4 Reasons Why You Should Take Focus and Specificity Seriously in Your Life

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success. One of the keys to being successful is focusing in your goal and not becoming distracted. Approaching your life with focus and specificity can all but ensure you success. The following contributed post is thus entitled, 4 Reasons Why You Should Take Focus and Specificity Seriously in Your Life.

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Image via Pixabay

It’s generally pretty common for all of us — at least at certain times in our lives — to be somewhat chaotic, disorganised, and to lack specificity and focus as we go about fulfilling our day-to-day obligations and moving towards what we hope will be prosperous and meaningful futures.

While it’s understandable, however, to fall into this kind of pattern every once in a while for a limited amount of time, allowing yourself to go through life in a permanent haze of unfocused vagueness, can be absolutely devastating to your ability to live a fruitful, uplifting, and successful life.

If you listen to many of the more influential coaches, advisers, and commentators on personal and professional growth and success out there, you’ll find that there’s a commonly recurring theme that focus and specificity are essential to success and happiness alike.

Here are just a few reasons why you should take focus and specificity seriously in your life.

Often, being precise in how you handle matters can forestall later troubles and complications

It likely won’t take you too much time spent reflecting, to notice that there are just certain things in life which require a high degree of attention, specificity, focus, and care, in order to turn out right.

If, for example, you are installing a new complex network infrastructure at your workplace, failing to have a data cabling installation expert on hand to perform — or at least, oversee — the procedure, is likely to result in some pretty serious trouble if not immediately, then certainly a short way down the line.

When all is said and done, many of the problems that we encounter in our lives — including many of the most pressing and difficult to come to terms with — happen as the result of the fact that we failed to perform our due diligence at the onset of a given project.

In fact, the same is often even true of our interpersonal relationships. When marriages break down, for example, it very often happens as the final straw in a long and drawn out process, during which one or both parties failed to attentively and specifically address the issues that they saw arising in the relationship, when it would have been possible to handle them without them devolving into major crises.

Whenever you’re dealing with something that really matters — you should be as focused and specific as you can in handling it. That focus and precision can often forestall serious problems and complications down the line.

Time is limited, and to achieve meaningful things, it has to be leveraged effectively — therefore, failure to focus can have catastrophic consequences

It can be pretty disconcerting, to say the least, to reflect on your own mortality. And yet the hard reality of life is that life itself is finite, and we each only get a certain amount of time with which to do everything we want, forge meaningful relationships with other people, and leave something behind that we’re proud of.

Of course, it should go without saying that achieving meaningful things, and doing meaningful work, is difficult and requires a high degree of focus, specificity, and attention.

When you see people who are very successful in a given area of life, it is typically the case that they have been extremely focused and disciplined with their time, and have dedicated a major chunk of their waking hours to that particular field.

Allowing yourself to exist in a chronically chaotic and unfocused state, on the other hand, only means that your time, and your opportunities, disperse as a result, and that you end up with nothing meaningful to show for things as a result.

Of course, this is a nightmare scenario for most of us. So, for the sake of achieving something meaningful and uplifting with your life, it’s by far in your best interest that you leverage your time and energy effectively, and spend them on the things that matter most.

Being specific and precise in your words and in the formulation of your goals and intentions, can keep your actions in line with your true values

It would be difficult to convincingly argue that living with integrity isn’t one of the most — perhaps the very most — important thanks in life.

No matter what hardships you’re facing, or whatever other goals you may have, if you always abide by your own moral code and stay true to your values and principles, it’s possible to live life in a way that makes you proud of the person you are, and justifies and counterbalances the struggles in life, too.

On the other hand, people who betray their morals and principles for anything else, such as in order to make more money, are always figures of scorn and contempt for the rest of the world — and usually for themselves, too.

Of course, people often go against, or at least fail to live up to, their own values, not due to conscious choice so much as the fact that they just weren’t thinking very clearly about things.

If you always put an emphasis on being specific and precise in your words and in the formulation of your goals and intentions, you can exercise a much greater degree of consciousness over the way you’re conducting yourself through life, and can live with significantly more integrity as a result.

Specificity may force you into a more action-oriented mode of living, which in turn has various benefits

A lot of people are, so to speak, essentially addicted to abstract hypothesising on any number of different topics.

Sometimes this is conscious and intentional, but very often it’s just the consequence of failing to make coherent plans and to construct effective strategies for implementing those plans.

By always holding yourself to the principle of specificity, you are more likely to work through the details of your plans and goals in a systematic manner, and to turn them into things that can realistically be actioned.

The result of this — a more action-oriented mode of living — can, in turn, have various benefits, not least of all greater productivity.

3 Software Programs and Apps That Can Improve Your Life, Rather than Steal Your Time

Two of the major focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Technology. While there is a danger in becoming too consumed by the new technologies available to us, many of them can help improve our lives. Which ones are particularly helpful? The following contributed post is thus entitled, 3 Software Programs and Apps That Can Improve Your Life, Rather than Steal Your Time.

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Image via Pixabay

The modern world is rich in technology so advanced that it would have been unimaginable to the average person even just a few short decades ago.

