5 Tips To Improve Your Writing Skills

Two key focuses of my blog are Blogging/Writing and General Education. The ability to write is a critical skill no matter what sector you aspire to go into. The better you get at it, the better off you’ll be. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Tips To Improve Your Writing Skills.

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Writing is one of life’s most underrated skills. Of course, there are many ways to make money from being a great writer. You could craft a Booker Prize winning novel, work as a freelance copyright, or create and monetize your own blog. These are all respectable ways to earn a living, but writing is not just useful as a means to financial success. It is a valuable skill in its own right.

Whatever career you are in, there is a good chance you have to write occasionally. You may have to draft business proposals or create Powerpoint presentations to deliver to clients. Monthly reports, marketing plans, press releases, financial statements: all of these are examples of the written word in which a miscommunication could be disastrous. Even if you are in a manual line of work, you probably still have to send emails or participate in Whatsapp conversations.

Being able to write well makes you more articulate and helps you get your point across in a much more concise and meaningful way. This can benefit you when convincing a client to do business with you, asking for a pay rise, or getting yourself out of trouble. But how do you become a better writer if you’re not naturally talented with the written word? Here are five tips to improve your writing skills.

Read more

The best way to become a better writer is to read profusely. This way, you can absorb different techniques and styles and gain a better understanding of what makes for good writing. Look at things like vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. Consume a variety of different texts from novels to news articles to scientific journals. Eventually, all this content will rub off on you and you’ll develop a keen eye for excellent writing.

Write a lot

Practice makes perfect, so make sure you devote some time each day to write. It doesn’t have to be public or even meaningful, as long as you make an effort to put pen to paper. Start a journal, publish a blog, or even just scrawl down some random thoughts in a notebook. The more you write, the more comfortable you will become and you’ll soon cultivate your own unique style.

Take a course

If you’re a complete beginner when it comes to writing, it is a good idea to learn from an expert. There are many courses and workshops that can help you develop your writing skills and turn your passion into a profession.

Edit everything

Once you’ve started writing for real, you need to become a perfectionist. It’s not enough to just churn out a blog post and hit publish. Be ruthless with the editing process and scrutinise every paragraph, sentence, and word. You need to be able to get your point across in as concise a manner as possible.

Get feedback

When you’re a writer it can sometimes be hard to see the wood for the trees. That’s why it can help to get feedback from an impartial observer. Ask friends and family to read your material and offer their criticisms and advice for how you could improve it. You’ll soon learn to identify your own flaws and work on them.

Home Schooling: Set Up The Ideal Space With These Tips

A key focus of my blog is General Education. Many parents are decided to home school these days. While you may be able to do educate your youngsters more effectively than the schools system, there are some things you need to consider. The following contributed post is entitled, Home Schooling: Set Up The Ideal Space With These Tips.

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Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

Many new homeschoolers ask how to best set up their classroom. The options can be overwhelming. Here are some suggestions for creating a comfortable and productive homeschooling environment.

Keep Your Mind Open

It doesn’t have to be a classroom! You’ll need a work surface, comfortable seating, good lighting, and storage space. It should be near the parent or home teacher so they can answer questions when not directly involved in the student’s work.

Choose The Right Worksurface

If possible, set aside a large table or desk where work can be spread out and returned to as needed. Consider employing a table that is only used occasionally or for one purpose. Keep a shared surface clean and uncluttered, and make it a family habit to clean thoroughly between uses.

Make It Comfortable

Choose a chair that you can sit in comfortably. Afraid of their seats? So are their parents! Ensure that each student and the adult(s) assisting them to have enough space and comfortable sitting. Consider extra seating for colleagues.

Build Up Supplies And Materials

Some families set up a homeschooling area in a separate room, while others use the kitchen table. Large chalkboards are used for lessons or seasonal drawings. Keep your stuff organized and have your kids help you.

Locate shelves and storage containers for easy access to resources. To keep supplies organized, use a mix of shelves, drawers, and other storage solutions. Storage for curriculum, reference, and library materials is also required. Using an inbox and outbox or dividers can help organize work in progress. All of the classroom resources require a place to live.

Keep Clutter And Distraction To A Minimum

Having a clutter-free homeschool and playroom for your child can be really relaxing. Rotating play pieces frees up space and allows for more imaginative usage. Some toys may be stored for many seasons and only be used for a few weeks. Year-round toys (like blocks and dolls) can be neatly stored each afternoon. Even very young children can learn to help “put the toys to bed” at the end of the day.

