Making The Most Out Of Your Entrepreneur Skills

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur requires a different set of skills than being an employee. Before becoming an entrepreneur it’s helpful to know what those skills are, and even are starting your business activities, it’s important pay attention to those skills and intentionally grow them. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Making The Most Out Of Your Entrepreneur Skills.

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Life as an entrepreneur is never going to be dull, wouldn’t you agree? Your mind is constantly buzzing with fresh ideas, new approaches to things or even the next step on your business journey. However, there are always you can improve things so that you are living your best entrepreneur life. You may be wondering how you go about doing that? After all, the main impression of any entrepreneur is you either have the gift, or your don’t. However, there are ways you can improve your life as an entrepreneur, making things easier on yourself and even advancing your business in some way.

Many people choose the life of an entrepreneur. They enjoy the thrill they get from creating something out of nothing. They are money magnets, always wheeling and dealing and able to turn their hand at anything. Some people envy them. However, one thing that people don’t think is that the life of an entrepreneur is hard. These things come easily don’t they? But that is where they are wrong. It takes work, dedication, and a lot of hours slugging away to make things a success. The thing that does come easy is the passion. But if you are hoping to make things a little easier on yourself as an entrepreneur then read on to find out more. I have shared with you what I think could help you make more of the entrepreneur skills that you have.

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Improve your general business knowledge and skills

Perhaps you feel that you may have more that you can learn regarding business practices. It might mean that you choose to do things a little different, perhaps having a different approach or process to implement into your own business empire. You could take on a business management course, or even be very specific such as focusing on areas like marketing. Courses such as that can really enhance your skills and make you more confident in new trends and different ways of doing things. Other ways you can improve your knowledge is through networking. Heading to seminars and being around people in a similar industry or share similar interests can really help your business and you.

Be open minded to where technology can help you out

There is so much great technology out there these days, that you definitely need to be open minded to know exactly when and where it can help you out. Let’s start with the basics and the advancement of smartphones and tablets. Now as an entrepreneur you can be on the move and still working wherever you are. You might also want to think about the smoothness of transactions between technology and your servers and this is when server movers could be beneficial to your business. Other advancements in technology has to be in terms of how quick and easy you can reach people nowadays. Thanks to the digital platforms of a website and social media, you can be up and in business i a matter of hours. Having the right strategies in place to ensure that your business is seen, from a decent social media marketing plan to ensuring the content you use is optimised for search engines, can both be extremely beneficial to help you build a successful business life.

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Change your attitude towards business

Your attitude could be your biggest hindrance. It can be your biggest asset or your worst flaw. A bad attitude is never received well. People don’t respond to negativity, and they certainly don’t respond to frustration and disrespectful attitudes. However, an attitude can be your biggest saviour in business, especially if you are prepared to put in the hard work and graft that is required of you. Sometimes you need to be able to ensure that you as a person come off in the best possible light. No matter what you do, first impressions still count for a lot. It is just these days you are able to make a first impression without needing to be face to face with someone. Think about what you say, how you act, and how you portray yourself online to ensure that you do all that you can to have the right attitude.

Have a more positive outlook on life

Positivity breeds positivity and having this sort of outlook on life can really help you as an entrepreneur. Naturally, you should be a fairly positive person anyway, many entrepreneurs are, but it can dwindle from time to time if things aren’t going your way. Many famous entrepreneurs believe in the power of positivity and things like the law of attraction so it might be worth acquainting yourself with some positive affirmations. Ding this daily and having the right affirmations and outlook on life can actually make you a much more productive person in other aspects of your life. It is about being proactive and having the tenacity to go out and get the things that you want out of life.

Look at the nitty-gritty of your business model

Finally, look at the nitty-gritty of your business model and see if there are any improvements to make. Things like a change in social media strategy, a different marketing campaign to sink your teeth into, or even something like a change within ranks in your business model such as offering other team members different roles, so you get a fresh set of eyes on different departments. You may also want to think about the benefits of outsourcing. It can be so tempting to want to do everything yourself, but this can often mean that you don’t complete tasks, or perform them with mediocrity. There is always something you can do, and your business is always there to be improved. Which helps you to grow and succeed in other ways. Doing this regularly can often ensure that you don’t miss out on potential opportunities.

