The 4 Pillars Behind Your Confidence To Grow

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and two key focuses are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Staring a business is not easy and it’s important to grow your confidence as proceed. The are a couple of key pieces to growing your confidence in the business arenas. The following contributed post is entitled, The 4 Pillars Behind Your Confidence To Grow.

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For many professionals, starting a company is the first reaction to the dullness of an everyday job that didn’t offer them room for growth. New entrepreneurs approach their journey with enthusiasm and the dream of a better tomorrow. Finally, a brand new satisfying career is in reach!
However, there is a big difference between launching a company and being able to grow a steady and profitable business. More often than not, your business idea is no guarantee that you’ll be able to turn the company into your dream career. You need to build the foundations of your growth from Day One. Indeed, a lack of personal development and opportunities encourages people to embrace an independent career. However, if you fail to create a base to support your ambition, you are unlikely to find any entrepreneurial satisfaction.

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#1. Planning is the indispensable compass

First of all, as evident as it might sound, too many enthusiastic business owners fall after the first hurdle because they fail to plan. Your business idea, however brilliant you think it is, is not enough to launch a company. You need a business plan to guide you through the journey. Your business plan connects the dots between your idea and your audience, making sure that you understand how to set up your processes and budget to achieve your goals. It’s a data-based document that highlights how to navigate your business in your current market and with your budget.

#2. Knowing that not everyone is a friend

Nowadays, you can’t expect to grow a company without relying on digital technology. Indeed, your online presence is indispensable to stand out in a crowded market. However, you have to consider building cyber resilience to protect your business from cyber threats. Indeed, your data and processes are too precious to risk exposing them to hackers, corrupted networks, and other digital issues that could ruin your activities.

#3. Understanding how to make friends

While the digital world can be threatening, it doesn’t mean that your business will thrive in isolation. On the contrary, you need to make networking a priority. Networking events are essential to meet like-minded business owners and suppliers. Not only could you build helpful and mutually beneficial relationships, but you can also find inspiration for future projects, for instance. Additionally, supportive contacts can also help you to get noticed in new niches and audience groups, as they can introduce your brand to potential clients and partners. While it can be tricky to learn how to network – and it’s not a natural environment for many professionals –, it can be a significant difference to your survival on the market.

#4. Knowing what the audience wants

The market is continually growing and changing. As a result, you need to keep up with the changes to tackle new trends as they appear. Indeed, what your audience wanted yesterday may not be the same today. Conducting regular market research is essential to gain a better understanding of your customers and identify potential new customers.

Giving your business room for growth is a delicate art to master. Indeed, you need to develop an understanding of threats and opportunities around your company. Whether you work with a business plan designed to maximize your strengths or you protect your company against cyber risks, the pillars of growth are all about strategic thinking.

These Tips will Help you to Improve your Warehouse Efficiency

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If your business involves storing and shipping inventory, you must understand how to run your warehouse efficiently. Doing so will keep the productivity of your business consistent. The following contributed post is entitled, These Tips will Help you to Improve your Warehouse Efficiency.

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When all of your products go out on time and you have very happy customers, you may think that your company is efficient. That being said, it is amazing to see how sometimes a few little tweaks can improve things even more while also boosting your bottom line.

Revenue Effectiveness

You can’t improve something if you have never taken the time to analyse it. Think about it, is your flow of goods working as it should? Do you have an efficient chain? If so, this will impact the whole process. If you aren’t sure how to find out all of this information, then you need to go through your entire system to find out where your weak points are. This will help you to deal with them effectively and it will also help you to get the best result out of your operation too.


If you do not have a good warehouse layout then this could be really going against you. You may find that your staff are being slowed down and that they are not following the right procedures. If you want to get around this then you need to make sure that your staff are following the rules. If they aren’t then you need to find out why. Could they offer any input? Are they finding a particular aspect of their job difficult? If so then it could be time for you to make a change.

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Forecast Ahead

For a lot of businesses, there will probably be a certain time of the year where your products are more in-demand. You may find that you have a seasonal trend like Christmas or even New Year. If this is the case, then you need to have a system that will help you to forecast and predict the changes you need to make. If you don’t then you may find that your business falls behind and that your team are put under even more needless stress.