Minimizing noise can also help. Avoid background noises like music, TV, and computers while in class. Singing a song between activities is simple and can be found in the library, online, or in our bookstore under K-8 Resource Books.

The Decor

Aesthetics are also vital when planning your homeschooling space. Are the colours appealing to the primary users? If you can repaint the walls, choose a soothing colour like pale green, light blue, or muted lavender. Paint a portion of one wall chalkboard.

Display current academic and artistic work in a visible homemade art gallery. To keep the learning area simple and uncluttered, choose a wall away from the learning area. If you want to decorate a specific wall, use a large bulletin board or cork wall tiles to define it. Have a look at Miss Jacobs’s succulent classroom theme for some inspiration.

Above all, don’t stress if your space isn’t ideal! Follow your emotions, creativity, and experience. Homeschooling is like life. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share some of them in the comments below.

How To Teach Children About Tolerance

Two focuses of my blog are Current Events and General Education. A key term into today’s modern world is “tolerance” which means to become accepting of other people’s differences. In order achieve this society-wide, the population must become educated on it. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Teach Children About Tolerance.

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We can all take responsibility for teaching tolerance, whether we are parents, aunts and uncles, teachers, or just neighbors to a child. We must begin with children if we want to make the world a more empathetic place. They are the impressionable ones who are still establishing their worldviews, and it’s critical that they have strong role models and positive influences in their life. Tolerance is promoted not just in terms of religious and ethnic diversity, but also in terms of gender, physical and intellectual disability, size, shape, and everything in between. With words like woke and discrimination being part of our daily lives, we must make the world a more tolerant place. Read on to find out more.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Watch What You Say

Aside from never allowing your kid to bully or taunt others, be mindful of what you say yourself. Children are like sponges, and if they hear you say something disrespectful, they will feel it’s okay to say it; after all, you are their role model.

This is why, if you want your child to be a good, tolerant person, you must also respect others; your child will do the same. And remember, this isn’t just about talking about other people. Even remarks about your own physique (such as saying you look fat or that you’re stupid for not thinking of something or that you don’t like a particular part of yourself) might cause a youngster to form opinions about the people in their environment or even about themselves.

Encourage Self Confidence

A youngster who is secure in themselves is more inclined to accept differences and appreciate the worth in others. You will often hear that bullies are those who are unhappy in their own lives and have to lash out against others because they are afraid or worried about their own personalities.

The more confident a child is about how they are and what they can do, the less chance there is of them bullying or worrying about anyone else. As a parent or guardian, this is something that you can control – you can help your child be much more self-confident.

Talk About Differences Respectfully

Discuss the distinctions and differences between your family and friends (hair color, skin color, personal likes and dislikes, special traditions, and so on), and take the chance to discuss why it’s wonderful that people are so diverse. You might also talk about how people might be different, but that there will always be similarities. This can help a young child understand that differences are just a part of life and that there will always be something you have in common with someone, whether this is how you look, what you believe in, or something else entirely.

Answer Their Questions

Children might ask difficult questions about tolerance and discrimination, and if you don’t give them an answer, your lack of action can teach them that it is not acceptable to discuss differences or ‘uncomfortable’ things. This leads to more intolerance and misunderstandings.

Even if you’re stumped for words, assure them that you’ll come back to them with a response later. And make certain that you do. This is the ideal opportunity to learn something important yourself.

Evolution of Long Distance Education

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Technology. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the educational landscape was evolving. In its aftermath there may be even more distance learning as gathering is not as certain a thing as it was in the past. The following guest post is entitled, Evolution of Long Distance Education.

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Education has undergone a lot of changes from when it first started. Due to not being able to conduct student-gathered classes all the time which was caused by certain historic events like wars and plagues, there came a trend that moved towards long-distance education where teachers would remotely impart their knowledge through different forms of media.

Today, we know of how many educational institutions utilize video conferencing platforms to conduct online classes. But before this digital age, many other ways were created to fit the circumstances of different classes of people, different periods, and different existing technology. Here are some of the different forms of media that were utilized for long-distance education and how they are being used today.

Correspondence Education

Correspondence education was probably the very first attempt to deliver teaching services to students without face-to-face interaction. This involved an instructor writing down lessons and sets of instructions and sending these via mail to their students. The students would then mail back their homework as their class participation.

This method was mainly used as only an alternative when attending formal classes was either impossible or plain unaffordable. This kind of correspondence can slow down the education process since it can take a while before mails are sent and received, but students in this exchange were happy to wait for the sake of learning.

