Why You Need to Become Comfortable with Outsourcing in Your Small Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When running a business of any kind, no one can possibly know everything, and no can has the time to do everything. This underscores the importance of outsourcing. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Why You Need to Become Comfortable with Outsourcing in Your Small Business.

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Image via Pixabay

You know, entrepreneurs are pretty notorious for being desperate to micromanage absolutely everything in their lives. This isn’t too surprising when you consider the fact that they put themselves in the uniquely difficult position of having to be solely responsible for the success and performance of an entire business.

Of course, any entrepreneur worth his salt will need to be able to take responsibility and ownership for what happens in his professional life. That being said, though, there is such a thing as too much.

Entrepreneurs who fail to become comfortable with outsourcing elements of their business at some point, inevitably end up sabotaging themselves and having a much more difficult life than is necessary.

Here are some reasons why you really need to become comfortable with outsourcing in your small business.

Your time is a limited resource — you’re only human — so you need to be able to focus on what will really move your life forward

Have you ever looked at an extremely successful figure in business, such as Warren Buffett, and asked yourself the question “how is it possible that one person can achieve so much?”

Well, a major part of the answer is that these people treat their time as the most valuable resource they have.

Warren Buffett may have far more money than you think you could ever even dream of owning yourself, but he only has the same 24-hours in his day that you do. What makes the difference, is that he knows how to leverage time as effectively as possible.

Outsourcing allows you to focus your time and energies on those areas where you can make the biggest impact. By allowing companies such as Outsourced IT Support to handle your IT support, for example, you may save hours in a given week that can then be spent on more fruitful activities.

If your business ever grows beyond a certain point, you will likely need to be able to comfortably defer tasks anyway

When you first start your business, it may seem almost inconceivable that it will one day become large enough that you absolutely need to bring in additional team members.

Nonetheless, if you are running your business right, and it becomes as successful as you might hope, it is almost inevitable that you will need to learn to work with employees sooner or later.

Suffice to say, unless you become comfortable with outsourcing tasks to other people, you will end up being one of those bosses who everyone hates, who tries to micromanage it all, and who stalls the progress of the business as a result.

Certain third party professionals will simply do a better job in certain areas than you would

If you are an entrepreneur, you are likely a very enterprising person.

But no matter how enterprising you may be, there is no chance that you are going to be the best at every possible dimension of a given business.

Inevitably, certain third-party professionals will simply do a better job in certain areas then you, yourself, would.

Outsourcing, therefore, may actually improve the overall performance of your business. You just need to have the humility to step back a little bit.

What Really Matters About A Product

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. It’s important to know what customers value most about your products. This will ensure that they come back for repeat business. It’s important for all business owners to ponder their products and what customers like. The following contributed post is thus entitled, What Really Matters About A Product.

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Any business that creates products to sell needs to have a strong idea of how to design those products in a way that will actually, well, sell. This simple enough fact is nonetheless very often hard to really grasp the details of, and for that reason most entrepreneurs find that they struggle for a long time before they manage to actually create products which sell well and which customers get a lot out of. If you are keen to try and better understand what your products need to have in order to sell better, then read on. In this post, we will discuss some of the things that really matter about a product, and what you can do to make sure that you have fully considered them when you are designing your own products.


Originality Of Purpose

First of all, you will want to make sure that any product you develop actually has a strong purpose, and that it is highly original in this more than anything else. Having an original purpose is hugely important in ensuring that people are actually going to buy and enjoy using it, and so you will want to think about this when you are first sitting down to start designing product ideas in the first place. As long as a product has an original purpose, you will find that plenty of people buy it and find it useful, which is ultimately what you are going for here. So make sure that you lead our product design with the question of what you are hoping to achieve first. If you work that way around, you are bound to much more easily satisfy this aspect of product design.