Track your Products

You can easily get end-to-end traceability for your products if you use tracking technology. When you have the right software, this will help you to find out where your deliveries are going, how long they will take to get there and even to see if they have arrived on time. Things like this can really help you to reduce labour costs and it will also reduce delays. If you work with a range of products then it may even be a good idea for you to invest in digital load cells, as they can help you to make sure that you are not over-shipping. Check out: to find out more.

Incentive Programs

If you operate a warehouse then there is a high chance that performance targets are really important to you. This is understandable, but you have to make sure that you take your time and that you also reward your team when they achieve their milestone. If you don’t’ then you won’t be encouraging your team to work as well as they could be and this is the last thing that you need.

Common Problems Faced by Business Owners

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Starting and maintaining a business is the hardest journey many people will embark upon. Regardless of the type of business, there are common challenges for business owners. The following contributed post is entitled, Common Problems Faced by Business Owners.

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In the end, it’s worth it. That’s what a lot of business owners say. The path to the top might be long, but ultimately, if it’s successful, then they can look back on the blood, sweat, and tears with something akin to fondness. Indeed, it’s these challenges that many business owners embrace; the graft is one of the primary reasons for starting a business. Still, that doesn’t make them any easier to navigate. Fortunately, it’s unusual for a problem to come from nowhere, and to be radically different from the problems experienced by other business owners. There are a bunch of common problems, and since they’re common, newbies to the game can read up on them before launching their own venture. Below, we take a look at some of the recurring issues, as well as offer advice on how they can be overcome.

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Will it Work?

Business owners tend to jump between a level of confidence that’s getting close to arrogance, and fearing that nothing will go right. If setting up a company was guaranteed to be successful, then wouldn’t everyone do it? Part of starting a business is understanding that there’s an element of risk involved. Indeed, that’s more or less the entire game. You can’t win big rewards if you’re not risking anything, right? So there will always be doubts about whether it’s going to work — nothing is guaranteed. However, you can calculate the risk that you’re taking by conducting as much research beforehand as possible. This will form part of the market research segment of your business plan development, which will tell you whether there’s a demand for what you’re going to offer to the public.

Finding Time and Space

You’ve got the idea for the business, but ideas only take you so far. It’s the actual sitting down and getting down to work component that’ll make the biggest difference. Since you’re a new venture, however, this could prove to be a challenge. When you have a regular job, you have a complete office and scheduled hours. When you’re doing your own thing, you don’t. As such, it’s recommended that you figure out where and when you’re going to work as soon as possible. You’ll find that it’s much easier to make progress when you’re able to work productively, which is something that having an office space — be it in the home, rented office, or a working space — and scheduled working hours will allow.

Financial Matters

You’re in business in order to ultimately make money, but that could take some time. To get things going, you’ll need to spend money first. Finding the funds to get your company off the ground and knowing how to budget will be two of the biggest challenges that you face in the early days. It’s sometimes recommended to take a money management course, or to outsource all of your company’s financial matters to a third-party company. There are a lot of companies that end up failing not because they didn’t offer good products or services, but because they ran into cash-flow problems from which they couldn’t recover.

Unexpected Costs

You can’t prevent yourself from making fundamental business errors that result in poor company finances. If you read up and understand the best practices, then you can safeguard your venture against cash-flow problems and other financial issues that can derail success. But some financial hits you just can’t see coming. For example, if your office is affected by a natural disaster, or you’re the victim of an elaborate break-in. There are some things you can do to protect yourself against them happening, but not all that much — sometimes, you’re just unlucky. What is in your control is how ready you are to absorb the hit. Look at getting commercial insurance from Krywolt, and you’ll have a level of coverage that’ll mean a natural disaster doesn’t have to mean disaster for your business. It’s all about preparing for the worst. You’ll hope it doesn’t happen, but at least you’ll know that you’ll be ready if it does.

Winning Customer Trust

There’s no shortage of companies out there, and, alas, not all of them are as upstanding or as noble as they should be. Additionally, you’ve got the fact that customers, for various reasons, generally prefer to give their custom to the businesses that they already know. If you’re going to win customers, then you need to win their trust. It won’t just be given. There are multiple ways you can do this. You can, first, deliver what you say you’ll deliver; there’s no value in promising the world if you can’t provide it. You’ll also want to have all the staples of a trustworthy company, including strong branding, a robust online presence, and so on.

