Sorting Out Your Business Finances One Step At A Time

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. While it is a separate entity all in itself, your business has its own finances which have to be monitored and managed just like your personal finances. Properly managing them will increase the likelihood of profitability. The following contributed post is entitled, Sorting Out Your Business Finances One Step At A Time.

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What’s been going on with your business finances lately? If you didn’t need to sort out your finances, then you wouldn’t be reading this article, which means something has gone wrong somewhere. Don’t panic, it happens to every business at some point and is nothing to worry about unless it gets really bad. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the steps that you are going to need to take in order to sort out your business finances. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

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First, you’re probably going to want to rebudget. This means that you go through all of your finances all over again. Start from the beginning, and then work out all of your money. Go through all of your incoming and outgoing costs, sorting out your budget so that you know where you are financially. While in theory this isn’t a difficult thing to do, and it’s not when it comes to personal finances, budgeting for a business is significantly more complicated. As such, you might want to hire a professional to come and oversee this, simply so that you know it has been done properly. A professional such as an accountant might also be able to make suggestions that are going to help you save money.

Work Out Ways To Save

Speaking of saving money, you are going to need to work out how much money you can save in certain areas. For example, one of the easiest ways to save money in the long-term is to aim for a more energy-efficient business. You can do this in a number of ways such as switching to solar power, or finding a commercial propane supplier to power your business this way. Sometimes you are going to need to go further than this, which might mean scaling back your business while you recover financially. Worst case scenario is that you are going to have to start letting people go, which we know is not something that you want to do. However, if it’s the only way to save the money you need, it’s going to be necessary.

Find More Money

Or, the other solution is to find more money. You’re probably sitting there thinking that this is an obvious answer with a less obvious solution. Well, if you are currently being funded by an investor, you can always talk to them and ask them for more money. You can always look at bank loans seeing as these are a popular choice, or you can use your own money to give yourself the boost you need. It’s entirely up to you which option you want to try.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you are going to need to do when it comes to sorting out your business finances. If you do this one step at a time, everything is going to be okay because you won’t have rushed to get things sorted. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that this helps to improve your business sooner rather than later.

The Importance Of Digital Marketing

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. If you’re in business of any sort today, you will likely need a plan to market yourself digitally. If not, you’ll be falling way behind your competition. The following contributed post is entitled, The Importance Of Digital Marketing.

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One of the best ways that you can take advantage of digital tools available to your business is to invest in a great digital marketing strategy. The tools that you get with digital marketing allow you to reach out to new audiences, gain better conversions and reach out to bigger audiences. Without these tools, you will end up left behind and it’s very hard to come back from that in your business.

If your business is only just starting out, you will be looking at as many ways as possible to market your new venture. You might consider white label online services and Facebook ads. You might consider Google and SEO. There are so many ways that you can get your business brand out there for other people to learn about you. You need to be exposed, and digital marketing is the way to do it. If you’re still on the fence about needing digital marketing for your business, here are some of the things that you need to know that will hopefully convince you to step into the new century!

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  1. You can keep a flexible budget. Your digital needs aren’t going to be the same as other businesses in your sphere. It makes sense, then, that the budget is totally flexible with digital marketing. Some of the traditional marketing methods can begin in the thousands, but digital marketing can cost as little as you like. The more you spend, the further your reach.
  2. Tracking data is possible. When you have digital marketing strategies in place, you can actually track the way that customers click your adverts: where the clicks came from, how many people clicked per hour, the location, the method (mobile or desktop?). You can track the sites your adverts sit on and know whether you are spending your money in the right places. This level of data analysis isn’t available with most traditional marketing methods, so investing in digital marketing is smart.
  3. Digital marketing allows you to connect better with your audience. You can expand beyond Google and right into the social media apps available to you, creating some of the best and most relevant content. You can use everything in your marketing arsenal: audio, video and more to ensure that your business is recognized.
  4. Cultivating trust is easier with digital marketing. You can bet that you are going to be in front of a lot of people and they will be looking to ensure that your business is going to appeal to them. If you write a blog, you can add a personal angle to your website and give your readers something real to read about.
  5. Increasing your conversions. The whole goal of your business is to build, right? You can improve your conversion rates and make them soar when you have the right people reading all about your business. If you use digital marketing, you can ensure that you are going to drive those conversion rates through the roof. All you have to do is invest your time and money.

