Making It In The Financial World: Advice For Career-Builders

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and General Education. If you have the aptitude and passion for it, the financial world could yield you a promising career. The following guest post is entitled, Making it in the Financial World: Advice for Career-Builders.

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Few people know that you don’t have to be a genius to have a successful career in finance. In fact, with the right skills and attitude, anyone can make it in this industry. The key is to stay on top of the latest news and trends and to network with others in the field. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your career goals.

Why you should build a career in the finance industry

A career in finance can be extremely rewarding, both personally and professionally. This is because you’ll be working with all different types of people and helping them with their financial needs and goals. Here are a few reasons why you might want to pursue a career in finance:

• The finance industry is always growing and changing, so it’s a great sector to be involved in if you want a challenging and dynamic career.
• The pay and benefits in the finance industry are often very good, making it an attractive option for career-minded individuals.
• Finance is a global industry, so you have the opportunity to work anywhere in the world.

How to get started on the right foot in your career

A great way to position yourself for success in finance is to get a good education. Having both an undergraduate and graduate degree is extremely helpful, and you might also want to consider earning an MBA. However, not everyone has the time nor the money to afford the traditional way of earning an education.

Fortunately, there are alternate options that you can look into, such as online courses. For instance, if you want to pursue a career in accounting, you can earn your accountancy degree online through a reputable school.

This way, you can learn the material at your own pace, and you can even set up adjustable deadlines. You can also work full-time and do your homework between shifts, so you can fully maximize your time while building your future career.

Another great way to set yourself up for a successful career in finance is by networking with others in the industry. You can do this through groups or organizations, conferences, or even informational interviews.

This way, you have the opportunity to put a face to the name of the people you’ve worked with or read about, which can help you gain a better understanding of the industry as a whole.

The skills you need for a successful career in finance

One of the most important skills to have if you want a successful career in finance is math. You will constantly be using mathematical equations to solve problems and complete your work. This means that you should get very familiar with things like percentages, fractions, and decimals.

You also need to know how to build strong financial models and prepare accurate financial statements. This is a great way for you to display your skills and show what you can do. You need to make sure that you have a good grasp of things like valuation, forecasting, and budgeting.

Another important skill is your ability to think critically and analyze. You should always be able to see things from multiple perspectives, so you can come up with different solutions for the same problems. Being flexible and open-minded can help you solve issues more efficiently.

Finally, you should be able to communicate well with others. This means that you need to have excellent writing skills and public speaking abilities. You should be able to make presentations that will engage your audience and convey all the necessary information.

How to stand out in your career

A great way to stand out in your career is by staying on top of the latest news. If there is a big story or significant development in the finance world, you want to know about it. This way, you can keep your team informed and ready to act if necessary.

Aside from that, you can also show that you’re a well-rounded individual. You want to show that you aren’t just good with numbers, but you can handle all sorts of tasks and responsibilities. You should be able to take control of the situation and help others when they get stuck.

Finance is a very competitive industry, and you want to make sure that you’re giving yourself an edge above your competition. The tips above are great for both new graduates looking to get their foot in the door, or current employees looking to move up in their company.

If you just follow the simple steps mentioned above, then you will be well on your way to a highly successful career in finance. But don’t forget to have fun and enjoy your time while you’re building your career because that’s just as important.

The Future of Education Is Here

Two key focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. As with everything in our world, the landscape of education has changed significantly. Some of this was accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, but some of the changes were already in the pipeline. The following guest post is entitled, The Future of Education Is Here.

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Some people don’t have time to commute to school every day, while others might be too far away from schools, colleges, or universities. Distance learning gives these people more flexibility in scheduling classes around their work schedule or taking breaks when needed without worrying about missing anything in the classroom.

Additionally, distance learning provides an opportunity for individuals who might work in jobs or situations where they can’t leave and still receive a quality education. Distance learning also provides more flexibility and opportunities for students with special needs.

Many schools and universities will provide extra time on homework, tests, or classwork for students who need it. Using computers and other technology in distance learning can also help students with disabilities participate more fully in the class.

There are a lot of benefits to it, which are explored in more depth below:

1) Cost Savings

One of the biggest benefits for students is saving on tuition costs by taking some or all their classes online. For instance, if students enroll in online senior high school at AMA, they won’t have to spend money on transportation, uniforms, and miscellaneous fees.

2) Mobility

Students who take at least some of their classes via distance learning often have greater mobility, making it possible to study from various locations. This means that you can study from home, at the library, or any other place that has an internet connection.

Having the flexibility to study wherever you helps students because it can help them continue their education without taking time off. Plus, sometimes it can be very hard to focus when you’re at home, so studying elsewhere helps students stay more focused on their work.

