How Small Businesses Can Afford Their Equipment

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key challenge for many small business owners starting off is covering their operating expenses. The following contributed post is thus entitled; How Small Businesses Can Afford Their Equipment.

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Entrepreneurship is one of the primary principles of your ecosystem of success. As you get to build your business, you build, with it, its path to success. Every strategy, every market research, every service or product moves your company forward along the success ladder. The aim, naturally, is to climb the ladder, and not to fall back one or few steps lower. However, expenses, and especially equipment purchases can exercise a negative drain on your cash flow and your rate of expansion. While a company can’t provide its offering to the market without the appropriate equipment, its purchase can bring insurmountable obstacles and threaten growth. In a desire to continue your business journey safely and on stable grounds, you need to be able to look out for alternatives solutions.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

They look for cost-friendly alternatives
High tech machinery comes at a price, especially in industrial sectors such as agriculture and construction businesses where the business can’t perform without specialized equipment. For many small businesses, the cost of purchasing brand new machinery can drag the budget in the red and put the company at risk of bankruptcy. Entrepreneurs are rightly suspicious of second-hand equipment, which could present faults and represent an even higher cost in the long term. However, you can find safe and professional auctions online that guarantee customer care services and precise description of each item. You can save money on used equipment that works for your business.

A typical auction room

They choose not to buy
Expensive machinery requires specialist maintenance and servicing. Needless to say, if the equipment is draining the budget, it’s likely that the necessary maintenance schedule might affect your cash flow significantly. As a result, only a few small businesses are happy to commit to the purchase of equipment during their first years of existence. For many, hiring the equipment they need for the duration of specific projects and tasks ensures that the teams are supplied with everything they need in real time without permanent commitment. Ultimately, while it’s not a viable approach in the long term – especially as projects multiply and the need for equipment increase – it can allow your company to build up the necessary capital to purchase.

They sell their specialist knowledge to partner companies
A subcontractor is, by definition, a professional who owns their own business and is hired by another company to support a project. Their skills are designed to enhance the set of talent the company has to offer. For small businesses, acting as a subcontractor can ensure access to high-quality equipment on a project basis without needing to purchase or hiring additional machinery.

They use tax relief
Last, but not least, small companies can receive a permanent tax break when they buy new equipment. Indeed, by using the Section 179 deduction, a small business can immediately write off the items of equipment – without waiting for the natural depreciation to run its course over several years. The tax provision is only aimed at small and medium companies in an attempt to support growth.

Applying any of these financing solutions can ensure that your small company gets access to the equipment you need for growth without putting your cash flow at risk.

3 Qualities Any Product Should Have

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When generating a product of any kind for business/commercial use, there are some basic considerations to keep in mind as the seller/creator and for the customer. The following contributed post is thus intitled; 3 Qualities Any Product Should Have.

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Regardless of which side of the equation you happen to be on – whether you are a business owner making products for the general public, or a member of that public using products made by businesses – it’s good to know what people generally expect from products of all kinds, and what qualities tend to be important in products of all kinds. The truth is, this helps you to determine where you should put your money, and when you should complain – and if you do happen to be a business owner, it is also clearly important in ensuring that the products you make are made to the highest professionalism and degree possible. In this article, we are going to look at three qualities that any product should have, and which should be considered unavoidable. As long as a product has these three, it is much more likely to be a good acceptable product worth buying.


All in all, a product should answer some kind of problem with a useful solution. If it does not do this, it might be worth asking why it exists at all. But determining the usefulness of something is not always that easy, and it’s something which you will need to think about whether you are buying or making a product. The truth is it is hard to tell how useful something is until it is being used by people. But you can at least try to work it out by looking into what kind of solution it appears to be answering, and seeing if it is doing that. As long as it is, it is likely a product that people will enjoy greatly, and it will probably be successful and popular to some degree. Whereas, if it is not useful, that is much less likely to happen.


