How Social Media Can Help You Stay Up To Date With Industry Trends

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. While it usually gets a bad rap, social media can be a valuable tool in your business and your industry. The following contributed post is entitled, How Social Media Can Help You Stay Up To Date With Industry Trends.

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Today, it’s more important than ever to stay on top of industry trends. Though new developments and news may feel overwhelming, staying in the loop as a professional should be at the forefront of your work habits. Leveraging social media can help you achieve this goal relatively quickly. By relying on influencers, you can benefit from all the necessary and relevant information they bring to your attention. With access to networks like Twitter or LinkedIn, you now have a direct connection with industry professionals around the world and their opinions!

Via Pixabay

Stay In-the-Know on the Latest Industry Trends by Familiarizing Yourself with Various Social Media Platforms

Some countless services and networks can help you stay informed – knowing which ones to use is critical. Different social media platforms focus on various topics, offering unique features and benefits. For example, Twitter is an excellent resource for following hashtags and keeping up with current affairs. LinkedIn is often used as a professional network, offering a way to follow thought leaders in particular fields while also showing potential career opportunities. Last but not least, Reddit is great for uncovering specific topics in more detail – it’s known to have lively discussion forums about various industries. Understanding these types of social media sites will ensure your efforts stay focused and you remain ahead of the competition regarding industry trends.

Take Advantage of Twitter Hashtags to Follow Trending Topics

Twitter is a great way to stay in the loop on industry trends. Thanks to Twitter API v2, users can leverage hashtags and delve into conversations about topics most relevant to their field of expertise.

Maximize the Potential of LinkedIn Groups for Professional Networking and Knowledge Exchange

LinkedIn provides an unparalleled platform for professionals to connect and converse about topics relevant to their field. Through its many Groups, users can search for conversations around a specific topic or join one attached to their industry. Not only will staying engaged with others in your field help boost your network, but you can also gain insight into current trends and news from credible sources.

Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging Instagram to stay up-to-date with the newest trends in your industry

Instagram is one of the hottest social media outlets, and it’s no wonder that many professionals rely on this platform to track industry trends. With a few simple steps, such as following influencers or news sites related to your field, you can stay in touch with new information presented. On top of that, by contributing to conversations about trending topics, you can voice your thoughts while connecting with different marketers around the globe!

Leverage Facebook to Keep Up with Trending News and Insights from Leaders in Your Industry

Keeping up with industry trends can be difficult, so utilizing social media is a great way to stay current. Facebook, in particular, provided an easy means for users to receive updates from influencers and thought leaders in their respective fields. By frequently posting and streaming live, professionals can instantly gain valuable insights on the best techniques to use in their work setting and keep up with trending news. Additionally, they can sharpen their knowledge by engaging with followers through conversations while connecting with those with similar interests.

Last but not least, have fun with social media — be creative in how you use it, experiment with new tools and features, and follow exciting or inspiring topics!

Why You Need a Website and Social Media Platforms for Your Business

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In our current digital age, more and more business is being conducted online. Even if you have a brick and mortar business, you’ll need a social media presence and a website in order to compete. The following guest post is entitled, Why You Need a Website and Social Media Platforms for Your Business.

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In this day and age, having a website and social media platforms for your business is essential. More and more people are using the internet to find businesses and products, so it’s important to make sure that your business is easily accessible online.

If you are thinking of building a website, you can pay for web design services. If you want to have social media platforms, you can create accounts for free on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Having a website and social media platforms is important because it allows customers to learn more about your business and what you have to offer. It also allows customers to connect with you directly, which can lead to more sales. Additionally, having a website and social media platforms can help improve your search engine ranking, which means that more people will be able to find your business online.

Why Are Websites Important?

Websites are important because they allow businesses to reach a larger audience. A website can be accessed by anyone with internet access, regardless of where they are located. This makes it a great way to promote your business and products to a global audience. Additionally, having a website gives customers a place to learn more about your company, which can lead to more sales.

Why Are Social Media Platforms Important?

Social media platforms are important because they allow businesses to connect with customers directly. Customers can learn about new products and promotions, and they can also provide feedback about their experience with your business. Additionally, social media platforms can help improve your search engine ranking, which means that more people will be able to find your business online.

What Makes A Good Website?

