required differ significantly, and these variations play a considerable role in determining whether or not you will succeed. Training is one thing that would prove helpful as a way of upgrading your business’ human resources.

Make Your Employees Happy With These Tips

Three focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship, Organizational and Management Discussions and Workplace Discussions. Regardless of the organization that you’re running, employee happiness is critical. Management should thus always consider this as it impacts overall productivity and recruitment of new talent. The following contributed post is entitled, Make Your Employees Happy With These Tips.

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There are so many things that you have to do as a business owner to keep you business afloat, but one of the most important of them all is keeping your staff happy. If you’re not looking after your people, then they aren’t able to look after your business. It works as a team when you hire staff; you support one another and you keep them in your thoughts when you are making plans to alter the business or improve things.

Making your employees happy has to be a priority for you. Get it right, and you get a great team of people who are happy to work for you for years. Do it wrong, and you will be revisiting your HR software to figure out who you can hire next! Happiness is important in the people who spend their time in your business doing everything possible to make ends meet. So, with that in mind, here are some of the best ways you can make your employees happy!

Image Source: Pexels

  1. Plenty of money goes a long way and if you are offering an attractive salary, you’re going to claw in attractive talent to work for you. We’re not talking offering minimum wage: minimum wage may be legal, but it’s certainly not liveable! You need to think about what they need to survive and do more than that. These people spend upwards of eight hours a day in your business – make it worth it for them to be away from their families.
  2. Building a company culture that thrives on fun and happiness is so important. You want to make sure that you are able to make people feel relaxed and at ease when they spend time with your time. You need to do more than beanbags in the break room, too. Reflect the goals of your staff in what you can offer them, and help them with their positive work environment. Encourage people to work together and as a team – even with other departments! A collaborative working environment makes people feel trusting, builds good relationships and fosters a more positive working environment.
  3. Where you can, offer as many opportunities to develop your staff. Yes, you will likely lose them to other companies one day but that doesn’t mean that you can’t work with them on their goals while they are working with you. Training, education, formal degrees and more could change the way your staff work.
  4. Do what you can for the wellbeing of your staff. Things like fun days out, meals, company games night and more can foster a sense of fun in the workplace, and this can go a long way to enhancing the wellbeing of your staff. Another way to enhance their wellbeing is to ensure that your people have a good work-life balance. They need to feel empowered and trusted, and you can make that happen with flexible working and giving them the freedom to work remotely.

The happier your staff, the better they work – it’s a no brainer!

Are You Ready For Catastrophe?

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship, and Organizational/Management Discussions. In addition to earning profits and operating as efficiently as possible, smart businesses must foresee potential catastrophes. Having contingency plans in place can allow you to survive while other businesses perish. The following contributed post is entitled, Are You Ready For Catastrophe?

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Did you know that a quarter of all companies are unable to continue their business after a catastrophe? Their lack of preparedness stops them from being able to recover effectively enough to enable them to continue to earn a profit and keep the doors open. Large-scale natural disasters are difficult to overcome, which is why you need to be as ready as possible for any disaster that could befall your business.

It’s common to think that most larger disasters won’t ever happen to your business, but they do. Both natural and man-made disasters happen all the time, and on top of those, there are terrorists, business interruptions, hackers and more – great, right? The best thing that you can do is ensure that you are prepared for any number of these disasters to happen to your business. Preparation is the key to avoiding failure, and given that the aftermath of major disasters happen to be business-killers, you need to be ready for the “after” as much as you do to prevent things from happening in the first place. You can get more info about how to back up your power, how to save your documents and how to have a storm shelter for your business, but there are so many more things that you should do for your business. So, here are a few things that you can get started with!

