Breaking Down The Constructs: What Are The Things We Need To Back To Be Happy?

A key focus of my blog is Health and Wellness. Several things going into being happy. Often in the pursuit of careers and mimicking the images of success we see in the media only make us more unhappy. What are the actual keys to being happy? The following contributed post is entitled, Breaking Down The Constructs: What Are The Things We Need To Back To Be Happy?

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Happiness is a very subjective term, people can go their entire lives feeling happy without needing to exert themselves, whereas others need a purpose to every minute of every day. But for so many people that are looking for that reason to exist, they may find themselves searching too hard, and in fact, the real route to being happy involves then cutting back on certain things. What are the things in the real world that we need to cut back on?

The “Perfect” Job
With the abundance of choice out there, so many people feel static in one place, so they’re always looking for the next challenge. But certain careers, even though they appear rewarding on the surface, can house an abundance of problems that don’t suit certain people. Perhaps it’s not about finding the perfect job but finding the job that gives you a reason to get up in the morning. When it comes to looking for the ideal working setup, we can struggle to see the wood for the trees.

Preconceived Notions Of Security
Money defines everything but it’s what we do with it that counts. We can spend so long worrying about the financial forecast over the next 12 months, that we’re not focusing on the present. The fact is, providing a nest egg isn’t about a cash injection right now, it’s about playing the long game. Even the big names like Warren Buffett know it’s about sticking with something over a long time, whether it’s an investment, real estate, or cryptocurrency. When it comes to real estate, we can be a landlord and rent out a property to others, and while there are residential property management services that can help us to acquire an extra income, we have to give consideration to so many other variables. From a personal perspective, an extra income is excellent, but it means we’ve got to dedicate that much more time into it to see the fruits of our labor. If you are dominated by money, will you be happy?

Falling Into Line
We worry so much about what other people think of us when we shouldn’t care a jot. We can learn so much from our children in this respect; they have an innate ability to question everything. And when they begin to conform, while it makes life easier, if they begin to lose the one aspect of their personality that makes them unique, is this something that we should be proud of? With independent thought comes creativity, inspiration, and a veritable zest for the world. We get bound by social constructs, and we feel that falling into line and playing “the game” is easier. But does this really make us happy? We know, deep down, it doesn’t.

Happiness is subjective, but we can spend years believing that we are after a certain thing that will make us happy. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and the sooner we learn this, the better. Sometimes, it’s not about getting more, but it’s about getting less that will make us happy.

3 Ways to Make Money with a Wellness Business

“Wellness is now a $4.2 trillion industry worldwide. If you’re an entrepreneur, it makes sense, then that you would at least consider the possibilities of getting into this market.”

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Health/Wellness. Wellness businesses can be lucrative if run the right way. If you’re thinking about running this type of business, or if you’re running one right now, it’s important to know how to make money with them. The following contributed post is thus entitled, 3 Ways to Make Money with a Wellness Business.

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Wellness is now a $4.2 trillion industry worldwide. If you’re an entrepreneur, it makes sense, then that you would at least consider the possibilities of getting into this market. A lot of people shy away from doing so because wellness seems to be everywhere, and they think that the market must be saturated by now, however, there are always opportunities to be had and as long as you’re willing to work hard and create a unique brand there is no reason why you could not launch your own wellness company and succeed.

If you like the idea of running your own wellness business, but you don’t know where to start, here are just some of the ways you could make money in the wellness business right now:

Sell Your Skills

If you’re looking to start your business on a shoestring, think about any skills you may have and see if you can monetize them. What would you use to form the basis of your startup pitch deck, in other words? The only costs you will incur doing this are your marketing costs and with the use of social media, these could be pretty minimal.

In terms of wellness, there are plenty of skills you can sell from teaching meditation to helping people start running, to life coaching. If you don’t already have these or similar skills, learning them can be very affordable, and building a business very doable.

