6 Business Goals to Aim for This New Year

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. While we’re still early into 2021, it’s important to have goals for your business to grow it and help if flourish by 2022. The following contributed post is entitled, 6 Business Goals to Aim for This New Year.

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A new year is a great time to reflect on the successes and failures of the past year. Doing so helps you set new goals for yourself and your business and identify what can be improved. Did you know setting goals helps position you to achieve more? According to a Harvard study, 14% of the population who have goals are ten times more successful than those who don’t have any. So, what goals should you aim for in this new year, specifically for your business? Here are a few.

1. Increase traffic on your business website or blog

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Increased traffic to your business website or blog means you’re reaching a larger audience who could eventually become customers. This can cause a significant boost in your sales while giving you a loyal customer base and should undoubtedly be a part of your business goals for the new year. One way by which you can accomplish this is with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can either master it yourself or employ experts’ services to help give your website or blog the traffic and visibility it needs.

2. Create a new customer service process

How seamless are your customer service processes? Are they customer-friendly, clear, and provide your customers with a memorable experience? You can reach out to your customers and get their feedback through surveys, for example, to find out their expectations of your products and services. This can help you come up with new and improved offerings to make not only satisfy but delight your customers and make them feel valued.

3. Increase business productivity

Your business’ productivity rate directly impacts on your net profit and can therefore not be overlooked. You can achieve this by reducing the number of distractions in the workplace during working hours and improving efficiency in business activities. For example, instead of having your employee spend so much time at the shredder disposing of documents, you could outsource this to trustworthy documents shredding services, so your employees can utilize their work hours fully.

4. Give to the community

Giving back to your community helps you make an impact and also creates goodwill for you. As a new year resolution, you can start making a difference by regularly donating to individuals or groups you have identified in your community. You can also volunteer for causes that align with your values or become a mentor to help groom someone. As you do this, you’re building up your community in your own small way.

5. Plan to take some time off

It would be best if you also take some time off from work to rest. You may wonder how this could impact your business, but not taking a break could affect your mental and physical well-being, making you less productive and affecting your business. So, for the good of your body and business, unplug, rest, and come back feeling reenergized to give the business your best shot.

6. Network or engage with other businesses and individuals

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Engaging with other businesses and people helps birth new ideas, improve old ones, and build useful contacts and life-long partnerships. You could start by engaging with a group of people dedicated to your business field or a generalized networking platform; these could be done online or in person. Making such efforts is sure to boost your business.

Setting these goals and working towards them will certainly position your business for success in this new year and beyond.

Should You Pay Any Attention To Cryptocurrency

A key focus of my blog is Money/Financial Literacy. Talk of Cryptocurrency has risen like a tidal wave. If you’re financially savvy, it may be something you want to pay attention to in 2021. The following contributed post is entitled, Should You Pay Any Attention To Cryptocurrency.

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Cryptocurrency has been on the market for many years now, and has proven to be one of the most profitable investment opportunities. Many people choose to invest in cryptocurrency because it easily beats the profits from conventional stocks and commodities. If you’re wondering whether you should be looking at cryptocurrency in 2021, the answer is a resounding yes. This will likely be your most profitable option; the market has over 500 types of cryptocurrency, though, so it can make it difficult for newbies to make up their minds.

Bitcoin – Not Your Only Option
Bitcoin has been among the more widely discussed choices. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the only good one to make! Other options include Litecoin, BAT, and Ethereum. Many new investors are even looking into Masternodes as a viable option – Masternode coins are cryptocurrencies that implement masternodes into their protocol. Learn more about cryptocurrency and what you should be thinking about this year below:


Bitcoin to Close 2021 Above $30,000
Many experts believe that Bitcoin will close 2021 above $30,000. This might look like a somewhat conservative number in the eyes of many cryptocurrency enthusiasts, but if we look at the runup that occurred at the end of 2020, it makes sense. Prices don’t go up forever. Recent price trends support this prediction. Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency with theories surrounding it – many believe that Stablecoins is set to lead the way. While many experts still focus their efforts on Bitcoin prices and trading volume, it’s worth noting that Stablecoins are a leading entrypoint for wider adoption.