No matter what our interests in life are, and no matter our jobs and hobbies, it’s possible to vanish down a bottomless rabbit hole of endless information, stimulation, and entertainment, at the drop of a hat.

But while many modern technologies have brought with them immense benefits — such as the ability to communicate with our loved ones on the other side of the world, or to acquire a Windows 10 pro key and create an entire business structure within days — there are plenty of downsides to be wary of.

There are predatory companies out there, and exploitative apps, games, and software programs that have been designed to hijack our consciousness and trap us in a psychological feedback loop.

Here are some examples of software and apps that can help you to improve your life, rather than just serving as a timesink.

RescueTime — to reduce procrastination and enhance your awareness of how you’re spending your time

If you’re even just so much as slightly inclined towards procrastination or a disorderly lifestyle, having a computer with an internet connection is something akin to leaving a hungry child unattended in a candy shop.

Human attention is easily hijacked by novelty, probably because in ancient days, noticing novel information could mean the difference between life and death. Is that odd shape in the pushes a vicious wild animal, or a tasty meal?

These days, Google, Youtube, and social media offer a never-ending stream of novelty, meaning we easily fall into a cycle of endless surfing.

RescueTime is a service and software program that can help to free you from that vicious cycle of procrastination and enhance your awareness of how you’re spending your time. It combines an activity tracker, with a web blocker, report system, and more.

Beeminder — to help you stick to productive behaviours and avoid unproductive ones

We are all largely defined by our habits, and we tend to revert to our familiar behaviour patterns whenever we zone out a bit or are put under stress.

For that reason, it’s a very good idea to carefully focus on developing productive behaviours, and avoiding unproductive ones. Repeated often enough, good acts become good habits, and bad acts become bad habits.

Beeminder is an innovative service that allows you to set habit goals, which you then commit to with your money. Every time you stray off course from your desired habit, you pay exponentially more in penalty fees.

You Need a Budget — to give you a clear bird’s eye perspective of, and control over, your financial life

Good financial management can be tricky, especially when it’s so easy to buy all kinds of glossy, attractively-advertised products online with a couple of mouse clicks.

You Need a Budget — also known as YNAB — is a budgeting tool build around the principle of “zero-based budgeting” and “giving every dollar a job”. It’s relatively straightforward to use, and it can give you a crystal clear perspective of what’s happening with your financial life.

That in turn, of course, gives you a lot more power over your financial life.

5 Steps to Give Yourself The Best Possible Chance In Life

The first principle of my blog is “Creating Ecosystems of Success”. In addition to understanding the technical aspects of whichever craft you choose to pursue, the are also other personal and behavioral aspects that can impact your success in that arena and life in general. The following contributed post is thus entitled; 5 Steps to Give Yourself The Best Possible Chance In Life.

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When you take a step back at look at everything you have achieved in life so far, you are pretty darn proud of yourself. Against all the odds you have been able to secure a career that you love; you never thought this would be possible for you, due to your family history and heritage, but you have come a long way over the years. You must admit that earning a degree as a minority is certainly an achievement to be celebrated and you want to share your secrets with other ethnic minorities out there who are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You can make a positive start to your life as long as you leave your demons behind you and stay motivated at all times.

1. Defend Yourself

It’s inevitable that you’re going to land into some sort of trouble in your life, from serious mishaps to minor bumps in the road; you need to learn to defend yourself fairly. Whether you need to seek out a reputable dui lawyer after a road incident or you have been accused of a crime you haven’t committed, clearing your name and moving on with your life is the only way to give yourself the best possible start.


2. Be Persistent

You consider yourself to be a driven and career minded person, who will stick to their goals no matter what. When you are fighting to be heard and seen in a particular job industry you have to stay persistent. There will be people who try to discourage you and deter you from achieving your dreams, but you need to stay focused and remember why you are pursuing this education, career or life goal.

3. Stay Loyal

You want to be the type of person that everybody can trust, no matter what. If you become disappointed with the results of a certain situation, don’t turn your back on your friends, family or your employer; burning bridges can become a huge mistake that you will soon regret. Try to stay loyal to everybody you cross paths with and you will soon see that you can get much further in life.

4. Kindness is Key

Being humble and kind will make your life easier, believe it or not. If you can carry out any small favour or act of kindness, it certainly won’t go unnoticed. Break away from your stereotype and embrace the kind hearted personality that you have inside. People around you will praise you, respect you and look to you for guidance. Being kind is completely free of charge, so even in your darkest moments you can dig down deep and still keep that smile upon your face.

5. Know Your Goals

Only you know where you want to end up in your life, so it’s important that you affirm this to yourself on a regular basis. This will give you a direction to follow when times get rough. Remain positive, stick to your goals and you will always have the best possible chance in life.
Whatever cards you have been dealt in life, there is a chance to change them, as long as you are willing to take the first step.

Sport Could Change Your Life: How Do You Plan On Letting It Change Yours?

Two of the focuses of my blog are Athletics and Sports, and Health and Wellness. In addition to teaching life lessons through competition, sports are overall good for our quality of life. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Sport Could Change Your Life: How Do You Plan On Letting It Change Yours?

