Online Networking Success

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and key area of focus is Technology. Networking is an important part of anything you try to do these days whether it’s starting a business, starting a blog or writing a book. Knowing how to network online can be the one piece that puts your project over the top, and not knowing how to do so could kill it. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Online Networking Success.

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Networking is essential for any professional or business owner. Over the years, networking has changed considerably, with the vast majority being conducted online nowadays. But, are you networking effectively? There is a big difference between networking and simply liking other people’s posts or seeing how many connections you can get on LinkedIn. With that in mind, read on for five top tips for successful online networking.

  1. Start local – When you are first getting started with online networking, it is a good idea to stay local. You may think that this is counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the whole point of using the Internet to reach a global audience? While this is true, and there are many benefits to gain by reaching your immediate geography in some situations, there are advantages of starting in your own backyard. This means that you will build a social network and have a better shot of meeting face-to-face, which will help you to establish quality connections that you can build on.
  2. Find a shared point of reference – When you are looking for people to connect with, it is good to look for something you have in common, for example, someone with the same causes or interested in volunteering, like Drew Fasy, clubs and organisations, previous employers, or your hometown. By referencing this when reaching out to the person, it gives them a reason to connect with you, offering a good conversation starter.
  3. Have a clear reason for choosing the person in question – You need to have a clear reason for wanting to meet the person in question. The person will be more likely to give you some of their valuable time if you give them a reason why you need to meet them specifically.
  4. Put some thought in – Before you meet with someone, you need to put some thought into what it is that you are asking for. This ensures that there is a clear structure and that the person you are meeting has a distinct idea of what it is you want and how/if they are able to assist. Don’t be vague – lines like “I want to pick your brain” or “I would like to meet you” just don’t work. Would you want to give someone your time if they simply said that?
  5. Ask for the meeting – A valuable contact is not made by simply connecting with someone on LinkedIn. You need to talk to the person, preferably face-to-face, but if that is not possible, a video chat will suffice. This is the only way to learn from someone or get the help that you need.

So there you have it – some top tips to help you with online networking. As mentioned, online networking should be viewed as a starting point, you then need to connect with the person face-to-face. Of course, this is not always geographically possible, but with video chat available nowadays, you can use this instead.

3 Major Ways Technology Has Transformed Healthcare

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship, and Technology. The healthcare industry has been transformed by technology over the last decade. Whether you’re in a healthcare profession, a consumer/patient or an investor, it’s important understand these impacts. The following contributed post is thus entitled, 3 Major Ways Technology Has Transformed Healthcare.

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Technology has always been considered rather a driving force behind the healthcare improvements that hit the headlines today. It’s easy to come to that conclusion when you see the rate of innovation with technology in medicine today. Any graduate of health will agree with the fact that technology is having a positive impact in our lives today, from the data collection breakthroughs to the research and treatments that allow leaders in medicine to find fresh ways to practice medicine in the years to come.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the three ways that technology has really packed a punch with healthcare and medicine in the last decade.

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Better & More Accessible Treatment
One of the biggest technological observations of our time is the way that we have more access to better treatment due to the innovations that are occuring. For example, geneticists have managed to deliver healthy cells to the right places using non-viral PiggyBac DNA Modification. The efficiency in which this works enables a large amount of genetic cargo to be delivered into T cells to create therapies that weren’t around in the early CAR-T therapies. Most therapies are viral based, which presents problems relating to safety concerns. Instead of the viral vectors to create therapies, the NVPB delivers CAR molecule genes to T cells.

Improved Care
It’s a growing area, but the biggest area that has grown in medicine and continues to do so is the care of the patients. The use of IT has made patient care far safer than it used to be and the fact that doctors and nurses in front of the patients are using tablets and smart devices to record their data, and then sharing it right away is indicative of the benefits of health IT. The accumulation of lab results and the recording of vital signs and other patient data into one system is only going to result in better patient care and more efficient services in a medical setting. Scientists need new ways to study the trends in healthcare and with better access to data, and medical breakthroughs can be studied at a quicker rate.

