Becoming a Homeowner Without Being a High Earner

A key focus of my blog is Money/Financial Literacy. The most significant financial purchase many people will make is that of buying a home. It can be done without being what’s considered a high earner though. The following contributed post is entitled, Becoming a Homeowner Without Being a High Earner.

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Credit – Pixabay CC0 License

Let’s not kid ourselves; becoming a homeowner is a financial priority shared by most people. While I personally think renting can be great for young adults who might not wish to settle down just yet, the benefits of buying a home are huge. The property will become your biggest asset and it also gives you the freedom to decorate without asking your landlord. You will also remove the threat of being replaced by another tenant.

As my good pal Mike loves to state too: “It’s better to pay your mortgage than someone else’s”. But the current housing market is particularly tough, making it hard for first-time buyers and applicants who are not high earners. However, as Mike also likes to say: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Although I’m pretty sure he can thank Billy Ocean for that one. But I digress.

When looking to step onto the property ladder, it’s important to acknowledge it might not happen right away. It may take time to save for a downpayment, secure job stability, and find the right home. So, it’s important to take financial responsibility right away. Firstly, I would suggest researching any government schemes in your region. There are several that are designed to help first-time buyers and low-income applicants get on the ladder. They do vary between states and countries, but a little research should point you towards them.

Whether it’s free financial boosts to savings accounts or tax breaks, all forms of support are a step in the right direction. I would also suggest that you consider budgeting and improved money management. Avoiding unnecessary debts like store cards can be very useful too. Short-term sacrifices will often allow you to step onto the ladder sooner.

Credit – Pixabay CC0 License

Perhaps my best piece of advice, though, is to start looking for affordable housing. Developments like The Millennia Companies move at Cleveland’s Huntington Building are a great example. When homes are aimed to support affordable housing schemes, your hopes of securing a property with a lower income are improved. Meanwhile, some prospective homeowners should consider where they want to live. Some cities are more affordable than others. Also, neighborhoods based on the outskirts are usually more affordable than living in city centers.

Mortgage lending is influenced by your income as lenders use this to determine how much they are willing to lend you. With this in mind, joint mortgage applicants will be offered a bigger amount as long as you both have a solid income and have your debts under control. I would suggest that you use a mortgage calculator to test out the different options available to you. And, of course, you should not enter a commitment of this size unless you are 100% comfortable.

The great news about preparing for a mortgage application is that it teaches valuable financial habits too. For example, Experian credit score boosting will help you with all future credit agreements. Whether it’s car purchases or personal loans, this strengthens your finances. So, even if the home purchase doesn’t go to plan, you haven’t lost out.

Crucially, if you want to buy a home, now is the time to start the journey. The sooner you do, the sooner you can turn your dream into a reality.

Taking Care Of An Elderly Parent Without Hindering Your Life

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Each of us will age in this world. As we get older, so do our parents and they considerations for most of us. A major key is balancing everything. The following contributed post is entitled, Taking Care Of An Elderly Parent Without Hindering Your Life.

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Having elderly parents to care for can be a lot, especially if you have a full-time job and children. However, you will be the best person to manage their health and ensure they get the support they need.

Hence, here are some tips to help you care for an elderly parent in need without hindering your own life and commitments.

Photo by Steshka Willems:

Consider assisted living spaces if you do not have space at home

If you do not have space to adapt your home for elderly parents, it is a good idea to consider putting them in an assisted living space where they attain support and you can rest assured they can be looked after.

Putting your loved ones in assisted senior community living will ensure that they can attain 24/7 assistance and be surrounded by people of their age, which will help them stay well and be sociable.

Visit them often

If you do not have the space to care for your parents in your own home and they do not wish to move to an assisted living space, it makes sense to visit them as often as you can.

Although you might have work and life commitments, if they do not live far away, you could go see them each morning before work. You could make them breakfast and spend 30 minutes with them before getting on with your day. Getting up a bit earlier to do this shouldn’t be an issue if it allows you to ensure they are okay.

They will appreciate it, and it means you can keep an eye on them while they happily live in the comfort of their own home.

Hire caregivers

If you cannot attend to your parents all day in their house due to work commitments, it is a wise idea to hire caregivers.

Caregivers can live with their parents to offer endless support if they need it. If they do not need it but can benefit from caregivers, you can book them to visit your parents several times a day to help with daily chores and meals.

