Hello. Thank you for clicking on this link, and I hope you enjoy this essay. Writing a book was the genesis of my blogging and becoming a video content creator. I have published part one of my book project entitled, The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. It is currently available on Amazon in eBook, hardcover, and paperback formats. The paperback edition is now also available on IngramSpark. Shortly I will be selling signed hardcover and paperback copies on my online store entitled Big Words Authors. You can place an order now if you want a signed copy. There is also a page discussing the book. Please consider visiting it to learn more about the project and see promotional content I’ve created surrounding the project. And now, on to our feature presentation.
Interviewing Dr. Lee Phillips
I interviewed Dr. Lee Phillips on my YouTube channel entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology in 2024. I worked with Lee for several years at the David M. Brown Arlington Planetarium prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, which is where we met. There was likewise a lot that I didn’t know about Dr. Phillips which I learned about during our discussion. In our interview, we discussed his science training, research experience, and books that he has authored in the six segments below. I was particularly interested in his experiences as an author, as I am a newly self-published author myself. You can learn more about Dr. Phillips’ books Einstein’s Tutor and Practical Julia on Amazon. Consider subscribing to my science channel if you watch any of the segments below. Best regards.
My blog focuses on Business/Entrepreneurship and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Many innovations that we take for granted today have emerged from the science world. These innovations have led to the creation of whole business sectors. The following contributed post is entitled, The Art and Science of Research and Development: Fueling Innovation.
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In the business world, research and development (R&D) is at the center of innovation. R&D acts as the analytical backbone for any organization looking to remain competitive against competitors and satisfy customer demands. But its road from conception to realization may not always be smooth. In this blog, we will look at key aspects of R&D that play such an important role in shaping a business’s future.
At its center lies curiosity, its source and spark for R&D innovation. R&D thrives when companies treat R&D like an exploratory playground. Companies who take an exploratory approach often experience creative breakthroughs leading to innovative products and services. However, unchecked curiosity should always be balanced against thorough analysis and strategic planning for the best results or it can quickly turn into chaos.
Data: The Tireless Sidekick
No discussion about R&D would be complete without giving data the respect it deserves. Like a sidekick in any superhero comic book story, data supports and validates your most precious ideas. High-quality data collection and analysis are indispensable components of successful R&D. Its use helps inform teams where they stand, identify new opportunities, and safeguard against unnecessary misadventures. The mantra “In Data We Trust” could well become many projects’ north star.
Budget Battles: An Eternal Showdown
Ah, budget…R&D’s perennial adversary. Allocating sufficient resources for research endeavors requires companies to play a delicate balancing act between cost-effectiveness and groundbreaking outcomes. Each step must align with organizational goals while supporting potential disruptive success. Lest their competition catch up quickly before you can say “unicorn startup”.
The Human Element: Building the Dream Team
Behind every successful innovation lies a team of dedicated dreamers and doers working nonstop. R&D success depends on their talents and skills bringing ideas to fruition. Diversity adds flavor and depth, giving rise to new perspectives that challenge existing norms. Promoting open communication, encouraging an inclusive work culture and offering development opportunities are important ingredients in creating this human recipe of success.
Technology and Equipment: The Backbone of R&D
Cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art equipment form the cornerstones of innovation in R&D. Technology allows R&D teams to push the limits of what is possible, providing tools that enhance precision, efficiency, and scalability. From advanced computational software that facilitates complex simulations to cutting-edge laboratories equipped with a ingaas camera for infrared imaging, these resources play an important role in turning visionary concepts into tangible products and solutions. Also, artificial intelligence and machine learning have transformed data analysis for more accurate predictions and streamlined processes. Investing in appropriate equipment not only boosts productivity but gives teams the competitive edge necessary to lead in their respective industries.
Embracing Failure: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient
R&D can often be an uphill struggle, and failure in R&D is both common and an important learning experience. Companies that view failure not as an endpoint but as an opportunity can build resilience among their teams by extracting insights from failed projects to incorporate into future ones. Don’t fear those facepalm moments, because in them lies your key to eventual victory.
