How To Make Business Resolutions For Success In 2021 That Stick

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. As 2020 draws to a close, it’s important to think about business goals for 2021. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Make Business Resolutions For Success In 2021 That Stick.

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As 2020 is drawing to a close, whatever you were able to make of it, now is the time to think of some resolutions to go into 2021 with and make your business a success. Resolutions are known to be hard to keep, and we will all have met someone who tried and failed to do something new as the calendar switched from December to January.

However, if you’re serious about growing your business, now is the time to create a plan for next year. Call them resolutions if that is something that makes sense for you, or call these ideas the next steps to your business growing and thriving if that sounds better. Whatever you call them, it’s crucial to stick to them. Here’s how to do it.

Image from Pixabay

Make Smaller Resolutions

One of the reasons that resolutions, or plans, fail is that they’re just too big. Although the idea behind them might be excellent, if you start too big you’re going to have difficulty in getting anywhere. You’ll simply overwhelm yourself and set yourself up for failure.

The best way to handle this issue is to look at the overall plan, the plan you would once have thought of as one single resolution, and split it up into smaller parts. Each one of these parts can be a resolution of its own, and you can work through them one by one, getting one right before moving onto the next.

All added up, these resolutions will help you reach your ultimate goal, but you won’t get lost along the way and you won’t start to feel burned out because you’re trying to do too much.

Get More Specific

By making your resolutions smaller, you can also make them more detailed, which will help you to complete them. Vague resolutions and ideas might seem exciting at first, but once you try to follow them through and realize you don’t know where to start or what your end goal is going to be, that excitement can soon fade away.

The more specific you can be, the more likely it is you will achieve your goals and stick to your resolutions to ensure your business is more profitable next year than it is now. For example, you might know that you want an app for your business. Rather than simply having a resolution that you’ll get an app, work out how this is going to happen – will you find an expert to help with app development? What will the app do? When do you want the task completed? Do this for everything you’re planning, and although it might take time, it will be worth it when you realize how much less confusing your plans actually can be.

Write Your Resolutions Down

It might seem a little ‘old fashioned’ to suggest that you should write your resolutions down as you are creating them, but despite the ‘old school’ nature of the process, it’s one that will help you achieve what you want to achieve, so it’s worth doing.

When you write down your goals using a pen and a piece of paper (as opposed to typing them out and saving them on your hard drive where you can’t see them) helps people stay more accountable to their plans, and gives them a higher chance of getting them done. This is a well-known psychological phenomenon, and it is simple to carry out so there is no reason why you shouldn’t do it to help yourself achieve your goals.

The paper with your list of accomplishments to be achieved over the coming 12 months (or whatever timescale you have given yourself) should be left somewhere you can see it every day. The front of the fridge is a good option, or you could stick it next to the bathroom mirror. Perhaps they are even on your ceiling above your bed. Read them every day and you will do more about crossing them off that list.

Make Your Plans Public

Many business owners don’t want to make their plans, goals, resolutions, or whatever you want to call them public. They would rather keep things to themselves because of the fear of failure. Telling everyone you’re planning to do something and then finding that you couldn’t, wouldn’t, or simply didn’t do it at all is embarrassing, and most people won’t want to run that risk. It’s not just business owners either; this is something that can be said of all goals, no matter what they relate to.

Although it can be scary to let people know about your plans, there are several reasons why it’s a good idea. The most important is that you will be held accountable. Because you won’t want to embarrass yourself or let anyone down, and because people will be interested in how you are getting on with your ideas, you will be more likely to do something about your plans. They won’t just stay in your head, as there will need to be some tangible evidence for the results.

Secondly, you’ll be able to get help. If people know what you are trying to achieve, they may be able to offer advice, or perhaps even physical help. You might be able to achieve your goal much more easily because of this.

Have The Next Step Ready

We mentioned right at the start that breaking your major goal down into smaller parts was the best way to get started. It’s crucial, then, that you always know what to do next once you have achieved any particular stage. Finishing one part of your plan and ticking an entire goal off your to-do list (which you should be reading every day) is great, but if you don’t then know what to do next, you may not be able to reach your overall goal at all.

Always have the next thing ready to be started as you’re finishing your current task. You won’t then find yourself at a loss and lose momentum – if this happens it can be very hard to get it back again.

Launching A Construction Business: Key Factors To Take Into Account

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A lucrative business to start is a construction business. It’s important to take all the factors into consideration though. The following contributed post is entitled, Launching A Construction Business: Key Factors To Take Into Account.