Below are the things that make a good website:


Your website should be easy to access, regardless of the device that is being used. This is because not everyone uses the same device to access the internet. Your website should be accessible on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.


Your website should have a professional design that is easy to navigate. The layout and graphics should be appealing to customers and reflect the image of your business.


Your website should be easy to use. All of the links should work properly, and the pages should load quickly. If there are any errors on your website, they need to be fixed immediately.


Your website needs to be SEO friendly in order for it to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means that you will need to include keywords and phrases throughout your website content and metadata. You will also need to set up proper redirects and use canonical tags.

How To Use Social Media Platforms Effectively?

Below are the ways that you can use social media platforms effectively:

Create Interesting Content

Your social media posts should be interesting and engaging. They should also be relevant to your target audience. You can use images, videos, and text to create content that is appealing to customers.

Engage With Customers

You should engage with customers by responding to their comments and questions. This will help build a relationship with them and show that you care about their feedback.

Promote Your Products And Services

You should use social media to promote your products and services. You can post images, videos, and text about your products and services in order to generate interest from customers.

Monitor Your Results

You should monitor your results so that you can see how well your social media campaigns are performing. This will help you determine which strategies are working and which ones need to be changed.

Benefits Of Having A Website And Social Media Platforms

There are many benefits of having a website and social media platforms for your business. Some of the benefits are listed below:

• A website allows businesses to reach a larger audience.

• A website can be accessed by anyone with internet access, regardless of where they are located.

• A website gives customers a place to learn more about your company, which can lead to more sales.

• Social media platforms allow businesses to connect with customers directly. Customers can learn about new products and promotions, and they can also provide feedback about their experience with your business.

• Social media platforms can help improve your search engine ranking, which means that more people will be able to find your business online.

• You can use social media platforms to promote your products and services

In this day and age, it is important for businesses to have a website and social media platforms. These platforms allow businesses to reach a larger audience, connect with customers directly, and promote their products and services. Having a website and social media platforms is essential for any business that wants to be successful in the modern world.

5 Reasons To Take Social Media Marketing More Seriously

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In today’s digital age, social media is valuable tool in your business tool box. For the lay person, it may be simply a way to fill the time, but for business owners, it’s a tool for growth. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Reasons To Take Social Media Marketing More Seriously.

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There’s no denying that the online marketing landscape has changed in recent years thanks to the introduction of social media.

Advertisers got introduced to exciting new marketing methods that were both powerful and easy-to-use, plus they could now communicate content to people worldwide in seconds. Today, billions of people use social media networks like Facebook and Twitter each day.

If you’re not using social media to market to your target audience, you’re missing out on excellent and cost-effective ways to reach your intended consumers.

The following gives you five examples of why it makes sense for you to take social media marketing more seriously for your business:

1. You’ll Drive Traffic To Your Website

The first point to note about social media marketing is how it will drive more traffic to your website. As you know, your website won’t get any visitors unless people know about it.

Of course, you only want the right kinds of visitors – people that are most likely to engage with your brand and buy stuff. Social media marketing is a clever way of targeting the right demographic for your website and brand.

2. It’s Easy To Benchmark Your Campaigns

According to companies like BrandTotal, it’s easier than you think to benchmark your campaigns and determine how you can adjust them for optimal results.

For example, making changes like adjusting ad creatives and improving landing pages will help boost conversion rates for your website. You can also use metrics like Google Analytics to measure the success of each campaign.

3. Social Media Marketing Offers Better Engagement

The only way you can genuinely attract customers to your brand is by understanding who they are and what they want. If you’re a brand that makes it known you care about your customers, they will be more likely to buy from you than a competitor.

Social media marketing offers you better engagement with your customers as platforms like Facebook and Twitter enable you to quickly and easily respond to each customer’s concerns and questions.

4. It’s Perfect For Marketing To Mobile Users

Did you know that most people go online from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets? According to Statista, around 92% of all active Internet users go online from a mobile device!

You undoubtedly want to target people who go online, and given that people mostly use mobile devices to do that, one of the activities they will do is use social media. With that in mind, social media marketing can help you target mobile users.

5. You’ll Build Your Brand

One final point to consider is how social media marketing is a powerful way to help you build your brand. It makes no difference whether you’re a startup or an established business – you must embrace social media marketing to help your brand grow.

