How To Get Your Employee Productivity Up!

Three key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Organizational and Management Discussions. When you’re running a business or an organization, one of your challenges is getting and keeping your you employee’s productivity up. It’s an important consideration as employee productivity is the lifeblood of your business or organization. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Get Your Employee Productivity Up!

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If there is one thing that most employees of various businesses can agree on, it’s that they don’t feel motivated enough to give their all when they turn up for work. Everyone can sit at a desk and twiddle their thumbs while moving from task to task, but you want the people working for you to feel like they have some excitement – some reason to keep going!

Your people are going to create worth for your business, and you want to repay them for that. It’s their job to make money for you, and it’s your job to continue to make your staff feel inspired and like they want to be in your place of business. Of course, there is no true guarantee of being the best company in the eyes of your staff, but your ability to inspire hard work is important. So, let’s take a look at how you can get your productivity up in your employees!

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● The very first thing that you can do is get to know your staff. Your employees are so much more than just a job title and a list of skills on a resume. You want people in your business that you can have fun with and build up an office camaraderie with; and you need to get to know them for that to happen. You do need to make sure that you keep your personal and professional lives separate, but it’s still important to get to know them on a personal level.
● Planning events with can help you to offer your employees something real to aspire to. Fun has to be a part of the business mix, and you can inject it in so many more places if you have regular events planned. Incentivising your staff is vital for productivity, as is planning your next business party!
● One of the most important things that any business needs is open communication with their staff. Your people should feel like they can come to you with anything, and demonstrating an open door policy is so important for that to occur. Don’t forget that your staff will likely have problems outside your business, so if you’re showing that you can offer them support at work, you’re going to do well at motivating them.
● Training is one of the biggest tools that you have for success in your business. Education allows people to scale up their skills and progress and while that may mean they progress beyond your business, it’s a part of your job to ensure that they have the best possible future. From in-house training to e-learning, you have options to give your staff. Why not lay them out to them and offer help?

People who work for you should feel like they have something to work for. It’s up to you to motivate and inspire people and it’s up to you to ensure that you are offering something that they cannot say no to. Try the tips above and make it work!

Do You Understand These Aspects Of Your Business?

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. It’s one thing to want to start or run a business, but there are some key aspects to be mindful of. The following contributed post is entitled, Do You Understand These Aspects Of Your Business?

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When you start your own business, you probably have a good idea of what sorts of things will be the most complicated things you’ll have to deal with. Pretty much everyone knows that accounting and bookkeeping are going to come with a lot of complexity, as well as anything else involving finances. The problem is that many business owners don’t realize just how complicated a lot of the other aspects of a business can be. If you go in expecting something to be simple and easy, then that’s just going to set you up for a rude awakening further down the line. The best thing that you can do is to think about things as carefully as possible very early on. That way you notice anything that will take an extra amount of time and effort before it becomes an issue. With that in mind, here are three aspects of your business which might be more complicated than you think.

Finding your demographic

Of course, everyone knows how important it is to find your target demographic. If you don’t know who it is that you want to be selling your product or service to then, you’re going to be wasting a whole lot of time and energy. The problem is that a lot of businesses do market research that ends up being pretty shallow overall. They might get a decent idea of the age and gender of their target demographic, but they’ll rarely look into the finer details nearly as much, if at all. You should make sure that you’re putting the effort in early to figuring out exactly who your target customer is. What other services do they use? Who do they tend to pay attention to when it comes to product recommendation? Questions like these will make narrowing down your marketing strategies far easier in the long run.


One of the most common issues in new businesses is that they’re too complicated. It’s always a good idea to make sure that you’re streamlining your business as best you can, whether that’s through services like Optisign that streamline your order management, or through focusing your business on singular markets rather than trying to spread yourself to thin. A leaner business is always going to be a better business.

Managing employees

In an ideal world, you’d find the perfect candidates, and that would be that. Sadly, that’s not the world we live in. Not only is it a serious challenge to find the right candidates, but you can’t neglect to support and manage them for their entire period of employment. Each employee is different, and you can’t use a one-size-fits-all approach to managing them. You’ve got to make sure that you’re flexible without losing control of your employees, as well as making sure that you have their respect but that they don’t come to resent you for overworking them.

