Online Networking Success

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and key area of focus is Technology. Networking is an important part of anything you try to do these days whether it’s starting a business, starting a blog or writing a book. Knowing how to network online can be the one piece that puts your project over the top, and not knowing how to do so could kill it. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Online Networking Success.

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Networking is essential for any professional or business owner. Over the years, networking has changed considerably, with the vast majority being conducted online nowadays. But, are you networking effectively? There is a big difference between networking and simply liking other people’s posts or seeing how many connections you can get on LinkedIn. With that in mind, read on for five top tips for successful online networking.

  1. Start local – When you are first getting started with online networking, it is a good idea to stay local. You may think that this is counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the whole point of using the Internet to reach a global audience? While this is true, and there are many benefits to gain by reaching your immediate geography in some situations, there are advantages of starting in your own backyard. This means that you will build a social network and have a better shot of meeting face-to-face, which will help you to establish quality connections that you can build on.
  2. Find a shared point of reference – When you are looking for people to connect with, it is good to look for something you have in common, for example, someone with the same causes or interested in volunteering, like Drew Fasy, clubs and organisations, previous employers, or your hometown. By referencing this when reaching out to the person, it gives them a reason to connect with you, offering a good conversation starter.
  3. Have a clear reason for choosing the person in question – You need to have a clear reason for wanting to meet the person in question. The person will be more likely to give you some of their valuable time if you give them a reason why you need to meet them specifically.
  4. Put some thought in – Before you meet with someone, you need to put some thought into what it is that you are asking for. This ensures that there is a clear structure and that the person you are meeting has a distinct idea of what it is you want and how/if they are able to assist. Don’t be vague – lines like “I want to pick your brain” or “I would like to meet you” just don’t work. Would you want to give someone your time if they simply said that?
  5. Ask for the meeting – A valuable contact is not made by simply connecting with someone on LinkedIn. You need to talk to the person, preferably face-to-face, but if that is not possible, a video chat will suffice. This is the only way to learn from someone or get the help that you need.

So there you have it – some top tips to help you with online networking. As mentioned, online networking should be viewed as a starting point, you then need to connect with the person face-to-face. Of course, this is not always geographically possible, but with video chat available nowadays, you can use this instead.

5 Errors That Can Negatively Impact Your Future

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. We all have the potential to be successful in life, though not everyone maximizes their potential. It’s important to be aware the many factors that can hold you back. The following contributed post is thus entitled, 5 Errors That Can Negatively Impact Your Future.

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Your future isn’t written in the stars. It is up to you to make it as good as you can. Alas, this is nearly always easier said than done. While we have all the tools to be the best version of ourselves, we also possess a few flaws that can make us the worst version of yourself. The trick is to be aware of them; if you understand some of the actions that can lead to a less than stellar future, then you’ll be better able to stay on the right path. We take a look at five examples below.


Not Looking After Yourself

It might sound all good and well working as hard as you can to progress your business, but this is a false friend. If all you’re doing is working, then when are you dedicating time to work on the other sides of your being? A person who works twelve hours a day and has no outside activities will crash pretty quickly. A person who has a cut-off point, and makes time for hanging with friends, exercising, and cultivating their character will have the right, stable mindset needed to be a success.

Following the Lead of Others

They say that everyone is the average of the five people they spend the most time with. As such, it’s imperative that you’re surrounding yourself with people who are going to push you to be the type of person you want to be. Even friends that we know and like can have a negative impact on us. If they make a habit of engaging in reckless behavior, then you may suddenly find that you’re in need of a criminal defense lawyer. Few people go out in life believing they’re going to end up in trouble with the law, but by following the lead of others, that’s just where they end up.

Lack of Goal Setting

It is important that you live in the here and now. Little good can come from having your head too far in the past or the future. Yet while it’s worthwhile practicing mindfulness and experiencing what’s right in front of you, it’s imperative that you’re setting goals for the future. The future is going to come sooner rather than later, and if you haven’t made any plans, you might find that you’re stuck in a position that you’d rather not be in.

Dreaming Way Too Big

They say that you should dream as big as possible. And you should. But it’s important that you also have your feet firmly on the ground. Having big plans for the future will serve you well, but it’ll be your ability to do the boring aspects that move towards that dream that really counts.

Not Treating Other People Well

Finally, remember that you can’t reach the top by climbing over other people. You need to work with people – treat others well as you’re moving to the top, and they’ll be there to help you up again if you fall.