You’ll find that most people are likely to use social networks more times than visit your website or search for the products and services you sell.

Social Media Secure: Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

Two focuses of my blog are Current Events and Technology. In our new digital world, social media and reached into pretty much every aspect of life. On top of that, pretty much every generation is now using social media. It’s fun for young kids but it poses numerous dangers as well. The following contributed post is entitled, Social Media Secure: Keeping Your Kids Safe Online.

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Social networking platforms are incredibly popular and the number of users every day is growing more and more. The general feeling is about safety and security as more and more individuals flood to use them. When millions of people use social media, they have to be secure, don’t they?

In reality, just like any other website, Facebook, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and Kik have their fair share of security problems, many of which have been addressed in the media. Some of the problems are due to technological issues, and others are due to the individuals using them.

This is a problem for everyone, but it needs to be tackled because children and adolescents, who are especially vulnerable, make up such a large percentage of users. Fortunately, with a few simple steps, you can protect your identity and account, as well as those belonging to your teenager.

Image Via Pexels CC0

Put limits on social media use

A UNICEF study notes that ‘some time on social media is actually good‘ and that it can be positive for the social relationships of children. Given the present conditions that we find ourselves in with COVID-19, this is even more plausible. Social media gives us the chance to stay in touch with families and friends around the globe and to keep up-to – date with global events.

With the average teenager, however, spending about nine hours a day on a laptop-how much is too much screen time? The general guideline is about two or three hours in total, although it naturally varies from person to person. According to Monitoring the Future, anything more than that and social media can lead to feelings of anxiety and unhappiness.

Keep an eye on their online behaviour

There are different apps that you can use to keep an eye on what your child is doing on different social media platforms, as we mentioned above. It is a way to make sure that any would-be predators, who are very good at fooling kids and teenagers into thinking they are someone they are not, and are not grooming them. It also helps to give you an idea of whether there is any cyberbullying or other unpleasant behaviour going on. In more extreme circumstances, you can hire a hacker for cell phone to watch everything that is happening.

Talk about privacy settings

The privacy settings on many social media networks can be so nuanced that even the most tech-savvy of adults fail to get their heads around it, let alone kids. It is important, however, to do your research and check everything. The fewer details that strangers will see, the better. Discuss the data they post on social media and discourage images that reveal where they go to school or where they live from being posted.

Unfortunately, teens and kids can almost always get around using social media and get into trouble with them, so by putting these tips into effect, you will reduce the chance of this happening and keep them safer for longer.

How To Nail Your Social Media Branding

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re in business, a key aspect of your marketing strategy today has to involve social media as so many people are now plugged into it. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Nail Your Social Media Branding.

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Image Credit: Pexels. Free to Use Licence.

Building a brand for your business is one thing, but ensuring that your brand is relevant and carries over to your social media is another. Effective social media branding is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy and can be the difference between success and failure. If you’re unsure how to build your social media brand, then here are some tips that you may find useful.

Go back to basics and define your audience

Before you take a branding idea and run with it, it is crucial that you first take the time to thoroughly define your target audience. Defining your target audience on social media will allow you to create a brand identity that effectively resonates with the audience that you are trying to reach. When determining who your audience is, try not to cast your net too wide as this can make it difficult to refine your branding and does not automatically ensure that you will capture your target customers.

Don’t feel as though you need to be on every social media network

As you begin to define your target audience, it may start to become clear that your audience is not present on all social media platforms. Rather than wasting time, money, and energy on creating a brand presence on platforms your target customers do not use, start by focusing on one or two platforms that they use on a regular basis. Facebook and Twitter are usually a great platform to start with, as is LinkedIn if you are B2B, and Instagram for B2C content, but you may also want to consider trying TikTok, or YouTube who can help you to harness the power of video.

Create consistent valuable content

Your social media content is a direct reflection of your brand and should be written and designed to reflect your tone of voice and company values. Not all of the things you post need to have a sales angle, but it is essential that everything you post provides your followers with value. To make sure that your content is well thought out and is consistent, most businesses create a content strategy and try to build their content well in advance so that they can see how it sits together. As a general rule, for the maximum engagement, you should aim to make one Facebook post per day, 1-2 Instagram posts, 15 Tweets, 1 LinkedIn post and 1 TikTok per day,

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a professional branding or social media agency. Creating an effective social media brand and an efficient strategy is time-consuming and complex, which simply makes it unsustainable for many businesses to take on in-house. Do some research and get more information from some branding and social media agencies that cater to your sector to see if this is an avenue that is worth exploring.

