How Can I Make my Tacoma Seats More Comfortable?

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. Automobiles are technologies that most of use every day, which themselves incorporate numerous technologies. While automobiles’ critical systems include the power train, suspension, breaks and exhaust, the comfort of the driver is also critical the use of your vehicle. The following guest post is entitled, How Can I Make my Tacoma Seats More Comfortable?

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If you feel like your Toyota Tacoma seats are a bit rough, it can be frustrating, especially if you’re the type who regularly goes on long drives. Having uncomfortable seats can put a damper on a supposedly fun road trip and make a simple business drive more tedious. Find out how you can make the chairs in your Toyota Tacoma more comfortable and bump-free.

What Are the Common Seat Issues Concerning the Toyota Tacoma

As with any vehicle, it’s inevitable to come across specific issues. Depending on the year, there are common issues that Tacoma owners complain about with regards to seat comfortability. These include the following:

• Front seats are cramped and too close to the floor
• Floors are too high, so there’s no way to lower and raise seats
• Little headroom for tall drivers
• The car seats don’t have lumbar support
• Original Tacoma seat covers are a little less sophisticated and a bit uncomfortable

Given these concerns, there are several ways of addressing them. If the only issue you have is about the Tacoma seat covers being less elegant and comfortable, you can always have your seats refitted with customized seat covers made from leather, neoprene, or other types of luxury fabric.

However, when it comes to space problems, the solution might need a little more effort as these may require DIY repairs, upholstery of seats, and the like.

How Can I Fix My Toyota Tacoma’s Seat Height

The most common problem for older Toyota Tacoma models is the non-adjustable height of the front seats. Since the front cab’s floors are too high, so is the seat level, making the ride uncomfortable for both drivers and passengers, especially during long drives.

Fortunately, there are many ways to modify the Tacoma’s seats. You can re-adjust the height of the chairs on the front seat. If that doesn’t work, you can find scrap car seats with lumbar support and install them in your Tacoma. If you want something more manageable, you can also have custom seats built based on your taste and preferences.

On the other hand, owners of the Toyota Tacoma 2020 model do not need to worry about these concerns. The latest model now comes with electrically adjustable power seats that can significantly improve driver and passenger comfort.

How Can I Avoid Comfort Issues With My Car

The most important thing to do when purchasing a car is to consider comfort, especially if you’re more prone to take long drives. If you’re planning on buying a Toyota Tacoma, consider what other owners are saying before taking on this monumental, long-term commitment.

3 Health Benefits of Ditching Technology (For a Little While)

Two of the focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. While technology has tremendously improved our lives, it does have some potential adverse impacts on our qualities of life. In some instances, it may be advantageous to disconnect from your technology, albeit temporarily. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Health Benefits of Ditching Technology (For a Little While).

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Our lives are regularly dictated by technology. We want to catch our favorite shows as soon as they are released. We need to find out what is happening every minute of the day. Indeed, any time spent away from technology now feels unusual. But as much as tech can help us stay connected with friends and learn all about the world around us, it can also be detrimental to our health. Sometimes, you need to take a step back, so here are four health benefits of ditching technology, at least for a little while.

You Can Focus Better

If you choose to sell your iPhone 11 Pro Max, your Xbox or cancel your Netflix subscription, you will find your focus will improve. It won’t happen overnight, but rather than use tech as a crutch for background noise or scroll through when in an awkward situation, you will find you’re not continually feeling around to check worldly updates, even though you only checked a few minutes before.

This will significantly benefit your work and productivity as you won’t have that itchy finger reaching for your phone. You can still have a phone, you might need it, but a model without wifi or app capabilities might be better if you want to maintain a sharp focus. You won’t feel the need to check WhatsApp every 10 minutes, and you will also find that you will concentrate when watching movies, rather than staring at your phone for the entire two hours.

It Will Help You Unwind

Many people dread getting home from work only to see their boss has asked them to make a few small changes to a contract or project. Technology has made it so that we are always on the clock, which can increase stress levels and prevent us from unwinding.