Correspondence education programs are still being practiced especially in the US where some universities offer courses that can be completed remotely. Although some still make use of postal services, many have transitioned to digitalized correspondence that shortens the waiting time in between the exchange.

Printed Materials

As it was used inside the classroom, printed texts were also sent out to students’ houses for home-based learning. Books and assignment sheets proved useful but were found to require the presence of an educator to help explain the printed information. The process of sending out printed educational materials is resurging during this pandemic, especially in many public schools with students who cannot avail the newer technology required for digital education.

Telephone Communication

Telephone communication was then used to aid students who weren’t physically able to attend classes. From their homes or inside hospital wards, students got to listen to their lessons while the teachers discussed them in school. An improved telephone device resembling a radio was placed inside the classroom which collects the audio of everything said in real-time and transmits it to the student on the other line, who can press a switch on their own device if they need to speak. The gadget inside the classroom has to be carried from room to room by a volunteer student when going to another class.

Today, the telephone has strayed far from education as there are more effective ways to deliver distance learning. But it has proven to be a necessity in business settings where making and taking calls for transactions have to be quick and efficient. The telephone system is used by businesses for outside calls as well as for contacting different departments inside the same building for convenience. Different strategies like the Xorcom reseller program for companies that provide communication solutions aim to maximize this internal communication in the corporate industry.

Broadcast-based Education

Televisions and radios were also used to deliver distance learning. Educational radio media, although used primarily for university broadcasting alongside traditional classroom settings, was extended to accommodate students far from school. Television, on the other hand, broadcasts live educational programs that employ different educators for different subjects. But both the TV and radio education had the disadvantage of being a one-sided learning process where the audience can only receive the information but not respond to it, at least immediately.

Educational radio and TV shows could only get feedback from their viewers after the broadcast has ended. This meant that active learning was limited by the capacity of the audience to view these shows.

But with technological innovations on the rise, television and radio education ultimately gave way to the prevalence of today’s virtual classrooms.

The Present: Virtual Classrooms

Almost everyone nowadays possesses or has access to computers. From personal laptops to smartphones, education is only a click away for students especially now when social distancing laws are limiting class gatherings. Combining all the good aspects of the previous kinds of media mentioned, our modern personal computers make it possible to receive a quality education from the comfort of our homes.

Of course, it has its drawbacks as well. But when face-to-face learning is not the best option, we can always count on the internet to reconnect students with their teachers.

Unexpected events can happen and disrupt our societal systems but we consistently find ways to resume our lives for the sake of progress. Education, being the main driving force behind the development of humanity, will always be a primary need that we will continue to uphold and improve as the years go by.

5 Ways To Advance In Your Career

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and General Education. Once starting a career, if it’s going to be your life’s path, you must think about advancing in your career. In many instances it’s not as simple as it sounds. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ways To Advance In Your Career.

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It’s always going to be the case that you’ll want to get ahead in your career. If you want to earn more or get a promotion, you need to be thinking about how you’ll progress. But it can be hard to work out how. Whether you’re in the digital world or not, there are a few ideas that can really help you. Let’s take a look at what you can do to get ahead at work.

1. Build A Personal Brand

First of all, you would definitely benefit from having your own personal brand in place. Think about how you can build up a reputation for yourself in your field. It’s a good idea to take a look at your reputation score and work out what you need to do to be able to position yourself as an expert. And, remember that this is going to take time and won’t be an overnight fix. But building it can certainly help your career to grow over time.

2. Improve Your Skills

From here, you might also want to make sure that you’re always working on your skills. If you want to get ahead, you might need to develop your skills to help you get there. There will be things that you can do that apply to your set field that will help you to get ahead. So start to work out what you can work on to grow and learn so much more.

3. Network

Next, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re networking. When it comes to things working out, you’ll need to be sure that you’re meeting the right people and making connections. You never know what opportunities can come your way because of this. So connect online and put yourself out there.

4. Get More Education

From here, you’re then going to want to think about your education. Because you might need to get a PhD or master’s in order to move to the next level. Maybe you even want to move industries or something similar? It could be the case that you really will need to get more education in order to effectively advance your career.

5. Put Yourself Out There

Finally, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re putting yourself out there a bit more. It could be the case that you just need to have more confidence and go after different opportunities. Sometimes, you hold yourself back because you’re afraid of failure or things being hard. But if you don’t ask, you won’t get. And what’s the worst that can happen? As long as you’re thinking outside the box and being creative, you’re definitely going to make it work for sure.