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Capitalize on Cannibis and CBD

It isn’t for everyone, but cannabis is now legal in many states and it is doing big business in all of the places you can buy. You might think that getting into the industry involves too much red tape, but you don’t actually have to sell cannabis yourself. In fact, you could potentially make a lot of money by simply selling cannabis accessories. If you visit trimleaf rosin press guide, for example, you will see that there is far more to this business than you might think and the accessories are numerous. If you don’t like the idea of cannabis at all, then consider the possibilities of CBD, which is non-hallucinogenic, completely legal in most places and a huge wellness trends which many people use for stress and pain relief regularly.

Now, with the cannabis scene being relatively fresh, it’s like staring at a crystal ball trying to figure out how it will unfold, particularly considering resources related to this field, such as the Daniel Fung arrest article. There are no guarantees in the CBD business. But here is the kicker: your local demand. It’s best to figure out how to stand out and ride this cannabis wave while ensuring you’re operating within your area’s regulations.

Slow Fitness

The slow fitness movement has been ramping up for a few years now, and it’s just about set to explode, which means it’s a really good niche to get into if you’re looking for a new business venture.

The slow fitness movement is all about taking it easy and taking recovery seriously when you have worked out hard. It’s all about foam rollers magnesium baths and percussive therapy tools such as Hypervolt, which you can read about at, and which can massively aid recovery and wellness. The good news is there is plenty of room for new and similar products to hit the market, especially if you can develop something which is even better at aiding recovery, and these products can be sold at a premium. This option will likely involve a greater investment but the rewards could be huge.

Whatever you decide to invest in, wellness is not going away and you have the potential to do very well for yourself!

Six Ways To Handle Workplace Stress

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Health and Wellness. Regardless of which career you’re in, the workplace can cause you quite a bit of stress if you’re not careful. It therefore becomes critical to understand how to manage it if and when you get into a position where the workplace is impacting your quality of life. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Six Ways To Handle Workplace Stress.

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We’ve all woken up in the morning and dreaded heading to the office at least once in our lives. Whether it’s because deadlines are looming, the traffic on the commute is getting worse and making you late, or the fact you’ve been passed over the promotion yet again, it’s all tough when it comes to the workplace. Stress is one of the hardest things to cope with, because trying to manage the stress can be difficult when you’re also trying to keep up the momentum with your boss on your back.

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It’s important to try to overcome stress in the workplace, though, because without trying, you’re not going to get anywhere, ending up more stressed than you were already. So, whether you start advance checking for traffic and road closures, or you hold a meeting to ask about that promotion from the higher ups, you need to start thinking of ways to reduce stress. Below, we’ve got six ways to do just that, without you needing to lose it.

Fresh Air. Going for a short walk during the work day can make a real difference. Whether you go on your lunch break or you head out quickly for a coffee, you really need to think about that fresh air. Offices are notoriously stuffy and breathing in recycled air is not the most fun way to spend the day. If you feel your tension rising, get out for fresh air
and get a little exercise with a walk.
Have A Stretch. Whether you get up or not, stretch your body. Sitting down for a long time can cause a lot of pressure on your back, and prolonged sitting can really place a lot of stress on the body as a whole. Every hour at least, get up and stretch. It doesn’t matter if it looks weird, it can allow you to keep concentrating on your work and not feel wound up.
It’s A Mental State. Stress is all in the mind. It may manifest physically for a lot of people, but it starts in your head. You can simply put on a meditation app and relax for a few minutes, concentrating on your breathing and slowing your heart. It’s in the mind, and the mind can be controlled; remember that.
Divert Your Focus. At work, the pressure is on. If you start to feel closed in, start helping someone else for a moment. A problem shared is a problem halved, and then ask them for some guidance on your issue. Even if all you do is open the door for someone else when they’re coming through, it’s helpful and it can take your mind off your stress.
Dance It Out. Head to the roof space, the bathroom, anywhere private. Put your favourite song on your headphones and dance madly. Blast out the energy and the jitters at the same time, and release your stress that way.

No one needs to feel pressured, hurt or put upon by their workplace. With a little help, you can dispel the stress as fast as possible.

How To Relieve Your Chronic Pain – Easy Ways

A key focus of my blog is Health and Wellness. Chronic pain can really take a toll on your life and affect your overall happiness. Once you have it, managing it becomes key to functioning properly everyday. The following contributed post is thus entitled, How To Relieve Your Chronic Pain – Easy Ways.

