Daily Habits For A Healthier You

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. As we move throughout our lives, particularly the older we get, our health habits become more and more critical. The following contributed post is entitled, Daily Habits For A Healthier You.

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There are many small things you can do every day to improve your health. Making small changes to your daily routine can have a big impact on your overall well-being. The following blog will discuss some of the best daily habits you can adopt for a healthier you!

Photo by Ella Olsson

1) Get Enough Sleep

Most adults need around eight hours of sleep per night. Getting enough rest is crucial for your physical and mental health. It can help improve your mood, boost your immune system, and reduce stress levels.

If you have trouble sleeping, there are a few things you can do to try and improve your sleep hygiene. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, establish a regular sleep schedule, and create a relaxing bedtime routine.

2) Eat A Healthy Diet

Eating nutritious foods is one of the best things you can do for your health. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and red meat.

In addition to eating healthy foods, it’s also important to eat breakfast every day. Skipping breakfast can make you more likely to overeat later in the day.

If you’re not sure how to start eating healthier, there are plenty of resources available online and from your doctor or registered dietitian.

3) Be Active Every Day

Regular physical activity is important for your overall health. It can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases, improve your mental health, and increase your lifespan.

Aim to be active for at least 30 minutes every day. You don’t have to do all 30 minutes at once – you can break it up into smaller chunks of time throughout the day. There are many different ways to be active, so find an activity that you enjoy and stick with it.

If you’re new to exercise, start slow and gradually increase your intensity level over time. You can also talk to your doctor or a certified personal trainer before starting any new exercise routine. A good idea would be to get some muscle peptides to help with the recovery.

4) Take Breaks Throughout The Day

It’s important to take breaks during the day to rest and rejuvenate. If you’re working at a desk, try to get up and move around for at least five minutes every hour. Go for a walk outside, do some stretches, or just stand up and move around your office or home.

If you can, take a longer break in the middle of the day for lunch. This will give you time to relax and recharge before finishing up your workday.

Taking breaks is crucial for maintaining your energy levels and preventing burnout. Make sure to schedule in some “me time” every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

5) Connect With Loved Ones

Spending time with loved ones is good for your mental and emotional health. Whether you’re talking on the phone, meeting up in person, or chatting online, social interaction can help reduce stress levels and improve your mood.

If you don’t have close family or friends nearby, there are other ways to stay connected. Join a club or interest group, volunteer in your community, or start a blog or podcast.

Making an effort to connect with others is important for maintaining your mental health and overall well-being. So reach out to your loved ones today!

In conclusion, there are many small things you can do every day to improve your health. Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, being active, taking breaks, and connecting with loved ones are all great habits to adopt for a healthier lifestyle. So start incorporating some of these healthy habits into your daily routine today! Your mind and body will thank you!

Putting Your Finger On The Pulse Of Funding For Your Digital Heatlhcare Startup

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you’re creating a startup in the digital healthcare space, you want to have a thorough understanding of how the business works. The following contributed post is entitled, Putting Your Finger On The Pulse Of Funding For Your Digital Heatlhcare Startup.

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Famed for its ability to improve patient satisfaction using timely and concise services and outcomes, digital healthcare is the industry’s golden child of the moment, making it hardly surprising that last year alone saw a record $37.9 billion poured into this field. Unfortunately, with eye-watering high costs for everything from the software to the sensors and equipment necessary to make digital healthcare possible, this investment is more than necessary for most. And, if you’re considering making any ripples in this digital healthcare market that’s only set to keep on growing, you’re going to want to consider how you can also tap into those funding benefits.

After all, even high-value startups in this area will struggle to compete unless they, too, benefit from investment deals. That’s why we’ve put together a fast-fire guide to help you put your finger on the true pulse of funding for your digital healthcare startup.