Something that we should consider an absolute basic of any product in the world is that it is safe – or at least as safe as possible, as obviously there are occasions when a product is by definition not safe – such as a weapon or a vehicle. But even those things need to undergo particular safety standards – in fact, especially those things – and a product being safe should be considered an absolutely vital aspect of it on the whole. If you ever buy a product which causes you some kind of injury or illness, then you should think about contacting a product defect lawyer, as they will be able to assist you with what your rights are and what the law states. But hopefully, the products you use won’t cause you any harm in the first place.


Finally, you should be able to use a product in an easy intuitive sense, so that you can get out of it exactly what you need to at all times. This kind of intuition is something that you can easily work on if you are developing products, and it is all about making sure that it works in the way that people would expect. This is a hugely important part of a product being usable and enjoyable, so it’s worth remembering.

Don’t Make These 5 Big Business Mistakes When Starting Out

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and two key areas of focus are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When starting any new business venture, some mistakes will be invariably be made, but it’s important to know what mistakes not to make. This contributed post is thus entitled, Don’t Make These 5 Big Business Mistakes When Starting Out.

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Many business owners make mistakes when just starting out. This is ok; learning from mistakes and making changes that way is absolutely key, so mistakes shouldn’t be looked at as a reason not to begin in the first place. If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll never get anything done!

However, just because mistakes can be looked at in a positive light, doesn’t mean you should make the same mistakes that many new entrepreneurs have made time and time again. Avoiding obvious mistakes can save you a lot of time and money. Below we have 5 big business mistakes you should avoid when you’re just starting out. Take a look:

1. Skipping The Planning Stages
Why would you skip the planning stages of your business when they are the stages that can make all the difference to your business later on down the line? Planning your business in detail with a business plan (you can use a template to make it easier if you’re not sure how to begin) will keep you focused later on down the line and give you something to refer back to if you need it.

A business plan can help you to look at things objectively when you encounter problems, as well as secure financing. Do not skip these stages if you want to make a success of your business!

2. Not Setting Goals
Setting both long and short term goals for your business is imperative if you want to make sure you achieve what you set out to achieve. However, you should find out how to set effective goals first. They should be measurable and actionable, so you can accurately assess whether you have met your goals and break them down into baby steps. Goal setting is a very important step in every entrepreneurs journey.


3. Undervaluing Your Products and Services
It’s normal to want to get more customers and interest when you’re just starting out, but undervaluing your products and services is not the way to do this. You need to make sure you’ve thoroughly researched your competition so that you can price your products and services fairly. You don’t want to be known as a cheap or budget business if you offer high quality products and services. It can actually go against you, even if you think it’s a good idea at the time.

4. Not Thinking About Things In The Legal Sense
You’ll need to think about all of the legal implications of your business, such as insurance, contracts, and anything else that could trip you up later on down the line. You can read this webpage to learn more about contract draughting and get a feel for why it is important. You want to make sure that you, your business, your customers, and your team are all protected adequately.

5. Failing to Research Your Ideal Customer
Researching your ideal customer will help you to create better marketing campaigns as you can target people right down to their age, profession, relationship status, and more. Who are you servicing with your business?

3 Reasons Why Business Minded Employees Should Have a Side Hustle

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and a key area of focus is Business/Entrepreneurship. Many individuals have ‘side hustles’ outside of their day jobs, some of which replace their day jobs, while others create a supplemental income. There are several considerations when creating side hustles. This contributed post is thus entitled, 3 Reasons Why Business Minded Employees Should Have a Side Hustle.

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No doubt you’ve heard of the term side hustle. It’s a multifaceted term that applies to a wide range of activities which involve everyday people making money on top of their day wage in your free time. This can range from using apps to make money from their supermarket receipts to starting up their own businesses. However you choose to side hustle, in an increasingly uncertain economic climate, it can be a great path to economic stability and equilibrium for hard working families who never quite seem to have enough disposable income, even when they pull in as much overtime as they can manage. Whether you do it to earn a little money to make your carefully planned household budget easier to manage or as a precursor to full time entrepreneurship, there are a number of reasons why a side hustle may be beneficial to your household.