I hope that this helps you to make then most of your entrepreneur skills and to make the most out of what you have available to you for yourself and for your business.

Business Finances: Simplified

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. Keys to successfully running any business or enterprise is: sound money management, control of cashflow and control of expenses. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Business Finances: Simplified.

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As a business owner, you will likely find there are countless demands on your time. However, there is one demand that is undeniably the most important of all: sound financial management.

The financial state of a business is, after all, the dividing line between business success and failure. While it is undeniably important to think about the future, plan for growth, assess your competitors, keep your staff happy and so on and so forth, without good finances underpinning your company, all of these tasks are rendered irrelevant. Finances are everything… but they are also incredibly complex.

This is far from an ideal solution: the finances relating to your business are important, but they are also confusing, detailed, and in need of constant nurturing. It could be argued that dedicating all your time to good financial management would mean you had relatively little time to do anything else – so how can you cope with the demands of the rest of your business, and managing the finances of that business?

There is, thankfully, an answer to this question: you simplify your business’ financial management; and below, we’ve put together a few ideas that can help you achieve this goal.

#1 – Reduce the number of companies you make payments to

A standard business could find themselves making payments to individual providers for the following products:

● Gas
● Electricity
● Your business cellphone
● Internet service
● Business insurance
● Liability insurance

This means that – at a minimum – you may find yourself juggling six different providers just to establish the basics of your business. That’s six different companies you have to research prior to purchasing, six different account numbers, six different provider terms and conditions, six different customer service phone numbers to remember in case things go wrong, six different monthly direct debits – and that’s just the bare minimum.

Such a scenario is all too common, and it is the enemy of simplified finances. Instead, look for providers that offer a range of services; you could buy your cell phone plan and landline from the same company, click here to find out more about companies that can provide more than one type of business insurance, and group together your utility needs under a multi-fuel account. These measures would halve the number of companies you have to research and deal with, greatly simplifying the management of your outgoing costs as a result.

#2 – Note every single purchase you make

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Imagine a scenario where you use your business credit card to make a stationery purchase. You’re busy, so you make the payment, tuck the receipt in your wallet – or archive the receipt email, if shopping online – and move on with your day, assuming you’ll record the transaction in greater depth at a later date.

There is, of course, a chance you’ll do just that – but running a business is demanding, and there’s an equal chance you’ll forget to do so. This means you’re effectively storing up a problem; a moment when you’ll study a bill, or go through your tax-deductible expenses, and be completely unable to recall the transaction. In the best case scenario, you’ll be able to find the receipt and track back, but even then, you’ve still spent more time than necessary on a small task.

Instead, record the following details about every purchase you make for your business:

● The amount of the payment
● The payment method you used; i.e. debit card, credit card, or cash
● The purpose for the payment
● The payment recipient
● The date of the transaction

You can then set a reminder on your phone to input the transaction into the relevant records and file the receipt for safekeeping as soon as is convenient.

#3 – Schedule account debits for the same time every month

If recurring outgoing payments debit from your account throughout the month, life can get confusing very quickly. You may find that you have to run the numbers and check you have the funds you need to cover future payments every time you wish to make a non-recurring payment or debit, which is far from ideal.

To avoid this, set up all of your recurring payments for a single day every month – ideally the first, as this remains the same date every month. You may find that you need to pay more for the first month on a new payment plan to change the dates, but this is well worth doing in order to achieve a more streamlined approach in future.

#4 – Use a “traffic light” system for financial tasks

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When managing your business finances, it can often feel like you have a plethora of tasks demanding your time – you have to make payments to suppliers, manage your receipts, balance the books, issue customer refunds, and many more besides. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, implement a “traffic light” system.

To do this, start by making a list of all the financial tasks that are demanding your attention.

● Red: tasks that must be completed as soon as possible, with potentially severe ramifications – such as fines or fees – if they are late.
● Amber: tasks that must be completed as soon as possible, but that will not result in financial ramifications if they are not completed immediately.
● Green: tasks that are important, but that are without a pressing deadline or a set point at which they have to be completed.
● Any task that does not fit into one of these three categories should be set aside to be perused at a later date or potentially discarded entirely.

