3 Reasons Not to Be Disheartened by Your Personal and Professional Setbacks

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and two key focuses are Career Discussions and Professional Development/Skills. Most career tracks are not straight lines and do involve some adversity and setbacks. Reaching your goal will ultimately require perseverance. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Reasons Not to Be Disheartened by Your Personal and Professional Setbacks.

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Whether in our personal or our professional lives, setbacks and failures are an unwelcome but ever-present reality and inevitability.

While, of course, success can and should be pursued and achieved, it is seldom ever won without a significant dose of trouble and challenge along the way. But one of the things that most consistently separates high-achievers from the rest of us, is that high-achievers know not to be disheartened by their personal and professional setbacks.

Here are a few reasons not to be disheartened by yours.

Because failures and setbacks are an excellent opportunity for addressing a weak point and improving for the next round

First and foremost, failures and setbacks identify some kind of weak point or error in your plan, system, approach, attitude, or business model.

On the one hand, you could allow those setbacks to completely crush your confidence and convince you that the particular weak point in question is insurmountable – but how accurate is this sentiment actually likely to be? And more importantly, how does it help you to give up all hope?

A much better and more productive approach is, instead, to treat your failures and setbacks as excellent learning opportunities that show you the way to strengthen and improve yourself or your business, so that when it’s time for the “next round,” you will be in a much better position to meet and overcome your challenges.

If, for example, you ended up in a situation where clients of your business were indebted to you and were in no way holding up their end of the bargain and actually paying, that could be a great lesson to outsource some elements of your business going forward and to utilise the services of a collection agency.

The most capable businesses and people are generally that way because they have systematically identified and addressed many weak points along the way.

Because your destiny is largely shaped by how you respond to circumstances and occurrences

There are always going to be things in life that are out of your direct control, but that nonetheless significantly affect you or your circumstances or environment.

That’s true for everyone. But it doesn’t do any good to sit around feeling sorry for yourself and complaining about circumstances that you can’t do much about.

When all is said and done, your destiny is primarily going to be shaped by how you choose to respond to circumstances and occurrences. There are always more and less proactive and empowered ways of dealing with things. Your challenges, then, are an opportunity for you to show and develop your character.

Because all the best stories ultimately include an element of adversity

We are all the protagonists of our own stories, and life should be an exciting, fulfilling, and gripping tale for each and every one of us.

So, when was the last time you heard or read a great story that didn’t include any element of adversity whatsoever?

In all likelihood, it’s impossible to find a story that anyone cares about where nothing challenging ever happens, and where no failures or setbacks are encountered by the protagonist. As a human being, you need challenges in order to keep life interesting, and to keep you on your toes.

Of course, some challenges and setbacks are going to be absolutely tragic, and it might feel completely inappropriate to use the metaphor of a “plot device” to refer to them. The point remains, though, that you are the one with the ability to shape the course of your life – of your story – largely by how you respond to the challenges that confront you.

Instead of allowing your challenges to break you, meet them in as heroic a way as possible, and write a story that can uplift others.

Does Your Retail Store Need Security?

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. I key concern for any business is its security. Tightening up the security of your business can increase the likelihood of its continued operations in addition to continued profits. The following contributed post is entitled, Does Your Retail Store Need Security.

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As a customer, you might have been into shops that have abundant security. They might have security guards at the door and wandering around the store as well as tags on clothing and CCTV cameras. You might have wondered why the owners were bothering to throw so much money into security. Surely it can’t be worth it, just to stop a little shoplifting?

If you own a retail store of your own, you should certainly consider upgrading your security to the same levels. Let’s take a look at why.

Image – CC0 Licence

Keep Your Stock Safe and Avoid Loss

Shoplifting might only be a small problem. But, over time, that problem can grow. Every time you lose stock, you lose money. While big businesses might be able to cope with a little loss here and there, if you run a small company, during a quieter period, this can make a world of difference.