Image Source: Pexels

● Get Insurance. Your business, no matter how big or small it is needs insurance. Without insurance, you’re putting your business at risk of not being able to come back from catastrophe. You have to choose the insurance that covers you for all kinds of financial losses, and you should also consider business interruption insurance for things that can close roads, ports and airports – all of these things can stop your business from continuing, which you really do not need.
● Invest In Great IT. There is a bank of cloud-based software out there and it’s recommended that you have a great IT company working with you to back up all of your business files. If your IT systems get damaged in a fire, flood or hurricane, you need to be able to access the information from those computers.
● Plan For Remote Working. If you have something happen to your business, you need to know that you can continue to work. A hurricane can take your office building, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t work. Remote working and communication with staff are both important, and you can do this without an office building. Sure, it’s an inconvenience, so make sure that you have a back up plan to a destroyed office. Remote working is that back up plan.
● Emergency Training. Being ready for catastrophe isn’t always easy but if your staff are well-trained in health and safety and emergency measures, then you will all be able to work together to ensure that you are responding in the right way to any emergency that comes up. The emergency training you provide your staff will change the way you handle any disaster in future.

How To Keep Your Staff Informed & The Loop

A key focus of my blog is Organizational and Management Discussions. A major aspect to getting the best out of your staff is establishing and maintaining loyalty which actually is a door that swings both ways. A key way to ensure your staff’s loyalty and productivity is keeping them in the loop. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Keep Your Staff Informed & The Loop.

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It’s important to keep your staff informed. This can seem obvious. It can seem as clear as suggesting ‘your staff need access to water while in the office’. That being said, it’s important to notice there are various degrees of being informed. For instance, you don’t have to inform a new office worker about every single one of your plans, what your balance sheet looks like, and hidden products in development for them to be good at their job.

So, informing your staff can take place in degrees of relevance, and most of all, the delivery system is what counts. That being said, it’s important to note how to move forward and get the best out of this. Giving them a 50-page file each morning, while detailed and very important, can rob them of the time they need to move forward with their daily tasks. So, informing your staff is more about a simple information dump, but rather knowing when to dispel it, and when to help them stay on top of their approach.

How can you keep your staff informed and in the loop, in the most optimal manner? Let’s discuss that below:

Morning Briefings

Morning briefings give you the chance to level with your team on a face-to-face basis. Or, if you prefer, a morning newsletter can help your staff keep up to date with the goings-on that day, helping you disseminate the important principles that must be catered to in the right context. Morning briefings can help you keep communications open with your staff, without having to pester them sporadically throughout the day.

Let Them Inform One Another

It can’t hurt to give staff the chance to inform one another about the daily efforts they must make. Word can travel quickly, but it’s important to keep your team able to communicate, and more easily able to do so. For instance, with VoIP solutions found here, you can ensure all communication methods are provided, and optimized. That has to be a useful, and eternally relevant step to take. Of course, providing official sources of information is essential as sometimes hearsay can get out of hand, but for the most part, allowing staff to stay in the loop and keep one another efficient is essential.

Keep It Streamlined

Always keep your communication streamlined. This means keeping a regular format, and staying consistent with it. Instead of giving the word through a Slack channel one morning, you must deliver it through email if that’s what you’ve been doing so far. If you keep regular meetings, do not change their times unless you have extraneous circumstances that must affect your scheduling. Keeping your staff informed and in the loop needn’t be a difficult nor overly complex approach, you just need to help them learn what to expect.

With this advice, we hope you can more easily keep your staff informed and in-the-loop.

6 Situations Where Having a Lawyer Makes a World of Difference

Three focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship, Health/Wellness and Organizational and Management Discussions. In every facet of life, lawyers can make all the difference in the world as we often end up in binds that we did see coming. The following contributed post is entitled, 6 Situations Where Having a Lawyer Makes a World of Difference.

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The legal system in the United States is constructed to protect civil rights and uphold laws. As such, most people never have a need for a lawyer in their life. As long as they’re law-abiding citizens that don’t do anything crazy or out of the ordinary, they’ll typically be able to live a quiet and comfortable life without much stress involved.

Unfortunately, there are certainly going to times where you might need a lawyer to help you out. There are warning signs to look out for, such as when your business starts getting popular or if you feel like you’re on the brink of a divorce. These types of situations are made much easier if you have a lawyer at your side. In fact, we’d go as far as to say that having a lawyer present is like night and day. As an individual, you’re unlikely to have a good understanding of the legal system. As such, it’s best to give that job to the experts by hiring a lawyer.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at six different situations where you might actually want a lawyer.