Although you might consider it to be something of a last minute decision, actually the packaging that you choose for your product is hugely important in terms of whether or not it will actually sell. If you want to make sure that customers feel a sense of affinity with your product in the moment when they actually see it on the shelf, then packaging is going to need to be just right. A big part of this too is the labelling, which you will probably want to leave to professionals such as Pro-Motion Industries to make sure it is just right. The label itself, as well as conveying important information, becomes an important part of the marketing process, and ensures that the product is much more likely to sell.



The more professional a product is, the more likely it is that people will respect it and want to try it out, yet this is something which a lot of businesses and entrepreneurs fail to really pay attention to. The truth is that you need to make sure your product is as professional as possible if you are going to sell plenty of units, in part because professionalism displays that you take it seriously and that you actually put effort into the product and in part because it will make it look more impressive as an end result. Be professional, and the rest will surely follow.

How To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Whatever your business is, its important to think about how you can make your operations eco-friendly. The following contributed post is thus entitled, How To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly.

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With global warming becoming an increasing concern, it’s more apparent now than ever that more businesses need to do more to help the environment and be more eco-friendly. So here are a few ways you can make your business a little greener!

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Go Digital

A lot of businesses can end up using monumental amounts of paper and other stationery every year. Not to mention the cost of it can really impact the profits made on a business. Therefore, it’s beneficial to go digital with as much of the organization as possible. If documents can avoid going to print then save them on your computers. A lot of businesses are going digital because there’s plenty of positives to it. It’s greener, and it’s much more cost effective.


It’s no surprise that a lot of businesses, particularly those within cities, may not be so hot on recycling. If your business is unable to print less, then at least you can make an impact by recycling it. The paper and waste you do recycle can go back into making recycled products and materials that are biodegradable. Encourage this practice around the workplace, having clear bins for general waste and recycling. Put up signage and tell heads of departments to take charge of their own area’s waste.

Energy Efficient Equipment

Nowadays, there’s a lot more choice in equipment for the workplace whether that’s a certain type of printer used in the workspace or a kettle for the kitchen. If you have the budget, try buying new appliances for the office that are energy efficient. Yes, it might be an expense, to begin with but over time it could end up saving you a lot of money on utility bills and overall running costs within the company. It’ll also cut down those scope 1 emissions if you’re currently using a lot of fossil fuels in your business.

Introduce Flexible Working Hours

Fewer people in the building means less energy used in the workplace on a daily basis. Introducing flexible working hours has plenty of benefits if it’s something you are able to do within the organization. A lot of employees are after the right balance of work and life, and with flexible working, this gives them the freedom to work smarter and enjoy life more. The business will earn more loyalty and respect, but it’ll also mean the cost of running the office will be noticeably less.

Encourage Staff To Go Green

As a business, you have a certain influence over your employees, and if you promote a greener environment in the office, you could also make a change to your staff’s own lifestyle at home. Do your best to encourage a greener living environment from giving incentives like cycling to work schemes or gift cards for promoting greener living.

Being more eco-friendly is going to save money for business, helps with the health of your staff and benefits your local community. So what are you waiting for? Go green today and contribute towards a better earth.

How to Make the most of Your First Business Expo

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Business Expos are important events for getting the word out about your business, products and services. They’re also important for getting to know others in your sector – both allies and competitors. The following contributed post is thus entitled, How to Make the most of Your First Business Expo.

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Exhibitions can be a great way of getting your brand known. You generally have a captive audience who are attending because of an interest in your line of business, and shows can produce new customers and extra sales.

If you have never been a part of an exhibition or trade show before, you may need some pointers to ensure that you make the most of the opportunity.

Exhibitors Are There To Sell

Don’t try to sell to other exhibitors unless they approach you. This is the biggest complaint that comes out of trade shows as they feel they could be losing out on potential sales while they are talking to you.

Overcome Fears Of Approaching People

Don’t be afraid to approach people that may be interested in your products. They may well reject any assistance and tell you they are only looking, but do not be put off by this, as just as many visitors could turn into customers.