Going through the complex world of research and development is both an art and science. An exhilarating space where creativity meets analysis, where curiosity transforms into innovation, and where investment becomes non-negotiable in businesses looking towards the future. R&D investments must not be seen as optional if you want your company to unlock untapped potential. With an engaged team, robust data, and an openness towards failure learning, there are bound to be promising innovations out there waiting to be discovered.
I discuss numerous science- and technology-related topics on my YouTube channel entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. Science stories are all around us and in some instances, they overlap with culture, religion, and politics even when they should not. This is not a good thing, and this is the case with gender and now athletics. A major question facing everyone is whether transitioned women should compete in sports with natural women. Is it fair to the natural women?
Who Should Compete in Women’s Athletics?
Two famous individuals recently made headlines in this area. They are Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Martina Navratilova. Dr. Tyson is a world-renowned black astrophysicist and Navratilova is a legendary female tennis player who is lesbian. What is the intersection between the two? In this era of gender transitioning, many men of have transitioned to being women and are seeking to participate in women’s sports. As a result of their underlying biology, these transitioned women still have physical advantages over natural women in terms of speed and strength, allowing them relatively easy (sometimes brutal) victories in athletic competitions.
Factions Within a Larger Group?
Interestingly Dr. Tyson stepped out of the astrophysical world to advocate for this type of thing. The retired Navratilova courageously spoke out against Dr. Tyson and others regarding allowing transitioned women to compete with natural women. Regarding gender, the rainbow groups are typically lumped together in our modern culture. Navratilova’s position in all this interestingly shows that even lesbians still want to retain the biological lines separating natural men from women at least in the realm of athletics. These two figures and this whole discussion inspired me to create the livestream embedded below. It involves not just science, but also how it gets entrenched and intermingled in culture, politics and sometimes religion. If you watch the video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to my channel. Best regards.
The Big Words LLC Newsletter
For the next phase of my writing journey, I have started a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at [email protected] . Best Regards.
“The Pal Review system blurs the lines between what real science is versus tainted science that is impacted and shaped by politics and outside interest groups with specific agendas.”
I discuss numerous science- and technology-related topics on my YouTube channel entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. I took an interest in the climate change discussion about a year and a half ago after being aggressively confronted about it one to two years ago. The YouTube algorithm coincidentally later presented me with a video from the Independent Institute where Dr. Willie Soon was a featured speaker. I have since become a fan of Dr. Soon. Listening to his talks have given me a better understanding of this climate discussion though maybe one that some may not like.
Dr. Soon discussed the concepts of ‘Peer Review’ and ‘Pal Review’ in that initial talk described above. These two concepts are interestingly at the heart of the polarizing and volatile climate discussion. Something Dr. Soon discussed is that science is headed towards more of Pal Review system which is dangerous for everyone. The Pal Review system blurs the lines between what real science is versus tainted science that is impacted and shaped by politics and outside interest groups with specific agendas. The video below is my discussion on Peer Review vs Pal Review.
The article I discussed in the broadcast published on Forbes deals with Climate Gate, an important event in this climate discussion that most of the general public knows nothing about. This is critical because most people make their life decisions such as voting based upon that they know and don’t know. This has long lasting ramifications for everyone.
The Big Words LLC Newsletter
For the next phase of my writing journey, I have started a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at [email protected] . Best Regards.
“I intentionally said potential unintended consequences above because economists such as Thomas Malthus and scientists such as Paul R. Ehrlich once theorized that the world would become overpopulated with human beings. I suspect they were not alone then and today.”
It goes without saying that we were living in unprecedented times. Something I ponder and state frequently on my original YouTube channel, Big Discussions76 is that it is a very different world than it was 60-70 years ago when my parents and their peers were young. People from 100 years ago furthermore would not recognize today’s world. A major change has been in gender roles and relations. An unintended consequence of the political and social changes put into place in the 1970s has been added complexities to family creation and reproduction. It likewise is no longer a simple calculus nor is it a forgone conclusion that everyone will form families in the traditional sense and create progeny.