Increase Staff Comfort

Even if you aren’t concerned about a little shoplifting, what about the safety of yourself, your customers, and especially your staff, who will most often be the ones on the front line, confronting any shoplifters or other signs of criminal activity? Hiring a security team, as well as installing other security devices, can help them to feel more safe and secure. It can improve staff morale, increase loyalty and decrease staff turnover. This could save you money, and help you to create a happier, well-run workplace.

Decrease Other Threats

Image – CC0 Licence

Shoplifting isn’t the only threat that your business could face. Other criminal activity in the area could affect your reputation and the footfall in your area. Having security in, and around your store will decrease these threats.

Helps You to Build a Reputation

Every time someone successfully steals something from your store, they see it as a win, and you start to become known as an easy target. Shoplifters begin to sell your stock on cheaply, and you begin to get a reputation as a cheap store, as well as one that is easy to steal from. The shoplifters return, bringing criminal friends with them. Your customers might not if they hear they can get your good cheaper elsewhere.

Improved Customer Service

Getting a Security Company in could even improve customer service. If you have the same guards in store all of the time, they’ll become part of the team even if you don’t employ them directly. They’ll develop relationships with your customers, and help you to offer excellent customer service.

Customer service will also be improved because your staff will have more time to interact with customers, knowing that other threats are taken care of.

Security Options

Security staff are an excellent option. Having someone in your store full time, or at least during busier periods where your staff might be less vigilant, or less able to watch all areas of the shop, can be exceptionally effective at improving safety and decreasing crime. Alternatively, if you are based in a small shopping area, you might want to work with other businesses to share a security team. CCTV, tags and alarms are also worthwhile.

Three Reasons You Can’t Skip Image Captions

Two of the focuses of my blog are Blogging and Writing, and Technology. In today’s world where most everyone needs and uses websites, the use of images is critical. Just using the image is the only key to maximizing is effectiveness for you. Captioning the image also matters. The following contributed post is entitled, Three Reasons You Can’t Skip Image Captions.

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Since the internet began (or near enough), website images have been key to appealing to audiences and getting big-name search engines like Google on-side. And, with human attention spans now commonly shorter than that of a goldfish, proper usage here has reached new heights. You’ll certainly struggle to appeal to modern audiences if you only offer unbroken pages of text for them to scroll through!

But, you don’t need us to tell you that. A business pro like you has been using images on your company page since its launch. What you might not realize is that simple image use may not be enough to give you an edge for much longer.

As online competition heats up, changing priorities and needs mean that, now, businesses who also implement image captions achieve the edge. This is a step that many of us skip because, on the surface, it doesn’t seem to offer any business benefit. But, once you delve into the matter, you could find that the habit of captioning your website pictures opens you up for benefits including –

Image by Radek Grzybowski: CC0 License


As any company that deals in ADA eCommerce site compliance will tell you, adherence with accessibility requirements is, by far, the best benefit of image captioning right now. By including an easy-to-read description, you increase the chances that even visually impaired visitors will be able to grasp your website content. You could even take this further by pairing captions with audio descriptions. Then, there’s no risk of discriminating or failing to accommodate possible audiences. What’s more, this simple step guarantees that you’re always operating on the right side of the law. Given the reputational and monetary damage that legal proceedings can cause, that’s always worth working towards.

Credit where it’s due

While this doesn’t apply if you use your own images, captions also provide the opportunity for you to give credit. Again, this can help avoid legal proceedings if you’re using royalty-free images. Even if you seek pictures from an outside company, something as simple as a caption with credit can help to maintain positive relationships. That’s an absolute must for keeping your reputation clean and ensuring you can use those same photographers down the line.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a pressing reason to use images, but it also provides an incentive to caption your pictures. That’s because, while the readability benefits of images are the most apparent search-engine benefit, SEO also relies heavily on keywords. By increasing your keyword usage through carefully-planned captions, you can guarantee that your relevance, and thus your search listings, soon start to soar. And, given that a high ranking on sites like Google is your best chance to entice a new target market quickly, we would say it’s well worth the added work you’ll need to put into design to make it happen.

Before you skip captions during your next design rehaul, you might find that it pays to think again. Your consumers and your profits will undoubtedly thank you for it.