When every task is assigned a color, you can then begin to work through them in order of priority: red, then amber, then green, accomplishing as many as possible in the time you have available.

In conclusion

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For your business to succeed, your financial management has to be excellent – but without consuming your entire schedule. If you give the tips above a try, you should find that you’re able to streamline your finances and exert positive control, while still managing to leave plenty of time for other business-related tasks. Good luck!

Looking To Grow? You Have To Let Go? How You Can Work With A Remote Team Effectively

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. With today’s technology, many workers are working remotely. There are certain keys to working with remote teams. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Looking To Grow? You Have To Let Go? How You Can Work With A Remote Team Effectively.

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Growing a business these days means having to find ways to cut financial corners. If you’re someone that’s on the road constantly, remote work is an essential cornerstone of a developing company. Many businesses use remote workers now, but for all of the pros and cons associated with remote working, if this is essential right now, how can you work with a remote pool of workers effectively?

Don’t Confuse Brevity With Clarity
When we looking to maximize our effectiveness and we need to communicate with remote teams via email, we can feel that the fewest number of words possible is the only course of action. But, we can confuse brevity with clarity. You have to think about getting your point across, not just so your workers know what to do, but so you can avoid any bounce back. A lack of clarity will result in more confuse responses which will triple your workload and reduce your productivity for that day, meaning you will have to work hard to catch up later in the week. Regardless of your type of work, whether you’re growing a digital agency, a pool of bloggers, or an e-commerce business, if you have remote workers that have to be firing on all cylinders, you have to ensure that you are able to distill exactly what you mean into a message so that it leaves no stone unturned. This is a fine art.

Breathing Space
The anxieties that creep in when we’re running a remote team is that we, very simply, have no idea how our employees are working. There are ways for us to ensure they are on the right track, regular meetings, either in person or via video call work perfectly fine, but part of the draw of remote working, especially when you are starting up a business, is that the employees have some sense of freedom. They are working from home, so they are able to do things, within reason, their own way. The temptation can be for us to breathe down their necks a lot more and metaphorically look over their shoulder. But you have to think about the overarching productivity. If you are constantly pinging messages to an employee to check on their work, you’ll have to think that this will invariably slow them down. This is why it’s better for you to instigate communications first thing in the morning or the end of the working day. It all depends on the feedback you have to give, but working at home comes with its own unique set of challenges, and we have to think about this, because if we are sending numerous little emails, messages, and we are one step away from picking up the phone and speaking to them, the number of little tasks that they have to do throughout the day that purely involves messaging you back could slow them right down and impact you at the end of the week.

To work with a remote team, it requires the ability to say what you mean, but let them work in their own way. In many ways, you are relinquishing a lot of control, but if you are looking to grow, then you have to let go.


Vital Signs: Essentials To Keep A Healthcare Startup Functioning

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. The healthcare industry is booming today and many healthcare startups have been started. As with any enterprise, it’s important to know how to survive in your chosen sector. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Vital Signs: Essentials To Keep A Healthcare Startup Functioning.

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The healthcare industry is booming. And it’s hardly a surprise; a service that provides support to every single one of us in our hour of need is naturally going to reap the benefits. But when there are so many healthcare startups nudging for space at the proverbial operating table, so many can fall by the wayside. In order to keep a healthcare company functioning, what are the essentials we need?

A Solid Workforce

Now with the necessity to outsource certain processes, the notion of a solid workforce can seem as old as the hills. But it’s a fundamental of any great business. Regardless of the procedures that you outsource to contractors and various freelance workers, a solid workforce can still be nurtured. It isn’t to do with who you hire, but the culture you nurture. We know that the healthcare industry struggles with retaining its workers, which is unsurprising due to the high levels of stress involved, but if you go into this with the knowledge that you are going to be firefighting multiple blazes at once, and you reinforce the notion of a solid workforce that bandies together, this will be the tie that binds in every aspect of your company.