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If you have decided that the time has come to launch your own construction-based business, then you might be wondering about what steps you need to take to make sure that your new business does as well as possible. You’re keen to see your new venture be successful, but you might not be sure about how to ensure that is the case.

While you cannot guarantee that a business will be successful, what you can do is take steps to give your business a better chance of success. The question is, of course, what steps should you be taking to give your business the very best chance of success? When you’re just starting out, it’s not easy to know how you can ensure that your business is as successful as you hoped it would be. However, by taking note of the right advice, you can give yourself a higher chance of building a profitable and prosperous company.

Photo source: Pixabay

For everything that you need to know about giving your new venture the very best chance of long-term success, have a read of the tips and ideas below!

Ensure you have adequate insurance in place

When it comes to how you run your business, it’s important that you make sure that you have adequate insurance cover in place. One of the most crucial steps that you can take is making sure that you have properly protected yourself, your business, and your customers, and in order to be able to do that, it’s vital that you make sure that you have a secure insurance policy in place. While the added cost of insurance may not be an expense that you want to have to pay, if it means that you are protected should something unfortunate happen, such as a team member getting hurt while doing work for you, then it’s worthwhile having.

Think about suppliers

Another important aspect of running a business is making sure that you have a secure and reliable network of suppliers in place. What you want to do is take the time to source a range of suppliers to work with, and rely on for key pieces of kit that you require to complete different projects. For instance, you might want to source brick suppliers and pipe plug suppliers, so that whenever you need to place an order you know where you are ordering from and don’t need to waste time sourcing new suppliers.

Invest in the right tools

A key aspect of launching your own business is making sure to invest in the right tools and pieces of equipment for your business to be successful. If you are going to build a successful construction business, you need to invest in your company to get it off to the right start. You can’t run a construction business without having all of the key pieces of kit in place, so it is essential that you take the time to think carefully about what pieces of equipment you need to make your business a success.

Launching a construction business comes with a lot of hard work, time and effort, which is why it’s not an undertaking that should be taken lightly. Of course, that being said, with the right approach you can make launching a construction business far simpler and easier, and increase your chances of success at the same time.

Extra Security Measures Your Business Should Put in Place

The focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. An important part of your business is its security. Assuring that all of your security measures are in place will increase the likelihood of your business performing and operating for a long period of time. The following contributed post is entitled, Extra Security Measures Your Business Should Put in Place.

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If your business is facing risks of various kinds, it’s important to combat them effectively with the right security measures. If you’re currently in the process of looking for better and stronger extra security measures, we’ve got some ideas to discuss with you which should help you to get to where you want to be. Each of the tips below will make your business better prepared to deal with the security threats you face.

Carry Out Regular Risk Assessments

First of all, you should try to carry out risk assessments on a regular basis. When you do this, you’ll find that you spot problems with your approach to business and see where risks are being taken unnecessarily. From there, you can start to cut out those problems and address risks better. You don’t want to wait for something to go wrong or someone to get hurt before taking action.

Train Staff on Security Threats and How to Combat Them

Everyone working for your business should be aware of the security threats the business faces. When they have that understanding, they’re able to deal with situations better and combat security threats more effectively. All of that comes from the training you offer though. If you’re not going the extra mile to offer strong training to your staff members, they won’t be able to deal with these situations.

Secure Sensitive and High-Value Items

If you have anything in your workplace that’s of a high value or that contains sensitive information, you should do more to ensure these things are properly secured and protected. A safe that you can keep in the office and lock away your items in is a good option if you want to protect your possessions while the office is closed.

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Dash Cams for Company Vehicles

If you want to make sure that your fleet of vehicles is being used in a safe and secure way when out on the road, you need to find ways of monitoring and tracking their use. That can be done in a variety of ways, such as with a dash cam fleet system. You can also use GPS tracking systems to see where your vehicles are traveling. These things will improve safety and costs, so make the most of them.

Install a Modern Alarm System

Having a modern alarm system setup inside your business’s premises is a good idea. That way, you can be alerted to any suspicious activity, no matter where you are. With these modern systems, you can get alerts sent directly to your mobile device or whatever device you want. It’ll also help deter potential burglars thinking of breaking in.

Your business has a responsibility to do more to ensure it’s fully secure and safe. As we’ve discussed, the threats out there are developing and changing rapidly. And it’s the businesses that are not up to date and not aware of those threats that are most likely to be seen as easy targets. Don’t let that be you.

