Is Wealth Building Boring? Should It Be? A 2024 Financial Thought Piece

“The fact that you don’t have any major financial hiccups or issues or news to report is a good thing!”

A Quick Plug

Hello. Thank you for clicking on this link and I hope you enjoy this essay. Writing a book was the genesis of me blogging and becoming a video content creator. I am close to publishing part one of my book project entitled, The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Please consider visiting the page to learn more about the project and see promotional content I’ve created surrounding the project. And now on to our feature presentation.

I Don’t Like Your Financial Messages!

“I’ve seen some of the financial writings you post on Facebook Anwar and I don’t like them,” an acquaintance I’ll anonymously call Jenny told me at a social gathering in upstate New York. Jenny was a lawyer who I knew for years. We were in school at the same time at a highly prestigious anonymous university.

We weren’t what I would consider close but her words surprised me and were worth capturing. I knew Jenny well enough to know why my financial writings would cause her heartburn. My writings encouraged smart money management and planning which some would consider being frugal. Frugal is a word that is often confused with being cheap. I wrote an essay about that years ago which you can read at this link.

Jenny’s words surprised me because as a print and video content creator, you never know who is consuming your content until they say something. One of the podcaster Chris Williamson’s guests in fact stated that less than 10% of viewers openly interact with your content. The majority are ‘lurkers’ who watch and observe but don’t say anything. Jenny lurked and revealed her disapproval of my frugal messaging when I least expected it. Jenny will appear towards the end of this essay and will help me finish it up, so stay tuned.

My Financial Team’s Surprising Assessment

If the title of this blog post sucked you in, it was meant to. This is not clickbait though I can assure you. This piece was inspired by real life experiences like many of my writings and it is certain to touch someone. The principle of wealth building being boring is something I’d heard about several times up until now, but this particular experience made it stick in my mind and craft this essay. This happens a lot in life.

“The fact that you don’t have any major financial hiccups or issues or news to report is a good thing,” a member of the anonymous gentlemen I refer to as my financial team said. “Wealth building is supposed to be boring and unexciting,” the other member continued. “Keep doing what you are doing Dr. Dunbar. You are doing well.”

The Era of Consumption

Wealth building is supposed to be boring? I was surprised but not surprised to hear them say this. They were both two financially savvy men who were well versed in the markets and trends. They were further not the types to follow the crowd and societal trends in terms of consumption and spending. It made sense that they would make such comments and conclusions.

Their words were in direct opposition to the mass marketing we’re all bombarded with which emphasizes consumption above all else. Being a content creator compels me to spend time on social media, more than I admittedly should at times. Regardless of the platform, I see the consumption and the excesses, some of which makes you wonder how people are paying for the things they’re doing. Take a peek into the world of Instagram to see what I’m talking about. Also look up ads from companies such as Temu. That said, you see similar things in real life too, so consumption and overspending are not restricted to cyberspace.

Boring Habits

“What are you having for dinner later on?” An acquaintance from the church I attended asked me about the remainder of my day after service one Sunday.

“Oh I’m going to have some leftover beans and rice (Emiril Lagasses’s recipe),” I replied, feeling good about my cooking skills.

“That’s boring. That’s boring,” she playfully jabbed at me, but also partially being serious.

I didn’t know what to think when she said this to me. Eating leftovers was a part of my lifestyle growing up that stayed with me over the years. It made sense to me to make large quantities of a meal and then to continue to eat it in the future. It was very cost effective too and ‘stretched’ dollars out. I also understood in hindsight that this habit could be seen as boring to individuals who solely eat out and who can’t cook or both.

I later found that part of the culture of the Washington, DC metro area, particularly among the black professionals, was eating out, eating out well and not a chain restaurants (Applebee’s, TGI Fridays or Ruby Tuesday for example). Many people proudly touted themselves as ‘foodies’. Sunday brunch after church services was more holy for some people than the actual morning worship.

What might be some other boring habits? The following are potentially boring habits:

● Regularly cooking as opposed to eating out
● Eating leftovers
● Bringing your lunch to work regularly
● Budgeting and planning out expenses
● Budgeting for and wisely planning out vacations
● Sticking to your budget
● Buying based upon your needs versus your wants
● Thinking long-term and setting spending goals/limits

Retirement Savings: Another Boring Wealth Building Habit

“If you’re not saving in your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), you’re leaving money on the table.” Retirement savings is another boring wealth building habit. I did not understand my TSP when I first started my federal career. My financial team and others impressed the importance of investing in it early enough where it could be an asset to me in my later years.

There are in fact a group of people who are ‘TSP Millionaires’. These are self-made millionaires who gradually saved into their accounts and by the time they were ready to retire, they were literally millionaires. It wasn’t done in a flashy way as we often see in pop culture and on social media, but instead through methodical savings from every paycheck, budgeting and prioritization. It further involved choosing the right assets/funds within their accounts to take advantage of the Law of Compounding Interest.

