How To Nail Your Social Media Branding

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re in business, a key aspect of your marketing strategy today has to involve social media as so many people are now plugged into it. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Nail Your Social Media Branding.

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Image Credit: Pexels. Free to Use Licence.

Building a brand for your business is one thing, but ensuring that your brand is relevant and carries over to your social media is another. Effective social media branding is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy and can be the difference between success and failure. If you’re unsure how to build your social media brand, then here are some tips that you may find useful.

Go back to basics and define your audience

Before you take a branding idea and run with it, it is crucial that you first take the time to thoroughly define your target audience. Defining your target audience on social media will allow you to create a brand identity that effectively resonates with the audience that you are trying to reach. When determining who your audience is, try not to cast your net too wide as this can make it difficult to refine your branding and does not automatically ensure that you will capture your target customers.

Don’t feel as though you need to be on every social media network

As you begin to define your target audience, it may start to become clear that your audience is not present on all social media platforms. Rather than wasting time, money, and energy on creating a brand presence on platforms your target customers do not use, start by focusing on one or two platforms that they use on a regular basis. Facebook and Twitter are usually a great platform to start with, as is LinkedIn if you are B2B, and Instagram for B2C content, but you may also want to consider trying TikTok, or YouTube who can help you to harness the power of video.

Create consistent valuable content

Your social media content is a direct reflection of your brand and should be written and designed to reflect your tone of voice and company values. Not all of the things you post need to have a sales angle, but it is essential that everything you post provides your followers with value. To make sure that your content is well thought out and is consistent, most businesses create a content strategy and try to build their content well in advance so that they can see how it sits together. As a general rule, for the maximum engagement, you should aim to make one Facebook post per day, 1-2 Instagram posts, 15 Tweets, 1 LinkedIn post and 1 TikTok per day,

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a professional branding or social media agency. Creating an effective social media brand and an efficient strategy is time-consuming and complex, which simply makes it unsustainable for many businesses to take on in-house. Do some research and get more information from some branding and social media agencies that cater to your sector to see if this is an avenue that is worth exploring.

So there you have it – a few simple tips to help you nail your social media branding. Is your business on social media? Which social media networks do you use?

Preventing Security Risks In Your Business

“Regardless of what type of business you run, it’s always a good idea to think of ways to improve your security so that you can avoid potential business risks.”

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When you’re running a business, one of the things you want to do is make your operations as secure as possible. Ensuring your business’s security will likely ensure its profitability. The following contributed post is entitled, Preventing Security Risks In Your Business.

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Every now and then, you may decide to look at your security measures to see what you can do in order to improve it. For instance, you might feel like your doors are a little weak, you might be concerned about your office network or you might even find yourself hiring more security personnel.

Regardless of what type of business you run, it’s always a good idea to think of ways to improve your security so that you can avoid potential business risks. Unfortunately, not every business makes enough capital to warrant hiring a security service to help them out. With that said, you can still manage your own business security with relative ease as long as you approach it the right way.

A lot of people think that business security is something that requires a lot of time, effort and knowledge. However, the reality is that it’s more common sense than anything. Yes, there are certain aspects of business security that will require expertise and knowledge, but those situations are surprisingly few and far between. So without further ado, let’s take a look at how you can prevent potential security risks in your business.

Source: (CC0)

Have a proper security system that you maintain on a regular basis

One of the issues with outdated security systems is that they tend to get in the way. Perhaps you’re still using big and bulky CCTV cameras or maybe you’re using old locks on your doors that can easily be broken or picked. Your security system involves basically everything in your business from your locks and doors to your firewall and antivirus software. If you want to protect your business, you need to have a complete security system that is maintained on a regular basis to detect flaws and exploits.

When you start taking your security seriously, you’ll find that you often have to replace things to ensure that it’s functioning correctly and able to protect you against all kinds of threats. A good example of this would be with antivirus software. Since there are new viruses and threats being created every day, it’s important to update your software and systems to ensure it can detect these new viruses.

Partner with local services to get the most out of your security

You should always be looking for local services to work with when it comes to security. Not only are local services more affordable, but you also build relationships with them much more quickly. This means you’ll be offered a better service, affordable prices and immediate service since they’re physically close to you. This can also be a great way to look for niché security services.

