3 Reasons Not to Be Disheartened by Your Personal and Professional Setbacks

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and two key focuses are Career Discussions and Professional Development/Skills. Most career tracks are not straight lines and do involve some adversity and setbacks. Reaching your goal will ultimately require perseverance. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Reasons Not to Be Disheartened by Your Personal and Professional Setbacks.

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Whether in our personal or our professional lives, setbacks and failures are an unwelcome but ever-present reality and inevitability.

While, of course, success can and should be pursued and achieved, it is seldom ever won without a significant dose of trouble and challenge along the way. But one of the things that most consistently separates high-achievers from the rest of us, is that high-achievers know not to be disheartened by their personal and professional setbacks.

Here are a few reasons not to be disheartened by yours.

Because failures and setbacks are an excellent opportunity for addressing a weak point and improving for the next round

First and foremost, failures and setbacks identify some kind of weak point or error in your plan, system, approach, attitude, or business model.

On the one hand, you could allow those setbacks to completely crush your confidence and convince you that the particular weak point in question is insurmountable – but how accurate is this sentiment actually likely to be? And more importantly, how does it help you to give up all hope?

A much better and more productive approach is, instead, to treat your failures and setbacks as excellent learning opportunities that show you the way to strengthen and improve yourself or your business, so that when it’s time for the “next round,” you will be in a much better position to meet and overcome your challenges.

If, for example, you ended up in a situation where clients of your business were indebted to you and were in no way holding up their end of the bargain and actually paying, that could be a great lesson to outsource some elements of your business going forward and to utilise the services of a collection agency.

The most capable businesses and people are generally that way because they have systematically identified and addressed many weak points along the way.

Because your destiny is largely shaped by how you respond to circumstances and occurrences

There are always going to be things in life that are out of your direct control, but that nonetheless significantly affect you or your circumstances or environment.

That’s true for everyone. But it doesn’t do any good to sit around feeling sorry for yourself and complaining about circumstances that you can’t do much about.

When all is said and done, your destiny is primarily going to be shaped by how you choose to respond to circumstances and occurrences. There are always more and less proactive and empowered ways of dealing with things. Your challenges, then, are an opportunity for you to show and develop your character.

Because all the best stories ultimately include an element of adversity

We are all the protagonists of our own stories, and life should be an exciting, fulfilling, and gripping tale for each and every one of us.

So, when was the last time you heard or read a great story that didn’t include any element of adversity whatsoever?

In all likelihood, it’s impossible to find a story that anyone cares about where nothing challenging ever happens, and where no failures or setbacks are encountered by the protagonist. As a human being, you need challenges in order to keep life interesting, and to keep you on your toes.

Of course, some challenges and setbacks are going to be absolutely tragic, and it might feel completely inappropriate to use the metaphor of a “plot device” to refer to them. The point remains, though, that you are the one with the ability to shape the course of your life – of your story – largely by how you respond to the challenges that confront you.

Instead of allowing your challenges to break you, meet them in as heroic a way as possible, and write a story that can uplift others.

What Kind Of Masters Is For You?

Three of the focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, General Education and Professional/Skills. Many careers require education beyond the bachelor’s level. As such, many individuals pursue Masters degrees. Choosing the right degree is important as it will affect your career long-term. The following contributed post is entitled, What Kind Of Masters Is For You?

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When you’re looking at finishing college, or you’re thinking of further your education, you may find that you’re considering getting your master’s. However, the most important question of all, is often what should you study? Sometimes, it’s easy to work out – you may find that you want to follow your major. But it isn’t all that easy. Sometimes, you need some inspiration. Here are some great options to contend with.


To start with, you may find that you could consider getting your Master’s in Business Administration. An MBA can be really handy for a lot of people that want to either move into the business field or get a professional career in the future. Whether this is right after a bachelors or not.


Another really great idea is education. Sometimes, you just want to think about the way that you can further your intellectual career or shape a future generation. If you’re passionate about one topic in particular, then this could be the route for you.

Political Management

Then, we also have political management. This could be a really great master’s field for a number of candidates. There can be a huge benefit to a number of different industries and professionals, not just politics itself. These can include social media manager, attorney, intelligence analyst, public affairs specialist, marketing specialist, and communications director.

