Your Business Is Folding: The Steps To Take Next

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Most businesses fail which means that the odds are that you’ll confront this scenario should you seek to step into the arena of entrepreneurship. If in fact you are faced with this circumstance, it’s important to know how to proceed. The following contributed post is therefore entitled, Your Business Is Folding: The Steps To Take Next.

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“Failure” is one word that no business owner wants to hear. However, it’s one of the biggest parts of being an entrepreneur. You are going to fail over and over again when you wade into the complicated world of business, and do you know what? Failure is okay. It’s not the end of the world if the business you are in is folding. Businesses fold because the needs of the consumer changes. Sometimes, a business can keep up with these changes and adapt. Other times, the business folds like a sheet of paper. The thing is, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, the success isn’t hanging onto a failing business by a thread: it’s learning that you can brush yourself off and start over again.

It doesn’t mean that while you’re going through the folding of your company that you’re going to find it easy. In fact, much of the time it’s going to suck. It’s stressful and whether you are trying to let your employees know what’s going to happen to their jobs or you’re visiting for information on company bankruptcy, you need to know the next steps that you’re going to take. No one wants to be at the helm of a business that is going under, but you learn a lot when your business folds. Think of it positively: you’ve witnessed the start and end of a business and you can pinpoint exactly where you have gone wrong. You’ve put a lot of effort into this company, and once you realise that it’s not the end of the world, you’re going to be able to look forward. It doesn’t mean that you personally are a failure: it simply means that you have a speed bump in the road that you are taking toward success. You learn your little lessons and you grow along the way.

The key is to know your next steps, stand tall and carry on. Let’s take a look at what you should be doing once your business has closed for good.

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Take A Breath & Relax
Failure isn’t something that you can avoid at least once in your time as a business owner. It’s refreshing, to be honest, that there is an outcome for your business when you’ve been struggling to keep it alive. Stress comes in many forms, and it’s one of the many stressors out there when you are living in a perpetual state of uncertainty while you wait for your business to run its course. You don’t need to dwell on it, and when it’s final – your business is closing – you can let out the breath you’ve been holding. Calm down with some slow breaths and relax. Once you manage that, you can digest the situation far better and look at your experience in a new light. Perspective is an amazing thing, and it can propel your next business idea – after a break of course.

Don’t Take It To Heart
Rarely when a business folds is it about the owner. Your business may have failed, but that doesn’t mean that you did. Believing that you are the failure is a great way to kick yourself while you’re down, and you don’t need to do that. Bill Gates wasn’t an immediate success, neither was Steve Jobs. It’s your turn, though, to work out exactly what went wrong and rectify it for the next time, whether that’s issues with the product or service that you made or issues with the employees you hired. One you know what changed and ruined things, you can take the step to not let it happen again. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, right?

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Reflecting on the loss of your business has to be an analytical thing. Here are some of the things that you can think about:
● Why did it fail?
● Could you have done more to save the company?
● Where did the fault lie?

Answering these questions can bring you the closure that you need, and you have learned from the experience. Reflect on the things that went right with it as well as the things that went wrong, and you’ll be able to adapt the next time you decide to open a business. This analysis can also prevent you from falling into a depression about your business – don’t let that happen!

Plan Again
You can take as much time out as you need to have a break when your business fails, but you also need to consider getting right back on the horse and planning another venture. You are now wiser and able to learn from your mistakes. Put everything you’ve learned into your new business and you’ll be able to be successful with it again.

Take A Break
After running a business, your confidence takes a knock. You’ve spent a long time at the wheel of a company and steered it well. Sure, things folded, but that doesn’t mean that it was all you. Before you jump in with both feet into the next venture, take a break and have some free time. You no longer have to devote every second of the day to your company. Not yet, anyway. Take a moment to go on that vacation you put off and spend time thinking and planning again. Recharge your batteries and catch up with yourself.