Be patient

Taking care of an elderly loved one can test your patience, which is likely due to not wanting to accept that they need help. Throughout the entirety of your life, you might have known them as being strong and supportive. However, they might not be capable anymore, and they cannot help it; it is just a part of life.

Therefore, it is important to be patient with them and accept what is happening. This will make the care process a lot easier for you both. You will be able to give them the support they need and maintain a good relationship if you are calm and patient regarding their needs.

Be sure to utilize these tips if you have an elderly parent who requires help due to their age or a health condition. It will make your life easier and ensure they are getting the support they need.

The Truth About Why Spirituality Is No Longer Tied To The Church

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Spirituality is an important part of our personal health both individually and collectively. It has changed over the years though as have most things. The following contributed post is entitled, The Truth About Why Spirituality Is No Longer Tied To The Church.

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Picture Credit: CC0 License

According to a recent Springtide study, as many as 73% of young people between the ages of 13-25 identify as spiritual. Yet, church attendance is lower in our younger generations than in any generation that’s come before them.

This is an odd discrepancy, and it highlights one pressing fact – young people simply don’t tie their spirituality to the church in the same ways that their parents and grandparents do.

With this in mind, something needs to change to keep spirituality alive in a modern audience. And, those changes will most likely come from considering the following reasons for the spirituality/church divide.

Reason 1: A new approach to worship

Young people with limited timeframes and a growing need for connection are increasingly finding alternative ways to make room for spirituality in their lives. This is a requirement that online sermons have been attempting to fulfill since the pandemic but, with just 13% of young people reporting a feeling of joy after an online sermon, further steps may also be necessary.

Church-led community initiatives and college-based religious representatives seem to be especially effective in this sense. A focus on personal connections forged with one key religious leader, rather than entire congregations, also seems to help young people feel more supported, and more impassioned in their religious practices.

Reason 2: The age divide

65% of people aged 65 or over attend weekly church sermons. Churches, therefore, face the challenge of appealing to older audiences and attracting a new generation.

This can be a difficult balance to strike, and it’s one that many churches are failing to achieve. Luckily, priests like Father Adam Park are proof that this divide needn’t be as restrictive as it seems. Through a focus on appealing to both audiences, he’s managing to bring a whole new generation to his church. A similar approach, which respects tradition while also making way for the new, could see other churches enjoying similar levels of success.

Picture Credit: CC0 License

Reason 3: Changing institutions

It’s also important to note that age-old church-institutions like marriage are simply no longer as relevant to young people as they were to previous generations, and may even feel restrictive to individuals who continue to be left outside of these institutional practices.

Equally, far from requiring church groups and other internalized focuses that have traditionally worked alongside the institution, many young people are calling for the church to contribute towards modern concerns like climate change. And this needs to happen outside of institutional confines.

An ongoing shift to more inclusive marriage will perhaps be the biggest help here, but pastors and priests could also benefit from listening to the concerns of young people (which are largely led by environmental worries), as well as continuing to prioritize age-old church concerns like local charity.

The proof is out there – young people are still turning to spirituality in their droves. But only time will tell whether the church can continue to play the same role in that focus that it’s fulfilled for hundreds of years.

In Case You Missed It: Astrophysicists Authoritatively Weighing in on Endocrinology and Gender

“A major question facing everyone is whether transitioned women should compete in sports with natural women. Is it fair to the natural women?”

Science, Culture, Politics and Religion

I discuss numerous science- and technology-related topics on my YouTube channel entitled, Big Discussions76 Science and Technology. Science stories are all around us and in some instances, they overlap with culture, religion, and politics even when they should not. This is not a good thing, and this is the case with gender and now athletics. A major question facing everyone is whether transitioned women should compete in sports with natural women. Is it fair to the natural women?

Who Should Compete in Women’s Athletics?

Two famous individuals recently made headlines in this area. They are Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Martina Navratilova. Dr. Tyson is a world-renowned black astrophysicist and Navratilova is a legendary female tennis player who is lesbian. What is the intersection between the two? In this era of gender transitioning, many men of have transitioned to being women and are seeking to participate in women’s sports. As a result of their underlying biology, these transitioned women still have physical advantages over natural women in terms of speed and strength, allowing them relatively easy (sometimes brutal) victories in athletic competitions.