CBDCs Launching Soon – Which Nation Will Be The First?
The rise of CBDCs has been no secret, and it is set to launch soon. The exact timing of the launch is yet to be revealed, but efforts are underway across the planet – which nation will deploy this cryptocurrency first? It’s a mystery. There’s a lot we don’t know, but we do know that these concerns around privacy and security hint at exciting times ahead.

Blockchain To Expand Beyond Financial Services
You may have also heard that Blockchain is going to expand far beyond financial services. Some people are surprised by this information, but Blockchain is moving into the mainstream in 2021. Healthcare, transportation, and logistics are just a few of the areas that may benefit from wider blockchain adoption and implementation, thanks to the unparalleled security features and fraud-proof process.

An Exciting Future For Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Ahead
No-one can predict the future to the letter, and attempting to do so is a little risky. However, we can look at past cryptocurrency trends and get a fairly good idea of what is waiting for us. We can safely predict, however, that 2021 will continue the breakout trends for crypto assets and blockchain technology. You should absolutely pay attention to cryptocurrency in 2021 if you haven’t been thus far. This year is set to be exciting and dynamic, and the future is certainly looking bright for continued growth of cryptocurrency and Blockchain.

Staying Safe In The Snow This Winter

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. If you live an a region where there is a winter season, it’s important to understand how to manage in that weather which at time can become very adverse. The following contributed post is entitled, Staying Safe In The Snow This Winter.

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There’s lots of fun to be had when it’s snowing from tobogganing to snowball fights. However, it’s also important to stay safe in the snow – the ice and the cold weather can lead to an increased risk of accidents and health issues. Below are just a few tips for staying safe when it snows.

Dress appropriately

Wrapping up warm is essential when it starts to snow – fail to layer up and you could catch hypothermia (especially if you’re outdoors for long periods). Invest in winter clothes if you haven’t got any already. A hat, scarf and gloves could be essential on top of a thick winter coat. If you plan to exercise outdoors, consider thermal exercise gear that will keep you warm while still being breathable and light.

Your footwear also matters. When it snows, the ground can also get very icy, so you should opt for footwear that has a good grip to avoid falls. These ice cleats from Icetrax could be a great option for stopping you from slipping. Thermal socks will meanwhile keep your feet from getting too cold.

Drive slowly and carefully

Road accidents often increase when it has snowed. The presence of black ice can lead to skidding and can be a major problem. Visibility could also be greatly increased when driving during snowfall.

Drive slowly and avoid sharp turns. Braking distances can be ten times greater in snow and ice, so leave plenty of room apart from the driver in front.

Make sure that your windscreen and windows are completely de-iced before you start driving – even if you’re in a hurry, you don’t want to risk getting in a crash because you can’t see properly. Full beam headlights may be necessary to see through the snow and you may want to use your fog light in a heavy snowstorm.

When possible, stick only to short distances and roads that you know. If it is snowing heavily and the journey is not mandatory, it may be better not to drive at all until the snow has cleared. This guide at CarAndDriver offers more tips for driving in snow.

Prepare your home for the snow

Snow and ice can also cause damage to homes. There are cases where this can be dangerous. For instance, a weak roof may collapse if there is too much snow on it.

It’s good to make exterior repairs in advance before snow has a chance to arrive. This could include repairing a damaged roof or damaged guttering that could collapse under the weight of snow. Cracks in your home could also be made worse if ice gets into them so consider sealing any serious cracks up before winter arrives.

You should also be careful not to slip on ice around your home. If you think it’s going to be a frosty night, consider spreading some grit on your driveway and on any steps so that they don’t get icy. Buy this grit in advance so that you’ve got it when you need it.

How Remote Work is Changing Home Safety

Two focuses of my blog are Technology and Workplace Discussions. The implementation of the technologies that we now have, have significantly changed the workplace so that remote working is increasingly the norm. The following contributed post is entitled, How Remote Work is Changing Home Safety.

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It’s official – we’re living in the age of the remote working shift. Admittedly, this change has been bubbling away under the business surface for a while now but, with many companies having to shut shop, more of us than ever have found ourselves in home offices overnight. And, according to around 74% of firms, this is a change that’s set to stay.

