The Benefits Of Networking: 4 Ways It Can Support Your Career Ambitions

A key focus of my blog is Career Discussions. Networking is discussed all the time in the context of careers of is often underestimated in terms of its importance. The following contributed post is entitled, The Benefits Of Networking: 4 Ways It Can Support Your Career Ambitions.

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Being in the working world can be a challenging and intimidating experience, especially if you are starting out and don’t know anyone yet. To help make things easier for those looking to make connections in the business world—and hopefully find some coworkers—numerous networking groups around the country cater to professionals of all ages and industries. These events offer excellent opportunities to meet potential colleagues and friends who can assist you in your career aspirations.

Introduce you to leaders in your field

Networking groups provide you with the opportunity to meet those who are currently leading in your field. This means you can look into how these leaders operate and their career advice. If you are trying to figure out how to navigate a particular field, the leaders in that field are great people to seek advice from, such as Richard Hansen Dean, as they have already been through all the challenges you may be facing. If you are in a specific field, you have access to people who are at the top of their game and can tell you what they have learned over the years. These individuals are also great people to reach out to when you have new ideas or want to start a new business—the leaders in your field are excellent resources and people who want to see others succeed.

Open you up to new developments and skills

Joining a networking group can open you up to new developments and skills you may not have considered before. You might meet someone who works in a different field, but you two might have a lot to discuss and learn from each other. You might meet someone new and discover a new skill you never knew you were interested in. These kinds of discoveries can open up a new side of your life and even provide ways to expand your current career. If you are open to new developments and skills, you will likely encounter a few new skills that you can add to your resume and maybe even explore a new career path.

Help you make the right connections

Networking groups help you make connections that can assist you in your career. You never know who may be at the same event as you and be able to help you somehow. You may meet someone who works in a company that you want to work for and can make a connection for you. You might meet someone who works in a company that you want to work for and can make a connection for you. You never know who you are going to meet and what your relationship with them will be. If you are looking for a new job, you must join networking groups and put yourself out there. You never know who you are going to meet or who will be able to help you out in your job search.

Offer you new insights and ideas

Networking events offer you new insights and ideas on what challenges are currently facing the industry. These events allow you to meet with people who are facing similar challenges as you and see what they are currently doing to overcome them. You can learn from the challenges other people are facing and see what they are doing to try to overcome them. It is also a great place to bounce ideas off other people and get feedback so you can also be on top of your game. You can also discuss the different ways you have tried to tackle similar issues with other people and see what others may have to offer you.


Networking groups are a great place to start if you are interested in receiving more contacts and helping others. Although taking the first step and joining a networking group can be scary, it can also be gratifying. You never know who you may meet at these events, and you never know what connections they may be able to help you make.

Computer Network Security Tips

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. Pretty much every business today uses some sort of computer network. As such the security of your network is absolutely critical. The following contributed post is entitled, Computer Network Security Tips.

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Most companies have a computer network that is shared amongst employees to offer helpful collaboration and access to important files. When planning to open a business or make changes to a current one, the network should be a focus of your interest.

Today we want to take a look at computer networks and think about helpful tips you can use for effective working as a business. Whether you filter out spam, use Managed Services or restrict access to your network, there are many ways to ensure the safety of your data.

Seal the doors

The most crucial thing to think about in terms of your network is the entry point. Think of your network as a house. The easiest way for a hacker to gain entry to your network is through the doors and windows, and this is the first thing you need to protect. Make sure to explore your network and find any weaknesses or entry points that could be used by hackers. Once you have identified these areas you can fix them and make them stronger.

Think on a device basis

When thinking about the safety of your network, it is important for you to consider every device that houses a gateway to the network. If you have a large business, there will likely be many computers and laptops that have access to the network. Weaknesses can lie in every device and a hacker might take advantage of a singular device. This is why you should install antivirus software on every single device that has access to the network. This will provide a protective cushion and ensure the safety of your network.

Eradicate spam

Spam emails seem to be the norm these days. Since the early 2000’s people have tried to scam others by sending emails with the deception of being from someone else. Of course, as technology has advanced and we have become more savvy, hackers have also increased their ability. This is why it is important for you to filter spam and create blocks and rules for any and all emails that aren’t from a known source. As a business it is also important to educate staff, especially older staff, to not click on links or open attachments they don’t recognise.


A good password is one of the best weapons you can have when it comes to security. If your aim is to keep the business safe and the network secure, it is crucial for you to choose strong passwords and ensure that everyone in your company does the same. A strong password should contain letters, numbers and special characters. For extra support, make sure that your workers change their password every 3 months to reduce the risk of them being hacked.

Restrict Full Access

Did you know you can change the access each individual has to your network? If you have a network that shares files such as invoices and employee information, it is a good idea to restrict certain parts of the network to only allow authorised personnel. This is a good way to keep your network safe and always ensure that data stays in safe hands.

Building A Business? It’s All About Making Connections

The first principle of my blog is Creating Ecosystems of Success, and two key focuses are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Some key aspects of building a business are: raising capital, marketing, and recruitment of talent. Another key piece is networking which will allow you find partners in addition to finding customers. The following contributed discusses the importance of building networks and the post is thus entitled, Building A Business? It’s All About Making Connections.

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Image via Unsplash

The more you look into it, the more it becomes apparent that everything we do in life is dependent on a community. Nowhere is that more true than when you’re trying to launch your own business. Be it academic networks or entrepreneurial ones, the connections we are able to make are a major factor in determining our success. We go through life forming new communities. We need to find others who connect with what we are writing or selling. People who will share what we have to say with their own networks via social media or word of mouth. Communities function through the building of relationships and the exchange of ideas, and if you’re trying to get a company off the ground, then having the opportunity and the ability to form those relationships is absolutely vital. Forming a quality connection is about finding the common ground, having a shared vision or set of ideas. Once you have this, you’ll have an audience of brand advocates that can support, challenge and improve what you do.

Developing An Audience-Centric Content Strategy

But how do you find this community and connect with them in the right way? You have to begin by putting yourself out there – taking a few risks, showing what you’re all about and laying out your stall – literally and metaphorically! Find your voice and see who responds to it. It all starts with creating some quality content introducing your brand and it’s products or services. Work with the best web developers or Video Production Companies to refine your messages and positioning and make content which truly reflects who you are and what you’re aiming to do. This is your chance to show the world what your intentions are, so make it the best you can.

Establish A Feedback Loop

Once you’re out there with some content, put in place mechanisms to ensure you’re getting an accurate picture of the reactions people have. Use an audience discovery tool such as Mention to set up alerts around phrases and keywords relevant to your business. Topics you care about will guide you to your audience. They can be geographically related, related to a particular industry or even just a be a quirky subject that you have a particular interest in. Monitoring these topics will allow you to discover potential community members and further expand your networks of people and relevant interests. You can also use social listening to understand what people are saying about your business, what they love that you do, where you could improve and even ideas for future development.

Join In The Discussion

Reaching out on topics of interest or customer support issues can quickly gain you a reputation and a following, but it does take a bit of work to get off the ground initially. The key is to have a great CRM system which allows you to manage all your data centrally and connect with other services such as social media scheduling software, customer support tickets and email. Use this source to gather a fuller picture of who you are talking to using a tool like Riffle and then make those valuable connections that can really take your business to the next level.