Working With The Right People On Their Terms

Understanding your place in the supply chain is invaluable. Having an understanding of the knock-on effects and problem-solving supply chain issues as they come up is even more important. And this, in many ways, goes back to the team you have around you. Specialists are numerous in the medical field, which can mean that each individual doesn’t feel that they need to work as part of a unit, but this is where you come in, and your management expertise helps to bring the entire unit together. Taking this ability to work with various strands of the pecking order and making each piece of the puzzle work together as one is an essential skill that the best entrepreneurs have. You may not have deep-seated knowledge of the medical coatings that provide lubricants and hygienic support to the equipment, nor may you understand any aspect of a tracheostomy, or even if the word “Mayo” makes you think of the word “sandwich” instead of “Clinic”, if you have the ability to work with people on their terms, but still keep track of the bigger picture, this is how your startup will continue to function.

The medical industry is bound by rules and regulations, but we need to remember that it’s a business, and so, many the aspects need to be treated as such. But what really makes a healthcare business succeed isn’t just the, pardon the pun, clinical approach to business, but it’s about understanding the overarching importance of the human factor. It needs to continue to function for the people that need it. Patients, customers, whatever you want to call them, they are the bread and butter to keep you functioning. And this means, as such, you have to work hard on the reasons to entice them. This goes back to marketing, promotional materials and the like. It’s important not to treat a medical business as its own entity; it is, after all, a business.

Save A Sinking Business This Year

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. A key to running any business is understanding how to ‘course correct’ and make the necessary adjustments in your operations when necessary. The following contributed post is thus entitled; Save A Sinking Business This Year.

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If you are either working for or own a business who is struggling to make ends meet, it can feel as if all hope is lost and the idea of saving a business like this can seem out of the realms of possibility. However it is not impossible to save a sinking ship even when on board, and today we are going to have a look at how you can do it.


The first thing you will want to think about doing if your business is failing is to sell things you no longer need and let go of staff to save as much money as you can. It might mean you have to downgrade the office and work from your own house for a while, but the money you can save here will be used later on to help you get back on track and dominate your industry once more.

Increase cash flow

Cash flow is of course always going to be the be all and end all of business, and you might think if you are struggling to sell your products that increasing cash flow will be a mammoth task. However, from a simple point of view, if you can sell product you will make money, and you can use and other methods to increase cash flow by reducing the prices of your products or offering bulk buy discounts for people. It will never be totally ideal but it is better to have cash flow than nothing at all.

Save on office rental

Office rental is likely one of the biggest costs you are incurring each month to keep your business alive, but this isn’t always a necessary cost and it can be doing you more harm than good in the long term. Think about moving to a smaller office space or taking up some spare desks in a new office and this can make a big difference to your profits each month and mat just be your saving grace. You can find co-working spaces in mot big cities and have a look here for more info:


It is sad to admit, but a lot of the time the biggest costs you will see in your business are the employees who work for you every day. The idea of having to let employees go is never nice however it is something which sometimes is necessary for the security of your business venture. You can think about hiring outsourcing companies to come and do things like marketing and finance and this will be much cheaper than paying someone a full time wage.

Save on everything

Need paper? Get recycled paper. Looking for a desk? Find one on eBay! There are so many ways you can save on every day items when you come to run a business and taking the time to research and locate the best deals might be just what you need to bring the business back from the brink of failure.

You Need to Keep Your Technology Up to Date: Here’s Why

Three of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurshp and Technology. A major component of running any successful business today is properly leveraging technology and making sure that it’s up to date. The following contributed post is thus entitled; You Need to Keep Your Technology Up to Date: Here’s Why.

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Image Credit: Unsplash

We all keep saying that technology is at the heart of every business – from your website to your business processes, technology keeps the world going round. But if this is really the case then why do so many businesses make do with ancient computers, outdated systems and lacking security systems?

The main reason is this: laziness. New technology might cost a lot but given the return on your investment, this shouldn’t be a stumbling block for most businesses. No, laziness is holding lots of businesses back but there are a few things that might get you out of your seat and into action!
You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

Though you might be worried at the prospect of new technology, any IT support company will be able to get you set up and running on a new system really quickly. They will also be able to offer you constant access to support so that if anything goes wrong, you will have someone to help fast.

Generally speaking, the latest technology is easier to fix up faster for 2 reasons: 1. it is already much faster than other technologies and 2. technology is always evolving and many programs are now updated regularly. This means that even if there is a problem, it is much more likely that a fix will be available.