Do Culture and Environment Impact Behavior?
I could say that it is simply societal changes but concern about whether planet Earth will be here in another 20 years is also affecting people today. I have started covering the climate debate on my science and technology YouTube channel entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. As with many things there have been potential unintended consequences from the debate, particularly the Climate ‘Alarmist’ side. It seems fear of the world burning up and not being here in future has dissuaded younger people from having children. I intentionally said potential unintended consequences above because economists such as Thomas Malthus and scientists such as Paul R. Ehrlich once theorized that the world would become overpopulated with human beings. I suspect they were not alone then and today.
By the way the United States and other western countries are at negative replacement levels, something not openly discussed though the fruits of which many of us will witness in our lifetimes. I first learned about Paul R. Ehrlich from the late Dr. Joseph Fail, Jr. as an undergraduate at Johnson C. Smith University. I did not understand the significance of Mr. Ehrlich’s fear/theory though I do currently wonder if his and Mr. Malthus’ concerns have undergirded the social and policy decisions that have shaped our current world.
Biological Reproductive Clocks and Freezing Eggs and Sperm
On my science and technology YouTube channel, I am trying to forge a path as a science influencer. As often as I can, I create content on novel science topics. Something that’s flying under the radar for much of our population, particularly the older generations, is the reproduction of the population described above. Some of the Baby Boomers are seeing younger people not pairing up and reproducing the way they did and are scratching their heads. Again in 2023 it is not a forgone conclusion that everyone will reproduce or wants to do so today.
A dynamic that has emerged is that of waiting until the right time in life to reproduce due to career or personal preference. This dynamic has brought to the forefront the principles of biological reproductive clocks and freezing eggs and sperm. Below are three livestreams I created on my science and technology YouTube channel. The first involves the science of freezing eggs. The second looks at the flipside and discusses men’s biological clocks and the potential need to freeze sperm. I did not cover it in my live stream but according to an article from Forbes, the cost to freeze sperm can range from $250 to $775, and costs of storage can range from $100 to $500 per year. As a bonus, I am going to also embed my video discuss increased vasectomies among younger men as an unintended consequence of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe vs Wade.
“There’s TOO many men, TOO many people, causing TOO many problems, and not much logic around!” Just as I finished this piece, I heard Phil Collins’ iconic lyrics from the 1980s song, Land of Confusion performed by Genesis in my head. Along with men like the late great Carl Sagan, Phil must have seen the future. I think these lyrics are also an appropriate way to end this piece.
I have also started a newsletter. The information is below the three embedded videos below. Please consider signing up. By the way if you watch any of the videos, please hit the like button and consider subscribing to either of the two channels.
A Discussion On The Science Of Freezing Eggs
Do Men Have A Biological Reproductive Clock And Need To Freeze Sperm?
What Is Behind The Increase In Male Vasectomies?
The Big Words LLC Newsletter
For the next phase of my writing journey, I’m starting a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at [email protected] . Best Regards.
Three focuses of my blog are General Education, STEM and Technology. A significant number of careers of the future will involve science and technology. That said money cannot be the only driver and a love for these disciplines should be sparked and cultivated early. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ways To Get Your Kids Into Science.
Science can be an exciting and rewarding subject for children to explore, as it offers a window into the world around them and encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. However, some children may not immediately gravitate toward science or may view it as too complex. As parents, it’s our responsibility to inspire and foster a love for science in our kids. Here are six ways to get your kids excited about science and help them develop a lifelong passion for learning.
1. Encourage Curiosity and Ask Questions
Curiosity is the foundation of scientific exploration. Encourage your children to ask questions and express their curiosity about the world around them. Start by asking open-ended questions like “Why do you think the sky is blue?” or “How does a plant grow?” These questions can stimulate your child’s imagination and encourage them to think critically.
