Why You Can’t Afford Not To Practice What You Preach In This Age Of The Conscious Consumer

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. As a business owner, you must consider the presence of consciousness on the part of the consumer. Consumers who once supported your business may divest, if they feel as though you’re practices are fair or ethical. The following contributed post is entitled, Why You Can’t Afford Not To Practice What You Preach In This Age Of The Conscious Consumer.

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Unsplash Image: CC0 License

Being seen as a business that cares is non-negotiable in the age of the conscious consumer. No longer are customers willing to put their money towards companies that don’t align with their goals. What’s more, the booming online market means they don’t have to.

This has been the case for a few years now, and it’s led to fantastic ethical shifts in company processes. More businesses than ever now donate to charity, and even major corporations are implementing environmental focuses. If you’re to stand any chance at competing, the chances are you’re doing the same.

The trouble is that, as the internet allows consumers to delve deeper into business processes than ever, surface appearances are no longer enough. In fact, the reputational damage of customers learning that you don’t practice what you preach behind closed doors could see you struggling or even having to shut shop.

Ethics really do matter that much, and you should be implementing focuses like these at every level to ensure results. For proof, consider the following company failures that have left consumers questioning whether brands care at all.

Partnerships that go against ethics

Once, consumers had idea what companies were partnering or selling. Now, this information is online for everyone to see, and it can be damaging if you make agreements with businesses that don’t share your upfront ethics.

In recent years, this has most notably been the case for cruelty-free makeup brands, many of whom are owned by some of the worst culprits for animal testing. As can be seen on https://ethicalelephant.com, such consumer discoveries in recent years have led to boycotts on even front-running ‘cruelty-free’ brands.

The moral of the story is simple. Don’t preach one thing, then let money sway you to the opposite. Or, in other words – never partner with a company that doesn’t share the same outlook.

Only making an effort where people can see

Unsplash Image: CC0 License

Companies have also been caught out for only prioritizing ethics in the public eye. For instance, countless brands claim to care about recycling yet come out as the worst contenders for landfill under the surface.

Again, remember that nothing goes under the radar anymore. In an age where consumers can access recycling reports and more, even something seemingly small like pouring vegetable fat down the drain could throw your ethical makeup into question.

Companies should, therefore, be making an effort to maintain ethical focuses, even behind scenes, either by turning to companies like https://gfcommodities.com/our-services/used-cooking-oils-recycling/ to recycle fat instead of draining it, or making sure to separate warehouse plastics ready for recycling. And, all of this should be standard even when no one’s looking.


Presentation matters in modern business but, make no mistake, so does what you do behind closed doors. In fact, given that claiming an ethical focus and being found to go against it is worse than making no effort at all, you could say that sticking to your supposed ethics business-wide is vital for staying on top in 2020 and beyond.

Upgrading to a Warehouse for the First Time

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you’re running an at-home business which relies on some sort of inventory, you may eventually need to think about incorporating a warehouse into your operations. There some considerations for expanding in this manner. The following contributed post is entitled, Upgrading to a Warehouse for the First Time.

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If you’re a solo entrepreneur or at-home business owner then the idea of having a warehouse for your inventory and operations can sound daunting. However, it’s usually the next step up from working out of your home or garage and can offer you countless opportunities to scale up your operations. Whether you’re printing shirts, designing software or 3D printing the next big tech device, we’ve put together some tips on how you can cope with upgrading to a warehouse for the first time.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/V6xihVKUvqA (CC0)

Discuss your needs

When upgrading to a warehouse, it’s a good idea to discuss what your needs are with the rest of your team. If you’re still a solo entrepreneur, then think about what you’re going to need the space for. Perhaps you’ll have an area dedicated to the production of your items and maybe you’ll need to build an office area for all your computers and support staff. Once you’ve decided on your needs, you can then start to think about how much space you’ll need and how much you’re willing to pay.

Plan out your space

Make sure that you’ve got a plan for all the space you have. If you think that you have a bit too much space for what you currently need, keep those areas clear for the future. The last thing you want is to stunt your business growth because you’ve amassed a pile of junk and clutter in an area where you need to put a new machine or build an office. Without a plan, you’re going to have a tough time deciding where things should go, and this will only complicate things later in the future.