Disease Control
There have been huge developments in software programs that resulted in the WHO being able to classify illnesses along with their causes and symptoms and putting all of these into a huge database. This database gave each individual illness and their symptoms 14,000 individual codes and allows medical professionals and researchers to track, retrieve and use all their data in the fight to control diseases. The better research that is done, the better outcomes in general for the wider world. The software that is created for the medical community plays a huge role in tracking procedures, reducing waste and paperwork levels. These also allow doctors and healthcare professionals to improve the quality of care and the all round efficiency of what they do.

As there is a drive toward better health IT, doctors are getting enormous benefits from the drive toward a better system and it’s expected that there will be more developments in the future.

4 Technologies Changing Manufacturing

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re running a manufacturing business, it’s critical to understanding the current technologies and how they can help you operations. The following contributed post is thus entitled, 4 Technologies Changing Manufacturing.

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Quality manufacturing is at the core of many businesses. While some companies simply purchase pre-manufactured products, others rely on either outsourced manufacturing or their own manufacturing setup to create custom products. Like any other area of business, the world of manufacturing is evolving, and technology is moving at a fast pace. Any businesses that rely on manufacturing should be aware of the technology available, whether they’re looking for the right outsourcer or want to update their own manufacturing setup. Here are some of the technologies that are changing manufacturing and the relationship that many businesses have with it.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) involves how devices connect to each other, including computers, manufacturing equipment, vehicles and much more. It facilitates the transfer of data more easily and makes essential information more accessible and easier to analyze. Many manufacturers have already begun to use connected products. It’s not even necessary to invest in all new equipment. Many older items can be updated by adding sensors or other connected products that help to collect and share important data. The IoT makes everything more efficient, keeping everyone in the know. For example, a sensor could pick up on a problem with a piece of equipment and immediately let an engineer know about it.

Sourced from The Blue Diamond Gallery


Automation in the manufacturing process is another technology that is playing an increasingly large role. Automation from your outsourcing partners such as an injection moulding company means they will use the tech to monitor manufacturing, ensure consistent quality and transfer parts. Automation means less work for humans, so they can concentrate on doing other things. It can help to improve accuracy and quality during manufacturing, and speed things up too. There has been an increase in automation solutions in the last few years, so there are plenty of ways for manufacturers to benefit from automatic.

Augmented Reality

While it might not be in common use yet, augmented reality has been pitched as the next big thing in manufacturing and other business areas for a while. The use of AR could help to improve efficiency and it’s also popularly used for training purposes. Augmented reality could be used to help people with complex assembly or can make it easier to carry out maintenance, providing clear and visual instructions. Expert support can be provided through AR, and it can even be used to carry out quality assurance.

Mobile Technology

Within manufacturing companies, mobile technology can also prove to be useful. Mobile tech allows people to access the information they need whenever and wherever. Workers need to have access to data that helps them do their jobs properly, and employers shouldn’t ignore the growing need for mobile apps in the workplace. An app can be used to log working hours, check schedules or receive notifications about tasks that need to be completed. When employees benefit from being connected to what’s happening, the rest if the company benefits too.

Technology will continue to change the manufacturing industry. It will pay for businesses to keep up with what’s happening.

How Is Car Technology Changing The Face Of Public Transport?

A major focus of my blog is Technology. Right now we’re seeing the incorporation of new technologies into cars. What are the advantages of these new technologies in the are of public transportation? The following contributed post is entitled, How Is Car Technology Changing The Face Of Public Transport?

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In recent years, it seems as if humans are moving far closer to truly autonomous cars than ever before. Loads of companies are throwing their hats into the ring, coming out with options which are promising the shape the future of this industry. What does this mean for a field like public transport, though? To give you an idea of how this might change the way you get around in the future, this post will be going through some of the changes you can expect to see over the next couple of decades. Of course, this sort of change is dependent on technology and the way that it develops.