After all, remote workers are famously more productive, while a reduction in office hours can mean reduced costs in everything from bills through to rental costs. The only trouble is that, as the ways in which we use our homes change, so too do the security risks we face. While theft avoidance has always been a priority of sorts, the majority of us have been relatively relaxed with safety measures. Now, home safety becomes a must as thieves from all sides take advantage of this home office phenomenon.

Here, we’re going to look at what exactly those risks look like, and how you can protect against them.

Soaring cybersecurity breaches

Perhaps the most notable security change has occurred in the cyber-sphere, where there’s been a 400% increase in attacks over the last twelve months. This isn’t altogether surprising considering that businesses are operating almost solely online right now. With malware in the right places, hackers can quite literally access entire infrastructures.

The good news is that businesses are responding with in-house cybersecurity efforts including cloud computing and end-point networks. Still, there’s nothing to stop attackers accessing your personal network. Hence, now is the time to arm yourself, not only with knowledge but also that anti-virus software that you’ve never felt the need to get around to until now.

More valuables than ever before

Many of us also now have a whole lot more valuables at home. At the very least, we’ve had to bring work computers into home offices. Not to mention that our cars are sitting on the driveway for longer. All of this means that thieves are guaranteed to get away with more.

Now could, therefore, be the ideal time for increased home security. At the very least, CCTV alarm systems could keep your vehicles safe. Meanwhile, in-house protections like floor safes can ensure that no one gets away with your all-important work valuables. That way, you can save yourself money in replacements and lost working hours!

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The risk of complacency

Alongside these risks is one that proves equally problematic – complacency. After all, we’re each home a lot more now, and you may assume your presence alone is enough of a protection. Sadly, someone is home in around 266,560 of household burglaries. Separate home offices in the garden are especially problematic, as thieves who keep a close eye will be able to gain access the moment you head off for your lunch break.

To avoid this eventuality and the shock that it can bring, remember that you are not an island. Rather, you need security measures in place to keep you safe, even when your back is turned!

How To Try and Identify a Career Path

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and General Education. One of the most important decisions you will make for your life is the career path. It will affect both your personal fulfillment and it will impact other aspects of your life. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Try and Identify a Career Path.

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Figuring out your career path can be very challenging. Just think about how many options there are! If you are someone that is considered indecisive, it can be a real battle to find, and stick with, one particular field of study and, or job. Still, the fact that there are endless opportunities out there should be something that brings everyone joy.

But despite the number of opportunities out there, you still have to try and decide what job is right for you. Do you want to be sitting at a desk all day? How about using heavy machinery at the crack of dawn? And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

With that being said, there are definitely some careers people can immediately cross off the list when trying to find a starting point. If you faint at the sight of blood, becoming a doctor is probably not the right path. Hate working with numbers? Do not look into becoming an accountant or statistician.

Still, the point is that you should try and coincide your passions and interests with what you will be doing day in and day out. For example, if one of your core beliefs is to help people, maybe you want to look into the great career of social work ( you can learn more about a social work degree here).

In the same breath, it is worth mentioning that some people would rather try and have a career that can promise the most money. Going to law school and becoming a lawyer may not be the most fulfilling for someone, but if their main objective is to maintain a career with a constant flow of a high amount of income it could be just the job for them.

But even if money is the motive, it is still important to try and find a career that will make you excited to go into work. As the old saying goes, money doesn’t buy happiness. In a sense that is true, but in the same breath, money can make things a lot easier. And according to some studies, there is a threshold where money does stop bringing about happiness.

And yes, it is obviously important to find a job that gives you enough income to live a normal, sustainable life. No one wants to be grinding their tail off just to end up living in a run-down apartment where hot water is as rare as winning the lottery.

But at the end of the day, whether or not you can find a great career path for yourself is up to you. If you want to live in a world where you are paid scraps but love doing your job every day, more power to you. If you want to grind yourself to a nub just to make as much money as possible for you and your family, that is your decision.

Either way, it all comes down to your choices. You may have a lot of questions on where you want to go in life, but there is only one person that can answer those questions: you.

5 Best Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. With more business being conducted in cyberspace, the need for effective cybersecurity is of the utmost importance. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Best Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses.