When your child asks a question, resist the urge to provide an immediate answer. Instead, work together to investigate and discover the answer, fostering a sense of accomplishment and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
2. Conduct Hands-On Experiments at Home
Nothing sparks a child’s interest in science more than hands-on experiments. Simple, age-appropriate experiments can be conducted using everyday household items, such as making a homemade volcano, growing crystals, or creating a simple circuit.
When conducting experiments, explain the scientific concepts behind each activity, and encourage your child to make observations and predictions. These experiments not only provide a fun learning experience but also help your child develop essential scientific skills like observation, hypothesis formation, and data analysis.
Toys and games can be a fantastic way to introduce scientific concepts to your child in a fun and engaging manner. Look for age-appropriate toys that encourage problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, such as building sets, chemistry kits, or robot-building kits.
Incorporate these toys into your child’s playtime, allowing them to explore and learn at their own pace. As your child becomes more comfortable with these scientific concepts, gradually introduce more advanced toys and activities to challenge and engage them further.
4. Read Science Books and Watch Educational Programs
A great way to inspire a love for science is by exposing your child to a wide range of age-appropriate books, documentaries, and educational programs – something you can find more info about here. Choose material that covers a variety of scientific topics, from biology and chemistry to astronomy and physics.
As you read or watch together, discuss the content and encourage your child to ask questions and express their thoughts. This shared experience can help deepen your child’s understanding of scientific concepts and foster a love for learning.
5. Visit Science Museums and Nature Centers
Visiting science museums, nature centers, and other educational institutions can provide your child with interactive and immersive experiences that bring scientific concepts to life. These venues often offer hands-on exhibits, workshops, and demonstrations that can captivate and inspire young minds.
Make the most of these outings by engaging in discussions, asking questions, and encouraging your child to participate in activities. Frequent visits to these institutions can help reinforce scientific concepts and ignite your child’s passion for science.
As you can fostering a love for science in your child is a rewarding and enriching experience. It can also set them up for the future, so what are you waiting for?
Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re doing business today, you have to implement some sort of science and technology into your operations. Failing to do so will only leave you behind. The following guest post is entitled, Use Science to Empower Your Business.
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Science can help businesses understand their consumers better, improve their products and services, and make smarter decisions about growing their company. By embracing the power of science, companies can become more efficient and successful than ever before.
This article will explore how businesses can use science to their advantage and how doing so can lead to a more successful company.
Use data to understand your consumers
As a business owner, it’s essential to understand your target market and what motivates them. Fortunately, science can provide some valuable insights. By studying consumer behavior, you can learn how to reach and influence your target audience more effectively. For example, you might use research on buying triggers to create marketing campaigns that encourage customers to purchase your products. Or, you might use data from social media to better understand what people are saying about your brand. There’s no excuse for not using science to empower your business in today’s data-driven world. You can gain a deeper understanding of your consumers and make your business more successful than ever with a bit of effort.
Use experimentation to test new products and services
In the business world, experimentation is key to success. By testing new products and services, businesses can gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. Experiments can be conducted on a small scale, such as through focus groups or customer surveys. Or, they can be shown on a larger scale, such as through beta versions or pilot programs. No matter how they’re conducted, experiments provide businesses with a way to gather data and make informed decisions about their offerings. In today’s competitive marketplace, those that embrace experimentation are more likely to succeed than those that don’t. So if you want to give your business a boost, start running some experiments today.
Use market research to understand your competition
Competition is an inevitable component of any successful business. Without a clear understanding of who your competitors are and what they’re offering, it’s impossible to create a successful marketing strategy. This is where market research comes in. By using market research to understand your competition, you can gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses and pricing models, and target markets. Armed with this information, you can develop a robust plan for taking your business to the next level. So don’t underestimate the importance of market research – it could be the key to success for your business.
Use technology to improve efficiency
No matter what kind of business you run, there are always ways to improve efficiency and cut down on wasted time and resources. And with today’s technology, it’s easier than ever to find and implement solutions that can make a big difference in your bottom line. For example, if you’re still using paper records and manual processes, consider investing in a cloud-based system that will allow you to go digital. Or, if you depend on outdated software or hardware, upgrading to the latest versions can help you work faster and more efficiently. By taking advantage of the newest technology, you can give your business a real competitive edge.