Get serious with organization

Whether it’s using a proper inventory management system or having labels on everything, it’s going to be vital to start using serious organization methods in order to keep tabs on everything. If you don’t, then you’re not going to know if an employee steals something and you won’t even realize if someone’s broken into your warehouse and stolen a whole crate of inventory.

Ensure your warehouse is protected

While most warehouses are going to have some kind of basic protection such as a steel door or even a password-protected entrance, it’s vital to examine the warehouse yourself to see where the vulnerable entry points are. Since you’re no longer running your business out of your home, you’re not going to be able to wake up and react to a thief. In addition, the fact you’re in a warehouse means you’re a prime target for thieves because there’s likely something valuable in your location. As such, make sure you contact security professionals to help you secure your location and ensure that it’s safe from intruders.

A warehouse is essentially just a huge open space that you could basically do anything with. You could set up a studio for shooting photos, you could create a little area for your office, and you can even turn it into a full production facility if you have space and machines for it. What you do with your warehouse is up to you and there’s no denying that having a warehouse with so much space opens up countless opportunities.

Which Areas Should Your SMB Outsource?

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The decision to start outsourcing is a critical strategic move for any business. Successfully outsourcing can propel your business to the next level if it is done correctly. The following contributed post is entitled, Which Areas Should Your SMB Outsource?

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Outsourcing is something that many startups don’t consider for themselves. They wrongly believe that it’s something that comes much later down the line, that it’s something that only much larger companies and corporations can benefit from. Outsourcing is where you hire a third party to tackle a designated area of your business. It could be a one- off job or it could be ongoing such as managing an entire department. It’s something that any company can utilise, but is especially ideal when first starting out, as instead of spending money on larger premises, more equipment, hiring and training staff and more, you can pay a company to tackle that area.

This is something that most smaller and medium sized businesses choose to outsource, and for good reason. Manufacturing yourself requires a lot of money and materials upfront to get started, from steel watertanks to machinery, power tools, vehicles- not to mention warehousing space and qualified staff to run everything. Outsourcing your manufacturing is usually the best option until you’re a much larger company.

Your website, social media and all elements of your business online are some of the most important. When you outsource your IT department you can be sure you’ll never be left with a website that’s not loading properly, or issues online that could be costing you money. Research shows that online customers are impatient, if someone clicks on your site and it doesn’t work they’ll click off within three seconds and may never return.

Blog Writing
Blogging is great for business, it makes your site look professional and helps you to gain followers and more interest in what you sell. However, writing high quality content on a regular basis is time consuming. Outsourcing the work for freelance bloggers means your blog will stay updated, and you won’t have to find the time or man power within your own team to do this.

Video Editing
Along with a well written blog, high quality videos on your website or on a Youtube channel for your business can help you with your success. These videos can go viral and be used as promotion, or they can be instructional guides if what you do or sell requires this. They could involve a landing page video which introduces and talks about your business giving more information. But they need to be done well, outsource to a video production or editing company for the best effect.

Human Resources
There are many legal considerations when it comes to human resources, as this department deals with things like bullying in the workplace, employee theft, hiring, firing and other very important issues. When you work with a specialist HR company you can be sure that everything will be handled fairly as they will be well versed in the ever changing law.

You can outsource just about any area of business these days. Not only does it save you money, but it can give you peace of mind too, as when you hire a professional company, you know that they’re professionals in their area and you can trust them to do a good job.

Are You Suited to Running a Small Niche Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. There are different kinds of businesses. In terms of types of businesses, some are considered ‘Small Niche’. There are a couple of qualities that are favorable to being in this type of business. The following contributed post is entitled, Are You Suited to Running a Small Niche Business.

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For a lot of new entrepreneurs, their end goal for running a business isn’t always to have international success on their first attempt. Many smarter entrepreneurs are more focused on gaining experience and usually have exit strategies that involve making their business somewhat successful then selling it and trying something new. This is often a smart strategy especially if the business you’re starting up doesn’t relate to your interests in any way.

One of the most popular options for learning about business is to run a small niche company. With a smaller audience and the need for targeted marketing, it can help you develop and nurture a unique set of skills that will give you the upper hand in a competitive market later in the future. In fact, some people might find that starting a niche business that they’re passionate about could be their end game all along. After all, if it’s something you truly love and are wholly passionate about, there’s no reason to start over again.