Online Reviews

Online customer reviews are both a blessing and a curse. They have, overall, had a positive impact on the business world, since they’ve given a voice to customers that were previously voiceless. However, we all know that there’s a dark side to reviews. Customers can have ridiculous demands and, when they’re not met, take their anger out on a company by posting negative comments online. And this is a problem for companies, especially smaller ones, for whom reviews are mightily important. You can help protect yourself by actively managing your reviews. Whenever one is posted, whether it’s positive or negative, look at responding. It’ll show that you care about the customer experience.

Big Business Threats

They say that it has never been easier to start a business. But we’re also living in an age when big business is king. No matter what type of business you’re running, you’ll find that there is a much larger company offering the same services or products. It’s a David versus Goliath situation. It’s important to remember that your smaller stature can work to your advantage. Try as they might, huge corporations will never be able to offer the same level of boutique service and care that small, independent outfits can.

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Maintaining Commitment

It’s not easy running a business. It can feel like you’re forever walking uphill, and it’s normal that it will get a little tiring from time to time. There’ll be times when it feels like you’re at the bottom of a pit. You’ll see a rope offering the way out, which is the equivalent of giving up on your business. Don’t take it! Life and work can’t be positive all the time. You’re going to go through tough periods. It’s the business owners who are able to carry on working hard even when times are tough that go on to become successful in the long term.

And Energy

Even when things are going well, it’s important that you’re protecting yourself against another common problem that business owners face: low energy levels. Take care to ensure that you’re looking after yourself and getting enough rest. It’s tempting to think that you’ll be doing right by your business by working twelve hour days, but this isn’t the case. If you’re working so much, then all you’re doing is draining your energy. You’ll find that the way you’re working isn’t sustainable. As such, have a cut off time each day, and force yourself to take a vacation every now and again. You’ll be able to achieve much more if you’ve got plenty of energy to spare.

Finding Staff

You may be able to start your business just by yourself. But eventually, there’ll come a point when you’re not able to run things alone. You’ll need to bring other people on board if you’re going to sufficiently grow. Alas, this is often more difficult than it sounds, and especially if you haven’t been involved in a hiring process before. Before going through the process for your company, it’s recommended that you look up the best hiring processes. Also, don’t forget to factor in your intuition — you’re going to be working closely with this person, so it’s important that you have good vibes.

Crowded Marketplace

You have to feel kind of sorry for a small business that brings an innovative product or service to the table. Within no time at all, there are a million and one imitators. If you’re finding any level of success, then you can rest assured that there will be others who want to get the same kind of business set up. You can’t prevent this from happening; all you can do is do the best for your company as possible. Quality will always stand out!

Changing Economy

Sometimes, a company can think they’re doing brilliant, wonderful things, and then in the space of a few months, everything has fallen apart. What happened? The economy shifted. Your success depends on you and your ideas, but never forget that it’s part of a broader system. And if that system isn’t doing as well as it used to, then your business is going to suffer. The best thing you can do is to assess the risk and put as many safety nets in place as possible.

Finding the Confidence to Start Your First Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Once you conceive the idea, it can be scary to actually put the rubber to the road and start your own business. Somewhere though you must find the confidence to start it. The following contributed post is entitled, Finding the Confidence to Start Your First Business.

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Most of us know or at least know of people that have started their own businesses. Some of these are small home-based businesses that just make a little pocket money to support a full-time income as an employee. Others are more substantial businesses that support a family and mean that their owners no longer need another income source. Some people make money with a company doing what they have spent their whole careers doing, just for themselves. Others have found ways to make money from their hobbies or from doing things that they love. Some people start one business, and that’s what they do until they retire. Others start multiple companies, selling them when they are worth it, moving on to the next great idea. There’s no one way to start a business, and you might know people that have tried all different things. And you might be jealous of all of them.

Starting a business is a risk. Giving up a career, a full-time income, the security of employment, and the safety of doing what you have always done is tough. You might watch jealously as your friends and colleagues go it alone, wishing that you had the confidence to do the same. Well, here are some tips to help you to find that confidence.