If you want to keep your business open 24 hours a day, the right technology is crucial.

Increase Your Productivity

Technology has always been about increasing productivity by improving efficiency. From the first machines that took workers from their living rooms to the factory floor, technology has made work faster and cheaper to produce – no matter whether that is writing a blog or building a car. And with ever more creative technologies appearing on the market, you have a lot to take advantage of.

When it comes to upgrading your technology, you have 2 choices: to keep up with the crowd or to get ahead. Keeping up should be the bare minimum you do but getting ahead of the crowd could be the difference between being part of your industry and leading it. As any business owner knows, the more productive you are and the greater your efficiency, the better your reputation will be and the more likely you are to attract star talent – even better!

Impress Your Clients

It’s not just prospective job candidates who will be impressed by your use of technology – customers and clients are always looking for the companies who are pushing the boundaries of their industry. Even in businesses where you might think that technology would take a back seat, it can have a great impact – just consider the way that the internet has changed the retail industry.

The key is that your technology should be used to demonstrate to your clients that you aren’t just forward-thinking, but you are considering every aspect of their experience with you. The more innovative you are in finding technological solutions, the more impressive your business will look.

7 Things That Will Help You To Prevent Issues Within Your Organization

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. When running any organization, it’s important to know how to proactively keep everything running smoothly. What are some keys to doing so? The following contributed post is entitled, 7 Things That Will Help You To Prevent Issues Within Your Organization.

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Experiencing issues within your organization is never fun, and you want to be able to overcome them as quickly as possible so that you can learn from them. Learning from any issues that you do face is a must if you want to keep on moving forward.

Here, we have 7 things that can help you to prevent issues within your organization. They don’t mean that you won’t experience another issue ever, but they can help to reduce them and make them far easier to manage. Take a look and see what you can do:


Write Out A Business Plan
If you don’t have a business plan, this is nothing but a pipedream. You don’t have to write a novel on your business, but you should be writing out specific objectives, strategies, financing, a sales and marketing plan, and a determination of the cash you need to get things done. This is one of the most important things you’ll do in the beginning.

Stay Flexible
Ok, so you spent some time writing a plan. This doesn’t mean you can’t stay flexible. You should stay flexible if you want things to work out! You need to be prepared to change, as so many things change quickly these days, whether you’re looking at your industry or marketing.

Don’t Let Your Ego Get the Better Of You
Having mentors and advisors is a good idea because you need people to bounce ideas off. Not only that, they will help you to achieve greater accomplishments, hold you accountable for what you are committing to do, and more. They can help you to look at things objectively when you are struggling to do so, too. Never let your ego get in the way.

Keep Track Religiously
Keep track of everything, and manage by the numbers. This will allow you to retain consistency and train your employees. Keeping track of everything is crucial, whether you’re a multi million pound business or a non profit. Looking into things that could then be improved based on what you have tracked will help you to grow, for example, IT support for nonprofits if your staff are currently struggling with issues.

Delegate Effectively
Although you want to avoid micromanaging them, you should be prepared to delegate to your employees when needed. This is one of the greatest things that an entrepreneur or business owner can learn to do. You can’t be a control freak, though, so bear this in mind.

Use Social Media
Social media is where it’s at for business marketing and finding customers, as well as relating to old customers and bringing them back. It’s super powerful and very cost efficient, but it takes time and some skill to figure out how to use it properly. It is about creating a community, so it could be a good idea to hire a social media manager to start this off for you.

Above all, make sure you have fun in business. You can survive if you stay passionate, have fun, and keep a positive can-do outlook.

The Journey Your Imports Must Make To Become Inventory

Two of the focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In today’s highly digitized and global world, commerce can easily take place between businesses in multiple countries. Part of this involves understanding how and where your products of interest are being shipped. The following contributed post is thus entitled; The Journey Your Imports Must Make To Become Inventory.

