The Neglected Subconscious Benefits Of Movies On Young Minds

Two key focuses of my blog are General Education and Health/Wellness. While it’s not understood, movies actually benefits for the minds of young people. The following contributed post is entitled, The Neglected Subconscious Benefits Of Movies On Young Minds.

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Image Credit: Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

It is no secret that people love going to the movies. Whether you are a child, teenager or adult, there is something about seeing your favorite character on the big screen that provides an unparalleled experience.

Research has shown that this can positively affect the subconscious mind in adulthood when your kids watch films with powerful characters. This article will explore some of these overlooked benefits!

Educate on Social Issues

Movies can help educate your kids on social issues. For example, when they watch movies about bullying, they can become more sensitive towards their peers and are less likely to become bullies. In addition, films with women in leadership roles can help children learn to see women as equals in society.

Understanding Other Cultures

Movies can help children understand other cultures and their customs. For example, by watching movies with people from different backgrounds, they can slowly start understanding other cultures in the process. This shift is necessary because many films today focus on Western culture, but there are websites to watch any movie. For example, if you love to watch Asian movies, you can search how to watch Japan Netflix Movie and get help to do so.

Inspiring Creativity

Movies are a place where your children can get their creative juices flowing. For example, if there is a song playing in the movie that they love or an animal on screen they want to learn more about, it gives them the incentive to do research outside of class and discover new things for themselves. As a result, movies foster their creativity in the process.

Increased Emotional Intelligence

Research has shown that watching movies as a child increases emotional intelligence. Therefore, your kids will have the ability to better understand and react to other people’s emotions without being overwhelmed or confused by them. Emotional intelligence is vital for leadership and forming connections.

Expanding the Mindset

Kids who watch movies are also able to expand their mindset. For example, suppose they see a character in the film that is different from them. In that case, they start to understand differences and similarities between themselves and others, making it easier for them to feel comfortable around people of all races, genders, and backgrounds.

Developing Empathy

Additionally, research has shown that when kids watch movies, they will develop empathy faster than those who don’t. Typically, if an actor/actress on-screen does something wrong but gets punished later for it, then kids are more likely to believe that what happened was fair. Ultimately, such scenarios teach children about morality and justice for all.

They Stimulate Interest in Science

Movies can also teach scientific discovery. For example, if a character in the film is working to find an answer and then eventually does so, this will help children learn that anything is possible with enough time or effort. Kids need to know that these types of discoveries are within their reach at a young age as well! After all, prominent scientists got inspiration from cartoons like Elon Musk to go to space.

Kids Become More Tolerant Of Diversity

Finally, movies can help kids be more open-minded. For example, if a child dislikes someone in the film, they may find themselves tolerant of the person after seeing them being hurt or mistreated by those around them.

It also helps with their understanding of people who are different from them or similar to them. So, therefore, instead of feeling alone or isolated, they will embrace whatever makes them unique, and they’ll know there’s somebody out there just like them.

Promotes Diversity and Acceptance

Movies can also promote diversity and acceptance. For instance, children who don’t travel can understand that different races, religions, and cultures make up humanity. Ultimately, such understanding eliminates unfounded prejudice and hatred.

Moreover, if a child sees someone in the film with a disability or losses they may have undergone, it will help them understand that their situation is not permanent. Since they might not have known others go through similar struggles as their own, but now, through television, they will embrace the endless opportunities despite the obstacles.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, movies can be a fantastic way for children to learn more about the world around them and interact with it. They provide many easy enough benefits for kids of any age level to take in, so make sure your little ones have plenty of access to these types of films. Moreover, through film, children understand complex concepts that you might have had a hard time explaining.

How Lifelong Learning Could Boost Your Earning Potential

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Career Discussions. A common misconception is that our learning stops immediately after being handed our diploma. The most effective and successful people however continue their learning and get often get rewarded for it. The following contributed post is entitled, How Lifelong Learning Could Boost Your Earning Potential.

