How You Can Make Your Dental Practice the Talk of the Town

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Medical practices of any kind are businesses. As with any business, word of mouth is key to your success and profitability. The following contributed post is entitled, How You Can Make Your Dental Practice the Talk of the Town.

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Sure, everyone starting up their own medical private practice can agree that it’s exciting. Maybe even more so if it’s a dental practice, for the most part, the dentist really gets to know their patients on a pretty close level. Plus, you might actually see your patients more than other medical professionals.

But even with all of that in mind, well, there are probably already so many options out there already for potential patients, right? So, that alone just begs the question, how does a new practice rise above the crowd? Well, believe it or not, it’s not just about having great skills or the latest equipment.

Granted, those do help a lot, however. People want an experience that feels modern, personal, and memorable. So, it’s more about the details that you can give. But where do you start?

Start By Making the Patient Experience Unforgettable

Going to the dentist isn’t exactly everyone’s favorite outing. But that’s precisely why a practice that creates a stellar patient experience will stick in people’s minds.

Just think about adding thoughtful touches that make a visit feel more like a spa trip than a dental appointment. For example, this includes warm towels after cleanings, playlists for nervous patients, or even noise-canceling headphones that can take the edge off for visitors. No really, these little perks can make such an amazing difference. Plus, just throw in some comfortable chairs and friendly, upbeat staff, and yeah, you’re making a world of difference.

Just think of it this way; people remember how they felt during their visit, and the practice that makes them feel valued will always stand out.

Invest in the “Wow” Factor

While sure, it’s true that patients may not know the technical side of dentistry, but they’ll notice when a practice looks and feels modern. So, it really can help (if you can afford it) to try and offer some cutting-edge tools and techniques, since this not only makes treatments smoother but also leaves a lasting impression.

For example, something like 3D imaging and laser dentistry shows patients that this isn’t just another run-of-the-mill office. It also builds trust, and yeah, people feel confident in a dentist who invests in the best care.

And it’s not just about the gadgets either (although it does help). Overall, you need to provide what you can that’s high quality, so high-quality materials like dental adhesives & primers can set a practice apart by ensuring precision and durability for every patient. Now, just go ahead and think of it this way; when you combine expertise with the best tools, patients leave knowing they got top-tier care.

Build a Brand That Turns Heads

Sure, it’s definitely true that first impressions matter and a brand that stands out will stick in patients’ minds. Most dental practices don’t even bother, so doing this will immediately make you stick out (and yes, that includes getting a professional-looking website as well).

A lot of dental practices nowadays will even use social media to show off before-and-after transformations, educational tips, and even something a bit more quirky like behind-the-scenes moments to feel more relatable.

3 Signs You Have Dental Problems and How They Can Affect Your Career Prospects

Two focuses of my blog are Career Discussions and Health/Wellness. They say that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Believe it or not, your personal appearance can impact your career as you image matters. One of the first things prospective employers do in fact notice first is your dental health. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Signs You Have Dental Problems and How They Can Affect Your Career Prospects.

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Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

As we head into the new year, chances are you’re considering ways in which you can improve yourself. A key part of that is ensuring that you have proper oral hygiene and great dentition. Why? Because a good set of teeth can improve your life in so many ways.

In fact, there are studies linking bad teeth to poor career prospects. So, if you’re planning to have a great year take a look at your dental problems. Sadly, many people who have dental issues like tooth decay don’t even know that they have it.

And the people around them are usually reluctant to tell them because they don’t want to offend them. If you suspect that you might have tooth decay or other dental issues, but aren’t really sure, the following signs will help you determine that pretty quickly.

Bad Breath

Although this can be as a result of eating foods containing onions and garlic, you need to check and see if it happens all the time. Thanks to mask mandates, people can actually smell their breaths now.

So, if you haven’t eaten any foods containing those ingredients recently, and still perceive that you have a foul breath, you should find a remedy quickly. Bad breath can be caused by an unclean tongue.

If you only brush your teeth without scraping the gunk off your tongue. The buildup can cause foul breath. Also, if you have tooth decay, it can lead to bad breath. Resources like will help you nail this down more accurately.

Yellowed or Stained Teeth

People with stained or yellowed teeth are typically avoided by most people. Worse, the people dealing with it tend to be insecure. This can affect their ability to perform in customer-facing roles or job interviews.

Even though yellowed or stained teeth may not be indicative of poor oral health, the reality is that it’s off-putting. This is why you cannot afford to ignore your dental health. Speak to a dentist about it and discuss your options. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, it might be possible to whiten your teeth or at least get rid of the stains so that your teeth look much better.