Understand your options

The funding routes you choose can impact everything from your finances to the speed with which those are delivered, highlighting the need to understand your options. Specifically within the healthcare world right now, investment options include private investment, healthcare capital, and even special purpose acquisition companies. In each instance, you want to take the time to understand amounts, repayment expectations, and the level of control that you’ll ultimately be handing over. Depending on your in-house expertise and visions, the best option will typically be one like capital, which keeps you in control while ultimately providing access to the largest possible sums of money to bring your digital healthcare vision to life.

Follow in the right footsteps

Digital healthcare is a relatively new field, but that doesn’t mean you need to enter the investment arena blind. In fact, ensuring access to the widest possible pool of investment opportunities is often as simple as taking note of successful existing enterprises like BetterUp and Cerebral, both of which secured investment packages exceeding $4 billion last year. Specific areas where these high investments are most often commonplace especially include telehealth, mental health tech, and digital therapeutics, making these fantastic areas of focus for funding you can rely on.

Cut costs where possible

It’s also worth cutting costs wherever you can, ensuring that you’re seeking more realistic, low-level investments that are often far easier to find. While this should never be done at the expense of service quality, viable savings across digital healthcare solutions especially include the effective use of telehealth in general (which can also help to appeal to investors in the first place), the automation of administrative tasks for reduced payrolls, and more. Given that these examples are especially proof of digital healthcare done well, cost savings in this manner are guaranteed to bring investment opportunities within far easier reach for a wide range of reasons, not least the lower amounts that you’re requesting.

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Even the experts are dubbing digital healthcare as the future right now, but make sure that you bear in mind these crucial considerations when seeking funding for a startup in this ever-arising area.

Is Your Lifestyle Unhealthy? It Might Not Be Your Fault

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Our lifestyles have a direct impact on our personal health. There are many circumstances that in our control, while there are others that are not. The following contributed post is entitled, Is Your Lifestyle Unhealthy? It Might Not Be Your Fault.

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We live in a society that assumes that people have perfect control over the healthiness of their lifestyles. It’s up to individuals how much exercise they do and what they put in their mouths.

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Unfortunately, in many cases, that assumption is wrong. People don’t actually have a great deal of control over their health, or their lifestyles.

Consider diesel fume emissions, for instance. Today, there are millions of diesel cars on the roads, belching out filthy fumes that attack the airways and can lead to a variety of conditions, including cancer.

Sure, you could say that people should move to cleaner areas of the country. But is that possible? What would happen if everyone decided to do that? Apart from society collapsing, it would push up the price of rural properties significantly. What’s more, many people wouldn’t be able to do their jobs or find work, and would eventually have to return to the city anyway.

Psychological Warfare

We also live in a society that is engaged in psychological warfare against the individual. So many of the things that major corporations tell us to consume are actually bad for our health. Soft drinks, liquor, fast food, and cigarettes are just the obvious ones, but there are many other potentially hazardous brands on the list. Car companies, for instance, encourage us to be sedentary, allowing us to drive to work while essentially sitting on something that feels like a couch. Cleaning products contain all sorts of untested chemicals which are having untold effects on our bodies.

However, we’re stuck in a culture that tells us that we need all these things if we want to live a normal life. To keep up with the Joneses, we must live like them, too. Not doing so is a form of missing out.

Health Inequality

Of course, there are people in any society who have greater means than others to fight the temptations and put their lives on solid grounds. Individuals and families with more money, for instance, can move to healthier parts of the country with less pollution and more access to fruit and vegetables. Those with more knowledge can educate themselves about the environmental risks that they face and then take steps to mitigate them. And people with health insurance have incentives to live better to keep their premiums low.

Poor individuals, on the other hand, often don’t have the means to adopt behaviors that could improve their health outcomes. As philanthropist and physician, Michael Rashid, points out, less fortunate people often can’t improve their circumstances, even if they try.

The Bottom Line

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Therefore, in summary, your unhealthy lifestyle might not actually be your fault. While you can tinker around at the edges, it is hard to completely change your environment, unless you’re flush with cash. For that reason, most people’s health doesn’t suddenly change unless their environment changes.