Be Prepared To Accept Payments

This might sound like advice you do not need because of course, you will accept payment for your goods. The problem is that you need to be able to accept all types of payment, as there are many consumers that will only pay with a card. Choose a mobile POS system that will allow you to take payments wherever you are. This may not be the only exhibition that you take part in, and a device such as this could well be useful for future events too.

Be Pleasant And Polite

Greet anyone that approaches your stand with a smile and always be polite. Civility costs nothing but could gain you some new customers. Make sure that anyone assisting you acts in the same way.

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Use Social Media

Show the event on your social media pages, as this could well bring more people to visit. If they are aware of your business they will look out for your stand, and once again you have more potential new customers. You could share valuable content if someone makes an interesting speech, if something funny happens or perhaps if there are amazing new innovations.

Follow Up

The next day you should send follow up messages to any new contacts you have made at the expo. You should also respond to anyone that follows up with you. These connections can be useful in business and who knows when you may meet them again at future trade shows and exhibitions.

Take An Ample Supply Of Business Cards

Make sure you have an ample supply of business cards to hand out. This is one thing you should make sure you do not run out of as potential customers may leave it a while before they come back to you, and without a card, they may lose your details. You should also collect them from other people, and make a small note on the back of each one as a reminder of who they were.

Exhibitions are not always the cheapest of marketing strategies but they can be the most effective if you utilize all the different ways they can help your business to grow.

Why Your Business Will Benefit From Outsourcing

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In order for your business to go to the next level, you may want to think about outsourcing. Not only can you leverage the skill sets of others in certain areas, but it can free you up to focus on other important tasks. The following contributed post is therefore entitled, Why Your Business Will Benefit From Outsourcing.

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You’ve probably heard of outsourcing before and wondered why or how it can be useful for your business. Outsourcing is where you pay a freelancer or another business to help you with your business without the need to hire them full-time. So, here’s why your business will benefit from outsourcing.

Photo by Fancycrave.com from Pexels

Helps lighten the workload

If you’re running a business where you’re in charge of a large chunk of tasks, you’ll soon find (if you haven’t already) that you’re overrun with administrative tasks that although they are important, they simply aren’t a priority. Outsourcing in a situation like this will allow you to lighten part of your workload without having to hire someone full-time.

Peace of mind

There’s likely to be aspects of your business that if and when they go wrong, you wouldn’t know where to turn. Things like the toilet leaking or your computer systems breaking down could indeed, have a negative impact on your business. Did you know that you can get IT consulting for businesses, where they can come out when there’s an issue? Rather than hiring a full-time IT consultant you can have them ready and waiting. Also, you can eliminate the worry of ‘what if’ when you have companies like these lined up.


We’ve mentioned a fair few times about the benefit of not having to hire someone full-time, and that’s exactly what makes outsourcing so cost-effective. Only paying for their services as and when you need them will save you plenty of money that you could be injecting back into your business.

Increased efficiency

While you may already have members of staff that could take on some of these tasks, will they be completed in good time? It’s likely that everyone in your team has enough tasks on their plate as it is, and that’s why outsourcing can help. The person or company that you choose will be able to complete your tasks and allow for better efficiency in your office.

Expert help

Finally, your team may be packed to the brim of intelligent and skilled people, but nobody knows everything. Outsourcing gives wiggle room for expert advice and help. So, if you’re outsourcing say, a web designer, they’ll be able to give their knowledge across so that you’re getting the most out of your money.

The Benefits of Outsourcing For Your Small Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When taking your business from the startup phase to the next stages of growth, it’s important to figure out which tasks you can still handle yourself, and what tasks make sense to outsource. The following contributed is thus entitled, The Benefits of Outsourcing For Your Small Business.

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When you are starting up in business there will be many things that you will be looking at and need to take control with, as well as looking to keeps costs as low as possible. Of course, there will be some things that you do need to spend on regardless of cost, but there will be plenty of other things that you can be more frugal about. And saving in those early stages is such a good idea, simply because it help with cash flow, mean less interest or debt for your business, as well as give you some peace of mind.