For example, you can find an affordable locksmith to help with any master key issues you’re having, or you could hire local security personnel if you want to protect your store from thieves. These people will have a better understanding of the local market and they’ll also be able to respond at a moment’s notice since they’re local. This is perfect if you’re worried about someone breaking into your business at night and not having anyone to rush to stop the thieves in the middle of the night.

Furthermore, you can work with experts to ensure everyone you hire is suitable for the role. If you work with sensitive information and data, a security clearance attorney can ensure that your business is protected while also giving your existing employees the ability to continue their careers.

Train your staff to protect your business from various threats

Criminals tend to exploit your members of staff because they’re usually out of the loop when it comes to security concerns and protocols. In fact, one of the most common ways for a hacker to break into your systems is actually through social engineering. They could trick one of your employees into giving them a password or remote access to your computers. They’ll then cause havoc and make things difficult for your entire business.

Make sure you train your staff to avoid things like accidentally clicking on keyloggers, scam websites or falling victim to social engineering. The more well-trained your team is regarding security, the less likely they’ll be exploited.

Private security guard agency

A private security guard agency will keep you and your family safe. The best private security guard agencies will have a team of highly trained and experienced security guards who are able to provide you with the protection you need. They will also have a comprehensive security system in place so that you can be sure that your family is safe at all times.

When choosing a private security guard agency, it is important to choose one that is reputable and has a good track record. You should also make sure that the agency has a good customer service record so that you can be sure that they will be there for you if you ever need them.

If you are looking for a private security guard agency, then there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, you should make sure that the agency is reputable and has a good track record. You should also make sure that they have a good customer service record so that you can be sure that they will be there for you if you ever need them. Finally, you should make sure that the agency has a comprehensive security system in place so that you can be sure that your family is safe at all times.

Improving the security of your business is a major consideration that needs to be taken seriously. Protecting your business means less time spent worrying about data breaches or thieves breaking in. Those scenarios can cost your business a lot of money, ruining your chances of becoming a successful business and setting you back financially and also in terms of reputation.

This is why it’s vital that you prevent security risks in your business by taking the right countermeasures first. We hope that this article has given you some useful information to get started with your business security or to improve it drastically.

5 Key Principles For Business Organization

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Organizational and Management Discussions. In order to keep your business running, it should have a level of organization and there are a few principles to keep in mind. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Key Principles For Business Organization.

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Running a business can be a challenge. However, when you’re someone that has always wanted to do their own thing, you are going to find that you really love it. And you won’t be alone. Some people are born entrepreneurs. And when that’s the case, you’re more than happy to put the work in to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Yet, what happens when you’re not so sure about what you can do to find success? Is it all about sales and growth, or is there more to it than that?

One of the things that you will find really helps you to get to where you want to be business-wise, is organization. When your business is organized, there’s little you can’t do! From creating the best products to boosting your bottom line, let’s take a look at the five business organization principles that can help you.

1. Have Systems

To start off with, you need systems. You know what sort of tasks you need to get done in your business, right? So, do you have set ways of doing them? If not, then it’s time for you to make a change and get organized here so processes can be streamlined.

2. Automate What You Can

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you automate what you can. Now, this isn’t always possible – but anything that ca be automated, should be. From stock checks to accounts payments, see what you can put in place to make things run smoothly.

3. Organize Your Assets

Next, you ‘re going to want to take a look at your assets. This may not be something that you immediately think about – but it matters. If you have no idea where anything is or how things are organized, it will be chaotic. Yet, when you bring in an organization system, using something such as asset labels, it’s going to help you to have a better grasp on what you have and where it is. This will then allow you to feel organized for success.

4. Define Roles

Another thing that you can do here, is to make sure that you’re looking at your staff and how they contribute to your business overall. If you want to be organized, it’s so important to look at how it’s run and how your processes work. Think about the roles and responsibilities of everyone in your business. If you want things to be efficient and successful, making sure that everyone is doing the best job is going to be a huge part of that.

5. Cut Out The Unnecessary

Finally, you are going to find that, no matter how organized you think you are, there will still be things that you do that are unnecessary. So this is the perfect time to sit down and take a look at the way you do things, the processes that you follow, and see what you can do to streamline them. There will always be steps that you do that are costing you money or taking up too much time. And this will then ultimately help you to be much more organized.

