Building A Business? It’s All About Making Connections

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and two key focuses are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Some key aspects of building a business are: raising capital, marketing, and recruitment of talent. Another key piece is networking which will allow you find partners in addition to finding customers. The following contributed discusses the importance of building networks and the post is thus entitled, Building A Business? It’s All About Making Connections.

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The more you look into it, the more it becomes apparent that everything we do in life is dependent on a community. Nowhere is that more true than when you’re trying to launch your own business. Be it academic networks or entrepreneurial ones, the connections we are able to make are a major factor in determining our success. We go through life forming new communities. We need to find others who connect with what we are writing or selling. People who will share what we have to say with their own networks via social media or word of mouth. Communities function through the building of relationships and the exchange of ideas, and if you’re trying to get a company off the ground, then having the opportunity and the ability to form those relationships is absolutely vital. Forming a quality connection is about finding the common ground, having a shared vision or set of ideas. Once you have this, you’ll have an audience of brand advocates that can support, challenge and improve what you do.

Developing An Audience-Centric Content Strategy

But how do you find this community and connect with them in the right way? You have to begin by putting yourself out there – taking a few risks, showing what you’re all about and laying out your stall – literally and metaphorically! Find your voice and see who responds to it. It all starts with creating some quality content introducing your brand and it’s products or services. Work with the best web developers or Video Production Companies to refine your messages and positioning and make content which truly reflects who you are and what you’re aiming to do. This is your chance to show the world what your intentions are, so make it the best you can.

Establish A Feedback Loop

Once you’re out there with some content, put in place mechanisms to ensure you’re getting an accurate picture of the reactions people have. Use an audience discovery tool such as Mention to set up alerts around phrases and keywords relevant to your business. Topics you care about will guide you to your audience. They can be geographically related, related to a particular industry or even just a be a quirky subject that you have a particular interest in. Monitoring these topics will allow you to discover potential community members and further expand your networks of people and relevant interests. You can also use social listening to understand what people are saying about your business, what they love that you do, where you could improve and even ideas for future development.

Join In The Discussion

Reaching out on topics of interest or customer support issues can quickly gain you a reputation and a following, but it does take a bit of work to get off the ground initially. The key is to have a great CRM system which allows you to manage all your data centrally and connect with other services such as social media scheduling software, customer support tickets and email. Use this source to gather a fuller picture of who you are talking to using a tool like Riffle and then make those valuable connections that can really take your business to the next level.

Hidden Costs For Small Business Owners and How To Avoid Them

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Small business owners must be aware of cash flow and hidden costs. Control of these two things are life and death for any business. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Hidden Costs For Small Business Owners and How To Avoid Them.

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When you start out with a plan to create and build your own business, you will get a business plan and a budget together. In fact, it is usually so precise and specific that you will have all of your costs mapped out for quite a while and know exactly what needs to be spent where, and what you need to be selling in order to cover any costs. But the reality is, when it actually comes to running your business, there are many hidden costs that arise that you can forget about.

Think about maintenance of equipment, replacing broken chairs in an office, or adding insurance; it all adds up, and may not be what you are initially thinking about when it comes to making your business plan. But if theses costs get out of control, then it can be damaging. So with that in mind, here are some of the things that you can be thinking about and doing, to make sure that you are able to reduce your ‘hidden’ costs and stick to the budget that you have planned.


Rent Equipment

When you rent a home, you pay for the home and essentially cover the mortgage, but you are not responsible for any of the things that might stop working, like the washing machine or dishwasher, for example. The same goes for when you rent equipment. As long as you have not purposely damaged any items, any repairs that need to be done, tend to be covered by the person that you are renting off. Take rental boilers, for example, they can be pricey to buy and repair yourself. Which is why renting could be better, so that you don’t have the hidden cost of having to pay for it to be fixed, should your boiler break.

Strict Expense Policy

If you have employees that are going to need some expenses paid for business related work, such as travel and so on, make sure that you have a clear and strict expense policy when it comes to what you do or don’t allow. If you keep the policy quite general, then you could be paying for expenses that aren’t really a legitimate business expense. So that is certainly something to be thinking about, as it can add up, especially if you have employees expensing a lot of items.


There will be plenty of deals and contracts that you will have as a small business owner over time. But if you just take things at face value, and don’t look into the contracts or even try to negotiate things on your contract, then you can be missing out. You can reduce some of your necessary costs through negotiating; it is always worth a try to ask. Otherwise, these kinds of thing can quite quickly spiral out of control, especially when things auto-renew before you’ve had to chance to ask for money off because of repeat custom.

Your goal should be to swim and get this business going, not be drowning in hidden costs. So take control and you can have business success.

