Two focuses of my blog are Health/Wellness and Home/Living Discussions. A decision many of us will face is caring for our elderly parents. In some instances that involves moving them in with us, requiring us to prepare spaces in our own homes for their twilight years. The following contributed post is entitled, There’s No Place Like Home: How To Adapt Your Home For Your Elderly Parents.
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Aging is a fact of life. Even then, it’s hard to watch as your parents struggle with things they used to do with ease. It’s as if they are no longer your superheroes. However, this is when you need to step in to make their lives more comfortable.
Some children do this by inviting their elderly parents into their homes permanently, yet, even if they remain in their property, you want them to visit and be a part of your life. As a result, it’s necessary to make adaptations to your home, regardless.
The question is, which ones should you focus on first?
Removing Fall Hazards
Hazards are double-edged swords. Not only do seniors struggle to see and or avoid them, but the impacts of a trip, no matter how small it seems, can be very damaging. And, if you have children, or lead a regular life, you are bound to have fall hazards throughout your home. Removing them is imperative, and you can do this with a simple audit. Go around your house and evaluate what’s safe and what’s unsafe, and find it a new place to live if it falls into the latter category. For example, decorative rugs or hardwood flooring might be slippy.
Installing Handles
You can’t go with them everywhere, which means you can’t always be around to lend a hand. Take the bathroom, for instance. Your parents require privacy, but your bathroom might not be conducive to the elderly. A surefire sign is an interior that lacks handles and rails. After all, the less-abled can’t lift their body weight without leverage. Installing hand grips is simple and cost-effective, yet it will make a significant difference to your parents when they visit or come to stay.
Putting Up Barriers
A mistake can be fatal. At the very least, it can be painful and result in a trip to the Emergency Room. You shouldn’t take any chances, and you don’t have to with barriers that are strong enough to shield your parents from further harm. A custom metal fabrication on the upstairs walkway is a fantastic place to start, as is the staircase, and any balconies or balustrades. And, if you have them, you might want to reinforce them just in case. With a custom metal design, you get peace of mind that everything is to a high standard.

Keeping Numbers Handy
You’re not a professional caregiver. You’re a concerned child who does the best they can to assist your elderly parents. This is commendable, but it means you will need help when situations take a turn for the worst. Thankfully, expert care workers are on hand, all you need is their number. Taking down the contact details of emergency contacts should enable you to negate any problems. Of course, you know what to do if it is serious – call 911. Either write them down or store them in your phone or both in case of a situation where you don’t have either handy.
There’s no place like home, not when it’s designed for safety.