One of the things that can cost a lot of money for your business, are employees. You as the owner may or may not have chosen to take a wage from the business. But there may be others working for you that will need just that. Plus, when you become an employer, there can be other things that you need to factor into your costing, such as insurance or pension contributions, depending on what the guidelines are where your business is. So how can you eliminate some of those costs? Of course, you need a team to help your business to grow, as you’ll be unlikely to be able to do it all yourself.


Outsourcing is something that is pretty big business at the moment, just because of the cost saving benefits. But it is also pretty big business because of the technology that we now have that makes this kind of remote working much easier. And as a result, it means that you are able to hire experts in their field to get the work done, regardless of where they are located. So outsourcing is something that can really help the cost of starting out.

An example, would be outsourcing something like your IT services. If you had to have a person or team dedicated to that, even though it may not be something that is relevant all of the time, then you will be paying them for when they don’t really have much work to do. But if you visit SimplyClouds, for example, it shows that you are just hiring the outsourcing IT team for the jobs that you need to have done (like setting up the cloud or using backup IT services). So in those early days when things are tight, outsourcing really is a great way to go. It can take a little time to find the right people and set it all up, but once you have done so, it can mean there are there to call on when you need them.

As the business owner it is your job to make sure that you are doing the things that can help your business to grow. And outsourcing is a great way to do just that, as it means you don’t have to be doing the smaller day to day to jobs. They still need to be done, and it is important that they get done. But as the business owner, the core focus of the business is what you should be spending your time doing.

4 Reasons You Should Invest In PR As A Business Owner

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Depending upon the type of business you’re running, Public Relations (PR) can be critical in terms of your perception by the community in numerous instances. The following contributed post is therefore entitled, 4 Reasons You Should Invest In PR As A Business Owner.

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If you’re thinking about the services that you need to arrange for your business, you shouldn’t forget about PR. As you’re probably aware, PR stands for public relations. This is an individual or typically a team of individuals who will liaise with the press. They will handle issues with presentation and make sure that your business brand is protected as much as possible. While some issues can not be avoided, if you have a strong PR team the impact can typically be limited dramatically. So, let’s look at some of the main issues that a PR team can help fix for you and why you should hire this service in your company.

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Avoiding The Wrong Side Of The Media

Have you heard the saying that there’s is absolutely no such thing as bad publicity? In the business world, this just isn’t always true. There are plenty of times where bad publicity will damage your business and hurt sales. Examples of this include the Weinstein Scandal. The scandal here was catastrophic and so detrimental that eventually the business had to be liquidated, even with the main CEO stepping down.

While a PR team can’t completely dodge issues like this, they can make sure that similar problems don’t kill your business stone dead. Instead, they will be able possibly spin the story, diverting blame or even distracting the headlines. This is incredibly useful if negative content is being published around your business.

Another scandal that might cause issues is a death in your company. During this time, family members rightfully seek out justice for the wrongful death victim. Negative publicity is a given but with PR you can show that your company is firmly on the side of ensuring that justice does prevail and accountability is accepted.

Handling Poor Reviews

It’s not just about scandals either. It’s again worth looking at the film industry to understand how PR can help with poor views. If a film is reviewed poorly, a PR team is tasked with focusing and emphasizing any positive reviews that exist. You see this all the time. A film can perform horrifically with critics and yet still receive a critics promo with positive reviews for broadcast and ads.

With a PR team poor reviews won’t impact sales and can be handled effectively.

Free Publicity

Beyond damage control, you should also see the press as a fantastic opportunity. It’s important that if you can you make sure the media is writing about your business. A PR team can help you do this, creating stories and context that the press will focus on. Ultimately, they’ll keep your business in the spotlight and guarantee that people are always seeing your name.

Getting The Word Out

Last but not least a PR team will act as a speakerphone for your business. Messages and goals or updates will be professionally broadcast and delivered to various news sources. They’ll make sure that any big announcements from your business do get the attention that they deserve or indeed, require.