So there you have it – a few simple tips to help you nail your social media branding. Is your business on social media? Which social media networks do you use?

What Can Social Media Do For Your Business?

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. A business that doesn’t use social media is not clicking on all cylinders. Social media has created different ways marketing and ways of reaching multiple demographics. The following contributed post is entitled, What Can Social Media Do For Your Business?

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Image Source Pixabay CC0 License

In today’s business climate, it’s very difficult to find a business that can’t benefit from social media. Furthermore, most companies are now active on various platforms as they fear being left behind by their competitors. However, the vast majority of companies fail to unlock the true benefits of social media. Now is the time for yours to stand out from the crowd.

Before building your strategy, you must research the many benefits that social media streams can bring to your business. Here’s all you need to know.

Raise Brand Awareness & Reputation

Reaching new clients and securing more returning customers is the main goal shared by millions of companies. Setting up business pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great ways to stay active with your clients. You can find out how at The regular posts offer a chance to update them on new products, services, and promotions.

However, you can take this further with behind-the-scenes content and insights into the people behind the brand. The lack of human interactions can cause some issues for your customers. This is the best substitute by a considerable distance. Take this opportunity to gain positive reviews from clients too, and new leads will soon flock to the venture.

Improve Customer Care

Social media marketing channels are more effective than ever. However, they can be utilized to achieve so much more. Clients may need to ask questions about a product before completing a purchase. Alternatively, they may have experienced problems with those items. Either way, social media direct messaging features are ideal.

They can also be used to send out mass marketing communications. The fact that the recipients have shown an interest in the brand should produce more hot leads. On a side note, handling contact in this manner can aid your bid to go green. When contacting the business feels convenient, clients will invariably respond in a far better manner.

Make Money

Every business decision is focused on the financial elements. In addition to the financial rewards of securing more leads and sales, social media can be used to gain direct earnings. Monetizing a blog or YouTube channel is a process enjoyed by many businesses. The ads hosted on those channels can boost your earnings without promoting direct competitors.

You can take the process to a whole new level by launching a social media App. Learn how to do this at This could earn you money from users and other businesses alike. You can still generate more leads through these platforms too. This can further support the sales funnels created via other channels.

Develop New B2B Relations

Interactions with clients will remain the priority for most businesses. Still, you should not overlook other links. The B2B communications can see major benefits thanks to the use of social media. Firstly, internal interactions can be aided through the use of WhatsApp groups and private Facebook groups. It can help manage workflows and discussions.

External links to other businesses can be facilitated through social media too. When looking for local companies to partner with, the reviews left on business pages can offer key insight. Reaching out to new connections via LinkedIn is a great option. The various platforms can also help you identify local events and opportunities.

How to Use Social Media to Build Your Brand

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. Most businesses today need a strategy for building their brand via social media. Social media has changed the game in that it has created an abundance of markets separate from traditional media. The following guest post is entitled, How to Use Social Media to Build Your Brand.

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Social media is about sharing thoughts, establishing an online presence, and building a network. Given these factors, marketing professionals realized how they can use it as leverage. In fact, it helped brands build their digital presence in a social space, and the bulk of online purchases were attributed to social influence. Most consumers will agree that user-generated content can influence buyer behavior.

Many companies adopt this strategy since social media is key to a successful brand campaign. In cities such as Brisbane, SEO services and social media marketing doubled in demand. However, the social media climate is harsh, and business owners should be aware of this. Creating engaging online campaigns can be a disaster without proper research and planning. Here are some pointers on how to utilize social media for brand-building:

Be bold with ideas

Burger King launched a unique and controversial online campaign for its customers: delete ten of your friends to receive a free Whopper. To their surprise: 240,000 people were unfriended by people who wanted something free in return. Each customer who took up the challenge received a receipt after participating in Burger King stores. Their unconventional strategy, “Whopper Sacrifice,” was the Grand Winner at the 2009 Clio Awards. When you’re willing to take risks and push the envelope, you’ll reap the rewards. Be bold with your ideas and don’t hesitate to push the envelope; it will pay off.