The relationship is two-way: both affect the other. While people can take small steps to make themselves healthier, they also need the cooperation of the environment to succeed long-term.

Advice To Live By If You Want To Be Happy & Healthy

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. Being happy and healthy is not a given. You have be deliberate and know the keys to live this way in our increasingly fast paced and stressful world. The following contributed post is entitled, Advice To Live By If You Want To Be Happy & Healthy.

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Feeling out of sorts and overwhelmed all the time isn’t a way to live. In this case, you may not be reaching your full potential or letting others see the best side of you.

If you’re ready for a change in a positive direction then you’ve come to the right place to learn more. Review some advice to live by if you want to be happy and healthy and not let external events and obstacles you’re facing get you down for too long. There are steps you can take to improve your situation, mood, and wellbeing so that you can begin living each day to the fullest.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is a great way to stay fit and will boost your mental health. There are so many benefits to working out that you should make it a part of your daily routine if possible. If you want to be happy and healthy then commit to getting regular exercise and your heart rate up by challenging yourself physically.

Limit Your Alcohol & Sugar Intake

Drinking a lot of alcohol and consuming sweets and sugar will leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated. Ideally, you should focus on limiting your alcohol and sugar intake if you want to look and feel great. If you’re struggling to cut back on your drinking then you may want to look into getting help. There are many different causes of addiction to be aware of and reasons why you may be drinking or finding it hard to stop. You’ll be much happier and healthier when you’re in control of these substances.

Make Time for Yourself

Another piece of advice to live by if you want to be happy and healthy is to take more time for yourself. Rearrange your schedule and learn to say no to others so you can do more of what you love. Make yourself a priority and indulge in self-care activities that make you feel good and that put a smile on your face.

Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep may be leaving you feeling moody and depleting your energy levels. If you want to be happy and healthy then make it a point to get enough sleep each night. Create a relaxing and soothing bedroom to sleep in and find a calming bedtime routine that will set you up for falling asleep quickly and staying asleep. You can try marijuana or gummies to aid relaxation and sleep if that’s something you’ve been struggling with. The best delta 9 gummies can help you get better sleep each night.

Avoid News & Technology Overdose

Too much news and always being connected to your devices may be making you feel anxious. Avoid news and technology overdose if you want to be happy and healthy and free up some time in your schedule to do other activities. For example, maybe you can spend time in nature or meet up with a friend instead of scrolling through your social media feed.

Manage Your Stress

Stress can lead to many health issues both mental and physical. It’s in your best interest to manage your stress proactively if you want to be happy and healthy. This is one piece of advice you should take to heart and work on if you want to feel more relaxed and be able to concentrate better.

Top Tips For Workplace Wellness

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Workplace Discussions. No matter which workplace you work in, you want to ensure that you’re well when you’re there as you likely spend the majority of your day there. The following contributed post is entitled, Top Tips For Workplace Wellness.

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Wellbeing is one of the most important things in life, and since we spend so much of our lives in the workplace, it follows that workplace wellbeing is an important factor. If you encounter stress, tension, or injuries in your workplace, you need to pay attention to the aches and pains today.

Choose Healthy Snacks

Whether you work in a company office or an office in your home, it’s easy to get carried away with snacks, especially if your work is mechanical. When you are working on autopilot, you might split your attention with something to eat while you type or talk through your headset.

There’s good news: you don’t have to give up your snacks at work if they help you to stay productive, but if you don’t want to gain extra weight at the same time, you need some healthy snack alternatives. Nuts are a great option because they are filling, convenient, and snackable.

Drink Adequate Water

Drinking water is a practice it’s easy to forget about, but if you suffer from fatigue in your workplace or experience an afternoon dip, you could benefit from more water in your diet. Water is useful for keeping you alert and avoiding fatigue which helps you to be more productive.