Factions Within a Larger Group?

Interestingly Dr. Tyson stepped out of the astrophysical world to advocate for this type of thing. The retired Navratilova courageously spoke out against Dr. Tyson and others regarding allowing transitioned women to compete with natural women. Regarding gender, the rainbow groups are typically lumped together in our modern culture. Navratilova’s position in all this interestingly shows that even lesbians still want to retain the biological lines separating natural men from women at least in the realm of athletics. These two figures and this whole discussion inspired me to create the livestream embedded below. It involves not just science, but also how it gets entrenched and intermingled in culture, politics and sometimes religion. If you watch the video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to my channel. Best regards.

The Big Words LLC Newsletter

For the next phase of my writing journey, I have started a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at . Best Regards.

The Entrepreneurial Sunset: How To Gracefully Dismount The Startup Carousel

“Entrepreneurship can be an exhilarating ride, full of ups, downs, and unexpected turns. Unfortunately, all good rides must come to a stop eventually – while hanging up your entrepreneurial hat may feel like the end of an exciting chapter, it may just be an opportunity for new opportunities!”

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Businesses have life cycles similar to people. Once you have been in the entrepreneurial phase for a while, there is a next step. The following contributed post is entitled, The Entrepreneurial Sunset: How To Gracefully Dismount The Startup Carousel.

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Entrepreneurship can be an exhilarating ride, full of ups, downs, and unexpected turns. Unfortunately, all good rides must come to a stop eventually – while hanging up your entrepreneurial hat may feel like the end of an exciting chapter, it may just be an opportunity for new opportunities!

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

The Reality Check: Entrepreneurship’s Expiry Date

As milk turns sour and bananas brown, entrepreneurship also comes with an expiration date. You may feel invincible while riding the entrepreneurial high, but eventually its rapid-fire startup ecosystem might start to feel daunting or the thrill of finding next big idea may no longer excite you as much. Unfortunately, entrepreneurship is not meant to be your lifelong career; rather it should serve as one exciting chapter among many of your professional journey – being cognizant of this reality is crucial in planning for life after entrepreneurship.

Bracing for Impact: Navigating an Emotional Rollercoaster

Detaching yourself emotionally from entrepreneurial life may be like breaking up with someone special: after pouring yourself and your energy into nurturing and growing it over many months and nights. As you prepare to step off the entrepreneurial carousel, fear, sadness and even loss may surface as emotions surface during this transition period. Remember that it’s perfectly natural for this change to bring out these mixed reactions within yourself – all are normal responses to change! Acknowledging these emotions is an integral part of the process, helping you cope with change and open doors to new opportunities. So buckle up, brace for impact, and prepare to ride this emotional rollercoaster ride – you are stronger than you think, you are resilient, and this journey won’t break you.

Making the Transition: Exiting Like a Boss

Exiting your entrepreneurial journey should not be seen as an act of surrender but as a deliberate, graceful move with dignity and grace. Like an experienced chess player navigating their way towards victory, an entrepreneur needs to know when and how best to step back – timing is of the utmost importance here! Consider all aspects and consider your goals before aligning them with those of your business. Though this task is no easy one, remember that every change opens the way to new beginnings. So summon up the courage, accept change and exit like a champion. Whether that means selling your startup, handing off leadership to another leader or simply moving on – do it with dignity and poise; remember this is just the start of another chapter that’s waiting to be written.

Future-Proofing: Preparing for the Aftermath

Stepping off the entrepreneurial stage doesn’t mean your career has ended; on the contrary! It provides an opportunity to explore uncharted territory, try on different roles, or perhaps even take that coveted sabbatical you have long wanted. Prepare yourself for this change with just as much care as if it were a business strategy. Start by detaching yourself from your business identity, so that you may explore beyond being just an entrepreneur and explore other passions or interests. Have a hobby that has fallen by the wayside because you don’t think you have enough time? Dust it off and give it another go! Financial planning is also essential when transitioning from entrepreneurship. Consult with financial advisors, invest wisely, and create a nest egg for future security. Embark upon a new chapter of life today: it is an opportunity to discover, expand, learn, and expand yourself! Prepare yourself because The Next Act awaits!