Why Organization Is Key To Make Success Of A Side Hustle

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and two of its key focuses are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. While many people have nine to five jobs, having an income generating ‘side hustle’ can prove to be very lucrative and a wise investment of time and resources. A key to effectively having this type of side hustle is organization. Many people in fact have these side hustles. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Why Organization Is Key To Make Success Of A Side Hustle.

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It’s easier than ever to try your hand at something new in the twenty first century. Millennials are savvy human beings with a thirst for interconnectivity and innovation, which is why they are reluctant to simply let their nine to five income wallow in their bank accounts. To make your money work more aggressively, you need to seek out more creative opportunities. Playing to your strengths means focusing on what you love such as craft, wine, real estate or stocks and shares and turning your hands to these ventures as an amateur. While you might not become an investment banker, you can develop a portfolio to help you prepare for your retirement. Organization is key. Take a look at these side hustle investments that you might want to look into.

Real Estate

Property is as safe as houses (excuse the pun) when it comes to making money in the long term. If you are willing to utilize some of your hard earned cash to put down a deposit on a pad, like those listed with William Pitt, you could find yourself with an exceptional asset on your hands. You could look into long term, short term or holiday rentals depending on the property type, target market, and location that you are after. Beachside, country or idyllic locations tend to lend themselves for the more lucrative vacation rental. In the high season, you could be charging over ten times your mortgage repayment weekly to cover costs and top up your nest egg.

Long term rentals may be a safer bet if you are looking for maximum financial security. By handing over the responsibility for the rental to a property management company, you can watch the money come in while not having to worry about a leaking washing machine or a burst pipe. For the long term investor, property is hard to beat.


If you love partaking in a tipple or two of the finest vintage, you might already have a decent amount of knowledge regarding vintage years and vineyards. Put it to good use and invest in some historic wines that will only grow more scarce and increase in value. You have to think of investing in wine in the same way as you would art. It has to be sought after, rare and have the ability to increase in value. Store it in your own cellar or ask for a wine storage company to look after your magnum or two for a decade or more, and you could have made a tidy profit.


If you’ve always wondered what trading currencies was all about, why not have a go. You don’t have to be investing hundreds and thousands straight away. Head online and set up a dummy account, and have fun investigating the markets. You might find that you’re a dab hand at buying dollars against the yen, and pounds against the krona. Take your time and learn the ropes, watching some tutorials along the way. When you’re ready, have a go for real but only ever spend what you can afford to lose.

By mixing the low, medium and high risk investments, you’ll create a portfolio that will see your side hustling go from strength to strength.

Why You Should Upgrade Your Office Technology

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital age, it’s critical that your business runs on the most up to date technologies possible. Likewise it’s critical to keep your systems up to date. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Why You Should Upgrade Your Office Technology.

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There are aspects of your business that are ever in flux. Your ideas need to evolve; your customer’s experience develops in accordance with the feedback you receive, your staff learn new skills, and so on. One thing that you may think holds steady is the nuts and bolts of your business: the location of your office, the furniture, the technology and software you use to push your business forward. But in fact, these things should also be in flux, especially your technology Below, we take a look at a few reasons why you’ll want to consider upgrading your business technology.


You’re Behind the Times

You might think that you’re operating at full capacity, but are you? F you’re using outdated technology, then the chances are that while you’re running at 100% with the technology you’re using, in comparative terms you’re only doing things at 75%. You can only do the best with what you have, but what if the best you have isn’t good enough? If it’s been some years since you last updated your equipment, take a look at any developments that have happened since then — you might just see what you’re missing out on.

Your Competitors Are Doing It

Even if you think you’re working well enough with what you have, it’s worth keeping in mind that what you’re doing is only one small piece of the jigsaw puzzle of running a business. What your competitors are doing is also important to your long-term business success, too. So while you may assess things and decide that you’re happy with what you have, cast your mind to the companies you’re in competition with for customers. Would you be quite as confident in your decision if you knew they were upgrading their technology?

It’s Easier Than You Think

There are normally two big considerations that prevent a company from upgrading their technology: the time involved to make the transition, and the cost. Both of these issues, however, are based on incorrect assumptions. For starters, let’s think about the cost. You shouldn’t think about the technology as a dead cost, because it’s not — if it helps you work more productively, then it’ll boost your profits. It’s an investment. In any case, the costs will be offset by the sale of your old equipment, which can be achieved by working with a company that offers data center liquidation. On the time front, if you transition your data into the cloud, then there’ll be no great data migration process. You can just have your new equipment installed, and be back to work at full speed in a day or two.