Use social media interests and hashtags

MTV, the music video pioneer, utilized social media to boost the 2012 Video Music Awards. Six-second videos were aired on different social media platforms to announce the nominees for Best Female Video, Best Male Video, and Video of the Year. Fans were treated to an exclusive glimpse of the Moon Man’s trip from LA to New York by using the #RoadtotheVMAs on Twitter. The Road to the VMAs 2012 became the second most talked about social buzz to date. Using social media interests and hashtags helps get the word across the online space.

Take over a social space to pick people’s interests

Uniqlo, a Japan-based clothing company, created a simultaneous pinning event on Pinterest. As users scrolled across the brand’s page, big blocks of pinned images (shirts, jeans, jackets) formed Uniqlo’s brand mosaic. Their products were animated in real time, which gave people a glimpse of what their brand had to offer. Taking over a social space and allowing people to participate in a synchronized online event helps a company introduce its brand to an untapped market. Brands should work with different social media platforms to engage people and wake them up from their digital slumber.

In the end, these are just some examples of how social media can help your brand increase its revenue and build its name. Social media is an effective tool in building a brand while increasing its online revenues. Digital platforms are perfect marketing mediums: no restrictions and barriers. Armed with good strategies and creativity, social media is an effective tool to build your brand’s name online.

Get Social: Brilliant Benefits For Your Business

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. As today’s world has become more digital, your social media presence is critical to your business’s success. While social media is misused on a personal level by many people, it’s a very valuable weapon in your arsenal for your business. The following contributed post is entitled, Get Social: Brilliant Benefits For Your Business.

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More than 3 billion people use social media platforms. While social networks may have started out as a communications hub designed to help friends, colleagues and family members stay in touch, its role has undoubtedly evolved. Today, social media plays an integral role in promoting businesses and enabling companies to reach out to customers. If you’re not already reaping the rewards of utilizing these networks and apps for your business, now is the time to get social.

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Brilliant benefits for your business
If you’ve never used social media as a business tool before, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. The truth is that social sites offer an incredible platform for all kinds of companies, and an effective social media marketing campaign can have an amazing impact. Here are some of the most significant advantages of using social media as a marketing tool:

Raising brand awareness
Branding is a means of giving your business personality and showing potential customers what you are all about. Social networks offer an opportunity to enable followers and friends to get to know your brand and to show the human side of your company. Whether you’re a fun, quirky business selling gifts, toys or novelty items, or a smart, professional firm offering services like accounting or legal advice, you can use social media to enhance your brand image. You can also get your name out there by encouraging all your existing friends and followers to share your pages and posts. A small group of virtual friends can soon become an expansive network.

Reaching more customers
Billions of people use social apps and sites, and many subscribers check their profiles and news feeds several times per day. Using social media advertising and sharing posts can help you build your client base and reach out to users you may never have been able to contact without social networks.

Defining an audience
Social platforms often have tools you can use to pinpoint users and define your audience. If you’re using adverts to promote your business, for example, you don’t want to pay for posts that have no chance of converting. You can use features like Facebook’s audience insights to maximize your chances of targeting people who are likely to have an interest in the products or services you’re selling. If you are looking to use social media to expand your customer base and increase conversion rates, and you’re not sure how to go about it, it’s wise to consider working with a social media agency. Marketing experts will be able to design and implement a campaign based on your objectives and your target market.

Engaging and communicating with users
Communication is key in modern business, and many customers like to have a relationship with the brands they buy from. Social sites enable you to share posts, comment and send messages within a matter of seconds.

Social media may be a platform for catching up with friends and sharing funny videos, but it can also be an incredibly effective marketing ploy. If you’re not already using these networks to showcase your business and attract customers, what are you waiting for?

Top Tips For Creating A Good Social Media Presence As A Small Business

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. It’s a much different world than it was 20 years ago. Social media permeates everything in 2019 and everyone is using it. As such, you must effectively do business there. The following contributed post is entitled, Top Tips For Creating A Good Social Media Presence As A Small Business.

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It’s apparent now that social media is here to stay and it is quickly becoming apparent that to succeed as any business you need to be able to show that you have a good online presence on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Just because it’s now becoming a necessity to have an excellent online presence, doesn’t mean that you will already have your plan of action when it comes to the steps you need to have in place to succeed.