Living the Good Life

Transitioning out of entrepreneurship does not mean saying farewell to all the joy and fulfillment it brought you; quite the contrary! Now is the time to bask in the fruits of your hard work and experience all those joys life had in store – ones which you may have missed on your entrepreneurial journey. Have you been daydreaming of exploring the world? Well now is the time! Whether your interest lies in learning Italian cuisine or playing an instrument – give them both a go! Buy real estate in Shingletown and celebrate your success! Or why not visit a snowboard shop, get all the gear you need, and hit the slopes? At this stage, the focus should be on finding a balance between leisure and productivity. Following your heart, pursuing interests, and engaging with new experiences are all integral parts of the equation. Engage in intellectual pursuits; participate in meaningful dialogue; make an impactful contribution to social causes; or simply take some time out for nature. Life beyond entrepreneurship isn’t an empty canvas to fill with freedom, exploration and joy – so put aside any fears you might have and enjoy the journey ahead of you – remember, life’s not about arriving somewhere, it’s all about going somewhere!

Business to Pleasure

Transitioning from entrepreneur to non-entrepreneur opens up a wealth of possibilities. While entrepreneurship may often involve long hours and heavy stress, its opposite – non-entrepreneurship – offers freedom, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Now is the time to let go of workaholic tendencies and focus on personal development, self-care, well-being and hobbies you put aside while building your business. But how can you best prepare yourself for this new phase of your life?

A Fresh Take on Finances

At the heart of post-entrepreneurship lies financial preparation. A comfortable nest egg doesn’t just appear out of thin air; chances are, you have probably been too preoccupied managing your startup to attend to your personal savings account. Now is the time for a good, hard look at yourself financially: connect with a trusted financial advisor, discuss retirement goals, understand income streams, and develop a comprehensive financial plan – it’s never too early or late to start planning for the future!

Health Is Wealth

You’ve likely heard the old adage countless times: health is wealth. Entrepreneurship can be demanding on time and energy resources; leaving little for fitness or proper diet. Now that life post-entrepreneurship beckons, take time out for yourself by joining a gym, taking yoga classes, getting regular health checkups, or keeping to a balanced diet plan – anything to achieve health without entrepreneurial stress getting in your way!

Photo by Sara Bakhshi on Unsplash

Conclusion: Parting Ways with Entrepreneurship, Not Success

Stepping down from entrepreneurship doesn’t mark an end of success: rather it represents an opportunity. When making this transition from entrepreneurialism, keep this in mind: your skillset, connections made and experiences gained will still serve to propel you forward no matter where it takes you. So embrace each new chapter with equal enthusiasm as when starting off on this entrepreneurial adventure; every sunset brings the promise of another dawn!

Handling The Rigors Of Entrepreneurialism: A Guide

“But the truth is that no two entrepreneurs are exactly alike, which is why modeling yourself on a successful figure entirely or simply taking advice from one person is never really going to cut it.”

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. While it can be lucrative, there are my rigors to being an entrepreneur and it is not easy. The following contributed post is entitled, Handling The Rigors Of Entrepreneurialism: A Guide.

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Pexels – CC0 License

Much is said of being an entrepreneur, including how you should think about your day, how to act, how to deal with challenges, how to accept failure, and, sooner or later, how to succeed. But the truth is that no two entrepreneurs are exactly alike, which is why modeling yourself on a successful figure entirely or simply taking advice from one person is never really going to cut it.

We’ll leave you to navigate your path and we’re certain you’ll find success, but as you do, it’s important to be careful about how you manage your personal life and wellbeing. In simple terms – entrepreneurism is a rigorous and intense mode of productivity, where you’re not only trying to prove yourself through side hustles and initiatives, but also trying to manage people, to pitch, secure funding, and even to risk your own financial standing for the chance of success.

For this reason, then, it’s important to be very clear about your intentions and goals going forward, and how to protect yourself against burnout. If you can achieve that, then you may be able to curate a healthier outcome. In this post, we’ll discuss how that might look:

Manage Your Time Blocks & Stick To Them

Time blocking means sticking to one specific priority and blocking out time to properly focus on it. It’s not necessarily about achieving particular goals in that block of time, but rather investing your time to pay full attention to it, which in the long run allows you to complete tasks more quickly than you would when distracted with five mini-priorities alongside your main one. This can help you avoid burning out mentally and feeling as though you’re spinning a million plates at once.