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First, the caveats

When you choose to side hustle alongside your day job, it’s vital that you keep certain caveats in mind. For example, time management becomes an exceedingly important skill. Remember that even though you pay tax on your day wage, your income from your side hustle is still taxable and needs to be claimed. Of course, this also means that the expenses incurred in carrying out your side hustle are tax deductible. Needless to say, you should retain a clear delineation between your day job and your side hustle. Never, ever use company time or resources for your side hustle as this can land you in a world of trouble. Attain the right balance, however, and your side hustle will benefit you in a number of ways…

It can provide a safety net if you are injured at work or fall ill

Even if your workplace has a group insurance policy, an accident or injury at work can still be ruinous to your finances. Your employer’s insurer may reject a claim for either disability insurance or workers’ comp on the flimsiest of pretexts. That’s why, if your workplace injury renders you unable to work it’s vital that you visit to help secure that which you are entitled to. Even if your claim is successfully processed, a side hustle can still be beneficial.

You may still be able to manage your side hustle even if you cannot return to work, and it can provide a revenue stream that either supplements your disability insurance (keep in mind that some insurers may place restrictions on how much you can earn) or help keep the bills paid while your claim is processed.

It can give you the satisfaction and fulfillment you’re not getting at work

Many turn to side hustles because they have fallen out of love with their day job. They may have lost their passion for their profession or not get the same sense of challenge or reward that they once did. This can be extremely frustrating or demoralizing, especially if your job has allowed your skills to stagnate. A side business can give you back that feeling of challenge and accomplishment while helping you to build new skills. For example when your business is ready to take on new employees you will be imbued with leadership and management skills.

It can give you an opportunity to save

Finally, saving is an important part of any well maintained household finances. The trouble is that many of us struggle to find enough disposable income at the end of the month to pay into them. By paying a portion of your earnings from your side hustle directly into your savings you can insulate your household from unexpected expenses!

Making More Of Yourself In The Working World

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and a key focus is Career Discussions. Once starting a career, all of us eventually have to reassess our positions, and figure out what directions to take in the future. The following contributed post shares some tips for doing such and is entitled; Making More Of Yourself In The Working World.

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Once you’re settled in a job role, it’s easy to let your standards slip. However, as we’ll discuss in this post, you should always be aiming to make more of yourself in the working world. Otherwise, your job might become repetitive and you might find that you struggle to move on to better jobs or even different careers in the future. Here’s how to achieve more in the competitive business world.

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Reassess your current job.
You could make more of yourself in the working world if you assessed your current job role. And we’re talking about more than the general job description; we’re talking about the actual work you do from day to day. Are you satisfied with your job role? Do you want more out of your career? It might be time to start stretching yourself, as suggested at The best way to achieve more in life is to push yourself beyond your usual boundaries. You can’t grow unless you break out of your repetitive pattern. Maybe you could offer to do a presentation at work or take on some other project that’s new for you. Make your job more exciting and push yourself to be better.

Of course, you might reassess your job and find that the problem extends beyond your workload. Maybe you’re actually happy with the industry in which you work but the problem is your specific company. You might have an apathetic boss or colleagues who cause issues for one another. Perhaps you’ve even been injured on the job. If that’s the case then you might want to check out for compensation that you might be owed. It’s important to get the lost wages or general financial support you deserve after such an incident. Essentially, if the business for which you work is poorly managed then it might be time to move on. That way, you can make more of yourself in the working world.

Work on your social skills.
Another way to make more of yourself in the working world is to start socializing. Connect with the colleagues in your workplace. You might even want to use tools like social media to network, as we’ve suggested before. By connecting with others in your industry through social networks, you might learn things that help you to progress in your own career. You need to expand your horizons if you really want to flourish in your job. As we’ll discuss in the final point, you should never stop learning if you want to reach greater heights in your career.

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Add things to your resume.
As suggested at, you need to put together a captivating resume if you want to get a better job in the working world. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore your resume if you’re well settled in your current job. You never know what the future holds. You should keep working on your resume so that you’re prepared if you want to move on to a new job or even a new industry in the future. Keep learning. You might even want to get qualified in new areas so that you flesh out your CV and look more impressive in the eyes of employers. By bettering yourself, you’ll also be able to achieve more in your existing job role. Personal development is the best way to make more of yourself in the working world.