Image by Pixelkult from Pixabay

There is still plenty of time and ways that you can optimize your social media presence and with so many benefits it’s bound to be worth the time and effort. Have a look below at some of the ways you can create a good social media presence as a small business:

Look At The Networks

With so many social media platforms available it can be really hard to know which ones are the best option for your business. You should try to think about the platforms that your customers are most likely to be using or start with the four most popular. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and, Pinterest. Maintaining and creating content for each of these platforms can at times, be very time consuming and it has been known to take up almost the hours of a full-time member of staff. As it’s imperative to succeding online to be regularly seen and provide a constant flow of content it might be an idea to use outsourcing to help get you started and to maintain your accounts. By outsourcing for things such as social media videos productions you are freeing u your time for focus on areas such as your goals and strategy.

Goals Are Good

There are a number of benefits for a business that is active on social media, and there are several things you can achieve purely from having a social media presence such as being able to provide a second to none level of customer service. Not only this you’re able to engage with your customers, learn about them, expand your audiences and gain valuable insights and feedback about your products or services. In order to achieve any of this though you need to make sure you are setting goals. Think about what you want to achieve from using social media and how you’re going to get there. Think about areas such as whether you’re going to consider hosting a blog, are you going to share reviews of your products or are you planning on using influencers to promote your products?

Create A Solid Strategy

Having that plan for improving your online social media presence is all good and well but in order to achieve it you need to make sure you have a solid strategy in place. Once you have your goal you need to make sure you are putting a plan into place to help you reach it. You should start off by deciding who and how you’re going to manage the social media accounts and then set clear guidelines across each platform to make sure they are united in the flow and appearance of your business. Once you have this inplace you need to think about the content you are going to include and the frequency you plan to post, once you’ve decided this then you should try sticking to it for a while so you can monitor your engagement success.

Do you have any other tips for helping to create a good social media presence? Please share your top tips in the comments section below.

Nailing Your Social Media Campaigns

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. A good deal amount of business takes place online these days and thus it becomes critical to use social media effectively. Doing so could take your business to the next level, and not doing so could cost you. The following contributed post is entitled, Nailing Your Social Media Campaigns.

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Your business is going well, your team (or just you) are fantastic at what you do, you outsource where you need to. Virtual assistants, some social media management – the type that can even tell you about your social media footprint, and the occasional copywriter. But what about if you want to have a go at your own basic social media campaign?

After all, it pays for you to understand what goes into it, and how to do it in the future.

Learning and implementing a social media campaign might seem like a bit of a daunting task but gathering up hints and tips from respectable sites, chat sites, and joining facebooks groups will help you on your way.
For a quick reason as to why you should be making an effort – there are 600 million people on, and they are scrolling for hours a day. Your adverts should be something the right people see.

Here are some quick fire tips for tackling your next social media campaign.

Social, Social, Advert & Social

Or something like that anyway. Social media is about taking part, conversations, communications and interacting. When you are putting together your campaign, skip the boosting altogether. In all of your materials, from graphics to text posts have questions. Ask and be curious. Be authentic in your communications, hold your communities attention and post links to your products – sure – but weave it into more social posts.

Don’t Beg

Running a competition for likes and follows is fine. Posting every day for likes and follows can come across a little bit needy. Growing organically takes time and care. Of course, ask people to share the content that they enjoy with their friends too, why should they want to share and follow? Content focused – always.

Be There

Make it simple and easy for people to be able to find you on all of your social media platforms. On your website have a share button, so that people can do your advertising for you. When you post new content, you should share it across your platforms too. When you start pushing out content with a message about your new product or service, make sure that you follow up with people that respond and any questions that are asked.


Through all of your interactions, you should stick to your goal. Have your text, images, and communications all focused on the message. If you have a sale, make sure that everything is focused on that.

Photo by Rahul Chakraborty on Unsplash


Don’t be scared to put some money into your social media marketing. It is almost impossible to be seen now without paying the price. So spend it well. Go through your analytics and see what your most robust set of numbers? Spending there makes sense, or use the tools to build a similar audience profile to advertise to.

Your social analytics can give you a lot of insight into where your campaigns have been successful, on from that your google analytics can help you see where people arrive and the conversions too.