If you want to feel less tired at work and perform better, try to drink eight to ten glasses per day, this translates into around 16 ounces of water three times a day. You can buy a 16-ounce bottle to refill 3 times a day or boost your water intake by eating fruits such as oranges and grapes.

Integrate Micro Workouts

We all know that exercise is a great way to improve our health and productivity, but it’s difficult to integrate exercise into our busy working lives. If you find that you are too busy in your work and family life to head to the gym, consider micro workouts as an alternative throughout the day.

A micro workout is a short workout that increases your heart rate and burns some calories without requiring a trip to the gym. If you only have a half-hour break, you can spend 15 minutes doing some simple yoga moves to change your physical posture and reenergize you for work.

Look After Personal Wellbeing

If you work in an office or on-site, you might encounter some health and safety issues. Most workplaces give you some health and safety training to prepare you for any hazards you might encounter; still, a situation might occur that you haven’t been trained for, and you’re injured.

If you happen to be injured in your workplace, you should be eligible for a personal injury claim. So if you have recently been injured or you think you are eligible for a historic claim against your employers, contact The Law Offices of David L. Hood to talk to an expert about your case.

Relieve Workplace Tension

According to some sources, we will spend up to 50% of our waking lives chained to the office desk, so it’s important that we are comfortable and that we look after our health and wellbeing. If you work at a desk in an office or home, you might suffer from tension in your neck and back.

To avoid tension neck syndrome, make sure you are sitting straight in your chair; also, make sure your chair is adjusted to the right height and ergonomically designed. Over time you will experience neck aches, so make sure you stand now and then and perform some stretches.

Confront Eyestrain

The condition of your eyes is also a concern, especially since you are spending long periods in front of a blue screen. Eyestrain can result in fatigue, difficulty focusing, and a sensitivity to light; it can also deteriorate your eyes over time and increase the need for glasses or contact lenses.

With a few simple measures, you can avoid eyestrain and put off your need for glasses. Make sure you are sitting one arm’s length from the computer screen; you should be able to read the text on the screen without squinting. If you squint, you can always increase the size of the text.

Use Holidays Wisely

Another enemy to productivity and wellbeing is stress; this is very common in the workplace as pressure is placed on workers to meet deadlines and perform to a high standard. Stress is something that needs to be managed daily, but you also need to use your holidays wisely to ensure you are properly rested and in the best headspace to perform well in your job.

How To Protect Your Health In The Office

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Workplace Discussions. Depending upon the workplace, there can be hazards and dangers involved no matter how miniscule. Protecting your health is thus of the utmost importance. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Protect Your Health In The Office.

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Working in an office may seem like an easy option compared to jobs that involve lots of physical activity. However, sitting at a desk for hours every day and looking at a screen can be bad for your health and wellbeing. While physical jobs such as construction and working in a factory may present more of an immediate risk to health with an increased chance of injuries, office work brings its own risks; they are just in a more subtle form.

Protecting your health should always be a priority regardless of the industry you work in and the type of job you have. Good health is precious but often taken for granted, so actively looking for ways to take the best care of your health and wellbeing is essential, even when at work. Here are some of the ways you can help to protect your health when you work in a desk job:

Take Care of Your Eyes

Eye strain is a common problem experienced by people that spend much of their time looking at screens. Looking at a screen all day can take its toll on your eyes, leaving them feeling sore, tired, and itchy. Experiencing discomfort in your eyes can impact your productivity and may continue even when you are away from the office. Luckily, you can make office work easier on your eyes. Having your eyes checked regularly is crucial when you work in an office. An eye exam could help detect any underlying issues causing you discomfort, such as undiagnosed chronic uveitis or other eye conditions and ensure you receive treatment promptly.

You may find it helpful to adjust the brightness of your screen, as lowering the brightness level can help reduce eye strain.

Look After Your Posture

Sitting down all day can cause your posture to become hunched, which can be exacerbated if you feel tense and stressed. When at your desk for long periods, you may notice pain and stiffness in your neck and lower back.