Optimize Yourself

It’s important to optimize yourself if you can. What does that mean? Well, with exercise, good sleep, and meditation, you can enjoy your best sense of self, confidence, and purpose. This isn’t just a nice platitude, it actually has a true impact on how well you can work, focus, and even be creative each day. That, coupled with nootropics or rituals that help you become more attentive and productive each day (some people enjoy drinking green tea while listening to zen music, others work in cafes for that comforting vibe) you can optimize your output and sense of purpose as an entrepreneur.

Be Mindful Of Entrepreneurial Advice

One of the main difficulties of being an entrepreneur is knowing that tens of thousands of other entrepreneurs are all too happy to give you advice as if they were the authority. Make sure to look into the people offering said advice, and also if they’ve used that in the past. Sometimes, you just have to swim upstream away from the crowd too, after all, you’re in a competitive environment and taking the wisdom of someone who stands to take your market share, especially if they’re not a direct mentor to you, can be difficult. This way, you can focus more on your own intent and voice as opposed to feeling carted in multiple different directions.

As a tip, stick to counsel from seasoned businessmen with knowledge and expertise in your field. For instance, experts like Hussian al Nowais can offer helpful insight into real estate if that’s what you have your eyes on. Fortunately, these experts have blogs and social media platforms where you can get helpful resources and connect with them respectively, so feel free to consider this. While at it, consider attending seminars and workshops that focus on your area of expertise. Getting a mentor with a successful record can also help; they can offer insights into proven strategies to boost your business success. They can also show you what mistakes they made, so you can avoid them.

With this advice, you’re sure to handle the rigors of entrepreneurialism to a much more successful degree.

How To Invest As A First-Time Investor This Year

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. One of the keys to getting ahead in terms of money is learning to invest. It’s never too late to start but you want to do so wisely. The following contribute post is entitled, How To Invest As A First-Time Investor This Year.

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Always wanted to invest your money but don’t know where to start? You’re likely to be in the same boat as others who have very little knowledge or no clue of how to invest their money.

Unfortunately, it’s not something that’s really taught and instead is a learned skill that only so many will then choose to put to use as they start earning money. Here are some helpful tips to invest as a first-time investor this year.

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Get professional advice and guidance

First and foremost, when it comes to investing, it’s good to get to grips with how it works and how to make the most out of every dollar you’re spending. That means understanding everything that comes with investment, a topic that you might not have any personal knowledge of.

It’s not something we learn as kids unless there are influences in our lives that have invested already. A company like Manulife Wealth might be worth reaching out to in order to understand how your money could go further with the help of experts.

It’s an approach that’s much better to take than to try and figure out yourself or to jump in too soon and lose the money you wanted to profit from.

Start off with small investments

With all first-time investors, it’s always good to never bite off more than you can chew. With that in mind, start off with smaller investments, rather than spending all the money you have available on something that might not pan out.

Smaller investments are going to help drip feed what you’re investing into and it means you’ll have less of a bad experience with investing if you’re only losing small amounts to begin with.

Putting your money all on one investment and then losing it, might sour your experience so much that you don’t invest again.

Mix up your portfolio with low and high-risk investments

Try to mix up your portfolio with both low and high-risk investments. This is useful to do because it gives you a good chance of making a profit with some and other investments that might have made a loss, could make a gain on other investments.

The mix of low and high risk also gives your money the best opportunity for success because you’re spreading your risk more evenly.

Review your portfolio regularly

It’s useful to take a look at your portfolio regularly to ensure you’ve made all the relevant decisions and reviewed what might need to be sold or added to.

Diversifying your portfolio is one thing but you should be actively keeping up with a review of your investments every now and then.

Ensure you have a variety of short-term and long-term investments

Just like the low and high-risk investments, make sure you mix up the length of the investment too. Having a mix of both short-term and long-term investments again spreads the risk but could help set you up for the future too.

Aside from the typical life investments such as a first home, there are plenty of other investments out there worth exploring.

Prevent Everyday Injuries: Tips To Stay Safe And Smart Throughout Your Life

“The good thing is that the ways to improve our health and avoid injuries aren’t that difficult. It’s just a case of knowing a thing or two about how we all function and how to avoid silly mistakes.”