When Enough Is Enough: Knowing When It’s Time To Quit Your Job

“Knowing when to quit your job isn’t always straightforward. You need the money, after all. But if your health is at risk, or if you know you aren’t where you are supposed to be, then you do need to consider the option. Life is too short to stay in a job that isn’t benefiting you.”

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and a key focus is Career Discussions. In any job, it’s critical to know when to leave. The reasons vary and it’s different for everyone based upon: personal health, promotion potential, and whether or not it’s still a good mutual fit. How do you know when to quit your job? The following contributed post is entitled, When Enough Is Enough: Knowing When It’s Time To Quit Your Job.

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Knowing when to quit your job isn’t always straightforward. You need the money, after all. But if your health is at risk, or if you know you aren’t where you are supposed to be, then you do need to consider the option. Life is too short to stay in a job that isn’t benefiting you.

If anything we say in this article relates to you, then start to plan a career move. It could be the best thing you do today, especially if you are reading this now, feeling utterly miserable because of the job you are currently in.

These are some of the reasons why you should say “enough is enough” and call it quits on your current position.

1. You wake up with a feeling of dread every morning

Most us resent the intrusion of the alarm clock at some point in our lives. The thought of going into work doesn’t always provoke happy feelings. But if you feel dread at going into work every morning, then something is clearly wrong. It could be for one of any number of reasons – your boss is an idiot, your colleagues are bullies, the job role holds no meaning for you – and if you can’t change the situation that is causing you to feel dread in the morning, then getting out of there could be the best thing you can do.

2. Your workplace is a health and safety nightmare

Your employer’s legal duty is to care for your safety and well-being while at work. But if that safety is compromised in any way, perhaps because you haven’t been given the correct training to handle a dangerous job role, or your employer is cutting costs and corners within safety measures, then you need to think about your health and safety. You may have legal protection should an accident befall you at work – check here to find out more – but do you really want to work in a place where safety measures are not placed as a priority? It shows lack of care in you, as the employee, for starters. Moving into a new career could be a literal life-saver!

3. Your job role isn’t safe

If involuntary redundancies are common in your company, then it may be in your best interest to find another job before you find yourself on the unemployment line. This is especially true if the industry in which you work isn’t considered safe anymore. We are heading into a world without employees, where robots and machines are literally taking over some job roles, so if you work within a particular career type, such as any of those listed here, then a career move could well be in order before an autonomous drone shuffles into your position. There are other job types that will survive the robot invasion, including anything that is primarily people-oriented, such as teaching, healthcare, and social work, so consider your options if a career move is the right thing for you.

4) There’s no new opportunities for you

If there’s no career advancement available for you, it might be best to look elsewhere for your livelihood. Once upon a time this might have been your dream job, but now it’s a dead end position that doesn’t provide you with any benefits.

That’s not a desirable position to be in for multiple reasons. Say one day you have to enlist the aid of a criminal defense lawyer; your current salary may not allow you to afford one for more than a couple days. Without new opportunities in the form of a pay rise or promotion, this kind of uncertainty will always hang over your shoulders.

So, is it time to call it quits on your job? If your physical and mental health is in danger because of the role you are in, or if you are feeling insecure because of the threat of being made redundant, then yes, you are probably right to move on. Figure out your next move, do what you need to do to secure a new job role, and then say “enough is enough” to the position you are currently in.

Deliver The Best Deliveries For Your Customers

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. For businesses that ship inventory to consumers, it’s important to be able ship your deliverables in the most efficient manner and to keep customer satisfaction high. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Deliver The Best Deliveries For Your Customers.

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Do you know what the biggest issue many customers have with businesses? It’s that they don’t offer quick enough deliveries or that they seem to overcharge for the shipment. As a result, some companies can struggle with their customer service reviews, and they might get a few more poor online reviews than they would like.

Don’t let your deliveries drag you down like this! There are ways you can up your game and improve the overall delivery and shipment processes within your company. Read on to find out more!

Make The Internal Process As Simple As Possible

One of the first things to work on is your internal delivery process. One of the main problems that many companies have with their process is that it is far more complicated than it should be. Thankfully, it can be easy to cut down and make a lot more efficient. The key to that is to try and take away as many steps from the whole process as possible. That will slim it down and make it a lot more effective.