Business Marketing: The Power of Video

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital world, there are a myriad of ways to market your business. A powerful tool for doing so is video. The following contributed post is entitled, Business Marketing: The Power of Video.

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Picture by Free-Photos from Pixabay – CC0 Licence

Video marketing is an essential component of most small and large companies’ marketing programs. Over the years, creating a video has become much more accessible to SMEs. Allowing them to make use of what is one of the most attractive content marketing techniques available.

With 75 million Americans watching videos online every day, videos maintain a profound influence in attracting and engaging customers. To find out more about how video marketing could benefit your business. Whether you own a startup that’s focusing on breaking even, or a long-established company, seeking to modernize your current marketing strategies. Below you can find a few reasons why videos are crucial.

Higher Ranking On Search Engines

Search engines like Google favor platforms online that host videos. Videos are respected as a valuable form of content by search engines. Providing the video created is appropriately optimized, it can work wonders for lifting the ranking of your, for example, company website. To optimize a video correctly, while uploading the video online, you must fill in the metadata and include relevant keywords.

Influences Purchasing Decisions

People are much more likely to purchase a product if there is a video demonstrating its use. It gives a customer’s buyers confidence as they can witness a product in action. According to Social Media Today, 90% of customers stated a video is fundamental in their decision-making journey, on whether to buy something. A video demonstration provides the viewer with a better understanding and appreciation of its functions and benefits.

If you have a smartphone or video recorder, you may be tempted to create your own video. However, it’s advised you source and partner with a Video Production Company that can curate quality and professional moving pictures for your business instead. Reason being, suppose you create a video that is inferior in quality, featured in bad lighting, or there’s a problem with script continuity. It shall tarnish a customer’s opinion of your company and the advertised product or service. Thus seeking an experienced video production company is crucial to eliminate this risk.

Easy To Digest

The public prefers watching videos because they’re easier to digest compared to written content. The accessibility and engaging qualities of video make it a popular medium for businesses to use and consumers to view.

It allows companies to present and inform users about their products adequately. And, better yet, customers are more likely to remember a video over stand-alone content and graphics.

Simple To Share

A business video can be distributed more or less anywhere online. A company website, a Youtube channel, a blog, and on most social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Vimeo.

With video, you can extend the reach of your business online and increase brand awareness. While you work to upload and distribute your video across the web, once your target audience sees it, (providing it’s relevant to them, informative, engaging, and entertaining), consumers are likely to share it!

To unlock the power of video as a useful marketing tool for business, companies need to seek a production team with experience creating compelling motion pictures for enterprises.

Making Sure Your Business Aligns With Your Morals

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When most people think about business, they think solely about making money and generating profit. A little-known secret is that if your business doesn’t align with your morals and personal mission, it will likely be hard to work in every day. The following contributed post is entitled, Making Sure Your Business Aligns With Your Morals.

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If you’re a business owner, and you want to be sure that the company you’re running is just as good as the morals you hold dear in your heart, it might be time to take a step back and look things over. After all, it’s easy to lose your way when you’re trying to be successful in the working world, and fitting yourself into the corporate machine can shave off any and all ethical practices you love to live by. However, it’s not impossible to turn things around, and make sure your company is more ethical, down to earth, and friendlier than ever.

Pexels Image – CC0 Licence

Always Hire Like Minds

During the interview process, be on the lookout for people who sound like you. People you know you can see a lot of good in, and people who sound like their hearts and minds are in the right place. Because this makes them a like mind.

A like mind is going to hold the same values as you do: open communication, collaboration, putting others first, etc. And because of this, they’re going to share the same morals, and promote them during their work. You’re going to have a much more productive working environment because of this, and it’s important to always encourage new and old hires alike to share in these qualities.

Stay Aware of Biases

Everyone has some bias they’re working through in their life, and often, it’s because of the way we’ve been raised. Some people may discriminate against someone based on a variety of factors, and in the workplace, both a person’s gender and their skin color are most commonly brought up as biased factors at tribunals.

So it’s important to examine your biases, especially the ones you’ve gained via your working experience. Once you have, you can really open up the floor to skilled workers from all over the world, regardless of who they are. Take an example from this piece on Christianity and Political Parties; always look for the good in people, and never be ruthless in trying to achieve success.