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It is a big mistake to think that owning a small business reduces your risks of a cyber attack. And this erroneous mindset can cause budding entrepreneurs to compromise their cybersecurity practices. In fact, the United States’ Congressional Small Business Committee discovered that 71% of cyber attacks were targeted at businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Learning Cybersecurity Basics can help you run your business smoothly despite the rampant cyber threats seen in the current season of the pandemic. On that note, here are five of some of the best cybersecurity tips for small businesses.

1. Use a firewall

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A firewall may act as one of the first security layers on your business. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), all SMBs need to set up firewalls to create strong barriers between their organizational data and cyber-criminals. It’s also necessary to add an internal firewall, even if you have a standard external firewall. Ensure that your employees who are now working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic use firewalls on their home networks. In general, firewall software can greatly improve your business’ network security.

2. Document your cybersecurity policies

Revamping your organization’s cybersecurity culture starts with documenting your cybersecurity protocols. The SBA’s portal provides tons of useful information on how small business owners can protect their online businesses. Consider taking part in the C3 voluntary program for small businesses, as it offers a detailed toolkit for the best cybersecurity protocols and practices.

3. Develop a mobile device action plan

As much as they account for a large portion of web traffic, mobile devices may also create significant security challenges. That’s if they contain personal information or gain access to corporate networks. Management needs to configure systems requiring all users to password-protect their devices. You may also want to ask your team to install security apps and to encrypt their data. These can bar cyber-criminals from breaching employees’ mobile devices when they are connected to public networks. Create a mobile device action plan by laying down reporting procedures for stolen or missing equipment.

4. Use complex passwords and multiple-factor authentication

Ask your employees to avoid costly password mistakes. For example, encourage your employees not to reuse their passwords but instead to use strong and unique passwords. You can also consider implementing multi-factor authentication codes such as 2FA; these will demand extra information beyond passwords when unauthorized users attempt to log in to your systems. Find out from vendors who handle sensitive information if they can help you set up multi-factor verification codes for your business accounts.

5. Train employees on cybersecurity principles

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Finally, outline basic cybersecurity principles and practices for your workers to observe. Establish an effective internet usage guideline, and spell out the penalties associated with workers who violate your company’s cybersecurity principles. Management can create rules of behaviors detailing how the business protects customers’ valuable information.

Backup your essential business data along the line as you implement all effective cybersecurity measures. Automatic backups can safeguard your financial files, word documents, and other critical databases.

How To Identify A Good STEM Program For Your Child

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). As the years go by, there will be steadily more STEM jobs and a corresponding need for the STEM professionals trained in those fields. The key though educationally, is the start. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Identify A Good STEM Program For Your Child.

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The world’s progress will depend mostly on advancements made in science, technology, engineering, and math. Already, the advent of the smartphone has propelled technological advances in just ten years! Unfortunately, a report by the National Assessment of Education Progress revealed that 66% and 60% of 4th Graders are not science and math proficient. So, how can you identify a good STEM program for your child? Find out below.

1. It has rigorous Math and Science content

Every good STEM program should have intensive Math and Science content to live up to its name. However, for young children, the fun component is needed to maintain interest and develop the urge for more. On the other hand, for older children, the focus should be more on using math, science, and basic engineering knowledge to create designs.

For instance, a STEM class assigned to design a lifeguard chair should use real-world questions to influence their creation. For example, questions such as, ‘how long should the lifeguard chair be?’ or ‘How does the guard get onto the chair?’ will compel the child to apply arithmetic and science to come up with the perfect object.

2. A good STEM program should have on-site and off-site labs

In many cases, especially when it’s a private school or academy, STEM is designed to funnel all other subjects into the program. In other instances, it is a part of the school’s primary curriculum. Another approach is when the school decides to make it an elective class. Regardless of the varied ways it is taught, the most significant factor is that the STEM course should have modern labs where students can experiment with what they learn.

Unfortunately, the pandemic season makes it imperative to build more labs within and outside the school. The objective is to minimize the number of students at any given time within the lab. For this reason, some schools have opted for safe off-site facilities to conduct STEM experiments. Therefore, if you run a school and are looking for an off-site location to rent or lease, you should try ball ventures Ahlquist. This commercial development company delivers excellent service to tenants, partners, and investors.

