4 Key Advantages of Digital Marketing Over Traditional Tools

Three key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In our new digital age, technology has revolutionized business and commerce. If you haven’t started making use of the digital tools at your disposal, you should consider it. The following guest post is entitled, 4 Key Advantages of Digital Marketing Over Traditional Tools.

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The digital age signals the turn of the modern business era. With many available technologies, you will not be able to see companies that do not run in some form of online network. The rise of the digital age provides all business owners with a lot of benefits. However, it might be at the expense of traditional marketing strategies. The old form of marketing continues to be relevant in today’s market, but there is no denying that the flexibility of digital tools allows them to have higher demand.

Here are some of the advantages they have over traditional marketing strategies:

Lead Generation

If you are running a business, you know how important it is to gather the attention of your target market. However, it might be difficult to do that if people want to see the things they will buy in a store on online platforms first. They might not be aware of what specific items they must purchase, which is why they rely on search engines.

Getting SEO writers for your company will help you create content, which would convince potential customers to try your products. For that, you can hire an SEO outsourcing company for your business needs.

Social Media Presence

Social media is where most people interact for personal reasons. However, businesses realize that the potential of such online platforms is huge. You will be able to reach a lot of people in social media, which rapidly multiplies how much interest you are receiving.

If you can create a social media presence, you will be able to make a profit for your company. You can utilize business pages and ads on social media platforms. Your customer service strategies can also have a place there. You can start contests, provide discounts, and share announcements on social media, which makes it a must-have digital tool for business marketing teams.

Website Utilization

A retail store will likely be synonymous with business. However, the digital age provides a whole new dimension to sales. You no longer need to have a physical store.

If you can start a business website, you can build a foundation for your company. Small businesses often use websites to help them perform their operations at home, making it a more convenient and less expensive choice. You will have to hire a trusted website designer for your goals to make it a worthy investment. If you can utilize a website for your business, you will be able to let potential customers find relevant data about what you can offer.

Online Processes

In the digital age, customers are looking to add convenience to their shopping needs. Traditional tools often convince people to come to a business’ store to check products. With the help of online processes, customers will only have to click and wait until they get what they bought. Deliveries might still be a part of traditional tools, but online purchases help give it a whole new meaning. Customers will be able to get what they want while they are at home. If you can provide them with that option, they will constantly rely on your business’ products.

Traditional marketing tools are crucial to every business. However, you will find that digital tools can carry most small companies to the profit numbers they want to achieve.

Discover The Ways To Make Your Online Marketing Magnificent

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. With today’s world being highly digital, it’s important maximize your online marketing so that it’s as efficient as possible. The following contributed post is entitled, Discover The Ways To Make Your Online Marketing Magnificent.

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Each day, the only world is getting more competitive and this is true regardless of the business sector or industry that you are part of. If you are operating in the e-commerce sector then there will be hundreds of thousands of other sites that are selling the exact same or similar products to you. So, you’ll need to make sure that you are choosing the right price point and you definitely have to ensure that you have a USP. A USP is a unique selling point and is a key feature of your business that is going to help you stand out. This could be anything from rapid delivery times to exclusive offers. Of course, you have to go beyond the USP because you also need to make sure that you have fantastic marketing for your company as well.

Marketing will ensure that your business is noticed in the first place and that’s never going to be a complete guarantee. You’ll need to work to ensure that people take notice of your business brand and pay attention to what you can offer on the market. So, let’s explore some of the ways to ensure that your marketing campaign does stand out the right way.

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Dynamic Design

You should ensure that your business does have a dynamic marketing design because this feels more immersive. In other words, key parts of your brand profile should be moving and versatile. You need to ensure that it feels like something that an audience can not only connect with but be a part of. One of the easiest ways to do this is by exploring video marketing. But again, it needs to be the right type of video marketing. You need to make sure that you are connecting with an audience and delivering something more than what they might imagine.

One of the ways to do this is to utilize the latest tech to create videos that are part of your marketing campaign. For instance, you can think about exploring sites like Dr Drone. Here, you’ll find plenty of information on the different drones available, some of which have steadying technology. This will be perfect for capturing video that will be suitable for marketing and designing unique ads for your business.