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The beauty of the modern business is that everything is inherently global. You might consider yourself as a humble ‘ma n’ pa’ shop but even you can and should take advantage of free markets. This is international trade that has taken off in every country whether advanced or even third world. Your humble pizza shop might be using mozzarella cheese that is home grown but you can import the best from Italy if you wish. And it’s not going to be wallet-busting either because aforementioned, everything is global nowadays. Businesses of all kinds look for other businesses in other countries to do business with non-stop. Striking a deal isn’t the that big of an issue if both parties are on the same page. You’re probably not the only one your import partner is contracted with. Many times wherever the best product is, there’s always a handful of businesses trying to use it, and almost none of them will ever have exclusivity to it. The real challenge isn’t in doing good business, it’s what you do with the imports when they arrive in the ports. Obviously, you need to formulate a tactful journey that will be cost-effective but also efficient; not to mention fast.

Unloading and loading at ports

When your imports arrive after their long arduous journey, the port companies will be raring to go. The entire ethos of a port imports company is to offload everything off the vessels as quickly as possible. However, some cargo ships will store their loads pertaining to how valuable the contents of their containers are. For example, it’s worse losing a container of jewelry than it is a container full of clothes. So many will stack their containers in a way that not only protects the best assets abroad but also makes them easier to unload when they hit port. It’s up to you to work with the port companies to find the best deal you can or rather, the cargo transport companies.

Okay, so it’s your turn to have your containers unloaded, what do you do? Well, you must have some kind of loading team that will identify products, different loads, locations where they must be sent and start to load up your transportation service. No doubt, that you will either have 18-wheeler trucks that will be transporting your goods or you will load up new containers so that they can be loaded onto a freight train. It depends on where your location is. Once the train has arrived at its station where it will offload containers, you need a new team to load the containers onto trucks. The end goal is to transport them quickly to the warehouse from which then, distribution can begin.

Where the warehouse comes in

Whatever kind of transport system you use, you’ll need to be ready to accept the imports at the warehouse. Just like the port offloading companies were ready and waiting to pounce into action and stay true to the saying of ‘time is money’, now your warehouse team need to do the same. Since you now have two categories of products, both the domestic and the imports could be separated when it comes to storage if you want them to be. Some businesses decide not to do this because it’s simpler for the storage and selection process for the employees. However, you might have a little trouble detecting when your imports are running low in storage. Counting inventory is difficult enough, and now that your imports are spread around can you always get an accurate number?

You should make a special day for the unloading of imports or rather, just make the warehouse managers and head of the storage department aware that new imports are arriving on a certain day. Bear in mind that you have most likely paid a lot for your imports, at least probably more than your domestic products, so great care needs to be taken when unloading them off the trucks. If your imports are particularly precious and cost a lot, you may want to use brand new containers such as those made by Equipment Management Services. They have brand new shipping containers that are made from better materials than previous generations, better usages of the total size and strong locking mechanisms. These containers can be put in a special part of the warehouse or just away from the other products so as to not mix domestic and import inventory together.

Acknowledge their presence

Once the products have arrived at the warehouse, they need to be acknowledged by the managers. They have travelled a long distance, maybe even thousands of miles across oceans, roads, highways and now they are here. So each item needs to be counted and accounted for by your managers. The reason why it’s such an urgent job is, because it’s not like you can just order a new batch of your imports and they’ll be with you in a day or two. Usually it takes a long time to get from your business partner, to your warehouse. It could take up to a week or more for example.

Thus, your managers now need to convert your imports into inventory. What products have you ordered, and how many? Did any get damaged on the way to your warehouse? If so, how much money did you lose in the process? Whose fault was it, your employees, port companies, the business partner? What are the different types of products you have ordered, and what in what kinds are they? For example, if you ordered a series of ceramic vases with the same design, how many are in the color blue, red or green? Once your managers and the head of the storage department has retrieved all this information, they can accurately log what the new inventory count is.

Becoming a business that has partners overseas is a very prestigious moment that you should enjoy. However, all the while your imports have not been sold, it’s money floating up in the air. You need a good and fast system to offload and load your products at the ports. Your transport to your warehouse needs to be able to make the journey quickly and keep the products safe from damage. Finally, your warehouse employees and managers need to unload the products and account the imports as inventory.

Business Safety 101: The Risk Areas In Any Organisation

Two of the key focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. In any business, employee safety is a major concern for production and simply keeping the doors open. What are the risk areas for organizations? The following contributed post is entitled; Business Safety 101: The Risk Areas In Any Organisation.