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When you’re a sufferer of chronic pain, it’s likely that you’re always trying to find new ways of relieving the pain. Whether you’ve injured yourself and as a result, you’re in pain, or you’ve got a condition that causes the extreme pain you’re feeling, it can also affect you mentally and change your general quality of life. Chronic pain is no song and dance but there are many ways in which you can relieve it without having to try weird and wonderful remedies. So, here are some tips on how to relieve your chronic pain – the easy ways!

Change what you’re eating

Food might not be the sole reason for your pain, but did you know that what you’re putting into your body can greatly affect the kind of pain you’re in? People who suffer from pain from conditions such as psoriasis can actually greatly improve their general quality of life by simply changing what they are eating. There are many diets that are tailored to psoriasis, and there very well might be one for yours too! Consider looking for a specialised diet for your condition to see if it can improve the pain that you’re in.

Take your medication properly!

One of the biggest mistakes that people with chronic pain make, is not taking their medication properly! It’s likely that when you injured yourself, or you had your condition diagnosed that your doctor prescribed you medication to help relieve your symptoms – take them as directed! LifeBrite Labs have discovered that half of all chronic pain sufferers don’t take their medication as prescribed, yet wonder why they are still in pain. Make sure you’re taking your meds properly and you may notice a difference in how you’re feeling.

Kit out your home

Chronic pain can last a lifetime and unfortunately, it’s something that you’re going to have to adapt your life to. Many sufferers refuse to accept what’s going on in their lives and tend to refuse any help in day to day life. However, this will make life much harder in the long run and can lead to further problems with your health. Give yourself a helping hand by kitting out your home with aids such as handrails and a seat in the bath so that you can make your day to day life that little bit easier.

Do some gentle exercise

Finally, exercise is likely to be the last thing on your mind right now, but did you know that not moving at all or very little can actually make your pain worse? Being stationary for long periods of time can cause your joints and muscles to seize up, so try and do some gentle exercise each day to make mobility as easy as possible. Don’t forget to speak to your doctor before doing so as they may be able to give you a guide on what kind of exercises will help relieve your pain!

Human Error In Healthcare Businesses: What Are The Solutions?

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Health/Wellness. No matter what arena it is, there will always be some element of human error. When you’re in a healthcare business, errors can be particularly dangerous. As such its important to figure out how to minimize errors in your healthcare business. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Human Error In Healthcare Businesses: What Are The Solutions?

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While human error is by no means limited to healthcare businesses only – every industry has to battle the issue – it could be argued that human error is particularly costly when it comes to medicine. Medical staff are highly-trained, dedicated, and expert individuals, but everyone is human, and – to borrow a famous quote – to err is one of the most human of traits.

For years, owners of all healthcare-related businesses – ranging from private clinics to pharmacies to research labs – just had to accept that human error was inevitable, and to try to limit the damage when it occurred. However, modern medicine is very different indeed, and if you own a pharmacy or medical practice, you’re sure to be delighted by such a development.

Understanding the reasons for human error

When anyone makes a mistake, most of us are trained just to accept it, telling ourselves that these things happen. This is a fairly reasonable response, and there is no benefit to seeing a single error as a reflection of an individual’s overall capabilities, it is perhaps overlooking a key issue: well-being.

Simply put, errors are more likely if someone is not at their best. If they are tired, stressed, anxious, or feeling physically unwell, then an individual is more likely to make mistakes. Over recent years, a societal trend has emerged acknowledging that while some errors will always happen, many more are preventable. You might need to look at increasing your staff levels to reduce pressure or hire more experienced staff who can better handle the complex challenges facing your business. List vacancies on niche sites such as the allied health jobs board for the best applications.

In the course of running your medical business, embracing the above approach can be hugely beneficial. If you focus on ensuring your staff are at their best by managing their schedule, encouraging good employee health practices, and encouraging staff to approach you if they feel unwell or off their game, you stand an excellent chance of reducing human errors that may otherwise have caused huge problems.