5 Ideas To Attract New Clients

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. An important aspect of your business is attracting new clients to assure that your pipeline is continually filled. There several important keys to your marketing strategy. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ideas To Attract New Clients.

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When you’re running a business, you’ve got to balance your time between retaining your current customers and working to attract new ones. To help you attract new clients today, these five tips may come in handy.

1 . Offer incentives

To attract new clients to your business, it can be useful to offer incentives. Provide discounts for your new customers; simple actions like this can work wonders. With a discount or two you can lure in those customers who wouldn’t have otherwise made a purchase. Once these customers have made a purchase with you, ensure that you make a note of the offers which drew them in. By tracking customer purchases, you can improve your marketing efforts to retain their ongoing loyalty.

2. More networking

When you’re looking to boost your brand awareness, networking is a crucial step. You should start by joining networking organizations and your trade association. You can also network online using sites like LinkedIn or apps like Shapr and One Million Cups. As an entrepreneur, it can be useful to join up to organizations such as ‘The Association For Entrepreneurship’. Here you’ll find networking opportunities, education, peer mentoring, and community involvement.

3. Improve your content marketing

To attract new clients, one of the most critical areas to focus on is your content marketing. Focus on best responding to search intent and on ensuring that your content is educational and engaging. Video marketing is one of the best ways to engage new audiences, boost your credibility, and increase conversions. To present your business as authentic, it’s helpful to focus on user-generated content. When customers can see that their peers are enjoying your products, they’ll be far more likely to convert.

4. Appeal to international markets

To attract new clients, you should aim to appeal to international markets. One of the easiest ways to do this is to cater to international client needs. Here are a few areas of focus:

● Currency Exchange: First off, make it easy for international clients to pay using their own currency.
● Worldwide Shipping: Offer worldwide shipping options so that your clients are not restricted to only one geographical location.
● Languages: Ensure that your website, your chatbots, and marketing materials cater to different languages, depending on the markets that you are targeting.
● Software Localization: Investing in a software localization service is a great way to target new markets. It refers to the procedure used to adapt your software to cater to new languages and cultural requirements.

5. Review sites

Last up, putting your business on review sites is a great way to get some glowing testimonials. When customers are looking for products, one of the first things they do is to look at reviews and testimonials. Make it easy for them to find you on review sites, and ask your existing customers to provide testimonials.

To widen your reach and keep on growing it’s important to be attracting new clients all of the time.

Things You Should Do to Make Your Recycling Business Successful

Two focuses of my blog Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. An industry that affects all of us and which will likely always be around is the recycling business. Once you get into this sector, there are things you’ll need to do to be competitive. The following contributed post is entitled, Things You Should Do to Make Your Recycling Business Successful.

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Whether you are starting or running a recycling business, you can make it successful. However, you need to put some factors in the right place, for instance, hiring a committed senior manager, assessing the program’s progress, and evaluating material wastage exchange. Read on to get a good understanding of what you should put in place.

The Senior Manager

The level of the senior manager’s commitment is crucial for your business success. Although your business’s overall success requires cooperation from all the team members, the senior manager can greatly influence it. You need a senior manager who has leadership qualities and excellent personal relations skills. You also need to allow the whole team to be part of developing the mission statement so that they can own it and work towards it.

Select the Right Equipment

Do not invest in machines that will leave a lot of waste in the process of recycling. You need to save every material you have already collected to get maximum profit, save on energy, and still produce quality. If you are recycling metallic waste, you can get the alligator shears. There is proof it saves on the materials.

Assess Material Wastage Exchanges

Typically, waste materials from one company are utilized in other companies. While markets for recyclables keep growing fast, some factors can affect the recyclables’ value. They include market demand, the recyclable condition, proximity to the markets, bale sizes, and availability. These factors will help you make appropriate decisions on what you should recycle, at what time, and whether you should diversify.

Do the Math

It is an amazing thing to be part of the team that keeps the environment clean. However, you are doing business, and you need to pay your employees. You need enough revenue to cater for all the costs and leave you with a balance. Calculate all the costs (transportation, storage, maintenance, among others), then cross-check with the revenue. Expanding the business also requires capital. If your profit is good, you can save part of it to grow your business.

Have a Routine of Re-evaluating the Program

Every business requires constant monitoring to assess its progress and to put in place strategies to move forward. You need to know whether the program is efficient and effective, the production range, employees’ motivation/morale, and the environmental impact. Some of the feedback sources include

● Custodial staff can tell you of the handling practices and material quality.
● Your employees
● Your clients
● The waste hauler can tell you of the type and the recycled amount of waste.