The reality of running any business is that it is such a complicated affair that if you’re not paying attention to the little details, the whole thing is going to come crashing down around you.

Technology Has Made Our Lives So Much Better!

A key focus of my blog is Technology. All around us things are changing and new technologies and innovations are emerging. While there is concern that our new technologies have had some unforeseen consequences, there’s not doubt that they improved our qualities of life. The following contributed post is entitled, Technology Has Made Our Lives So Much Better!

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There’s a great deal of doom and gloom spouted about the modern world these days. People love to talk about how terrible things are and how much better they were in the “good old days.” It doesn’t even usually matter whether or not things are actually worse now than they used to be. What matters is that now things are different, and for a lot of people different is scary, which means that it seems inherently bad. Of course, there’s one thing that gets more of the blame for the decline of modern society than anything else, and that’s technology. Every day there are pieces coming out about how technology is rotting our brains and turning us into selfish, depressed zombies. It’s ruining communication, literature, families; you name it! If there’s a part of life that technology has entered, then someone out there is going to complain that it’s ruined it. Well, that’s all complete nonsense! Society hasn’t fallen apart and, if it has, it’s certainly not because of technology. In fact, for the most part, technology has been an extremely good thing for a lot of people! Here a just a few ways in which technology has made people’s lives better.


For a lot of people, the idea of being able to break out of their everyday work life and pursue something that they’re truly passionate about has always been nothing but a distant fantasy. The sheer amount of money and time required to strike out on your own meant that a lot of people simply never bothered to think about it seriously. But with the rise of the internet, it’s never been easier to set up your own business and get out of the standard office grind. These days, even the smallest business has the chance to reach out to a customer base of millions. With the help of technology, you can set up an entire business, including website, social media, point-of-sale, accounts and everything else that comes with it from the comfort of your own home. Even manufacturing has become more accessible since 3D printing can create almost any product. It’s put the power back into the hands of small business owners that, for the longest time, have been shoved out by big corporations with more money to spend on fancy marketing gimmicks.


When was the last time you sent a letter? A lot of people talk about how sad it is that we don’t write letters to each other anymore, but they seem to be forgetting just how much of a hassle that can be. You write something, and then you wait for days (even weeks!) for it to get to where you sent it. Then you’ve got to wait even longer for a reply. These days, with the help of technology, we are still writing to each other. The only difference is that whatever we write is sent or received almost instantly. This means that it really has never been easy to communicate with other people. Not only that but it doesn’t matter how near or far they are. Someone could be on the other side of the world and you can still talk to them in exactly the same way that you talk to your friend who lives down the road. Whether it’s messaging, Skype or anything else, far from keeping people apart, technology has allowed people to come together in ways that they’ve never been able to before.

At the end of the day, technology isn’t good or bad. It’s just another tool for human beings to use however they choose. If people decide to let technology take over their lives or to use it to hurt each other, then that’s not because of the technology, it’s because of people. As long as we treat technology with respect and a sense of responsibility, there’s really no telling how far it can take us. It has the power to bring people together, improve our lives and make the world a better place for everyone.

What Does It Take To Run A Successful Healthcare Business?

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Healthcare businesses aren’t just large corporations. In some instances they are small healthcare businesses. If run properly they can be lucrative. The following contributed post is entitled, What Does It Take To Run A Successful Healthcare Business?

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It is estimated that the global digital healthcare industry will be worth more than $234 billion by 2023. Healthcare is one of the most prosperous sectors and it provides millions of jobs worldwide. While setting up a business in this industry can be lucrative, there are no guarantees of success. To make it to the top, you have to ensure you check a lot of boxes. Here’s a handy guide to what it really takes to run a profitable healthcare venture.

Understanding the market
The healthcare industry is complex, and it would be impossible to launch and run a well-oiled, streamlined business in this sector without in-depth knowledge of how the market works and what is involved in the management of a company that provides medical services. Before you start working on a business plan or try and convert ideas into a functional model, it’s crucial to spend time looking into the mechanics of the industry, researching rules and regulations and analyzing what companies that will be your competitors are doing. It is also incredibly beneficial to look at how the market has been performing in recent years and how it has changed and evolved. The digitization of healthcare, for example, has revolutionized the way providers communicate with patients, how patients make appointments and how practitioners access, store and share data.