As a disclaimer I received assistance on this latter aspect. If you’re able save money in a retirement account of any kind, but aren’t savvy in terms of where to invest the money, I recommend finding someone who has already successfully started and is willing to teach you. In other words you should find a trustworthy expert.

What is Wealth Building?

No. Wealth building doesn’t mean a boring life. It can actually be quite fun dodging the snares of creditors who are always on the hunt for more prey. It just means going against the grain of what we as a society are being encouraged to uncontrollably do which is to spend. When you think about wealth, think about your Net Worth which is the difference between your cash and assets and your liabilities. Debt is a very bad thing for financially minded people. They are careful about using it and seek to control the use of it at all costs. Visit the channel entitled, Savings Minus Debt on YouTube to get an outlook on debt that you’ve probably never heard before.

Proverbs 22:7 in fact says that, “The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender.” I have personally found that to be true as I got myself into some really deep debt trouble at one point in my life. It is a stretch that I will never forget as I never wish to go back there.

“The banks would call me a freeloader. I pay off all my credit card balances at the end of the month but I gladly use the airline miles they give me,” talk show host Bruce Williams said nightly on his broadcasts in the early 2000s, one of my favorites of all time. Bruce talked about the wise use of retail credit cards which involved paying off all of his balances every month but gladly accepting the benefits. Do you pay off all your balances or pay the debt every month?

Can You Afford A $400 Expense?

Another interesting finding as I learned about money was that many Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency expense. I think Rodney Brooks of the Washington Post wrote the initial piece about this phenomenon. If I can find it, I’ll link to it. Similar pieces have been written throughout the years though.

A surprising finding for me though was that there were quite a few members of the prestigious six figure club who couldn’t cover a $400 expense. How is this possible? Well first everyone’s situation is different but there are several explanations for six figure earners who can’t cover a $400 emergency expense. One is the afore-mentioned debt. Debt can cripple your finances even if you are a high earner.

The conclusion most come to is overspending and poor money management. Money management in itself does take work because you have to sit down, proactively do the math and stick to the budget, or spending plan you’ve devised. This is part of the conundrum though. Aren’t you supposed to be able to spend whatever you want to if you’re a high earner? What do you think?

Closing Thoughts

This essay was written with some subtle humor in case you didn’t pick up on it. I first heard about wealth building being boring from an anonymous individual on YouTube I’ll call Ra-El in a livestream discussion. He was another ‘money guy’ who was interested in this topic of wealth building. Saving and investing money versus spending it is a major point of contention between couples today for those who don’t know. I also want to acknowledge that in this summer of 2024, many people in the United States and around the world are grappling with their daily financial survival which is a separate set of considerations than retirement savings. If you’re fortunate to have resources where survival is not a concern, then this topic is something you should consider.

I further want to close this essay by stating that I am not a financial professional. I am a scientist, writer and storyteller. I am also a very effective budgeter. I am not an expert at investing. I rely on individuals who are smarter than me in those areas. I can tell you that investing correctly requires a level of financial budgeting, restraint and prioritization. But is that all there is?

My financial team further shared the basis for the follow up piece to this one with me. It was a piece of advice stating that those who have wisely saved and invested should eventually get to a point where they should enjoy seeing their investments grow. Furthermore, saving for the sake of saving is just suffering. It was a profound lesson for someone disciplined like me. Look out for that essay. Finally thank you to my folks for not raising me in a consumerist mindset and my financial team for your guidance and encouragement. Finally thank you to Jenny for inspiring me to write this essay in addition to my financial team.

The Big Words LLC Newsletter

For the next phase of my writing journey, I’m starting a monthly newsletter for my writing and video content creation company, the Big Words LLC. In it, I plan to share inspirational words, pieces from this blog and my first blog, and select videos from my four YouTube channels. Finally, I will share updates for my book project The Engineers: A Western New York Basketball Story. Your personal information and privacy will be protected. Click this link and register using the sign-up button at the bottom of the announcement. If there is some issue signing up using the link provided, you can also email me at . Best Regards.

3 Smart Ways To Fuel Your Business Growth

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When you own a business, in addition to keeping the profits rolling in, you also want to always be thinking about growth. The following contributed post is entitled, 3 Smart Ways To Fuel Your Business Growth.

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Image Credit: Isaac Smith from Unsplash.

Business growth is an integral part of seeing success as an entrepreneur. Without it, you mightn’t see the revenues or profits you’ll want to see.

You’ll have to fuel your business growth to actually see these. You’ll already know this, but you mightn’t know which strategies you should implement. Some mightn’t be as effective as you’d like, which is why it’s worth focusing on some of the more beneficial. They’ll help you more than you’d think.
Three of these could be a lot more practical and effective than others, making them worth focusing on.