Do Some Volunteer Work
While you set up your next venture, take the time to do some volunteering. The passion that you feel about what you do is obvious, as you want to set up another business again. However, take some time to learn a little something new, to give back. You should hopefully have enough cash in savings to cover you a month or two, so take the time and learn something new.

A folded business isn’t going to ruin your entire life if you can appreciate that things will always be changing in the business world. Be excited: there is a bright future ahead of you that you can take with both hands.

Dealing With Money Troubles Within Your Small Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Even if you plan your small business out well, you can still run into money troubles if you’re not careful. In such instances it’s important to know what to do to get yourself out of trouble. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Dealing With Money Troubles Within Your Small Business.

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When you first start up a small business, your main motivation is likely to be money. Running your own company allows you to generate your own income without having to answer to anyone but your customers. You gain freedom and the same time as earning sufficient amounts of cash to lead a comfortable lifestyle! However, if you find that your business isn’t raking in all too much cash and starts to become more expensive to operate than you can really afford, you’re going to run into trouble! Money matters can make or break a business and it’s consequently extremely important that you monitor your business’ finances effectively. If you find that you are facing money worries, you need to tackle the situation head on, as attempting to sweep issues under the carpet isn’t going to get your anywhere. Here are just a few steps that you can take if you find that your small business is facing financial difficulty!

Determine the Extent of Your Financial Issues

The first step that you need to take when you are concerned about professional finances is to determine the extent of your financial issues. If you merely owe out a little money and have experienced a slump in sales, you may just need to wait for sales to pick back up. Consumer trends can often be confusing, but with a little research, you can determine why people aren’t spending as much at a given time and can take measures to encourage them to part with their cash. If you, however, are in a deeper and more difficult situation, where you are experiencing heavy debt within your business and cannot fathom being able to generate enough profit to pull yourself out of the situation, you might want to take on legal help from John Steinberger & Associates. They will be able to help you to determine whether options such as bankruptcy might be suitable for you.

Update Your Budget

Many businesses get into financial difficulty in the first place by making the same old mistake – coming up with a budget at the beginning of their venture and sticking to it. Of course, it’s always good to stick to a budget. But you need to bear in mind that the amount of disposable income your business has will fluctuate with time and interest. So make sure your budget fluctuates according with this. You can afford to spend and invest more when sales are high, but may need to cut back down if you experience a dip in profits.

These two steps can help you to determine your business’ financial footing as you progress and develop. Make sure to incorporate them into your plan as soon as possible to benefit from them as much as possible. They really could help you to stay in the black and out of the red!

Agribusiness Tactics That Will Keep Running Costs Down

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Agriculture is a complex business which is continuously evolving. If you’re contemplating getting into the business or if you’re already in, there are a couple of key points to consider. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Agribusiness Tactics That Will Keep Running Costs Down.

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Agribusiness. Little House On The Prairie it ain’t, and if you have rose-tinted dreams of a lazy day on the farm, running through crops, and milking cattle, then you may be in for a surprise. Of course, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a good profit to be made in agricultural business. Although, to achieve this you will need to keep the running costs as low as possible. A topic you can find out more on in the post below.

Agribusiness is not like this!

Stay away from lifestyle farming locations

The first tactic you can use to keep the running costs of your agriculture business low is to think carefully about where to site your farm. You will need to be near a main road, so it’s easy to ship your products out and get any equipment in that you require, but it’s also essential that you stay away from locations that are popular for lifestyle farming.

This is because lifestyle farmers or those that choose to live on smallholding to embrace a more rural style of existence are driving the purchase and lease price of good arable and stock land up. Something that can result in you paying well over the odds, if you aren’t careful.

Spread resource costs

Next, when it comes to keeping the running costs of your agribusiness low, it’s important to be selective about the suppliers you choose.

This is because units cost for things like fuel can vary a great deal between different providers. Also, bear in mind that some suppliers will offer bulk fuel delivery along with an even payment plan. This will allow you to pay your total bill for the year split across 12 months, and so can make it both easier to budget for and more affordable as well, keeping running costs to a minimum.