It can often seem like you don’t know where to go next with your career, but you can certainly turn things around by being a bit more focused and having a plan. So have a go at one of these options (or all five) and see if it finally pays off for you!

Digital Tools For The Modern Professionals

Three focuses of my blog are Career Discussions, General Education and Technology. As a professional in 2021 there a myriad of new tools at your disposal creating a completely new landscape. As such it’s important to understand and to know how to use these tools. The following contributed post is entitled, Digital Tools For The Modern Professionals.

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From entrepreneurs to business people and sales professionals, various digital tools will help you stay organized and on top of your game. This post is designed to provide you with a brief overview of some different digital tools available for entrepreneurs, business people, and sales professionals alike. It also includes tips on how best to use these apps to increase their effectiveness.

Image Credit

Entrepreneurs are at the forefront of innovation and progress, so it’s not surprising that there are various digital tools available for them.

Digital business cards

In this day and age, it’s not enough just handing someone a physical business card anymore. Entrepreneurs need digital business cards too! There are digital business card services available on the market, such as Blinq. The best part about this modern app is that entrepreneurs can make their digital cards right from their phones or tablets.

Time management

Apps allow entrepreneurs to track their working hours, set different goals, and even identify which times in the day they work best. These apps allow entrepreneurs to manage projects, collaborate with team members, and easily access files on the go through their phone or tablet.

Entrepreneurs need to stay productive while keeping track of how they spend their time. There are apps that allow entrepreneurs to track their working hours, set different goals, and even identify which times in the day they work best.

Money management

Professionals need a variety of digital tools for managing time and have to stay on top of finances too. There are many great apps for entrepreneurs when it comes to managing money. It allows entrepreneurs to track their budget, set goals for savings/spending, watch net worth increase over time and even get a credit score!

Digital assistants

Entrepreneurs can also take advantage of hiring virtual personal assistants who help manage tasks across the board. There are many apps available that entrepreneurs use as their digital assistants, such as Fiverr and Zirtual.

Project management

Business professionals have access to apps to manage projects, collaborate with team members and easily access files on the go.


Marketing tools are also important for any entrepreneur. There are many marketing apps available to help with marketing, such as Mailchimp. The best thing about these marketing apps is how easy it can be to keep marketing on track while being able to work from anywhere.


Sales apps: there are many great sales tools available to help entrepreneurs, sales people and business owners. One of the most popular for sales related tasks is called Close.co which helps with prospecting, scheduling meetings and other sales related activities that would typically be done in a day while working from home or remotely.


Presentation apps: presentation apps are also important for any entrepreneur. There are many presentation apps available to help with presentations, such as Haiku Deck and Powtoon. The best thing about these presentations is how easy it can be to make an engaging presentation from anywhere at any time.

The digital transformation has disrupted and transformed the professional world and how we function in it. Embrace it!

The Neglected Subconscious Benefits Of Movies On Young Minds

Two key focuses of my blog are General Education and Health/Wellness. While it’s not understood, movies actually benefits for the minds of young people. The following contributed post is entitled, The Neglected Subconscious Benefits Of Movies On Young Minds.

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Image Credit: Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

It is no secret that people love going to the movies. Whether you are a child, teenager or adult, there is something about seeing your favorite character on the big screen that provides an unparalleled experience.

Research has shown that this can positively affect the subconscious mind in adulthood when your kids watch films with powerful characters. This article will explore some of these overlooked benefits!

Educate on Social Issues

Movies can help educate your kids on social issues. For example, when they watch movies about bullying, they can become more sensitive towards their peers and are less likely to become bullies. In addition, films with women in leadership roles can help children learn to see women as equals in society.

Understanding Other Cultures

Movies can help children understand other cultures and their customs. For example, by watching movies with people from different backgrounds, they can slowly start understanding other cultures in the process. This shift is necessary because many films today focus on Western culture, but there are websites to watch any movie. For example, if you love to watch Asian movies, you can search how to watch Japan Netflix Movie and get help to do so.

Inspiring Creativity

Movies are a place where your children can get their creative juices flowing. For example, if there is a song playing in the movie that they love or an animal on screen they want to learn more about, it gives them the incentive to do research outside of class and discover new things for themselves. As a result, movies foster their creativity in the process.

Increased Emotional Intelligence

Research has shown that watching movies as a child increases emotional intelligence. Therefore, your kids will have the ability to better understand and react to other people’s emotions without being overwhelmed or confused by them. Emotional intelligence is vital for leadership and forming connections.