4 Tips For Businesses Throwing a Fundraiser

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. There are any number of reasons for your business to throw a fundraiser. Fundraisers are good ways to raise awareness of issues and help those in need. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Tips For Businesses Throwing a Fundraiser.

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Entrepreneurship is a great way to take your career in your own hands and make a living for yourself on your own terms. It’s also an opportunity to rewrite the rules and work towards a better, more equitable and more sustainable form of capitalism. Business owners get to shape the economy and reverse the fundamental inequalities like wage repression, racial inequality and gender pay gaps that are still sadly rife in the world of business. It’s also a great opportunity to use your brand to do good for charitable causes in ways that might not be possible for you as an individual.

Image by Drew Rae via Pexels

When you throw fundraising events as part of your business operations, it can be hugely beneficial for you and your cause. It can demonstrate your sense of Corporate Social Responsibility to your local community and the world at large. It can also be a huge morale booster for employees and help them feel that they are a part of something special.

Here are some tips to help you throw a fundraiser for the ages…

Choose a cause that resonates

While the choice of cause is, of course, up to you, you’ll find that you have more success with a cause that resonates with your community and your workforce. If you have a number of causes that matter to you personally, you might benefit from holding a poll on your social media feed and encouraging your employees and / or customers to vote for the one that matters the most to them.

Add a touch of class

A fundraiser is all about the cause… but it’s also about finding ways to add value to your brand. Thus, any effort you make to add class and prestige to your brand should be embraced. Whether you choose to throw a chic cocktail party, a lavish charity ball or even get in touch with casino equipment suppliers to help people game their way to charitable giving is up to you. But adding a touch of class will add to the sense of occasion and elevate your brand.

Build awareness and hype through your content marketing

With so many causes worthy of our attention it can be hard to get people to consider donating to your cause at the expense of all others. However, your content marketing allows you a valuable storytelling opportunity to help your cause better resonate with your following. Focus on the personal stories of the people you’re trying to help and focus on the good that people’s donations will do.

People are likely to be all the more generous when they know for sure that their donation will make a tangible difference.

Make donations easy and accessible

However you choose to hold your fundraiser, it’s imperative to make it easy for people to donate, whether they attend or not. As well as taking cash donations at the door, you should also make it easy to pay through Paypal or contactless payment via their credit card, debit card or mobile device.

Get it right, and you’ll be able to do some good for a worthy cause while also increasing your business’ ethical standing.

Getting Started On Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. One of the most exciting and fulfilling anyone can do is set off on their own and become a business owner. While it has potential perils, it also has potential rewards. The following contributed post is entitled, Getting Started On Your Entrepreneurial Journey.

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If the arrival of a new year has prompted you to think about changing career or given you the confidence to think about setting up your own business, you might be experiencing a mixture of emotions. Going it alone can be daunting, but it’s also a hugely exciting proposition. If you’re preparing to take your first foray into the world of entrepreneurialism, here are some steps to take today.

Image credit https://pixabay.com/photos/office-business-accountant-620822/

Figure out what you want to do
If you want to become your own boss, the options are endless, but some avenues may be much better suited to you than others. Some people will go into the process of thinking about setting up a business knowing exactly what they want to do, while others will be exploring different possibilities and conjuring up ideas. If you haven’t already got a set idea in mind, it’s beneficial to focus on your skills and talents, to use your experience and to indulge passions and interests. You can utilize transferable skills to get started with something you already have knowledge and understanding of, for example, providing consulting services or tutoring or mentoring, or you could undertake additional training to offer something different. Training is also incredibly beneficial for learning how to run a business effectively and efficiently. If you’re used to pitching to buyers, teaching kids or providing massage therapy, for example, you might not be au fait with managing books and filing tax returns.