If you make it a rule to switch your work phone off at the end of the workday, you will find you can relax after a long day and spend quality time with your family. Your job is just a job, and while it will help pay the bills, it shouldn’t come before your partner or your kids.

You Will Enjoy a More Restful Sleep

Studies show that 44% of people will sleep with their phones next to them or under their pillow. This is because they will scroll through before going to sleep or use it as an alarm to wake up.

However, while these are established aspects of your bedtime and waking up routine, they can affect your sleep quality. Playing on your phone before bed will affect your sleep patterns, as will the blue light that can impact a good night’s sleep. Try to leave your phone upstairs at night and invest in a proper alarm clock to wake you up in the morning.


It can be scary to decide to abandon technology, even if it’s just one or two items. However, the health benefits that come with ditching technology can help transform your life for the better. You’ll have more focus, energy, and you might even be happier.

Could You Be A Mechanical Engineer

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Technology. Mechanical engineers are critical to every part of our society. They design and build things which we all need. If you can start a career as a mechanical engineer, the sky will be the limit for you, but with today’s technology, you limit may be beyond the sky. The following contributed post is entitled, Could You Be A Mechanical Engineer.

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Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Mechanical engineers build the machines that build our world. They design, build and test a range of complex devices and machines.

If you are considering mechanical engineering as a potential career then you will want to know what the job entails, what qualifications you need, and what your future career prospects may be.

Here’s a quick rundown of becoming a mechanical engineer.

What Is A Mechanical Engineer?

Mechanical engineers can work in a number of industries including science, defense, and environmental at companies such as and government contractors.

They typically perform the following tasks:

● Develop devices to solve mechanical and thermal problems using computer-aided design and advanced 3-d modeling
● Investigate and diagnose equipment failures
● Prototype design
● Design, run and analyze system tests

The range of products developed by mechanical engineers is very broad including:

● Air-conditioning systems
● Elevators
● Escalators
● Electric generators
● Combustion engines
● Turbines

What Qualifications Do I Need?

Mechanical engineers need a good general standard of education and usually have a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. These degrees incorporate a range of topics including math physics.

Many engineers have followed the traditional route of going straight from high school to college, to an entry-level engineering position. However, there are other ways t get into the industry. Some companies run programs that let you join as an apprentice and let you learn on the job while also undertaking a traditional study on a part-time basis.

What Type Of Person Makes A Good Mechanical Engineer?

Traditionally, most mechanical engineers were men, but that is changing and the industry is becoming much more diverse. There are some traits that most mechanical engineers share, including:

Analytical skills – the job requires a logical mind that is adept at analyzing situations and results.

Problems solving – part of the job is to analyze system failures or experiments.

Creativity – though they create machines, a mechanical engineer needs imagination and creativity to realize their complex machines and systems.

Mathematical skills – a high level of skill in advanced mathematics including statistics and calculus is needed.

Salary Expectations

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average salary for a mechanical engineer last year was just over $88,000. Of those surveyed, salaries ranged from $57,000 to $138,020.

Career Prospects

A mechanical engineer can generally expect to have good career prospects. As they are employed in a range of industries, they are not as affected by the fluctuations in a particular sector.

Those training or working with advanced computational design and simulation tools are in high demand as computer modeling will lessen the need for expensive prototyping. These skills are now taught as standard on most mechanical engineering degrees and as such, graduates trained in these will be in demand.


Those interested in pursuing a career in mechanical engineering can expect to see good career prospects and salaries. Additionally, economic fluctuations in different sectors will not affect mechanical engineers as much due to their prevalence in a number of sectors.

Four Benefits From Hiring A Website Designer

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. When you’re first starting out, it can make sense to do everything yourself based upon something like costs for example. Once your business gets big enough though, it may be smart hire professional help. If for example you have a website, you might want to consider hiring a website designer. The following contributed post is entitled, Four Benefits From Hiring A Website Designer.