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. A key our successes in life is staying healthy. A major part of that is preventing injuries that are preventable. The following contributed post is entitled, Prevent Everyday Injuries: Tips To Stay Safe And Smart Throughout Your Life.

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When it comes to the health of our bodies, there are so many different things that can go wrong. A lot of the time, it’s not even her fault because certain injuries can happen when we are living everyday life. One day, we could be absolutely fine and another day, we could find ourselves in a terrible predicament. There are obviously lots of things we can do in order to live a healthier life, but not everybody is clued in on how to live the best possible physical existence.

The good thing is that the ways to improve our health and avoid injuries aren’t that difficult. It’s just a case of knowing a thing or two about how we all function and how to avoid silly mistakes. It’s also good to know the right people who can give us all the advice in the world. Everyday life can be filled with plenty of physical challenges, here are a few ways to limit those challenges somewhat:

Be Mindful With Your Movement

Being mindful in any walk of life makes everything so much better. Engaging your mind and really thinking about what you’re doing can allow you to avoid issues. Being absent-minded only leads to errors and mistakes. Even when moving around the house and doing chores, it’s wise to actually consider how you are doing them. So many people are naive and end up hurting themselves when taking part in one of the most basic domestic activities.

Use Proper Techniques When Exerting Yourself

If you have worked out before, or you have taken part in sporting activities a lot, you will know all about the importance of technique. It’s not just about performing at your best or looking at the part, it also helps you to avoid painful instances. It might be tedious at times and you may have to go through a learning curve, but learning the right techniques when doing any kind of movement can help save your body in the long term. Even if it’s just in regard to lifting things around the house, make sure you are doing it properly.

Create An Ergonomic Environment At Home

One of the best ways to avoid issues around the house is to make the space better for the body. You don’t have to do anything too drastic or spend too much money. Simply moving things around so much or replacing items that are uncomfortable can make such a big difference to how your daily life operates. From things in the kitchen to the chairs you sit on, consider what is comfortable and what is causing you home. This may seem like quite a petty point, but it can make all the difference.

Get Professional Guidance When The Time Comes

A lot of people neglect this idea because they feel it is unnecessary. Getting help from professionals can make life a lot easier. They know an awful lot more than you do and will be able to put you in the right direction. Whether you are speaking to a chiropractor or a physio, they can give you the right advice and put you on the right program. Even a few appointments with them can give you more confidence surrounding your situation.

Preventing yourself from getting injured in your daily life requires a mixture of preventive actions. From creating a more ergonomic home to minding the simplest movements and consulting with professionals like those from Huddle Men’s Health, you can lead a better and healthier life. So cheers to you and your safe everyday life!

How To Enjoy Your Off-Time As An Entrepreneur

Three focuses of my blog are Money/Financial Literacy, Business/Entrepreneurship and Health/Wellness. Being an entrepreneur can be as taxing as being and employee and in some instances more so. Thus it’s critical to understand how to create a proper balance. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Enjoy Your Off-Time As An Entrepreneur.

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Image credit

The life of an entrepreneur is busy; you will often find yourself busy with one activity or the other. This is valid, as your goal is to ensure your business thrives and outshines your competitors while making good money. But the problem comes when you can’t take a break. Constantly staying busy without rest can affect your health, which is the last thing you want as a business owner. Moreover, you may not be in the right state of mind to make the best decisions for your company. This is why you must find time to recuperate and unwind. Here is how you can make the most out of your off-time.

1. Connect with nature by hiking

Hiking is a great way for anyone to destress and for good reasons. Making your way on that hiking trail can encourage your body to release high levels of endorphins, allowing you to expel the negative feelings that have been pent up for a long time. Moreover, they reduce cortisol, allowing your body to relax. If you seek peace of mind and clarity to assess your business performance clearly, then hiking is what you need. Undoubtedly, you will walk in areas with many trees and greenery, which helps your mind focus. Did you also know that you can learn entrepreneurial lessons from this activity?

For instance, you will eventually get to rough terrains that can strike fear in people. This is no different from the business landscape, where uncertainties can cause you to worry about your business’s success. But hikers have no room for fear; with carefully calculated steps, they move on until they hit their goals. Likewise, you keep pushing in your entrepreneurial endeavors, making strategic decisions to keep your business afloat. Here are other lessons you can learn as you go on your hiking adventure.