Inspiring Yourself Each & Every Day Is An Art, Not A Science

The first principle of my blog is “Creating Ecosystems of Success”. No matter whom it is, successful people tend to share and operate off a set of common traits. Many of them have discipline and have to ability to inspire themselves to continuously make progress and see their missions through to completion. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Inspiring Yourself Each & Every Day Is An Art, Not A Science.

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Discipline might be reduced to a science. It is the switch left on to complete the circuit of action, to say ‘yes’ to things that keep us going. It is the ability for that power circuit to connect, to continually feed itself. But if the discipline is the container of that energy, then inspiration is the raw electrical form of energy that flows throughout. Without focus, it can be chaotic. Properly directed, nurtured and sustained, it can be powerful.

Inspiration is as important as anything if you hope to be a successful business leader, or to simply achieve what you set your mind to. Nothing worthwhile in this world comes without some form of action, but it will mean little if you’re not feeling the process. Inspiration provides the fuel, but it can also help you use that forward momentums to push in the best directions possible.

Inspiring yourself each and every day is an art, not a science, with this advice, you should feel so too:

Those You Admire

Finding the stories of those you admire and staying routinely excited by them can help you not only learn the power of self-belief, confidence and creative thinking in the face of obstacles, but how you might be a trailblazer yourself. You might look to those who have succeeded from your cultural community, such as Cynthia Telles NUHW. You might look to world years, those in your industry whom you respect, or even friends who have qualities you would like to emulate. If you don’t have your heroes, it can be worthwhile finding some. Just keep in mind that these people are also fallible human beings, and they shouldn’t be made into an idol figure for you.

However, if you apply the correct mental classification to their story, you might find similarities that you can take inspiration from. This might help you realize that the challenges you need to overcome perhaps aren’t as targeted to you as you might have thought. Stories like this can get us over the hard days in our craft, or help us consider what is truly possible. Sometimes they can help us remind ourselves of just how good things can be provided you’re willing to work through the hard times here. It all makes a difference, so don’t be afraid to cater to that, as we all need a little pep talk from time to time, no matter how we find it.

Charting Your Progress

Charting your progress can be infinitely useful when it comes to finding the right path forward. Not only can this keep you measured, but it shows you how far you’ve come, clearly in front of you. When we make strides (however they are defined,) it’s easy to stay humble in our mindset. We might think it’s a matter of good luck or good networking. We might gain impostor syndrome, which can be hard to shake and slowly erode the confidence we might have to work with on a daily basis.

If you look at your progress clearly, you can often find the things you deserve to be proud of yourself for. They are likely much more numerous than you might expect, and absolutely deserve your attention if you’re careful enough to give it. Charting your progress might be done through viewing hard and fast business growth statistics, simply keeping a journal both professionally and privately, or simply taking the time to slow down and reflect once in a while.

Pushing Your Limits

Pushing your limits is often something we hear of when dealing with motivational advice online, but it can be hard to implement as a practical daily reality of our lives. We simply might not know where to start. But all of this uncertainty can be avoided if we just try hard with certain tasks we might be struggling with.

Reading around our subjects, staying committed, trying new things and thinking creatively are all examples of a new potential change we can make, and often make the most difference on a daily basis. Then, when pushing through and achieving a better result than before, we realize the push was completely worth it, and we feel renewed energy and confidence. This goes for almost any discipline in life, no matter what. Most people give around 40% of their effort on a daily basis. Be someone who hopes to enhance that number. Work smarter, and always dedicate yourself to improvement. Before long, you will be improved.

With these simple tips, inspiring yourself each and every day is sure to be a worthwhile venture.

How to Assure A Brighter Future for Yourself

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. Whatever it is your ambitions are, you must know how to get to your objective. No matter what it is, there will always be obstacles around you whether it’s people or life circumstances. As such, it’s important to know how to continue to move forward. The following contributed post is thus entitled, How to Assure A Brighter Future for Yourself.

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When people talk about their futures they often see it as an intangible asset that won’t be attained for many years to come. Discussing pipe dreams with friends or writing down life long goals on a napkin in a coffee shop isn’t going to help secure a bright future for yourself. There are many ways that you can prepare yourself for a future bursting with success and fulfillment, without just talking the talk. It’s all about putting your thoughts into action and making positive changes for yourself. Sometimes you might doubt your abilities or become confused about what you really want; that’s just part of everyday life. Here are a few ways to assure a brighter future for yourself so that you can finally have dreams to work towards.