Fuel Your Business Growth: 3 Smart Strategies

1) Pick The Right Suppliers Early

The suppliers you work with play an integral role in your business growth. If they’re not able to scale with you as you grow, working with them could be restrictive.

That’s why it’s always worth picking the right ones from early on. Whether you’re using CurbWaste for waste management or another company for supplies, it’s worth focusing on this. While that could mean paying a little more now, it’ll help you more in the long term.

You can scale up your relationship with them when you need to, preventing any issues from coming up.

2. Use The Right Marketing Strategies

Marketing is an integral part of seeing growth, and you’ll need to invest in it. That doesn’t mean using any marketing strategies you can think of.

You’ll need to use strategies that actually work for your business. Some options can be much more effective than others, making them worth investing in. Content marketing and search engine optimization are some of the more notable. Focus on the options that offer you the best results possible.

They’ll be much more cost-effective, and they should help with your business growth a lot more than some alternatives.

3) Personalize Your Approach

About 80% of people would buy from a company more if it offered a personalized approach to interactions. These increased sales could fuel your business growth quite a bit.

That’s why it’s worth offering personalized services as much as you can. You can do this in more than a few ways. Offering loyal customers discounts, recommending products similar to what they’re buying, and similar approaches can all be great with this. You should see more and more sales in time.

This should increase your profit levels and help you see more growth in time. You’ve no reason not to put the effort into it.

Fuel Your Business Growth: Wrapping Up

If you want to fuel your business growth, you’ll need to use the right strategies. You mightn’t be sure which ones to go with, however.

Thankfully, finding the right ones doesn’t need to be too difficult. Some of them can stand out much more than others, making them worth focusing on. Not only will they help with your business growth, but they should be more straightforward than you’d think.

With the benefits they offer, there’s no reason not to put the time and effort into them.

The Little Flourishes That Help A Brand Thrive

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Good brands are distinct things that can be the key in helping businesses grow. Flourishes are keys to helping that brand thrive. The following contributed post is entitled, The Little Flourishes That Help A Brand Thrive.

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It’s easy to think that the smaller flourishes and details don’t matter in business life, provided the foundations are solid. But of course, this isn’t always the case. While no flourish can make up for poor basic structures, they can certainly help you edge the competition.

For example, think of how Disney animation has often outled other production studios and creative brands. The joy of their animations, the skill in their handmade rendering, their heartfelt attempt to bring classic stories to life has enabled them to become one of the most celebrated and world-renowned childhood brands in the entire world.

That’s not to say you need to rival Disney anytime soon, but having a sense of flair, showmanship, and detail-oriented creativity can truly help your brand stay competitive, no matter what industry you’re part of.

In this post, we’ll help you not only think about the little flourishes that make a brand thrive but how to integrate them in your business:

Design Flourishes

It’s often the simple things that make your products and service wrapping seem more creative, such as displaying it with eye-catching product photography to instantly make your products look 10x more premium and desirable. The same goes for swapping out that drab corporate font and colors for a more modern, visually-appealing branding look. Little packaging flourishes like custom ribbons can help a gift recipient associate your brand name with happiness, and such approaches also demonstrate your detail-oriented thinking.

Communication Charisma

How you talk to your customers and present yourself makes a big difference too. Writing in a warm, conversational tone (like you’re talking to a friend) in emails/social media instantly makes your brand feel more personable and human. Having fun with creative copywriting – injecting humor, storytelling narratives, catchy slogans – helps you get noticed amid all the bland corporate-speak we all have to suffer daily. Being more personable also shows you’re not afraid to seem human, and that’s not a bad place to start.

Customer Experience & Affability

Obviously, step one is making sure you’ve got a great core product/service that genuinely delivers. But then you can surprise with excellent further support or even accessories to make a purchase worthwhile. That could be personalized product add-ons, exclusive discounts on events, a generous loyalty program, or whatever would make your particular audience feel most valued.

These thoughtful extras go a long way toward nurturing that sense of brand appreciation. Put simply, if people feel you’ve focused on caring for them as a customer (even a follow-up email shows you care about their experience), then you’ve set the stage for a warm response. At the very least, you won’t gain a response from disinterested customers, but those who want to engage with the company they give a chance to will appreciate the first steps you’ve taken in outreach. Again, it takes a confident firm to ensure a customer relationship is nourished.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to use the little flourishes that help a brand thrive. In a world of increased competition, this necessity could edge you out in the competition.

Break Up with Toxic Clients for Business Prosperity

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In business, relationships are everything. In some instances there are toxic clients and you have to know when to part ways with them to keep your enterprise growing and thriving. The following guest post is entitled, Break Up with Toxic Clients for Business Prosperity.

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Image via Freepik

Navigating the complex world of client relationships is pivotal for the success of any business. When entangled with a toxic client, severing ties emerges as a beacon for promoting business growth and preserving your sanity.