3) Flexibility

In addition to saving on tuition costs, distance learning also offers flexibility with schedules and deadlines, ultimately making it easier for students to meet course requirements. The freedom to choose a time frame to study is an added benefit that can be a major time saver for students.

4) Variety

Distance learning provides students with a greater variety of course options to choose from, which can be more challenging and interesting than the traditional classroom setting. Plus, it’s possible to take classes from various institutions and attend courses that don’t require you to be on campus.

5) Efficiency

With no need to commute or fight for a seat in a crowded lecture hall, distance learners can save time and focus on their studies. This means an increase in efficiency and productivity when learning, both of which are crucial for students to succeed academically.

6) Independence

One of the most important benefits of distance learning is that it allows students to learn at their own pace and in their way. They are not limited by the structure of a traditional classroom, which can be restrictive. And since distance learning is more flexible, students will learn more about time management.

7) Connectivity

By using online tools, distance learners can connect with classmates and instructors from all over the globe, creating a global community of learners. This makes it easy to seek help or collaborate on projects, especially for those who have never done so before.

8) Collaboration

Distance learners can connect and collaborate with other students, instructors, experts, and professionals worldwide. They can form study groups, exchange lesson plans, and more. If this is something you are interested in, it’s helpful to check if the course you wish to take offers this option.

9) Compatibility

Most distance learning courses are designed to be compatible with various devices, including PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones. With this in mind, it’s possible to access course material no matter where you are or what technology you use.

10) Accreditation

Many distance learning courses are accredited by well-recognized organizations, which can help students when they apply for jobs or further their education. Additionally, some colleges and universities accept these credits as transfer credits, which means you can spend less money on extra coursework.

Distance learning is a method of education that involves using computers and other technology to create interactive courses. This type of learning allows students to study anywhere with an internet connection, regardless of whether they are at home or in another location.

There are many reasons why distance learning is a great option for students. Of course, it’s not the right choice for everyone, but it can offer many benefits for everyday learners and to those who cannot afford the costs of traditional schooling.

The Importance of Financial Literacy and How It Affects Your Life

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. Many people don’t respect it’s importance, but Financial Literacy can be the difference between a good quality of life, or a life of struggle. The following guest post is entitled, The Importance of Financial Literacy and How It Affects Your Life.

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It’s not easy to learn how to manage your money properly. However, if you want to become wealthy in the future, you need to know the importance of financial management and begin integrating techniques into your daily lifestyle.

There’s a huge difference between earning a huge amount and being rich. Some people may make a decent amount of money every month but not manage their earnings very well. As a result, they tend to spend their money on wasteful expenses or useless purposes. They develop a habit of earning and letting the money go without saving or investing some of it.

Meanwhile, wealthy people often have peace of mind knowing they can live comfortably. They can finance their expenses for the following months, and they have a stable income to rely on. Often, these are the people with multiple investments and savings in the bank.

Learning financial management involves developing practices and habits that will help you accumulate security and wealth in the long run. Integrating financial management also considers your personal goals, needs, and risks as you focus on making wise financial decisions. The practice also encourages you to look back on your old habits that may block your success. Further, it can also involve a humble awareness about specific elements that you can no longer control, such as taxes, inflation, market volatility, and debt.

Basic Financial Literacy

Not understanding the principles of using money can lead to several issues. For instance, if you don’t know the relationship between credit and interest, you might end up swiping your credit card for a small amount that may cost you 20% more of the total amount. The truth is that many people are paying a specific thing repeatedly, basically wasting their money.

When this happens, you could end up with a poor credit score. Credit scoring solutions can identify individuals with poor financial management practices, which could be why you will not get approved for house or car loans in the future.

Without the proper knowledge and understanding about financial matters, you will most likely end up like most people-paying high fees, uncertain about where they have spent their money, and paying debts for so many years.

Here are some financial management tips to get you started.

1. Track Your Money

Many young individuals are not even aware of where they have spent their money. If this is the case, there is certainly room for improvement to eliminate the bad habits.

Financial management always begins with spending awareness. List down your monthly expenses or use a management app to track where your money goes. Doing so will help you identify if you are spending too much on unimportant things. Once you’re aware of your spending habits, you can make a plan to improve.

2. Create a Budget

Compute your estimated income and how much you spend every month to create a realistic budget. You don’t have to implement drastic changes right away; you will only deprive yourself of what you usually enjoy, like eating out or shopping for clothes.

Instead, create a budget that aligns with your lifestyle. Over time, you will embrace the small changes that will enable you to develop healthy spending habits.

3. Save

Saving is an essential factor in proper financial management. It gives you financial security and protects you from uncertainties that may cost you money. Save as much as you can, do it little by little until you can finally put more money into your savings account.

4. Pay Your Bills

Your bills should always be on top of your budget. Always prioritize your payment for electricity, credit cards, rent, and other vital expenses to ensure that you allot money for them before anything else. In addition, ensure to pay your bills on time as that may also affect your credit score.