Get Stuck in Yourself

If you’re looking to keep your business in line with your morals as a person, it’s important to lead by example. Learn by doing, show your employees the ropes, and never let your team go out there alone. Make sure you’re at the helm of your operations, getting stuck into the work the same as everyone else, and try not to let anyone on your team feel less than.

When you create an environment of cohesion like this, you ensure you never come across as a hypocrite, especially in such an important and diverse situation. Not to mention, if you like to know that things have been done properly, you’ll always be there to oversee the directions your employees take!

Your business should align with your morals, and it’s easier to ensure this than you may think. Encourage your employees, look for similar people, and be a real leader.

5 Masterful Marketing Tips For Generating Local Leads

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Most will argue that the most important part of business is not the the actual idea or service, but instead the marketing. Many entrepreneurs don’t focus on this aspect enough. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Masterful Marketing Tips For Generating Local Leads.

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Image Pixabay CC0 License

We are living in a digital age, and many companies now focus their attention on trying to reach a wider audience. However, stretching your nets further afield isn’t the only way to increase leads and sales. Learning to maximize conversions from your local demographic can be equally beneficial.

It’s easy to forget about the value of the customers on your doorstep. Here’s how to get more out of them.

1) Focus On Local SEO

The only thing better than reaching out to clients is to have them reach out to you. Even before COVID-19, a growing number of Google searches were focused on local businesses. The popularity of “near me” searches underlines the need for you to place added emphasis on local SEO. Targeting geographic search terms is essential, but you must also consider the growth of voice searches. Finally, a strong Google My Business listing will send local visibility through the roof. Traffic will soar.

2) Use Offline Marketing

Digital marketing trends are an ideal way to grow an audience and increase interest levels. However, offline marketing has a key role to play too. Many businesses rightly worry about the proposed costs. Direct mail advertising that targets local leads that have a genuine possibility of conversion can solve this issue. The healthy leads and contacts can subsequently point them towards the sales funnel. This is where personalized interactions can take success to the next level as selling practices can be tailored to them.

Image Pixabay CC0 License

3) Support The Community

Consumers don’t only judge companies based on their products. Brand image is an increasingly important feature for a socially-conscious generation. Therefore, you must do your bit for the local environment as well as the economy. Improved waste management should sit at the top of your agenda. Meanwhile, going green and supporting community causes will serve you well too. When potential leads can relate to the company and its brand message, they will be more likely to complete a purchase.

4) Be Accessible

While this step isn’t limited to local marketing, it has a telling impact on local audiences. Multichannel marketing can ignite interest in the business and its products. Sadly, it counts for very little if the leads cannot get hold of the sales staff. Social media channels can become a great portal for responding to questions. Meanwhile, call redirecting services facilitate great customer care even when you cannot afford to hire a team of agents. All contact details and information relating to your business opening hours should be clearly stated on your site too.

5) Join Forces

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of thinking gall other local businesses are your competition. But they’re not. For example, if you’ve started a PT business, it may be possible to work together with a local health food store. Your joint marketing efforts can double the visibility and professionalism. Crucially, you can share an audience without negatively impacting the sales of your partner. Marketing isn’t the only area where you can join forces. Joint orders on business services can also work wonders.

6. Use local social media groups

In addition to using email marketing to target local customers, you can also use various local media social platforms. This is where a company joins local social media groups to access in-depth information regarding their customers’ wants and desires. It also allows you to target the right customers for your products. If you want to reach a specific niche, you can do so through local social media accounts such as Facebook, or a WhatsApp group.

One reason why you should use social media to master marketing is that it can help you create a positive brand image. Besides, it can increase your brand’s awareness since today’s generation relies heavily on social media information. And the best thing about it is that you can use different channels to target customers based on your marketing goal. For instance, to increase brand awareness, you can use accounts such as Facebook, while those that want to generate leads that can result in sales should consider LinkedIn. It would be best to also look out for what channels your competitors use to select one that suits your business.

Moving Business Buildings

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Organizational and Management Discussions. Many businesses have to move locations at some point. A major key to doing so, is executing it so that operations don’t stop and profits aren’t lost. The following sponsored post is entitled, Moving Business Buildings.