Signs Of A Strong Property Investment

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you get in and get a mastery of the field, real estate and identifying income generating properties for investment. A major key is to figure out what makes a ‘strong’ property. The following contributed post is entitled, Signs Of A Strong Property Investment.

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If you are keen to try and invest in property, you need to make sure that the ones you are choosing to invest in are as likely as possible to bring you the returns you are hoping for. That much can go without saying, but what is much less clear is working out how to know whether a property is likely to be a strong contender. There are a few clear signs in particular that you might want to look for, and in this post we are going to take a look at just a few of the most important ones.

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Up-And-Coming Area

As we all know already, location is everything when it comes to investing in property, so you need to make sure that you are choosing something that is in an up-and-coming area. There are a lot of things to think about here, but one idea is to look at whether businesses tend to be entering an area in a particularly quick or sudden manner. That is going to show that it’s probably due to be a popular area, meaning you can expect the value of the property to increase soon, and the rental yield to be better as well.

Strong Foundation

You should always get a survey on any property you are seriously interested in investing in, and one of the main reasons for that is you need to know whether it has a strong foundation or not. A property that has a strong foundation is going to be so much more valuable, and you’ll have much less work to do later on to keep it in order too. Everything needs to be considered and evaluated here, right down to the grouts and the levelling of the foundation stones. Ensure the property you are buying is built strongly and sturdily from the start.

Growing Market

You always need to look not just at the individual property itself, but beyond that to the market as a whole too. A growing market is obviously always going to be healthier and more likely to give you the returns you need and want later on, so make sure that you are doing all the necessary research into this before you do anything else. A growing market is simply one which is gaining interest, and you need to think about the market of the local area, the country and the globe too.

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Meeting Objectives

You should always go into property investment with some definite, clear objectives, so that you can ensure that these are going to be met – and that you will therefore get a lot of the success that you are looking for. If you come across a property that appears to specifically aid in meeting your objectives, then you are going to want to put a lot of effort into securing it, of course. This is something a lot of investors overlook, but it’s a really important thing to consider, so don’t forget about it if you can.

7 Things You Need To Do After A Car Accident

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Health/Wellness. Car accidents impact those involved them in a myriad of ways. Two major ones are finances and personal health. It’s important to know what to do in the event that you get into one. The following contributed post is entitled, 7 Things You Need To Do After A Car Accident.

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Although people seem to travel around less due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s still essential to be cautious on the road. It’s always prudent to prepare for any emergency that may arise during daily activities, including road accidents. Statistics reveal an 8% increase in fatal road accidents between 2019 and 2020 in the US. You need to take some essential steps when you’ve been involved in an accident, including the practical tips below.

1. Don’t drive away
No matter how minor the accident may seem, it’s best not to drive away from the scene immediately. You may not be sure how serious your injury is or the extent of damage to your car. It’s best to stay put while you call for help to ensure your safety and offer enough information when the police arrive. To stay safe while waiting, you can keep your lights on to improve visibility and make it easier for others to spot you. It’s advisable to have a safety kit in your car that includes a flashlight, so you can keep that on in case your car lights are damaged. While you wait, you can help calm yourself down by taking deep breaths to slow down any adrenaline rush you may be feeling.

2. Contact the police
It’s always vital to call the police immediately an accident occurs, no matter how minor the accident or your injury may be. If you feel any pain, you should contact 911 or ask someone to help you reach an ambulance. Calling the police will help make other processes, such as claiming your insurance, easier for you. It’s essential to take in the accident scene details so you can give an accurate report when they arrive. If you’re able to, you can take pictures of the scene or damage with your phone to keep a record, but remember not to interfere if the police are investigating the scene. If for some reason, you can’t recall all the facts when the police arrive, you should be honest and let them know instead of speculating. If there’s another party involved in the accident, ensure that they make an accurate statement as well if you can.

3. Get all the necessary information
Accident issues are usually not solved within a day, and the parties involved may not always cooperate. Therefore, you must obtain the necessary information from all parties involved in the accident before you leave the scene. You can do this while waiting for the police to arrive. Information such as their names, phone numbers, and addresses is vital. It’ll also be crucial to get any witnesses’ information if you need their account in the future.

4. Inform your insurance company
It’s best to inform your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident occurs, as most insurance companies require that you immediately report when there’s such an incident. Depending on the insurance package you’ve settled for, you should be able to access the benefits such as medical care and repairs after your full cooperation and after they’ve assessed the extent of the damage. It’s prudent that you keep a detailed file of all the information and documents regarding the accident to make it easier for you to claim your insurance and provide all the necessary information. Although you may want to handle the costs on your own, it’s best to claim your insurance instead to save you time and money.