Rapid Growth

As more cares are starting to be able to drive themselves, there becomes less of a reason to own a personal vehicle. Without having to reply on drivers to get you around, taxis using modern technology could get you from place to place at any time of day, and it wouldn’t make anyone’s lives unpleasant. Coupled with less and less people having space for a car at home, this could see the public transport industry boom like never before.

Hybrid Systems

Traditional cars are always looked at as a standalone item, and very few people will see them as holding a dual purpose. Nowadays, though, a lot of companies are looking for new ways to use cars creatively. A great example of this can be found in the Hyperloop, a project being undertaken by a large group of businesses, schools, and enthusiasts. This system promises to allow driverless cars to be launched through underground systems, dramatically lowering transport times and making public transport more promising.

Lower Costs

When you don’t need a driver for the public transport you’re using, the cost of driving goes down by a large margin. Coupled with the fact that electricity can be produced for far less than traditional fuel, this whole experience gets a lot cheaper than using your own car. It’s rare that you find something which both costs less and provides greater convenience, but this is what the world of public transport is set to achieve.

Safer Roads

Finally, as the last area to consider, it’s time to think about the safety on the roads. While companies may not be able to get rid of their motor accident lawyers just yet, the future is bright when it comes to automated vehicles. If companies are able to produce the systems they are planning, the roads are set to become far less risky for people, and this is a change worth working hard for.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to get started on using public transport more often. As time goes on, companies like Uber are only going to become more popular, taking over the a market which has existing for a long time. Of course, though, like most fields of technology, it will take some time until this is something which everyone has access to.

Utilizing Technology In Your Business

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital age it’s important to properly utilize technology in your operations. Not everyone is savvy in how to go about this. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Utilizing Technology In Your Business.

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Photo by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The world around us is becoming more and more technology-based, from the telematics in our cars to the hardware in our phones. No matter where you are it seems that you can’t escape some sort of technology. So, with that in mind let’s look at how your company might try to then make the most of tech and the digital age.


For starters, one of the ways that many companies are utilizing technology around the world is by investing their time and money in digital marketing campaigns. As referenced above, our phones have become almost like miniature computers in our pockets and therefore are perfect places for companies to target their advertising. The way they will do that will quite often be via social media, so where you start with this form of marketing?

Social Media – From Facebook to Twitter and every Instagram or Snapchat in between there is a social network out there these days for all of us to use. Rarely before in history have you as a business has such eahsy access to so many captive eyes and making the most of that is vital to your success.

It is important to remember with social media that each one has a specialty and users who are active for that reason. That means you need to target your marketing campaign carefully, don’t start a YouTube plan if you have no need for video based promotion, for example. So, the first thing any social media marketing campaign must do is identify its audience and find where they are online. Facebook has the highest number of users so if you cast a net you’re likely to catch some fish, but are they the right ones for you. A mistake made by many companies is thinking that because a social media account is free they should dive head first, far from it. Your time is currency to the company and wasting it by spreading yourself thinly over several social media websites rather than targeting a few is not a good use of it.

Photo by Pexels from Pixabay


In addition to improving your ability to promote your business, the tech industry has delivered a vast range of applications that will help your workforce being more efficient and productive with their time. The classics of the genre include Evernote and Dropbox, both of which are regular features of many offices with the latter offering cloud-based storage and the former a type or organization tool.

However, keep your eye out for startups that are looking to revolutionize the productivity market. As we learn more about the digital era we are seeing more and more applications come to the fore that can help your business with communications, meetings and sharing information. Some of these companies that you might want to keep an eye on include: Mindmeister, Todoist, and RescueTime.

New Car Tech From CES 2019

A key focus of my blog is Technology. As our world continues to technologically evolve, the automotive industry is evolving right along with it. Many of the new automotive tech will be showcased for the first time at the Consumer Electronics Show. The following contributed post is thus entitled, New Car Tech From CES 2019.