Semantic Marketing

You need to think about the tech that customers are using when they are accessing the online world. Today, that means putting more of a focus on voice control technology. This has become more popular in recent years and more accessible. So, for instance, you can easily find that the majority of people will have a smart system in their home. It could be anything from Alexa to the Siri on their iPhone. This means that they will be able to search online by asking questions and that completely transforms the way that you should be approaching website optimization. Ultimately, you need to think about how you can ensure that you are directly connecting with the queries that your audience has. The best way to do this is to research the type of questions that they are asking and then provide a direct answer. In doing so, you are far more likely to end up higher in the SERPs. This is due to the fact that you are going to be able to provide the high-value content that your customers are depending on and that Google wants to see on a website that reaches page one. You might even end up with your website being chosen as a featured snippet. This is going to push claims for your business through the roof.


Finally, you should make sure that you are exploring some of the ways that are going to help you personalize your business brand. This is going to make it easier for people to connect with your company and understand exactly what you can offer. Some of the key examples will include injecting fun into your social media profiles. It’s important to engage with customers the right way through social media. This means that it should be about simply promoting your brand or your product. You need to help them feel like they are connected with people behind your company rather than just a brand name.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways that you can guarantee your marketing is going to stand out online. In doing so, you’ll be able to ensure that your business is not forgotten by the market and that you do get a high level of attention your business brand deserves.

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Little-Known Techniques You Can Use To Better Market Your Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Marketing is a critical piece to your business. While many business owners have good ideas and services, marketing doesn’t necessarily come easy. The following contributed post is entitled, Little-Known Techniques You Can Use To Better Market Your Business.

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Marketing your business can seem like a massive challenge sometimes. Getting the word out about what you do is tricky in a world where millions of other people are doing the same thing.

There are, however, a bunch of little-known marketing tricks that you can use to swing things in your favor. Mostly your competitors don’t know about these, so it often pays to use them whenever you can. But what are they? And how can you deploy them successfully to improve your business?

Referral Programs

If you want to build your audience fast, you’ll want to launch a referral program.

The idea here is to get your customers to market your business for you.

This strategy has two main advantages: it costs very little compared to traditional advertising, and it helps get around any branding issues. Prospective customers are much more likely to trust the opinions of their peers than they are any official marketing messages from you.

All you need to do is get a hardcore of customers who are entirely loyal to you and your brand. Startups, in particular, often generate a loyal base of people who are willing to stick with them through thick and thin. It is these people you want to target. Provide them with a kickback for every customer that they sign up and then wait for the revenue to start flowing.

QR Code Embeds

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Digital marketing is a great tool, but it is not the only way to get the word out about your business. You have many other options.

Modern companies, for instance, still like to use direct mail. It tends to have higher open rates and more impact than traditional email marketing, making it highly worthwhile, even in today’s business environment.

Providing links to your business website through flyers you send out in the post sounds impossible, but it is not. All you need to do is use QR codes.

QR codes are essentially two-dimensional barcodes that can contain a vast amount of information. What’s more, most modern smartphones can read these codes. Thus, you can send out correspondence in the post with printed codes, have your customers scan them with their mobile devices, and then forward them to the relevant product, service, video, or article online.

Finding the best QR code generator can be a challenge, but there are plenty of options out there.

Make Your Beta Exclusive

If you’re a company that develops software, you might want to offer an exclusive beta. This marketing method allows you to attract the type of people who are most likely to want to sign up for your full service in the future. Plus, they can provide you with valuable feedback on the current state of your technology.

Give Away Stickers

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Giving away stickers might seem like a ridiculous way to market your business, but it is highly effective. People naturally love stickers because it reminds them of their childhood. Plus, both you and they can put them in places where they will give your brand a lot of exposure.

Master Your Marketing in 6 Simple Steps

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. To optimize your business’s performance, one piece that will need to operate at maximum efficiency is your marketing. You have to effectively get your message and your products/services out to your customer base. The following contributed post is entitled, Master Your Marketing in 6 Simple Steps.

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Having the right marketing strategies can help grow your business. However, when marketing is done wrong, it can be similar to lighting a money bonfire. As a business owner, you have to provide whatever your business needs all the time. However, sometimes it can be challenging to master all the fine details that go into sales and marketing.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Tips to Help You Master Marketing in Your Business

Know your business

Knowing your business is not only a way of making your marketing successful but also your business. Ensure you understand your business in its entirety. Understand clearly the goals and objectives of your business. Knowing your business will help you to choose marketing strategies that are in line with the mission and vision of your business.

Know your customers

For your marketing strategies to work, you must understand the people in your target market. Examine your existing customer base and take down all the information of previous customers you have already worked with. Examine whether your existing customer base shares the same tastes and preferences and determine all the common traits that your customers have. This information will help you in creating buyer personas. Your marketing strategies should now be aligned with the tastes and preferences of the buyer personas.