Wipe the Slate Clean

When you imagine your future you want to believe that people respect you for who you are, rather than belittling you or judging your previous mistakes. Everybody has made errors in judgement in their past so you might want to explore a few ways to wipe the slate clean. Seek out a better future for yourself; if you are looking for more then be sure to look for a reputable attorney who can represent you. Your individual case will be evaluated and you will soon be able to look ahead to a more prosperous future.


Have a Plan of Action

It is very easy to simply talk about your individual passions and goals, but how are you going to put these ideas into action? You need to write down clear and simple ways to attain your life dreams. If you want to create a business from scratch then start saving up and write a business plan. If you want to invest in your first property then start researching houses that fit within your budget. Your goal might be to travel the world one day; if so make sure you work hard now so that you can facilitate that dream in the future.

Remain Focused

Many people can quickly lose focus when they are trying to achieve many goals at all once. Split each of your achievements into smaller ideas so that you aren’t overwhelmed or stressed about your current situation. If you do lose focus along the way, maybe it wasn’t meant to be after all.

Discover Your Passions     

Finding that true passion inside you won’t always come easily to you, but once you have stumbled upon it you will know for sure. Whether you’ve got a creative flair inside you or you have a skill for finance, there will always be a fulfilling passion inside you that’s ready to come out.

So instead of just thinking about your lifelong goals or discussing your dreams with a close friend or family member, you can actually put your thoughts into action. Sooner or later it will become clear what your future is going to hold and you will feel more certain than ever about everything going on in your life. Stick to your passions, stay focused and attain your dreams one step at a time.

Brain Breaks: How to Ensure Concentration

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is Health/Wellness. When you’re focusing on a thought-intensive task the brain can become tired and fatigued like any of your body’s muscle groups. It’s thus important to understand how to manage it to get your maximum productivity. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Brain Breaks: How to Ensure Concentration.

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When you’ve been struggling to concentrate for the last ten minutes and would like to get back to work, it’s definitely time for a break. While it sounds strange, a good break is going to help you to get that work done when you finally sit down again – and you’ll be able to focus a lot better than you did before you got up earlier.

Image by: Pexels

Here is a handful of ways to help you to take in all that information and feel rejuvenated enough to even remember it in a day or two. It does require some work outside of that break as well but you’ll get there, in the end.

First: Have a walk

When you’ve been sitting in a stuffy study room for a while, what your brain needs more than anything else is fresh, crisp air. Go for a walk, for example, so that you’re able to get some exercise too while you’re at it; the fresh air and the extra exercise will definitely help you to take your mind off whatever you’ve been studying.

The point is that, besides from needing some time off in order to have capacity later on you will also need that break to remember what you’ve been reading earlier. While you’re going for a quick jog or having a longer walk while pondering what to have for dinner, your subconsciousness is working hard on storing away everything you’ve been learning.

It’s the kind of stuff you’ll enjoy when it’s time to use the information you’ve been gathering and you’ll increase your chances of remembering everything a bit better.

Next: Have some fun

Breaks shouldn’t just be about walks and fresh air, though, but it really will help if you opened that window. Get some entertainment instead, for example, and treat yourself to this without getting distracted by simply setting a timer while you study. Read for an hour now, watch your favorite series for half an hour afterwards – or go for shorter intervals than this, if you please.

If you desperately need a new show to watch, as we all do once in a while, it’s a good idea to check out BestVPN guide. These people can help you out with getting access to a variety of other shows so that you can get the most out of your breaks when it’s finally time to enjoy yourself a bit.

Talk to someone about your topics

While it might not sound like a brain break immediately, this is actually going to help your brain to store some of that information and remember it more easily. Just sit down with someone patient and explain what you’ve been learning as if you were their teacher.

Don’t bother with the stuff you don’t know too well and, by all means, avoid opening that book or that webpage to double check what you’ve been saying; the point isn’t to learn, it’s to remember. By the end of this chat, you’ll have a much better idea about what you know really well and what you need to study a bit more so that you’ll be able to use your time a lot better when you need to get back to those books.

The Relevance of Revision: Prepare Better For Your Next Exam

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is General Education. Most high achieving students have a specific set of keys they follow to excel which low achieving students don’t. Understanding and incorporating these keys will generate better results for both high school and college students. The title of the following contributed post is thus entitled, The Relevance of Revision: Prepare Better For Your Next Exam.