For more information on the master’s in political management, just take a look at the infographic below.

Infographic Design By George Washington University

How To Be More Successful In Your Job Search

Two key focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Professional Development and Skills. Searching for a job can be one of the more difficult things you can ever do. There are keys to increasing your chances of finding the job (s) you want. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Be More Successful In Your Job Search.

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Going back into the world of recruitment can be a process and so much so that many of us will remain in a job we’ve lost a passion for. The idea of going through the process that involves securing a job can be tiring to just think about, but it has to be done when you are no longer feeling the role is for you. Here are some tips on how to be more successful in your job search.

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Look Again At Your Resume

Your resume carries a lot of weight when it comes to the very beginning of your application. A job can have many individuals who will apply, and it’s usually someone’s job to filter through the resumes. It’s important that yours stands out, and you may find that the current state of it can be improved. Take a look at your resume again and try to make improvements where possible. It could be that there are a few grammatical errors that need fixing or that you’ve missed out some skills that are vital for the role that you’re applying for. Try to do what you can to sell yourself in the best way, and hopefully, you’ll secure yourself an interview.

Seek Professional Guidance

There are a lot of resources and avenues that you can explore and take advantage of in order to give yourself the best opportunities. Nowadays, you have plenty of websites like Cornerstone Medical who will help in doing a lot of the work for you. By grouping all types of jobs under one website, it makes for much easier navigation. When you’re exploring a new career path, it’s good to seek professional advice and guidance where you can. Those who are in the current role you’re applying for or have done it previously can let you know what was needed or what can be done to improve your chances.

Be Detailed In Your Applications

Applications are where it really counts, and although resumes are important to work on, the application as a whole needs detail. Sometimes you may be required to write a cover letter or answer some initial questions as part of the vetting process. These may be put in place to weed out individuals who are simply not right for the role or don’t have the experience to answer such questions.

Work On Your Interview Technique

Interviews can be a very nerve-racking process, but they are what’s standing between you and the potential job offer. If you find that your interview technique needs improving or sometimes you lack confidence in what you’re trying to get across, practice. Practice makes perfect after all, and if you can give yourself plenty of prep time, then you are likely to walk into that interview, feeling more confident.

Not every role that you apply for is something you’ll suit, and sometimes the company is not the right fit for you. Be detailed in your application process, ask for help, and always work on your conversational skills to give yourself the best chance.

Get Back to the Books

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. Three key focuses are Career Discussions, General Education and Professional Development and Skills. Once starting a career, everyone has to eventually decide what their next steps will be. Is there the potential for promotion at your current position? Should you switch organizations? Should you go back to school? The following contributed post is entitled, Get Back to the Books.

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You might find yourself wondering from time to time what the next steps are when it comes to your career. Are you going to stick at your job and work your way up the corporate ladder or take a chance on a whole new job.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages and both carry a certain amount of risk. However, if neither of those options appeal there is a third way and that’s going back to school. We’re not talking about studying full time necessarily, there are a number of options but instead looking at ways to either boost the professional expertise of the field you’re already in or explore a new career.

In this blog we take a look at why training up might just be the right thing for you.

Professional Qualifications

If you’ve been waiting for promotion to come your way and it’s just not happening, now is the time to get proactive.

Take a look at some of the professional qualifications associated with your industry. Would taking a course and getting some more qualifications under your belt put you in a better position? Would gaining that Florida Contractors License pay off? If the answer is yes, it’s time to put yourself out there and back into the classroom.

Don’t waste your time doing qualifications just for the sake of them. Pick the ones that are recognised in your area and will allow you to leverage them for promotion or at the very least, better pay.

Image courtesy of Pixabay: CC0 licence

Distance Learning

One of the biggest dilemmas about studying is squeezing it in around your working life. This is made particularly hard if the qualification has nothing to do with your current job. One of the best options you can consider is a distance learning course from a reputable education facility.

These courses often offer part time study that fits around your schedule. While you may need to travel to an exam centre once a year or so, that should be the only time off that you’ll need to schedule. While it often takes a little while longer to complete the course, the pressure of trying to get it all done in a short amount of time is off of your shoulders.

Consider this option a long term investment into your future.