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1. Criminal charges

Whether it’s a DUI charge or possession of drugs, having a lawyer present during criminal charges can make a huge difference. Regardless of why the police have taken you into custody, having a lawyer will completely change the dynamic. Their first instinct will be to protect you and shield you from the authorities. They’ll then ask questions about the situation so they can personally get a better understanding of what your situation is like. From all of this information, your lawyer will devise a plan to help you get out of serious charges if possible and also lessen the impact it has on your criminal record.

2. Starting a business

While you can generally start a business without much help at all, having a lawyer at your back can help you take care of any legal requirements that you face. Even if you’re just a solo business owner, it’s a good idea for you to learn more about the law and how to navigate it. Lawyers that specialize in business law do exist, but if you’re passionate enough and have the drive to learn, then studying about business law, copyright law and other similar subjects will help a lot.

3. Immigration

Whether you’re moving to the United States or a different country, having an immigration lawyer will make things a lot smoother and easier to stomach. Immigration law can be incredibly complex and even seasoned lawyers have trouble dealing with similar cases. With a trained lawyer at your side, they’re far less likely to make mistakes, they can move around permits and regulations and they have plenty of experience.

4. Wills and trusts

Many families argue over wills and trusts. Things can get incredibly emotional and messy, so it’s always best to have a legal expert on your side to prevent any unnecessary conflict between you and your loved ones. These lawyers can also help you establish your will or trust as well. Ideally, it’ll involve meeting with your lawyer in person so you can communicate your options and learn more about the subject as well.

5. Disputes in the workplace

Many employees don’t actually know what rights they have in the workplace. In fact, some larger companies even abuse this with their employees. If you feel that you’ve been treated unfairly or that your business is causing a lot of distress to its employees, then a lawyer can actually help you seek justice. Whether it’s a workplace dispute or your boss being unreasonable and firing you for no reason, we highly suggest you speak to a legal expert to seek help.

6. Family matters

Family lawyers handle everything from custody battles to divorces. If you and your partner aren’t getting along anymore, then you may need to seek help from a trusted family lawyer if you want to deal with the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Divorce isn’t something that we enjoy thinking about, but it may be inevitable if you and your partner aren’t getting along and have too many disagreements. If there’s money, property or even children involved, then getting a lawyer on your side will help ensure the best outcome.

At the end of the day, nobody wants to hire a lawyer because it usually means you’ll be in for a tough legal battle. However, in the event that you ever do need a lawyer, we hope that this brief article has been helpful.

5 Key Principles For Business Organization

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Organizational and Management Discussions. In order to keep your business running, it should have a level of organization and there are a few principles to keep in mind. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Key Principles For Business Organization.

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Running a business can be a challenge. However, when you’re someone that has always wanted to do their own thing, you are going to find that you really love it. And you won’t be alone. Some people are born entrepreneurs. And when that’s the case, you’re more than happy to put the work in to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Yet, what happens when you’re not so sure about what you can do to find success? Is it all about sales and growth, or is there more to it than that?

One of the things that you will find really helps you to get to where you want to be business-wise, is organization. When your business is organized, there’s little you can’t do! From creating the best products to boosting your bottom line, let’s take a look at the five business organization principles that can help you.

1. Have Systems

To start off with, you need systems. You know what sort of tasks you need to get done in your business, right? So, do you have set ways of doing them? If not, then it’s time for you to make a change and get organized here so processes can be streamlined.

2. Automate What You Can

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you automate what you can. Now, this isn’t always possible – but anything that ca be automated, should be. From stock checks to accounts payments, see what you can put in place to make things run smoothly.

3. Organize Your Assets

Next, you ‘re going to want to take a look at your assets. This may not be something that you immediately think about – but it matters. If you have no idea where anything is or how things are organized, it will be chaotic. Yet, when you bring in an organization system, using something such as asset labels, it’s going to help you to have a better grasp on what you have and where it is. This will then allow you to feel organized for success.

4. Define Roles

Another thing that you can do here, is to make sure that you’re looking at your staff and how they contribute to your business overall. If you want to be organized, it’s so important to look at how it’s run and how your processes work. Think about the roles and responsibilities of everyone in your business. If you want things to be efficient and successful, making sure that everyone is doing the best job is going to be a huge part of that.