5. Check Your Subscriptions

Many of us tend to subscribe to platforms and automate payments through credit cards. However, it would be wiser to check if you are actually using these subscriptions. Otherwise, you’re wasting money. Review your credit card bills regularly and see if there are some subscriptions you no longer need.

6. Learn to Invest

Like saving, investing is another crucial part of financial management. Learning how to invest your money where it will grow ensures that your money is working for you, giving you more income and higher savings in the long run. Investing is also a great way to ensure that you have funds when you retire.

Knowing how to manage your money is an opportunity to obtain financial freedom. Through your financial skills, you can manage your money well without sacrificing the lifestyle you want while you save, invest, manage your cash flow and secure a bright future for yourself and your family.

The Art of Building Better Habits

Two focuses of my blog are Creating Ecosystems of Success and Health/Wellness. One of the things that successful people do is consistently build better habits. The following guest post is entitled, The Art of Building Better Habits.

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Building better habits isn’t a science; it’s an art because everyone builds habits differently than the other. While building habits can benefit anyone, you should also aim to ditch bad habits. Starting good habits takes practice and patience with yourself. It’s not something that can happen overnight. Keep reading if you’re ready to change your life; in this article, we’ll discuss how you can start building better habits today.

Building Better Habits

Our habits define who we are and what we do. Ditching old habits and getting new ones is easier said than done. Ultimately, your habits can impact your health and happiness, so it’s never a bad time to start taking a deep look at your daily habits and determine which ones are doing you more harm than good. Here’s how you can start building better habits today.

Start Easy

There’s no reason to start off building a new habit that will be difficult for you to maintain. Instead, you should start with a habit that’s easy and simple so you can remember doing it every day. Because the most important thing you can do is stay consistent, you should start with something you can easily sustain. Your first habit should be straightforward so you know you can do it. For example, if you want to start working out more, you can make a goal to exercise for just 5 minutes a day.

Starting small gives you the ability to pick up the intensity level once your habit becomes a part of your daily routine. For example, if you want to build a better skincare routine, you can put on one moisturizer at night. After you’ve succeeded at that for a few weeks, you can start building onto your routine by adding other skincare products. By proving to yourself you can stick to a small habit, you can start to build confidence knowing you can make better choices in the future.

Understand Current Habits

Part of building better habits is understanding your current habits, especially the unhealthy ones. Let’s say that instead of working out like you know you should, you sit on the couch and watch television for a few hours after work. If this sounds like you, consider why you’d rather sit on the couch than exercise. Then, break down the habit of exercising. You might realize it’s not the habit of exercising itself that holds you back; instead, it’s the hassle of having to shower for the second time in a day. In this case, you’ve found out the reason you don’t have an exercise habit is that you don’t want to shower in the morning and at night.

Knowing this, you can think about ways to make exercising easier and eliminate what’s holding you back. In this instance, you might realize it will be less of a hassle to work out in the morning and shower before work so you can still enjoy leisure time at night.

Of course, it’s always best to start small. If you decide to start exercising in the morning, set your alarm earlier to ensure you have enough time to make it to the gym. You also shouldn’t expect yourself to be able to complete a 30-minute workout. Instead, consider the first tip and start with just a few minutes of exercise a day until you get the hang of it.

Breaking down habits can work for building just about any good habit. For example, if you want to live more sustainably, you can try to recycle one thing in your home a day until you can build on that and train your brain to recycle without thinking about it.

Plan for Failure

If you make a plan and fail to stick to it, it’s okay. Failure is inevitable when you’re trying to build better habits, especially if you’ve had the same habits for years. It’s important to learn not to feel guilty when you don’t follow through with a new habit every day. For example, if you wanted to do yoga in the morning before work and sleep in one day, instead of feeling guilty, you should recognize that your body and mind may have needed a few extra minutes of sleep more than a few minutes of yoga.

By not judging yourself, you can focus on a new plan for how to get back into a healthy habit as quickly as possible after breaking it. Having a backup plan doesn’t prevent failure, but it can help you get back on track. Here are some ideas for your plan:

● Set schedules
● Reward yourself for success
● Never punish yourself for failure

Replace Bad Habits

Instead of simply getting rid of bad habits, consider replacing them with good ones so you won’t feel like you’re missing something. For example, people who quit smoking typically find another activity, such as chewing gum, to help them stop thinking about wanting to smoke. Removing something negative and replacing it with something positive can keep you on the right track while motivating you to make healthier choices.

Know Your Triggers

If you’re trying to stop a bad habit, then you’ll need to understand what triggers your bad habits. For example, if you’re on a diet and want to stop eating junk food, it’s best to avoid stressful situations. Of course, you can’t prevent a stressful day of work, but you can understand that work might be a trigger for you so you can come up with ways to deal with the trigger, such as meditation or an adult coloring book to stimulate your creativity and reduce stress.