It’s Safer

Finally, keep in mind that keeping your technology and software up to date is an important part of staying protected about malware and other cybercrime threats. This type of crime has risen significantly in recent years and is especially targeted at small businesses. With the latest tools at your disposal, you’ll be in the best position to keep the threat at bay.

The Small Business Advice You Need

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Starting a business is one of the most challenging endeavors one can attempt. There are certain keys to consider when starting business. The following contributed post is thus entitled, The Small Business Advice You Need.

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Resources for small business owners, leaders, and management can help them to continue to grow their businesses. Many small businesses start with a burst of creativity and commitment, but as the reality of running an SME sets in growth can plateau because owners get overwhelmed by day-to-day issues.

Many of these issues center around developing a coherent business strategy. How, for example, does a small business owner develop a credible business plan needed to access finance or loans? What responsibilities does an owner have towards staff? How does a small firm attract and retain the right people? How do SMEs cope with local skills gaps? How does a small company get access to the latest SME news to keep abreast of world developments and plan accordingly? How can efficient data management and analysis benefit companies? How does a business develop and market new products or services? What are the advantages of running promotional events? How does an SME compete in world markets? How does a small firm take advantage of the UK government apprenticeship scheme? Many business owners are not business experts, they are passionate about the product or service they provide, but many lack the knowledge or skills in management and running an SME. They need small business resources to give them tips and advice that can support them and are actionable. They need information to be in easily accessible formats made by knowledgeable stakeholders such as key government members, world business leaders, and business associations.

Learning from others

It is always good to look at how others have become successful and learn from their stories. There are many entrepreneurs that small business owners can look up to and perhaps even try to emulate. Perhaps the most well-known of them all is Sir Richard Branson. He knows exactly how to be successful in business, having built up the Virgin empire from nothing. He has bought and sold a number of companies and always seems ultimately to do well – he is renowned for his business expertise. But there are other business owners who are just as intrepid and just as good at business, even if the names might be either surprising or unknown. Justin Matthew is the owner of JMH Consulting Ltd, and is a social media pioneer – he is another successful businessman. Pete Cashmore also ranks as one of the UK’s most successful business owners. He owns and runs Mashable, a multimedia and entertainment platform. Then there is Saul Klein, founder of LocalGlobe which is a British venture capital company. And what about Michael Acton Smith who is the founder of Mind Candy, a children’s entertainment company that created Moshi Monsters? The one thing all of these people undoubtedly have in common is that they will have asked for small business advice when they needed it. Why don’t you do the same?

Sourcing effective resources

With the increase in SMEs has come a huge increase in the availability of best small business resources. But how do I as an SME owner, leader or management source the best of the available advice and tips? Are there any signs I can look for when reviewing their services?

The short answer is ‘yes’, but that’s hardly helpful! Within the business community, there is the will and motivation to help small firms to grow and reach their full potential. Whether this is for selfish reasons, for example increasing the available local supply of products or services that a big company needs, or purely philanthropic is open to some debate. However, there are some features you can look for to indicate you are getting the best advice service. Consider the format that information is presented in. Do you want a long article with a high powered author, using all the latest jargon or do you prefer having the latest SME news and other relevant information presented in bite-sized pieces in videos, interviews, and articles. Would a searchable resource be useful so you can go straight to that information about staff pensions or data analysis you need rather than going through mountains of irrelevant information. Do you need small business resources that quickly, simply and authoritatively tell you what you need to know for example about alternative funding such as equity investment or other finance options, presented by a key government member? Do you prefer an engaging, collaborative approach? Maybe you need annual report due dates or something specific? By asking yourself these questions, you will be able to narrow down your search for information successfully.

Finding the small business advice you need does not have to be difficult. Use the above details for inspiration!

Ecommerce Trends Dominating the Consumer Market

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. Much of the business that occurs today, does so online via ecommerce. As such if you’re a business owner, or considering starting a business, it’s important to keep your eyes on the trends taking place. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Ecommerce Trends Dominating the Consumer Market.

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When you come up with a business concept, you want something that is timeless. Products, services, and other business concepts that revolve around the fad or trend of the moment tend to go bust pretty quickly – consumers change their minds and move on to the next thing. Sure, this could be beneficial if you’re looking for a quick money spinner. But if you’re looking for your business to make it in the long run, you’re going to have to come up with a more long lasting and classic concept to move forward with. Trends that you shouldn’t ignore, however, include trends with consumer spending. You should notice how, when, and why your consumers are spending money and capitalise on this! Here’s how!