Make a Plan

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You know that you want to start a business, but what do you want to do? Having a vague idea is excellent, but the more you know about your business, the more confident you will feel when it comes to actually starting it. Make a business plan. Think about premises, suppliers, marketing, costs, and prices. Ask yourself if you could work at home, or if you’d need a workspace? Plan as much as possible, and try to identify any problems that you may have before they crop up.

Find the Right Help

You can, of course, do it all for yourself. But, things often work out better when we have help. You might want to take on an assistant or someone to handle admin. You might need someone to help with packaging and shipping or a social media manager. You can find detailed information here on managed IT support services, which can protect your business, as well as pushing it forward. Think about the help that you need to get your business off the ground and take your time to find the right people.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Sometimes, knowing what help you need is more about knowing what you are good at than what your business needs. If your background is in marketing, you might not need any help here (unless you hated it and are keen for a change) ask yourself what you are good at, take confidence from your experience, knowledge, and strengths, and know that help is available for the rest.

Minimize the Risks

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A big part of having the confidence to start is knowing that the risks are as small as possible. You might want to wait until your family is in a strong financial position or until you have saved enjoy to survive with a limited income. You could consider starting your business as a side hustle around your job. There are plenty of ways to start a business with limited risk.

Computer Network Security Tips

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. Pretty much every business today uses some sort of computer network. As such the security of your network is absolutely critical. The following contributed post is entitled, Computer Network Security Tips.

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Most companies have a computer network that is shared amongst employees to offer helpful collaboration and access to important files. When planning to open a business or make changes to a current one, the network should be a focus of your interest.

Today we want to take a look at computer networks and think about helpful tips you can use for effective working as a business. Whether you filter out spam, use Managed Services or restrict access to your network, there are many ways to ensure the safety of your data.

Seal the doors

The most crucial thing to think about in terms of your network is the entry point. Think of your network as a house. The easiest way for a hacker to gain entry to your network is through the doors and windows, and this is the first thing you need to protect. Make sure to explore your network and find any weaknesses or entry points that could be used by hackers. Once you have identified these areas you can fix them and make them stronger.

Think on a device basis

When thinking about the safety of your network, it is important for you to consider every device that houses a gateway to the network. If you have a large business, there will likely be many computers and laptops that have access to the network. Weaknesses can lie in every device and a hacker might take advantage of a singular device. This is why you should install antivirus software on every single device that has access to the network. This will provide a protective cushion and ensure the safety of your network.

Eradicate spam

Spam emails seem to be the norm these days. Since the early 2000’s people have tried to scam others by sending emails with the deception of being from someone else. Of course, as technology has advanced and we have become more savvy, hackers have also increased their ability. This is why it is important for you to filter spam and create blocks and rules for any and all emails that aren’t from a known source. As a business it is also important to educate staff, especially older staff, to not click on links or open attachments they don’t recognise.


A good password is one of the best weapons you can have when it comes to security. If your aim is to keep the business safe and the network secure, it is crucial for you to choose strong passwords and ensure that everyone in your company does the same. A strong password should contain letters, numbers and special characters. For extra support, make sure that your workers change their password every 3 months to reduce the risk of them being hacked.

Restrict Full Access

Did you know you can change the access each individual has to your network? If you have a network that shares files such as invoices and employee information, it is a good idea to restrict certain parts of the network to only allow authorised personnel. This is a good way to keep your network safe and always ensure that data stays in safe hands.

3 Places Where Branding Really Matters

Two of the principles of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Properly branding your business is today’s world is critical to your success. As such it’s important to understand where to you place you branding so that it’s most effective. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Places Where Branding Really Matters.

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In business, you of course need to make sure at all times that you are fully focused on your branding if you are to be successful. It is only with good branding that you can expect the business to be successful and to retain its reputation in the industry you are working in, so it is hugely important to make sure that you are focused on this as best as you can be. As it happens, there are a few places in particular where it turns out that branding is especially important, either because it is so powerful to utilize those places or because it is essential to use them for your business for some reason or another. In this post, we will take a look at some of these places where branding really matters, so that you can much more readily make the most of it.