5. Consult your lawyers
It’s vital that you know your rights as an accident victim, to avoid being cheated or losing essential evidence. You need to contact your lawyers so they can advise you even before you make a statement. Your attorneys can guide you on how to get total compensation, medical care, etc. For instance, decisions such as suing for damages from a trucking accident will be easier and more informed after consulting your lawyers.

6. See a doctor
Injuries from accidents aren’t always apparent. Therefore, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible to minimize the risk of severe or permanent damage. You can either consult your family doctor or visit the closest hospital to ensure you haven’t sustained any injuries, especially to your head, chest, or spine.

7. Tow your car if necessary
You may need to tow your car if it’s badly damaged. If the police don’t call a towing company, you should have one on hand to contact quickly. Before settling for a towing truck company, it’s best to ensure that they’re credible and can get the job done without further damage.

Having an accident is unpleasant and can lead to several issues. However, with these tips, the incident will be easier to deal with, and you’ll have a handy checklist to help you get through it.

How To Create An Effective Investment Portfolio

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. One of the keys to money is generate returns from your investments. In order to do that, you must understand how to create effective investment portfolios. The following contributed post is entitled, How To Create An Effective Investment Portfolio.

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Photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels

You should always be trying to grow your money as much as you can. The more you can grow your money, the less money you need to earn to pay your bills. The less money you need to earn to pay your bills, the more free time you have to do what you love. That’s invaluable. With that in mind, here are some tips on how to create an effective investment portfolio.

What is an effective investment portfolio?

An effective investment portfolio, quite simply, is an investment portfolio that works for you. It can be inspired by what other people do. It should, however, indeed must, be driven by your personal situation. That means your needs, wants, goals, budget, and timescale.

Educating yourself

Professional financial advisers may dive deep into intricacies like GIPS performance, investment ratios, and statistical probabilities. For everybody else, however, it’s usually enough to grasp the basic mechanics of the main forms of investment. That should be enough to get you in the right general direction. You can then study the specific topics that interest you.

There is, however, one lesson you can take away from professional financial advisers. They never beat themselves up over past mistakes. Every investor has at least one story about an asset they should have bought. If you start investing, you’ll almost certainly pick up at least one yourself. Learn from your mistake but let it go.

Understanding liquidity

Liquidity basically means how easy it is to buy or sell an asset. This influences how far ahead you need to plan if you want to purchase or dispose of an investment. Tangible assets tend to be relatively illiquid. Real estate is particularly illiquid. It can take weeks if not months to buy or sell a property and there are often high costs involved.

Stocks, by contrast, tend to be fairly liquid. That said, there can be a lot of variation in their liquidity. It’s also important to note that trading stocks also incurs transaction costs and possibly taxes as well. Generally, therefore, your aim should be to buy and hold for as long as possible, rather than to buy and sell.

Understanding growth versus yield

Some investors aim to buy assets with a view to selling them, or part of them, when they have increased in value. Other investors aim to buy assets that generate an income (like rent or dividends). Many investors aim to do a combination of both although not necessarily in an exact 50:50 ratio.

It is, however, important to understand that, in the stock market, growth comes at the expense of yield and vice versa. Essentially, a company can either use its resources to grow or give a yield to investors. With tangible assets like real estate, however, you can have both growth and yield.

Understanding risk

A standard disclaimer in investing is that you may get back less than you invested. This is true and it’s why you should only invest with money you can afford to lose. It’s also why you should diversify your portfolio to spread your risk.

Realistically, however, if you consistently pick solid investments, you should expect to make decent returns over time. You will, however, probably need to ride out temporary downturns. It’s important to be prepared for these both financially and mentally.

Realistic Ways To Make Money Online Right Now

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital world, there lots and lots of tools which to make money. The following contributed post is entitled, Realistic Ways To Make Money Online Right Now.

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The internet has revolutionized the way we live, including how we work and generate revenue. From remote working to side hustles, there are a variety of ways that you can make money online. However, it’s important to know which opportunities are the most lucrative and which offer the fastest returns. To get started, take a look at these four realistic ways to make money online now:

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Using your online presence to promote products, services or brands can be an easy way to make money online. Depending on your reach, businesses will be keen to work with you so that they can fast-track their access to their target audience. In return, you’ll receive a flat fee for advertising and/or a commission for sales that take place via the links you post.