Evening Classes

The final study option is evening classes. Use these to access higher education courses later on down the track. If you’re struggling to pay for your training, consider asking the company you work for help. If your course can, in any way, help you in your current position you may be able to persuade them to subsidise your study.

If that isn’t an option for you, you may find that many education centres offer bursaries and grants for more mature students or those studying for specific industries – nursing or education for example.

When you want to change your working world, think about how education might help you achieve your next goal.

Mistakes Made By New Event Planners

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is Career Discussions. Becoming an Event Planner can be a lucrative career choice. Event Planning is a world all its own with nuances and keys for success. There are several mistakes that novices make. Avoiding the mistakes can propel you far beyond your competition. The following contributed post is entitled, Mistakes Made By New Event Planners.

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If you have recently become an event planner or this is a career you are thinking about, learn from the mistakes that others have made by avoiding the errors we discuss below.

Not mastering the world of online marketing

There is only one place to begin, and this is with online marketing. All event planners need to have a good online presence today. If you do not have any knowledge or experience in this, or you do not have the time to dedicate to marketing your services, hire a SEO company. They will be able to help you with everything from building an effective website to producing quality content and ensuring you have a good presence on social media.

Using fresh flowers all of the time

Virtually all events require flowers. Without them, it can be difficult to adorn a venue beautifully, or create the right ambience. With that being said, read on to discover more about artificial blooms and why they are a must for your business.

As briefly touched upon, all occasions, be it a wedding or a birthday party, require flowers. This is a must-have decoration. It can help to make a venue look show stopping while also creating the right mood, from excitement to romance. But, why should you look for cheap artificial flowers in particular? There are many different reasons, but mainly it comes down to the fact that fresh blooms are too much of a hassle and risk.

When dealing with fresh flowers, you will need to get them delivered on the day of the event to make sure their appearance does not deteriorate and they do not lose their beauty. This can be very risky for any business. What if they do not get delivered on time? If you take the opposite approach, i.e. you buy fresh flowers in advance, you run the risk of not using them at an event, and thus you are going to make a loss. With artificial flowers, you don’t have to worry about any of this, you can order them in advance for minimal hassle and you can use them again and again to make sure you get your money’s worth. Not only this, but artificial blooms make sure you can cater to the demands of all of your clients, as you are never restricted to what is in season.

Putting all of your eggs in one basket

Last but not least, it can be a very big deal for any event planner when they manage to secure a big client. However, you need to be mindful and make sure you do not put all of your eggs in one basket. What would happen if this client then decide to take their work elsewhere?

Why You Should Always Respect Your Employees

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. Three key focuses Business/Entrepreneurship, Career Discussions and Professional Development and Skills. No matter what kind of organization or business you’re in, respecting your employees is critical. Your employees are doing the work on the ground level and your operations can falter if they aren’t giving it their all. The following contributed post is entitled, Why You Should Always Respect Your Employees.

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Image source Pixabay – CC0 Licence

Being respectful of your employees is vital if you are to maintain a cohesive team that buys into your business vision in order to help your startup thrive. Without a team with high morale, you may walk into the office every morning to view a sea of yawning faces and twiddling thumbs. You need to ensure that your staff are happy, positive and that there is a purposeful buzz in the office. As an employer, it is up to you to facilitate this. Mutual respect between boss and employee is crucial. Take a look at how you can foster a productive working relationship with your employees.


It’s important that you invest in your team. By putting up some money and helping them improve their professional skill set, you are showing them how much you value them. Conduct professional development meetings with each staff member and construct a career plan. This may mean that they eventually leave your company to move to pastures new. This is natural. However, while they are your employee you can ensure that they are skilled up and apply this knowledge to your company. This means that you have the best staff working for you. Being valued means that your staff will feel more committed to your business vision because they will care more about your venture.


As a boss, you need to create a great environment in which to work. You may find that your newly leased office is a little drab, the beige carpet tiles are uninspiring and the walls are scuffed. In this sort of environment, your employees will lack the motivation to work. Whip out the white paint, get some local artwork on the walls, and add a splash of greenery to your workplace. This brings the outside in and can lift the mood of your team. Get rid of the old school desktop booths and swap these for collaborative meeting pods. Banish the tower computers, and allow your team to enjoy the luxury of neoprene sleeves for a swanky new set of high powered laptops. Giving your staff the equipment and tools to be productive as well as the environment in which to thrive will benefit the reputation of your business.