So let’s look at what it takes to run a small niche business and if you’re well-suited to it.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/75nbwHfDsnY (CC0)

You can become an expert before they even exist

By pushing yourself in your niche business, you could potentially become an expert before the term is even defined in your industry. Becoming someone that has plenty of knowledge and experience in the niche will make you an authoritative source of information and this can greatly help with your marketing efforts.

You need to follow regulations and rules

If you’re thinking of starting up a relatively new and niche business idea that isn’t well-documented, don’t be surprised when regulations and rules come down on you hard. Luckily, a lot of this regulation information is available online. For instance, you can create a dispensary business plan that explains all of the rules and regulations by visiting the right exhibits and events, or just seeking the right information online.

You’ll need to focus your research and development

Your research and development need to be cutting edge if you’re going to start a niche business. You need to be at the forefront of development, so don’t take this part lightly and ensure you invest plenty of resources to make this successful.

You have to engage with your audience for success

If you’re a niche business, your audience is going to be much smaller than if you were to operate a mainstream business. As a result, you’ll need to engage with them on a regular basis to keep them interested, and also to keep them up-to-date with your business developments.

Operating a small business itself isn’t challenging, but when you’re focused on delivering to a niche audience, it can be tough to stay in business. The skills you learn from running a niche business will help you in the long run in your career as an entrepreneur, but you might even find that through all the challenges, you could have a business idea that you want to take to the top.

A Quick And Easy Guide To Improving Customer Satisfaction

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key to any business is customer satisfaction. Improving your customers’ satisfaction will assure their continued patronage of your business. The following contributed post is entitled, A Quick And Easy Guide To Improving Customer Satisfaction.

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Improving customer satisfaction is one of the best ways to keep your audience coming back to work with you time and time again. It’s also a fantastic way to gain referrals, slowly building your client base. Ensuring your customers are satisfied with how you work with them will help you to grow your business, and develop a strong reputation. Anybody can start a business these days, and it’s important to note that customers rarely come back to you because of your product – they will come back because of the service they have received.

Below, we’ll take a look at quick and easy ways to improve customer satisfaction. Take a look.

  1. Ask for Feedback
    You can’t go wrong when you ask for feedback. The thing about feedback is, if you don’t ask for it, you’ll rarely get it – unless a customer is unhappy. Ask them to review products they purchased recently, or fill in a quick questionnaire. This insight is valuable, so make sure you use it once you have it.
  2. Personalize Each And Every Interaction
    Personalizing each interaction with your customers will make them feel valued. Make sure you have a way to track all interactions, and ensure each employee takes a personable approach with them. You can remain professional while showing the customer that you remember them and that they are important to your business.
  3. Give Clients A Dedicated Account Manager
    A dedicated account manager often means your customers will build up a rapport with the employees they are working with. Ensure your team realizes how important building these relationships is. It’ll be so much easier for your customer when they can speak to the same person if they need to – and this is what will keep them coming back.


  1. Aim To Communicate In Various Ways
    Some people like speaking on the phone, others prefer email. Make sure you provide various methods of communication so that every preference is catered to. You can even use services like Textbetter.com to send clients reminders of their appointments in text form.
  2. Really Hone Your Customer Service Techniques
    Customer service is key, so make sure everybody who has direct interactions with your customers are trained to the fullest extent.
  3. Make Sure Customer Service Reps Are All On The Same Page
    All of your customer service reps should be on the same page. There’s nothing worse than receiving great customer service, only to then be let down the next time you need something.
  4. Make Working With You An Experience
    A customer should enjoy the entire experience of working with you. From the packaging, to the instructions, and even your tone of voice, make sure they enjoy the experience.
  5. Find Ways To Show Your Customers You Care
    Showing your customers you care is an ongoing process. You could:

● Send freebies
● Give discounts
● Host competitions
● Randomly refund their order

Some ideas might not seem great for business, but it’s a small price to pay to keep a lifelong customer.

How will you improve customer satisfaction?

Complete Guide To HMOs

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In some instances, as a landlord, you may have properties under which you are renting under a House under Multiple Occupancy (HMO) arrangement. There are special considerations for this type of situation. The following contributed is entitled, Complete Guide To HMOs.

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Estate agents are very often asked to deal with enquiries and offer assistance with the same thing for landlords and tenants: HMOs. Put basically, an HMO stands for House under Multiple Occupancy and is applicable to properties in which three or more unrelated persons live together. It sounds basic but estate agents are always having to deal with issues arising from it, be they issues with compliance to an HMO licence or questions about what rights they bring tenants, so take a moment to read this quick introduction to the HMO.