Of course, you do need to have a significant online audience to make affiliate marketing work for you. If you have a blog, vlog, or your own site, this can be a lucrative and speedy way to generate revenue online.

Build a Community

Launching your own online community gives you access to a variety of monetization options. With a dedicated platform from Disciple Media, for example, you can implement membership subscriptions, release exclusive paid-for content, attract sponsorship, and much more. In addition to this, creating a thriving online community enables you to build a network around something you’re particularly interested in. Whether it’s fitness, music, business, or anything else, sharing your interests and expertise ensures that the process is enjoyable as well as profitable.

Start an eCommerce Store

Selling goods online can be a viable side hustle or even a startup business. With access to existing online marketplaces, you can maximize your reach instantly and sell globally. What’s more – drop shipping means that you won’t even need to warehouse goods or implement inventory management processes. Instead, you’ll act as a ‘middleman’ and forward orders to existing fulfillment centers as soon as your customers make a purchase.

Create an Online Course

The online learning revolution is already upon us, and you can start generating revenue from it by creating your own online courses. Using your professional skills or hobbies and interests as the basis for your courses, you can attract students and learners from all over the world. Many course providers have templates available, so creating content can be easier than you think. Furthermore, the option to release eBooks and subsequent top-up courses means you can create a long-term revenue stream.

Can You Make Money Online?

Absolutely, providing you use the right tools and techniques. The internet is a fantastic place to earn money and there are numerous ways you can generate revenue online if you are truly serious about doing so.

However, the marketplace is competitive, so you’ll need to be proactive about finding the right methodologies and monetization techniques if you want to be successful. With a little research and the right platforms, you’ll kick-start your online career and maximize your success from the outset.

3 Important Things Aspiring Investors Should Remember

A key focus of my blog is Financial Literacy/Money. For those unfamiliar with it, investing can be exciting but an overwhelming new world as well. As such there are some basics that beginners should keep in mind. The following guest post is entitled, 3 Important Things Aspiring Investors Should Remember.

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There are some important investments that a person needs to make in their lives. This includes education, a new home, insurance, and business among others. Making the right decision is crucial as these are all huge steps to take and can make a major impact on a person’s life. Thanks to technology, people are given access to important information that allows them to make smart decisions. From using apps for buying a house to diversifying your investment portfolio, technology has you covered.

While there are a lot of tips and tricks you can find online, it is still important to be vigilant on which ones to follow. If you are thinking about investing in a new home or business, it is important to keep these things in mind:

Don’t Invest Money You Don’t Have

Invest only when you have money to spare. Whether you are looking to buy a home or stocks, it is important to know that the money you are to invest might find its way back to you in five years or even longer. Long-term investments take time to grow and investing money you are looking to spend in less than a year for other priorities such as education, food, or bills is not a good idea.

If you are new to investing, it would be a great idea to do some research or seek professional advice. If you have an insurance policy, you can ask your insurance company for recommendations as they are most likely to have in-house financial advisors that can help you out. Investments are often costly, which means it is important to know everything that you need to before putting in your hard-earned money.

Shop Around

Sometimes you just want to grab a good offer before it runs out, which can be a huge mistake. Keep in mind that sales professionals can be quite persistent and urge you to make a hasty decision. Stick to the tried and tested process and take the time to shop around for offers. You will never know what you might be missing out on if you take up the first offer you come across.

You can also ask friends and family members who have firsthand knowledge when it comes to investing and ask them for recommendations and referrals. It is better to know what you are getting into and how to handle certain situations such as losses. There are advantages and disadvantages to investing and knowing if you are prepared to handle them can help you establish the amount you are willing to invest and the type of investment you should get into. There should be no guesswork involved and decisions must be based on facts and historical and current market trends.

Set Investment Goals

Goal setting is an important aspect of any career, business, or investment. Your goal must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound (SMART) to ensure you are setting it right. This also lets you establish realistic expectations for your investment. Your investment appetite plays a huge role and if you are new to investing it is important to learn what type of investor you are. These are things that cannot learn overnight, which is why many aspiring investors join workshops and groups for beginners. You can check reputable local or online groups to gain more knowledge and insight on investing.

When buying a home, for instance, you would want to set your sights on location, budget, and other priorities that involve you and your family’s daily lives. Buying a home that is far from a school can be a problem soon if starting a family is in your plans. The trip to the grocery store or mall can be a nightmare if you must go through hours of traffic before getting there.