The journey from identifying toxic traits to professionally concluding such relationships and refining your approach toward client engagement is not only necessary but empowering. It transforms challenges into opportunities for strengthening your business foundation. The Big Words Blog Site shares more:

Spotting When to Say Goodbye

Spotting the telltale signs that it’s time to part ways with a client requires keen observation and honesty. When you constantly encounter negativity, find your boundaries disregarded, or face demands that far exceed the scope of agreed-upon work, these red flags signal a toxic relationship.

Such clients drain your resources and detract from your ability to serve others who value and respect your services. Recognizing these signs early on enables you to protect your business’s health and your team’s morale.

Conducting a Formal Farewell

You initiate the conversation to end a client relationship with careful consideration and professionalism, ensuring your approach is direct yet tactful. You can navigate this delicate situation gracefully by explaining that you’re seeking a better fit for the client’s needs.

You diplomatically communicate your reasons, steering clear of blame while highlighting the discrepancies between expectations and outcomes. Your offer to help transition to a new service provider mitigates potential hard feelings, demonstrating your commitment to their success. This method eases the separation process and reinforces your professional integrity.

Fortifying Client Engagements

You turn to digital solutions to streamline your contract management, embracing the efficiency of e-signing. With these platforms, you easily complete forms online with this tool, eliminating the need for physical documents.

This approach clarifies the terms and conditions of your agreements and significantly reduces your environmental footprint. Sharing contracts becomes a seamless, instant process, allowing you to collaborate with clients worldwide. Adopting this method, you contribute to a greener planet while enhancing your operational efficiency.

Upholding Utmost Professionalism

Maintaining a high level of professionalism is paramount throughout disengaging with a problematic client. Keep your communications respectful and objective, focusing on the mutual benefits of parting ways rather than personal grievances.

Such an approach preserves relationships and leaves room for future opportunities. Remember that the business world is small, and a reputation for professionalism and integrity is invaluable.

Consulting Legal Expertise

Navigating the end of a client relationship can be complex, especially when contracts and legal obligations are involved. Seeking advice from legal professionals ensures you understand your rights and responsibilities, minimizing potential risks. This step is crucial for avoiding legal entanglements arising from breaking contracts or unresolved disputes and safeguarding your business’s interests.

Keeping Detailed Records

Documenting every interaction, agreement, and transaction with clients provides a safety net should disputes arise. These records are invaluable for clarifying misunderstandings and serving as evidence in legal situations. Keeping thorough documentation is a best practice that protects both parties and reinforces the importance of transparency and accountability in business dealings.

Recommending Alternatives

When parting ways with a client, recommending alternative service providers can be a gesture of goodwill that helps maintain a positive relationship post-separation. This act demonstrates professionalism and care for the client’s needs, reinforcing your reputation as a considerate and ethical business owner. It also provides a smooth transition for the client, easing the strain of the breakup.

Final Thoughts

Choosing to end a relationship with a toxic client is a strategic decision that underscores a commitment to business excellence and personal well-being. You can set the stage for more fulfilling and productive client relationships by identifying the need to part ways, conducting the separation professionally, and using the experience to enhance your business practices. This journey strengthens your business’s foundation and contributes to a healthier, more positive work environment.

If you enjoyed this article, you can find more helpful content on The Big Words Blog Site!

How to Keep Your Machinery Efficient

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you business depends on technology, one of the things you must do is make sure your technology is running in the most optimal way. The following contributed post is entitled, How to Keep Your Machinery Efficient.

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If you’re running a business, then machinery is likely to be essential to success. Machinery helps you to produce your products more quickly and more efficiently, and it allows you to keep ahead of the competition.

However, even the best machinery needs the right people running it, and you need to be able to optimize this machinery to ensure that it’s safe. Whether you need to bring in an external DFW DEF Distributor to fill the fuel or you have in-house people doing it, the machinery you have should be safe at all times. Let’s take a look at how you can make sure that your workplace machinery is more efficient.

Image source: Pexels

● Provide regular servicing. The best way to optimize your machinery in the workplace is to regularly service and maintain it. This will ensure that it’s running at its complete best, and it helps to prevent any potential issues that could occur in the future. With regular maintenance, you’ll be able to identify potential issues as quickly as you can before they have a chance to really contain any damage. Servicing keeps all of the moving parts lubricated correctly as well, which can prolong its life.
● Upgrade the systems. Any manufacturer will know that machinery is constantly evolving. The systems can and will be upgraded regularly, and it’s up to you to keep on top of those upgrades. One of the best ways to optimize your machinery is to make sure that you are upgrading it to the latest technology as it becomes available. New machines are often more energy efficient, and they are often better to run, which means that you’ll be able to keep your business stable.
● Invest in the right lubricants. If you need your machine to keep your operations running completely smoothly, then you need to make sure that the machinery itself is running correctly. From the right fuel to the right lubricants, you’ll be able to ensure that your machinery is exactly where it should be and running efficiently for your business. The proper lubricant.Is important because the wrong lubricant can cause significant damage to the machinery while reducing its lifespan. You want to be able to protect the machinery from wear and tear and improve its performance at the same time, and that’s exactly what the proper lubricant can do. With the right lubricants that are thick enough to protect kids wear and tear, but not so thick that it slows down the machine, you’ll be able to ensure that things keep moving smoothly.
● Lean into LEAN. Waste is a huge problem in manufacturing, and anyone in the manufacturing industry knows that. With inefficient processes and scrap materials, along with downtime and improper planning and placement. You’re going to end up with a warehouse that does not run the way that it should when you implement lean techniques, however, you can improve the performance of your machinery as well as the rest of the business.