Don’t be one of those elusive employers who is never seen in the office. Get out on the metaphorical shop floor and converse with your staff. Have a weekly briefing every Monday to discuss goals for the week and to allow your team to air their views. Ask their opinions on issues and act on great ideas. Send out a Friday email every week to celebrate successes and to namecheck those individuals who have gone the extra mile. This positive praise shows your team that you value them. Use a reward system of extra days off and meals out to incentivize your team.

Making the transition from employee to employer is tough. However, by following this guide, you can ensure that you get the most out of your team by fostering an environment of mutual respect. If you do ever experience any problems associated with any of your employees, remember there is help out there. Professionals like The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg can offer advice on further actions!

Staying Safe When You Have A Dangerous Job

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. Two key focuses are Career Discussions and Health/Wellness. Not all jobs have the safety of working in an office setting with carpets, computers and cubicles. Some jobs require getting dirty and some degree of potential hazard. In the latter set of jobs, it’s important to think about your safety at all times. The following contributed post is entitled, Staying Safe When You Have A Dangerous Job.

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No one likes the idea of being hurt when they are doing their job. Governments, businesses, and individuals have all been working for a very long time to ensure that workplaces are safe and secure, though this is something which some jobs make almost impossible. Unfortunately, some people simply don’t have the luxury of doing something safe each day. Whether you work as an industrial diver or as a security guard, though, you can always take steps to make sure that you’re not putting yourself at unnecessary risk. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the steps which can be taken to make even the most dangerous jobs a little safer.

Following Policies

While a lot of the rules which you have to follow when you’re working may seem a little over the top, they are always there for a reason. Safety gear will protect your body from accidents, while policies which dictate how people are allowed to move around in dangerous environments will help to prevent them from happening in the first place, and this makes these rules well worth following. Of course, after a few years on the job, it will be easy to become complacent, and you may find that your employers have lost track of the policies they need to follow. In this case, researching the rules for yourself will be a good idea.

Working Together

Many of the world’s most dangerous jobs often end up being done by people on their own. This may not always increase the risk of an accident, but there are some roles which simply shouldn’t be done by people who are left to themselves. Truck driving is a great example of this, with a lot of accidents occurring when people are forced to drive for a long time without a proper chance to rest. Team truck driving jobs are considered much safer, as you will have someone with you as you drive, and this means that you won’t have to be focused for the whole journey.

Being Attentive

It’s not always easy for industries to put the right rules in place for their employees. While some companies manage to keep their teams safe, others will miss out on crucial areas, and this can often leave big gaps. Being attentive will give you the chance to spot these areas, and a little bit of creativity and initiative will help you to come up with ideas to make them safer. For example, if you have to work on wet floors all the time, it would make sense for your employer to provide you with shoes which are good for this environment. They can’t fire you for asking for this, with a lot of employers valuing this sort of input from their teams.

Keeping yourself safe should always be your priority when you’re at work. It doesn’t matter if you get your job done if you get hurt in the process, and the vast majority of employers will want to keep their team as safe as possible. To make this work, though, you have to keep your eyes open.

Six Career Paths For Plumbers

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Career Discussions. While many sectors are facing the prospect of automation, one career that will probably never go away is that of the Plumber. Likewise there will always be a need for plumbers. The are multiple career options for individuals who hold this unique and valuable skill set. The following contributed post is entitled, Six Career Paths For Plumbers.

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Plumbing can be a very rewarding career for those looking for a career in a skilled trade, with good salaries on offer for skilled plumbers and a real chance to set up in business for yourself. Many of us just think of plumbing as just doing repairs to home plumbing, but there are actually some varied career paths in the industry, from pipefitting to management.

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Licensed Plumber

This path is what most people think of when you mention a plumber. Your training will prepare you to work as a plumbing technician, an apprentice or a licensed plumber, serving a wide variety of clients in commercial, residential and residential properties.

You’ll need to know how to install and maintain different types of water systems and have a knowledge of repairs and installation of sinks, showers and other water using appliances. You’ll diagnose plumbing issues and advise your customers on how best to proceed. You’ll need to source the correct tools and parts from somewhere like plumbersstock.com. Work in this path can be very varied, making it a great starting point for new plumbers hoping to learn about a variety of work.