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With any business, the website is one of the most important things to have, especially when so many of us are now online. It’s good to hire a website designer to make your website really stand out from the crowd and to build the reputation and awareness of your business. Here are four benefits of hiring a website designer.

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It’ll Be High-Quality

With a website design, it needs to look the best, and when you’re paying for web designs, it’s better to get one custom-made than buy a pre-made one. The reason why is because that pre-made one is likely going to be used by lots of different individuals and businesses. You also have the issue of it being restrictive in what you might want to achieve with your own website. As much as pre-made versions can be good and more affordable, paying for the services of a Squarespace web designer, for instance, is going to be a lot more effective. You’re going to be able to get a say in all aspects of it, and it’s a design that’s being made from scratch. It’s exclusively yours, and so no one is going to be copying you.

Helps Make It Reliable & Responsive

You want to impress your customers, but you also want to be enticing new customers or those that happen to come across your website. It’s good to have a website that’s reliable and responsive, and that’s something that can be achieved by hiring a website designer. There’s nothing more frustrating than browsing a website that has a lack of functionality to it or broken links, for example. You want every opportunity that a customer or new customer takes to be one that’s enjoyable and easy for them when they hop on to your site.

Saves Time

There’s a lot that as a business, you have to contend with, and design a website isn’t something your design team has time to do. Not only that, but not all businesses will have design teams or experience to take on such a challenge. By having a website designer who can do it for you, it’s taking off some of that pressure and is a good element of the business to outsource. Outsourcing can be a great way to get things done by having to compromise simply because you have got the resources in-house.

Gives You A Competitive Edge

Giving yourself that competitive edge is essential nowadays because there are so many businesses and individuals out there. When it comes to competition, it’s important to be the very best and to remain relevant. By having a website custom-made and tailored to your brand and company, it’s setting you up for success and to stay ahead of the competition too.

Hiring a website designer for your next website revamp is essential and should be something you really consider investing in. The future is definitely online, and so it’s important to make the face of your business that is your website, look the very best it can be.

Hone Your Online Presence For Business Success

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. So much business in done online today and thus if you don’t know how to conduct business online then you’re at a considerable competitive disadvantage. It’s thus important to evolve and maximize the online tools for doing business. The following contributed post is entitled, Hone Your Online Presence For Business Success.

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If you want to compete in the twenty-first century, you need to hone your online presence to help your business to thrive. It’s not good enough to have a website and some social media channels. You need to use these media online to maximum effect to help expand your customer base, drive traffic to your little patch of the Internet, and to give your brand more exposure. Your business will need to compete with its industry rivals, some of which will have been market leaders for decades. Take a look at how you can hone your online presence for business success.

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Social Media

The power of social media cannot be underestimated. Many ventures even employ specialist social media managers or outsource their Facebook and Twitter updates to an offsite expert. Twitter gives you the opportunity to find your company voice. Customers are savvier than ever before and want to get to know what is at the heart of a business. They want to speak to a human, whether this is over the phone or online. Millennials are eager to communicate in a chatty and more informal tone rather than being confronted by a corporate voice.

Alongside Instagram, a highly visual media, and Facebook, the most popular social media interface, you can post meaningful and relevant content that directs traffic to your site. This can increase sales and profits for your startup. Make your content readable, and it could be shared widely, resulting in increased followers and more exposure for your brand.

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Wider Policy

It’s vital that you pay more than lip service to your digital marketing policy by creating a special section in your business plan dedicated to your online presence. This encompasses your social media channels, and also your website design, your SEO requirements, and your growth forecasts via analytics. As your digital marketing progresses, you may adapt your strategy. This can be detailed in your plan to keep a record of your online marketing journey. You don’t have to keep all of this in house, and instead, you could consider outsourcing your marketing requirements. This is convenient if you don’t have the staff team with the skills necessary to get your brand more visible online.