3. It helps your child to think outside the box?

The objective of STEM programs is to cause the young mind to think beyond the ordinary. It is a structured course that requires a high level of cognitive thinking to arrive at the desired result. Introduced over 120 years ago, STEM was created at the same time as electricity. The Committee of Ten at Harvard thought it would be the Launchpad to develop interest among members of the public.

STEM became a conduit through which teaching science-related subjects evolved since that time. As proof, today, there are professionals who capitalize on their strong STEM backgrounds to service cars, electric appliances, etc. Thinking outside the box is the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to its practical aspects. This is what is required of a STEM program. Besides, it is an excellent way to assess its positive effect on your child’s cognitive abilities.

STEM fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and discipline. As the world continues to develop, there is no way science-based advancements can be left behind. Therefore, the best decision you can make is to get your young ones interested in their early years.

4 Ways To Lay The Path To Success Early In Life

“Finally, it’s important that children understand the concept and value of money from an early age. Children that don’t grasp this concept are more likely to end up in debt later in life or run into issues with money.”

A key focus of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. While the start we get in life is not the ultimate predictor of our overall success, it certainly helps. Likewise the better the start a child gets, the more likely they will be to succeed once they leave the nest. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Ways To Lay The Path To Success Early In Life.

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Are there steps that parents can take to ensure that their children are successful later in life? Debates have raged about this question for decades and countless generations. There are thousands of research studies investigating how to help children learn, develop, and grow, perhaps at a faster pace than their peers. Of course, finding the right school for your child is essential. A higher education school for gifted students will often help them explore their potential, while institutions for those with learning difficulties will also help their students make fantastic progress. You need only see these Alpine Academy reviews to see how much academic approaches can have an effect. So, let’s look at some of the ways that people could potentially charter their children towards success.

Encouraging Group And Team Activities

First, parents should think about getting their children involved in teams and groups from a very early age. Working as part of a team is going to be an essential skill that children will need to succeed in adult life. Regardless of the business industry or sector you choose, teamwork is absolutely vital and always will be. Children learn skills related to teamwork naturally in school but the more experience they have here, the better they will be.

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Extra Learning

Various educational experts agree that children should be engaging with fresh levels of education outside of the boundaries of school. This could be useful in two different scenarios. First, it’s possible that kids are falling behind in certain subjects or classes. If that’s the case, then extra education will help them get back on track. Alternatively, it might be that they are racing beyond their peers. If that’s the case, then you should encourage their ambition and push them even further forward. The good news is that there are resources available for both scenarios. Sites such as https://studentreasures.com/teachers-lounge/lesson-plans/fourth-grade/ will help you craft lesson plans for home.

Develop Confidence

Next, you need to make sure that you are developing your child’s level of self confidence. Various research studies show that levels of confidence are positively correlated with rates of success. If you want your children to feel confident in who they are and what they can offer the world, you need to provide them the support they need in their endeavours. This could be one of the most important roles that parents fulfill in their child’s lives. This could be as simple as attending their sports games or helping them find where their talent lies.

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Teach Them About Money

Finally, it’s important that children understand the concept and value of money from an early age. Children that don’t grasp this concept are more likely to end up in debt later in life or run into issues with money. As well as impacting their finances, this can stop them from climbing higher in their career too. Teaching them about money can start with a piggy bank and pocket money. You might also want to consider planning lessons about how to spend money and highlight the importance of saving. Letting them make mistakes with money early on will ensure they don’t fall into the same traps later in life. You can learn more about money lessons for kids on https://www.daveramsey.com/blog/how-to-teach-kids-about-money.

It’s clear then that there are a variety of different ways that parents can put their children on the path to success. Exploring these options could be the difference between your child becoming a professional and working for professionals.

The Types Of Workplace Safety Gear You Should Invest In

Three focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness, Organizational/Management Discussions and Workplace Discussions. Depending on the type of workplace and organization you’re running, there may be safety considerations. As such a significant investment for your will be workplace safety gear. The following contributed post is entitled, The Types Of Workplace Safety Gear You Should Invest In.

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As an employer, you have a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of your team as best as possible. Amongst the different ways of doing this, making sure that they are equipped with gear that can protect them from a variety of health hazards found in the workplace is a crucial step. Here, we’re going to look at some of the different kinds of protective and safety gear, and why it’s so important.