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Image Pexels CC0 License

Are you someone that has a thirst for knowledge that you just cannot quench? If you have a passion for learning and enjoy building your knowledge, this can have many positive effects on your life. Staying interested in the world around you, reading a wide range of books, and taking courses is an excellent way to keep learning and developing throughout life. As well as enriching your life, all this knowledge and willingness to learn could prove invaluable to your work life. You may even find that a passion for lifelong learning can help you to boost your earning potential, so it is excellent news all around! Here are just a few of the ways that lifelong learning can help to boost your earning potential:

Increases Knowledge

The more knowledge you have built up over the years, the more this can benefit your career. When you have extensive knowledge of a range of subjects, this can open up numerous opportunities for you to put your knowledge to good use.

Builds Resilience

Continually seeking out learning opportunities throughout life takes resilience and determination. Having the patience and dedication to keep trying to develop and grow is not easy and helps you to build valuable character traits. Resilience and determination are essential attributes and are critical to the success of many entrepreneurs, so you may find your desire to keep learning makes you the ideal candidate to run your own business.

Teaches New Skills

Learning new skills and taking courses to build your knowledge and expertise on a given subject could make it possible for you to transfer these skills into an earning opportunity. If you are interested in stocks, shares, and investments, you may decide to take a course to learn to trade stocks. Taking part in the course will enable you to develop the skills needed to trade, and you will be able to put your new skills and knowledge into practice to begin trading.

Helps Discover Your Passions and Interests

Sometimes you may discover a book or take a course that inspires you to find out everything you can about the subject. Discovering a new passion or interest is a great way to stumble upon things that you love doing and learning all about them. In some cases, your interest in the subject may lead you to take it a step further and turn it into a side project or even a full-time career.

Opportunities to Meet New People

Learning new skills and building your knowledge provides the perfect opportunity to meet new people that share similar interests to yours. This is great from a social perspective, but also in terms of your career. If you are keen to pursue your interest beyond a hobby, you may find that people you meet along the way can help. Through your quest for knowledge, you are likely to meet prospective employers, suppliers, and a myriad of other people that could help you earn money from doing the things that interest you.

Turning Your Likes Into Hobbies And Beyond

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Health/Wellness. Our hobbies add value to our lives. In many instances they can be turned into different things beyond what we initially intended them for. The following contributed post is entitled, Turning Your Likes Into Hobbies And Beyond.

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Picture Source – CC0 Licence

If you have been looking for a new hobby, or even a new career, the place to start looking is at the things you already like. In some cases, you have not pursued one of these far enough to call it a hobby, but it is something that you would like to do more often. If you think it might even be something that you could see yourself doing as a career in the future, then it’s worth pursuing just in case. In this article, we’re going to be looking at some of the likes that you can turn into hobbies and beyond, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.


The first thing that you can think about is music. If you have a love of music, then you should maybe think about taking this a little further. To take it up as a hobby, you could learn to play an instrument, or you could think about learning to compose. There are many different ways to make music into a hobby, and it’s certainly a common hobby to have. If your love of music goes beyond this though and you think you would like to take it further, have a think about what it is going to take to break into the music industry. You’re going to need to be dedicated to making it work, that’s for sure, especially seeing as it is such a tough place to break into.


Another thing that you can think about is reading. If you like to read every now and then and you wish you had more time for it, make more time. If you are an early emergent reader, read more and turn it into a hobby. Love the books you read, get lost in the new worlds, go on magical adventures, get your heart broken and see the world in many different ways. This will be something fantastic to do in your spare time, and if you want to take this further and make reading into a career, you can.

You can think about becoming a book editor, reading books and making them smoother to read for the general audience. This is a fantastic idea for people who could happily read all day, every day and never get bored, and are also interested in a wide range of genres.


Finally, if gaming is your thing and you want to make it into something more than a hobby, platforms like Twitch are going to be able to help. You can stream the games that you are playing so people can watch you beat bosses or whatever it is that you need to do in any given game. A lot of people enjoy watching things like this, and it is a popular option. Or, you could look into becoming a videogame tester.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do in order to turn your likes into hobbies and sometimes even beyond. You just need to be willing to put in a little extra effort in order for things to work out, and if you can do this, then everything is going to be great. We wish you the very best of luck.

Some Reasons To Stay Interested In Learning Throughout Your Life

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Health/Wellness. Education is not just something to get a degree or a diploma. The benefits to continuing to learn are multi-fold. The following contributed post is entitled, Some Reasons To Stay Interested In Learning Throughout Your Life.

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Pixabay CC0 License

For many people, the idea of “education” is tightly interwoven with the school system, and often comes attached to negative memories and associations as a result.