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Your Offices

This is one that a lot of businesses fail to consider, and yet if you do it right it can be an especially powerful one that you might want to think about. Your offices offer you a wonderful chance to be able to utilize and promote your branding, and if you can make use of this you will find that it really does make a huge difference to your business’ chances of success overall. The best way to go about doing this is to obtain signage supplies from Eurotech and then get to work on building displays outside your offices with your business’ branding plastered all over them. This will ensure that you are able to much more easily brand your business, even if you feel that it might be challenging to get it right.

Social Media

It’s hard to think of marketing these days without focusing on social media to at least some degree. Your social media is likely to be important and central for many reasons, but one of the main ones is that it is where all the people are. So how your business appears there is very much how it appears in the minds of your customers and the public more generally. If you want to be able to make this work out okay, you need to ensure that you are branding well on social media. That will absolutely lead to a much more successful marketing venture in general, so it’s definitely worth the effort.

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Product Packaging

The packaging of your products is hugely important for many reasons, and one of the main ones is that it is actually a powerful opportunity for you to be able to advertise your wares and promote your business generally, as well as advertising the specific product itself of course. With the right product packaging, you can expect it to do wonders for your branding, so this is absolutely something that you are going to want to think about as best as you can. If you can get this right, you will find that you are going to be able to expect huge improvements generally.

4 Ways To Ensure Patient Safety In Your Medical Business

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Health/Wellness. When working in patient care, you’re holding people’s lives in your hands. If and when your medical gets a reputation for being unsafe, it could be difficult to recover. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Ways To Ensure Patient Safety In Your Medical Business.

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When you run a healthcare business, patients are literally putting their life in your hands in some cases. You have a responsibility to protect your patients, and if you don’t do that, your business is likely to fail. If patients are not safe in your practice and they experience complications with their treatment, that has a big impact on your business and you will struggle to find any new patients. If complications arise because of a mistake on your part, you could even end up in legal trouble. Patient safety should always be your first priority as a medical business, and you should do anything you can to improve it. These are some of the best ways that you can improve patient safety in your medical business.

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Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a big problem in most industries. People are working longer hours and increasingly taking their work home with them, and that means that a lot of people burn themselves out. It has a big impact on productivity, which is an issue for all businesses, but poor work-life balance can be dangerous in the medical industry. If you are going to keep patients safe, it’s important that you eliminate human error in your business, because that can lead to mistakes. When people are not getting enough rest, they will not have full concentration, and that can lead to some dangerous mistakes when working on patients. If you find that you are stretched, you may need to hire some more employees to ensure that people are not working long hours all the time.

Monitoring Systems

Investing in technology is vital to success in the medical business, but if you have a limited budget, you should direct it towards monitoring systems. If you invest in the right patient monitoring systems, like pulse oximeters (like these at, temperature sensors, and heart rate monitors, it’s easier to manage patient care. You can monitor their condition in real time and ensure that they are seen to immediately if there is an issue.

Infection Control

Infection control is absolutely vital if you want to keep patients safe. When you have a lot of patients that are in a vulnerable state, infection can spread quickly and it can be incredibly dangerous. Basic precautions like hygiene are important, so make sure that you give your employees extensive training in this area. It’s also important that you are following proper procedure when sterilizing equipment and administering injections, so you can reduce the chance of blood infections.

Improve Communication

Miscommunication can be fatal in the healthcare business. If your employees are not communicating the needs of their patients to one another effectively, it’s so much easier for people to make mistakes and administer the wrong treatments. If symptoms are not communicated properly and records are not thorough, that could also lead to a misdiagnosis for patients. In some cases, giving the wrong treatment due to a misdiagnosis could be dangerous. That’s why it’s important that you find ways to improve communication and avoid these mistakes.

If you do not prioritize patient safety, you are putting lives at risk, so it’s important that you follow this advice and make sure that all of your patients are receiving the best possible care.

A full-time income on part-time hours revisited part two: Motivations for joining the business

“When my job told me that I’d have to go back to school to get another degree in order to get a promotion, I didn’t want to do that!”

This is part two of my series entitled, A full-time income on part-time hours revisited. Part one of this series introduced Multi-Level Network Marketing businesses (MLMs). Part two will discuss the motivations of people who join these types of businesses.