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Business owners around the world often find the safety measures they have to take within their company to be very frustrating. Even down to the smallest parts of your organisation, you have to keep a constant watch over your employees and customers, ensuring that they are always safe and secure. Of course, though, when you have loads of other work on your plate, it isn’t exactly easy to cover all of the areas which are important. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the major safety concerns which a lot of businesses have to deal with, along with giving you some ideas to make it easier to manage this for yourself.

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Everyone knows how dangerous electricity can be, with exposure to this element often causing death or serious injuries. Modern companies are filled with machines which use this resource, though, making it impossible to keep people away from it. Instead, to make sure that everyone is safe, having regular tests conducted on your electricals will often be mandatory. Failing to do this could result in huge fines if you get caught, and even worse consequences if someone actually gets hurt. To help with this, there are a lot of companies out there which will offer subscription services for their tests, making it possible to put the work into someone else’s capable hands.


Wires, boxes, and even wet floors all make for challenging obstacles in a business environment. Unlike at home, where these issues probably won’t matter so much, people in the workplace tend to have other things on their minds. This makes a cable going across the floors go from something to watch out for to a problem which could cost your company a fortune. To get around this, everyone working for you should be trained to put things away properly, along with being basic hazard awareness skills. Of course, along with this, you may have to modify your spaces a little bit to make sure that nothing is in the way.


A lot of companies have to use vehicles to get their work done, with this sort of resource being very useful for a huge range of different jobs. With so much that can go wrong on a machine like this, though, they can end up becoming very dangerous over time, making it crucial that you have regular tests performed to make sure that your fleet is up to standard. Along with this, resources like rubber coatings and safety tape can also be very useful, and you can read more here to figure out just how much they could help you. To make sure that no one is put into the line of fire, your drivers should have the proper training to operate a vehicle for business.


While some people are more fussy than others, there are very strict rules in most places which dictate how clean a business space has to be. When it comes to areas like toilets, this will be very important, with daily cleans being essential, and some companies choosing to go even further than this. Failing to follow the rules in this area could lead to employees or customers suffering with some nasty illnesses. If they are able to prove that your business is at fault, they will be able to take legal action, and this is never good for a growing company. Thankfully, there are loads of cleaning companies around which offer services which can handle all of this for you, ensuring that your place is always at its cleanest.

Air Quality

Hygiene goes beyond cleaning, though. Along with this, you also have to think about the risks which can’t be seen, like gases and pathogens in the air. The latter can be solved with simple air filters which will kill bacteria before they are able to get into the bodies of the people on your property. When it comes to gas, though, you will need to take some extra steps. Detectors can be great when it comes to noticing chemicals like carbon monoxide, giving you an early warning before levels become dangerous. Along with this, it could be worth having machines like your boiler checked to make sure that it isn’t going to start leaking any time soon.


There will always be people who you want to keep out of your business, and risk is a big part of this. When it comes to an office, it should only be your employees and a select group of your clients which can gain access. Other people should have to go through an entry procedure, with electronic locks preventing them from gaining access to the wrong parts of the building. In public buildings, like stores, you may need to hire some security team members to keep things safe. Nowadays, there are loads of techy gadgets which can help with this, leaving you with no excuse for having a company which is unsafe.

The Buildings Themselves

When you’re focused on all of the small areas of business safety, it can be easy to ignore the areas which are right in your face. You buildings, for example, can pose a tremendous risk to employees and customers, and they don’t often make it obvious when they are having problems. Having a ceiling collapse could hurt people very badly, with loads of issues like this being common in older structures. To solve this, it will be worth having a surveyor to check the place every couple of years. While they may not find anything, they won’t miss anything, either, keeping your place free from risk.

This sort of field is one which a lot of business owners resent. It feels bad having to spend money just in case something goes wrong, and a lot of the rules you have to follow seem over the top. In reality, though, keeping people safe is a serious business. Some parts of the world pose more risks than others, but it will be worth doing as much as possible wherever you are.

10 Things To Teach Yourself To Make More Money

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. In the Rich Dad Poor Dad books, Robert T. Kiyosaki described two money problems; having too little money and then having too much money. Most people suffer the former. The following contributed post is thus entitled, 10 Things To Teach Yourself To Make More Money.