Know your competitors

It is also crucial to know and understand your competitors with whom you share the same market. Examine their marketing strategies and determine how they do it. Determine how effective those marketing strategies are, and acquire as much information as possible to help you form those strategies. Implement the best strategies carefully without violating intellectual property rights.

Don’t sell a comparison, sell the benefit

Most marketing managers make the mistake of implementing marketing strategies that imply how their business offers products at a lower price compared to their competitors. The marketing strategy you implement should focus on what extra benefits the consumer will get from purchasing and consuming the product. Therefore, ensure your marketing strategy emphasizes more on how your products are going to improve the life of your customer.

Continuous generation of ideas

Marketing can be categorized as an art as well as science. Your marketing team should continuously generate creative ideas that will reach more and more potential customers. For creative idea generation to happen, you need a team with a healthy imagination. A healthy imagination can be triggered by factors such as constant reading and research. Additionally, find podcast guests who will produce podcasts for marketing purposes.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation is a technological innovation that automatically manages all marketing processes and campaigns across multiple channels. Marketing automation is made possible by specially designed software such as HubSpot Marketing Automation. Marketing automation saves you a lot of time, energy, and money as it replaces all the tedious manual marketing strategies with automated ones.

Bottom Line

Marketing plays a significant role in the success of any business. It helps create awareness in the market about the existence of your product. Therefore, the marketing discipline is significant to your business. As a business person, ensure that you continuously improve your marketing strategies for the growth of your business.

How Savvy Business Invest In High Markets

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Just like individual investors, businesses have to make wise investment decisions. Many of those decisions involve deciding which markets to invest in. The following contributed post is entitled, How Savvy Business Invest In High Markets.

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Investments are imperative for businesses. Any leader who wants to increase the wealth of an organization needs to secure healthy ROIs. Unfortunately, it won’t happen if you put your rainy day fund in a savings account. The interest rates are too low compared to the returns of an investment.

A big problem lots of entrepreneurs run into regularly is a high market. When the money you need to pump in upfront is considerable, it makes you think twice. Still, you shouldn’t pass up an opportunity for the sake of liquidity.

Dealing with high markets is possible and lucrative as long as you’re careful. Here are the tips that will ensure you put safety first.

Search For A Broker

A broker is an excellent resource for your company because these agencies have knowledge and experience in abundance. Sadly, too many businesses don’t trust them, which is why they try to dip their toes in the market alone. Please don’t make this mistake. Without any relevant qualifications, you’ll only increase the odds of losing your investment. Plus, whether it’s Forex or foreign currencies, brokers help clients to secure the best market prices. You don’t even need to deal with one face-to-face – software is available if you prefer your insights from an AI-powered computer program.

Feed-In Resources Gradually

Putting in your resources bit by bit is an excellent tactic for limiting damage if there are unforeseen circumstances. The reason is simple: you never have too much of your finances in a high market at one time. This might seem as if it’s a cautious measure considering the market is booming, but it’s a smart way to mitigate risk. All you have to do is divide the pot into payment segments and figure out payment dates. The even better thing about this technique is that you can stop payments if you feel as if you need more control.

Buy The Same Amount

When markets are high, it’s tempting to pull back in case the worst happens. However, this is a bad idea because it goes against your original plan. There is nothing wrong with re-evaluating, yet you shouldn’t do it on a whim. An investment is a long-term strategy, so there’s no need to panic at the first sign of trouble. And, if there are no signs, then you should carry on as usual. If money is an issue, remember to feed in your budget gradually to mitigate the risks.

Avoid Linked Investments

Diversification is a tried and tested way to protect your assets. That way, should anything go wrong, you’d still have investments that are untouched. Of course, this doesn’t happen when projects are linked. Right now, for example, US index tracker funds are connected to the most expensive stocks, making them very vulnerable. Therefore, it’s imperative to do due diligence and ensure there aren’t underlying features that will have a knock-on effect. You can diversify by investing in two separate markets if you have the knowledge.

Are you going to use investments to expand your business? What are the biggest risks?

How To Entice a New Target Market Quickly

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key to being successful at business is identifying and capturing new target markets. Doing so will give you the leg up on your competition and assure continued growth. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Entice a New Target Market Quickly.

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Now that you’ve got your business off the ground, it’s time to start thinking about branching out. You cannot expect to grow your business without making some changes to your branding, products and services. You will face many challenges as a business owner and expansion is one of those hurdles you need to power through strategically. Enticing a whole new target market without losing focus is tricky, but it can be done relatively quickly. Follow some of the advice below and you will soon have a whole new branch for your business.