Celebrate Success

Rewarding yourself is one of the best ways to keep up with your good habits. You should reward yourself for any good habit you’re able to sustain. For example, if you want to start working out every day, reward yourself after the first two weeks with something you enjoy. Of course, it’s always best to keep your rewards in check. For example, if your habits revolve around your health, it might not be best to reward yourself with chocolate cake right away.

Marné Amoguis

Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego. She is a contributing writer at where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing. Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.

Creating An Engaging Real Estate Virtual Tour

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In current times, it’s not practical to do everything in person. Likewise, many tasks can be done virtually. Real estate is no different. The following guest post is entitled, Creating an Engaging Real Estate Virtual Tour.

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The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the significance of adding virtual tours of real estate properties for sale or rent. One statistic revealed that they can generate up to 5 million visits a day. These tools can influence the real estate market, provide leads, and boost transaction dollars.

But here’s the problem: almost all real estate websites these days use virtual tours. How do you make yours stand out? Here are the tips you need:

1. Use 2D and 3D

Some virtual tours are simply flat images/photos of rooms interested buyers can view from various angles. These kinds of tours are acceptable, but why settle for them when you can use 2D and 3D?

2D virtual tours run by still photos shot from various angles. Some are set on a virtual “turntable” that allows you to “spin” the image around for an all-around view. 3D virtual tours, however, are far more interesting and engaging. Professionals use special software with CAD-like capabilities to produce highly accurate digital renderings of rooms. Buyers can virtually “walk” through a space and look at everything from every angle-even look under countertops.

2. Elevate with AR and VR

You can also add even more dimension to your virtual tours with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Using augmented reality art adds a layer of digital information on top of a photo. You can use it to show the room in various phases-place furniture where you’d like it in your own space-or show the room in the evening with lights on.

Virtual reality takes AR to the next level. Users experience an immersive 3D world that feels entirely realistic. You can use this technology for things like helping buyers imagine themselves in a space or even showing off the interiors of a building even before builders complete it.

Real estate companies are less likely capable of making 2D and AR virtual tours, but they can hire experts to produce the videos they need.

3. Incorporate Social Media

Consider incorporating social media platforms to increase the reach of your virtual tours. This is a good strategy for getting more engagement for any digital content-including video-you create. After all, Facebook has made it easier and easier for people to share videos.

You can also leverage social media with these ideas:

• Enable users to share your virtual tours on their social media accounts.
• Use hashtags in your descriptions and the photo filenames themselves.
• Add a link to the tour in your email signature.
• Add a note about driving traffic to your site where they can view it.

4. Complement Your Virtual Tours with a Concise Property Description

Remember, your virtual tours aren’t the only content you’ll want to include on your property listings. You should give potential buyers or tenants a quick and engaging rundown of what your place is all about.

Give them specifics about location, amenities, and anything else that will help them make a decision. In fact, many real estate professionals add “quick facts” to their listings.

You can also add the following:

• A Google map of the location
• A short bio or company information about the developer
• A list of comparable properties

5. Use Virtual Tour Videos and Images on Blogs and YouTube

Contrary to what many believe, blogs are not dead. Real estate agents and brokers can still use them to drive traffic and sell properties. But you need to elevate your content using virtual tours.

You can find dozens of blog post ideas about using visual content. But here are a few effective ways you can use virtual tour images and videos on your blogs:

• Feature different rooms in the home or building. For example, you can do this by using 360° photos that readers can pan around. If you have AR or VR tours available, you can use those images to show readers how things will look in their spaces.
• Add a caption for each image and video to provide additional details.
• Incorporate-or encourage readers to contribute-their photos and videos of the property as well as any other memories they may have of it.
• Comment on what buyers love about the place and why they’re sad to see it go.

Meanwhile, a joint study between the National Association of Realtors(NAR) and Google revealed that YouTube is the primary research destination for home shoppers. Creating a YouTube channel using virtual tours can help you reach more prospective buyers.

Virtual tours are more than just photos. They’re an effective way to get buyers excited about a property, whether it’s for sale or already their own. If you haven’t considered using them yet, now is the time to start.

Breaking It Down: The Insurance Coverage You Need For Each Stage Of Your Life

“However you define the stages of your life, you’ll need to ensure you’re insured.”

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Health/Wellness. Insurance is a critical piece of all our financial healths. Interestingly it’s not always seen as the most exciting aspect of the financial world. Learning about how it can help you and your loved ones however, can shed light on its importance. The following guest post is entitled, Breaking it Down: The Insurance Coverage You Need for Each Stage of Your Life.