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You could have an all singing and all dancing website that looks aesthetically beautiful. However, if no one knows about it, then this becomes pretty redundant. Instead, hone your online presence by managing your SEO effectively. Consider the keywords that your target market will search in Google and consider administering an AdWords campaign. With relevant keywords alongside a nuanced social media launch, you could find more people heading towards your homepage. If you are keen to drive more traffic to your site and shop pages, analyze where your traffic is coming from and how long they spend on your site. Doing this will dictate the direction of your digital marketing vision.

Follow this guide, and you can hone your online presence to ensure that your business will thrive.

Using Smartphones To Promote Your Business

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital world, smartphones and wireless technology have become valuable tools, especially in the area of promoting your business. The following contributed post is entitled, Using Smartphones To Promote Your Business.

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Smartphones are, well, smart! They have so many different uses that make them highly beneficial in the modern age. Ironically, a lot of people claim smartphones are dangerous as we spend too much time on them, yet this is precisely why they are such a useful tool for businesses.

People use smartphones almost every minute of every day. Therefore, they present some serious advertising possibilities for a savvy business owner. The trick is learning how to use smartphones to promote your business and find lots of new customers. It’s a lot easier than you might expect!

SMS Marketing

Firstly, we can go down one of the more traditional routes. This was one of the first ways in which people used mobile devices for marketing purposes. If you’re wondering, what is SMS marketing, the short explanation is that it uses text messaging to market your business. You gain contact details of leads, then send promotional texts now and then. When done correctly, it can yield a high ROI. The benefit of this is obviously that you can directly get marketing material to your leads. Plus, the fact that you have their contact details means you’re using targeted leads as well. If they gave you this information, they must be interested in what you have to offer, right?

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Mobile Apps

Developing a mobile app is almost seen as a rite of passage for modern businesses. It can be a great way to grow your business and find lots of new customers. There are many ways you can develop a mobile app, and many purposes it might bring. Some companies use apps as an extension of their online store. In effect, consumers download the app and make purchases on it. Others will develop apps that serve as more of a tool for customers. For example, you run a financial services business and create an app that lets people track their expenses. Either way, the benefit of an app is that you are literally in the palm of the hand of your target market. From here, you can use the app to create exclusive promotions. As such, it encourages more people to download the app. Furthermore, using push notifications via the app also allows you to promote new things direct to your audience via their smartphones.

Social Media

That’s right, this counts as using your smartphone to promote your business. Why? Because most social media users are using mobile devices. Plus, you can easily use your phone to compose social media posts on the go. Take pictures or videos using the camera, then upload them to Instagram or Facebook. It’s almost like on-the-go marketing in the sense that you can promote your business wherever you are, whenever you like. Also, encourage your followers to turn notifications on for your posts. As a result, they will always know when you’ve updated your profile, even if they’re not using the social media app at that specific time.

Essentially, you have to appreciate that you’ve got a very powerful device in your hands. All of your customers will use smartphones every single day. It makes sense to take advantage of this by utilizing smartphones as best as you can.

Why E Learning Can Drive Your Motivation Forwards

Two of the focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. Even before the current circumstances, elearning was a wave of the future. It’s different than the traditional classroom setting which own set of caveats. The following contributed post is entitled, Why E Learning Can Drive Your Motivation Forwards.

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Photo: Pixabay

eLearning is a type of learning that is done through a different medium to that of a classroom set up where a teacher conducts a lesson and the students take notes. It has many benefits and is actually cost effective as compared to traditional forms of learning. The reason for this price reduction is because learning through this mode happens quicker and can be done at a faster pace depending on the life of the student. If you are learning in a classroom, lessons days and times are set, which can allow the student in between these days off, to slip and for their motivation to weaken. If the eLearning courses are available whenever, then their creative and motivated journey can continue at any time, with access whenever they wish. It also assists companies who are paying for their employees to educate themselves on a new area of learning, because it reduces time. A lot of training time is reduced with respect to trainers, and course materials. The learner does not have to travel and spend additional money to get to classes and all the necessary learning skills are learned in a setting to suit them.