Try a Rebrand

If you want to appeal to a brand new demographic, now is the perfect time to rebrand. Corporate Rebranding is very common in businesses who want to extend their reach. It mostly comes in the form of change in visuals like the logo, font and color scheme. This can seem like an overwhelming concept at first, but a professional will be able to guide you in the right direction.

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Expand Your Product Range

Now would be the perfect time to expand the range of products or services you offer. A rebrand often comes with a soft launch for a new product or service, so now is the ideal moment to start working on a new range that appeals to your new target market.

Alter Your Website

Updating your website might seem like a daunting task, especially when it took so long to put together in the first place. However, your website is the key to your success in sales and customer retention. If you’re branching out to a new group of people, you need to tweak your website to reflect their needs and preferences. Speak to a professional web designer and you will soon have an updated website that suits your new brand.

Carry Out Market Research

Are you certain that your new idea is going to work seamlessly? Obviously, nobody can ever be 100% sure, but you can carry out plenty of market research to give yourself greater confidence in your new product or service. When it comes to market research, you need to be thorough. Reach out to a wide number of people and use a variety of platforms to carry out your research. Questionnaires, social media polls and email marketing works very well for primary market research. This way you will gauge honest feedback on your new ideas so that you can grow your business confidently.

So now you need to put your new plan into place. With a little bit of patience and persistence you will be able to attract a whole new target audience and retain your current consumers too. As soon as you get to this point in your business you know you are onto something special; not every entrepreneur can reach the point of expansion for their company. Adapt each concept appropriately and always keep your new target audience in mind. Soon enough you will draw in the right type of people for the new branch of your business.

Creating The Perfect Marketing Event

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key aspect of your business is its marketing. Sometimes its wise and advantageous to host marketing events. No matter what you’re showing at your marketing event, you want it to be as successful as possible. The following contributed post is entitled, Creating The Perfect Marketing Event.

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When it comes to driving your business, one way in which you can do this is by hosting an event that shows your potential customers, business partners, and suppliers who you are and what you are really all about.

A great event can leave everyone who attends in a state of amazement about your business and they may well be excited about everything that you have to offer. They will be looking towards the future and waiting to see what you do next. It is a great way of creating a real buzz around what you do, and what you could do in the future with their support.

Business events can be a great opportunity to unveil something exciting that you might have been working on. Make sure that if you are doing this you providing plenty of anticipation for this part of the event, and building it up in the minds of the attendees.

Budget Effectively

Events can be costly to run and the costings may vary depending on the number of people that you are planning on inviting. First up you will need a suitable venue that is easy to get to, is the right size, and has the right facilities. Make sure that you visit before booking.

You may want to hire caterers for the event, as well as a crew of experienced technicians for operating any sound, lighting, or video equipment. Shop around for quotations on all of these services, but be sure to check on what exactly is on offer.

Events may throw up surprises that you have not budgeted for. Problems that occur as you prepare for the big day may end up throwing you considerably over your budget. A vendor may fall through, and a last minute replacement may mean paying more. Prepare yourself for the fact that things may go wrong and allow a little bit extra spare in your budget for an emergency.

Source Everything That You Need Early

Start buying everything that you need as far in advance as possible. For outdoor events you may need generators, for such important aspects of your event planning, allow lots of time to source everything. Rushing around at the last minute may lead to mistakes being made and everyone involved being stressed and on edge about the event.

Market The Event Well

Although your event is designed to market your business, you will need to make sure that you market your event well. Give your attendees plenty of chance to plan to come. You can send out postal invites as this puts something physical in their hands. You may also want to send emails and take to social media to drum up interest in the event. Try to give some kind of indication of what the event is about and what may be expected, but if you are unveiling a new product or service, be sure and keep the main surprise for the actual event.

Getting people to RSVP is a great idea as it will give you an indication of how many people may actually end up coming, and it also means that your guests will need to demonstrate their commitment to coming ahead of time. You could follow up any invitations which have not had responses with a phone call.


Your event needs a core message and you should include interesting and captivating speeches that help you to get this across. Be sure to utilize your most charismatic speaker and try and include relevant video or visual aids to help put the point over. Don’t get bogged down in figures, instead make sure your speeches centre on ideas and concepts.

