Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. It’s important to get the word out about your business but it’s important to know how. The following contributed post is entitled, Stop Shouting! Simple Ways For Your Business to Get People’s Attention.
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Trying to get people’s attention is harder these days in the grand scheme of running a business. We are forever in competition with our contemporaries. If we host an event, they will host the bigger one and it can be one-upmanship that goes on forever. But what can we do to play the long game so we ensure that we get people’s attention in the right ways that don’t involve us shouting so loud that we exhaust our resources?
Working With The Community
Working with the community is an approach that guarantees marketing your business in an organic sense. While many businesses are keen to shout from the rooftops and spread their product across the planet this can result in excess expenditure and not having adequate demand for the product. While hosting an event is one of those little ways to ensure a company starts off on the right foot, perhaps try something modest, like a market fete or a funfair. And if you go down this route it’s important to ensure that all the rules and regulations are in place as well as the health and safety aspects. You may also want to invest in the basics like Foothill portables and other outdoor hygiene implements. Because when we start to make an impression on the customer through such a modest fashion we are going to stick in their mind for much longer. Many companies go for the hard sell but as so many consumers are now savvy to the hard sell it is better to go down a different route.
Establishing Press Presence
Getting into the public consciousness isn’t just about bombarding everyone with our image but it’s about learning to align ourselves with the pressing news stories of the day. Getting into the local newspaper can help us to build up an organic image. There are things that can support you in this respect, such as an electronic press kit. When you start to integrate yourself with the local press and become more prominent in local events, you are going to gradually encourage word-of-mouth. You could write a column for your local paper which can be a simple as picking up the phone and getting in touch. By establishing press presence you’re going to slowly build up that name for yourself.
Be A Human Being!
While there are so many subtle ways of becoming an expert in your field, when you’re trying to encourage positive word-of-mouth and get people’s attention, sometimes the simplest methods are the best. When we provide a good service we are going to make such a good impression on a customer that they will spread the word for us. Sometimes it’s not necessarily about marketing or bombarding people with imagery but more about delivering the service that we promise. Partly we can manage people’s expectations to ensure that we are not over-promising and under-delivering. But in the modern-day where communication is such a faceless approach, giving people the opportunity to interact with a real human being is rare. If you want to get people’s attention, simple works better.