Taking care of your posture and strengthening your core can help to alleviate some of the stiffness and discomfort associated with working at a desk throughout the day. Getting up and moving away from your desk frequently should help ease any pain caused by long periods of sitting. It is also helpful to adjust your desk set up to sit in a position that encourages good posture. Adjusting the height of your screen, keeping your mouse closer to you, and using a chair with back support can all help.

Make Time for Breaks

One of the most beneficial things you can do to protect your health in the office is to take regular breaks. Rest breaks are the best way to avoid the stiffness caused by sitting in one place for too long and will also ease the eye strain caused by looking at a screen for long periods. So, stepping outside and taking a lunch break doesn’t just break up the day; it also protects your health.

How To Stay Positive When Everything Feels Difficult

Two focuses of my blog are Current Events and Health/Wellness. When things get difficult, it is often times hard to remain hopeful. Regardless, it’s important to figure out how to do so. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Stay Positive When Everything Feels Difficult.

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The last couple of years has been a wild ride. Catastrophic bush fires in Australia, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the new administration in the White House and claims of election rigging, Brexit in Europe, climate change crises, and now, of course, the terrible situation in Ukraine. On top of that can be all the personal difficulties you are going through – health, finances, relationships, injuries which you are getting sorted with the help of this personal injury law firm and so on. So it is little wonder that people are on edge and feeling the uncertainty of the world around us, and mental health is a big issue.

Many of these events are pretty much out of our hands, but that doesn’t help when you feel scared and anxious. The main thing to remember is that you are not alone if you feel like this. It can be hard to feel optimistic with so much going on around you. However, while much easier said than done, staying positive can help you get through the more challenging times and keep your mental health on a more even keel. Here, we look at some tips to help bolster your positivity.

Image via Unsplash

Make a gratitude or happy list at the end of every day

Invite your family and friends to do the same. Maybe you could even start a private group on social media and encourage people to share theirs to brighten up everyone’s day. It just needs to be a shortlist of things that have made you feel grateful or put a smile on your face that day, from a film that you enjoyed watching to receiving a parcel in the post or enjoying a superb cup of coffee. It is essential to celebrate the joys of the smaller moments in life rather than always waiting for the big things to be happy and excited about.

Stay away from the news and social media for a short period

You should take a break if the world is becoming too much for you, and you can tell that social media and the news are having a detrimental impact on your mental health. When struggling, many people find it helpful to mute their news notifications and turn off particular keywords in their Twitter stream.

Take some time to listen to some highly upbeat music

You would be shocked at how powerful music can be. Try to remember how good music makes you feel and remind yourself of them. There are many ways to stream different playlists these days, so set up some happy ones for when you are having a terrible day. Have an impromptu dance party – they can lift the spirits and can not help but make you smile. The release of something positive into your body through music and dancing can divert you and bring you positive feelings, even if it is only a brief fix.

Communicate with your friends, even if it is only online or over the phone

When we are locked up inside and feeling the world’s weight, it is easy to lose sight of the people who care about us. However, it is possible to connect with other people in various ways, and there is nothing quite like hearing the reassuring and diverting voice of a friend to speak with to return to a more positive frame of mind. Regular voice or video talks with your pals can significantly impact your ability to remain cheerful and joyful.

Concentrate on your current hobbies or learn more

Having hobbies may altogether remove you from the real world and provide you with some much-needed momentary escape, which we all desperately need from time to time. Remind yourself of the things you appreciate and the reasons why you enjoy them; spend some quality time enjoying your hobbies; and rekindle your passions after a long period. We guarantee that having a strong passion for a particular hobby will make you feel more positive about yourself.

Declare to yourself that your being positive and happy and that today will be a fantastic day for you

Finally, think of a short slogan that you can repeat to yourself. Every morning, tell yourself that today will be a nice day and that you will look for the positives in everything. Try to put a grin on your face and be thrilled about one aspect of your day. Give yourself a compelling reason to get out of bed in the morning. Take a shower, put on a nice outfit, and make your bed. Start your day off on the right foot and strive to maintain a positive attitude.