Consider your options
There are various options open to you when it comes to being your own boss. You could go freelance, set up your own business or take over a franchise. If you have experience in accounting or you’ve managed your own tax returns for a long time, for example, you could learn how to open a tax office. If you’re a caterer by trade, you could investigate the possibility of managing your own restaurant or cafe franchise. Alternatively, if you want total control, establishing your own venture may be a more appealing prospect. If this is the route you’re keen to go down, and you’ve found your niche, the next step is to draw up a thorough business plan, secure the finances you need and research the market. For those who are eager to try freelancing, it’s important to establish and make use of contact networks and to take steps to get your name out there. Market your services using professional social media platforms, email marketing and SEO. It’s also a great idea to drop flyers through doors if you’re looking to attract a local audience.

Research is vital when setting up a new business, switching to self-employment or taking over the reins of an existing venture. Get to know your market, define your ideal customer, analyze the competition and use the information you gather to market your business, establish price points and create an impactful USP.

If you’ve decided to go it alone, and you’re ready to start your entrepreneurial journey, hopefully, this guide will point you in the right direction.

Building Your Own Office

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In the initials stages of your business, you want to rent or lease space. Once you’re in for a while though and your operations have stabilized, you might also consider building your own office space. The following contributed post is entitled, Building Your Own Office.

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One of the most exciting things you can do in business is to get to the point where you are building your own office. That probably means that things are going pretty well, that you are ready to expand and take on new challenges and responsibilities as a company, and that is always a good position to be in. Of course, building an office does itself have a number of challenges which you are going to have to be aware of and try to overcome. But as we should discover in this article, they are relatively straightforward in theory at least, even if not always in practice, to get through. Let’s take a look at some of the ins and out of building your own office.

Credit – CCO Licence

Choosing Your Spot Well

The location that you choose to build your office on is going to have an effect on the end result. For one thing, it affects the cost of building – as you are going to need to purchase the ground that your office is built upon, and that will depend mostly upon location. It will also have an effect on what kind of reputation your business ultimately has. If you are keen on a strong reputation, a city centre address might be important for you for the prestige that it brings. However, you might instead have other priorities, meaning that you can choose to find a cheaper spot to go. It’s all about compromising and working out what really matters to you, so that you can hopefully make the right decision and end up in a good spot for your business.

Finding Cheap Materials

You are also going to have to think about getting hold of the right kind of supplies for the projects, and that is something that is not always as easy as you might hope. It often means that you are going to need to shop around quite a lot, perhaps even attending auctions for some of the bigger items. However, once you find a good source, you can be sure that this is going to be one less headache that you need to worry about. Finding good quality and affordable construction products will mean that you are going to be able to build your own office much more successfully indeed, so that is something that you will want to think about from the very start.

Credit – CCO Licence

Getting The Staff

Of course, the quality of the construction staff is another hugely important thing, and you will need to make sure that they are going to be that perfect balance between cost and quality. If you go too cheap, you might end up being disappointed, whereas if you spend a lot of money on them, you might not feel it was quite worth it. Going for somewhere in the middle is very often a safe bet, and it should mean that you are going to get staff who can do the job well but without breaking your bank. Be prepared to look around for a while before you find a team who comes with the right kind of recommendations.


You should bear in mind that this kind of construction process is always going to cause some kind of disturbance for your business, and as such it will be necessary to time it so that it causes as little of a disturbance as possible. That matter of timing is not something that comes easily to everyone, but it is going to be essential if you hope to actually make it all worthwhile. Try not to do this at a time which is going to be particularly busy for your business, as that is only going to cause damage that might take years to fix, and clearly that’s a far from ideal situation. But if you time it well, it should all go much more smoothly and to plan than you would imagine.

Credit – CCO Licence


As long as you manage to budget the whole thing effectively, it will have less of a direct impact on your business and its future. It is also going to mean that you don’t have to stress too much about what happens financially in the quarter or the year after the fact. Budgeting is essential to the success of the project and the future success of the business, so make sure that you are not overlooking this at all in any way. As long as you budget well, all will be well, and the project will be successful.

Why Your Business Should Be Flexing Its Green Credentials

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM. For your business itself and for the environment, making your business ‘green’ can have multiple benefits. Many aspects of running a green business are easy to implement. The following contributed post is entitled, Why Your Business Should Be Flexing Its Green Credentials.