Crooked or Misaligned Teeth

Crooked or misaligned teeth can have a lifelong effect on people who are born with them. Apart from the fact that it affects their confidence and subtracts from their attractiveness, it can also be a cause of other dental and health problems.

For example, misaligned teeth can cause severe migraines, pain, sleep apnea, and bad breath. It can also lead to weak jawbones, which in turn, affect your looks.

Thankfully, there are some corrective dental procedures or solutions that you can take advantage of today to correct the problem. These procedures are designed to not only fix these dental issues, but also, correct other related health problems that may have been caused by the condition.

While you may not have thought about this before reading this article, we hope that you’ve found it useful in some way, and that it’s helpful in getting you on the path to a more rewarding career in the new year.

Health Hazard: What Happens if You Don’t Look After Your Teeth?

A key focus of my blog is Health/Wellness. The say that our mouths are the gateways to our bodies in terms our personal health and wellness. Likewise it’s critical to be vigilant about our oral healths. The following contributed post is entitled, Health Hazard: What Happens if You Don’t Look After Your Teeth?

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Source: Pixabay

Most people know that they need to do certain things in their daily routines to ensure they remain as fit and healthy as possible. Consuming a diet rich in fruit and vegetables and having some regular exercise are two such examples of those daily routines.

The problem is, some folks don’t pay much attention to their dental care and hygiene. Long-term neglect of dental care can result in all kinds of issues, and not just for a person’s teeth. Take a look at why you might need to up your game with your dental care habits:

Teeth Enamel Starts to Break Down

Dental enamel forms naturally when your teeth form in your gums. It’s the hardest substance in the human body, and it provides a protective outer layer on your teeth to protect them from physical, chemical, and temperature-related forces that could cause damage.

Unfortunately, dental enamel can become eroded if bacteria remain on the surface of your teeth due to a lack of proper dental care and hygiene. Bacteria can grow on the teeth’s surface because of a plaque build-up, where it eventually hardens and turns into tartar.

Gum Disease Can Develop

Sadly, the breakdown of tooth enamel isn’t the only thing that will happen if you skip proper dental care and hygiene. Another effect of dental neglect is that you’re very likely to develop gum disease (gingivitis).

It happens because the tartar built up on teeth due to enamel breakdown starts attacking the gums. As the disease progresses, it creates gaps between the gums and teeth and results in further breeding grounds for bacteria.

If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, it’s a sign you’ve already developed gum disease and should probably get it checked out by your local dental services provider.

Tooth Infections Can Develop

As if the breakdown of tooth enamel and the onset of gum disease weren’t enough, there are further problems you will likely experience due to poor dental care. For example, tooth infections can develop inside cracks and cavities.

If that happens, the infection can spread to the “pulp” of teeth (where the nerves are found). Once a tooth’s nerves get affected, you end up with an “abscessed” tooth, and it can be excruciating when eating, drinking, and, of course, chewing.

While it’s possible that your dentist could prescribe you antibiotics to fight off your tooth infections, you may need to have root canal surgery to clean any affected abscessed teeth properly.

Bacteria Can Spread Throughout Your Body

Lastly, it’s worth pointing out that the above issues aren’t the only things to get concerned about if your dental care and hygiene are lax. For instance, did you know that the bacteria from your mouth caused by gum disease can spread elsewhere in your body?

Re-Opening Your Dental Practice After COVID-19

Three key focuses of my blog are Current Events, Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Much of the healthcare sector has stayed open during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Crisis/Pandemic. Dental practices in most instances closed down unless absolutely necessary. As the lockdown eases, dental practices will look to re-open and if you’re an owner of one, there are some aspects you want to consider. The following contributed post is entitled, Re-Opening Your Dental Practice After COVID-19.

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As the coronavirus lockdown rules start to relax even further it opens up opportunities for businesses and services to start back up. One of the first things that will open up is the healthcare system. Obviously, doctors surgeries, hospitals, and pharmacies have remained open through the pandemic. However, the wider healthcare world had to shut down – including dental practices in some areas. If you’re a dentist that’s struggled for business over the last few months, you’re probably eager to get started once more. So, here are some tips to open your dental practice when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted:

Stock up on PPE

First and foremost, be sure you have a good supply of PPE. This includes both masks and gloves, seeing as all of your work involves playing around with people’s mouths. Masks are absolutely vital, but gloves are just as important when you consider what you’ll be touching. A dental supply store will stock everything you need, so don’t hesitate to buy as much as possible. As of right now, PPE supplies are a lot better than they were when the virus initially broke out. But, who knows how long that will last? It’s better to stock up now so you can keep providing treatment for as long as possible.