Financing Options that will Help you to Fund your Business

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key to starting your business and keeping it going is funding it. Many people don’t know the options available to them. The following contributed post is entitled, Financing Options that will Help you to Fund your Business.

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Do you want to fund your business? If so then you have come to the right place. Here you will find out what options you have when getting your company off the ground, so you can make solid decisions going forward.

Family and Friends

One of the first options you have is to go through family and friends. They may be more than able to support you financially. You can then pay them back with interest if you want. They may not be able to give you all of the money you need but at the same time, they may be able to help you out to the point where you can seek other funding. If you can keep this in mind then it will help a lot going forward.

Source: Pexels

Bank Loans

Another option you have would be a bank loan. Traditional bank loans and overdrafts are a very popular source of funding for businesses. If you use them property then they can be a very effective way of helping you to get your company off the ground. Just make sure that you do your research and that you look into every type of loan. If you can do this then you will soon find that you can get the best result out of your company. Some banks will offer you very low interest rates too, so give them some thought and explore each option properly before you come to the conclusion as to which one is more suited to you.


If your business is in high demand or if you know that you have a huge fan base who want to support you then you may be able to look into crowdfunding. The best thing about this is that you will already have a pool of people who are willing to invest in your company. If you have time on your hands then this is a worthwhile option as you won’t need to pay your money back and you may even find that it stops you from getting into too much debt.

Look into Business Angels

Another option you have would be business angels. Angel investors tend to be very wealthy individuals who can give you funding in exchange for a share in your company. Some investors like to work in groups but some work on their own. Angel investment is not suited to businesses that want to keep full control over their company. If you want to keep control, online loans would be your best bet.

So as you can see, it’s entirely possible for you to get the best result out of your business. If you want to help yourself then it is so important that you take steps to focus on your future today. If you can do this then you will soon find that you can get the funding you need without getting into too much debt, which overall, is imperative to your company’s success. If you can keep this in mind, it’ll really help you out.

Is Running A Boat Tour Business A Good Idea For You?

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. There are many potentially profitable businesses in the tourism space. If you are close to water, a boat tour business can make you a lot of money. The following contributed post is entitled, Is Running A Boat Tour Business A Good Idea For You?

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If you have been thinking about starting a boat tour business, then we’re here to tell you that this could be a fantastic idea. Of course, there are a lot of elements that you’re going to have to think about and manage before you can even start working on putting the company together. Struggling to figure out what they are? Then it’s a good thing that you have come across this article so that we can help point you in the right direction. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the considerations that we think you need to make, so keep reading if you are interested in finding out more.

Location Image – CC0 License

If You Know The Area

If you are going to be starting a boat tour business, then you need to know the area that you are planning on offering the tours of! It might seem like common sense, but you don’t realize how many people don’t think about this and then find themselves struggling. You need an intimate knowledge of the areas in which you’re going to be offering tours of, or else you are going to get negative reviews left, right and center. Remember that when people are booking tours it’s because they want to see some of the sights and get some more information about the location, not because they want someone who has about as much knowledge as they do showing them around.

Get All Of The Right Equipment

You are also going to need to make sure that you have the money to get the right equipment to make the boat tours possible. Of course, you’re going to need to start with a boat because how are you going to offer boat tours without one? Start with one, and then if your business becomes successful you can always expand to more than one when the time comes. You’re also going to need other pieces of equipment like a gas caddy to ensure that you have enough fuel to see all the places that you want to show.

We recommend making a list of all of the equipment that you will need, and costing it all up to see if it’s affordable.

Is There Demand?

The final thing that we’re going to say is that you need to check whether or not there would be any demand and interest in this service. There is no point starting a business if nobody is going to be interested! But, if you pick a popular tourist destination, this should never really be the case.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now see whether or not starting a boat tour business is a good idea for you. It’s not for everyone, and it’s not going to work in every location, so you need to think carefully about the logistics of this. However, if you think that it’s the right career path for you, then it’s definitely something that we recommend getting started with. We wish you the very best of luck if this path is the one you wish to travel, and hope that you see success sooner rather than later.