Embrace tech in the office and the field

Tech is obviously revolutionizing many industries, and agribusiness is no exception to this. In fact, there are multiple applications for tech and IT in both the office and the field.

One is using up to date productivity software within the office, as this can help your business team keep on top of the most crucial issues and make key deadlines such as bids, tax returns, and even catalogue completion dates. Something that will ensure you don’t lose any money because you can meet customer demand, and can help you minimize your staffing costs as well.

Secondly, there are many applications of tech in the field as well, from investing in better nozzles and spray system to ensure a more abundant and more viable crop, to buying heavy equipment that is multi-use.

In fact, opting for farm machinery that is modular where attachments can be swapped out, allowing it to perform more than one task is a very effective method of keeping running costs down.

After all, it means you always have the equipment you need without having to purchase whole new pieces, or lease it. Something that can be expensive, and problematic when you are working in an agribusiness context, where money can easily be lost if crops go over, or deadlines aren’t met.

How To Bootstrap Your Online Business

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Starting any business is an ambitious, both a potentially rewarding but also a perilous feat. Online business are more prevalent now than ever before, and there are a separate set of considerations for starting and online business versus a traditional bricks and mortar business. The following contributed post is thus entitled, How To Bootstrap Your Online Business.

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When it comes to starting an online business, there’s no doubt that it can be an expensive thing to get up and running. With so many things to have in place, it can be quite off-putting and you may wonder if it’s even financially possible for you to start an online business without taking out loads of cash loans.

The good news is, it’s completely possible to do it and when you’re just starting out it’s actually advisable to bootstrap until you know it’s something that’s actually working because you don’t want to invest a ton of money into something that simply doesn’t work and then you end up losing everything you put into it.

In this post, we’re going to give you some tips on how exactly you can bootstrap your online business.

Realize that not everything needs to be brand new:

Especially when starting an online business, then one of the main things you’re likely going to need is a computer, and although it can be tempting to buy the latest model with all the bells and whistles, this is something that will eat into the costs of starting your business, so you need to shop around and you’ll soon see that you can actually pick up great things like computers and other things you need by buying second hand. The fact that it’s second hand doesn’t mean it’s going to be any less of a good quality machine – you can either buy direct from someone who’s selling something because they never really used it or you can buy a refurbished item that’s basically the same as a brand new one, but for a fraction of the cost.

Avoid bright shiny object syndrome:

Bright shiny object syndrome is something that affects many people, and business owners are pretty badly affected by it – especially since you’re going to be excited about starting your business, it can be difficult to avoid buying all the things you think you need, but that are actually nothing more than a distraction. To avoid this, you need to discipline yourself and keep things simple within your business. Allow yourself to get clear about what things you actually need for running your business and just stick to those – you can always add new things on later if you need to.

Learn things yourself:

One of the best things a business owner can do is outsource all the things they don’t enjoy and that they aren’t particularly good at, but in the beginning if you’re trying to bootstrap, then you need to be able to learn these things for yourself. Sure it may take a bit of time and mean you’re working a lot, but even when you come to outsource these things later, they can be useful if you already know how to do them and have to step in for a day or teach someone else how to do them.

Have a plan and stay focused:

As a business owner, failing to plan is planning to fail so it’s super important that you make yourself a clear plan and stick to it so that you don’t get distracted by thinking you have to do all the things and get every shiny new thing out there.

Expanding The Empire – What You Need To Know About Business Acquisitions

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In addition to growing organically, businesses can also grow by acquiring other smaller businesses. There are positives and negatives when acquisitions occur. The following contributed post is thus entitled, Expanding The Empire – What You Need To Know About Business Acquisitions.

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Every entrepreneur dreams of making their empire bigger and better than ever. While there are many different ways to achieve this goal, acquiring a smaller business is perhaps the most efficient of all. First and foremost, it provides a shortcut by allowing you to inherit the existing brand, equipment, and innovations. Secondly, it enables you to grow your empire without impacting the already successful business that you’ve built from scratch.