Enforce new appointment rules

It’s so tempting to jump right back into the swing of things when you open your doors after lockdown. However, you have to take things slow. Don’t open your practice up for a full day of appointments, restrict how many people you see each day. Yes, this means you miss out on lots of money, but safety must come first. You need to plan it so there’s a small number of people in the waiting room at all times. This will probably mean you have to extend the time between appointments to avoid lots of people coming in at the same time. Instead of having 10 minutes between appointments, extend it to 20 or 30. As time goes on you can gradually move things back to normal as per the government guidelines.

Reduce your staff

A lot of businesses are doing this as it reduces the number of people all within one area. Obviously, a dental practice can be pretty small, so you can’t afford to have lots of dentists, nurses, and admin staff all running around. Furthermore, it would be pretty pointless if you’re operating on a reduced schedule. Instead, reduce your staff and come in with a smaller crew. Again, this limits the risk of infections and keeps things safe for everyone. You may only need yourself and a secretary for the time being. Once more, you can increase your staff as the appointments get back to normal.

It has been an incredibly difficult time for all dentists during coronavirus. If you’ve not been allowed to work throughout this period, then you probably can’t wait to get started again. Keep an eye out for any news in your country that lets you get back to work. Then, follow these three tips when you re-open.

The Slickest Dental Clinics All Have These Habits In Common

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The quality of a dental practice lies not just in the quality of the dentists, but also in the total operation. The successful practices all do the same key things well. The following contributed post is entitled, The Slickest Dental Clinics All Have These Habits In Common.

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Dental clinics are businesses, just like anything else. And for that reason, they need to take their processes seriously. Unfortunately, that is only something that a small minority actually do.

If you’re not particularly happy with the amount of money you are turning over at your practice, you’re not alone. It is something that thousands of dentists struggle with every week. Their background is in medical training, not entrepreneurship. Making the shift can be tough.

There are, however, some success stories. Here’s how the slickest dental clinics generate massive revenues.

They Account For Every Dime

All good business leaders know that the best way to turn a profit is to count expenses. But keeping track of where your clinic is spending its money isn’t always easy, especially if you try to do it by hand.

Here’s the good news: you can now track expenses using software. Better yet, you can pay local professionals to do it for you. You just send them your receipts, and they deal with the whole lot.

They Always Outsource

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Some dental clinics want to do everything themselves, including making all their own prosthetics—bad idea. Trying to be all things to all people never works in business.

Outsourcing to a third-party dental lab is much more convenient. Here you send them your requirements for prosthetics, and they get on with actually making them. Invariably, it works out as being much more cost-effective.

They Locate In Convenient Places

Unlike many businesses, dental practices have a lot of scope for where they locate. Many find spots well outside of the center of town, usually in residential areas. Not only does this bring them closer to their target market, but it also cuts rents.

If you do decide to situate your medical practice further afield, don’t forget to advertise. If you don’t, people won’t know where you are, especially if you are in a low foot-fall area.

They Offer Parking

For some people, going to the dentist is a bit of an ordeal. When treatment is over, all many patients want to do is drive back to their house in comfort. If parking is an issue, therefore, they’re far less likely to show up.

If you don’t have any parking on your premises, then look for alternative arrangements. See if you can offer street parking. Failing that, explore whether you can share facilities with other local businesses or rent spaces from them.

They Spend A Fortune On Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a massive opportunity for dental practices. Local SEO, where you target people who live close by, should be a top priority.

The slickest dental clinics know this. That’s why they continually churn out content designed to help them rank at the top of Google results. The more clicks they get, the more patients they can acquire.

Digital marketing, though, isn’t just about conversions. It is also about helping dentists develop their brands. The better your social media presence, the more highly people will think of your practice.

Becoming a Dental Practice That People Trust

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Health/Wellness. Pretty much everyone needs dental care, but will patients trust your dental practice and services. Just like medicine, there have been instances of dental malpractice and fatal accidents. What are some keys to patients trusting you? The following contributed post is entitled, Becoming a Dental Practice That People Trust.