2. Feel the water on your body (swimming)

A few things beat the sensation of water on your body as you engage in some swimming laps. But you also don’t want to forget about the mental benefits this activity can offer you. For starters, with your mind focused on the water, its fluid movements, and relaxing sounds, you can take your mind off business matters that increase your stress and anxiety. This encourages your body to release pent-up tension, allowing your muscles to relax. Like hiking, you can also pick a lesson or two from swimming. For instance, you need to know your strengths and limitations so you don’t drown; the same is true for business. Knowing where your brand thrives can help you become an authority figure, and assessing your weaknesses can prevent you from taking steps that would sink your establishment. You can choose to swim in the pool, sea, river, or any body of water that tickles your fancy.

3. Embrace adventure through kayaking

You may have tried swimming and want an adventure. In this case, kayaking may be what you need. This activity is excellent for giving your brain a good workout; your hippocampus becomes active when paddling. This area is what allows you to learn, think, and memorize. Aside from this, blood flow to your brain is further enhanced, stimulating new cells. This is good news for you as an entrepreneur; you can become more innovative and think of new ideas that will propel your brand forward. You also don’t want to forget how good you feel after a good workout; the feel-good hormones can help you destress, so keep this in mind. Before going on your adventure, know what gear you need to enhance your safety and heighten the experience. For starters, choosing a sit in kayak can be a good decision if you are new to this activity. Not only does it offer protection from the water and sun, but it also provides enough control to prevent you from wobbling. While at it, get a flotation device, safety gear, spray skirt, and other safety items.

Be one with yourself by practicing yoga

Sometimes, you only need to sit down, meditate, and connect to yourself. And what better way to do this than by practicing yoga? The urge may be to hurry and do something, robbing you of relaxation. With yoga, you can build the discipline to know when to stop and relax. This way, you can escape burnout, so feel free to consider this.

Entrepreneurship can be exciting, but it can prevent you from making time for yourself. Therefore, you have to make a conscious effort to take some time off work. The activities discussed above can make your free period worthwhile.

How To Be Good With Money After A Divorce

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. A divorce is a major negative event for everyone involved with long lasting ramifications. One of the key areas affected is the personal finances of the people splitting. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Be Good With Money After A Divorce.

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When you get a divorce, a lot of things are going to change, and one of those things is your financial situation (for most people, that’s the case, at least). No matter how long you were married for, it’s likely at least some of your bills will have been shared, so it’s going to be a challenge to work out how to pay for them yourself as a newly single person.

This is why it’s so important to put in the effort and hard work before you are divorced (but when you know it’s got to happen) and have a plan for when you’re on your own. With that in mind, here are some things to consider if you want to be good with money after a divorce.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Assess Your Current Finances

The first thing you’ll need to do is to assess your current finances and see what you’re paying for and what you’ll need to start paying for once you’re divorced. This is something your Freed Marcroft’s divorce lawyers will need to go through as well, so it’s well worth doing it in advance so you know what’s what and so your lawyers can see how they can help you when the time comes as well.

Get all your financial documents together, like your bank statements, tax returns, investment accounts, and anything else. When you go through everything, you’ll have a much clearer idea of where you are in terms of your finances, and you’ll be able to make much better decisions about money.

Make A New Budget

After a divorce, your income and expenses are going to change in some way, and it might be that you need to pay for money but with less money coming in. That’s why it’s a good idea to start a brand-new budget that takes all of this into account and helps you understand how much money you still need or how much will be left over.

If possible, you’ll need to put any ‘spare’ money into an emergency fund, and you’ll also want to save for retirement, so anything that’s left over really does need to be put away in a safe place. If there’s nothing left over and money is going to be a struggle, it might be that your lawyer can help, but otherwise, there are government grants and other help available; the earlier you know that you’re going to need financial assistance, the earlier you can apply for it.

Manage Debt Wisely

You might have a lot of shared debt after a divorce, and even if you’re no longer married, that debt still has to be paid, otherwise, you can get into a lot of trouble and a lot of financial difficulties.

Look at your debts and make a list of them in order of priority (the ones with the higher interest should go at the top). In that way, you’ll know which ones to focus on, and you can work out a repayment strategy that works for you and reduces the debt as quickly as possible.