Train Your Warehouse Staff

You also need to offer regular training to all of your warehouse staff. As these are the employees that will be handling all orders and ensuring that they are shipped out on time, keeping them well trained will ensure their productivity. It also informs them about the best way to handle fragile goods and perishable items that might need to follow special regulations.

Consider Outsourcing Deliveries

If you find that trying to handle all of the deliveries is too much for your company, you could always outsource them. You could hand the packaged shipments to a courier service, for instance. If you sell large items, then you might need to find a flatbed trucking company. There are some businesses that also like to outsource their storage as well. Thankfully, there are some courier companies that will be able to store and ship all of your products for you for very reasonable prices.

Be On The Ball With Your Stock Takes

If you do keep hold of your own stock, then it’s best to stay very organized with your stock takes. Ideally, you should try to carry them out at least once a week. This helps you carry out stock rotation and will reduce the chances of you ever selling out.

Ensure Customers Are Up To Date

I’m sure that all of your customers will want to be kept up to date with all the orders that they placed. In fact, it’s the not knowing part that can often result in a lot of bad reviews! So, make sure your customers always receive a tracking number and that they can use this to see every step that their item makes on its journey. At least this will give them a better idea of when they can expect their purchase to arrive!

Hopefully, all of these tips can help you improve the delivery of all orders for all of your customers!

Financing A Business When You Don’t Have Capital

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key to starting a business and growing it to the point where it thrives is acquiring the startup capital and then finding ways to run budget surpluses going forward. The following contributed post discusses tips for doing this and is entitled, Financing A Business When You Don’t Have Capital.

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One of the hardest parts of trying to run a business in the modern world is the spending which has to come alongside it. With fewer people than ever before managing to build up savings, most don’t have the money to start something like this when they are working in a normal job, and this makes it a challenge to try and find a foothold. Of course, though, you don’t need to finance something like this for yourself. Instead, as long as you’re willing to do some research, you can find loads of ways to fund your company without having to save.

Investments: Traditionally, investments have long been one of the most popular ways for a new company to be able to afford their initial expenses. You will often have to pay for this by giving away a piece of the business, making it appealing to some people, while also providing an easy way to get yourself started very quickly. There are loads of companies out there which can put you in touch with someone like this, making it even simpler to get started.

Loans: If you’d rather avoid giving away a slice of your hard work, you could look down a slightly different avenue. There are consumer portfolio services all over the world. These businesses provide funding for other companies on a loan basis, with special terms and conditions which are designed to make your first few years very secure. In this case, you will have to pay all of the money back by yourself, but will have an income to help you to do it.

Something Free: Not all ventures need to have money spent on them to get started. In fact, over the last few years, it’s become much more common for people to seek methods which give them the ability get their company started for free. Working online, dealing with services, and a host of other ideas make it possible to get started for nothing or very little investment. This is a great way to avoid getting involved with tricky finances which could make life harder later on.

Grants: Finally, as the last idea on this list, you may have the chance to look towards your government to help you. Certain types of industry are being heavily pushed by these groups, nowadays. Green technology, computing, and loads of other fields have grants available to small companies. You will have to work to meet certain criteria to be able to get something like this, but this will be worth it once you’re able to fund yourself for free.

There are loads of ways to handle this sort of work, and most people will have their own idea of what should be done. Of course, though, it’s always worth doing plenty of your own research, making sure that you’re not going down the wrong route with your business. If you need direct support with this, a business management company will be able to give you some advice, making it even easier to get started.

Cut Through The Mumbo Jumbo Maze To Keep Your Business Secure

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. Most businesses today have a digital component and thus it’s important to know how to keep your information systems secure. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Cut Through The Mumbo Jumbo Maze To Keep Your Business Secure.

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Every business should be focusing on security these days. But it can be difficult to know where to start with the task of keeping your business and indeed your customers protected. There’s a lot of tech nonsense online about how to do it that the average business owner probably doesn’t understand. This leaves them with only one option. Hiring an expensive security professional to handle the job for them and make sure all the bases are covered. Or, alternatively, you could cut through the nonsense and make sure you have the basic systems in place to keep your business secure. Let’s look at what this could mean.