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Finding your niche
The healthcare sector is broad and it covers a raft of services and sub-sections. If you’re thinking of setting up a new business, it’s wise to find your niche. What kinds of services are you keen to provide, and who are you targeting? Analyze the demand for services and create an accurate picture of who you are going to treat. It’s important to have an ideal customer in mind when strategizing and drawing up marketing, branding and sales campaigns. Competition within this industry is fierce, and you may want to avoid a market that is already saturated. You need to ensure that your business will stand out from the crowd, and that there is a demand for the services you plan to provide. If demand is low, and your competitors already have an established client base, it will be tough to make waves with a new venture. Look for gaps in the market or offer a new spin on existing models.

Once you know who you want to target and the kind of brand you want to create, conduct thorough research to get to know your customers. Ask questions using surveys and online polls and feedback forms, and use the information and data you gather to inform your decisions going forward.

Getting your figures and finances sorted
Launching any kind of business requires funding. Whether you plan to set up a small, local healthcare company, or you have grand plans for a chain of practices or a national or global brand, you’ll need to ensure that your finances are in order. If you’re borrowing money, or you’re approaching investors, you should have calculations to hand, and you should be able to provide explanations to outline where your money is going. Cost out all your expenses, work on price points, produce realistic turnover projections and make sure you can answer questions related to the numbers. If you’re presenting as part of a pitch to secure funding, or you’re approaching a lender for a business loan, rehearse your presentation, have confidence in what you’re saying and try to preempt questions and prepare answers.

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Checking the legal boxes
As a business owner in the healthcare sector, it is vital to understand the regulations and legalities involved in providing services to patients. There are policies and procedures in place to protect patients, clients and members of staff, and you must adhere to the rules at all times. Make sure you are familiar with the laws that govern practice in your state or country. You will be required to provide high standards of care in clean, safe settings, to take steps to minimize the risk of negligence, accidents and injuries and to shield sensitive data and personal information. It is always beneficial for healthcare business owners to liaise with legal experts to ensure that everything is in place to check the boxes and ensure best practice guidelines are followed. All staff members should be aware of the latest updates in policies and regulations.

Investing in the right equipment and technology
Equipment and technology play an increasingly integral role in medical research and the provision of short and long-term care. As a budding entrepreneur, it’s an exciting time to be starting out in the healthcare field. Before you decide what kinds of machinery, tools or equipment to purchase and what type of technological systems and gadgetry to employ, analyze the competition, look into emerging trends and see what is available on the market. There are some investments that will make more financial sense than others. Spend your money on machines, technology and medical equipment that will benefit your patients, your staff and your accounts. Your purchases should be relevant to the services you plan to provide, and it’s wise to cost out expenses before you make any final decisions.

Cutting-edge technology can make the difference in the world of modern healthcare. If you choose your investments wisely, you should be able to provide the latest treatments, to offer high standards of care on a consistent basis, to improve efficiency and customer service and to minimize the risk of mistakes and human error. Consider what is essential for your business and then explore options that will further enhance the patient experience. From a vaccine fridge and treatment beds to blood pressure monitors, PPE and computerized records systems, it’s critical to ensure you have everything you need to treat patients before you open for business. If you don’t have the right equipment, or you’re using outdated technology, you could lose out to rivals and your profit margins might suffer. Once you’re up and running, it’s useful to conduct audits on a regular basis to see if you could benefit from making changes or upgrading your tech.

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Building a strong team and hiring the best talent
As a patient, there are few things more important than being able to trust the person who is in charge of your care. The team you hire will represent your brand, and in many cases, patients will judge your business based on the individuals they meet and the standards of care they provide. When hiring, look to build a strong, cohesive team made up of talented individuals who have the skills and experience needed to excel in the roles available. Use the interview process to get to know the candidates and look for people who show enthusiasm, passion and commitment, as well as having a brilliant resume. You want to be able to trust your team to take on the responsibility of representing your brand. Working in healthcare is not easy, and you need drive, energy and compassion to succeed. It’s important to think about the kind of person you would want to look after or treat you if you were a patient. The individuals you hire should embody the ethos of the business.