The introduction of tech

An understanding of the reasons people make errors is important, but in terms of reducing human error in medical businesses, nothing is quite so efficient as automation. Machines and technology are unencumbered by issues such as stress and overwork, and are thus able to perform tasks with greater accuracy and consistency than their human counterparts.

There are few areas of medicine that are not benefiting from automated interventions. From the well-known benefits of devices that facilitate pharmacy automation and analysis of test results to futuristic ideas such as robotic surgery, automation is changing medicine for the better.

Due to the incredible abilities offered by modern technological advances such as those described above, human error is no longer a factor that just has to be accepted. By investing in tech, you can ensure that your staff have more time to spend interacting with patients, while automated technologies work hard in the background to produce excellent, almost entirely error-free results.

In conclusion

As the above demonstrates, owners of any kind of medical business are now able to better manage human error than at any other point in history. By combining a focus on employee health and well-being with automated technologies, you can embrace a new, exciting future that significantly improves the working life of your staff, reduces overall errors, and ultimately boosts your business’ chances of success.

The Most Common Causes Of Stress And How to Deal With Them

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success and a key focus is Health and Wellness. Stress effects a lot Americans, ultimately impacting their quality of life and health. How do you know if you have stress? The following contributed post is entitled, The Most Common Causes Of Stress And How to Deal With Them.

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Did you know that around 80% of American adults suffer from stress? Stress can be a positive thing, and some of us work better under pressure. However, in the vast of majority of cases, it has negative implications for both our physical and mental wellbeing. If you’re struggling to cope with stress, you’re not alone, but statistics don’t always provide comfort or reassurance. With stress such a prevalent factor in modern-day life, it’s useful to explore the most common causes of stress and look into practical measures and coping mechanisms that could prove beneficial.

The most common causes of stress
Stress affects us all of us to a degree at some point in our lives. There are endless reasons why people may experience stress, but some are much more common than others. Here are some examples of the most common causes of stress.

Work-related stress
Most of us are familiar with the feeling of sitting in a meeting and feeling like the information is sailing way over our heads or turning on our laptops to be inundated with emails. Often, work-related issues are associated with feeling like you have too much to do, or worrying that the jobs that are on the table in front of you are beyond your skill set or level of experience. Additional factors may include not getting on with your boss or a colleague, or working too many hours. If you’re leaving the house at 6am and not getting home until 10pm, there’s a clear lack of work-life balance.

If work is making you feel on edge or anxious, you’re struggling with your current workload, and you have issues with a certain person or a group of people, there are steps you can take to try and combat these problems and find solutions. If you’ve got too much on your plate, talk to your boss. It may be possible to get some help, to share projects with other members of staff or to adjust your schedule so that it gives you a better balance. Many people are choosing to work from home more, for example. If you have issues with colleagues or your employer, approach the subject with that person or ask your boss or a senior colleague for advice if you don’t want to dive straight in. Communication is often key in this instance, as the person you’re struggling with may be completely unaware of the way you feel or the way they’re behaving towards you.

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Relationship breakdown
Relationships can bring us down or build us up, and often, the links we have with people have a major bearing on our mental health. If you’re in a loving, secure relationship with a partner, this can make you feel like you’re on cloud nine. In contrast, if you’re arguing all the time, you put each other down, and you’ve lost sight of why you’re even together, this is bound to contribute to stress, as well as other emotions, such as anger, frustration and sadness. The breakdown of a relationship is never easy to cope with, but if you have children, you’re married, or you share properties, businesses or circles of friends, it can be particularly challenging and distressing. Even if you know in your heart of hearts that you’re making the right decision breaking up with your partner, it can cause you to be confronted with overwhelming emotions and a sense of grief.

If you’ve decided to go your separate ways, it’s wise to focus on your emotional recovery and your mental health, as well as trying to get organized and address practical measures. One of the best ways to eliminate stress related to the uncertainty of going through legal processes is finding an attorney with expertise in family law. Research firms and ask around for recommendations. Meet with your attorney, ask as many questions as you like, and gather information about what lies ahead. When it comes to dealing with your emotions, reach out to close friends and relatives, give yourself time to heal, and don’t blame yourself. When you’re ready to open up, you might find it beneficial to talk to a therapist or somebody close to you.