HMO advice for tenants
For a lot of people, there will come a time in life where they will find themselves wanting to live with various people outside their families. This is very common within student circles as well as for travellers and people finding jobs in new cities; whatever the reason, you can ask a good quality estate agent about how an HMO affects you.

An HMO licence has to be applied for by the landlord for any property he or she intends to lease out to three or more persons. The application must be sent to the council for a fee, variable from city to city, and then council inspections will be carried out to assess the living standards of the property. This is where real estate agents can advise you on ensuring that you sign contracts with a landlord who is definitely licenced with an HMO.

It is illegal to lease out property to three or more persons without an HMO and if tenants find themselves, unknowingly or otherwise, living in an unlicensed property it can lead to repercussions and cause problems down the line. Consequences such as evictions and prosecution are the last thing you want to take away from your experience of living in a house or flat so be discerning in choosing your next home.

Remember that inspections for HMO licences also prevent any abuse of power by holding the property to certain standards of liveability, the licence being withheld if these standards are not met.

Helping landlords with HMOs
As with tenants, the best way an estate agent can help is by way of giving the best expert advice available on when an HMO is required. Not all properties that can house three persons or more will require you to get an HMO license. Mandatory licensing is needed for buildings that have three or more stories and five or more unrelated persons per two households in the property. As any estate agent in will tell you, meeting this criterion will mean you have to get a license regardless of the location of your property.

You can elect to be both the licence holder and the manager, or simply the licence holder. A licence holder is, put simply, the owner of the property while the manager oversees the day to running of the property and the communications with its tenants. Upholding quality standards of living is essential in attaining an HMO licence and a manager can make this all the easier.

Your estate agent will also be able to provide advice on managing your property portfolio and maximising profits too. A cost segregation analysis provides a great way of making tax savings, and is just one sort of strategy you should be looking at.

As a landlord, you can appoint a manager from within a high street estate agents to deal with the maintenance of your property as a means of relieving the stress of having to do everything yourself. This means that repairs can be handled via your estate agent, requests from tenants can be sent to you and even the collection of rent can be done by a commercial or residential manager.

You Can’t Run A Business Alone

Two key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The great Robert Kiyosaki has often stated businesses are team sports as no one can possibly know and or do everything by themselves. No matter what kind of business you’re running, if it’s going to be successful, it must be a team effort. The following contributed post is entitled, You Can’t Run A Business Alone.

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Pixabay. CCO Licensed.

It takes a range of skills to run a successful business. While some business owners attempt to be a Jack-of-all-trades by learning all these skills themselves, this often results in talents being spread thin and each task not being done effectively.

Learning to outsource the help of others could help your business to run more effectively. You can then focus on honing your core skills, while trusted professionals can handle the tasks that you’re not so competent in. Below are just some of the aspects of running a business that are worth outsourcing.

Legal support

Business law can be complex. Rather than spending hours per week educating yourself on all the ins and outs, it can often be beneficial to hire the help of a legal advisor.

This can be particularly useful when dealing with legal disputes. There are firms as found at https://www.fleeson.com/practice-areas/corporate-and-commercial-litigation that specialise in corporate litigation. Such aid could help you to avoid a lawsuit or help you file a claim against someone else.

Legal advisors can also be useful to hire when helping you to understand certain licenses and requirements that you may need to. They may also be able to help you write contracts, as well as protecting intellectual property.

Financial support

It can also be worth hiring experts to help you make important financial decisions. This could include taking out loans or making investments – with the help of a professional you can find the best interest rates or find the best ROI. Financial advisors may even be able to help you cut costs when you are financially struggling and could even help you to manage business debts.

A lot of companies also hire accountants to help with general bookkeeping. This could be important for ensuring that your tax returns are completed accurately and on time. Accountants may also be able to help manage your payroll if you have lots of employees working for you. This guide https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217784 offers information on what to look for when choosing an accountant.


Marketing is essential for attracting new customers. While you can do a lot of your own marketing (tasks like social media marketing and blogging can be easily DIYed), there are certain marketing tasks such as web design and SEO where you may want to hire a professional due to the added complexity of these tasks. Some business owners build their own website and try to take on their own SEO, however creating a professional site and improving your own rankings is no easy task.