Unfortunately, this can contribute to a belief that is not necessary – or important – to actively pursue learning throughout life, and many of us end up so caught up in the highs, lows and concerns of everyday life, that trying to specifically educate ourselves about different topics, in-depth, can seem outright impractical.

Here are just a few reasons to stay interested in learning throughout your life, and to keep looking for ways to expand your horizons and deepen your level of insight into different subjects.

Because the world is rich and deep, and learning more about it can expand your sense of wonder

First things first: there’s a big, fascinating, and rich world out there, that’s full of history and stories that it will often be impossible to imagine given a cursory glance.

Learning more about different topics, even about things like the history of capes, can really help to deepen your sense of wonder and appreciation for the dynamic and intricate nature of the world, and of life more generally.

If you only encounter the world at large in a passing manner, and see it on a surface level, there’s a lot of great and fascinating stuff that you are missing out on.

In some sense, maintaining an active sense of interest and wonder is the opposite of being jaded or disillusioned.

Because constantly learning helps to keep you sharp as you age

In the fascinating book “The Brain That Changes Itself,” the psychologist Norman Doidge shares many remarkable examples of people rebuilding their lives after brain injuries, by engaging in activities that help to promote neuronal growth and healing that was previously thought impossible.

One of the things that he investigates is the way in which maintaining active hobbies, and regularly exploring and becoming invested in new topics as we age, appears to help to protect the brain and keep us sharp.

Maintaining a lifelong interest in learning not only makes life more interesting, but can also make you more mentally agile, effective, healthy, and adept as time goes on.

Because often, knowledge is power

We all know the old saying that “knowledge is power,” and the fact of the matter is that there is a lot of truth to that statement.

The more broadly we educate ourselves, and the greater number of different subjects we actively engage with, the more effective we are likely to be across a range of different dimensions.

In his book “Range,” the writer David Epstein makes a compelling case that success in life is more often associated with having a breadth of experience and insight, than it is with being hyper-specialised in one particular domain.

Maintaining an interest in learning can help to promote insight, and can make you more effective in various professional and personal contexts, while also helping you to be and remain well-rounded in general.

Get Off To A Good Start When Studying For A New Career

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and General Education. All careers require some level of study. When launching into a new career, you want to get off to the best start possible. The following contributed post is entitled, Get Off To A Good Start When Studying For A New Career.

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Image from Pexels – CC0 License

Studying for a new career, whether it’s your first career or you’re retraining, opens up new opportunities for you. It might be time-consuming and maybe expensive too, but it’s worth it if you want to improve your future. If you’ve chosen to study for a new career, you can choose to put in the minimum amount of effort to get the qualifications and experience that you need or you can try to do as much as possible to put yourself in the best position at the beginning of your career. When you are still learning and just starting out, here are some of the things you can do to find success.

Get the Right Tools

Having the right tools when you’re studying is a must. There are some things that you might be required to have while completing a course or attending lessons. However, even outside of formal learning, it can be a good idea to have some useful tools for self-led learning. As a dental student, buying your tools from dental equipment suppliers will ensure you have the right supplies to learn in your own time. If you’re learning to code, there are software programs and tools that will help you to practice.

Seek Out Work Experience

As well as learning in a classroom environment or by following educational material, it’s always helpful to get “real world” experience. Looking for work experience will help you to prepare for the world of work, once you have the required certifications and knowledge to get started in your new career. Having work experience will make it easier for you to find a job when you’re ready. You might find that there are internships available or shorter work experience days or weeks. Shadowing someone or being mentored by someone can help you to learn a lot.

Image from Pexels – CC0 License

Make Connections

Knowing the right people is extremely helpful when you’re starting a new career. It’s much easier to get a foot in the door if you have some connections. You don’t need to know very powerful people, but it’s helpful if you start getting to know some people who are already established in your industry. They won’t necessarily give you a job opportunity directly, but you could know someone who can inform you of something that’s suitable for you, recommend you, give you a reference or offer advice on how to find a job.

Choose Your First Job Carefully

When it’s time to find your first role in your new career, it’s understandable that you might want to take the first opportunity that comes along. You might be scared that you won’t get anything better, even if you’re unsure about the role that’s being offered to you. However, you should be careful about finding your first job. While you can’t expect to step into your dream role, you should think about what you’re looking for and what you don’t want.