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Money worries
Money worries are among the most common causes of stress, especially among millennials. If you’re struggling to survive from one month to the next, you’ve got bills to pay, or you’re in debt and there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, this can cause you to feel anxious and worried. It’s not always easy to deal with financial issues, but there are avenues that are worth exploring. If you’re finding it difficult to bridge the gap between paydays, or you tend to overspend without realizing, budgeting is an incredibly useful tool. You can use money management apps, spreadsheets or even a pen and paper to track what’s going into and out of your accounts and monitor spending. If you’re in debt, and you can’t seem to find a way out, it’s wise to seek help from a debt adviser or to get in touch with a charity that provides free information and guidance. There are options out there that you might not be aware of, and you’ll probably feel much better once you’ve you spoken to somebody about your situation.

If you’ve lost your job, or you only work part-time, think about ways you could boost your income. Register with recruitment agencies, upload your resume to job sites and consider a sideline. If you’ve got practical skills, creative talents or hobbies, for example, could you use those abilities and interests to supplement your income?

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Stress affects us all, and it can be hugely debilitating. If you’re prone to stress, or you’re worried that stress is taking over your life, don’t suffer in silence. Lean on friends and family for support, talk about how you feel, and seek out practical solutions. Talk to experts who have experience in helping people in the same boat as you, and don’t be afraid to seek medical help if you feel like you’ve tried every self-help technique in the book and you’re still struggling.

Tips For Employers: Employee Bereavement

A key focus of my blog is Health and Wellness. While employers seek to get the maximum productivity out of their employees, it’s also important to take care of workers as much as possible. A key time when employees need flexibility from their employers is during bereavement. The following contributed post is therefore entitled, Tips For Employers: Employee Bereavement.

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When business owners think about the need to manage their employees and provide assistance wherever possible, they – quite naturally – tend to focus on matters related to the workplace. However, as time passes, most business owners will come to realize that employee management extends far beyond the basics of the work itself.

Perhaps most challengingly of all, most employers will at some point find themselves needing to manage an employee who has recently been bereaved. Given that death is such a sensitive subject, and everyone reacts to the topic differently, managing such a scenario can feel almost impossible.

However, there is one, simple way to manage employee bereavement as effectively as possible: let the employee dictate what happens next.

What does this mean?

As we touched on above, everyone grieves differently. Some people will actively want to immerse themselves in work, seeing it as a welcome distraction. Others will find work burdensome and difficult to cope with when grieving, and would thus prefer their workload to be reduced.

Essentially, there is no blanket “managing an employee who is grieving” policy that you can apply to your company. Instead, you have to manage each case on an ad-hoc basis.

How can this be achieved?

Most business owners will discover the sad news that an employee has been bereaved through direct communication, often in conjunction with a request for time off. It is often tempting to just reply to this communication with agreement, and a few kind words.

However, the first communication is your opportunity to ask for more information. You can gently ask how they are doing, and – most importantly – what they need from your company over the next few weeks. Do they only want to take a day off work for the funeral, and otherwise continue as normal? Or do they need more time off, perhaps due to having to go through probate, speak with the likes of Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis regarding legal proceedings, or arrange a house clearance? The latter point is particularly important: bereavement is often a complicated process in terms of simple bureaucracy as well as the emotional impact, but your employee may feel they cannot request time off to deal with these matters, so you have to extend the offer instead.

Ensure that your employee knows they can take the time they need; it’s the right thing to do, and it’s better for your company; after all, a distracted employee who is juggling a lengthy probate case is unlikely to be at their most efficient. By ensuring your employee has adequate time off, the return-to-work process should be simpler for both of you.

How should return-to-work be managed?

Whether your employee has taken a day off or an entire month, you’ll still need to manage the return-to-work process. The best way to approach this is to take each day as it comes. Spend a little time with the employee each day just asking how they are and if there is anything they need, but trust their response: if they say they’re fine to continue as normal, believe them, even if you suspect otherwise. Grief is different for everyone, so all you can do is let each employee be your guide while ensuring they know that you will provide any assistance should it be required.