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When you think about the student lifestyle, it’s probably a vision of fun and relaxation that comes to mind. You roll out of bed late, attend a couple of seminars and then hit the pubs and clubs with your friends- what could be stressful about that? However, the reality of being a student in any capacity is much different. Particularly towards the ends of terms and during exam season when coursework and exams are looming over your head. It’s incredibly stressful as there’s so much pressure involved. All of the time, money and effort you’ve spent learning a subject all comes down to how well you perform in these set tests. If you find that you’re just not good at exams, don’t stress as there are things that can be done. If you go about it in the right way, you can walk into your exams knowing that you’ve put the work in and all of the information and knowledge is in your head. Here’s how you can go about it.

Attend all of your lectures and seminars
If you want to to well in your exams, it makes sense that you’ll attend all of the lessons, lectures and seminars throughout the year. This allows you to learn each topic in depth and ensure you fully understand it. As a student, it’s easy to miss lectures- too much alcohol the night before, staying up too late or just being lazy can have you thinking ‘I’ll miss this one and catch up.’ The trouble is, when you come to revise, you end up having to teach yourself the entire topic. If the work is complex then you might struggle doing this, and it generally adds a lot of stress and extra time to your revision schedule. Make sure that you’re attending all of the set classes, if you do find that you’re stuck or not following, arrange a session with your tutor or at least send them an email asking them to answer the questions that you have. If you skim over it, it will only come back to bite you later on, everything you’re being taught in the course could be on the exam so you need to know it. One way to make sure you’re really getting the most out of your lect

Get as much one-to-one help as you can
If your tutor is offering one-to-one sessions to answer students questions or running smaller study groups then take advantage of this. In larger lectures there are so many other people in there that you don’t always get the chance to ask everything that you need to know. In smaller groups, you and others can ask questions and also learn from each other. Your tutor is likely to be very busy, but if you are able to squeeze in any time with them it can be highly beneficial, even if it’s just a few minutes to answer your questions after a lecture.

Set up student study sessions
Speaking of smaller student study groups, if these don’t already exist at your college or university then why not set something up? Thanks to social media it’s easy to connect with your classmates, you could always set up a group with a time and date and invite people to join. There will be places in the university you could go, or you could go to a coffee shop or even a cafe and set yourselves up in one corner. It’s a chance for you to test yourselves, talk through different topics and can even help you to settle your nerves if you know there are others in the same boat as you. Set up flash cards and challenge each other, compare notes and generally get as clued up as you can about the topics on the exam. Whether it’s a group of three or a group of twenty, these kinds of sessions could really help you all.

Create a revision timetable
One of the most important things about revising is spending enough time covering each topic. One of the best ways to do this is to draw up a revision timetable- and stick to it. Work out how many topics you have, and how long you have until the exam. Then you can split up the time, and then divide up each topic however you see fit. In some tests such as the IAS exam, it will be made up of a number of parts, so you’ll need to make sure you’re prepared for each section. You can read more about this online. It’s crucial that you’re realistic in your timetable, you still need time each day to relax, socialise and do other things outside of revision so that you don’t end up completely burned out. But on the other hand, everything needs to be covered properly or you’ll end up cramming and stressing at the last minute.

Minimise distractions
When you have something unpleasant that needs to be done (namely, revise for exams) it’s easy to find any way you can to avoid this. You might not even realise you’re doing it, but end up putting other tasks before your revision. Some people even end up doing tasks they’d normally avoid (such as cleaning or laundry!) as in their minds, it’s better than revising. Minimise distractions, go to your study area and make a note of the time. Turn off the tv and your phone, and use a browser that isn’t’ logged into any social media to avoid you mindlessly clicking on it. Study for the amount of time you’ve decided without anything else taking your mind off it.

Keep stress down
Finally, revising in a highly stressed state isn’t going to benefit you. Exams are stressful, but you need to find ways to cope and manage things. Take a hot bath each evening, meditate or exercise. With a clear head you’ll find things go in and stay there much more easily. Which is exactly what you want when you’re revising!

Making More Of Yourself In The Working World

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and a key focus is Career Discussions. Once starting a career, all of us eventually have to reassess our positions, and figure out what directions to take in the future. The following contributed post shares some tips for doing such and is entitled; Making More Of Yourself In The Working World.

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Once you’re settled in a job role, it’s easy to let your standards slip. However, as we’ll discuss in this post, you should always be aiming to make more of yourself in the working world. Otherwise, your job might become repetitive and you might find that you struggle to move on to better jobs or even different careers in the future. Here’s how to achieve more in the competitive business world.