Use digital technology to reach more customers
Today, businesses have more opportunities to reach new customers using digital technology. By harnessing the power of data, companies can customize their marketing messages to target specific demographics and even individual consumers. Additionally, digital tools can track customer behavior and identify trends. This allows businesses to quickly adapt their offerings to meet changing customer needs. Furthermore, local SEO providers can help enterprises to reach even more customers by optimizing their website and online presence for local search. Using digital tools to create a seamless customer journey allows businesses to build loyalty and drive sales. In short, science can empower your business by helping you reach more customers and understand their needs.
Use scientific models to make better decisions
A scientific method is a powerful tool that can help businesses make better decisions. By using scientific models, businesses can test different hypotheses and identify which ones are most likely to succeed. Entrepreneurs can use this approach to decide everything from product development to marketing strategy. In addition, the scientific method can help businesses to identify and solve problems more effectively. By using data and evidence, businesses can find solutions based on sound science rather than guesswork. Ultimately, the scientific method is a powerful tool that any business can use to empower themselves and improve their decision-making abilities.
Final Thoughts
Businesses that use science to guide their decision-making process are more likely to be successful than those that don’t. By understanding your consumers, testing new products and services, and staying up-to-date with the latest scientific advancements, you can give your business a competitive edge. Embrace the power of science today to ensure a bright future for your company.
Two focuses of my blog are General Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). While some students are going back to schools, many are still doing their schooling at home. In some instances, parents are challenged in terms of conducting science experiments at home with their students. The following guest post is entitled, Enjoy Science with the Kids and with STEM Activities.
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Everyone has had to adjust these days. Due to the extended quarantine measures against COVID-19, parents are working from home and so are the kids. It has been a year since the pandemic; by now, parents have somehow adjusted to holding school at home. But there are always new ways to liven up your kid’s in-home schooling experience.
To inspire creativity, parents are holding piano lesson instructions, scheduling reading time or coloring with the kids. But if you’re planning to hone their skills in science while tapping into their sense of wonder, integrate STEM into their program.
The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities do more than hone the scientific and deductive skills of your child; it also promotes interactive and meaningful learning experiences for young children. STEM activities give your kids educational opportunities to solve problems, think creatively and discover the world on their own.
Make schooling more fun this year by incorporating the following STEM activities in their usual school day at home.
Build a Balance Scale
For this activity, you’ll need a plastic hanger, string and some cups. Create a hanging balance your children can use to experiment with weights. If you have older kids, have them build the balancing scale. Let the younger siblings watch.
To encourage interaction during the experiment, ask questions like “How many LEGOs does this doll weigh?” Add variety to the activity by sorting by materials or by shapes. If your children need to weigh items for their assignments, you can use this STEM project, too.
Create Craters
Take your child to space and still stay at home by making craters with flour, Play-Dough, weighted balls and rocks. Sphere up some Play-dough to represent the moon and add rocks to create craters. Explain that craters are the result of comets and asteroids. Invite your kids to make craters with the rocks and other materials on their moons.
For the younger kids, fill your sensory bin with flour and have them drop different sizes of balls into the bin to create craters. Compare the craters’ sizes.
Make Magnetic Slime
Children are all about slime. Also, homemade slime activities are staples for many teachers and parents looking a fun science experiment. This activity adds a dash of science by adding magnets and iron oxide power into the mix. To achieve the right slime consistency, you’ll have to add more liquid starch or glue. Once the starch is ready, you’ll need a strong magnet (preferably a neodymium magnet) to play with the slime.
This science experiment serves as a conversation starter for children who have questions about how magnets work.
Build Some Jellybeans
Introduce the kids to simple engineering with some jellybeans or large marshmallows and toothpicks. Connect the jelly beans and toothpicks and ask your child which of the shapes stack well, hold together or are more interesting to look at.