Expanding the Mindset

Kids who watch movies are also able to expand their mindset. For example, suppose they see a character in the film that is different from them. In that case, they start to understand differences and similarities between themselves and others, making it easier for them to feel comfortable around people of all races, genders, and backgrounds.

Developing Empathy

Additionally, research has shown that when kids watch movies, they will develop empathy faster than those who don’t. Typically, if an actor/actress on-screen does something wrong but gets punished later for it, then kids are more likely to believe that what happened was fair. Ultimately, such scenarios teach children about morality and justice for all.

They Stimulate Interest in Science

Movies can also teach scientific discovery. For example, if a character in the film is working to find an answer and then eventually does so, this will help children learn that anything is possible with enough time or effort. Kids need to know that these types of discoveries are within their reach at a young age as well! After all, prominent scientists got inspiration from cartoons like Elon Musk to go to space.

Kids Become More Tolerant Of Diversity

Finally, movies can help kids be more open-minded. For example, if a child dislikes someone in the film, they may find themselves tolerant of the person after seeing them being hurt or mistreated by those around them.

It also helps with their understanding of people who are different from them or similar to them. So, therefore, instead of feeling alone or isolated, they will embrace whatever makes them unique, and they’ll know there’s somebody out there just like them.

Promotes Diversity and Acceptance

Movies can also promote diversity and acceptance. For instance, children who don’t travel can understand that different races, religions, and cultures make up humanity. Ultimately, such understanding eliminates unfounded prejudice and hatred.

Moreover, if a child sees someone in the film with a disability or losses they may have undergone, it will help them understand that their situation is not permanent. Since they might not have known others go through similar struggles as their own, but now, through television, they will embrace the endless opportunities despite the obstacles.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, movies can be a fantastic way for children to learn more about the world around them and interact with it. They provide many easy enough benefits for kids of any age level to take in, so make sure your little ones have plenty of access to these types of films. Moreover, through film, children understand complex concepts that you might have had a hard time explaining.

How Lifelong Learning Could Boost Your Earning Potential

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Career Discussions. A common misconception is that our learning stops immediately after being handed our diploma. The most effective and successful people however continue their learning and get often get rewarded for it. The following contributed post is entitled, How Lifelong Learning Could Boost Your Earning Potential.

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Image Pexels CC0 License

Are you someone that has a thirst for knowledge that you just cannot quench? If you have a passion for learning and enjoy building your knowledge, this can have many positive effects on your life. Staying interested in the world around you, reading a wide range of books, and taking courses is an excellent way to keep learning and developing throughout life. As well as enriching your life, all this knowledge and willingness to learn could prove invaluable to your work life. You may even find that a passion for lifelong learning can help you to boost your earning potential, so it is excellent news all around! Here are just a few of the ways that lifelong learning can help to boost your earning potential:

Increases Knowledge

The more knowledge you have built up over the years, the more this can benefit your career. When you have extensive knowledge of a range of subjects, this can open up numerous opportunities for you to put your knowledge to good use.

Builds Resilience

Continually seeking out learning opportunities throughout life takes resilience and determination. Having the patience and dedication to keep trying to develop and grow is not easy and helps you to build valuable character traits. Resilience and determination are essential attributes and are critical to the success of many entrepreneurs, so you may find your desire to keep learning makes you the ideal candidate to run your own business.

Teaches New Skills

Learning new skills and taking courses to build your knowledge and expertise on a given subject could make it possible for you to transfer these skills into an earning opportunity. If you are interested in stocks, shares, and investments, you may decide to take a course to learn to trade stocks. Taking part in the course will enable you to develop the skills needed to trade, and you will be able to put your new skills and knowledge into practice to begin trading.

Helps Discover Your Passions and Interests

Sometimes you may discover a book or take a course that inspires you to find out everything you can about the subject. Discovering a new passion or interest is a great way to stumble upon things that you love doing and learning all about them. In some cases, your interest in the subject may lead you to take it a step further and turn it into a side project or even a full-time career.

Opportunities to Meet New People

Learning new skills and building your knowledge provides the perfect opportunity to meet new people that share similar interests to yours. This is great from a social perspective, but also in terms of your career. If you are keen to pursue your interest beyond a hobby, you may find that people you meet along the way can help. Through your quest for knowledge, you are likely to meet prospective employers, suppliers, and a myriad of other people that could help you earn money from doing the things that interest you.

Turning Your Likes Into Hobbies And Beyond

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Health/Wellness. Our hobbies add value to our lives. In many instances they can be turned into different things beyond what we initially intended them for. The following contributed post is entitled, Turning Your Likes Into Hobbies And Beyond.