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Reassess your current job.
You could make more of yourself in the working world if you assessed your current job role. And we’re talking about more than the general job description; we’re talking about the actual work you do from day to day. Are you satisfied with your job role? Do you want more out of your career? It might be time to start stretching yourself, as suggested at The best way to achieve more in life is to push yourself beyond your usual boundaries. You can’t grow unless you break out of your repetitive pattern. Maybe you could offer to do a presentation at work or take on some other project that’s new for you. Make your job more exciting and push yourself to be better.

Of course, you might reassess your job and find that the problem extends beyond your workload. Maybe you’re actually happy with the industry in which you work but the problem is your specific company. You might have an apathetic boss or colleagues who cause issues for one another. Perhaps you’ve even been injured on the job. If that’s the case then you might want to check out for compensation that you might be owed. It’s important to get the lost wages or general financial support you deserve after such an incident. Essentially, if the business for which you work is poorly managed then it might be time to move on. That way, you can make more of yourself in the working world.

Work on your social skills.
Another way to make more of yourself in the working world is to start socializing. Connect with the colleagues in your workplace. You might even want to use tools like social media to network, as we’ve suggested before. By connecting with others in your industry through social networks, you might learn things that help you to progress in your own career. You need to expand your horizons if you really want to flourish in your job. As we’ll discuss in the final point, you should never stop learning if you want to reach greater heights in your career.

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Add things to your resume.
As suggested at, you need to put together a captivating resume if you want to get a better job in the working world. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore your resume if you’re well settled in your current job. You never know what the future holds. You should keep working on your resume so that you’re prepared if you want to move on to a new job or even a new industry in the future. Keep learning. You might even want to get qualified in new areas so that you flesh out your CV and look more impressive in the eyes of employers. By bettering yourself, you’ll also be able to achieve more in your existing job role. Personal development is the best way to make more of yourself in the working world.

When Enough Is Enough: Knowing When It’s Time To Quit Your Job

“Knowing when to quit your job isn’t always straightforward. You need the money, after all. But if your health is at risk, or if you know you aren’t where you are supposed to be, then you do need to consider the option. Life is too short to stay in a job that isn’t benefiting you.”

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and a key focus is Career Discussions. In any job, it’s critical to know when to leave. The reasons vary and it’s different for everyone based upon: personal health, promotion potential, and whether or not it’s still a good mutual fit. How do you know when to quit your job? The following contributed post is entitled, When Enough Is Enough: Knowing When It’s Time To Quit Your Job.

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Knowing when to quit your job isn’t always straightforward. You need the money, after all. But if your health is at risk, or if you know you aren’t where you are supposed to be, then you do need to consider the option. Life is too short to stay in a job that isn’t benefiting you.

If anything we say in this article relates to you, then start to plan a career move. It could be the best thing you do today, especially if you are reading this now, feeling utterly miserable because of the job you are currently in.

These are some of the reasons why you should say “enough is enough” and call it quits on your current position.

1. You wake up with a feeling of dread every morning

Most us resent the intrusion of the alarm clock at some point in our lives. The thought of going into work doesn’t always provoke happy feelings. But if you feel dread at going into work every morning, then something is clearly wrong. It could be for one of any number of reasons – your boss is an idiot, your colleagues are bullies, the job role holds no meaning for you – and if you can’t change the situation that is causing you to feel dread in the morning, then getting out of there could be the best thing you can do.

2. Your workplace is a health and safety nightmare

Your employer’s legal duty is to care for your safety and well-being while at work. But if that safety is compromised in any way, perhaps because you haven’t been given the correct training to handle a dangerous job role, or your employer is cutting costs and corners by not investing in quality air hoists, protective equipment, and other safety measures. If that happens, you need to think about your health and safety. You may have legal protection should an accident befall you at work – check here to find out more – but do you really want to work in a place where safety measures are not placed as a priority? It shows lack of care in you, as the employee, for starters. Moving into a new career could be a literal life-saver!

3. Your job role isn’t safe

If involuntary redundancies are common in your company, then it may be in your best interest to find another job before you find yourself on the unemployment line. This is especially true if the industry in which you work isn’t considered safe anymore. We are heading into a world without employees, where robots and machines are literally taking over some job roles, so if you work within a particular career type, such as any of those listed here, then a career move could well be in order before an autonomous drone shuffles into your position. There are other job types that will survive the robot invasion, including anything that is primarily people-oriented, such as teaching, healthcare, and social work, so consider your options if a career move is the right thing for you.