5. Cut Out The Unnecessary

Finally, you are going to find that, no matter how organized you think you are, there will still be things that you do that are unnecessary. So this is the perfect time to sit down and take a look at the way you do things, the processes that you follow, and see what you can do to streamline them. There will always be steps that you do that are costing you money or taking up too much time. And this will then ultimately help you to be much more organized.

5 Things To Consider Before Renovating The Exterior Of Your Office

A key focus of my blog is Organizational and Management Discussions. There may come a time when you will either want to or need to renovate your office. There are a couple of things to consider before doing so. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Things To Consider Before Renovating The Exterior Of Your Office.

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Image by Pexels from Pixabay

If you’re thinking of renovating the exterior of your office but you don’t know where to begin then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’re looking to completely switch things up or you need to make a few small changes, you need to be sure you’re doing all that you can to make the process run smoothly. Luckily, there are lots of questions you can ask yourself to ensure exactly that. From setting yourself a budget to deciding whether or not you need to hire contractors, the more questions you’re asking the better. With that in mind, here are 5 things to consider before renovating the exterior of your office:

How Much Will It Cost?

One of the first things you need to consider when it comes to renovating the exterior of your office is how much it’s going to cost, as you need to ensure you’re not spending more than you can afford. Although it may take some time, this means you need to think about the cost of each individual aspect of the renovation individually. Once you have the cost of everything roughly calculated, you can work out your overall cost. For tips and tricks when it comes to creating a home budget, you can visit this site here.

What Changes Need To Be Made?

Once you know how much you have to spend, it’s time to start thinking about the changes you’re going to make. Whether you’re getting rid of the overgrown trees or you’re redoing the pavement, you need to have a list of everything you want to do before you start your planning. If you’re looking for information when it comes to asphalt paving, you can visit this site here.

What Do You Need To Buy?

After you have planned what you need to do, you need to think about the materials and tools you need to buy. If you’re on a strict budget, you may find that you’re able to hire some of these instead. For tips and tricks when it comes to hiring tools, you can visit this site here.

How Long Is It Going To Take?

Another important thing to consider is how long it’s going to take, as you need to ensure it’s not going to be interfering with your business.

Do You Need To Work With Contractors?

Finally, you need to decide whether or not you need to work with any contractors. They can be expensive, but it’s a great way to ensure the job is being done professionally. Not only that, but it also means you don’t have to take time away from work to make changes.

With lots of great questions to be asking yourself before you renovate the exterior of your office, you can be sure you’re as prepared as you can possibly be. What else do you need to consider? Did we miss anything off of the list? Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

How Does Light Impact Productivity Levels?

Two key focuses of my blog are Organizational and Management Discussions and Technology. When you’re running an organization and are in management, a huge consideration is how to create the optimal workspace to get the most productivity out of your staff. It turns out that light has a lot to do with this. The following contributed post is entitled, How Does Light Impact Productivity Levels?

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Many business owners do not consider the lighting in their offices; they simply go for the cheapest solution they can find in order to keep their costs down. However, this could be costing you money, as poor lighting can have an extremely detrimental impact. In fact, did you know that 68 per cent of employees complain about the lighting situation in their office? With that being said, read on to discover more about the issue and why LED office lighting is a must.

Light and productivity in the office
First, let’s take a look at how lighting has an impact on productivity. It is believed that poor lighting accounts for a two per cent loss in productivity per year. This may not sound like a lot, but that is two per cent for each worker! Moreover, 24 per cent of office workers have stated that discomfort and eyestrain has caused a loss of work. When the lighting is poor, it puts unnecessary strain on the eyes, which is only made worse when workers spend all day looking at a computer screen. Their eyes become irritable and they experience discomfort, which means they cannot work as efficiently. Some people need to take themselves away from the environment so that their eyes go back to normal.

This is why you would be wise to consider investing in LED lighting for your offices. There are many benefits associated with going down this route. One of the main reasons they are ideal for the workplace is because they do not contain any toxic elements, and a lower amount of energy consumption is used as well. Not only does this ensure a better working environment, but also you don’t have to worry about your utility bills going up either. In fact, you are more likely to save, as these bulbs are much more energy-efficient. All in all, you will be shocked by how much of a difference LED office lighting can have on productivity levels.