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Marketing your business
Achieving success in business is not just about receiving 5-star reviews. It also involves turning over profits. In the healthcare sector, marketing plays a key role in connecting patients with practices and driving sales. Use the findings of market research to engage with people who are likely to have an interest in the services you offer and choose techniques and platforms that will enable you to reach the right audience. The healthcare industry is unique, and for most patients, the number one priority is finding a reputable provider that champions optimal levels of care. Your marketing and branding strategies should reassure prospective patients that you are trustworthy and reliable at the same time as up-selling your USP and encouraging customers to want to learn more.

In this day and age, it is vital for healthcare businesses to engage with clients online, and having a fantastic website is an excellent place to start. People who search for healthcare providers and practices online are often looking for information, and providing accurate, factual guides, FAQ pages and informative, interesting blog posts can help you attract attention. It’s a great idea to vary the content you share on your website and social media channels. Infographics and video clips can break up text and make information more digestible. The brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text, and videos are much more likely to be shared than text posts.

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Attracting positive reviews
Research suggests that over 70% of patients consider reading online reviews a crucial part of choosing a medical practice or a doctor. To attract new patients and keep hold of existing clients, you have to ensure that you provide the highest possible standards of care and customer service. Offer training for staff members, always ensure patients receive a warm welcome and go out of your way to help every individual feel safe, comfortable and relaxed. Try to ensure that appointments run smoothly and efficiently, communicate with patients on a regular basis and make it easy and quick to organize and pay for treatments. Invite patients to leave feedback and reviews, read comments and take ideas and opinions on board. It’s essential to learn from both the positives and the negatives.

Launching a successful healthcare business isn’t straightforward, but if you make the right choices, you’re committed to providing the highest standards of care and service for your patients and you deliver on promises, it could be a very rewarding decision.

Dealing With A Drastic Change In Your Healthcare Business’ Day To Day

Three of the focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The Coronavirus/Covid-19 Pandemic/Crisis has created drastic changes for healthcare businesses. Whenever something happens that imparts systematic changes, it’s important to understand how to deal with them. The following contributed post is entitled, Dealing With A Drastic Change In Your Healthcare Business’ Day To Day.

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Whenever something needs to change within a business, the company itself can have a bit of an overhaul. But when it comes to a healthcare business, there’s a lot more back and forth to go through – operations management can get very complicated when both health and wellbeing are involved.

So, considering the current global pandemic, and the need for change within the healthcare sector around the globe, let’s go into a little more detail about making a drastic change. The day to day in a healthcare business can be highly unpredictable anyway, but especially so in times like these.

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Come Up with a Strategy

Your patients still need to know you care. And without knowing what you’re going to do over the next few months – without a plan – you won’t be able to keep up with the tide of patients you might not even think about having to accommodate for usually.

A strategy is going to be essential right now, and it might be hard to come up with on your own. Thankfully, Healthcare Consulting companies are out there, and are looking to band together to help you make an effective yet drastic change to your daily operations. Put this kind of resource to good use; healthcare is all about lending a hand.

Pick Up on Technology

Technology is one of the main things that can help your healthcare business to cope during difficult times. Tech has revolutionised the healthcare sector in the modern era; more people have access to regular and quality healthcare simply because they can talk to a doctor online, and almost everyone has an internet connection.

Which is why it’s key to focus on your tech capability right now – what would you be able to do with the digital strategy you’re already putting to good use in your business? You can’t be sure you’ll have the chance to upgrade right now, so you’ll need to focus on what you do have.

How many virtual appointments could help keep patients safe and at home? Can you have at least two to three people man the phones at all times? Can you use an online delivery service for medications?

Think About Costs

And finally, operations management in healthcare is all about knowing where the costs are going to be, and how you can cope with them. You can use data analysis to work out where the big and recurring costs are, so do this first.

Then, if you don’t already have an emergency fund in place, or a form of insurance that you’ve paid into over the years, be sure to reach out for donations and/or for government aid. You and your workers are on the front lines during a time like this, so ensure you have a portal for people to lend their aid through right now.

Dealing with a drastic change in a healthcare business’ day to day is one of the hardest things. Make sure you know the drill above.

Your Business During Lockdown: How The Online World Could Change The Way You Do Business

Three of the focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. During the Coronavirus/Covid-19 lockdown, many businesses have done okay because they’re doing business online which doesn’t require coming into personal contact with people. The following contributed post is entitled, Your Business During Lockdown: How The Online World Could Change The Way You Do.