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If you own a business, you may find that you are rather busy. There are issues that need your attention and things that must be taken care of. If your business is successful, you should regularly update or even consider getting a new office if need be. This can help many aspects of your company. Employees will love having an updated space to work in, and if you are looking to move you will want to try and stay local to keep your old clients. Here are a few things to look for in a new building.


The location of a new building is important for the continuing success of your company. If you have outgrown your current building, then you are using a successful plan. Try to not deviate from it. If your location affects your customers or cost in a negative way, it may not be the right move for you. You want to choose a progressive path and not one that will hurt your company.


If your previous building was small, look for something that is big enough now but has room to grow into. Keep in mind that your growth will be happening even as you move. When you have the extra space, you want to use it and fill it. You can get more office equipment Jackson MI, or you could make a storage room or nice break room if possible. Get the most use out of all the space as you possibly can.


When deciding whether or not to move office buildings, you need to consider your company’s technology. It can be a lot of work to move all of your equipment and reinstall it, and you’ll need to make sure you have the right infrastructure in place for it too. IT support services can help make your move a smooth one, making sure everything is set up correctly in your new location. Remember to factor in these costs as you make your decision.


Have a budget when looking for new buildings. Do not go over the budget to sacrifice things that have made you successful as a company. You want to be able to have the building as a blessing and not a curse. If the building costs too much, it can cut into your profits and slow down growth.

Needing to expand as a business is a good problem to have. Be mindful to keep the same traits that made your company successful though, no matter what building you are in.

3 Tips for Raising Your Credit Score

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. While your credit score isn’t necessarily the be all and end all for your personal financial health depending upon your own unique circumstances, it’s definitely better to have a good score versus a bad score. If you have a lower credit score and want to raise it, it’s absolutely doable. The following sponsored post is entitled, 3 Tips for Raising Your Credit Score.

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Your credit score is important as this number is often what qualifies you for the loans you need to make big purchases. Unfortunately, many people have subpar credit score due to having too much debt. It is never too late to work on improving your credit score so if you use these three tips, you can boost your score so you can qualify for large loans in the future.

Pay Off Debt

Paying off debt is the simplest way to improve your credit score but it can be difficult to do when you live paycheck to paycheck. Start by tracking your monthly expenses and creating a budget. Then make sure you have paid all of your bills and place any extra money you have on your lowest credit card bill. Paying more than the minimum payment will help you pay off the card more quickly.

Keep Lines of Credit Upon

One of the biggest factors for your credit score is the ratio of debt to available credit. The higher this ratio is, the lower your credit score will be. For this reason, it is a good idea to keep lines of credit open even after you have paid them off. Your credit score will increase as debt goes down and you have more available credit for each of your cards.

Monitor Your Accounts for Fraudulent Charges

While most credit card companies catch large fraudulent charges to your account, they may not notice small charges that add up over time. If you aren’t monitoring your accounts, you may find yourself paying for these charges without realizing it. Make it a habit to check each of your accounts regularly so you can initiate a charge review if you have any fraudulent charges.

Improving your credit is a lengthy process but it can be done. Use these three tips to get started.

4 Ideas To Improve Waste Management For Your Company

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When running a company or a business, one of your critical jobs in addition to selling your product or service is managing waste. In doing so you’re managing costs, which ultimately impact your profits and revenues. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Ideas To Improve Waste Management For Your Company.

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Waste management is important for businesses for many reasons; firstly, waste equals loss of revenue, and secondly, waste compromises sustainability goals. Besides this, wasted time means loss of productivity and workplace morale. To improve waste management within your organization, these four ideas will support your progress.

1. Adopt Lean Principles

To produce less waste, companies need to adopt a strategic approach based around lean principles. Lean principles have the end goal of reducing waste by improving production processes. Lean focuses on reducing waste in seven different areas, including motion, inventory, defects, overproduction, transportation, and overprocessing.

Several different lean software packages can help businesses to reduce waste; one of the leading platforms is Pipefly. With this lean management platform, you’ll support your company to reduce errors, decrease lead time, and improve efficiency. Pipefly can support users to adhere to lean principles, beginning with ‘identifying value.’

Lean philosophy is all about using less resources while offering more value. Using Pipe Fly, you can map your value stream, create flow, establish pull, and work on continuous improvement. With all these important areas covered, you’ll greatly improve your waste management!