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Lives can be marked by milestones, decades, ages, and more. However you define the stages of your life, you’ll need to ensure you’re insured. There are many different types of insurance, but you might not need all of them at once. The type of insurance you need depends on your stages in life and your age. You’ll need to continuously adjust your insurance coverage as you make your way through life. Here are the different types of coverage you need for each stage of your life.

Every Stage

There’s one type of insurance you’ll need for every stage of your life, no matter how old you are. Health insurance is necessary for everyone, including babies, children, and the elderly. Children will be covered by their parent’s health insurance, but as soon as you reach the age of 26, your parent’s health insurance will no longer cover you.

If you’re over the age of 26, you’ll need to get your health insurance either through your employer or the health insurance marketplace. While it’s not illegal to forego health insurance, healthcare costs can be expensive and ruin your finances if you ever need emergency medical attention. The monthly premium is well worth the cost to help you avoid financial strain if you ever need to visit the hospital.


As a teenager, one of the most important milestones is getting your license. However, you can drive a car without insurance. If you’re in an accident, your car insurance may cover some or all of the cost to repair your vehicle. It may also cover damage to another person’s health or car.

Renting an Apartment

Moving out of your parents’ house is a big deal, but you shouldn’t forget to keep yourself and your friends covered in case of an accident. Renters insurance covers everything from natural disaster damage to accidents that happen within your home. It can even cover your hotel stay if something happens to your apartment that was out of your control.

Buying a Home

When you buy a home, you’ll ditch the renter’s insurance and get homeowners insurance. Renters insurance and homeowners insurance function, in the same way, protecting your finances from sustaining damage if there’s ever an accident, theft, or natural disaster.

One significant way that homeowners insurance differs from renters insurance is your insurance will pay to repair or replace your home if there’s damage resulting from fire, theft, or a weather event.

Getting a Pet

Getting a pet doesn’t require you to get any insurance. However, it’s a good idea to give your pet their health insurance so you aren’t stuck with a hefty bill if they get into an accident. Pet insurance covers the cost of surgery, health-related issues, and even accidents such as swallowing a foreign object.

Pet insurance can help you save thousands of dollars if your pet ever needs to visit an emergency vet. Typically, if your pet needs medical attention on a weekend or an emergency visit in the middle of the day, you’ll need to take them to a vet that specializes in emergencies, especially if your regular vet’s office isn’t open. These facilities often charge more for their services, but pet insurance can help you offset costs while ensuring your pet lives a healthy life.

Your renters or homeowners insurance may also cover the medical costs of visitors if your pet happens to bite someone while protecting their home.

Starting a Business

If you start your own business, you won’t qualify for employer-sponsored health insurance and will be responsible for purchasing your own. The good news is your insurance premium can be deducted from your taxes using a tax software. Coverage protects against financial loss from bodily injury, medical expenses, lawsuits and property and equipment damages.

Depending on the type of business, there might be other types of business insurance you should have, so you must do your research so you can protect your business and personal finances. Types of insurance you might require are:

● General liability insurance
● Commercial property insurance
● Business income insurance

If you’re not sure what type of insurance you’ll need for your business, consider working with an insurance agent that can help keep you covered no matter what. You

Starting a Family

You can start building your family at any stage in life, but no matter how old you are, you’ll need to take a look at your current insurance coverage. As soon as you decide to start a family, consider getting life insurance, which will provide your spouse and family with financial stability if you pass away. Life insurance can be especially beneficial if your spouse doesn’t work and relies on your income to pay major bills.

The 30s Through 50s

When you’re in your twenties, you might only need a few types of insurance, including renters insurance and health insurance. However, as you get older, you’ll need other types of insurance that will allow you to put down more roots.

These decades are the perfect opportunity to begin thinking about retirement, especially if you have an employer-sponsored retirement plan. However, it’s important to remember you’ll need more than money to have a good retirement. You might also want to consider long-term care insurance that will help you avoid paying out of pocket for a nursing home facility or long-term care.


During retirement, your major source of income is your savings or pension. As an elderly individual, you can expect more medical costs than in your younger years, so it’s important to invest in quality health and life insurance plans.

Final Thoughts

You’re going to require insurance at every stage of life, but it’s up to you to know what’s available to you and decide what’s best for you and your loved ones. One type of insurance you should have, no matter how old you are, is health insurance. While you might be young and healthy, you never know what could happen, so it’s important to keep yourself covered at all costs to avoid high medical costs and protect your finances.

Matt Casadona

Matt Casadona has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. Matt is passionate about marketing and business strategy and enjoys San Diego life, traveling, and music.

Evolution of Long Distance Education

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the educational landscape was evolving. In its aftermath there may be even more distance learning as gathering is not as certain a thing as it was in the past. The following guest post is entitled, Evolution of Long Distance Education.

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Education has undergone a lot of changes from when it first started. Due to not being able to conduct student-gathered classes all the time which was caused by certain historic events like wars and plagues, there came a trend that moved towards long-distance education where teachers would remotely impart their knowledge through different forms of media.