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We are in a very uncertain and unique time of our lives right now. With a lot of the world grinding to a halt, it can mean that you start to worry about your business. Running a business even in normal times can be quite difficult. Starting out, finding investment and launching your new business venture always seems uncertain at the beginning, and with so many businesses failing in that crucial first year you may think you are out of deep water, only to find that you are now in a period of time that seems more uncertain than ever. Especially if you rely on people dealing with your business face to face, such as providing a service or even having a shop that you would normally sell from.

So what can you do? Many businesses have had to diversify and change their processes, and this can mean utilising the online and digital world more than you have ever done before. It can seem daunting at first, but there are so many ways that you can enhance your business this way and this could present a whole new line of opportunity for your business to grow and develop in the future. With that in mind, here are some of the ways that the online world might start to change the way you do business moving forward.

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A social media strategy

One of the first things to think about would be to develop a new social media strategy. More people are having to stay indoors and that can mean that more time is spent browsing their social media channels and platforms. So now more than ever your business needs to be relevant and visual online. Coming up with a new social media strategy is a great way to make your content relevant and consistent. You can also ensure that you use this time to engage with your audience and also reply to direct messages and comments. Humanising your business in some way will help you to appear relatable, especially in these uncertain times. You could also use social media to offer up content or even a freebie to entice people to look into your business and what you can offer in more detail. Many have offered free online resources or shared video content to highlight their business in a different way.

Updating your website

You may have had a basic website to get you this far., but now you can use the time to enhance your website and add different pages to it. This might be looking at your ecommerce shop and making it easier for people to buy products or order services from you. It might be that you create more content for the website, or improve things such as explanations for the products and services that you provide. This could be the ideal time to look at making these changes so that you can make your website more appealing when people click through to it.

Having an up to date CRM system

Another thing that you might want to sort now that you have some time is your customer relationship management system. Now more than ever you will want to look after the customers and clients that you have, as well as attracting new ones into your business. This is when you want to update your system and also correct any information that might be incorrect. You could use the time to contact these customers directly, be that on email address or calling them to ensure that you have the right details. This might also be the perfect time for some data capture, so if you don’t have email addresses, for example, which can be an excellent way to directly market your customer base, then you could try and find out this information and update your records accordingly.

Taking advantage of alternative marketing methods

Now that you have lost one of the main sources of marketing, which could be face to ace business, you may want to think about alternative methods. It could be that you look at prospecting and suing things like the Drop Cowboy Ringless Voicemail to advertise and make contact with customers. You could look at creating an email newsletter where you could keep existing as well as new customers up to date with your offers and what your business is doing during these unprecedented times.

Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License

Making the most of remote working options

Now that you are unable to work in your office or retail premises, you may have to start getting a little more investive with your remote working options. Things like video calling have proven really popular during the lockdown period. Skype and Zoom are excellent ways to create video conferencing and meetings and allows you to communicate as well as you could be doing physically. You could also look at things such as email communication as well as phone calls. You may still be able to operate your business, even from home.

Finding other ways to expand your business

During these times you may not be fully operational or able to provide a full service from your business, so you may want to seize the opportunity to try and find other ways to expand and diversify your business. This might be things such as a blog as an extension to your business, where you can collaborate with other businesses and create sponsored content. It might be that you create a product that can be supplied during this time, or provide a service in a different way. It is now time to think outside of the box and look for different ways where you can enhance your business and continue to make a profit and be successful.

Using the time to take on the jobs you wouldn’t normally get to

Finally, you could use this time to do things that you might not normally have done. It could be that you improve the content on your website and take more notice of things like search engine optimization. Sometimes these administrative tasks can take up a lot of your time, but now that you have the lockdown period you can really see it as an opportunity and not a hindrance.

Let’s hope these tips help you when it comes to your business in lockdown.

4 Things Your Business Should Be Doing While On Lockdown

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Many businesses are facing challenging times during this lockdown. During this time though, there are in fact things that you can do to assure the survival of your operations. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Things Your Business Should Be Doing While On Lockdown.