Watch the Market

The first step that you need to take is to gather consumers’ data whenever you can – just make sure to get their permission first. Look at how they are reaching your website – are they going direct, are they arriving through PPC links, are they being redirected through social media feeds? Notice when they are buying products – do people tend to wait until payday or are they spending earlier in the month? How they are paying for them? Are they using card or merchant services like Paypal? You can learn so much through simply watching.

Make the Most of Market Research

Whether you conduct market research of your own accord, or make the use of market research that others have carried out, you need to be making use of information taken directly from consumers who have been interviewed, surveyed, or questioned in another fashion. Take a look at some of the information gathered by Trade Vitality below to get off to a perfect start!

Infographic Design By Trade Vitality

3 Of The Best Ways To Make Money Today

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In 2019 there are several ways to make money aside from working a 9-5. The following contributed post describes a couple of them and is entitled, 3 Of The Best Ways To Make Money Today.

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You will no doubt have heard plenty about different ways to make money in the past. As it happens, there are so many great ways to make money that you might even struggle to choose between them, and this is certainly not going to be helpful if you want to be able to make the most of your finances in the future. However, there are a few ways of making money which generally come out on top, and those are what we are going to focus on solely in this article. Here, we will look at some of the best ways that anyone can make money today, so long as they put the right effort in, are sensible about it, and in some cases, have a little luck on their side. Consider all of the following if you are truly keen to be able to make a lot more money than you might normally think possible.


Foreign Exchange

Chances are, you have thought about betting on the foreign exchange at some point in your life, but thinking about it and actually doing it are two very different things. The truth is that if you want to make money here, you will need a few different things on your side. First of all, and probably most importantly of all, you will need to find a decent platform like KnightsBridge FX to be able to use. The platform determines not just how easy you find it to carry out the necessary actions, but also how much you are likely to stick with it, and you will want to try and find an exchange which you feel you can use in a strongly intuitive sense. With that, you will have more chance of then making real money from it – but you will also need to make sure that you are genuinely paying close attention to the markets too, otherwise you can’t expect to make any money at all.

Matched Betting

If you have never looked into matched betting before, you are about to discover something of a revelation. Matched betting is when you take advantage of free bets given out by bookmakers by laying your bet at a betting exchange, so that you always make a guaranteed profit, no matter which bet wins or which one loses. You will need to read up on this in some detail before you attempt it, so that you can make sure you are doing it right – but as long as you do that, it is a sure-fire way to make real money, and you could even make thousands a month, depending on how much you have to bankroll initially. This is a powerful and exciting way of earning money, and you should think about it seriously if that is what you want to do.


Write An Ebook

If you feel you are something of an expert on a given subject, you might want to think about writing an ebook. This can be a good way to help others with that thing, while lso actually being able to make a lot of money in the process. Writing an ebook doesn’t need to take too long, especially if you are already a good enough writer, and you will find that it is a highly rewarding means of bringing in some extra cash.

Marketing With Gifts

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In any business, the critical aspect is its marketing. Sometimes marketing requires creativity such using gifts for potential customers. The following contributed post this therefore entitled, Marketing With Gifts.

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There are lots of different strategies that companies can employ in order to market effectively. Obviously, which one is best depends on the business themselves because every business is different and so what may work for one business may not be very effective for another.

Nevertheless, there are a few marketing strategies which seem to be widely adopted by a whole host of different types of companies in different industries. One of these strategies is the distribution of promotional gifts. This is a method which has been effective for a long period of time, which is obviously a testament to how successful it is.

However, the success of such a strategy depends on what promotional products a company decides to opt for. Therefore, bearing this in mind, this blog post aims to give businesses a helping hand by revealing some of the best promotional items and gifts and why they are so effective.

One of the most widely used promotional products is a pen. There are two main reasons as to why this is the case. The first reason is that they are relatively cheap to produce; this is especially the case in comparison to other types of promotional items. The second reason is that a pen is an item which is always needed and so the company will become ingrained in the individual’s mind that is using it. Moreover, a pen is also something which will advertise a company for many months and even years to come.

Another option which is a great idea to consider is that of promotional bags. Reusable bags are something that always comes in handy, especially when a lot of supermarkets now charge for individuals to use the plastic carrier bags. And in addition to this, more and more people are caring about the environment, so this is something that they will appreciate. A final point worth noting is that the advertising potential for this product is huge as the bag is not something that will only be seen by the person in possession of it, as all the people in which the person passes on the way home after doing their shopping will see it too.

In addition to bags and pens, another great option is to go for promotional mugs. After all, who doesn’t love a good cup of tea or coffee when they are working? Moreover, everybody else at the place of work will see the mug as well and so they will take note of the company in question.

A final product worth considering is mouse pads. Gifts such as this are unique and they appeal to consumers more because they are not something that they would expect to get from a business. Moreover, it is obviously something which will come in extremely handy as all people need one.