Any modern business is going to come into contact with other businesses that have advanced technology that will drive the business forward. So it’s essential that all workers have a vast knowledge of any new technology to ensure that the business can be driven in the right direction. This may include having to train up your staff and even give them a whole new skill set in order to continue. If you are a company and are stumped on which path to take when it comes to eLearning then you can always look at Mindflash. It’s good to look at Mindflash LMS reviews and see just how they could benefit you. Most of the time, good eLearning sites are run via the Cloud which just makes things easy when any students wish to reassess files or research further.

● E-learning saves time and money – your workers can still be available to work and can take on any additional learning in their own time, such as lunches and afterwork as well as weekends, without having to compromise to go to classes at set times. It works for them too.
● E-learning leads to better retention.
● E-learning is consistent.
● E-learning is scalable.
● E-learning offers personalization.

It is convenient and flexible and is going to offer you extra time. Your employees need to learn new skills to grow and once they have learned, then it frees up time for them to try a new course. It’s a never ending chain and it’s easy to access which makes it good for everyone. Motivating your staff to learn new skills and offering these facilities is a boon to you as a company and proves your dedication to your staff which will serve you well. Offering eLearning to your team members, will give them the skills to take onto their next position with you or even a new job in the future.

Four Benefits Of Improving Your Website

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. I today’s digital age, having a website is critical whether you are in business or blogging as a passion for example. Updating your website and making sure it pops is critical on several fronts. The following contributed post is entitled, Four Benefits Of Improving Your Website.

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Improving a website is more important than ever when it comes to this modern-day and age. So much of business can rely on the online world, and so it’s essential that your business is doing everything it can to reach new audiences and generate profits through the website. The website is also the online face of the company, so it needs to be good. Here are four benefits of improving your website.

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More Traffic

There are so many individuals online that you might be hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t. They’re more the minority now when it comes to those who have no digital footprint whatsoever. Having a great looking website is an advantage for any company that is looking to build more traffic. When your website doesn’t look fantastic, it’s likely to put people off from even navigating on your site, let alone purchase anything or follow through with an action. When it comes to gaining more traffic, having a website that not only looks good but is churning out plenty of content is going to help boost it. Content is very beneficial nowadays, and if your traffic is engaging with that content, you’re likely to get even more popular as a result.

Access To A Global Market

When it comes to owning a website, the global market is available to you when it comes to the online world. Having a website that looks good and functions well is going to do wonders for your traffic. Not only that, but you open yourself to opportunities on a much wider scale. The market you’re currently hitting now is only a fraction of what you could potentially achieve. Have you always wanted to take your business global? Well, now is the right time to be able to do it, as long as you’re choosing a business like to do your website designs.

Increased Sales

Increased sales are certainly something you want for the business, and when you’re increasing your sales, it gives you more opportunities to grow and thrive. When a customer is looking on your website and potentially wanting to buy something, the design and functionality of the website can be an influence on whether they go ahead with the purchase or not. Improving web designs and making them more professional in appearance can lead to more sales.

Builds Relationships With Customers

And finally, websites are a great way to help build relationships with your customers. Your customers are important to business, and you want to create a relationship beyond that initial transaction. The more time you spend on your customers, the more you can help grow the community you’re creating as a business. You want to return customers and helping grow your communications through the website, and your social media handles can make that so.

Improving your website has a lot of benefits, so if your website is in need of an update, do it. Don’t let it become outdated and irrelevant to the changing online world.

Recruiting During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Top tips For Holding Video Interviews

Two key focuses of my blog are Organizational and Management Discussions and Technology. The Coronavirus/Covid-19 Crisis/Pandemic has at least in the short-term changed how organizations are run and how workers are hired for example. During this time, new staff members are being interviewed and onboarded using video interviews. The following contributed post is entitled, Recruiting During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Top tips For Holding Video Interviews.

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While we are all becoming accustomed to video calls within our teams and with external partners, having others come into the company can feel different. The recruitment process is a complex one, that needs a personal touch. From judging the firmness of their handshake and how they walk into a room and command attention, interviewing takes into consideration many non-verbal cues. However, if handled correctly, it is more than possible to manage the interview and recruitment process without meeting the candidates in person. You can even read their body language without that ‘hands-on’ sense.