Global giants such as Nike, Apple, and Microsoft acquire small businesses on a regular basis. Sometimes those brands are incorporated under the umbrella, and something the products are repackaged as a part of the main brand. Either way, if it’s good enough for the big players, it’s certainly good enough for you. Nonetheless, if you’re going to expand the empire in this manner, it’s vital that you do it in the best possible fashion. The following tips will allow you to make it happen by avoiding the pitfalls and focusing on the positives.


Know Exactly What You’re Buying

Buying out another business isn’t something you do on a whim. There will be solid reasons for wanting to take on this company. This could revolve around a love of the products, especially if there is a potential for them to bolster your own services. Or perhaps you love the brand image and have ideas to take it to the next level. Either way, it’s imperative that your acquisition includes the physical and intellectual assets that you crave. Experts at De Bruin Law Firm offer a specialized service in acquisitions and mergers to ensure that things go to plan. Purchasing a venture that isn’t as it seems would be a nightmare.

It’s equally important to understand the finances behind the business, as you may be forced into taking on the debt from the previous owners. The legalities and practicalities behind purchasing a smaller company are fairly complex. This is why you must never rush into the process. This is especially true if the company has been listed on a business exchange platform. After all, there could be a reason for selling that would discourage you from completing the transaction. Due to the financial implications involved, extensive research is a must.


Know Whether It’s The Right Fit

There are literally thousands of great companies that have either been listed or would be open to being bought out. However, that doesn’t mean every option is right for your empire. In fact, the harsh reality is that only a small percentage of prospective acquisition will be worth your time and money. Patience is a virtue when scouting potential businesses to purchase. Even a company that seems like the perfect fit at a glance could have contrasting goals and values. Essentially, it’ll only work out when the two companies can successfully merge and work together.

With this in mind, you must consider the target demographics and the various aspects of daily operations. If the companies are at odds with each other despite being closely related in some areas, it’ll be a smarter move to look elsewhere. This proactive planning will also make the transition far smoother when you announce the plans to your current team. It is particularly noteworthy if the merger will affect them. Of course, you might want to acquire an operation that has no real link to the current business. This is absolutely fine too, but it should at least be a venture you can feel passionately about. Otherwise, the lost enthusiasm can lead to negative outcomes.


Know Whether To Keep The Brand

Once you’ve acquired a company, there is a huge decision to make regarding the brand. You can either persist with the brand as it is, or merge the assets and transfer them to the existing company that you’ve built. Either way, you’ll need to put some personal touches on things. Nevertheless, the impacts created depending on the chosen pathway are huge. When opting for the former, you may want to relaunch with new logos and artwork to underline that this is a new era. This can drum up excitement from loyal customers as well as new demographics.

If you are going to simply incorporate the products and services as a part of your company, there are many ways to do it. Some companies like to present the acquired company as a sub-brand under the umbrella of the company. Others prefer to simply rebrand the products and services as though they are a new addition. There is no one right or wrong way to do things. Ultimately, you just have to do what feels right for your company and brand. As long as your decision is calculated and built to gain the best long-term results, you should be just fine.


Know What You’re Doing With The Staff

As you already know from your existing business endeavors, the importance of a strong team cannot be emphasized enough. This is especially true when acquiring another business for your empire. Attracting the best new candidates is vital. Still, you should also existing employees the opportunity to continue their work for the company. Even if the company is to be relocated, some staff members may be willing to follow. Alternatively, remote-based positions can open doors that were previously closed. Aside from satisfying your human responsibilities, it’s the perfect way to retain info and insight into the workings of the operation.

Whether taking on new employees or persisting with the existing ones, you need them to be on the same page. The strong recruitment process should be followed by smart onboarding procedures. The idea is to make new members feel included. Simple ideas like having their desk and name badges ready can make a big impact. Going forward, staff training and team building enable you to sculpt the team into the shape that you desire. This is the best way to build upon the success of the old regime while still stamping your authority on procedures too.