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Picture Source – CC0 Licence

If you have been looking for a new hobby, or even a new career, the place to start looking is at the things you already like. In some cases, you have not pursued one of these far enough to call it a hobby, but it is something that you would like to do more often. If you think it might even be something that you could see yourself doing as a career in the future, then it’s worth pursuing just in case. In this article, we’re going to be looking at some of the likes that you can turn into hobbies and beyond, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.


The first thing that you can think about is music. If you have a love of music, then you should maybe think about taking this a little further. To take it up as a hobby, you could learn to play an instrument, or you could think about learning to compose. There are many different ways to make music into a hobby, and it’s certainly a common hobby to have. If your love of music goes beyond this though and you think you would like to take it further, have a think about what it is going to take to break into the music industry. You’re going to need to be dedicated to making it work, that’s for sure, especially seeing as it is such a tough place to break into.


Another thing that you can think about is reading. If you like to read every now and then and you wish you had more time for it, make more time. If you are an early emergent reader, read more and turn it into a hobby. Love the books you read, get lost in the new worlds, go on magical adventures, get your heart broken and see the world in many different ways. This will be something fantastic to do in your spare time, and if you want to take this further and make reading into a career, you can.

You can think about becoming a book editor, reading books and making them smoother to read for the general audience. This is a fantastic idea for people who could happily read all day, every day and never get bored, and are also interested in a wide range of genres.


Finally, if gaming is your thing and you want to make it into something more than a hobby, platforms like Twitch are going to be able to help. You can stream the games that you are playing so people can watch you beat bosses or whatever it is that you need to do in any given game. A lot of people enjoy watching things like this, and it is a popular option. Or, you could look into becoming a videogame tester.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do in order to turn your likes into hobbies and sometimes even beyond. You just need to be willing to put in a little extra effort in order for things to work out, and if you can do this, then everything is going to be great. We wish you the very best of luck.

Some Reasons To Stay Interested In Learning Throughout Your Life

Two focuses of my blog are General Education and Health/Wellness. Education is not just something to get a degree or a diploma. The benefits to continuing to learn are multi-fold. The following contributed post is entitled, Some Reasons To Stay Interested In Learning Throughout Your Life.

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Pixabay CC0 License

For many people, the idea of “education” is tightly interwoven with the school system, and often comes attached to negative memories and associations as a result.

Unfortunately, this can contribute to a belief that is not necessary – or important – to actively pursue learning throughout life, and many of us end up so caught up in the highs, lows and concerns of everyday life, that trying to specifically educate ourselves about different topics, in-depth, can seem outright impractical.

Here are just a few reasons to stay interested in learning throughout your life, and to keep looking for ways to expand your horizons and deepen your level of insight into different subjects.

Because the world is rich and deep, and learning more about it can expand your sense of wonder

First things first: there’s a big, fascinating, and rich world out there, that’s full of history and stories that it will often be impossible to imagine given a cursory glance.

Learning more about different topics, even about things like the history of capes, can really help to deepen your sense of wonder and appreciation for the dynamic and intricate nature of the world, and of life more generally.

If you only encounter the world at large in a passing manner, and see it on a surface level, there’s a lot of great and fascinating stuff that you are missing out on.

In some sense, maintaining an active sense of interest and wonder is the opposite of being jaded or disillusioned.

Because constantly learning helps to keep you sharp as you age

In the fascinating book “The Brain That Changes Itself,” the psychologist Norman Doidge shares many remarkable examples of people rebuilding their lives after brain injuries, by engaging in activities that help to promote neuronal growth and healing that was previously thought impossible.

One of the things that he investigates is the way in which maintaining active hobbies, and regularly exploring and becoming invested in new topics as we age, appears to help to protect the brain and keep us sharp.

Maintaining a lifelong interest in learning not only makes life more interesting, but can also make you more mentally agile, effective, healthy, and adept as time goes on.

Because often, knowledge is power

We all know the old saying that “knowledge is power,” and the fact of the matter is that there is a lot of truth to that statement.

The more broadly we educate ourselves, and the greater number of different subjects we actively engage with, the more effective we are likely to be across a range of different dimensions.

In his book “Range,” the writer David Epstein makes a compelling case that success in life is more often associated with having a breadth of experience and insight, than it is with being hyper-specialised in one particular domain.

Maintaining an interest in learning can help to promote insight, and can make you more effective in various professional and personal contexts, while also helping you to be and remain well-rounded in general.