Today, we know of how many educational institutions utilize video conferencing platforms to conduct online classes. But before this digital age, many other ways were created to fit the circumstances of different classes of people, different periods, and different existing technology. Here are some of the different forms of media that were utilized for long-distance education and how they are being used today.

Correspondence Education

Correspondence education was probably the very first attempt to deliver teaching services to students without face-to-face interaction. This involved an instructor writing down lessons and sets of instructions and sending these via mail to their students. The students would then mail back their homework as their class participation.

This method was mainly used as only an alternative when attending formal classes was either impossible or plain unaffordable. This kind of correspondence can slow down the education process since it can take a while before mails are sent and received, but students in this exchange were happy to wait for the sake of learning.

Correspondence education programs are still being practiced especially in the US where some universities offer courses that can be completed remotely. Although some still make use of postal services, many have transitioned to digitalized correspondence that shortens the waiting time in between the exchange.

Printed Materials

As it was used inside the classroom, printed texts were also sent out to students’ houses for home-based learning. Books and assignment sheets proved useful but were found to require the presence of an educator to help explain the printed information. The process of sending out printed educational materials is resurging during this pandemic, especially in many public schools with students who cannot avail the newer technology required for digital education.

Telephone Communication

Telephone communication was then used to aid students who weren’t physically able to attend classes. From their homes or inside hospital wards, students got to listen to their lessons while the teachers discussed them in school. An improved telephone device resembling a radio was placed inside the classroom which collects the audio of everything said in real-time and transmits it to the student on the other line, who can press a switch on their own device if they need to speak. The gadget inside the classroom has to be carried from room to room by a volunteer student when going to another class.

Today, the telephone has strayed far from education as there are more effective ways to deliver distance learning. But it has proven to be a necessity in business settings where making and taking calls for transactions have to be quick and efficient. The telephone system is used by businesses for outside calls as well as for contacting different departments inside the same building for convenience. Different strategies like the Xorcom reseller program for companies that provide communication solutions aim to maximize this internal communication in the corporate industry.

Broadcast-based Education

Televisions and radios were also used to deliver distance learning. Educational radio media, although used primarily for university broadcasting alongside traditional classroom settings, was extended to accommodate students far from school. Television, on the other hand, broadcasts live educational programs that employ different educators for different subjects. But both the TV and radio education had the disadvantage of being a one-sided learning process where the audience can only receive the information but not respond to it, at least immediately.

Educational radio and TV shows could only get feedback from their viewers after the broadcast has ended. This meant that active learning was limited by the capacity of the audience to view these shows.

But with technological innovations on the rise, television and radio education ultimately gave way to the prevalence of today’s virtual classrooms.

The Present: Virtual Classrooms

Almost everyone nowadays possesses or has access to computers. From personal laptops to smartphones, education is only a click away for students especially now when social distancing laws are limiting class gatherings. Combining all the good aspects of the previous kinds of media mentioned, our modern personal computers make it possible to receive a quality education from the comfort of our homes.

Of course, it has its drawbacks as well. But when face-to-face learning is not the best option, we can always count on the internet to reconnect students with their teachers.

Unexpected events can happen and disrupt our societal systems but we consistently find ways to resume our lives for the sake of progress. Education, being the main driving force behind the development of humanity, will always be a primary need that we will continue to uphold and improve as the years go by.

3 Important Things Aspiring Investors Should Remember

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. For those unfamiliar with it, investing can be exciting but an overwhelming new world as well. As such there are some basics that beginners should keep in mind. The following guest post is entitled, 3 Important Things Aspiring Investors Should Remember.

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There are some important investments that a person needs to make in their lives. This includes education, a new home, insurance, and business among others. Making the right decision is crucial as these are all huge steps to take and can make a major impact on a person’s life. Thanks to technology, people are given access to important information that allows them to make smart decisions. From using apps for buying a house to diversifying your investment portfolio, technology has you covered.

While there are a lot of tips and tricks you can find online, it is still important to be vigilant on which ones to follow. If you are thinking about investing in a new home or business, it is important to keep these things in mind:

Don’t Invest Money You Don’t Have

Invest only when you have money to spare. Whether you are looking to buy a home or stocks, it is important to know that the money you are to invest might find its way back to you in five years or even longer. Long-term investments take time to grow and investing money you are looking to spend in less than a year for other priorities such as education, food, or bills is not a good idea.

If you are new to investing, it would be a great idea to do some research or seek professional advice. If you have an insurance policy, you can ask your insurance company for recommendations as they are most likely to have in-house financial advisors that can help you out. Investments are often costly, which means it is important to know everything that you need to before putting in your hard-earned money.