4 Tips To Look After Your Health When Running A Business

Two focuses of my blog are Business/Entrepreneurship and Health/Wellness. While running a successful business can be very lucrative and rewarding, it can also adversely tax your health. The following contributed post is entitled, 4 Tips To Look After Your Health When Running A Business.

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Running your own business can really take it out of you. It becomes your whole life and you are constantly thinking about what you can do to grow your company and make more money. Even though your staff might clock out at 5pm, you don;t have the luxury, and you probably find yourself sending emails and drafting sales pitches well into the evening.

There’s nothing wrong with following your passion and devoting yourself to it, but when it starts to affect your physical and mental health you know there’s a problem. As a business owner, you don’t have a whole lot of free time and for that reason it is incredibly easy to let things like self-care, exercise, and healthy eating fall by the wayside.

But good health and entrepreneurship are not mutually exclusive, and as long as you are motivated and employ the right strategies, you can boost your wellbeing and heighten your ability to run your business at the same time. After all, you will be much more successful if you are fit in body and mind.

To help you along your fitness journey, here are four tips to look after your health when running a business.

Schedule it in

Most people who exercise casually tend to fit in their workouts whenever they have some down time. But as a high-powered executive, this won’t work. If you’re constantly waiting for free time it will never happen. You have to schedule it in the same way you would an important meeting. Putting a 5k run or a gym session in your diary makes you more likely to commit to it, and will give you some much needed consistency in your healthy lifestyle.

Cook for yourself

Cooking is another activity that is often seen as time-consuming and laborious, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re always eating out at restaurants and ordering in food to save time, not only are you spending way too much money but you’re most likely eating unhealthily. There are plenty of quick, easy and nutritious meals you can prepare at home that don’t take any time at all to prepare.

Reduce your caffeine intake

When you’re in the office early or working late into the night, sometimes a cup of coffee is the only way to stay alert and productive. But too much caffeine is terrible for your health. It can raise your stress and anxiety levels, as well as impacting your sleep and digestive system. It also stains your mouth, so you might end up needing to invest in some teeth whitening kits. If you need a hot drink to liven you up, try switching to decaf coffee or herbal teas.

Enjoy some downtime

If all you’re doing is working, you risk overdoing it and succumbing to burnout. Too much work and too little relaxation will make you stressed, anxious, and irritable. We all need downtime to compose ourselves and rest our brains. Try to schedule some time off each week, in which to spend time with your loved ones, go for a walk, or do something else you enjoy. You will feel much happier and more productive when you return to work.

Could Life Expectancy Actually Start Falling?

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. A major consideration for all our lives is how long we expect to live. There are numerous factors affecting this today. The following contributed post is entitled, Could Life Expectancy Actually Start Falling?

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Even before the pandemic, medical professionals around the world stood aghast as statistics revealed the first decline in life expectancy for nearly two centuries. Between 2018 and 2019, life expectancy fell by 1.5 years, pushing us back to where we were in 2003, when the internet was barely five years old and Facebook hadn’t been born yet.

Increases in life expectancy continued almost unbroken since the industrial revolution. In the middle of the 19th century, life was so tough that the average man was lucky to reach the age of forty, with women not doing much better at 43. Back then, a lot of people didn’t die of old age. Instead, infectious disease, accidents and poisonings topped the list of killers.

Unfortunately, the rise in life expectancy has come to a halt. And what’s more, many of the declines look like they are set in.

Why Is Life Expectancy Faltering?

All the way back in 2013, statisticians noted that increases in life expectancy had begun to slow down. The prevailing theory at the time was that it was just a blip, but that no longer seems to be the case. It’s not just a matter of stagnation either. Today, the life expectancy for people over the age of 65 is now six months shorter than it was a decade ago, despite all the advances we’ve seen in technology.