Management Is Key To Success

The key to a successful event is having the right people in the right places. Delegate areas of responsibility to the best placed team members. You will need someone to liaise with caterers and any waiting staff that you have brought in. Someone will need to take control of the entertainment aspect and ensure that all speeches, presentations, and entertainment are running to a tight program.

You will need some of your best communicators out and about helping your guests and mingling with them. They will be in a great position to get feedback on how the event is going from the perspective of the attendees, and they can also do their best to help deliver the overall message that you would like your guests to take from the event.

How Businesses Can Transform Their Marketing Strategies For The Better

“If you want to make it in the modern business world, it’s all about marketing. You can’t expect your business to grow if you don’t market, so finding marketing schemes and campaigns are essential to keep your company afloat.”

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Arguably the most important part of your business is its marketing. In theory, effective marketing will lead to more sales. Your marketing formula may need to evolve over time. The following contributed post is entitled, How Businesses Can Transform Their Marketing Strategies For The Better.

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If you want to make it in the modern business world, it’s all about marketing. You can’t expect your business to grow if you don’t market, so finding marketing schemes and campaigns are essential to keep your company afloat.

There are many forms of marketing. You have traditional methods such as newspaper ads and TV spots. You have passive marketing, where you trust people to see your ads around town to build interest. You also have new marketing models: digital marketing, which is what the majority of businesses rely on now.

However, not everyone has gotten on board. There are some businesses and industries that neglect to market their business effectively. This itself could be a cause for lack of growth, so it might be time you start looking at better ways to spread awareness of your business.

Small Businesses

Often, small businesses cannot afford to engage in comprehensive marketing strategies to get the word out. But as a small business, they don’t need to yet.

Instead, they need to find a way to compete with similar businesses in their area, but with a lack of funds, they can’t make witty ad campaigns or sass customers on social media. Instead, perhaps its better to go back to traditional methods.

Local areas love businesses that engage with the community, so showing that your company cares about the goings-on in and around the town or city will put you in the good books. It could shift their loyalty from faceless multi-nationals to someone who knows their names and says hello every time they step into the store.

While money might be tight for your business, there are a lot of ways in which you can spend what limited budget you do have, wisely. Take a look at what’s popular in marketing right now, like videos for example. Having a video production company to create show-stopping content can be a great investment for your small business.

Healthcare Industry

Healthcare is something that everybody needs in their life. Whether it’s routine checkups or ongoing prescriptions, healthcare is a basic human need. It might be because of this, though, that the healthcare industry is not as forward-thinking than other sectors when it comes to marketing. There are some improvements, such as justifying how much marketing ROI to budget and plan for according to a patient lifetime value calculator, but outreach needs to innovate.

However, that’s not the case. There are different levels of healthcare, and they demand different approaches. Mental health marketing will differ from dental marketing, and vice versa, so it’s finding out how to best target your potential customers.

With a big focus on social media’s negative influence, mental health campaigns can be found on Instagram. In contrast, a dental marketing strategy could be used at the supermarket (where you buy dental supplies). This targets both patients where they are most likely to see it, which sounds like a win.

Marketing Firms

Who markets to the other marketers? It’s a strange one, as you’d expect many marketing firms would undertake their own marketing duties. However, with client campaigns to focus on, this isn’t always so easy.

The problem is that marketers can recognize when they’re being duped. Instead of following the same old routines, it’s better to look at new, more subtle ways to market your marketing firm. We’ve seen it through content marketing, and this has worked moderately well. But there could still be a better way.

Spreading Awareness

You cannot expect growth and recognition if you neglect to embrace the potential options to help you better market your product or business. Even if you stagnate, the world will continue to evolve, so follow it as best you can.

4 Innovative Marketing Solutions To Grow Your Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Arguably the most important part of your business is it’s marketing. Figuring out how to properly market your business can be the difference to outlasting your competition and further propelling you forward. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Innovative Marketing Solutions To Grow Your Business.

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How do you grow your business? It starts with finding more customers, making more sales, and generating a larger revenue. The more you earn, the wider your profit margins become. As a result, you have extra money to invest back into your company, allowing you to expand.

Business growth is centered around your marketing strategy. By marketing and advertising your company, you make everyone more aware of it. You reach consumers that may have never heard of you before, and you can generate a lot of new leads, which convert into sales.