When you’re studying for a new career, there are plenty of things you can do to prepare yourself and get the best start.

Why Practicing An Art Can Help Your Math Skills

Two key focuses of my blog are General Education and STEM. While education seems to be more so now favoring the hard sciences, there is still an important role played by the arts. Not only do the arts make us ‘whole’ in a way, but they can also help with our education in mathematics and the sciences. The following contributed post is entitled, Why Practicing An Art Can Help Your Math Skills.

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Image sourced from Pixabay. CC0 License

Most things in life are numbers. Paychecks, TV channels, passwords, and shopping are just a few of the times we are faced with numbers. Math is at the basis for most things including the arts. Using the creative part of your brain is just as important as using the more cerebral (no pun intended) part of your brain. When you exercise both, your brain is more healthy, but the bonus is that your math and even science skills can be greatly improved by doing things like drawing, playing an instrument, and even dancing.

Here are a few artistic outlets you can try to balance your brain and improve your numbers game.

Take Up an Instrument

As entertaining as it is to see a musician feel the music and rock out on stage, music is really math. Each note you hear has a numerical value, and just like any scientific equation, the values all come together to make a melodious sound that is music to your ears. Notes have values like quarter notes, whole notes, and half notes that change value according to the time signature the music is composed in changing the beats and equation of the music. You will need some great math skills to be a good musician and playing music is also a great creative break from all your normal thinking.

Draw a Picture

Any architect will tell you that drawing is all inches and centimeters. To draw a great picture is all about perception and shapes, which will not only help your numbers game, but it will also help your geometry game as well. Knowing shapes like parallelogram, rhombus, or decahedron will come in handy when putting together your next great piece of art. Drawing is total perception, so knowing angles will help your artwork look like it should be hanging in a museum. Go to the store and get some art supplies and start flexing your numbers, your angles, and shapes before they get weak.

Let’s Dance

Athletes have been known to take dance because it helps them with agility and stamina on the field or on the court. Dance not only helps stimulate your physical agility, but dance can also stimulate your mental agility as well, especially in the realm of mathematics. Dance, as beautiful as it is to watch and experience, is all math. Every dancer keeps count as they dance in order to keep to the rhythm. Without music, a dancer can still perform and create a beautiful piece of art simply by using counting. By taking a dance class, you can release from the tension and stress of the world while using math to stay on the beat and move your body. If you have a science background in human physiology, dance is one of the best ways to feel the movement and workings of the body.

It may seem that art is for the artists, but little do they know, as a mathematician, without you there would be no art.

Factors to Think About Before You Choose a STEM Degree

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The career you choose is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. While STEM degrees are very valuable these days, consideration should be taken before choosing a field of study. The following guest post is entitled, Factors to Think About Before You Choose a STEM Degree.

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STEM degrees cover the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The demand for jobs belonging to STEM has relatively heightened across industries for the past few years. Along with the high demand for STEM graduates, the salary offered in these jobs lives up to its expectations.

That is why several students consider taking up a STEM degree when they enroll in colleges or online programs like Online Education (OEd). Though students may find STEM degree majors intimidating and formidable, graduates will most likely benefit from a higher job prospect compared to other degrees. Other than these major advantages, there are multiple reasons why a STEM career is an ideal path to take in the future. Nonetheless, it is crucial to consider a good deal of different factors before deciding on taking up the challenge to study for a STEM degree.

Factors to consider


88% of college students choose their degree based on their passion. Some students will prioritize choosing a degree that they are interested in to maintain a strong drive and desire to complete their studies after a few years. A STEM degree will be challenging to complete for plenty of individuals.

That is why succeeding in this field can be difficult if a student has no interest and desire to learn about the field. Individuals who consider choosing a STEM degree based on their passion and interest will more likely experience contentment and satisfaction in their jobs in the future. In addition, job burnout and stress can also be avoided in the future as long as they love what they do and find joy in their careers.


On the other hand, some students will prefer to be more realistic when choosing a degree in STEM. Getting a college degree is already an investment in itself as students pay money to study and master their chosen degrees. For this reason, most students prioritize the amount of security they can get in a specific career path.