Know The Numbers

Every major business decision should be made with financial elements in mind. Completing an acquisition is only worthwhile if the numbers add up. Experts at KPMG offer the full auditing services that you need to complete before making the transaction. This includes weighing up every financial aspect on the books to ensure that the buy is worthwhile, and in your best financial interests. The recent performance needs to be weighed up against the ongoing expenses and various other features. Given the significance of the decision, getting the company accountants involved is also advised.

It’s impossible to predict the future, especially if you are planning to make wholesale changes to the acquisition. Still, making forecasts is the only way to gain any real confidence before making the purchase. Without those predictions, every action is made on pure speculation. While it could work in your favor, it’s likely that it will backfire spectacularly. On a similar note, you need to consider the implications that the initial outlay and ongoing expenses can have on your business and brand. If the new acquisition is going to pile the pressure on your empire, it’s not a risk worth taking.


Know The Competition

As was the case when launching your initial business empire, it’s not all about your company. The marketplace will inevitably be bursting with competing businesses, and it’s vital that you pay respect to them. Apart from anything else, a deeper understanding of the market could potentially open your eyes to a far better solution. More importantly, when you do make your decision, this market research will help you plot your next moves. After all, the marketing exploits following the merger are almost as crucial as every other element combined. Without an appreciation of the competition, it’s impossible to show clients why your new business is the right choice.

It’s not uncommon for bigger empires to take on several smaller companies and merge them together in one larger acquisition. If this is to be the path that you choose, be sure that all of those associated firms fit together. It’s likely that you will join them together and rebrand them as one, either as a new entity or by incorporating one into the other. Once again, the research you’ve done into the competition (branding and products) will give you the best shot at doing something bigger and better. Whether this includes wholesale changes or leaving things largely unchanged is entirely up to you.


The Final Word

Acquiring a business to form the latest part of your empire can unlock a bigger and brighter future, but only when it’s done well. While there are a lot of issues to consider, it’s imperative that you complete those tasks now rather than later. Essentially, failure to prepare is preparation to fail. With the right research into the finances, performance, and long-term prospects will work wonders. If those findings show that the company will fit in with the existing operations, you can be sure that this will be a long and successful partnership. If that doesn’t signify a successful acquisition, then what does?

How to Increase the Capacity of Your Business for Growth

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In any business enterprise, especially those that are younger and still growing, it’s critical to understand how to most efficiently increase its capacity. The following contributed post is thus entitled, How to Increase the Capacity of Your Business for Growth.

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If you are looking for a way to grow your business, chances are that you will have to invest time and money in redesigning the systems. The good news is that there are several cost-effective approaches that will allow you to measure your return on investment and help you achieve your goals no matter where you are looking for development areas. From staffing to reducing waiting times, there must be several rooms for improvement. Find out more below.


If you simply cannot do everything alone, and your order volumes have increased, you will need to make a decision to use other people’s time and skills. In case you are not yet ready to employ people full time, or don’t have the office or workshop space to accommodate employees, you might decide to outsource and increase your capacity this way without having to make permanent investments.


If you are dealing with complicated processes and services, it might be time to simplify some of them, so you can see the system working and get a snapshot of where your projects are heading and what the holdup is. You can utilize some advanced project management systems, as well as a CRM system that will save you time on keeping an eye on your leads and your customers.


There are several things you can automate in your business without having to opt for employing people or outsourcing. If your bookkeeping takes you a lot of time, you can get an app that will do all the jobs for you, and you can spend time on what really matters in your business. You can also automate communication and follow ups, so you don’t have to call every client back to see if they are happy.

Focus on Productivity

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One of the main reasons for business failure is low productivity. If you are running your one-man band, you need to make sure that you can pay yourself a decent salary and still have funds to grow your business. There are several ways you can improve your productivity, such as increasing your delivery capacity or reducing your turnaround times. If you own a warehouse, for example, you simply changing your Casters can make a huge difference in your business output.