You may also want to hire marketing companies to help you when organising events. Trade fairs and conferences may require lots of preparation work including building banners and arranging catering, all of which can be outsourced to save you time and energy.

IT support

Modern businesses are reliant on digital technology. By outsourcing IT support, you can help to implement the best digital technology out there so that your business is as efficient as possible. This could include connecting to the cloud, setting up VoIP an even choosing the best business software.

Some IT consultancy agencies may even be able to offer 24/7 tech support if you’re having trouble with bugs or viruses. Such companies may be able to offer remote help, saving you from having to visit a technician. It saves you having to try and solve these problems when you may have limited IT knowledge.

Human resources

A lot of businesses require extra manpower in the form of employees. It could be worth outsourcing help to assist you with the recruitment process, as well as helping to possibly manage the payroll and any benefits schemes that you may want to offer.

HR consultancy firms may be able to help you with all aspects of human resources. Meanwhile, recruitment agencies may be able to specialise solely on the process of sourcing employees. Do your research online into HR companies so that you hire the best company for the job.

How To Keep Up With The Latest Advancements In Technology

A key focus of my blog is Technology. Technology continues to evolve, and our lives with it. Falling behind in the latest technologies can adversely impact our lives and it’s thus important to keep up the new advances. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Keep Up With The Latest Advancements In Technology.

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Keeping up with technology isn’t easy because it’s also changing, and new advancements are happening daily. It takes dedication and effort on your part if you want to be in the know of the latest enhancements and trends.

It’s not only beneficial for you to know about technology for your professional life but can also be useful in your personal environment as well. Enjoy learning and trying to dissect all the latest and greatest information and updates. Experiment with technology yourself to help you get a better feel for it and so you can expand your knowledge.

Explore Different Industries

One way you can keep up with the latest advancements in technology is to explore what’s going on in different industries. Avoid sticking to only what you know in the business you work in and find out what others are up to across the board. For example, there are now self-driving cars, and 3D printing aircraft parts is a growing field and worth taking the time to learn more about if you want to expand your awareness and understanding. A lot is happening in the world, and businesses everywhere are trying to keep up with the most recent developments to help stay ahead of the competition.

Follow Influencers & Business Leaders on Social Media

Another way you can become well-rounded on the topic of technology is to follow influencers and business leaders on social media. These experts are always sharing new updates and nuggets of knowledge that you can digest, and that will allow you to understand how technology has changed our lives. It’ll be so exciting to discover what the best and the brightest innovators in the field have to say when it comes to the latest advancements in technology.

Attend Related Events & Expos

There are a lot of technology events and expos occurring all the time. Buy yourself a ticket and go check out the discussions among these groups of people. Keep up with technology enhancements by going to see for yourself what’s rolling out next and what you should be aware of, and they’re working on next. It’s your chance to mix and mingle and ask questions with those who know what they’re talking about and can give you expert advice.

Make Time for Daily Reading

One of the best ways to learn and take in new information is to read daily. There are so many excellent resources out there for you to take advantage of and seek out. For example, there are tech blogs on the Internet or books at the library that are chocked full of useful data and information to help improve your base knowledge and foundation. Read about what companies are doing when it comes to technology and how they’re upgrading their business practices and products with it.


Technology can be tricky to grasp at times, and it’s hard to keep up with it because it’s always changing and evolving. These suggestions should help you to increase your knowledge and allow you to better understand what’s unfolding and what the experts are working on currently.

Avoid Health Hazards At Work

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. While we go to work to earn a living, there are also multiple health hazards depending on the workplace. There’s a lot of planning that management has to think about to prevent these hazards. The following contributed post is entitled, Avoid Health Hazards At Work.

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There are many hazards that can occur in the workplace and if they are not properly dealt with, it could cause a big problem and you could be paying out for compensation, insurance and more. Offices will contain health and safety hazards which need to be monitored and controlled, even outside the office. For example if you have poor paving and someone trips and breaks their ankle, you need to ensure that you have a good working environment outside also. Looking at concrete replacement could be something for you to look at https://www.keflatwork.com/concrete-repair-replacement/ to ensure that your paving is perfect.