“Bruce, I want to ask your opinion about a business informational meeting I recently attended. This group helps people get out of their financial debt, but they also aggressively recruit more people into their business,” I said in a discussion with talk show host Bruce Williams in 2007. “It sounds like I could make a lot of money if I join. It also sounds like pretty hefty commitment time-wise, one that I’m not sure that I can fulfill in tandem with my scientific research.”

“What you just described sounds like a Multi-Level Network Marketing company,” Bruce casually commented in his burly, grandfatherly voice. Bruce Williams’ talk show covered a range of topics including politics, current events, economics (personal finance and business), as well as life’s daily issues. “Look guy, I don’t know what it is that they’re selling, but I think you’ll be better off focusing your time and attention to launching your career in science!”

Everyone’s motivation for going into to business is to make money. Unfortunately, not everyone can cook, invent a social media site that will change the world, create a new operating system, or buy a McDonald’s franchise, coincidentally the one franchise often referenced in the Rich Dad Poor Dad books and in Network Marketing informational meetings. It’s not uncommon at a meeting to hear, “McDonald’s may not make the best hamburger, but they are the model franchise,” or something similar. Many also state that, “McDonald’s isn’t in the business of fast food, they’re in the business of real estate,” or something to that effect.

Likewise, Multi-Level Network Marking businesses offer the opportunity to start a business with only a little money down (usually $100-$500), and the potential to make more money than one could ever make on their job through generation of ‘passive residual incomes’. At least that’s how they’re sold. In terms of making money in your sleep which passive income empowers you to do, who wouldn’t want to do that? By the way, business models that are already set up and only require you to buy into them are called ‘turnkey businesses’. Michael E. Gerber has written several books about this, the most popular is entitled, The E-Myth.

The thought of making passive residual incomes is very enticing for people who understand what it is and represents. Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad books were my first introduction to this powerful concept, and I recommend at least reading his first two books. The second is entitled, Cashflow Quadrant. Robert’s books also introduced me to the idea of making money ‘exponentially’ instead of ‘linearly’.

Whatever your venture is, the more passive income you can earn, the closer you come to financial freedom. This is the perfect segue into the time factor. What also gets people’s mouths salivating is the potential to not have to punch a clock, go to an office, and answer to a supervisor. These businesses are also seen as ways of circumventing battling for promotions every year and having to work your way up the corporate ladder as they say. As Robert Kiyosaki says in his books, and as many people have personally experienced, promotions often don’t result in significantly more income for various reasons.

Personally, people have multiple reasons for joining. Some people who have held traditional jobs and careers, eventually sour on a life of having to “climb the corporate ladder” as described above. Some sour on having to be chosen for promotions which often results in more responsibility but not necessarily significantly more take home pay. Others have reached middle age and don’t see themselves being able to retire on what they’ve saved or haven’t saved.

“When my job told me that I’d have to go back to school to get another degree in order to get a promotion, I didn’t want to do that. This business is allowing me to make larger sums of income than my job could ever offer and save for my retirement,” the speaker at a meeting said. Finally, others don’t like the idea of having to go back to school to get more degrees in order to qualify for promotions in their respective organization.

And those are just educated people. Some people haven’t gone very far school-wise for any number of reasons and don’t have the potential to ascend in any job long-term. These businesses thus represent a fast track to wealth which can bypass a traditional education.

“My mother who is deaf and some of her friends weren’t very educated and they saw the business as one of the only ways they could make good money,” a friend shared with me. Her mother got involved in a home-based business that sold water purifiers and they had to go door to door to sell them.

In general, these businesses are ways for people to:

• Achieve financial independence
• Have more control over their lives
• Bypass the traditional paradigm of working for someone else to make money – trading money for time every day

While the benefits of joining like this type of enterprise seem to be limitless, what happens when you pay your entrance fee and sign on the dotted line? And when one does join, what are the actual rigors and expectations? These questions will be addressed in part three of this series.

Thank you for reading this blog post. If you enjoyed this piece, you might also enjoy:

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Keep Your Business Secure In 3 Simple Steps

Two of focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. One of your goals in running your business is to keep it secure. There are some simple steps you can take to do this. The following contributed post is entitled, Keep Your Business Secure In 3 Simple Steps.