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The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is almost upon us and, as a result, automakers all over the world are releasing teasers for what’s in store for 2019, a year when many expect to see big leaps forward in automotive tech.

Let’s take a look at what the various car makers are promising and what we can get excited about in the days to come.

Emotional Recognition Technology

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When face recognition technology first began to mature back in 2014, technologists predicted that it wouldn’t be long before it could start assessing our moods. And lo and behold, that’s precisely what happened. AI-powered technology soon learned what a stressed-out or happy human looked like and could theoretically be programmed to respond.

The market applications of this weren’t clear before, but now Kia has introduced what it calls an “emotional recognition system” that’s designed to pick up on cues from drivers and then adjust things like lighting automatically. No, the mood options are not yet installed on any Kia vehicles, but the company will be showcasing the technology using a pod at CES this year. Visitors can try the system, whether they’re feeling happy, sad, angry or pretty much indifferent. gives more details.

A Modular Car

Mercedes-Benz has long been at the forefront of automotive technology, but at this year’s CES, the car company is looking for a way to outdo itself once again. It’s come up with such a wacky concept that it’s hard to imagine how it would work in practice, but the company wants to push the idea nonetheless.

The idea is for a modular car. The car would be small – perhaps only large enough for a single occupant – but would have an expandable bay at the rear so that people could take more luggage with them when they wanted to. The car would also run on batteries, making it one of the smallest cars in the world. It’s clear that the vehicle is inspired by Smart, a subsidiary of Mercedes that produces small, compact, eco-friendly city cars.

New Autonomous Tech

Flickr by Steve Jurvetson

No, we’re not likely to see fully self-driving cars from any of the major manufacturers anytime soon, but companies are looking at ways to make life safer. According to, car manufacturers still have a long way to go to protect drivers and pedestrians. But Audi says that it’s working on technology that will expand on the current array of autonomous driving options to help protect pedestrians too. Audi says that it will be introducing sensors that will help prevent an accident involving a collision with a pedestrian, as well as other road users.
The car company also wants to update its infotainment system to make it less demanding to use while on the road. Expect to see gesture technology as well as voice activation.

CES looks like it’s going to be another interesting year for the automotive sector as it plays catch up with the tech industry. Greater integration with tech products is leading to more opportunities to improve the driving experience.

How to Create a Cheap But Effective Website

One of the focuses of my blog is Technology. Whether you’re a business owner, or you’re a blogger, you’ll need to set up a website of some sort. Either you’re going to want something high-tech with all the bells and whistles, or you’re going to want something more on the simple side. Either way you was something effective and the following contributed post is entitled, How to Create a Cheap But Effective Website.

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If you’re looking to create a cheap but effective website, you are not alone, indeed the proliferation of low cost website builders designed for amateurs with no technical experience to build a functional site without the overwhelm of having to learn coding is testament to how many people are looking to create a cheap but effective website that they can create on their own.

The reality is that if you are looking for an “effective website” we need to dig a little deeper to work out what is meant by the term effective, as when it comes to professional website development, the first step in the process is often referred to as requirements analysis – meaning a specification can be created.

You may think you know what you want, but sometimes, we don’t fully know what we want even though we think we do – because we don’t know what we don’t know. For instance, if you aren’t aware of the negative effect a website that loads in over 3 seconds will have on user engagement, then you won’t define site speed as a requirement within your specification. In fact, when it comes to creating a website on your own, you might not even think you need a specification.

In this article, therefore, we’re going to take a look at four different ways to go about creating a cheap but effective website.

You can use a WYSIWYG editor (what you see if what you get) such as to create a basic website that is simple to design as it uses drag and drop technology. This way, the clever code that runs in the background is none of your concern – you literally build your website up from a blank canvas, importing objects such as videos, text and images or you could even use a predefined template that you can customise to your requirements.

This approach is best suited to small business owners that are looking for a simple site that can be easily managed and adjusted.