Shop Around

Sometimes you just want to grab a good offer before it runs out, which can be a huge mistake. Keep in mind that sales professionals can be quite persistent and urge you to make a hasty decision. Stick to the tried and tested process and take the time to shop around for offers. You will never know what you might be missing out on if you take up the first offer you come across.

You can also ask friends and family members who have firsthand knowledge when it comes to investing and ask them for recommendations and referrals. It is better to know what you are getting into and how to handle certain situations such as losses. There are advantages and disadvantages to investing and knowing if you are prepared to handle them can help you establish the amount you are willing to invest and the type of investment you should get into. There should be no guesswork involved and decisions must be based on facts and historical and current market trends.

Set Investment Goals

Goal setting is an important aspect of any career, business, or investment. Your goal must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound (SMART) to ensure you are setting it right. This also lets you establish realistic expectations for your investment. Your investment appetite plays a huge role and if you are new to investing it is important to learn what type of investor you are. These are things that cannot learn overnight, which is why many aspiring investors join workshops and groups for beginners. You can check reputable local or online groups to gain more knowledge and insight on investing.

When buying a home, for instance, you would want to set your sights on location, budget, and other priorities that involve you and your family’s daily lives. Buying a home that is far from a school can be a problem soon if starting a family is in your plans. The trip to the grocery store or mall can be a nightmare if you must go through hours of traffic before getting there.

These and other important factors must be considered when goal setting. You can also rely on new technologies such as apps to buy a home when looking for the best place-some have filters installed where you can tick on aspects such as location, number of bedrooms, and others.

There are two ways to invest-the smart way and the expensive way. The smart way involves taking the time to learn the ropes and doing your research. This takes time and effort but would definitely pay off in due time. The expensive way would involve spending more than what you can afford to lose and not investing any time and effort in learning more about investments. Make the right choice from the start and reap the benefits of your time, effort, and patience.

In the Corporate World, Does Personality Matter More Than Accomplishments?

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Workplace Discussions. In most everyone’s career, there will be a point at which most workers want to advance. But what are the keys to advancing in a given organization? The following guest post is entitled, In the Corporate World, Does Personality Matter More Than Accomplishments?

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In school, we were taught to work hard, aim for high grades, and be as active in co-curricular and extra-curricular endeavors as possible, because it’ll make our resumes more impressive. The longer the lists of our achievements are, the more marketable we would be as job candidates.

But how come renowned business leaders rarely credit their accomplishments for their success? Instead, many of them say that it’s their personalities that allowed them to achieve so much. Add the fact that some famous CEOs were college dropouts, and it now seems that accomplishments are not as critical in the corporate world as we were taught.

Still, during the hiring process, candidates’ skills and achievements are heavily assessed. Their grades may not matter as much, but their recruiters would definitely ask them about professional experience and past projects. Some jobs even require higher education, like a master’s degree or post-doctoral degree.

So what’s really more important between the two? Personality or accomplishments?

How Business Owners View Skills and Personality

For Vic Holifield, owner-operator of Poolwerx, a candidate with both the right skills and personality is the “real winner.” However, such a complete package is hard to come by.

Hence, Holifield says business owners usually have to choose between hiring the candidate with the best background or the best fit. The former are the candidates stronger in the skill department, while the best fit are the candidates that’ll thrive in your company’s culture, a.k.a. the ones with the best personalities.

When you’re faced with a candidate with the right personality but fall short on technical background, Holifield suggests not writing off that candidate. For him, being successful in a job isn’t about having every skill in place before you start. Skills can be and should be taught.

Interpersonal skills, however, play a big role in nailing a job. But unlike computer proficiency, marketing skills, or management skills, interpersonal skill is a soft skill, so it’s not taught andcan be developed outside professional endeavors. If you have great interpersonal skills, you tend to be more social and likable, so other people are naturally drawn to you, including employers and your colleagues.

Technical skills, the category where computer, marketing, and management skills belong, can be taught. So if you have a charismatic, flexible candidate, chances are he or she has the potential to learn the technical skills needed for him or her to boost his or her career.

Holifield added that training employees with the right personality may be easier than training an experienced employee. That’s because an employee who has been practicing the same job for years could’ve developed complacency, so they think they no longer have anything new to learn. On the other hand, training an inexperienced employee means you don’t have any bad habits to break. They’re also more eager to learn and have fresh ideas to bring to the table.

In customer service, personality also wins against skills. Indeed, if a customer service staff is approachable, patient, and friendly, people can interact with them more comfortably. They impress customers almost without even trying.

How Employers Test Personalities

Besides interviewing, recruiters also use a personality test for job applicants during the screening process. Personality tests in recruitment usually determine if a candidate has these traits:

• Enjoying challenges

• Seeing failures as opportunities

• Self-confidence

• Optimism

• Openness to feedback

• Seeking mentors

• Flexibility

• Focusing on results

• Aspiring for more

• Ability to negotiate

In some occupations though, the personality traits required can be very different from those above. In the police force, for example, extroversion andconscientiousness are seen as the most important traits, because they’re associated with police leaders. Openness to experience and agreeableness, on the other hand, may give police officers a disadvantage. Those traits contradict the police force’s rigid, rule-driven environment.