You could take a more specialised path in plumbing and become a pipefitter. You’ll need a background in plumbing safety and installation in order to install and maintain piping in industrial and power plants. You’ll be monitoring power generation and heating and cooling systems, as well as system installations for automated controls for these systems.


If you’re interested in steamfitting, your training will be very similar to the training done by pipefitters, except you’ll need to take some more specialist training to become certified as a steamfitter. Once qualified, you’ll be working on the installation of pipes for the transportation of high-pressure gas.


If you train as a pipefitter but find you want more of a challenge, than you can take further training to lay pipes, meaning you can be in charge of major pipe works. Your job will involve digging trenches for piping, and then laying the pipes. These pipes may be used to carry drainage, gas, water or sewer systems.

Gas Service Technician

A qualified gas technician is responsible safely delivering has through a site. Home or business owners can bring in a gas technician to install, replace or repair faulty gas equipment, like gas boilers.

You’ll also search for gas leaks, and perform safety tests on displays and other controls.

Project Managers

After a few years in the industry, you could consider becoming a project manager, which put you in a supervisory position over a group of employees within the company you work for. As well as plumbing skills, you’ll need to learn good management skills to run your team.

You’ll be dealing with the day to day undertakings of your team of employees, making sure they’re where they are supposed to be and producing work of an acceptable quality. You can expect higher pay in this position as well as more responsibility.

Answers To Your Most Pressing Questions About Careers In The Mining Industry

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is Career Discussions. If you live in mining country or are willing to move to it, there are career options for you. If you’re a novice to the mining industry, what do you need to know about it to work in it? The following contributed post is entitled, Answers To Your Most Pressing Questions About Careers In The Mining Industry.

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With so much focus on emerging industries, we often forget about those that keep the regular economy ticking over. Software, robotics, AI, and digital marketing are all exciting innovations. Still, none of them would be possible if there weren’t people digging raw materials out of the ground, processing them, and shipping them around the world.

The mining industry isn’t a dead one. It is, in reality, very much alive, and more in-demand than ever before, owing to the mineral demands of the modern economy. Companies need coal, petroleum products, limestone, and rare earth minerals. The orders never cease, and as the economy evolves, new types of product are required.

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For those wanting to get into the mining industry, therefore, this is a great opportunity. Today, more than ever before, there are opportunities to be had and careers to be made in the sector. Plus the pay isn’t bad either once you achieve a position with responsibility.

So what do you need to know about getting into the mining industry? Here are some popular questions and helpful answers.

I Just Graduated. What Roles Can I Do In The Mining Industry?

Education is very different from actual work in the mining industry. While many people go into mining from an engineering background, the reality of the work is different from what the academics would have you believe.

One of the best routes into the industry is to get on a graduate training scheme. The idea here is to take promising graduates with the temperament to succeed and then build their skills on the job. The downside, of course, is that these programmes tend to be very competitive with lots of people applying for the opportunity.

The other route in is to file your CV with a recruitment agency and then use them to find entry-level roles in a mining operation. Ideally, if you’re a graduate, you want a role that positions you for management in the future.

What Qualifications Do I Need To Work On A Mining Site?

Mining is a dangerous and complicated activity. Before current regulations, many people died in mines every year. It was brutal.

Today, though, there is a range of requirements for anybody wanting to work in a mine which are pretty similar across western countries.

The first thing to consider is vehicle licenses. There’s a good chance that you’ll need to drive a truck or digger at some point, so you’ll need the appropriate license for your particular country.

After that, the qualifications you need are mostly up to the employer. Some offer in-house health and safety training, while others will want to see that you’re certified to operate on a mining site. Those with bachelor’s degrees will be able to apply for work in roles that those without them cannot. Thus, a degree can be a stepping stone into a better position than you might be able to get otherwise.

Do I Need Any Health Checks?

Some mining companies insist that workers get a series of tests before allowing them to work on-site. The purpose of this is to ensure that the individual is fit for work. Some people can’t cope with the demands of the occupation.

If you plan on working for a coal mining company, then you will need a Coal Board Medical. This test assesses your overall state of health and is an essential requirement for people wanting to get into the coal mining industry.