Time Management and Bottlenecks

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One of the main reasons why companies are unable to progress to the next stage is the lack of workflow management. If you are not familiar with lean organizations, it might be time to take on a course or employ an advisor. Chances are that there are some bottlenecks in your workflow processes that hold you back from improving your productivity and your profitability. Identifying your bottlenecks will help you improve your business long term.

There are several reasons companies stagnate in their growth and cannot move on to the next step. You will need to identify what is holding you back from progress and improving your productivity and capacity. Growing your business is challenging, and you might need professional advice to avoid the most common pitfalls.

Importance of Technology In Business

hree of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital world, technology has infiltrated and affected pretty much every aspect of life and the business world is the same. Falling behind these advancements can be very, very costly. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Importance of Technology In Business.

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Photo by TheDigitalArtist from Pixabay

More and more we are seeing businesses turn to technology for all manner of things. The importance of tech in the modern world cannot be overstated and yet some companies continue to lag behind. To make sure you are not one of those businesses, we are going to discuss here so of the important things to remember when it comes to technology and your operations.


Firstly, it is important to remember that technology is not just referencing the modern day use of computers. We will come on the value of the computer era shortly, but it is worth bearing in mind that if you are a manufacturer, then there may be equipment out there like CNC Machining Centres that will help you make your product quicker and possibly better. Researching the impact of the tech landscape for the industry you are working in before pushing ahead is critical to your success, so make sure you’re addressing any technological pitfalls in your business quickly.

Computers must also be discussed when it comes to the equipment being used in business, and more importantly what they are used for. Every office around the country has a computer of some kind at this point of the 21st century, but the important thing is are they using it for all they can. A lot of employees will know how to use the basics from documents to spreadsheets, but there are advantages with computers that can make your operations more efficient. You should consider applications that focus their attention on productivity like Asana so that your company can operate at a higher level than your competitors.

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Technology and security have had a fractious relationship over the years. It is fair to say that the rise of different software and hardware has created criminal activity that was unthought of just a few decades ago. However, there are pros as well thanks to the ability to track your systems remotely, protect your company’s important documents and keep track of your premises.

Running a business, cybercrime is never going be too far away from your thoughts due to all the sensitive data that you will be handling. For this, however, some solutions are relatively straightforward, and that also open up other opportunities for you. A virtual private server (VPS), for example, is a remote server accessible only by the user, meaning that you can install software away from your main operations and be confident in its security. Companies like HostGator and BlueHost both offer you the chance to explore this technology not just for protection, but also so that you can have a dedicated server for your website or software. What that means is that rather than splitting server power across lots of different parts of your business, you can direct one sole server to the most important bit.

Technology and business should go hand in hand. It’s just about finding what is best for you.

What It Takes To Be A CEO

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) wield a lot of power and control whole industrial sectors.  Their decisions greatly impact the lives of those under them and their influence even rivals that of politicians. They must possess a select collection of skills to ascend to their positions and be successful. The following contributed post is thus entitled, What It Takes To Be A CEO.

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To be a CEO is one of the biggest responsibilities in the world. You have a whole company relying on you, and you have your own lifestyle to support through it. But everyone thinks that’s just as easy as setting up a business, figuring out how to run it, and then helping it along its way. Oh no, this is far from what it takes to be a CEO. To be a CEO you have to have so many qualities and skills, that this article truly won’t cover it. If you’re not a CEO at the minute, and you’re just thinking of becoming one, then you really do need to have a general insight of what it takes to be a good CEO. There’s no point setting up your own company if you’re not the right person to do it. If you have your own company at the minute, there’s also no point in moving forward if you don’t know what it takes to be a good CEO. So, let us enlighten you, and show you what we think it’s going to take!

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The Right Skills

You definitely do need the right skills if you’re going to be the best CEO for your company. We’re talking skills like communication, problem solving, and working under pressure. You might think you have all of this at the minute, but we think there are always areas that can be improved. To make sure you have all of the necessary skills, and that you perfect them, we think you should take some business management courses. Don’t think there’s just one that will tell you all, there’s so many different management courses you could go on to make sure you’re the best. Even if it’s just you at the minute, the courses won’t be teaching you how to lead, they’ll be teaching you how you can run a business more than anything!