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With Greta Thunberg taking on the mantle of climate change warrior and championing the future protection of the planet, more and more businesses are taking their corporate environmental responsibilities more seriously. You might want to get in on the action. If your office is wasting paper, you are sick of seeing computer monitors forever on standby, and you are concerned about your water usage, it’s time to make your business more eco-aware. This doesn’t have to cost you money, and can actually save you cash by making your venture more efficient and relevant to the twenty first century. Read on to discover how you can be successful and flexing your green credentials.

Image credit Pexels – CC0 Licence


It doesn’t matter whether you are an office based startup or whether your business is more practical, such as a street food van or a smallholding, you can always find ways to manage your water usage more effectively. Outside, this could be something as simple as installing flumes on a smallholding. If you produce crops or food in an organic way, you can manage your irrigation systems more efficiently. If you are an office based entity, you may be more concerned about how many times the kettle is boiled on coffee breaks. Make sure you have posters up, detailing the importance of water preservation. If every staff member is more conscious of their environmental impact, you can be more environmentally aware as a corporate entity.


Death by paper is a concern of many businesses. The advent of cloud based storage has made paper reduction all that more easy. You no longer have to print off email after email, only to shred it within minutes after a meeting. Instead, you can now head onto the cloud, download the needed document and utilize a Sharepoint style package to show your team. Printouts are no longer a go-to way of distributing information. Ensure that you limit your paper usage. Doing this will limit your carbon footprint and help you to do your bit to protect the world’s rainforests. If you do need to use paper, counteract this by contributing to a tree planting scheme. This may have a financial impact, but customers are more savvy with who they choose to do business with. They will be more inclined to pay more for a product or service from a company that is conscious of their environmental impact rather than one that doesn’t care.

Image credit Pexels – CC0 Licence


If you have a staff team that commutes to work using their gas guzzling cars, set up a car sharing scheme. Even better, consider a subsidized cycle to work scheme, encouraging your staff team to whip on their helmets and get healthier. This can result in a team with a boosted morale as well as decreasing the carbon monoxide that your company produces. If you have company cars, ensure that you opt for hybrids. These may cost more initially but the running costs will be infinitely lower.

Don’t be too insular when considering your business aims and motivations. Take a bigger world view and take your corporate responsibility seriously when flexing your green credential muscles.

What Kind Of Masters Is For You?

Three of the focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, General Education and Professional/Skills. Many careers require education beyond the bachelor’s level. As such, many individuals pursue Masters degrees. Choosing the right degree is important as it will affect your career long-term. The following contributed post is entitled, What Kind Of Masters Is For You?

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When you’re looking at finishing college, or you’re thinking of further your education, you may find that you’re considering getting your master’s. However, the most important question of all, is often what should you study? Sometimes, it’s easy to work out – you may find that you want to follow your major. But it isn’t all that easy. Sometimes, you need some inspiration. Here are some great options to contend with.


To start with, you may find that you could consider getting your Master’s in Business Administration. An MBA can be really handy for a lot of people that want to either move into the business field or get a professional career in the future. Whether this is right after a bachelors or not.


Another really great idea is education. Sometimes, you just want to think about the way that you can further your intellectual career or shape a future generation. If you’re passionate about one topic in particular, then this could be the route for you.

Political Management

Then, we also have political management. This could be a really great master’s field for a number of candidates. There can be a huge benefit to a number of different industries and professionals, not just politics itself. These can include social media manager, attorney, intelligence analyst, public affairs specialist, marketing specialist, and communications director.

For more information on the master’s in political management, just take a look at the infographic below.

Infographic Design By George Washington University

Tips To Help Sell A Home Quickly

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. For many people, their primary residence is their greatest investment. As with all investments, it’s important understand how to resell your home and as expediently as possible. The following contributed post is entitled, Tips To Help Sell A Home Quickly.

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Selling your home can be a whirlwind, but it can also be something that takes a lot of time and effort to make successful. Whenever you are selling a property, you want to be able to do it efficiently and with the best results. So here are some tips to help sell a home quickly.