4) There’s no new opportunities for you

If there’s no career advancement available for you, it might be best to look elsewhere for your livelihood. Once upon a time this might have been your dream job, but now it’s a dead end position that doesn’t provide you with any benefits.

That’s not a desirable position to be in for multiple reasons. Say one day you have to enlist the aid of a criminal defense lawyer; your current salary may not allow you to afford one for more than a couple days. Without new opportunities in the form of a pay rise or promotion, this kind of uncertainty will always hang over your shoulders.

So, is it time to call it quits on your job? If your physical and mental health is in danger because of the role you are in, or if you are feeling insecure because of the threat of being made redundant, then yes, you are probably right to move on. Figure out your next move, do what you need to do to secure a new job role, and then say “enough is enough” to the position you are currently in.

Making The Most Of Your Education

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and a key focus is Education. When pursuing a college education, it’s important to know how to get the most out of the experience both in and out of the classroom so you’re as marketable as possible when you finish. What are some of the important considerations? The following contributed post is entitled; Making The Most Of Your Education.

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Making the most of your education is crucial, whether you’re going to college, university, or even doing an online course. You want to make sure you retain as much information as possible and that you are able to use what you’ve learned to do something great when all is said and done. Whether you want to start a business of your own or land your dream job, below we have three ways you can go about making the most of your education.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help
You can’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling with something you’re supposed to be learning. Approach your lecturer, ask classmates, and even look at online forums that you can use to make sure you get it. Having a positive, solution focused attitude is everything.

Get A Part Time Job
A part time job can help to give you more money towards school supplies, and can even allow you a bit of a social life (if you can find the time). If you can get a part time job in the industry you’re looking to work in, or even just a voluntary position, this can support your learning and look great on your CV.

Find Your Learning Style
Finally, figure out what your learning style is so you can consume the course material in a way that is enjoyable and stress-free for you. Everybody learns differently. Some people are hands on, some are visual. There were 419 graduates from Effat university in 2016-2017, and chances are, the majority of those students figured out their learning style early on. Below, you can find more information on Effat university.

credit to Effat University

5 Steps to Give Yourself The Best Possible Chance In Life

The first principle of my blog is “Creating Ecosystems of Success”. In addition to understanding the technical aspects of whichever craft you choose to pursue, the are also other personal and behavioral aspects that can impact your success in that arena and life in general. The following contributed post is thus entitled; 5 Steps to Give Yourself The Best Possible Chance In Life.

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When you take a step back at look at everything you have achieved in life so far, you are pretty darn proud of yourself. Against all the odds you have been able to secure a career that you love; you never thought this would be possible for you, due to your family history and heritage, but you have come a long way over the years. You must admit that earning a degree as a minority is certainly an achievement to be celebrated and you want to share your secrets with other ethnic minorities out there who are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You can make a positive start to your life as long as you leave your demons behind you and stay motivated at all times.

1. Defend Yourself

It’s inevitable that you’re going to land into some sort of trouble in your life, from serious mishaps to minor bumps in the road; you need to learn to defend yourself fairly. Whether you need to seek out a reputable dui lawyer after a road incident or you have been accused of a crime you haven’t committed, clearing your name and moving on with your life is the only way to give yourself the best possible start.


2. Be Persistent

You consider yourself to be a driven and career minded person, who will stick to their goals no matter what. When you are fighting to be heard and seen in a particular job industry you have to stay persistent. There will be people who try to discourage you and deter you from achieving your dreams, but you need to stay focused and remember why you are pursuing this education, career or life goal.

3. Stay Loyal

You want to be the type of person that everybody can trust, no matter what. If you become disappointed with the results of a certain situation, don’t turn your back on your friends, family or your employer; burning bridges can become a huge mistake that you will soon regret. Try to stay loyal to everybody you cross paths with and you will soon see that you can get much further in life.

4. Kindness is Key

Being humble and kind will make your life easier, believe it or not. If you can carry out any small favour or act of kindness, it certainly won’t go unnoticed. Break away from your stereotype and embrace the kind hearted personality that you have inside. People around you will praise you, respect you and look to you for guidance. Being kind is completely free of charge, so even in your darkest moments you can dig down deep and still keep that smile upon your face.

5. Know Your Goals

Only you know where you want to end up in your life, so it’s important that you affirm this to yourself on a regular basis. This will give you a direction to follow when times get rough. Remain positive, stick to your goals and you will always have the best possible chance in life.
Whatever cards you have been dealt in life, there is a chance to change them, as long as you are willing to take the first step.