The Right Vision

The vision you have is essential, and please don’t tell us it’s focused around putting millions in your bank account. Of course this is going to be the end goal, but it shouldn’t be the vision. The vision should be what you think your company should be doing in a few years time, and how you want it to expand. Jos Opdeweegh is a businessman who has been successful throughout his career, and has now wrote articles on the vision that business owners should have, and what they shouldn’t have. If the focus is always on money, the bigger picture of the business could be lost sight of.

The Ability To Lead

The ability to lead is definitely something we want to finish the article with. You have to be that person that your whole team can come to in a time of need, not just when it’s to do with business. We think that’s really what it takes to be a true leader. If you can’t be that person who anyone can come to, you’ll be the person that anyone turns against. There really are some terrible CEOs that bring a company down because they just can’t lead.

Are We Heading For A Recession And How Can You Prepare?

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. I didn’t learn until later in life that there are five economic/business ‘cycles’ and whenever there is a ‘Prosperity’ there will eventually be a ‘Recession’, so this isn’t all magic and chance. Once you know that there will be recessions in the future, you can think about how to prepare for them. The following contributed post is thus entitled Are We Heading For A Recession And How Can You Prepare?

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Are you worried about the potential threat of a recession? It’s understandable if you are because the last time one rocked the global economy, a lot of people suffered. Savings were lost, businesses crashed, pensioners were left penniless and people lost their homes. The last time we had a serious recession was in 2008. Now, you may not be aware of this, but the economy is pretty much like a rollercoaster or a constantly repeating bell graph. It climbs up, remains at roughly the optimum point for a while and then comes crashing back down. It’s a system that never fails and while we can’t predict when the next recession will hit, we know one is coming. However, there are a few questions that need to be answered.

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Will it Be As Bad As 2008?

By economists 2008 is counted as a severe depression for some parts of the world including the UK and America. It was devastating and while it’s not quite the worst case scenario, it wasn’t too far off. So, you would be forgiven for panicking about whether or not another could potentially hit sooner rather than later with this magnitude. The good news is that currently, economists are not predicting a severe recession similar to the Wall Street Crash which actually bordered on a depression. If that happens then it will be a complete shock with very few people actually predicting it. We say very few because there’s always someone that sees this type of collapse coming. You can read more about this on

What Are The Signs A Recession Is Coming?

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One of the earliest signs of a recession is a low level of spending and high unemployment rates. Currently, in countries like America, employment rates are actually high and people are continuing to spend. Indeed, with the festive shopping period in full swing, businesses haven’t seen a slow down although there are noticeable changes as can be seen on

In fact, Goldman & Sachs recently reported that as long as consumers continue on this trend, the fears of a potential recession can be ignored. Ultimately, the general public can keep the economy swinging high. This will actually offset other issues such as failing stocks and high interest rates. Those issues are currently on the market right now and without a high level of spending, we could still reach a recession even before 2018 ends.

There is one important distinction here though with spending. Spending is only a good sign if people can afford it. One of the main causes of the last depression was people spending money they didn’t have and buying homes or investing in property that they couldn’t actually afford. Ultimately, this leads to an economy being built on something that’s no more stable than a house of cards. Eventually, it will come tumbling down.

How Can Private Individuals Plan For A Recession?

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First, if you are living in rented accommodation, inquire with your landlord and check whether they own the property outright. They are under no obligation to tell you this, however many will, to provide you with the peace of mind you need. If they own the property outright, there is less chance, they’ll lose it and you’ll be forced to move out during a recession. If you are currently paying a mortgage on your home, make sure that your budget is flexible for changes and that you will be able to afford a significant increase in costs.

This is all about saving. You need to make sure that you saving as much as you possibly can through the months or years leading up to a recession. It’s crucial that you have a solid amount that you can fall back on if the economy does take a turn for the worse. If you are worried that a recession is on its way, it’s time to cut out the luxury purchases. Instead, you need to make sure that this money is being kept and not just kept but invested.