Not all STEM degrees offer equal earning potential. Some STEM careers like chemists, psychologists, computer programmers, and geographers get paid quite less compared to high-paying careers like surgeons, petroleum engineers, and IT managers. Even so, STEM degrees still earn comparatively higher than careers in other disciplines.


A STEM major can specialize in different areas. As the unpredictability of the future can be a problem, having a flexible STEM degree can be beneficial at the end of the day. For example, A degree in computer science can open up endless opportunities career-wise.

As technology is apparent in society today, many areas in the industry use computer science graduates in different ways. It covers programming languages, software, algorithm design, and so much more. Moreover, a degree in math can also proceed to a variety of jobs and occupations. Expanding fields like forensic accounting and finance offer graduates an abundance of chances to gain all kinds of experiences in the industry.

The impact of STEM on society

Getting an education in STEM allows students to obtain skills and traits that can greatly impact the development of modern society today. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics have an immense contribution towards creating solutions for major challenges and issues present in the world. With the skill set acquired during STEM education, current labor demands can be met. The field of science can allow students to establish a deep understanding and relationship with the world and strengthen skills in research.

For technology, young adults have the opportunity to master and navigate today’s digital age and become exposed to technologically advanced ideas and inventions. Engineering heightens an individual’s problem-solving skills and develops the technical knowledge needed for future projects. Lastly, mathematics encourages students to have a critical mind and get used to analyzing information and formulas that can be applied to large-scale problems in the world.

Overall, the different areas and fields of STEM all have one thing in common. These disciplines have the power to shape and develop societies for generations to come. STEM education upheaves social and environmental awareness as it can convey global issues and possible solutions to society.

Students who have studied in areas like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are known to be outstanding innovators and critical thinkers. The knowledge, skills, and experiences they acquire during STEM education can sustain economies, eradicate world issues, promote globalization and developing economies. As the world continues to change and evolve, civilization must keep up with its changes, which can be achieved with the help of STEM careers and professions.

Robotics: A Powerful Educational Tool

Three focuses of my blog are General Education, STEM and Technology. As the world becomes more and more automated, there will be an increasing need for individuals to be trained in robotics and associated technologies. There are also benefits to robotics as an educational tool. The following guest post is entitled, Robotics: A Powerful Educational Tool.

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The field of robotics has numerous applications in various industries, usually in manufacturing different products in high volumes. Robots are ideal in these fast-paced environments as they can work for long hours without the risk of injury or exhaustion.

Robotics has also seen its impressive share of innovation through the years. Today, robots have the capability of sight. These robot vision systems increase precision and accuracy, helping improve the quality of products in many industries.

Aside from speeding up production processes, robots assist humans in other areas such as engineering and healthcare. Robotics also enriches the learning of students through their uses in the classroom setting. It provides a unique avenue of knowledge for learners of all kinds.

These are a few examples of how educators have adopted robotics as a tool for education.

Making Inclusive Education a Reality

Students in the STEM track are not the only ones who benefit from robotics. Students with special needs receive the necessary support for their different learning requirements.

An example of this is how robotics have been helping students in the autism spectrum develop their social skills. Some learners with autism can be uncomfortable in situations in which they have to interact with unfamiliar people.

Robotic solutions startup LuxAI responded to the need for innovative learning tools for children with neurodevelopmental disorders with the creation of QTRobot, an educational robot with play-based activities for social and cognitive development. These kinds of technologies make learning more encouraging and accessible for learners with disabilities.

Students with medical conditions that keep them from leaving home also benefit from having telepresence robots that enable them to do in-school activities. These robots are built to show a student’s presence in the classroom, with a tall vertical body with a screen on top to show the student’s face.

Simplifying Programming for Students

As robots increasingly play a larger role in daily living, students have much to gain from learning how to program. Robots are an interesting way to ease students into the art of programming, as these activities make learning about these technical and mechanical processes more enjoyable.

Of course, learning programming through the traditional classroom method is important. Bringing robotics in provides students with a practical application to help them put into practice what they learn in class.

Young learners can also more easily be introduced into the world of coding through robots. Many in the market teach kids aged three years old and above simple algorithms through puzzles and interactive storytelling. Robotics company Edison even has free lesson plans available online for use with their child-friendly robots, making coding education easier for many students.

Introducing robotics to children demystifies programming at an early age, thus encouraging more students to pursue STEM for higher education.