Light and productivity in an industrial setting
Choosing lighting solutions with care is not only important when it comes to an office setting, but it makes a massive difference in warehouses and in a commercial setting as well. If you speak with experienced manufacturer engineering consultants, they will tell you that lighting plays a massive role when creating a manufacturing center for any client. Not only does it make a massive difference in terms of productivity, but it is imperative when it comes to safety as well.

If you do not have the correct lighting within an industrial setting, you could easily end up creating an environment whereby people cannot do their work properly. This presents massive dangers when using heavy machinery, which need to have the perfect setting. You cannot afford to cut corners or take any sort of risk.

So there you have it: an insight into lighting and the important role that it plays in any sort of commercial setting. This should never be ignored at any business!

Moving Business Buildings

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Organizational and Management Discussions. Many businesses have to move locations at some point. A major key to doing so, is executing it so that operations don’t stop and profits aren’t lost. The following sponsored post is entitled, Moving Business Buildings.

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If you own a business, you may find that you are rather busy. There are issues that need your attention and things that must be taken care of. If your business is successful, you should regularly update or even consider getting a new office if need be. This can help many aspects of your company. Employees will love having an updated space to work in, and if you are looking to move you will want to try and stay local to keep your old clients. Here are a few things to look for in a new building.


The location of a new building is important for the continuing success of your company. If you have outgrown your current building, then you are using a successful plan. Try to not deviate from it. If your location affects your customers or cost in a negative way, it may not be the right move for you. You want to choose a progressive path and not one that will hurt your company.


If your previous building was small, look for something that is big enough now but has room to grow into. Keep in mind that your growth will be happening even as you move. When you have the extra space, you want to use it and fill it. You can get more office equipment Jackson MI, or you could make a storage room or nice break room if possible. Get the most use out of all the space as you possibly can.


When deciding whether or not to move office buildings, you need to consider your company’s technology. It can be a lot of work to move all of your equipment and reinstall it, and you’ll need to make sure you have the right infrastructure in place for it too. IT support services can help make your move a smooth one, making sure everything is set up correctly in your new location. Remember to factor in these costs as you make your decision.


Have a budget when looking for new buildings. Do not go over the budget to sacrifice things that have made you successful as a company. You want to be able to have the building as a blessing and not a curse. If the building costs too much, it can cut into your profits and slow down growth.

Needing to expand as a business is a good problem to have. Be mindful to keep the same traits that made your company successful though, no matter what building you are in.

Ways to Provide a Safe Work Environment

Three key focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, Organizational and Management Discussions and Workplace Discussions. There’s a lot more that goes into an ideal workplace besides working in an industry that’s cutting edge in a swanky location like Silicon Valley. Workplace safety is also huge and not often considered. The following sponsored post is entitled, Ways to Provide a Safe Work Environment.

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Managing a large building is no small feat; there are tons of things you must think about on a daily basis to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. One of the most important aspects of maintaining a great work environment is making sure your building is a safe place for employees and visitors. Check out this article for some tips for how to ensure this.

Hire a Safety Team

A safety team can consist of just a few security guards who keep an eye out for trouble, or a large group of well-trained officers who maintain vigilance at all hours. When developing your safety team, determine whether you think your building would benefit from an armed officer Rockford IL or if you just need a general security presence. While there’s always a chance for danger, does your specific building run the risk of violent crime or are you more concerned about preventing petty theft? Figure out your specific needs and go from there.

Install a Surveillance System

Every building can benefit from having a surveillance system. With video cameras throughout the premises, you and your safety team can monitor everything and have a record of any issue that presents itself. This can help thwart potential threats, solve crimes, and even protect you and your staff from accusations of wrongdoing. Make sure you install a trustworthy security system and perform routine tests to ensure it’s working properly.

Maintain Open Communication

Another excellent means of providing a safe work environment is through maintaining a good channel for communication. Regularly check in with your employees and managers to make sure everyone feels safe, and let them know it’s their duty to report to you if anything is amiss. What better way to make sure people feel safe than by responding to their concerns?

It’s important that your building is safe; to ensure this is true, you can hire security officers, install a surveillance system, and talk with your staff often about any concerns.