This activity serves as a simple introduction to the thought, technology and design behind structural engineering. Make it more interesting by challenging the kids to build a specific structure or their jellybean home.
Enjoy Explosions with a Lunar Volcano
Take kids to see some moon volcanoes by making your own. All you’ll need are baking soda, black paint, cookie sheets or trays, vinegar, and squeeze bottles. Mix the baking soda with black pain. You can also add some glitter. Spread the mixture on the cookie sheets or trays before filling the bottles with vinegar.
Next, have your child draw and make craters on the moon. During this experiment, explain to them how scientists believe that volcanoes erupted on the moon’s surface. Let the children create their eruptions by dropping vinegar into the craters. Discuss the chemical reaction with the kids after.
Pipe Cleaner Counting
For children who are just learning how to count, understanding the increase in numbers can be confusing. Simplify math with some help from beads and pipe cleaners. These items can help the kids learn how to count while visualizing how numbers increase in size.
Take small pieces of paper and label each pipe cleaner with a number. Next, have the kids arrange the pipe cleaners in order (from greatest to smallest or vice versa) while stringing the correct number of beads. To improve their memory, have them count aloud.
STEM Projects Liven Up School Days
Now that you have more ideas on simple STEM activities for children, you are well-equipped to help the kids explore science, technology, engineering and math. There are many other STEM activities available for all ages. So, have fun exploring with your kids at home!
Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). For those individuals with a mind and aptitude for investing, there are lots of opportunities in the sciences. The following contributed post is entitled, Science And Investment Opportunities.
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Science And Investment Opportunities
There are many people around the world that are looking for places to invest their money. Whether it’s a charitable cause, or an investment opportunity that hopefully will bring big Returns. So when it comes to investment and the Sciences, where can we invest our money for either life and will changing reasons, or for a return on investment? It can be a minefield, and it’s important to know that the advice and and and information that you may receive when doing your research, is not everything, you have to really consider all of the alternatives and make the right investment choice for you. So where can we mix science and Investment? The first thing to think about is how much money you are looking to invest in the first place and once you know no this you will know where to start.
Education Education is, of course, the basis for any improvement. Improvement of the way we live, and the way we look after our planet, and this is an important aspect of investment. Investing money into the education of younger people, and for the Education of people who may not otherwise have access, means that we are likely to move forward in the future. Giving access to education to many people means that one or two who are going to make changes in the world are able to do so. The way in which we can move forward and educate the population is a fantastic opportunity. But it relies on investment. Whether that’s from personal, or business investments, it makes no difference as long as as.the funds get to the right places.
Research Research in science is, of course, essential, researching new ways in which you can treat illnesses, such as cancer, and researching alternatives two fossil fuels, for example, can make a huge difference to the planet. The only way we have reached the current medical advances, and spectacular technology we that we have no, is through research. But we need the funding to be able to drive this sort of research. And many of us benefit from these advances. So whether you’re investing gold bullion via ABC refinery, or investing your time, there is is no end to the benefits of research in science. It can take decades to reach a breakthrough, and this, of course, equates to a lot of money. But to actually advanced and evolved, we all have to make investments into this industry.
Climate Change Climate change is a big talking point all around the world at the moment. And 99% of scientists agree that unless changes are made then the human race is going to suffer from the effects of climate change. This, of course, means that we need to have more investment opportunities, the right people, and the right research being done on alternatives and ways in which we can improve the planet. Humans are no longer and wittingly causing damage to the earth, so it is important that we invest as much as we can into reversing the effects of this damage.
Two of the focuses of my blog are General Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). It’s one thing to encourage participation in the STEMs, but another key is sparking that initial interest and growing it. Another is helping children find STEM subjects in school that they’ll enjoy. The following contributed post is entitled, Helping Children Find The Favourite STEM Subject.
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It goes without saying that one of the most significant advantages you can give your children is a solid foundation in STEM and everything it has to offer. Some careers and hobbies can enrich a child’s life beyond measure if you just have the right tools and knowledge to get them on their way. How exactly do we help our children find a love of STEM subjects? Can we leave it up to the education system of course, but is there more we can do to make sure our children have the best chance at learning everything available to them?