Naturally, there are various marketing ideas you can try out. But, it helps to be a little bit creative. Keeping that in mind, here are some innovative marketing solutions that will grow your business:

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Create an affiliate program

Affiliate programs are basically a way for you to create a little marketing team. The idea is simple; you let people sign up for the program, and they promote your business for you. In return, they get a commission on any sales that occur through their promotion. If you have a look here, you can see some actionable steps to create an effective affiliate marketing program. It’s an innovative idea because you’ve come up with a low-cost way of, essentially, paying people to promote your business. The benefit of this is that it only costs you money in commissions, which will only occur when sales are made. So, you’ll be making money as well; perfect!

Get taxi drivers to advertise for you

Taxi drivers, or private car hire drivers, represent a unique marketing opportunity for your company. Think about how many people will get in a taxi during one day. A single driver has multiple clients, and this continues throughout the week, month, and year. Imagine if you had a way of advertising your business to all of their clients – you’d tap into a massive market. Well, you can – and it’s all thanks to promotional air fresheners. You can click here for more info, but the idea is that you create air fresheners with your brand on them. Hand them out to taxi drivers for free, and they can hang them from their rear-view mirror. Now, all their clients will see your logo and might be intrigued. Add some contact details on there as well, so people can get in touch with you. The drivers won’t object as they get a nice smelling car and don’t have to do anything or pay you a penny!

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Guerilla marketing

Guerilla marketing is a modern way of marketing your business out in public. Essentially, the aim is to take people by surprise and make a big statement. Typically, guerilla marketing happens outside and uses the existing surroundings to promote your business. For example, some companies have created artistic graffiti displays on walls or the pavement. Others will create props and station them in areas with heavy foot traffic. Even a pop-up stall or event is a form of guerilla marketing. There are plenty of examples out there, and it’s a proven way to make people stop and take notice. Often, you’re applauded for your creativity, which makes people respect your business and think you’re different from the rest.

zoom in on the syrup pic.twitter.com/omRBupjrXq— Denny’s (@DennysDiner) March 1, 2017

Take advantage of memes on social media

For those that aren’t aware, a meme is anything that’s become incredibly popular and is spread and shared far and wide across social media. Usually, they’re videos or images, and they can be manipulated for various uses. Now, social media marketing is one of the fundamentals of running a business, but using memes can take your campaign to new heights. The benefit of doing this is that you can increase your engagement because people are already aware of the memes. It shows your business is current and up-to-date as well, and people will have a laugh too. So, this creates a positive perception of your business, which can increase your follower count and have a knock-on effect with lead generation and conversion. You’ll also see more engagement on your posts as well – just look at the example above where Denny’s used a popular meme to their advantage.

By all means, continue using more mainstream marketing ideas as well. But, if you’re looking for a way to give your company a boost and encourage more growth, then be innovative. These four ideas are a little bit different, which makes them stand out. Also, they’re all cost-effective too. None of these ideas will break your marketing budget, so you avoid overspending and causing a loss of revenue.

Marketing Tips For Your Small Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Many would argue that your business’s marketing strategy is its most important component. The following contributed post is entitled, Marketing Tips For Your Small Business.

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If you’re running a small business already, or are even thinking of starting one, then you know that marketing is going to play a large role in the success of the business, but you may also be finding that you don’t really know where to start with it.

Well, luckily, we’re going to share with you some practical tips that you can use when it comes to marketing your business, so check them out below.


When it comes to running a business that has any kind of online presence, then content really still is king, and it’s important that you understand the value good content can have in your business in the long term.

Setting up a blog also isn’t as difficult as many people would have you believe, and the good thing about it is that it can be mostly automated once you actually have your content plan set up, so this means that you’re not having to worry about running out of content ideas or not having posts go out on a consistent basis.

Social media:

Everyone who runs a business nowadays will likely have heard at some point how powerful and important social media is in their business, but that doesn’t mean they know how to use it properly, because although it’s not overly complicated once you have a plan, you do have to understand some things before getting started with it, such as understanding your ideal clients and really having a solid marketing strategy and plan in place before you start posting on social media.

Live events:

Although live events may take some work to get set up, they can truly be one of the best ways to market your business to both a new and existing audience, and in fact they can be so lucrative that some business owners will rely on them for most of their marketing because they just bring in so much new customers.

Getting things set up of course will require a bit of advanced planning, and you can look at places like a Mesquite Sign Store for ideas on what kinds of things you could have at your event in terms of promotional material.


There are often a lot of people who claim that in-person networking is no longer useful for business owners, but this simply isn’t true and it’s not so much about what you’re doing, but how you’re doing it, so if you’re looking to get away from things like social media and prefer a more direct in-person approach, then networking could definitely be something to consider.

Even if you’re using online marketing techniques, offline marketing such as networking is something you should be doing alongside.