WordPress is a CMS (content management system) that many business websites are powered by. WordPress is more complicated than something like Wix, yet it allows a lot more functionality. The reality is that if you are completely new to website design and are looking for something cheap but effective, Wix might be the best option, yet if you are looking for something with greater functionality then wordpress will be your go-to solution.

The next step up, is a little more costly yet will save a lot of headaches and time. You can head to places like Fiverr or and find a cheap freelance developer to outsource the design of your website. This is the best solution for those with a slightly larger budget that have less time, or less inclination to sit and design something themselves.

The best bet if you’re looking for a decent website is to work with a web development company, yet, this can be an expensive option. That said, it can save a lot of time, money and frustration in the long run – as the frustration many people experience in working with a remote freelancer makes many wish they had just gone to a well established web development company and paid a little extra to avoid all the hassle.

Big Tech Wants To Create Software To Keep You Safe. But Will It?

A major focus of my blog is Technology. Today there are numerous new technological advances which were designed with the intent of increasing safety. What are some of these new technologies? The following contributed post is entitled, Big Tech Wants To Create Software To Keep You Safe. But Will It?

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Although the news around big tech, especially the Facebook scandal, is overwhelmingly negative, there’s no denying the fact that software has the potential to keep us safe. But exactly how companies intend to do this remains a mystery for many people, so here are some of the applications of software that are already keeping you safer and doing a good job of it.

Door Alarm Software

Over the last few years, specific IoT applications have gained traction in the market, including door alarms. Rather than just having an alarm next to the door which sounds if somebody tries to break and enter, new technology now allows homeowners to get alerts direct to their phone telling them that somebody is trying to gain access to their home.

Companies, like Ring, take this one step further by integrating camera technology. People can see the person at their front door and talk to them through their devices, no matter where they happen to be. Not only does this discourage burglary, but it also creates a record of people that have been to the front door: helpful in a possible investigation.

Blind-Spot Sensing

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Data from Aitken Aitken Cohn trial lawyers suggests that there were more than 3,100 fatal accidents in California alone last year. What’s more, around nine out of ten of those was the result of driver error.

Perhaps the most critical application of software technology, therefore, is in the realm of motor vehicles. New technologies are coming on board all the time which promise to keep drivers safer than they’ve ever been before. One of the most promising of these is the so-called blind-spot sensing technology. This is a kind of technology that will keep the car in a lane if it can sense a vehicle in the driver’s blind spot, even if the driver turns the steering wheel.

Facial Recognition

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In the modern world, keeping your data safe is just as important as keeping your property secure. Software is helping people to achieve this by reducing the traditional reliance on passwords and using alternative authentication methods instead.

Perhaps the most interesting of these is facial recognition. Already companies like Intel are using facial recognition (Intel uses an app called Security True Key) to unlock mobile devices if and only if they detect a person’s face. Although the technology sounds futuristic, advanced AI is enabling devices to recognize one person’s face from another based on a set of important input characteristics. Even small changes in the distance between the eyes can make a difference to whether the software decides that it is looking at the owner of the device or not. Expect this technology to make a big splash in the coming year.

Device Tracking


The cloud opened up a whole new bunch of possibilities for people to protect their devices using their other devices. There are now apps like LoJack and Prey, which allow you to remotely secure devices that you may have misplaced. All you have to do is log onto the app on a trusted device and then instruct it to lock all linked devices – great if you ever leave your laptop on the train.

Moving Your Marketing Methods into the Modern World

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital world, it’s critical to understand how to use the modern technologies to market your brand and business. Not understanding how to do so could be life or death for your operations. The following contributed post is therefore entitled, Moving Your Marketing Methods into the Modern World.

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Nowadays marketing is way more than putting your business advert into a local newspaper or stocking up a sign in the post office. There are so many up and coming methods in the business world that it can be very difficult to keep up with the trends. When it comes to marketing there are so many ways in which your business could succeed or fail. Spending too much money or not being open minded might just be a few of your fall backs that could hinder your business success. Start considering some of the following modern day marketing methods and your business will be set up to thrive, even in the most crowded of industries.