Sharpening and Broadening Students’ Skill Sets

More and more companies are automating to bolster their production and keep up with rising demands. However, industrial robots are complicated and often dangerous tools that trained professionals must only use. The rate at which organizations worldwide are adopting robots, and artificial intelligence necessitates more laborers who are knowledgeable in this field.

As robots take the place of humans in assembly lines, more human capital will be needed to operate and maintain these machines. Managing robots requires creativity and critical thinking skills, which are unique to humans, making humans an integral part of large-scale automation.

Giving Students Practical Experience Through Simulation

There are many ways in which students gain ample practical experience through educational simulators.

For example, students at the high school level often begin taking driving lessons. Driving simulators give driving students a realistic driving experience within a safe and controlled environment.

These simulators mimic the look and feel of driving an actual car, which helps students become better acquainted with the controls of a vehicle. The replication of real-life traffic situations also allows them to be prepared to face challenges that might come up on the road once they gain their driver’s licenses.

Simulators are also immensely helpful for medical students who will have to deal with various sensitive operations as doctors. These allow future doctors to gain training on how to perform surgeries safely and with precision. Simulations of different scenarios help them make proper decisions to ensure future patients’ safety while also preparing them for possible emergencies.

With its many applications in different fields, especially in education, robotics is a highly beneficial teaching tool for students of all levels. The sooner they are adopted in the classroom setting, the more enriched students’ learning will become.

Enjoy Science with the Kids and with STEM Activities

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). While some students are going back to schools, many are still doing their schooling at home. In some instances, parents are challenged in terms of conducting science experiments at home with their students. The following guest post is entitled, Enjoy Science with the Kids and with STEM Activities.

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Everyone has had to adjust these days. Due to the extended quarantine measures against COVID-19, parents are working from home and so are the kids. It has been a year since the pandemic; by now, parents have somehow adjusted to holding school at home. But there are always new ways to liven up your kid’s in-home schooling experience.

To inspire creativity, parents are holding piano lesson instructions, scheduling reading time or coloring with the kids. But if you’re planning to hone their skills in science while tapping into their sense of wonder, integrate STEM into their program.

The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities do more than hone the scientific and deductive skills of your child; it also promotes interactive and meaningful learning experiences for young children. STEM activities give your kids educational opportunities to solve problems, think creatively and discover the world on their own.

Make schooling more fun this year by incorporating the following STEM activities in their usual school day at home.

Build a Balance Scale

For this activity, you’ll need a plastic hanger, string and some cups. Create a hanging balance your children can use to experiment with weights. If you have older kids, have them build the balancing scale. Let the younger siblings watch.

To encourage interaction during the experiment, ask questions like “How many LEGOs does this doll weigh?” Add variety to the activity by sorting by materials or by shapes. If your children need to weigh items for their assignments, you can use this STEM project, too.

Create Craters

Take your child to space and still stay at home by making craters with flour, Play-Dough, weighted balls and rocks. Sphere up some Play-dough to represent the moon and add rocks to create craters. Explain that craters are the result of comets and asteroids. Invite your kids to make craters with the rocks and other materials on their moons.

For the younger kids, fill your sensory bin with flour and have them drop different sizes of balls into the bin to create craters. Compare the craters’ sizes.

Make Magnetic Slime

Children are all about slime. Also, homemade slime activities are staples for many teachers and parents looking a fun science experiment. This activity adds a dash of science by adding magnets and iron oxide power into the mix. To achieve the right slime consistency, you’ll have to add more liquid starch or glue. Once the starch is ready, you’ll need a strong magnet (preferably a neodymium magnet) to play with the slime.

This science experiment serves as a conversation starter for children who have questions about how magnets work.

Build Some Jellybeans

Introduce the kids to simple engineering with some jellybeans or large marshmallows and toothpicks. Connect the jelly beans and toothpicks and ask your child which of the shapes stack well, hold together or are more interesting to look at.

This activity serves as a simple introduction to the thought, technology and design behind structural engineering. Make it more interesting by challenging the kids to build a specific structure or their jellybean home.

Enjoy Explosions with a Lunar Volcano

Take kids to see some moon volcanoes by making your own. All you’ll need are baking soda, black paint, cookie sheets or trays, vinegar, and squeeze bottles. Mix the baking soda with black pain. You can also add some glitter. Spread the mixture on the cookie sheets or trays before filling the bottles with vinegar.