Conditions in and around mines can be dusty, putting extra strain on the pulmonary system. People who want to work in the mining industry, therefore, often have to go through a series of spirometry or lung function tests. The idea here is to check that a person’s lungs are working correctly and that they can cope with the harsh environment of the mine without suffering severe consequences for their breathing.

Other companies may conduct a musculoskeletal test and fitness test to ensure a baseline level of fitness for those wanting to engage in heavy manual work. There’s also the usual audio screening (providing that you can follow instructions and hear warning sirens) and drug and alcohol tests.

How Can I Get My Foot In The Door?

For people looking to start a career in mining, this is a common question. Most employers want to see evidence of experience before offering a role. But to get experience, you need a job in the first place. It’s a tricky and annoying catch-22 situation.

The best way to proceed is to look for mining companies who need people with your skills, but who are currently struggling to fill job roles. You might see an advert for a job, for instance, that seems a little below your pay grade, but for which you have the skills and could perform well. Contact the mining company, tell them that you can help add value to their operations and show them your education. More likely than not, they can’t find the exact person that they need, and they want to fill the position quickly. That’s your chance. Appear professional at interview, and you’ll win their hearts and gain the role.

How Do I Learn To Drive Cranes And Trucks?

Operating heavy equipment is a large part of jobs in the mining industry. The vehicles are enormous because of the type of work that they must undertake, so they’re different from anything else that you might have driven in the past.

One of the best ways to make your CV stand out is to learn to drive one of these vehicles in advance of your application. Usually, you’ll need something called an HR-X licence (or equivalent depending on your country). This permits you to pilot vehicles of the type that you’d find on the typical mining site.

Having a license ahead of time is appealing to the majority of enterprises for two reasons. First, it shows that you’re proactive and committed to a career in the sector. And, second, the company doesn’t have to provide the money and training to enable you to perform the role. You can do it already.

Beating Confidence Troubles When You’re The Boss

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. Three key focuses are Business/Entrepreneurship, Career Discussions and Professional Development and Skills. There are many ways to be the boss whether you’ve started your own business or you’re working in an organization. Being the boss can be a daunting task for many people but there are keys to mastering it. The following contributed post is entitled, Beating Confidence Troubles When You’re The Boss.

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Do you own your own business? Maybe you’re a manager at a branch owned by someone else? Either way, there’s a good chance you feel unsure of yourself from time to time. You’ve got a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, and a lot of power in your hands, and it can be hard to manage the both of them at once!

Which is why it’s key to remember that being the boss doesn’t automatically mean you feel confident enough to be one! You’re allowed to doubt yourself, and feel awkward about the decisions you make; you’re only human, after all. But because of that, we’ve listed a few tips for you below, to make sure you start feeling a bit more secure in your role. You’re doing a lot of hard work, and you deserve to have the confidence to show for it.

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There’s Advice Out There

And it’s more accessible than you may realise! After all, we have the internet to thank for instant connectivity, and that means you can go in search of a business leadership podcast with little to no trouble at all.

When you’re a burgeoning business leader, in search of information that’s going to put the pep back in your step, listening to the words of corporate founders and various self made people might just be the key.

And advice for someone like you exists in quite a few forms. You might want to make it your mission to soak up as many different types of medium as you can find, just to be sure you’re getting as much influence and advice as possible. You never know where you’re going to find the one piece of advice that’ll change your life, but we do have a good place for you to start!

Manage Your Expectations

Of course, you’re going to need to manage your expectations. You’re going to need to stay down to earth with what you’re thinking of achieving, or what projects you know you’re going to be able to take on. It’s very unlikely that you’re going to be able to turn around an organisation in the next 3 to 6 months, so don’t put that kind of stress on your shoulders from the get go.

Instead, aim a little lower, for something you know you can achieve. Bringing more skills into the business? Check. Cutting down costs? Check. And on and on the list can go, creating a very workable step by step guide for you to follow. Now doesn’t that sound easier?

Focus Your Network

And finally, be sure to focus your network on people like you. Try to reach out and connect with fellow managers, or first time entrepreneurs, to remind yourself you’re not alone. Use sites like LinkedIn to make a search like this easier. It might be a small point, but it’s a very important one to remember!

As the boss, you don’t have to keep second guessing yourself. You can learn confidence!