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Keeping your business safe needs to be your number one priority, and if that is not the case right now, you need to make sure it is as soon as possible. If you don’t know how to do this, then you have come to the right place because we are going to be talking about three of the simple steps that you can take to keep your business secure. If you want to know more about this topic, keep reading down below.

Erase Your Non-Important Files

The first thing that we are going to suggest to you is that you erase any files that you no longer need whether they hold sensitive information or not. Erasing computers can be easy, here’s how with WipeDrive, so you don’t have to be worried about your business being at risk. If you get rid of the files, then there is nothing that anyone can do to your company as they won’t have the evidence or the data that they require. We suggest that you do this a few times per year so that you can be sure there is nothing on there that you wouldn’t want to get out to the public.

Invest In Anti-Virus Software

Something else that we highly recommend is that you invest in anti-virus software. Now, there are a number of places that you can purchase this from, and if you go online, you are going to find a list of the best antivirus softwares on the market right now to help you choose which one you are going to use to protect your company. If you make this investment, then your online presence is going to be far more secure, and you are at less risk of someone gaining access to your network remotely. If this happens, your network is going to be completely vulnerable to the whim of the attacker, and this is not something that you want to happen which is why it is so important that you take this precaution.

Hire Security

It is not just online that you need to be thinking of, you are going to need to protect your business premises. Security guards are going to be a good idea and having CCTV installed around the building is going to give you that extra layer of security. You don’t need to panic about the cost either as you need to treat this like it is an investment into your business, because at the end of the day, it is. You need to know that your business is secure no matter what the cost is. This isn’t a difficult process to do, you just need to make sure that anyone you hire is trained properly and knows what to do in case of an emergency.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now know how to keep your business secure in three simple steps. Put these steps into practice, and your business is going to be far safer for it both online and offline.

Everything a Small Business Owner Needs to Know About Shipping

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you’re creating a product for use by others, you must figure out how to ship it to your customers. Businesses which ship products to their customers must understand the most efficient ways to do it. The following contributed post is entitled, Everything a Small Business Owner Needs to Know About Shipping.

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Nowadays, it’s increasingly easy for businesses to engage with customers spread all across the country – or even all over the world. E Commerce is on the rise, which means customers don’t have to come into a brick and mortar store. Instead, they can just visit a website, place and order, and have the item sent to them in the comfort of their own homes. This is highly beneficial for small business owners. After all, it means more custom and more profit. But it does mean that you have a huge are you need to lay a lot of focus on – shipping. An effective shipping plan is essential to getting your products to your customer in good time and maintaining good customer bonds. So, here’s everything you need to know on the subject!


You need to make sure that anything you send is correctly packaged. There are all sorts of packaging out there. From standard parcel paper and parcel tape to these polymer mailer bags here. All packaging should be secure and tightly taped together. This will prevent items falling out and you losing profit (and potentially a customer) in the process. Make sure that the recipient’s name and address can be clearly read – sometimes it’s better to print out labels than handwrite these details. You should also ensure a returns address is clearly visible on the back of the parcel. This will ensure the items make their way back to you if they do get lost in the post.

Different Shipping Methods

When you first start out, it’s highly likely that you’ll make use of your standard national postal service when it comes to sending goods to buyers. But as you grow and expand, you may find that you begin to cause queues in the post office as you’re trying to send too much. You will also end up spending more than necessary. At this point, you might want to consider using a courier. This service will be able to deliver larger numbers of items and at a lower cost.


If you’re sending items of high value, it’s generally best to have some sort of tracking on them. This will ensure you know where the item is at all times and that you know if the customer has received it or not. Unfortunately, some people will pretend items haven’t arrived in order to request a refund. Tracking will let you see a signature of the recipient once they’ve received the item, meaning you needn’t worry about this sort of theft. It can also help to trace items that seem to be taking longer than expected. A tracking number gives customers peace of mind that their item is definitely on its way to them.

These are the bare basics of shipping for small business. But they’ll help to get you started out on the right foot. At the end of the day, shipping is something you’re likely to have to deal with at some point or another. So, it’s best to start familiarising yourself with the process as soon as possible!