But in corporate occupations, the traits listed above will give the most boost. If someone enjoys challenges, they don’t immediately delegate tasks before taking them on. They’ll try to multitask as much as they can, and only delegate when a particular task can empower another employee more.

Seeing failures as opportunities raises optimism and self-confidence because instead of beating yourself up over your mistakes, you embrace the learning curve and focus on how you could do better next time. From then on, you’ll develop the rest of the top traits, helping you learn skills easier, and allowing you to move up the ladder faster.

Skills are still important, but ultimately, it’s your personality that’s going to determine your career progress and opportunities. But keep in mind that you don’t need to be a people-pleaser. Instead, let your natural personality show, but strive to be the best you can be. In other words, be yourself. You’ll be amazed at the things you can achieve because you’ve embraced who you are.

Why more people should consider Government Guaranteed Home Loans

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. Most people have to get a home loan to secure a primary residence. A potential tool is a government loan. The following guest post is entitled, Why more people should consider Government Guaranteed Home Loans.

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As the housing price increases every year, many people feel that purchasing a home is becoming increasingly challenging due to increasing demand and lower supply. Even in 2021, when the nation is at the tail end of the biggest pandemic in the last 100 years, the median home price has continued to increase.

Many millennials reaching the age where they want to become homeowners believe that buying a home is becoming more difficult every year. Even during a slowed down real estate market, when mortgage rates are low, there are several banks asking for higher credit scores to qualify for a home loan. Increasing the hurdles that new home buyers must navigate on their path toward homeownership.

Thankfully, Government guaranteed Home Loans are available, and they can make the possibility of becoming a homeowner a reality. These loans offer more lenient eligibility requirements and several other benefits, which are sure to make homeownership a real opportunity for new and returning home buyers.

These Government guaranteed home loans come in the form of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Home Loans, Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Home Loans, and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Home Loans.

FHA Home Loans

These types of loans are beneficial for anyone who wants to become a homeowner. However, it is beneficial for first-time homebuyers looking for a more affordable alternative to conventional loans.

FHA home loans have some of the more lenient requirements out of any home loan available. These include a steady employment history (at least two years), closing costs that can be covered by either the seller, lender, and the borrower’s employer. In addition to these, FHA home loans require a low 3.5% down payment, much lower than the conventional loan requirement of 20%.

Having these lower eligibility requirements is not the only advantage that borrowers could have through an FHA loan. There are also several other benefits to FHA home loans, like lower monthly payments, lower closing costs, and borrowers’ ability to borrow more than the property is worth to finance the repairs and upgrades to a property.

VA Home Loans

VA home loans are the perfect loans for Veterans, Active Duty Service Members, and eligible spouses who want to become homeowners. To qualify for these loans, the applicant must meet its property, income, credit, and military requirements put forward by the VA.

To be eligible for these loans, the applicant must have served for at least 90 consecutive days during wartime and 180 days during peacetime. Members of the National Guard and reservists must have served at least six years. In addition to these service requirements, VA home loan requirements include property, income, and credit score requirements.

After eligibility is determined, the applicant will enjoy some of the best benefits available in any home loan. The benefits include a no down payment requirement, lower monthly costs, no-prepayment penalties, no mortgage insurance premiums, and lower interest rates. By taking advantage of these benefits, the applicant might become a homeowner in an increasingly more expensive housing market.

USDA Home Loans

Both FHA and VA offer excellent alternatives, for people in the lower middle class, to the often expensive conventional home loans. However, the dream of homeownership is not exclusive to people in the middle class, and that is where USDA home loans come in. Loans administered by the USDA are meant for lower-income families that would otherwise not be able to qualify for FHA or VA home loans.

Being eligible for these loans requires that applicants live in a rural development community and that their income is low to moderate. Moreover, the property that is used for the USDA home loan must be a modest single-family home with no extra features like in-ground pools. The home should also not be used for any business purpose whatsoever.


It is no secret that homeownership is a dream for most Americans who work hard to achieve that dream. However, for many who might not be informed about Government-backed home loans, homeownership might seem to be just a dream. Mostly due to the high cost of conventional loans and often unforgiving eligibility requirements. However, by understanding Government loans, borrowers can now qualify for a mortgage on a home and save more money than they would have with regular home loans.

Phil Georgiades is the CLS for FedHome Loan Centers, a brokerage specializing in first-time home buyer loans. He has been practicing real estate for over 22 years. To learn more about programs available to you or apply for an FHA loan. Call us at (877) 432-5626.