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Has your business been affected by the coronavirus? The answer is almost certainly yes. Whether the virus has disrupted your supply chain or the lockdown measures have forced you to close your doors, life is very different for your organization right now.

It’s easy to sit back and do nothing during this period as you feel helpless. Don’t do that. It’ll serve no purpose and leave you in a much worse state when everything clears. Instead, here are a few things your business should be doing while on lockdown:

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Plan ahead

Start by planning for the future and thinking about what you’ll do when you can get back to work. Naturally, things will be very slow-moving when the lockdown measures are lifted. But, with careful and strategic planning now, you can make a much better transition. Think about what you will do when you’re able to work full-time and create an action plan for your business to follow. That’ll help you get back up and running a lot quicker than most.

Clean your premises

All businesses should really do this to be extra certain that your premises are safe when you return. It’s known that the virus can live in a human for around two weeks. What’s not known is how long it lives on surfaces. Many scientists believe it can live for far longer than two weeks. As such, you need a coronavirus cleaning service to give your workplace a deep and thorough clean. This eliminates the virus from your premises, meaning you can return to work without worrying about catching it from surfaces and spreading it again.

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Manage your finances

You’ll be in a very challenging financial position while this virus takes hold of the world. Therefore, you have to try and save as much money as you physically can. Look through your budget and aim to identify areas where you can make a few savings. This might mean you have to take a pay-cut or limit your employee’s wages for a short while. It’s far from ideal, but you have to do everything within your power to keep your business afloat. If you’re not making as much money as usual, then action has to be taken.

Stay connected

Lastly, ensure that all of your employees stay connected. This is vital for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it keeps everyone in-tune with the business and makes sure all of your employees know what’s going on and what will happen. This deals with some of the uncertainty they might feel during this time. Secondly, it helps to maintain a strong bond between your team and provides some much-needed relief from isolation. You’re used to seeing each other for many hours a day, so taking that social element out of your life can be challenging. Host video chats and put on digital get-togethers, so you and your team stay connected and social.

I can’t promise that your business will be fine if you do all four of these things. However, it’s safe to say you will be in a much better position than if you sit back and do nothing at all.

A Guide To Starting Your Own Successful Crossfit Gym

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Health/Wellness. A lucrative business to start is a Crossfit gym. There individuals who are hypervigilant about their health and want to challenge their bodies like never before. The following contributed post is entitled, A Guide To Starting Your Own Successful Crossfit Gym.

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Have you always wanted to start your own business? Are you interested in fitness? If so, you might have considered combining the two. If you’ve ever been to a crossfit gym and loved the atmosphere, maybe you’ve even thought about what it would be like to open your own crossfit gym (or box, as they call it). This guide will tell you what you need to know about starting your own successful crossfit gym so you can decide whether it’s for you. Opening one of these gyms requires specific licensing and training, but that’s not all. You’ll also need to take into account the following things:


Choosing Your Name And Business Entity
You’re going to need to make it clear that you’re opening a crossfit gym, so consider this when coming up with a name. This might be descriptive of the location as well as the fact that you are focusing on Crossfit, for example. Just ensure that the name is available in your state and that you will be able to get the correct social handles and domain names to go with it.

A business entity will also be required. Usually, you’ll want something that provides you with protection from liability.

Create A Business Plan
A business plan is the most important part of any business, so this is something you really want to take your time with. Using a ready made business plan template will ensure you have covered all of your bases and that you’ve not missed anything out.

This will usually take a lot of work, but you’ll be glad you did it when it comes time to find investors or apply for loans. They will want to look at your business plan to ensure you have everything planned out and be assured that they will get their money back. This also means doing plenty of research beforehand – who are your competitors in the area? Are there any crossfit gyms nearby? You need to be sure that there’s a market for your services!

Get Certified
Before you begin, you’ll need to get some certifications. Being a level one trainer is key to opening your own box. You’ll need to learn how to safely perform and teach workout techniques. Once you’ve done this, you’ll need to be prepared to pay yearly licensing fees to Crossfit. If you want your gym to be an official affiliate, then you will need to budget for these fees annually.

Register Your Business
Now it’s time to register your business and get your employer identification number. This is going to make paying your taxes possible and obtaining business loans far easier.