Place and Label Recycling Bins Properly

When recycling bins are far from people, most of them will throw waste elsewhere and won’t use them. However, when they are near them, they will use them effortlessly. It is a simple way of encouraging people. You also need to ensure that all the recycling bins are well labeled so that people place each waste in the right bin. It will make it easier for your employees.


A recycling business not only cleans the environment but also creates employment opportunities. Nevertheless, for your recycling business to be successful, you have to keep a few factors in check. Hire a committed senior manager who can lead and relate with your employees exceptionally, use equipment that saves on materials, and get feedback to assess the program’s progress.

How Do You Get A Better ROI From Your Marketing Strategy

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A major component of your business is you marketing. It’s good enough just to market though. You have to do it effectively. The following contributed post is entitled, How Do You Get A Better ROI From Your Marketing Strategy.

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What does ROI mean? For those that are unaware, it stands for Return on Investment, relating to what you gain from investing your money. In marketing terms, it basically addresses how much you earn as a result of a marketing campaign/strategy. As a basic example, let’s say you spent $1000 on a marketing campaign, and it yielded sales totaling $2000. Here, you’re made a positive ROI as you essentially gained $1000.

With that in mind, how do you get a better ROI from a marketing strategy? Marketing and advertising cost lots of money nowadays, meaning many small businesses struggle to profit. Nevertheless, here are a few worthwhile ideas:

Utilize free marketing as much as you can

The first step is to be more frugal in your approach to marketing. There’s no need to splash the cash all the time – many marketing tactics are free! Think of things like social media marketing; this can be done without spending a penny. Word-of-mouth marketing works well for small businesses – get people to spread the word for you. You’ve also got ideas that initially cost money, yet provide free marketing afterward. Handing out branded products is a fine example; give customers a free tote bag with your branding on it, and they basically advertise your business whenever they go out with it.

Switch from traditional to digital marketing

Traditional marketing includes loads of classic ideas like billboard ads, newspaper adverts, flyers, etc. Nowadays, these methods aren’t as effective, meaning they provide a lower ROI. Instead, it’s worth venturing into the realm of digital marketing. Now, what is digital marketing? In short, it relates to all the different ways of promoting your business through digital channels. Again, social media falls under this umbrella, as do SEO, PPC, etc. Digital marketing helps you get a better ROI because it’s easier to tweak and measure the success of a campaign. You have access to all kinds of metrics that tell you what is working and what isn’t. Therefore, you can make adjustments to ensure you see a positive ROI.

Plus, most digital marketing tactics are more affordable than traditional ones. Do you know how much it will cost to get an advert on the TV during a prime time show? A fair bit more than paying for an advert on social media!

Set a strict budget

Finally, you should set a strict budget and stick to it. Many people see a negative ROI because they keep paying for more things. Your campaign isn’t producing results, so you increase the budget and keep promoting as much as you can. In the end, you spent far too much to make it possible to gain a positive return. A strict budget forces you to think smarter and make your money go a long way. It limits your spending, which could help you see a better ROI.

In summary, it’s all about being wise with your spending. Think of ideas and tactics that don’t cost much money, yet provide excellent results. Contrary to what you might believe, you don’t need to spend a fortune on a good marketing strategy.

Key Techniques to Attract More People to Your Business

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Aspect of your business is its marketing. Today there are multiple ways to do this. The following contributed post is entitled, Key Techniques to Attract More People to Your Business.

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There are a lot of ideas that you have to keep in mind when it comes to making the best possible decisions for the future of the business. You have to come up with ideas that will help you to attract more interest in the company and drive more traffic to the business. Now, there are quite a few ways of being able to achieve this, and this is one of the best ways of moving forward with this.


Make sure you come up with ideas that are going to allow you to improve this process, and there are a lot of elements that play a part here. You need to consider the different techniques your business can use in order to generate more interest, and these are going to be a key part of your marketing regime. Here are some of the things that you should be looking at to make the best of this right now.

Launch a Blog

One of the best things that you can do to help attract more people to your business is to ensure that you launch a blog as much as you can. There are a lot of ideas that you have to try to make the most of as much as possible, and a blog is going to generate interest and curiosity in the brand, as well as providing a great way of being able to talk about the industry, and talk about a multitude of topics. Many businesses these days are launching their own blogs, and this is certainly something that you need to try to make the most of by doing the same.