SEO Savviness

If you’re not already hot on SEO then now is the right time to start doing your research. There are many different ways that you can incorporate the SEO technique into your marketing strategies, one of which is Local SEO Citations. This will involve liaising with a dedicated account manager who will help you to launch your local SEO campaign, which will include everything from your location and phone number to the services you are offering. Getting your SEO on point will help people to find you more easily, so that you stand out from your competitors.

Brand Collaborations via Social Media

Finding a celebrity or blogger who can collaborate with your product and advertise it on the their social media is like gold dust. This is the type of marketing that is becoming hotter than ever right now, so it’s important that you take the right steps to get as involved as you can. Choose someone who is trustworthy and professional to market your product. You will need to negotiate a decent fee for each post and you will provide them with free products and services too. Getting this element of marketing just right will always give you the edge over your competition.

Reviews Mean Everything

It’s true that marketing can be overwhelming at times, so keeping mistakes to a minimum will always be your best bet. As well as minimizing your mistakes you might also want to call upon your previous happy customers to leave positive reviews about you. You can implement these wonderful words into your future marketing strategies and make sure that everybody who might be interesting in spending their money on your products or services can read them loud and proud.

Try to think outside the box when it comes to marketing your business. Whether you have been in this domain for years or you are just starting out, there are so many ways to capitalize on the online marketing world. Make sure you explore all of the options available to you, so that you aren’t leaving anything out. Take to social media and find some worthwhile brand ambassadors or ask your previous clients to leave roaring reviews of your products or services. There are so many ways for you to achieve greatness for your business so grab every marketing opportunity you can and run with it confidently.

Choosing The Right System For Your Ecommerce

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. With the majority of business taking place these days via ecommerce, it’s critical to choose the right system to conduct your transactions. If this is well thought out, your ecommerce business activities can thrive. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Choosing The Right System For Your Ecommerce.

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Starting a website in the modern world is easier than ever before. There are loads of services around the web which are designed to help you to put something like this together for yourself, and most people have the basic computing skills required to get something like this done. Of course, though, when it comes to choosing the system you want to use, things can start to get a little more complicated. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the key elements which need to go into this decision.

The Type Of Product

There are loads of different types of products which can be sold online, from things which are completely digital to services which are provided in person, and each of them will have a platform which is better suited to it. Digital products, for example, are really easy to manage through a system like Squarespace. Thanks to their integration with Stripe, you have a comprehensive suite of tools to help with your digital products on this platform. Of course, though, you have to think about the exact product your selling, too.

The Volume Of Sales

The amount of sales which your website is likely to handle should also influence your decision in this area. Some CMS systems are far better at collecting and organising data than others, with Magento coming out as a clear winner in this area. This means that stores which are dealing with high quantities of orders will benefit from an option like this, though you may find the customizability options a little lacking, as a result.

The External Services

Most people can’t build an ecommerce website from scratch, and will have to use some external services to help them along a little bit. You will need to make sure that the platform you choose is compatible with the services which will have to go along with it. For example, if you’re using BlueSnap to handle payments, it may be worth pairing it with WooCommerce in WordPress, as this will make the process of integrating the two systems far easier.

The Point Of Sale

Finally, as the last area to consider, a lot of small businesses are connecting their in-store point of sale systems with their ecommerce sites, nowadays, as this helps to make inventory management nice and simple. To make this work, you need to have a platform which will connect with your PoS system. WordPress is great for this, too, providing unrivalled compatibility with services like this, even compared to the likes of Shopify.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of choosing the platform you use for your ecommerce website. There are loads of options to choose from when you’re working on something like this, and most people have the skills to find the best option for them; it just takes some patience and dedication. If you need more help with this, there are loads of companies around the web with the resources to push you further in this area.