Get Funding
You may not have enough money to start this venture all on your own. You not only have the cost of opening the gym to think about, but the certification fee, licensing fee, rent, equipment costs, taxes, employees, and more. You’ll want to have more money than you think you need for the startup costs.

Find Your Gym Space, Purchase Equipment, And Everything Else
Once you have funding in place, you can find your gym space and get permits. Make sure you are happy to pay the specified rent before you sign on the dotted line. Don’t forget about business insurance, as this will protect you from many risks that come with opening a business like this.

You can then purchase all of your equipment, install gym turf, and hire employees (if you need to).

The community aspect of Crossfit makes it attractive to most people. Make sure you build this sense of community in your own gym so that people want to join. This is how crossfit becomes a lifestyle for many people!

Key Considerations For A New Business Base

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key aspect of your business is where it’s located. You can’t just set it up anywhere and need a prime location. The following contributed post is entitled, Key Considerations For A New Business Base.

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If you run a business, it’s essential to find a base that caters to your needs. Whether your firm is established, or you’re preparing to launch a startup, it’s wise to take your time finding the right premises. Here are some key considerations if you’re on the hunt for a new business base.

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Your finances
The first step in any property search, whether you’re looking to rent or buy, is setting a budget. You need to ensure that you can afford to cover your rent or mortgage before you make any offers or submit any applications. Figure out a maximum budget, and think carefully about how much you want or need to spend. Your decision should be based on the requirements of the business. Location is key for many companies, for example, but there’s no point in paying over the odds for office space in the city center if you don’t need to occupy a prime slice of real estate. It’s best to avoid overstretching yourself, especially if you’re in the early stages of the entrepreneurial journey.

For some businesses, location is the most crucial aspect of a property search, but this is not the case for every company. If you are reliant on footfall, you need easy access to a local workforce or infrastructure, or you could enhance your brand image and reputation with a sought-after address, it’s worth narrowing down your search area. If you don’t depend on passing trade, you have a small team of employees and you don’t need to be close to road and rail links, it’s worth considering premises in the outskirts or suburbs and exploring up and coming areas. Evaluate the needs of your business, carry out research to gather information about the areas on your shortlist, and compare prices. It’s critical to take time to understand what is available within your price range.

Space, scalability and development
Many businesses need a certain amount of space to operate, but if you’re a new venture, or you have plans to expand in the future, you might not need vast premises at the moment. If this is the case, you could consider renting with a view to buying further down the line or investing in a site that could be developed when you’re ready to grow the business. It is important to remember that there are restrictions when it comes to building and development, and you may need to work with a team of experts that includes builders, architects and specialists like a heritage consultant depending on the location you choose. If there is a good chance that you will want to add to the existing blueprint, it’s beneficial to seek advice before you proceed to make sure that your plans are viable.

Commuting and accessibility
One of the most significant points to consider for business owners who employ teams of staff and serve clients on-site is accessibility. If you welcome customers to a store or an office, for example, and you have several employees that travel to your base every day, it’s wise to opt for a location that is easily reachable. Being close to major roads and highways, train and metro stations and bus routes can be beneficial for staff and clients. It’s particularly important to think about transport if you employ a lot of people and your business premises are not located in the heart of the town or city.

As a business owner, you need to think about the requirements of your staff and customers before deciding where to locate your new base. Parking is widely available in most out of town developments and industrial estates, but it comes with a premium price tag in city centers. If you are looking at urban real estate hot spots and you expect some staff and customers to drive to your office, it’s worth looking at parking capacity and comparing premises. If you choose to rent additional spaces, make sure you factor in the cost. You might find that it makes financial sense to look at more expensive premises that have the spaces you need already. If you find a site that suits, but there’s a shortage of parking, it may be possible to come to an arrangement with another business or a parking site owner.

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If you’re looking to move your business, or you’re searching for a base for a new venture, it’s important to think about your needs and preferences carefully before making a decision. Research different locations, set a realistic budget, think about scalability and development potential and make sure your business is accessible for employees and customers.

5 Ways To Facilitate & Improve Lean Manufacturing Processes

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you’re in the manufacturing sector, you want to optimize your operations as much as possible. Doing so will maximize your production and efficiency. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ways To Facilitate & Improve Lean Manufacturing Processes.