Free Publicity

Beyond damage control, you should also see the press as a fantastic opportunity. It’s important that if you can you make sure the media is writing about your business. A PR team can help you do this, creating stories and context that the press will focus on. Ultimately, they’ll keep your business in the spotlight and guarantee that people are always seeing your name.

Getting The Word Out

Last but not least a PR team will act as a speakerphone for your business. Messages and goals or updates will be professionally broadcast and delivered to various news sources. They’ll make sure that any big announcements from your business do get the attention that they deserve or indeed, require.

Give Back and Gain Loyalty: How to Get Your Small Business Involved in the Local Community

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. One way to strengthen your business enterprise, is to strengthen its ties with the community. You can do this in numerous ways. The following contributed post is therefore entitled, Give Back and Gain Loyalty: How to Get Your Small Involved in the Local.

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It is common sense to all that small businesses are the economic backbone of our local communities. These small businesses from local accountants, florists, and coffee shops will create new jobs for the community, as well provide the services that the community needs. Many like to shop local to support, so there is still a need for these kinds of businesses. Small businesses play a large role in the country too, with it being reported that over half of citizens work for or own a small business. But as a small business owner, you can really make the most of the community where your business is placed; giving back can boost your business as you gain loyal fans and customers.

If you want to get your small business involved with the local community, then what are the best ways to do just that? Here are some ideas and tips to help. It is a practice that is definitely worth it.


• Local Expertise

If you are known in the community for your skills, whether that be an account or a hairdresser, then people will come to you with their questions (like tax advice or hairstyles). So being able to establish yourself as a local expert can really be a good idea. Get involved with local groups on www.Facebook.com, go to community events, write for local newspapers or media, and show your expertise in those ways.

• Support Charity

If there are some local charities that are doing great things or that are a cause close to your heart, then why not get involved and support them? It could be something as simple as donating a certain percentage of profits to the organization, or helping to arrange events or fundraisers for the charity. It gets your business name out there and show you’re doing good, as well as those local people within the charity knowing all that you do, and then being more likely to come for you when they need the services of your business.

• Sports Teams

From children’s soccer teams to high school football, sports in the local areas is what helps bring people together. If your business is able to be a part of that, then it can only be a good thing. Think about sponsorship for a sports team perhaps or donating things for where they play, such as display bricks from www.brickmarkers.com, for example. Getting involved in the best way that you see fit can help to expose your business to local people on a regular basis.

• Local Schools

No doubt there is some kind of school in your local community, whether that be a nursery school to a high school. They will always be looking for help with things, as well as donations to fundraisers. If you are a local builder or decorator, for example, you could help the school with a project to clear up the play area or painting the walls. Being seen out there doing good in their local community is such a great thing for a small business to be doing.

Presenting The Best Of Your Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Part of the success of your business will be impacted by how people perceive it. As such you must consider how it comes across to the others. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Presenting The Best Of Your Business.

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Presenting the best of your business isn’t always as guaranteed as some people might like to make out. It can take time, dedication, and error in order to learn how your business should present itself. What might work for you might not work for another business and vice versa, despite you both selling extremely similar products at an extremely similar price point. Businesses don’t live and die by their presentation, but that doesn’t mean they can’t necessarily struggle or flourish because of it. Presenting the best of your business is often something that gives you room to grow, room to attract an audience, and a pride in that which you offer.

There is no shame in refining your strategy and learning as much as you can to find where the sweet spot lies. Nor is there a shame in rebranding if you think you’ve gotten things wrong. There are a range of benefits you might consider when dealing with this mindset, so be sure to allow our advice to help you get there:

Focus Groups

Focus groups can help you refine your product over and over again, or perhaps gain a deeper understanding of how your business is perceived. It is extremely important to get this outsider perspective, even if you decide not to act on the information you gain. Figuring out how your branding works on a random sample size of people, or how your product is used, or exactly if your product would be necessary for them can help you redirect your understanding, help you develop a more cohesive idea of where in the market your product might work, and often help you learn things about yourself and your business that might have evaded you thus far.