A common claim is that humanity has reached its peak longevity, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. There are countries, like Japan, outside of the West, that continue to see rising average life expectancies. What’s more, it seems strange that countries like the US and UK would peak in the mid 2010s and then go into decline if it was solely based on biological factors.

No doubt there is an upper limit to life expectancy, but that doesn’t carry much explanatory weight.

The other leading theory is that there is something wrong with the environment. People are now living in conditions, the theory goes, that are worse for their health than they were in the past.

Modern Killers

This is a sentiment that health executive, Michael Rashid, holds to firmly. He believes that we’re caught in the middle of a perfect storm of health issues, everything from obesity to the current opioid crisis. There are so many factors ravaging our health that, as a population, sustained increases in life expectancy just aren’t possible.

Because of the influence of environmental factors, health inequality is likely to continue to get worse over time. Those who know the science of longevity and apply it in their lives will live longer, while those who can’t follow it, or ignore it, will see their lives shortened.

Lack Of Care For The Elderly

Whether the problem is societal or something solely affecting the older generations is not well known. Problems with social care for seniors appeal to be compounding pressures on life expectancy, but the data are still coming in. Increasing suicides may be another issue but, again statisticians are still trying to work out how they will affect the overall picture.

Tech Tips To Make Prioritizing Your Health

Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Technology. In increasingly digital world, technology will is innervated into everything. Taking advantage of these innovations may save your life or add to your quality of life. The following contributed post is entitled, Tech Tips To Make Prioritizing Your Health.

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Technology plays an increasingly integral role in modern healthcare and wellness. Many of us struggle to find the time to put our health first. If this scenario sounds familiar, here are some top tech tips to make prioritizing your health and wellbeing easier.

Image source: https://pixabay.com/vectors/doctor-medical-medicine-online-6727691/

Virtual consultations and appointments

During the pandemic, there has been a surge in the popularity of virtual consultations and telephone appointments. While restrictions were in place and clinics were closed or reserved for emergencies only, virtual appointments provided a safe, convenient alternative. One of the most significant benefits of virtual health services is the ease at which you can access healthcare and advice. You don’t have to worry about making your way to a health center or a hospital, you can organize an appointment or call at a time that is suitable for you, and you can dial in from home or work. You can also save time and money by cutting out travel. Another advantage is reducing anxiety. Many people get nervous about going to appointments. For some, a phone or video call is much less daunting. In this case, people may be more willing to reach out and seek advice than they would if they had to attend a consultation in person.

Prescriptions and treatments

Many of us have hectic schedules. If you work full-time or you have kids, it can be tough to find the time to go to appointments and visit pharmacies or other health facilities to pick up treatments or medicines. With apps like Benecard PBF, you can save time and effort. More and more patients are using online services to order treatments and either click and collect and arrange delivery. At the touch of a button, you can manage treatments and ensure that you can start a new course or continue treatment without any hassle at all.

Activity, diet and sleep trackers

Exercise, a healthy diet and sleep are essential for optimum mental and physical health. Studies suggest that most adults don’t do enough exercise or get enough sleep. Using trackers, such as wearable devices, can help you gain insight into your daily habits and identify areas for improvement. Count steps and active minutes, monitor your heart rate and see how many calories you burn in an average day. You can set targets to increase activity levels and gradually get fitter and stronger. You can also use devices and apps to keep a sleep record. If you’re not getting enough sleep, try to establish a routine. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day and aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

Using an app to keep an eye on your diet is also a great idea. You can keep a food diary, which can help you to gain or lose weight, improve nutrition and identify shortfalls and deficiencies. Log your meals and snacks every day and analyze the nutritional information. You may find that you’re not getting enough protein or fiber, for example, or that your intake of sugar or salt is too high.

Picture from https://www.pexels.com/photo/anonymous-sportswoman-checking-smart-watch-and-sitting-on-mat-4498483/

Technology plays an influential role in modern-day healthcare. If you struggle to put your health first, why not embrace these tech tips to make life easier?