Attend a Trade Show

Trade shows are an underrated part of promoting a business, and you definitely need to make sure you think about how you can make the most of your next business trade show as a brand owner. There are so many ideas you can use that are going to help you when it comes to making the right choices here. A trade show allows you to interact with potential customers on a more personal level, and you can show them what your business is about and how it functions. Trade shows are the perfect environment to see your business gaining traction, and this is one of the most important choices you can make right now.

Get Creative with Advertising

Getting creative with promotion and advertising is really important, and you have to make sure you are focused on improving the way you market your business. There are a lot of ideas that can help you when it comes to making the right choices, and this is something that you need to make the most of right now. One of the best ways of being able to do this is to look at getting billboard sized printing to help you improve your promotion and generate interest in the company. There are also plenty of excellent ideas you can use to get creative and make positive decisions with your company advertising.

Bringing more people to the business is really important, and this is one of the key ways of being able to secure success as a modern brand. So there are ideas that you need to try to use in order to make sure you come up with ways of attracting more interest in the business. Try to consider what it takes to bring things to the next level in terms of interest in the brand, and this is something you need to try to get right as much as you can.

Reasons Why Potential Clients Won’t Want To Do Business With You

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key aspect of your business that many don’t think about is your reputation. If you’ve developed a questionable reputation for any reason, you may see your business dry up. The following contributed post is entitled, Reasons Why Potential Clients Won’t Want To Do Business With You.

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As a business owner, you will be reliant on your clients for your income. If you have a steady stream of people to do business with, you will start to make a profit and build your portfolio. But if you don’t? Well, you don’t need us to tell you the consequences of a low client base.

If you are struggling to find clients to work with you, there could be some very good reasons why. These include the following, so have a read, and make the necessary changes for the betterment of your business.

#1: A bad reputation

In business, a good reputation is everything. When people only have good things to say about you, you will garner a lot of trust and respect from others. But if you or your business is less than reputable, you will struggle to reach the clients you need for your business.

So, what can cause a bad reputation? Well, if the quality of your work is poor, you can be guaranteed bad word-of-mouth from past clients. If your business is less than ethical, perhaps because you fail to care for the environment in your manufacturing processes, you will also receive negative attention. And if you have a criminal record, even for something that may have happened a long time ago, you might also struggle to attain new clients if they discover something about you on a Google search.

The key here is to improve your reputation.

Focus on quality in every part of your business to ensure good client reviews.

Establish an ethics policy with guidance for on better code of conduct for you and your employees.

And if you do have a criminal record, check out this advice on online content removal, as you may be able to get mention of your name removed if your conviction is spent. You might also want to seek out the services of an expungement lawyer in an attempt to get your criminal record expunged.

#2: Bad comparisons to your competition

If your business type was completely unique, you wouldn’t have to worry about the competition. However, you’re probably competing against a number of rivals in your bid to win new clients to your side, and you will struggle if you pale in comparison for any reason.

So, research your competition to find out why they might be winning more clients than you. It might be because their products or services are of better quality. They might be charging fairer prices. And it might be that their website is a lot better than yours in terms of professional design and content. These are just some of the reasons why you might be losing out to them, but there could be others.

To beat your rivals, better them in every conceivable way. Focus on quality work, adjust your pricing, improve your website, and do whatever else it takes to stop potential new clients from siding with them over you.


These are just two of the reasons why potential clients won’t want to do business with you. Of course, there could be other reasons, and to find out, you might want to ask them. Feedback forms are always a good idea, as are conversations on the phone if you want to find out the answer. When you know what the problems are, do what you can to make changes, as the more clients you have coming to your doors, the better.

How To Establish An Ethics Policy For Your Small Business

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key aspect of your small business is your ethics policy. You may have the most new and novel product/service and systems, but unless your human component is solid, you may be missing the most important ingredient. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Establish An Ethics Policy For Your Small Business.

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Ethics is an important part of any business, but it is not talked about often. Ethics and morals is how you keep your reputation as a small business owner. Ethics ensures that no matter what every employee, customer or client is treated the same way. That is why establishing an ethics policy for your small business is a step in the right direction. Most successful businesses are successful because everyone a part of the team, no matter how high or low they sit on the ladder, are working toward the same goal under the same codes of conduct. If you are looking for ways to set up an ethics policy, here is how you do it.

Determine The Priorities

The ethics policy of your company should work in tangent with your company’s mission and goals. You also have to keep in mind the company’s office policies because how people are supposed to conduct themselves at work will be a major factor in the ethics code for your business. The priorities of your business should address things like the social responsibility of the company and its employees, goals of the company and the guides and rules for employees to follow in any given situation. Help from a Rockwell Legal Group attorney could make this process smoother.