Photo: Pixabay

But inside the workplace, you will certainly find that offices need to have hazards identified and there must be risk assessments carried out to be sure that the right measures are in place and can be implemented just in case something occurs. You must secure your office http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheBigWordsBlogSite/~3/nA54f2JImMg/. Here are the most common things and hazards that you will find inside the office:

● Poor or inadequate lighting, people could trip, fall, drop things
● Ergonomic hazards;
● Extremes of temperature, if the heating is broken, it could lead to cold-related illnesses or vice versa for hot.
● Manual handling hazards which may include machinery
● Tripping and falling hazards such as poor placement of furniture, boxes being left or equipment not properly stored.
● Electrical hazards, sockets, wires, poor electrical systems that aren’t tested etc.
● Contagious illnesses spread by sick workers, because workers feel they cannot stay home and take a sick day for fear of getting behind or leaving other workers in the lurch
● Fire hazards, poor fire exits, or none at all, no real route to get out of the way should there be a fire
● Chemical hazards, cleaning products or any toxic products left around or not stored properly, or falling into the wrong hands.
● Stress hazards such as high stress jobs, tight deadlines and poor working environments that can make people suffer stress and anxiety. Stress at work is a huge thing as you can read about further here https://qz.com/work/1443824/stress-at-work-is-a-dangerous-health-hazard/

All health and safety hazards must be properly identified, and then you will need to ensure that there is a risk assessed and that then you can implement the new rules and regulations to keep your workers safe. To do this you need to look at the likelihood of the risks causing any serious injury and then prove that you have put the necessary things in place to stop them from occurring. Workers may file a complaint if this is not done or things don’t change, after all they too want to protect themselves from issues within the workplace.

Then, once the systems are implemented, you must control the measures, keep an eye on them and monitor them closely as it is essential that you keep on top of them all to ensure that they remain effective for some time and that nothing is sliding back into old ways. Moving forwards will help everyone and ensure a more productive workspace, inside and outside of the working office. You can find more information online about how to implement this but it’s also best to assess yourself first.

You’re Never Too Old To Learn

A key focus of my blog is General Education. There is no age on learning. For every stage of our lives there are opportunities to learn more skills or even to go back to school. If you’ve haven’t been in school for a while, there are ways to get back into the educational arena. The following contributed post is entitled, You’re Never Too Old To Learn.

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Past papers are an ideal resource for children approaching their exams. However, those reaching the end of their compulsory education are not the only ones that can benefit from such a resource. Adult learners, of all ages and abilities, can also benefit from acquiring past papers to support their learning and exam revision.

Whether you are looking to update your skills to better support your children, getting qualifications to improve your career, or simply learning for fun, past papers can help. Using them aids in both building your confidence in your existing abilities and improving your exam techniques.

If you’re involved in education and you don’t provide past papers as part of your service or marketing efforts, you’re really missing out. The guys over at KW2 can shed further light on this and how to reach the right people.

Build Your Confidence With Past Papers

There are many reasons why individuals reach adulthood without school-based qualifications. For some, the school was just not the right environment for learning, for others their teenage years were too difficult to even consider the importance of their schoolwork. Whatever the reason, many individuals decide in adulthood that the time has come to gain control over their learning and get those qualifications at last.

One of the benefits of learning as an adult is that there are many different routes that can be taken. However, whichever route you choose, you still need to develop confidence in your own abilities; this can often be the biggest stumbling block faced by adult learners. Any confidence you do have in your ability to achieve the results you want is constantly fighting for space with doubt, lack of time, work and other commitments, and everything else that comes with being an adult. However, all is not lost, and by supplementing the route you have chosen with revision past papers, you can build your confidence in the peace and quiet of whatever time you have available.

Having access to past papers and other online resources means that you can study whenever is convenient for you. You don’t need to be surrounded by other people – you don’t even need to leave the house. You can use your past exam papers first thing in the morning, before work; or stay up that extra half an hour and study when the house is quiet at night. You can even take you past paper to the library, the coffee shop, or the local pub; wherever you feel confident and settled.

Improve Exam Technique

It is not just children that struggle when it comes to exam techniques. The struggle is even more real for adults who still have the memories of past exams. While teaching strategies, subject coverage, and technology may have changed, the basic exam rules have not. So, how do you lay the ghosts of the past to rest, and approach your new exams with the right techniques? The answer lies in access to past papers. You can perfect your technique and increase your confidence by doing so.