Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Now more than ever, women are competing and forming their legacies in the business world. There are unique challenges and distinct for women learning to compete in this arena. The following contributed post is entitled, Holding Your Own as a Woman in Business.
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The big world of business, as well as many other industries, is unfortunately very much still a man’s world. Men still dominate many companies, and certainly upper management. Women are still less likely to start their own business as men, partly because they are put off by male domination or because they are worried about going into negotiations and meetings with a room filled with strong, powerful men.
But, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t women doing it. Many mothers start their own businesses to avoid having to find expensive childcare or leave their children. Women with experience in industry are eager to go it on their own, knowing that their unique skills could make them very successful and many of these women are more than holding their own.
Women are often well organized and great at managing their time. They are passionate, and great at arguing their cause. Women inspire others and don’t take risks without preparation. All of these skills can make them excellent in business. But only if they have got the confidence to take a chance on themselves. Here are some of the ways that you can hold your own in the man’s world of business.

Find Strong Role Models
There are many, many strong women in business. They launch their own startups, they become CEOs of major firms, they slowly climb up the ladder, and they do it with confidence, grace, passion and even style. Women like Belinda Stronach can be fantastic role models, and having them will help you to pick yourself up on the bad days and draw strength when things are tough.
Build a Support Network
Role models are all well and good, but as a woman trying to hold your own in business, you might also need people close by. You need a strong support network of supportive and understanding people. Friends and family that will pick you up when you are down, understand that you need to work long hours, and commit time and effort to your job if you want to do well. This might also mean cutting those people that bring you down or tell you that you can’t do it. Make sure that you are surrounded by people that make you feel confident and like you can take on the world.
Dress for Success
As a woman in business, you’ve probably heard some frightfully sexist comments about how you should dress. You might have even worked in places that insist upon skirts and high heels.
Well, dressing the right way can have a significant impact on your career. But, the right way should be right for you, not everyone else. Wear clothes that make you feel confident and powerful, but also comfortable and ready to work.
Never Stop Learning
As a woman, you might feel as though you always have to prove yourself and that people are always questioning your knowledge and experience. It might help you to feel better if you know the answers. Keep an open mind and never stop learning and you’ll always be on top of your game.