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Lean manufacturing

Lean manufacturing refers to the improvement of production processes to enhance efficiency and reduce waste. During the production cycle, waste has many different definitions. Waste might occur due to inappropriate equipment; downtime between process steps; transport problems; mistakes or errors; inefficient use of staff; or overproduction. A lean manufacturing process includes ongoing improvement, automation, and pull processing, as well as general waste elimination.

Lean processes should bear in mind the lean manufacturing cycle. The early stages of the cycle involve defining the consumer’s end values and creating a flow to ensure the steps are compact. The mid stages include encouraging a ‘pull for the product’, meaning that people desire it. Lastly, the end stage involves perfecting the product as much as possible. There are many ways that businesses can seek to facilitate and improve lean manufacturing processes.

Adopt 5S

The 5S process involves five key steps:

1 . Sort: the first stage of the process refers to eliminating everything that you don’t need. For example, remove outdated materials, including both equipment and computer files. Give your equipment classifications that determine how frequently these items are used. You can use such classifications to store everything appropriately.

2. Set in order: next, you should put your resources in order to keep your business organized. Never underestimate the importance of adequately organized storage to save time and improve your processes. Assign set quantities and spaces for everything.

3. Shine: the ‘shine’ phase means ensuring that everything is clean and tidy. Determine the main cause of the mess and dirt, and change the associated processes to make things better. Cleaning charts are useful to assign tasks and keep a record.

4. Standardize: seek to standardize the best practices for an orderly workspace. Make these standardizations visual and clear to all. All critical areas should remain consistent across the whole business.

5. Sustain: lastly, it’s important to sustain the above processes, and seek to create lasting habits and behaviors which make it easy to do so.

Manufacturing Software

Implementing the right kind of manufacturing software can be beneficial to improve lean processes. For example, Aegis FactoryLogix MES is a great piece of manufacturing software, suitable for use across industries such as industrial, automotive, electronics, and aerospace. The software is designed to complement modern manufacturing and the associated business-critical systems.


In lean manufacturing terms, Kaizen refers to continuous improvement. It’s necessary to review the performance of your processes to encourage development consistently. Facilitating growth is possible at every stage of your operations, starting with the raw materials you use. When was the last time you updated your machinery parts or equipment? Perhaps you’re not using the best solutions for the job, yet remain unaware. It could be switching from nickel alloy to a monel alloy for your heat exchangers, or merely eliminating any single-use objects. No matter how you approach improvement, seek to do so consistently.

JIT Production

JIT stands for ‘just-in-time,’ a management strategy that’s often adopted to adhere to lean processes. The JIT management process aligns production schedules with material orders from suppliers. Businesses use this inventory process to decrease waste, by receiving the goods when they require them only. Consequently, inventory costs are also reduced. With JIT you work to meet an order, and no more than this so that excess is eliminated. This particular system is also referred to as the ‘Toyota Production System.’ The car company was widely associated with JIT origins in the late seventies. The JIT system can be immensely improved through the use of the Kanban scheduling system, as these two systems go hand in hand when it comes to implementing effective lean manufacturing processes. Kanban is such an innovative and creative option to explore, as you can appeal to your team in a different way by representing your workload in a visual form on a board. The 20 best Kanban boards each have their own advantages and disadvantages that may suit your individual needs, so take the time to investigate how you can begin implementing the Kanban method today for the sake of your expert lean manufacturing efforts.

Build Quality In

Another popular lean manufacturing principle relies on the idea of ‘Building Quality in.’ The concept involves automating processes which are prone to human error, tedious or repetitive. With BQI you can ensure error-free value streams and reduce the wait time. Lean manufacturing achieves quality using various methods, for example, using ‘test-driven development.’ This involves designing a set criteria for a product before actually creating it. Adhering to a predetermined criteria ensures that the product will meet business needs precisely. Some companies also use ‘pair programming,’ which involves utilizing two developers’ skills as opposed to one.

The Takeaway

These are just a few of the strategies that your business can adopt to facilitate and improve lean manufacturing procedures. Further methodologies include one-piece flow and heijunka. When you are looking to enhance your lean processes, prioritize your staff as you use the above approaches. Ensure that your team receives adequate training to support these lean processes. Review staff progress regularly, and ask for personal feedback. With the hard work of your team and these five procedures, you’ll fast improve the efficiency of your projects.