In conclusion

Managing a bereaved employee is undoubtedly difficult, but by ensuring you provide opportunities for employees to ask for more time off, and allowing the employee to judge their preferred workflow after returning to work, the process should be as smooth as it possibly can be.

6 Quick Ways to Combat Stress All Year

A key focus of my blog is Health and Wellness. Depending upon your life and your daily obligations, stress may steadily creep in affecting you overall health and wellbeing. It’s thus important to understand how to combat stress throughout the year. The following contributed post is entitled, 6 Quick Ways to Combat Stress All Year.

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Stress is an invisible danger that we can all fall victim to if we’re not careful. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Stress can be a huge issue. It can cause things like weight gain/loss, hair loss, poor focus, and much more. It can cause strain on your relationships, issues in your job, and really mess up your life. Below, we have 6 quick ways you can combat stress year round!

  1. Get Plenty Of Sleep Every Night
    Sleep is crucial if you want to function well every day. The only problem is, when you’re stressed, you can struggle to sleep – so it’s a vicious circle of not sleeping and then feeling more stressed! Below you’ll find some advice if you’re struggling to get enough sleep:
    ● Be consistent with your going to bed time/getting up time even on weekends.
    ● Take a hot bath before bed.
    ● Look into different sleep teas and try some out.
    ● Make sure your bedroom environment is suitable (no electronics, the right temperature, no lights, etc).
    ● Listen to a relaxing podcast, like the ‘sleep with me’ podcast.


2. Make Sure You’re Drinking Enough Water
Water can help us to feel full of energy, give us more clarity, and even help to flush out toxins. Make sure you’re drinking around 2 litres of water per day, or even more if you’re exercising. Carry a big bottle with you each day to ensure you stick to your target. Buy a filter if you want to make sure you’re not consuming toxic metals and that you’re reducing plastic wastage!

3. Take Ashwagandha
This is a crushed herb in the form of a capsule that can reduce stress, give you more mental clarity, and have other great effects on your wellbeing. Other vitamins can be great too. Vitamin D and B12 can be great for the winter time, for example, especially for vegetarians.

4. Take Self Care Seriously
Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Your own self care should not be put on the backburner! Do things that you enjoy, and things that make you feel relaxed. You can’t care for others if you’re not properly caring for yourself. People who feel frazzled and don’t care for themselves are more likely to make more decisions and get into accidents, such as a blind spot accident. Start making time for your own self care sooner rather than later.

5. Eat Well
Eating lots of plant-based foods will help you to feel more vibrant and lively. This post isn’t here to tell you how you should be eating or whether you should eat meat or not – that’s down to you. Just be mindful of what you’re putting into your body on a daily basis!

6. Find Exercise That You Really Love To Do
There’s a type of exercise out there for everybody, so try out a few styles and see what you like. Exercise is one of the best possible things you can do for your mental health, without question!

Teaching Children to be Streetwise

One of the focuses of my blog is Health/Wellness. Part of that is living a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise. Another part of this is understanding how to handle one’s self in adverse conditions. Depending upon which neighborhood they grow up in, young people need to be taught how to handle themselves on the streets. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Teaching Children to be Streetwise.

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Teaching children to be streetwise sounds pretty simple. But, with every new generation, the world changes dramatically. The music changes, the clothing, what is and isn’t cool. Even the language adapts. New forms of slang appear, and you won’t always be sure what they’re talking about unless you keep up to date with current trends. But how can you be sure that your child won’t end up needing a drugs crimes attorney in a few years time? Well, the truth is… you can’t. But what you can do is prep them for the big wide world.