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Most people want to make more money, but they are unwilling to do anything about it. They stay in the same, dead end job for years on end – maybe they even climb the ladder a little bit. Very little happens with the money they are earning. Rather than going out there and improving their skills so that they can perhaps get a pay rise, land a better role within their company/outside of their company, or even start their own business, they just stay in their comfort zones and stick to what they know.

It’s true that change can be scary, but working on yourself will give you more knowledge and confidence, and these things can be extremely powerful when you want to make more money. So, what can you set out to teach yourself if this is what you want to do? Read on for 10 suggestions…

1. The Right Mindset
Having the right mindset before you set out to make any more money is key. Otherwise, you might make more money initially, but you may lose it. You might even struggle to see opportunities that are being presented to you.

Changing your old thinking patterns and getting into new, money positive patterns can be tough. After all, much of what we think has been ingrained into our subconscious from a very young age. However, with consistency, it’s possible! Read books, watch videos, go to seminars – do whatever you can to change your mindset around money. Figure out your limiting beliefs and work on your blocks. Then take action.


2. Passive Income Techniques
Passive income allows you to make more money while you sleep. If you want to build real wealth over time, these techniques are key. Why? Because one day, you’re going to run out of time. You’re going to be unable to work as much as you once did. It makes sense that swapping time for money is no longer the best way of getting that cash! Passive income techniques include things like vlogging/blogging, writing ebooks, creating online courses, and starting simple businesses on sites like Amazon. Do your research and select one method to start with. This is a long game, so don’t be upset when you don’t become an overnight success.

3. Coding
Coding and programmers are in very high demand today. Anyone can learn the skills required, although they can be tough. You can take boot camps to learn programming languages in just a few months, and they will help you to get hired quickly. You can even find simple coding courses and help online. You can look at sites like Asap developers to begin your research and learn more about what you should be doing. There’s going to be something out there to suit every comfort level.

4. Writing
Writing is also a skill that anybody can develop, although you’ll need to practice every day. The more you practice, the better and faster you’ll get. You can also take courses online for this. These skills can be used both in a business of your own and in the workplace. They’ll help you whether you’re creating your own course, responding to an email, or writing a blog post.

5. Multiple Languages
Learning a language is something kids are fantastic at, because their brains are like sponges. However, as we get older, we can find it more difficult to let that language sink in. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try! There are free resources and apps that can help, as well as taking one to one classes or tuition to improve. This can prove beneficial in many jobs, and especially if you want to start a globally successful business.

6. Investing
Investing is one of the only true ways to build wealth over time. This is a fact. Saving money can help you when you have an emergency, but those savings are going to depreciate over time. Instead, making small investments while you teach yourself the lingo and the ropes will get you well on your way to having more wealth and a diverse portfolio. Again, this is a long game. You have to set it and forget it when investing your cash.

7. Graphic Design And Image Editing
Another skill that is valuable in today’s workplace. Many places need people with these skills for their websites. UI designers work to help improve the look and feel of websites and apps to make things easier for customers and consumers.


8. Online Marketing
Every single business needs online marketing these days with these sheer number of people using the web to find things that they are looking for. You’ll learn all about SEO, PPC, social media, and more. It’s usually best if you pick one subject and roll with that for a while, however, Knowing these things will always make you a more valuable asset.

9. Public Speaking
Public speaking comes naturally to some people. Others can find it very difficult, and even terrifying. There will usually be a time in most employee’s careers where public speaking will be a must, such as making an announcement in office or speaking at a conference. Preparing or this now will take away any fears and reservations and ensure you knock it out of the park.

10. Social Media
Your social media skills might already be great – most people are on sites like Facebook and Instagram now, aren’t they? However, using these platforms professionally can be a huge bonus. This proves that you are technologically savvy and that you have excellent PR skills. If you work in any sort of marketing capacity, you need to prove that you are able to use social media effectively.
The above 10 skills are things that will help you to make more money, whether you’re trying to climb up the corporate ladder, ask for a pay raise, or get out of the rat race altogether and start your own business. Which will you start with, and how are you going to do it? Let us know!