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Unfortunately, dentists are a group of people that many of us struggle to trust. It’s not that we don’t like them as people. Or that we don’t understand the importance of their work. But, most of us experience some form of dental phobia at some point in our lives. This can range from mild worry to debilitating anxiety around an appointment, and often how we feel about the treatment gets confused with how we feel about the dental practice itself.

If you own or run, your own dental practice, this can be a problem. You want your patients to trust you and even like you. You certainly don’t want them to be scared of you. So, here are some of the things that you can do to become a practice that people can trust.

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Be As Efficient As Possible

Patients won’t trust you if you make mistakes with things like booking or billing — partner with an IT provider at to become more efficient. Getting someone to run your IT systems can help you to take more bookings, and manage them more efficiently. This can be great for your relationships with your patients.

Employ the Right Staff

Every member of your team has an important role to play when it comes to building trust with patients. The person that answers the phones should be friendly, polite and knowledgeable. The people on the front desk should be welcoming and respectful. Dental staff need to be patient, helpful and great at their jobs. Take your time with recruitment, trying to find people that are happy to go the extra mile to make people feel safe.

Build an Online Presence

You might think that online interaction is only important for online business and influencers. But this isn’t true. We spend so much of our time online, and we expect all of the companies and services that we use to be online. Patients might Google your practice for more information. So, think about what they might find. Social media channels are a great way to share information, communicate, and build relationships, and an efficient website is professional and can help you to make a great first impression. Find more tips on social media at

Get to Know Patients

Think about your own experience with other services and businesses. Isn’t it nice when you walk in to be greeted by someone that remembers you? Dentist appointments make people uncomfortable, and this kind of recognition can reduce anxiety and make your patients feel calmer. You might not see them that often, but try your best to get to know them, enjoy small talk and ask them about their days. Taking a personal interest can increase trust tremendously.

Create a Friendly and Informative Waiting Room

It’s not just the people that you employ and your relationships with patients that contributes towards their trust. Your surgery itself also plays its part. Your treatment rooms should be clean, bright and welcoming. Your waiting room should also be bright and clean. Add some toys for younger patients, magazines and wifi access, as well as informative (but not scary) flyers and posters. Try to make people feel more comfortable while they wait.

4 Smart Ways to Grow Your Dental Practice

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you’ve trained in Dentistry, eventually you may want to start your own dental practice. You will invariably be competing with other dental practices in your area and will equip yourself to best do so. The following contributed post is therefore entitled, 4 Smart Ways to Grow Your Dental Practice.

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Of all the businesses to have, a dental practice is a pretty smart one: people are always going to want to look after their teeth! However, it is true that there’s rarely only one dentist in town, and that the costs of running the business can be high. As such, it’s important that you’re always looking for ways to grow your practice. The more people there are that come through the door, the more teeth you’ll see, the more profits you’ll have. Below, we take a look at four clever ways you can begin to grow your practice.


Refine Your Marketing

Marketing your practice by dropping leaflets through the doors of the local houses will be a good start, but it shouldn’t end there. This is an approach that many businesses take, but it’s not enough – when there’s competition, simply telling people that you’re there won’t give them enough of an incentive to switch to your practice. Instead, get more sophisticated. Advertisements on the radio can be cost-effective, and if you don’t yet have a company blog, start now. It’ll boost your Google rankings and also give you a bigger platform to showcase why you’re so great.

Review Your Reviews

Running a business isn’t like having a microphone and waiting for people to hear what you’re saying. It’s a conversation. From time to time – hopefully often – your customers are going to give you feedback. What you do with that information can have a big impact on the future success of your venture. You can either ignore it, or you can listen seriously to what they’re saying, and incorporate some of their views into your plans. Your patients might just tell you exactly the direction you should be going, if you give them a chance.

A Second Location

You’ll have invested a lot of time and energy into your practice, but what if your location begins to hold you back a little? Opening a second location can breathe a lot of life into your venture, and open up your services to a whole new section of the neighborhood. Of course, there will be money considerations to factor in, so you may want to consider getting help with a loan. Remember to bring a lot of fanfare when you open. If there’s a buzz surrounding your new location, you’ll get a wave of new customers. Local newspapers will likely be interested in covering the story.

Offer More Hours

Some dental practices make a fundamental error: they only make themselves open for business during the usual working week hours, when, well, everyone is working. Now, people aren’t going to neglect their teeth forever, but they might put it off and visit less if they have to take time off work to do so. So why not make it easier for them to visit you? You could stay open late one evening during the week, or open on a Saturday once a month. Not everybody will have the flexibility to get to the dentist during your regular hours!