Any money that you do save should not remain stagnant and must be invested in the right areas. For a recession, you need to focus on the securest and firmest investment possibilities. There are a few choices to consider here.

You can learn about some of the possibilities on sites like One option would be gold. Gold is often considered to be the only true currency because unlike other possibilities it doesn’t rise or fall in value. This means that if you invest in gold, your shares will ultimately remain more or less constant and that’s exactly what you want

Property is another choice that is largely considered to be secure. When you invest in property, it’s important to choose a property that you can afford and that is not going to negatively impact your finances. If you do need to take out a mortgage, you need to make sure it fits your budget and that the rent or resale more than covers the cost.

How Can Business Owners Prepare?

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For business owners, it’s all about cutting costs. When a recession hits, you might experience a severe drop in level of customer interest or the number of customers making purchases. If this happens, then your business model needs to be able to handle the change. The best way to guarantee this is to make sure that your business budget is as tight as possible. Ultimately you need to streamline your company and reduce wastage as much as you can.

You might also want to think about increasing levels of flexibility in your business model. You can do this if you cut out some of the more expensive and permanent parts of your company. For instance, you should think about getting rid of the business model and instead working from home.

The businesses that tend to be hit most by a recession are those selling luxury products and services. If this describes your company, then do consider thinking about refocusing your efforts on delivering budget-friendly options that all clients and customers can afford. You can learn more about selling luxury products on

We hope this helps you handle the potential threat of a recession as a private individual and potentially a business owner.

What You Should Know About Business Automation

Three of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. There is a lot of talk these about the increased role of automation in the business world. There are some important considerations to think about in terms of incorporating automation into your operations. The following contributed post is thus entitled, What You Should Know About Business Automation.

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You can’t turn a corner in today’s business world without hearing about automation. By utilizing automation, you can increase the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of your business processes. Things like marketing, recruiting, and time saving can become a breeze, and you and your team will be able to focus on more important work.

Here, you’ll find what you need to know about business automation so you can do it effectively. Take a look and see what you can learn below:


Ensure You Understand The Processes That You’re Automating
If you don’t fully understand the process you’re supposed to be automating, you won’t be able to do it effectively. Make sure you evaluate the process and change it where necessary.

Let Your Team Test Out Solutions
Assign a team to your automation solutions, allowing them to experiment to find the best tools and then test and implement them gradually. Remember to help your team adopt these new automation processes, too. An automation process will only work as well as the team who uses it. Most people don’t like change, and it can be hard. Remember to build in change management and training to any workflow automation you introduce. By clicking here your team can begin their exploration of processes that can introduce reduced costs and time savings.

Calculate Your ROI
Although automation can make things much easier when you have it up and running, it’s not always going to be simple. You need to make sure you estimate the time/cost savings that the automaton process will give you, compared to the time and costs it will take to automate the process. Is the amount of time it takes to recoup that investment acceptable?

Consider Security Risks
Anything that is automated and digitized can also be hacked. Automation makes things so much faster for you, but it can also make things much faster for an attacker. Make sure you think about security in advance and plan for it.

Go Slowly And Prioritize
Automating your workflow takes a lot of upfront time and resources, but if you go about automation the right way you will recoup this. However, there are learning curves involved, so going slowly and prioritizing is key. Make a list of what will have the biggest impact on your company and how much work/effort/rich is involved as you implement each one.

Keep It Simple To Begin With
You can’t always predict the issues you’ll run into with automation, so it’s best to start with something simple. You’ll avoid wasting time and resources and you’ll even learn things you didn’t know about your organization. You can carry these lessons forward when you start off simple and it’ll help you to prepare for bigger things will maximizing your productivity gains.

Ensure You Have Super High Quality Control Standards
Automation will have bugs just like any other computer system. These bugs mean you must have a degree of quality control so you can monitor and measure effectiveness and ensure each process is working as expected.