Here, we look at some tips to help you get through a video interview and pick the right candidates for your position.

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Ask questions that are relevant but unconnected to the position

You might be wondering how you can ask tangential questions, but still relevant, but it is more than possible. The more that you can find out about your candidates and how they would approach certain situations and what they think about particular things can tell you an awful lot about them. However, you may want to avoid asking them questions that do not directly correspond to the job responsibilities, as these may be well-rehearsed and not as meaningful. One question you could ask, for example, is about their relationship with their previous or current employer. How they answer that can be very telling.

Make clear your expectations

When everyone involved in the process, including the candidates, knows what to expect, it will go a whole lot smoother. When people know in advance what will happen, they will come better prepared to talk about their relevant work experience and bring the appropriate resources or certification. It is also helpful to give them an idea of how long the interview or the recruitment process will last, as this keeps them – and you – engaged.

Impress them

Remember, an interview is to benefit both parties. You, to see if they are a good fit for your business, and for them, to see if you are the kind of company that they can envisage themselves working for. You have the upper hand when it comes to an in-person interview; they are visiting the workplace and see other employees and get a sense of who you are and the brand you represent. When you conduct interviews remotely, you do not have that footing, so just as they need to impress you, you need to impress them. Making sure your video stream is as high-quality as possible is just one part of that as it gives the candidate a good idea of how professional you are to work for. Also, think about your own appearance. It may seem shallow and frivolous, but first impressions DO make a big difference. Did you know, for example, that blue is the color that you are recommended to wear to make an impact?

Video interviewing is not all that different from face to face interviews. Making sure that the technology works, that everyone knows the process, and that you look for the nuances that really give you an insight into the candidate is key to a successful interview.

5 Ways To Add Shade To Your Backyard

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. A major aspect of our personal health relaxing outdoors. One challenge to doing so is too much sunlight. Creating the optimal amount of shade can contribute to the optimal outdoor experience. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ways To Add Shade To Your Backyard.

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Pixabay. CCO Licensed.

In the summer, many of us are eager to spend time in our backyard. However, as much as we may occasionally enjoy catching a tan, there are times when it can be nice to have a bit of shade to cool off in. If your backyard is a suntrap and you want to add some shade, here are just a few different options to consider.

Use patio umbrellas

Patio umbrellas can be placed in the centre of tables offering shade to dining/seating areas. You can also buy freestanding patio umbrellas. They’re the cheapest and easiest source of shade and they’re also portable, allowing you to move them around your backyard. However, they’re not a suitable option if you’re looking to provide shade to a large area.

Consider a pop-up gazebo

A pop-up gazebo can be put up when you need some shade and taken down when you want to enjoy the sun. It could be the perfect option for providing temporary shelter to an outdoor living area. Gazebos come in all sizes, shapes and forms. Some come with heavy-duty waterproof fabric that can protect you from the rain and wind too.

Build a fixed canopy

A fixed canopy could provide shade to a specific area without the fuss of putting it up and taking it down. This could be a fixed wooden gazebo, a fabric awning or a metal freestanding canopy. You could even make it retractable (this could be operated by a pulley or operated electronically). The options are limitless – by hiring contractors you can build a canopy designed to your specs. You could even build it yourself – there are many places online where you can find materials for metal canopies and timber for wooden gazebos.

Plant trees

Trees can provide a natural source of shade. You’ll help to invite wildlife into your backyard and the air will feel cleaner. There are companies that you can buy trees from – some of these companies can help plant the tree for you. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to buy a fully-grown tree unless you’re buying a relatively small tree, so there may be some patience required while the tree grows to full height. Planting a tree could have an impact on your neighbours, so make sure to check the decision with them first.

Raise fences and hedges

You may also be able to raise fences and hedges to provide some extra shade and possibly some extra privacy. This could prevent the need for overhead structures. You should definitely check your neighbours are happy with the decision to raise the fence/hedges before going ahead.