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Think About First Impressions

First impressions are something that really matters, and when it comes to selling a home, you want to do everything you can so that they leave that property with wanting to sign on the dotted line. Create an environment that makes the buyer want to live in your home right there and then. Display some flowers in the living space and set up the dining table with all your nice cutlery and crockery. Make sure the property smells nice and that there’s lots of natural light shining through. Think about curb appeal and ensuring everything is pruned and trimmed nicely when it comes to the outdoor space. The more you do as the owner, the better you have of securing offers on the home.

Declutter Your Home

Decluttering is essential even before you go letting a photographer into your home to take photos. Whether your home is in Griffith Park or tucked away down an unfamiliar street, a messy home isn’t going to be enjoyable to view. Try to remove everything that’s causing a mess or creating a problem area in your home, and that might be obstructing a view of your property. Whether that’s toys thrown in a pile in a corner or clunky furniture leaning haphazardly against a window or door frame. Declutter and organize your home so that it’s functional for people to walk around freely and without discomfort.

Choose The Right Agents

The agents you pick will influence how quickly you sell your property. You want to make sure that they are familiar with the type of property you have and that they have potential buyers lined up to view the property as soon as possible. The longer it stays on the market, the more dangerous that can be for the value of your home. So choose your agent wisely and don’t be too quick to jump into a partnership unless you are really sure that they are the right match for you.

Be Careful With Your Price

The price you set for your home is important because if you set it too high, then you might not get anyone who is interested. If you set it too low, you could end up missing out yourself on a good deal. Try to discuss your prices with the agents and be sure to do some research in the surrounding area. Look at what you may or may not be in competition with. Set a reasonable amount and know what your lowest would be in terms of asking price.

Selling a home quickly isn’t always something that’s achieved, but with these tips, you can give yourself the best chance possible.

How To Be More Successful In Your Job Search

Two key focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Professional Development and Skills. Searching for a job can be one of the more difficult things you can ever do. There are keys to increasing your chances of finding the job (s) you want. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Be More Successful In Your Job Search.

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Going back into the world of recruitment can be a process and so much so that many of us will remain in a job we’ve lost a passion for. The idea of going through the process that involves securing a job can be tiring to just think about, but it has to be done when you are no longer feeling the role is for you. Here are some tips on how to be more successful in your job search.

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Look Again At Your Resume

Your resume carries a lot of weight when it comes to the very beginning of your application. A job can have many individuals who will apply, and it’s usually someone’s job to filter through the resumes. It’s important that yours stands out, and you may find that the current state of it can be improved. Take a look at your resume again and try to make improvements where possible. It could be that there are a few grammatical errors that need fixing or that you’ve missed out some skills that are vital for the role that you’re applying for. Try to do what you can to sell yourself in the best way, and hopefully, you’ll secure yourself an interview.

Seek Professional Guidance

There are a lot of resources and avenues that you can explore and take advantage of in order to give yourself the best opportunities. Nowadays, you have plenty of websites like Cornerstone Medical who will help in doing a lot of the work for you. By grouping all types of jobs under one website, it makes for much easier navigation. When you’re exploring a new career path, it’s good to seek professional advice and guidance where you can. Those who are in the current role you’re applying for or have done it previously can let you know what was needed or what can be done to improve your chances.

Be Detailed In Your Applications

Applications are where it really counts, and although resumes are important to work on, the application as a whole needs detail. Sometimes you may be required to write a cover letter or answer some initial questions as part of the vetting process. These may be put in place to weed out individuals who are simply not right for the role or don’t have the experience to answer such questions.

Work On Your Interview Technique

Interviews can be a very nerve-racking process, but they are what’s standing between you and the potential job offer. If you find that your interview technique needs improving or sometimes you lack confidence in what you’re trying to get across, practice. Practice makes perfect after all, and if you can give yourself plenty of prep time, then you are likely to walk into that interview, feeling more confident.

Not every role that you apply for is something you’ll suit, and sometimes the company is not the right fit for you. Be detailed in your application process, ask for help, and always work on your conversational skills to give yourself the best chance.