Discuss With Your Employees

Your ethics policy should not be made in a vacuum. You want to make sure that you have all stakeholders held accountable. Your employees are a large part of your company, so it would make sense to have their input on the ethics policy. Giving your employees the opportunity to add to the code of ethics is a great idea because it will increase the chances of them understanding and agreeing to follow the policy.

Get Specific

Many ethics policies are specific. Do not be afraid to get specific for yours. Some touchy topics are typically romance and nepotism. Being specific about those types of things provides clear expectations that everyone will be held accountable for. No one should be able to say they were confused about anything in your ethics policy. That is why being specific is beneficial. It leaves no room for error or wrong interpretation.

Appoint An Ethical Authority Figure

After you have successfully established an ethics policy, you will now need someone to help implement it. This is where appointing an ethical authority figure comes into play. Everyone should get a copy of the ethics policy. Require that they sign and give back the policy to show that they have read and understood the new policies that will be going into effect soon. Often times, the ethical authority figure is the human resources department.

You should also consider putting someone up to the task of regularly updating the ethics code so that your business is never caught slipping. Make sure that whoever you pick they are someone who is personable, reliable, honest and committed to the company code of ethics. Having someone there who easily sways their position will only do harm to keeping the code implemented.

Business Marketing Tips in Challenging Times

Three focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship. Covid-19 has changed the way business is conducted in many instances. Those businesses that have been able to survive will need to think about how to adapt and survive in this new environment. The following contributed post is entitled, Business Marketing Tips in Challenging Times.

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This year has been a rollercoaster year for most businesses. With many businesses forced to limit hours and cut staff because of Covid-19 closures, many must evaluate what’s next? Maybe the way you used to do business won’t be viable moving forward. When your customers’ needs shift, your business must do too. Challenging times mean tweaking your marketing techniques as well.

Communicate with Your Customers

The number one rule in business is keeping the communication going. Your sales funnel may be a process of months for some products or even years for others. A normal newsletter and social media updates are great ways to keep your business in front of your customers. Everybody loves a good story. So, make your customer outreach like storytime: what’s new, what’s aligned with pop culture, and what’s funny. You can find memorable, free images online that connect with popular hashtags like #MotivationalMonday, #ThankfulThursday, and #FridayFeeling. Marketing doesn’t have to be salesy. The new buzz phrase is content marketing. These are some marketing do’s and don’ts during a pandemic. Don’t just stick with social media, though – you can make the most of the number of time people spend on their mobile phones. Put your data to good use, start sending more regular newsletters, chat groups and use a mass texting service to stay engaged.

Focus Your Strategy on Solutions to Current Challenges

Whatever you are doing, whether email marketing, print marketing, or social media marketing, present solutions to current challenges. You may need to unschedule previously planned campaigns to shift to the “new” normal. Just a few topics that may resonate with your customers this year are how to work from home without losing your job, how to design the best interior layout for home-schooling, or how to make homemade masks easily and with things you have around the house. In particular, topics that help with the boredom of staying at home are ideal, including new technology, virtual activities, and online courses. Remind your customers that can help them overcome the obstacles of 2020.

One method that can help you to identify the unique needs of your customers is to use an AI advertising company. AI advertising uses machine learning tools to identify complicated patterns in data. These patterns can point to all kinds of conclusions, including the current challenges of your customer base. It can also be used to predict and build advertising strategies that are far more likely to succeed in the current market, as well as to provide the solutions that your customers are looking for.

Find Niche Experts for Your Industry

Although you know your business niche well, how well do you know how to reach your customers. There are specialists in marketing to very niche industries such as HVAC marketing as well as in healthcare and childcare service marketing. Well-targeted design, marketing copy, and even tight slogans can make all the difference. It is important to find niche experts for your industry so that you can get the most bang for your marketing buck and stand out from your competition.

2020 is winding down, but that doesn’t mean your business marketing does. In fact, the end of the year is where you need to finish strong. It is a great time to outreach to share your thanks, spread holiday cheer, and offer limited-time offers before the holidays or New Year. Maybe it is time to add a small business Saturday sale to your roster. Perhaps a virtual Q&A or roundtable to answer the most common questions of your customers could be added to your marketing calendar. By continuing to tell your business’ story with fun and helpful tips, tricks, and tools pays off. Sometimes you need a bit of encouragement, so reach out to the business marketing experts for niche advice as well as some fresh marketing trends to try.

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