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Safety from contact wounds
Perhaps the simplest kind of safety gear is that which protects from all manner of contact wounds, including impacts, lacerations, and the like. This includes things like helmets designed to prevent head injuries, safety goggles in environments where things might be likely to hit the worker’s eye, gloves if they are handling tools, and more. These are the most basic choices in preventing accidents in the workplace.

Protecting their hearing
While the contact injuries mentioned above might be the most dramatic and commonly thought of workplace health risks, they are far from the only one. For instance, many construction and industrial sites produce an unsafe level of noises that can cause pain and permanent hearing loss. To that end, equipment such as earplugs and earmuffs can protect their ears by effectively lowering the decibel level that they are exposed to, crucial for anyone using heavy machinery.

Staying visible
In many workplaces, lighting equipment will be used to make sure that employees have the visibility they need to work safely. However, if they are working outside of a controlled worksite, especially on the road, then they could be a greater risk of being involved in an accident. High visibility work gear is designed to make them reflect light more easily so that they can be better spotted by motorists and others outside of the traditional worksite environment.

Protection from the elements
The weather itself can be a severe health risk. If someone is exposed to the cold and the rain for extended periods of time, it can result in them becoming seriously sick. As such, foul weather gear is often designed to insulate them, offering some level of protection from the cold, while also keeping them rainproof. It’s crucial to keep this kind of gear at the ready for any workers who might have to spend a long time working in the outdoors.

Healthy respiration
There are a lot of workers who will spend time working with hazardous elements that, if not careful, they could end up breathing in. All manner of smokes, dust, powders and vapours can be a health risk. As such, dust masks and full-face masks may be necessary depending on the kind of particles they are likely to be in contact with. Some particles may be agitating to even be in contact with, not only to breathe, after all.

Take the time to seriously address the risks found in your workplace, determine which gear is best suited to help your employees mitigate them, and make sure you invest in keeping them well-stocked in it at all times.

How To Keep Your Tenants Safe

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you own real estate with tenants, one of your chief considerations in modern times is keeping your tenants safe. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Keep Your Tenants Safe.

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Given that we are in the middle of a pandemic, it’s become more important than ever to ensure that as landlords, we keep our tenants safe. The initial virus that flew around the world wasn’t of pandemic proportions, but now people are afraid and people are worried about falling ill. As a landlord you have to consider that your tenants could have lost their jobs, or be put on furlough with less of a salary than they are used to. How you handle this pandemic is important, and it’s your responsibility to maintain a healthy living environment as much as it is to be as fair as you can be with your tenants.

You must take as many extra steps as possible to ensure that your tenants are kept safe, and that means following some of the steps below. A healthy environment is a must for your tenants, as it is a must for yourself. Let’s take a look at what you can do.

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● A new cleaning schedule. If you are in charge of an apartment building, you will (hopefully) have a cleaning company on contract to clean and maintain the common areas of the building. Strata cleaners are there to be more vigilant about cleaning than ever before. Hiring in extra staff at this time should be a consideration, as should you be paying for a sanitation station in the lobby. Ramping up your cleaning schedule is a must, and the more you keep on top of it, the better off all of the tenants will be.
● Close the communal spaces. Outdoor playground, indoor seated areas, indoor gyms, non-essential amenities – none of those needs to be open in a pandemic. If you want to maximise the safety of your tenants, then you need to look at closing spaces where they’ll gather and close it for now. You could knock some money off the rent if your tenants don’t have access to the amenities for which they’re paying.
● Change the guest limits. Previously, you’ve never had a problem with tenants having guests and you let them all know it. Now, you need to close down the open house policy because limiting guests will help you to prevent COVID-19.
● Reduce the rent. This may not be one of the things you can do to make sure that people are safe from the virus, but it’s definitely a way to keep people safe. You need to consider that your tenants have lost jobs, are dealing with severe mental health issues as a result of the pandemic and are terrified right now. They should consider you someone to tell when they’re struggling, so offer 50% rent during the pandemic. Your tenants will be much happier, which ensures that they stay for longer.

Being a landlord carries a lot of responsibility. With the right treatment during this time, your tenants will remain safe, happy and comfortable in their homes without the worry that they’re going to have to move, and knowing you are doing what you can to keep them well.