Struggling to Scale? Your Business Might Need The Following Help

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. An important aspect of business is scaling. If you can scale your business, you can put it on the road to profitability. The following contributed post is entitled, Struggling to Scale? Your Business Might Need The Following Help.

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You are at a stage in your business whereby you aren’t in a place to hire full-time employees, but you have a lot of interest in reducing your workload and delegating the tasks that are out of your zone of expertise. Honing in on your entrepreneurial skills and finding freelancers and professionals that could help you to free up more of your all-important time might be the key to escaping your ever growing workload. With that being said, there is nothing wrong with doing things by yourself for a while, especially when it comes to financial security. You can muddle through certain tasks and get by for a certain amount of time, but soon enough you will need some outside help so that you can focus on business growth. You started your business so that you could experience freedom and do something you’re passionate about, so it’s important to carve out time to pursue the tasks you enjoy. This often means outsourcing specific jobs that are beyond your skill set.

Although, the idea of relinquishing control over certain aspects of your business, it may just be one of the best entrepreneurial decisions you make. Gaining outside advice or hiring experts for short-term projects can help you to scale your business and give you more time to work on growth strategies. With this in mind, here are a handful of areas that your business may need a little extra help with.

Financial Expert

Getting to grips with the finances of your business isn’t something that comes easily to some entrepreneurs, but having a clear overview of your financial health is pretty important if you’re hoping to scale someday soon. Bringing in a financial expert or accounting professional conduct an audit of your business will give you clear answers as to whether you can afford to make certain decisions regarding the growth of your company.

Fractional Chief Technology Officer

If you have little to no experience when it comes to technology, but your business is heavily reliant on innovation and tech, this is the type of support you could use to help you reduce costly errors in the near future. Working alongside an experienced fractional cto, you can edge closer towards your goals and receive some much-needed tech expertise without having to hire a permanent chief technology officer. With the leadership and guidance from a freelance fractional chief technology officer you will have the opportunity to develop your business tech efficiently.


Connecting with your target audience and using the right language to communicate with them has never been more important. Consumers are becoming more and more savvy and will quickly lose interest if you aren’t speaking to their pain points and providing them with a clear solution. Hiring a professional copywriter for one-off projects such as website updates and marketing campaigns will help you to engage your audience quickly and effectively.

Graphic Designer

When you have high quality and engaging copy for your business you need to match this with professional imagery and graphics. You can manage for a certain amount of time with your own basic graphic design techniques, but in order to take your business to the next level you will need to create consistency across all platforms of your business. Hiring a graphic designer to tweak your website and re-do all of your business branding will uplevel your company aesthetic and build trust with potential clients instantly.

Virtual Assistant

There are certain tasks you have to do on a day to day business in order to keep your business running smoothly .Whether you’re gathering data, or replying to emails, all of these administrative tasks take up valuable time. Hiring a part-time virtual assistant will transform the way you work each day, as you will have more time to dedicate to growth strategies. You can outsource all sorts of tasks such as customer service, social media content creation and much more when you hire a reliable VA.

Accepting help and support for your small business can be a huge challenge to overcome, but you will soon start to reap the rewards once you get started. Whether you’re aiming to develop your business tech as quickly as possible, or you’re hoping to overhaul your website with an expert graphic designer, you can start to scale and professionalize your business by bringing experts on board. Use your budget for freelancers wisely and focus on the areas of your business that require the most attention; soon enough you will begin to notice growth and positive changes occurring within your business.

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The Power of Partnerships: Building Strong B2B Relationships for Mutual Success

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. One of the keys to succeeding in business is building strong partnerships. If done right, the partnership can be mutually beneficial for both sides. The following guest post is entitled, The Power of Partnerships: Building Strong B2B Relationships for Mutual Success.

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In today’s interconnected and rapidly evolving business landscape, the power of partnerships has never been more evident. For companies engaged in business-to-business (B2B) transactions, building strong relationships with partners can be the key to unlocking mutual success and driving sustainable growth. These partnerships go beyond traditional supplier-customer relationships, fostering collaboration, innovation, and shared value creation. In this dynamic environment, understanding the fundamentals of building strong B2B relationships is essential for businesses seeking to thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Look for complementary strengths

In B2B partnerships, the synergy created by combining complementary strengths can be transformative. Partnerships often emerge when one company possesses expertise, resources, or capabilities that the other lacks. For instance, a software development firm might excel in creating innovative applications but lack the hardware infrastructure to host them effectively. Teaming up with a hardware company, such as an electrical engineering company, can bridge this gap, offering scalable and reliable hosting solutions.