Passwords 101

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You will have important data files related to security on your business computer or network. If you don’t have passwords, this should change right now. It’s crucial that you do take measures to keep those files and systems safe from prying hands and passwords are the best way to do it. Just don’t fall into the trap of creating a pass that is easy to guess. Passwords should be completely random and should not contain any personal information relating to you or your company. You might think about using digital or electronic passwords, and the issue here is that the device storing them can be stolen and then used against you.

Get On The Cloud

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You might still be wary of using cloud servers in your business model. But they are a great deal more secure than the average document that can be taken at any point. Cloud servers simply mean that data is stored on a network and the actual storage space won’t even typically be in your business property. This makes hacks far more difficult and complicated, guaranteeing that most online criminals won’t even bother to try.


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You might have heard of encryptions and wondered what that actually means. Encryptions simply means that data can be taken but not viewed outside of a closed network. A token is an example of this. With tokens through systems like BlueSnap, it’s possible to hide user account numbers completely making transactions far more secure. Of course, this is just one example of a potential encryption.

You might also be talking to colleagues or clients through social media. Certain social media like Whatsapp offer encryption options that are secure enough they can be used by medical staff such as doctors and nurses.

Anti-Virus Software

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Finally, do make sure that you are putting anti-virus software on your business computer systems. Failing to do this is essentially like leaving the gate wide open for hackers and thieves. They won’t have to make much of an effort at all. Instead, they just need to make sure that a trojan virus is downloaded onto your system. That can be as simple as sending a fake email from a ‘client.’ Once the virus is downloaded, it can be filled with various dangerous pieces of software that could help a criminal clone your entire system and all your data. Alternatively, they might just choose to send you back to square one.

Want More Customers? It’s Probably Easier Than You Think

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key to running a successful business is to attract new customers and to continue to cultivate the relationship you have with your customer base. What are some ways to do this? The following contributed post is entitled; Want More Customers? It’s Probably Easier Than You Think.

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It’s common for business owners to overestimate how difficult it is to gain new customers and clients. You probably think a surge in new customers requires a heavy or hard marketing push and this is not always the case. There are easier, more financially friendly ways to gain new customers that you might want to consider. So, let’s look at some of the possibilities and determine whether they could be the right move for your company.

More Buying Options And Methods

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One of the easiest ways to increase sales and customer levels is to simply give them more ways to buy. You should work hard to make sure that every purchase option is filled. For instance, these days, mobile purchases have become a must for the typical business. In 2017, mobile web interactions increased beyond the level of more typical desktop interactions for the first time. As such, you should make sure that your site is mobile optimized and ready for orders from tablets and phones. This could include setting up an app. Apps provide an easy, fast, effective way for customers to make the purchases they want.

Of course, it’s not just about the resources themselves but how customers can interact with them. Some customers will want to buy on credit. You can make sure that this is possible by using services from providers like BlueSnap. This will ensure that customers who want to buy through credit systems are able to do this, providing more access to sales.

Access Existing Customers

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Business owners are typically focused on growing and reaching new customers. The reality though is that a lot of existing customers are already being neglected. Instead of looking for the new sale, you should be searching for the repeat sale. You can do this by utilizing customer mailing lists. No, email marketing is not dead and rather far from it. Through email marketing, you can access customers who have bought from you before and who could easily be pushed to do so again.

The trick here is to make the marketing personal. Make sure that an email is addressed directly to those who haven’t bought something in a while and fits with that particular target audience. This is something that must be considered when you are building or creating email marketing content.

The Recommendation

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Finally, you need to make sure that you are getting recommendations from existing customers to new consumers who have not yet used your product or service. To do this, you need to make sure that customer service quality levels are better than the rest. Do this, and you will have no trouble at all winning those recommendations. If you are addressing this issue, it’s a good idea to check on the reviews of your business as well. Make sure there are no flies in the ointment that are making people leave the feast before they have sampled the goods.

We hope you have found this advice helpful and see now that getting more customers doesn’t necessarily require an expensive marketing push.