2. Improved Recycling Practices

To improve your waste management, it’s crucial to put highly effective recycling practices in place. When you are choosing supplies and resources, choose those that are easily recyclable and biodegradable. Materials such as plastics and cardboard are fairly simple to recycle. For materials such as e-waste or metals, you’ll need to hire specific companies and ensure that you adhere to the correct waste disposal regulations. Norstar is a great company for all your metal recycling needs; the service includes free pick up and focuses on sustainability initiatives.

3. Motivate Your Staff

Simple but true, to improve your waste management, you’ve got to motivate your staff. Create a waste reduction plan, write up new recycling policies, and train your team. It can be helpful to set goals together; having something to aim for will serve to motivate you. What’s more, creating goals as a team can improve employee satisfaction and create a stronger company culture. Once you reach your goals, it’s time to set new ones, keep going until you’ve eliminated waste from all areas of your business! To help you set goals for your business, try using apps such as ‘Goals On Track’ or ‘Habit Tracker’.

4. Vet Your Suppliers

When you’re looking to reduce waste, it’s good to vet your suppliers and see if improvements can be made. Waste includes wasted money and time as well as resources. Due to this, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting top quality items at a great price. To find the right suppliers, it can be useful to use a supplier information management database. A SIM database allows you to search for suppliers based on specific credentials, (including sustainability initiatives). Now more than ever, companies must prioritize sustainability across all areas of their business operations. With less waste, you’ll boost your profits and provide more value to your customers.

Lockdown May Be Over, But Your Business Is Still Vulnerable

Three focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. We’re still in the Coronavirus/Covid-19 storm with no end in sight. Furthermore, the effects will be felt long after the storm has passed. Even in the aftermath, businesses will have to figure how to move forward. The following contributed post is entitled, Lockdown May Be Over, But Your Business Is Still Vulnerable.

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The fear and uncertainty of spring are now a distant memory. Businesses of all shapes and sizes all over the country are dusting themselves down and trying to resume a semblance of “Business As Usual”. Yet, while the lockdown may be over (for the time being at least), things are still far from back to their normal speed. You will likely be making fewer sales (unless your business name rhymes with Glamazon). You may have had to lose members of staff or radically change your operations to enable your team to work from home. You may have had to invest heavily on a physical and digital infrastructure that allows you to operate safely.

Image by Gustavo Fring via Pixabay

While it’s nothing you can’t navigate, you know better than to kid yourself. The next year and change could make or break your business. And while you should absolutely retain your sense of optimism, you also need to be aware of the very specific vulnerabilities your business faces in this challenging time…

Customers are scared to come back

While your business may be ready to receive customers now, not all customers are ready to do business. Many of your customers will have lost their jobs or at least lost a portion of their income. As such, consumer confidence is still at its lowest in years throughout much of the world. As such, you need to devote your marketing efforts to making customers know that they can return to your business without endangering their safety or their financial security.

Entice them in with promotions and targeted offers. Let them see what measures you’ve taken to keep them safe on and off-site. Establish yourself as someone they can rely on in this time of crisis.

Remote employees mean cyber security vulnerabilities

Unfortunately, times of crisis tend to mean open season for cyber criminals. And in the wake of the pandemic, they’ve been hard at work coming up with all kinds of phishing hoaxes, ransomware attacks, DDoS attacks and all manner of other nasty schemes designed to exploit vulnerable businesses. And although you may be able to protect yourself on-site, when employees are working remotely, this can create extra vulnerabilities. Work with an outsourced IT company like Levit8 IT Solutions to ensure that you’re covered on and off-site.

Cash flow is more important than ever

You’re more than likely facing a future of increased expenses and reduced sales. Which means that cash flow is more important than ever. Take your eye off the ball and you may find that you lose control of your finances resulting in unpaid vendors, late fees, charges from your bank and all manner of other avoidable costs that can further restrict your cash flow.

You need to focus on more than just staying afloat

Finally, if you’re to thrive in these punishing times, you need to focus on more than just staying alive. You need to focus on how each department’s performance metrics tie in with your broader business KPIs and goals. You need to ensure that you’re doing everything you can to maintain your profit margins and invest in Business Intelligence solutions to mine actionable insights from your data. Strategy is more important than ever. Don’t just react!