This kind of raw, brutally honest feedback can often let you cut away some of the dead weight from your idea, but be sure not to give this feedback an unlimited amount of credence, because sometimes the public aren’t always completely understanding of what they want, especially when it comes to new innovation. That being said, focus groups are an essentially useful tool when hoping to present the best of your business in the future.

Visit An Expo

Expos can help you in a range of ways. Not only can they motivate you to express the absolute best of your business, and help you present that in a celebratory tone, but it helps you directly engage with those you may hope to sell to. With the use of a brilliant convention display, the willingness to enjoy a large, focused presentation effort, the potential growth of customer engagement, and the development of your best ideals, you can learn just how your branding, product and scriptwriting comes together to help your firm show itself as you had imagined it. This can not only help you learn more for future expos, but potentially begin to craft a customer base of loyal fans, that might take interest in your product for a good amount of time.

Metrics Of Success

Finding the metrics of success can help you try to repeat that which went very right, or reduce that which might have gone wrong. For example, considering the demographics of those who signed up for your Facebook promotions at the trade expo, or seeing who responds to customer feedback surveys, or considering just how many eyes your social media marketing has reached (but most importantly who engaged with the post) can help you understand a little more about that you’re offering. It can be quite interesting to see just how your product can become extremely important to a select community over time, and sometimes you may want to cater to that. For example, if someone shouts out your brand in a genre of music you might not have expected them to, you might redirect your future branding or marketing efforts to potentially capitalize on that fact, among a range of other things.

When Branding Works

It can be essential to figure out how your branding is perceived, so you can develop its presentation even further in the future. You might ask those who have never purchased your product what words come to mind when presented with your logo or simple name of your business, and if any of your advertisements, watched blind, motivates a purchase. You might try and find what social media posts worked where over others, and just what response you get from risky posts.

With these tips, you’ll learn how to present the best of your business as the years pass on.

How To Run Your Business On The Road

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Money, and Technology. In today’s digital age, it’s now possible to conduct business on the road, free of any office or store front. While this provides many, many advantages you have to the systems to do it. The following contributed post is thus entitled, How To Run Your Business On The Road.

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Whether you’re attracted to the idea of being a digital nomad full time or you just like to travel a lot and know that running an online business can actually allow you the freedom to travel all over the world as you please and still make money from your business at the same time, then you might be wondering how to get started with living such a lifestyle.

Of course, running a business is still going to be hard work no matter where you do it – of course nice beaches can certainly make it more enjoyable, so in this post we’re going to share with you some simple things you can start to implement that will allow you to run your business on the road.


Even if you’re running your business from home, then you should still be looking at automating it as much as possible since this is what creates freedom for you and allows you to focus your time and energy on the things that you’re actually going to be seeing make an impact in your business, so using tools like schedulers as well as things like Zapier, and different apps that can work together to automate your systems and processes will really make a big difference and help you run your business on the road so that even if you’re not able to do things manually, they’re still getting done thanks to automation.

Create digital systems:

Having systems in your business is a must, however, if you run a business from home or use a physical office, then you can choose how to set up your systems and have them on paper if you want – although this isn’t recommended. However, if you want to run your business on the road and make your life easier, especially if you’re traveling around a lot between different countries, then you’re really going to want to go as digital as possible with your systems – unless you really do want to be carrying lots of notebooks and pieces of paper around with you between countries.

Use cloud storage:

Cloud Computing and storage systems are one of the best things you can start using for your business – no matter where you run it from, but if you run it on the road, then these are even more essential since they ensure that everything is backed up securely and that even if your computer was to be lost, stolen, or simply crashed on its own, that you’re not going to lose anything important, which is always a big risk when using non-cloud based systems that don’t back up and save automatically.

Sync your devices:

When traveling, it’s not always going to be convenient or possible to pull out your laptop and access something you need, so if you’re able to sync this to your phone, then you could start accessing things from there, which is going to make your life so much easier when running a business on the road or just when you’re unable to access your laptop.