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Let’s get a little serious for a moment, shall we? Sport can honestly change your life, but how it changes it is entirely up to you. We see so much online and in print about how exercise and perhaps even taking part in sports is so good for you. Not just physically, but mentally as well, but yet many of us will still openly admit that sport or physical exercise is not a part of our normal routine. I wanted to share with you some of the ways that you could introduce sport or physical exercise into your life and how those ways could really transform the way you live and think. It sounds dramatic, but it is true. Here are my suggestions.

Image source

Play a sport and get involved with a team or class

One of the first things you could try would be to find yourself a local class or team in the sport you want to play and just have the courage to get involved. It may sound difficult at first to overcome such a mental fear as this, which is on the same lines of stepping out of your comfort zone, but it could make the world of difference. Being part of a team also gives you that social aspect, which can add to the enjoyment and even give you the chance to make some new friends.

Watch a sport live and feel the adrenalin

At first, just join a team or even doing something yourself may feel like a big step to take, so actually being a spectator of sport can give you the inspiration and motivation to get started yourself. Seeing a hockey game live and buying tickets, or attending your first ever football game, it can give you a new sense of passion for the sport as well as the motivation to start out yourself.

Get yourself a pet dog

Maybe you just need a reason to be more active, and one of the best things to do is walking. Buy walking yourself may feel a little overbearing, so having a dog to do it with you could be the ideal way to start being more active on a day to day basis. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise to take, believe it or not, and it can actually be a great way to build up fitness levels and confidence.

Set yourself a challenge or target to achieve

Finally, why not set yourself a goal or a challenge to get started with? This could be a great way for you to start feeling motivated about taking part in specific sports or exercises. Having a big goal is great, but don’t forget to set yourself smaller targets along the way to help you along the way. This really helps you to stay motivated on track.

Find an immersive sport

Sports that require a particular focus or drive can be life-changing as they help you develop a specific mindset. This mindset can involve long or short bouts of concentration, like running long distance vs. sprinting. Cultivating a new mentality can be useful in all areas of life as it can help you focus over more extended periods. Sports that have many different components to them can also be engaging and immersive. If you enjoy shooting, for example, there are many ways to improve your knowledge of the subject, like learning about the different gun accessories available to be safe when enjoying the sport.

So there you have it, my thoughts on how sport could change your life. However you choose to enjoy it, I hope you start to notice some of the differences yourself.

Lasting lessons basketball taught me part two: Life lessons

This post is the continuation of the series titled the Lasting lessons basketball taught me. In part two, some of the important life lessons basketball taught me will be discussed. Some of these lessons will come from or be related back to author Charles J. Sykes’s book, 50 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School.

The biggest lesson basketball taught me is rule number one from Mr. Sykes’s book, “Life is not always fair. Get used to it.” The game taught me that even though you can spend hours upon hours dreaming and preparing for a goal of some sort, an unforeseen calamity can come along and snatch away that goal. For me that calamity was an injury, but in the real world it can be anything, and often times it isn’t fair.

Basketball taught me rule number four from Mr. Sykes’s book, “You are not entitled.” Putting in your time at a job or even your degree level does not guarantee you advancement in your career in every case. Coaches and supervisors are usually looking for the most talented person (s) and will usually show favor to that person at the expense of others, regardless of seniority. So it’s always important to put out your best and not expect things because you’ve been there for a while.

Basketball taught me that sometimes other people’s decisions can affect your life for better or for worse. Sometimes people don’t consider the consequences for everyone else when they make decisions and do certain things. Whether it’s a teammate, a relative, a coworker or even a significant other, sometimes decisions are made that adversely affect the team, and its times like that that you realize another difficult life lesson; there are some things in life that you have no control over, but you have to deal with the consequences somehow. This relates right back to the first life lesson.

Rule number ten from Mr. Sykes’s book states that, “Life is actually more like Dodgeball than your gym teacher thinks.” He goes on to state that, “It comes at you quickly; it requires alertness and skill; the outcome is unpredictable; the weak can sometimes overcome the strong; it involves elimination and has both winners and losers.”

Likewise and easily relatable to rule number 10, basketball taught me that not everyone plays fair and many people seek to gain any advantage they can whenever they can, especially when the referee is not looking. The same is true in the adult world. People have different concepts of what is fair and ethical and can surprise you when they do things to you that you wouldn’t do to them on the job and in relationships.

Lastly, basketball taught that hindsight is 20/20. Often when you are in the actual game or life situation, you make decisions and react based upon what you’re seeing and experiencing in that particular moment. However when the game is over, and you have a chance to look back at the film and what you might have done differently, everything looks so much more clear. It’s the exact same way in the game of life.

This article will be continued in part three of the Lasting lessons basketball taught me. If you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy:

Lasting lessons basketball taught me part one: An introduction
Jason Rowe discusses Buffalo Traditional Basketball, the Yale Cup and State Tournaments
Chris Herren discusses his journey, drug addiction, substance abuse and wellness

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