Identifying these complementary strengths requires a thorough understanding of each partner’s core competencies and strategic objectives. Through collaboration, partners can capitalize on their unique strengths to deliver greater value to customers and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Ensure shared goals and values

Building a successful B2B partnership starts with shared goals and values that align with each partner’s mission and vision. These common objectives serve as a guiding light, driving decision-making and shaping the direction of the partnership. When partners share similar values, such as integrity, innovation, or customer-centricity, they establish a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect.

This shared ethos fosters a collaborative culture where partners work together harmoniously towards shared goals, overcoming obstacles and celebrating successes along the way. By aligning their aspirations and values, partners can forge a deep and enduring connection that underpins their relationship.

Maintain open communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful partnership. In B2B relationships, open and transparent communication is essential for building trust, resolving conflicts, and aligning efforts towards common objectives. Partners should cultivate an environment where ideas, feedback, and concerns can be freely shared without fear of judgment or reprisal.

Regular communication channels, such as meetings, emails, and collaborative tools, facilitate the exchange of information and foster a sense of unity among partners. By promoting open communication, partners can strengthen their relationship, enhance decision-making, and adapt more effectively to changing circumstances.

Facilitate knowledge sharing

Partnerships facilitate knowledge-sharing and learning opportunities between businesses, enabling them to exchange insights, best practices, and industry expertise. For example, a technology company might partner with a research institution to collaborate on joint projects and share insights from the latest research developments. By leveraging each other’s knowledge and expertise, partners can drive continuous improvement, innovation, and competitive advantage in their respective fields.

Both parties should benefit

A thriving B2B partnership is characterized by mutual benefits that create value for both parties involved. Each partner should have a clear understanding of what they stand to gain from the collaboration, whether it’s increased revenue, access to new markets in the anywhere economy, or an enhanced brand reputation.

By focusing on mutual benefits, partners can ensure that the partnership remains equitable and sustainable in the long run. This may involve jointly identifying opportunities for growth, sharing risks and rewards, and collaborating on initiatives that deliver value to customers. By prioritizing mutual benefits, partners can build a relationship based on trust, reciprocity, and shared success.

Support continuous collaborations

Building strong B2B relationships requires ongoing collaboration and engagement that extends beyond the initial stages of the partnership. Partners should actively seek opportunities to collaborate on projects, share resources, and exchange knowledge to maximize the value of the partnership.

Regular communication and collaboration foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, strengthening the bond between partners. By working together consistently, partners can leverage each other’s strengths, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities in a dynamic and competitive marketplace.

Remain adaptable and flexible

In today’s fast-paced business environment, adaptability and flexibility are crucial for the success of B2B partnerships. Partners should be prepared to pivot and adjust their strategies in response to changing market conditions, emerging technologies, and evolving customer preferences.

This requires a willingness to embrace change, experiment with new ideas, and learn from both successes and failures. By remaining agile and adaptable, partners can stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities, positioning themselves for long-term success in an ever-changing landscape.

Innovate and co-create

B2B partnerships offer fertile ground for innovation and co-creation, where partners can collaborate to develop new products, services, or business models that drive value for customers. By combining their complementary strengths and expertise, partners can unlock new opportunities for innovation and differentiation.

This might involve co-developing new technologies, conducting joint research and development initiatives, or exploring new market segments together. By fostering a culture of innovation and experimentation, partners can stay ahead of the competition and create sustainable growth opportunities in rapidly evolving markets.

Preserve a long-term focus

While short-term gains are important, the most successful B2B partnerships have a long-term focus that extends beyond immediate objectives. Partners should view their relationship as a strategic investment in future growth and innovation rather than a transactional arrangement focused solely on short-term gains.

This long-term perspective requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to invest time and resources in building a solid foundation for the partnership. By nurturing trust, fostering collaboration, and continuously delivering value, partners can lay the groundwork for a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship that stands the test of time.


In conclusion, the power of partnerships in the B2B space cannot be overstated. By embracing complementary strengths, shared goals, and open communication, businesses can forge strong relationships that drive mutual success. Through continuous collaboration, adaptability, and a long-term focus, partners can navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth together. As the business landscape continues to evolve, the importance of building and nurturing strong B2B relationships will only grow, empowering companies to innovate, compete, and succeed in an interconnected world.

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.

The Frugal Road: Strategic Investments in Your Car

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. A major expense for everyone is their car. Likewise, it’s important to understand what and when to pay for these expenses. The following contributed post is entitled, The Frugal Road: Strategic Investments in Your Car.

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In a world often equating frugality with cheapness, it’s crucial to grasp the nuanced difference. Frugality is not about scrimping but making wise, long-term investments. This principle holds especially true in the realm of transportation, where strategic investments in your car can embody the true essence of financial prudence.

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Beyond Cheapness – Understanding Frugality
Frugality, often misunderstood, is a financial philosophy grounded in resourcefulness and wise spending. It’s about making choices that yield long-term value, a principle that sets it apart from mere penny-pinching.