The most critical step is to try and keep the lines of communication open. There is a big difference between asking a question and then really listening to the answer. You can make a point of using active listening skills and really absorbing that information. Be there to answer questions and give them the right information. If you find that you just don’t have the answer then spend time together to find it. Depending on the topic, you might like to revisit it a few times over the coming weeks. Make sure they know that if anything happens, to them or even to friends that they can come to you. Always take their concerns seriously, even if they don’t sound all that important – it was important enough for them to bring them to you.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Show them all the people and places that they can go to for help. Everyone knows that dialing 911 in an emergency is simple, but what about if they don’t have a phone? What then? Sometimes children (no matter the age) struggle with who they should and shouldn’t approach. If you aren’t around for them, who would you like them to turn to? There are some situations as parents you just don’t want to think about, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t a real-world concern. Keep them updated on the news, for the local area and beyond. A realistic part of parenting is accepting that you can’t always be there in the moment. Teaching your children where they can go is a small peace of mind (for you both).

Awareness. It isn’t just about removing headphones when walking alone. This one is far-reaching. Being aware of movements in the current political climate. Awareness in their group of friends. People might say ‘woke,’ but there is more to it than that. Understanding what other groups of people go through in their daily lives is very important. Being aware of how to keep themselves as safe as possible is also a type of awareness. Keeping their belongings like mobile phone, money, and jewelry not on show or sharing a ride home with a friend – all of these things count.

Knowing more about the world and being armed with as much information as possible will allow everyone, not just children, to make good decisions when it comes to their safety and the safety of others. Street smarts aren’t just for the streets anymore.

Are You Struggling To Cope? Spotting Warning Signs

One of the focuses of my blog is Health/Wellness. A major aspect of this is mental health which is arguably more difficult to manage than physical health. One of the first steps is identifying when something is wrong. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Are You Struggling To Cope? Spotting Warning Signs.

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Many of us utter the words ‘I can’t cope’ without really giving much thought to what they mean. This phrase is often used in jest when watching videos of impossibly cute puppies, for example, but what happens when you feel like you need to use it in its true form? The reality is that it’s absolutely fine to say that you’re struggling, but so many of us find this a virtually impossible task. If life is hard at the moment, you may be intent on soldiering on, but it’s always beneficial to understand that saying that you can’t cope is not a failure or a character flaw. If you feel like you’re struggling, here are some signs that it may be time to ask for help.

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You’ve adopted unhealthy or unsafe coping mechanisms
Everyone is different, and we all react to stress, anxiety, sadness, and uncertainty in different ways. You may find that you reach for your gym kit if you’re feeling blue, which can be incredibly cathartic and invigorating, but many people adopt a crutch that isn’t always the sturdiest, most stable option. If you turn to drugs or drink, you punish yourself with abusive thoughts or harsh criticism, or you binge eat fast food every time life takes a negative turn, this is a sign that you’re not coping well. It’s particularly worrying if you continue to do something even if you know the implications could be dangerous or damaging. If you’ve been drinking, for example, and you get in the car, you probably know that you shouldn’t be behind the wheel, but at that moment, you choose to turn the key and put your foot on the gas. This decision could land you in a situation where you need a DUI lawyer, but it could also have disastrous consequences for your health and the safety of others around you. If you’re relying on coping mechanisms that have the potential to make the scenario worse, reach out, open up, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

You feel like you’re in a constant battle or a race that doesn’t have a finish line
We’ve all had days when we feel like we’re swimming against the tide, but can you imagine feeling like that over a period of days or weeks? If you feel like you’re constantly fighting a battle or you’re running a race with no finish line in sight, this suggests that you need to take time out, slow down, and try and find a more tranquil headspace. Life in the modern world can be hectic, but we all deserve time to step back and take some enjoyment out of our sometimes crazy existence. When you feel like you’re spinning plates, this can contribute to chronic stress, it can affect your mood and your mental health, and it can prevent you from living life to the full. Sometimes, something as simple as finding a babysitter, talking to your boss and taking a couple of days off or revising your schedule can help to restore a sense of balance. Meditation, reading, and exercises like yoga and Pilates can also help to provide breathing space.

Stress is part and parcel of everyday life, but it shouldn’t define you or take over your life. If you’re resorting to crutches or coping mechanisms that are damaging your physical or mental health or you’re struggling to see a light at the end of the tunnel, now is the time to ask for help.