Next, have your child draw and make craters on the moon. During this experiment, explain to them how scientists believe that volcanoes erupted on the moon’s surface. Let the children create their eruptions by dropping vinegar into the craters. Discuss the chemical reaction with the kids after.

Pipe Cleaner Counting

For children who are just learning how to count, understanding the increase in numbers can be confusing. Simplify math with some help from beads and pipe cleaners. These items can help the kids learn how to count while visualizing how numbers increase in size.

Take small pieces of paper and label each pipe cleaner with a number. Next, have the kids arrange the pipe cleaners in order (from greatest to smallest or vice versa) while stringing the correct number of beads. To improve their memory, have them count aloud.

STEM Projects Liven Up School Days

Now that you have more ideas on simple STEM activities for children, you are well-equipped to help the kids explore science, technology, engineering and math. There are many other STEM activities available for all ages. So, have fun exploring with your kids at home!

4 Things to Consider Before Changing Your Major

A key focus of my blog is General Education. Many students launch off into their educations eager to study one major, only to find that they want to study something else. Changing your major can have long last ramifications though. The following guest post is entitled, 4 Things to Consider Before Changing Your Major.

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You’ve taken STEM in senior high and fell in love with it, but now that you’re studying a hard science major in college, you’re thinking of shifting to something else, something that you know you truly want and would make you happier than your current major.

If you’re already decided that you want to pursue something else, congratulations. The hard part is over. However, there are still several things you should consider before rushing into the college secretary’s office. And putting more thought into these factors will help ensure that you’re making the right decision:

1. Timing

Most students can change their majors at any point in their college career, but it doesn’t always lead to making good use of one’s resources. For instance, if you’re thinking of changing your major in your third year, the huge changes in your academic plan may not be worth it. After all, you’re probably looking at adding four or more semesters of college, and that’s four more semesters of spending money on your education. Unless you’re made of money, changing your majors too late in your college career is not always a feasible option.

That said, switching to a new major is best done in your first or second year (but some students in their second year may still be hesitant to do so). If you’re already past this point but not changing your major is simply not an option, make sure that you know the implications–which brings us to our next points:

2. Financial needs

Like we said before, changing your major can mean extending your stay in college, which, of course, comes with more semesters’ worth of expenses. Even if you have a full-ride scholarship, you still have to spend money for your other necessities as a college student. And if you don’t have a scholarship, extending your stay also means paying for more years of tuition.

Be sure to mull over this particular factor, maybe even more than the others on this list. If you find the extra costs of staying a few more years is worth it, then, by all means, apply for that major change.

3. Future career options

Many students change their majors with the goal of improving their post-college opportunities. However, many of them do so with poorly informed decisions, and some don’t even know that they can get into their target industry without changing their majors to something else. If you don’t want to make the same mistake, do due diligence as early as now.

Attend career fairs, do online research, and interview professionals who are in the industry or field that you want to pursue in the future. Find out what kind of credentials you need to be able to put your foot in the door. With that, decide if you still need or want to change your major to pursue your future career. And if the answer is yes, you have to be a hundred percent sure that that career is the one you want.

Many college students don’t even know what kind of job they want to apply for after graduating. Hence, it’s always a good idea to start figuring out what you want as early as possible. In this way, you can better plan your academic route toward this future career, which can make it easier to jumpstart it after you graduate. However, remember to keep your options open; a lot can change before graduation, including your career goals.

4. Academic capabilities

Classes between two majors can have stark differences, which means the ease with which you breezed through the courses in your current major may not be present in the next. However, the opposite can also be true, and you may have an easier time with academics in your target major.

Either way, it is important to evaluate your academic capabilities before changing your major. If you’re not sure what skills or knowledge you need to complete the courses in the major that you want to shift to, you may want to take introductory or prerequisite courses in that major to gauge your academic capabilities–as well as the things you need to work on to be able to succeed in that major. If you find that it’s going to be more challenging than your current major, you have to steel yourself and perhaps rearrange your academic strategies before making the transition.

Changing your major in the middle of college can set you on a completely different path than the one you’re on now. That said, it’s only right that you think twice before making such a drastic change. So, if you’re thinking of shifting to a new major, these are the factors that you need to consider first.