So, it becomes crucial to make a distinction between cheapness and frugality. Being frugal as a car owner is not the same thing as being cheap. While cheapness often connotes a focus solely on low costs, frugality entails making thoughtful, value-driven choices. The benefits of embracing frugality extend beyond immediate savings; it’s a strategic approach that emphasizes long-term value.

In the context of vehicle ownership, being frugal involves thoughtful investments to ensure sustained value and reliability. As a car owner, embodying a frugal mindset translates to making careful investments rather than indiscriminate cutbacks. It’s about understanding that maintenance is an investment, not an expense. By adopting frugality in car ownership, you navigate a path where judicious spending preserves your vehicle’s value without draining your finances. This nuanced approach acknowledges that being frugal isn’t about sacrificing quality; instead, it’s a savvy way to ensure your car remains a reliable asset without unnecessarily breaking the bank.

Driving Culture in the USA – The Indispensability of Cars
The United States’ pervasive driving culture makes cars not just a luxury but a necessity. The average car owner in the United States drives over 14,000 miles every year according to the Federal Highway Administration. For perspective, this is the equivalent of driving 300 miles a week. In a country where you have to drive everywhere, the importance of investing in your vehicle goes beyond convenience. It becomes a crucial aspect of financial prudence and responsible ownership.

In the United States, the car is more than a mode of transportation; it is an indispensable tool that supports every American through their everyday life needs. From commuting to work to pursuing leisure activities, cars are an integral part of the American culture because there isn’t any other alternative for many Americans.

Not having a car poses significant risks to one’s livelihood, impacting the ability to fulfill professional duties and engage in routine activities.

As a result, maintaining a car in the USA isn’t just about mobility; it’s a strategic necessity. Being frugal isn’t just about adhering to a budget; it’s a smart approach that allows individuals to safeguard their vehicles without compromising financial stability. This balance ensures that the essential investment in a car aligns harmoniously with budgetary constraints, promoting both reliability and financial well-being.

DIY Repairs – The Gateway to Long-Term Savings
Learning basic repair works, from changing lights to inspecting and replacing brakes, empowers car owners to save significantly. But first things first: DIY repairs does not mean grabbing the first tool you find and hoping for the best. You need to equip yourself with the right knowledge and tools if you are going to save costs through your repair works. Simple tasks like changing lights, inspecting brakes, or even replacing air filters can be undertaken at home, saving both time and money.

Once again, understanding how to execute these repairs safely is paramount. It not only ensures the well-being of the car owner but also contributes to the longevity and efficiency of the vehicle. The main reason why DIY repairs fail is because car owners do not take the time to learn. Learning the basics of DIY repairs fosters a sense of independence and self-reliance, reducing reliance on costly professional services and enabling you to diagnose and fix simple issues.

The financial benefits are substantial. DIY repairs eliminate labor costs associated with professional mechanics, making it a pocket-friendly alternative. Besides, a proactive approach to maintenance car not only save on immediate expenses but also avert potential major issues, ultimately securing long-term savings and enhancing the overall reliability of their vehicles.
The financial benefits of undertaking these tasks personally, rather than resorting to expensive garage services, exemplify the true spirit of frugality.

Road Safety Investments – Follow the Manufacturer’s Recommendations
Ensuring road safety involves strategic investments, such as regular tire changes and adherence to manufacturers’ recommendations. While these may seem like upfront costs, they are preventive measures that safeguard against potential accidents and breakdowns, ultimately translating to long-term financial savings.

The key to road safety maintenance is to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. While this is a crucial aspect of responsible car ownership, many drivers are keen to postpone servicing and maintenance. These recommendations, often including scheduled check-ups and component replacements, serve as a blueprint for preserving your vehicle’s health.

So it is paramount to view these guidelines as investments rather than mere obligations. Regular maintenance, such as changing timing belts and oil filters as advised, safeguards the intricate components of your vehicle. It’s a proactive measure that pays dividends, prolonging the value of your car and preventing potential breakdowns.

Another essential road safety investment, aligned with the manufacturer’s guidelines, includes timely tire replacements. Typically, the manufacturer’s manual will provide information about the best choice of tires and tire size. As such, new tires in the appropriate size and model will ensure optimal traction and stability, enhancing safety on the road, even though other options may appear cheaper at first. Equipping your vehicle with the wrong tire models can and will have dramatic consequences on your driving safety and on maintaining the long-term value of the vehicle.

In conclusion, there is no denying that owning a car comes with costs. Yet, being frugal in car ownership isn’t about cutting corners; it’s about making informed and prudent decisions that maximize the overall value and longevity of your vehicle. Saving money as a car owner isn’t about postponing essential work or repairs on your car. It is precisely a case of understanding what needs to be done to keep your vehicle on the road.

From DIY repairs to adhering to manufacturer’s guidelines, each investment plays a role in enhancing your car’s reliability and preserving your financial well-being on the road.