Encourage Experiments The first thing to remember when encouraging children to have an interest in any subject is to start them young. The most fantastic thing you can do is allow small children to experiment with textures and how things react with each other. A fantastic development for STEM in recent years has been the rise of slime and how young people are enthusiastically experimenting and sharing their results via Youtube without even realising they are sharing chemistry lessons without even realising. The best thing about this is that people are having fun with this subject and it’s a proven fact that children will always learn while having fun! Of course, the downside to this is the mess these experiments cause will always be inconvenient, but try not to squash their creativity too much. Science can be messy!
Read Books There are so many books available now with subjects such as construction, mathematics and a whole range of science subjects. A child that ‘hates’ Maths may have simply not been introduced in the correct way for them. There are easy to follow books with instructions on how to set up your own projects, and these can be fantastic to explore with your children. Why not take a leaf out of one of these books and set yourself a challenge and see what experiments you can come up with for your family to enjoy together? Ultimately if you show a keen interest and help by giving the children the tools, they need to learn you’re giving them a great gift.
Build There’s an excellent reason Lego is such a massive success, and it seems like nearly every household owns some at least, that’s because it’s simple, educational and fun! There is an incredible amount of choice available, and most children (and adults!) enjoy building these kits from scratch. This helps develop a fantastic sense of achievement and sets children up for a great start in life. As well as Lego there are some great kits available which include motors and electric circuits that show children exactly how things work. There are even Youtubers sharing information about how to run things from homemade lemon batteries, which, as with anything slightly strange, has captured the interest of many children around the world. All it takes is a spark of interest from the right child at the right time, and you’ll have a little scientist on your hands!
Friends No doubt you will have a friend or family member that works in a STEM profession somewhere, so why not ask them to give your child an insight into what they do, and the many reasons children should study in this field. Sometimes it can be helpful to have an ‘insider’ view of the roles available, and talking to your child about their possible options when they are older, will make way for some potentially great decisions further down the line. Why not get your child to gather their STEM projects to take with them to your friend/ family members house so they can share their fun ideas and what they have learnt so far.
Youtube Of course, Youtube is full of ‘noise’, and we aren’t likely to get around that fact, but there are some great Youtubers explaining science and using it to entertain us via their videos. It’s not just all unboxing videos, if you look in the right places, there are some informative and fun videos that children will love to watch. It saves them watching adverts and adds something to their life, ultimately that’s education, but the delivery of this education will always make a difference to the children watching, and if you’re looking to avoid the need for Debt lawyers such as https://www.mccarthylawyer.com/ then finding out exactly which area of study suits your child sooner rather than later will really save you time, effort and money too. In addition to the entertainment shows surrounding STEM subjects, including swimming pools full of jelly, there are instructional videos that will help with your maths project or your engineering questions too.
Competitions Children can be quite competitive, and quite often there are competitions at school, online or even via local companies that will capture the imagination of children, a little challenge goes a long way and the prizes awarded are a great motivator. Why not find out what local competitions are available near you and mention them to your child. They may decide it’s a great idea and will enter with little help. It may even lead to a life long interest in STEM if nothing else as well!
Exhibitions One way in which children usually find an interest in something they love is via exhibitions touring the country or at museums. Find out which exhibits are visiting your area and see if you get early bird tickets. From planetariums to science fairs, there is something for everyone. It’s also quite common for adults to have just as much fun as the children when it comes to events and exhibitions. These also allow for extra family time without distractions too, so not only are parents helping their children’s futures; it also brings the family closer together too!
Remember that helping your child find their interests is a worthwhile endeavour, and you will all be glad when they find their ‘thing’. Some people admittedly never find that one thing they love and that’s ok, but many people find STEM is the most fantastic thing in the world and can be used for so many good reasons. So know that if your child joins the world of STEM and you encouraged them to find that interest, then you’re doing great things in the world!