All in all, promotional gifts are a great way to market a business. Nevertheless, it is highly important to put some serious thought and consideration into what products to have distributed.

Is The Private Health Sector Where The Money Is At?

Three of the focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The Health Sector touches everything from our personal well-being, to the economies and governments of whole countries. As such it’s important to keep an eye on the sector. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Is The Private Health Sector Where The Money Is At?

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Private health care is something that’s either going to be really familiar to you, or something that’s going to totally be an alien concept. To those of you who receive state funded health care, or the equivalent in your own country, then you will definitely notice a difference between the two. Sometimes you might go private for a really minor procedure that you just can’t be bothered to wait for. Something like a dentist appointment. Your eyes are opened to a much better standard of healthcare, and it’s easy to see why so many are making millions from an investment into the private health care sector. But the current health situations in so many countries at the minute is just poor, so do you think the private health care sector is where the money is really at? Well, let’s do some digging and find out if it would be worth your while to invest in the private health care sector.

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The Growing Market

The growing market for private health care is definitely one that’s moving at a quick rate. You’ve got countries like the US which is all private health care and all treatments cost. But there are countries like the UK, where funded health care is available, so not as many people go private. But still, more and more are now turning to private health care for better and faster treatment, no matter how much it’s going to cost to do so. Some are going private because they feel in countries like the UK, that the NHS is too stretched to have the time to deal with their issues properly. But the market is also growing, because the price that private trusts are now able to charge, is going up. A more premium service than ever before is being offered, and it’s a luxury that everyone wants a taste of at the minute.

The Investment Needed

The investment needed is going to be rather big, but there are plenty of ways that you could do it. You could start up your own center, employ doctors on a locum basis, and go from there. Of course, it’s just not that easy. There are far more rules and regulations than with any other investment you could have chose. From setting up healthcare payment systems, to ensure you’re working at the highest levels of safety, to keeping to safeguarding rules etc. it’s so complex that it’s not your average investment, but it would more than likely pay off in the end. Or you could just simply invest money in a private organisation that’s already established, and have a percentage back on the investment. There are simpler ways, but they are still both hard routes to follow.

What It Could Do For You In Terms Of Business?

It could give you endless opportunities to make money. The private sector isn’t just going to go away, and if anything, it’s only going to get bigger as time goes on. There are so many private investors at the minute as well, that you’re best off getting your foot in the door before the popularity increases more, and the value decreases.

What Every Business Owner Should Know About Product Manufacture

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Once you create a quality product, the next step is to figure out how to produce it – specifically the manufacture of that product. The following contributed post discusses this and is entitled, What Every Business Owner Should Know About Product Manufacture.

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You’ve come up with an amazing product design that you know has the potential to be incredible. The design aspect of things has been dealt with, as has the marketing side of things, now it’s time to focus on the actual manufacturing process of the product. This is a somewhat complex part of the process, however, it doesn’t have to be overly stressful, it’s just a case of knowing what steps you need to take, that’s all.

Bearing that in mind, below are some tips and pieces of advice about the manufacturing process.

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Create a prototype

The first thing that you want to do once the design process has been completed for your product is to create a prototype. Creating a prototype will give you a chance to see how the product functions and to start testing it, it also allows you to have something to show possible investors so they know what they are backing and if it is worth it.

Consider your manufacturing options

Before going to production with your product you will need to decide how you are going to manufacture the product. You need to know if you are going to make the products yourself or if you want to outsource. If you are looking to manufacture to order then doing it yourself would work if you have the tools to do so, but as you get bigger and sell more then you will need to look at upgrading your tools and factory space to meet demands. If you are going to be making bulk amounts of your product from the outset then outsourcing to a manufacturing machine shop will help you to meet bulk orders if you don’t have space or tools straight out the gate.

Get a quote for the price of the project

Before you are able to manufacture you will need to get quotes for the equipment, space, and materials needed to create your product. If you need to have investor backing to make this product a reality then having all the finances in black and white to say what you need from them will make it easier for them to make a decision so it is crucial to know what you need to spend. Also if you go in blind and just throw money at it you could end up spending way more than needed if you have got quotes and researched the pricing more, especially if you are outsourcing some of the work.

It is a very exciting time to have the possibility to get a new product on the market, especially if you are confident about it. Although it is exciting you need to make sure you take your time and plan it effectively to make sure it becomes successful and there are no unwanted problems along the way. If you rush in getting a product out without the correct funds and testing you can end up cutting corners which will usually end in a faulty product and the inevitable failure. If you follow the above tips you will be ready to manufacture and release your product to the world.