4 Ideas To Improve Waste Management For Your Company

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When running a company or a business, one of your critical jobs in addition to selling your product or service is managing waste. In doing so you’re managing costs, which ultimately impact your profits and revenues. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Ideas To Improve Waste Management For Your Company.

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Waste management is important for businesses for many reasons; firstly, waste equals loss of revenue, and secondly, waste compromises sustainability goals. Besides this, wasted time means loss of productivity and workplace morale. To improve waste management within your organization, these four ideas will support your progress.

1. Adopt Lean Principles

To produce less waste, companies need to adopt a strategic approach based around lean principles. Lean principles have the end goal of reducing waste by improving production processes. Lean focuses on reducing waste in seven different areas, including motion, inventory, defects, overproduction, transportation, and overprocessing.

Several different lean software packages can help businesses to reduce waste; one of the leading platforms is Pipefly. With this lean management platform, you’ll support your company to reduce errors, decrease lead time, and improve efficiency. Pipefly can support users to adhere to lean principles, beginning with ‘identifying value.’

Lean philosophy is all about using less resources while offering more value. Using Pipe Fly, you can map your value stream, create flow, establish pull, and work on continuous improvement. With all these important areas covered, you’ll greatly improve your waste management!

2. Improved Recycling Practices

To improve your waste management, it’s crucial to put highly effective recycling practices in place. When you are choosing supplies and resources, choose those that are easily recyclable and biodegradable. Materials such as plastics and cardboard are fairly simple to recycle. For materials such as e-waste or metals, you’ll need to hire specific companies and ensure that you adhere to the correct waste disposal regulations. Norstar is a great company for all your metal recycling needs; the service includes free pick up and focuses on sustainability initiatives.

3. Motivate Your Staff

Simple but true, to improve your waste management, you’ve got to motivate your staff. Create a waste reduction plan, write up new recycling policies, and train your team. It can be helpful to set goals together; having something to aim for will serve to motivate you. What’s more, creating goals as a team can improve employee satisfaction and create a stronger company culture. Once you reach your goals, it’s time to set new ones, keep going until you’ve eliminated waste from all areas of your business! To help you set goals for your business, try using apps such as ‘Goals On Track’ or ‘Habit Tracker’.

4. Vet Your Suppliers

When you’re looking to reduce waste, it’s good to vet your suppliers and see if improvements can be made. Waste includes wasted money and time as well as resources. Due to this, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting top quality items at a great price. To find the right suppliers, it can be useful to use a supplier information management database. A SIM database allows you to search for suppliers based on specific credentials, (including sustainability initiatives). Now more than ever, companies must prioritize sustainability across all areas of their business operations. With less waste, you’ll boost your profits and provide more value to your customers.

Where Your Business Is Wasting Time And What To Do About It

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Arguably our most valuable resource is time and the same is true for your business enterprise. It’s thus valuable to maximize time and not waste it. The following contributed post is entitled; Where Your Business Is Wasting Time And What To Do About It.

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Do you realize that your business could actually be wasting an inordinate amount of time? If you’re not actively making sure your business is being as productive as possible and making the most of time and other resources you have available, you might really struggle to make your business a success.

Below, we’re going to discuss why your business is wasting time and what you can do about it. Take a look and you’ll change your business for the better:


You’re Still Doing Reports That Are No Longer Necessary
There’s a tendency in both public and private sector businesses to do reports more often than necessary. Compiling these reports is without question one of the biggest wastes of time and resources. Not only is time wasted when they are created, but by even looking at them and discussing them!

Using Social Media Too Often
You do need to use social media as a business, but if it isn’t being used properly then it’s just a huge waste of time. One specific mistake often made is that companies aren’t looking at the analytics of their social media promotion – if you’re not looking at this how will you ever know if it’s working? Algorithm changes are something you need to take into account too. This means analytics and data reporting are essential. Hiring a social media manager who has got to grips with all of this will be a huge help.

Not Updating Your Outdated Processes
Just because something worked when you started business 10 years ago doesn’t mean that it needs to be done in the same way today. If this is your attitude then you probably have a ton of outdated processes that need to be updated. There are likely all kinds of software and machinery that can help you to become more productive and efficient; letting computers take control of workflow management can save time, increase efficiency, and more.

You’re Not Outsourcing Correctly
Outsourcing correctly is imperative to your business. Business IT Consulting for example, can help your business to save a ton of time, as well as a fortune in terms of saved downtime. With the right partners you can make your business far more efficient. You have to get rid of the urge to keep everything in house, as this is never the most effective thing to do!

Communicating Too Much
If employees are always communicating by email or chat, it can be a waste of everybody’s time. Encouraging open communication is a must, but there’s a difference between communicating productively and communicating all day without really getting anything done. Make sure they know the difference. You shouldn’t micromanage or ban them from talking, but they should know how to do so effectively.

Are you wasting time in your business any of the above ways? What are you going to do about it? Leave your own thoughts below. Thanks for reading!