These and other important factors must be considered when goal setting. You can also rely on new technologies such as apps to buy a home when looking for the best place-some have filters installed where you can tick on aspects such as location, number of bedrooms, and others.

There are two ways to invest-the smart way and the expensive way. The smart way involves taking the time to learn the ropes and doing your research. This takes time and effort but would definitely pay off in due time. The expensive way would involve spending more than what you can afford to lose and not investing any time and effort in learning more about investments. Make the right choice from the start and reap the benefits of your time, effort, and patience.

Niche Business Ideas To Take To The Bank Right Now

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. You may be trying to determine what the most clever business ideas out there are. There are several which others haven’t thought of and are still profitable. The following contributed post is entitled, Niche Business Ideas To Take To The Bank Right Now.

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If you are thinking of starting your own business so that you can be your own boss, and hopefully find financial freedom, one thing you may be struggling with is choosing the right niche to operate in. Business ideas and niches are, after all, endless, so it can be difficult to know which one to choose if you want to maximize your potential and create a winning business.

With that in mind, here are some niches that are doing really well right now, and which are likely to continue to do so in the future. If you don’t want to start a business directly within these niches, they should at least give you a starting point when it comes to thinking about what consumers are interested in right now…


The wellness industry is a big deal right now. In fact, it has been estimated to be worth around $1.5 trillion globally, which means it obviously has huge potential. Not only that but there are many smaller niches that come under the wellness banner, so whether you want to invest in a gummy maker machine to create your own CBD supplements, start selling healing crystals or set up your own yoga and meditation studio, there are endless options available to you!


Some would argue that this could also go under the wellness niche, but skincare has seen a huge explosion in recent years, so I think it’s worth separating it into its own thing. How can you turn it into a business? The easiest way would be to use private label services to create your own skincare brand (organic and natural are particularly in right now) but you could also set up an eCommerce store selling various other brands’ products, or maybe you have a neat idea of your own?


As the effects of climate change become ever more evident, more and more consumers are changing their shopping habits to help the environment. One of the biggest trends to that aim is the plastic-free movement whereby customers are looking to buy products that contain no plastic components, and which are also free from plastic packaging. This is a particularly good business niche to get into because it is really easy to take all manner of products and remove the plastic from them to target a more specific niche, which one you choose will depend on your personal preferences, the market you are looking to break into, and which products have not already saturated the plastic-free market.


From high-end designer clothing to lawnmowers and DIY equipment, if people need to use it on an ad hoc basis, you can probably set up a business renting it out for a fee. It’s ethical, sustainable, affordable, and the future of doing business for many people, so why not get in on it now while there aren’t a whole lot of competitors doing it?

Hopefully, these niche businesses have given you a better idea of what is possible, and saleable in 2021 – I wish you luck with your new business venture.

5 Ways You Can Improve The Way You Manage Commercial Real Estate

Two focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money and Business/Entrepreneurship. If you have the proper systems in place, commercial real estate can be very lucrative for you. You always want to consider better ways to manage your properties. The following contributed post is entitled, 5 Ways You Can Improve The Way You Manage Commercial Real Estate.

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Commercial real estate provides a wide range of investment opportunities. It can be a great area to branch into, but it does come with a lot of challenges too. Even if you have a background in residential real estate, commercial ventures can become an entirely different ballgame.

Finding more effective ways of running your real estate venture can help you stand a better chance of success. Take a look at these five ways you can improve the way you manage commercial real estate.

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1. Stay up to date on the latest trends
If the past year is anything to go by, it’s important to do your homework when it comes to real estate. Keeping on top of what’s going on in the industry can help you be better prepared for future commercial real estate challenges, while also learning lessons from others to help you adopt best practice.

2. Be more diligent with checks
Carrying out credit and background checks is an important part of commercial real estate leasing. Just as you would with residential tenants, you need to make sure these checks are carried out to give yourself as much protection as possible. After the events of the past year, it’s even more important to ensure that tenants have security and income guarantees.

3. Use lease accounting solutions
There are a lot of processes that need to be carried out to manage your commercial real estate venture. Using lease accounting software can help you make lighter work of your accounting, ensuring your records are kept up to date. With many areas of compliance to meet, this can be a much easier way of maintaining multiple accounts.

4. Reserve capital to cover vacancies
The world of real estate can be unpredictable. For commercial real estate businesses, nobody could have predicted that properties would become vacant on a large scale, with many businesses getting rid of their spaces altogether. It’s a difficult time, and many real estate managers have suffered by not having enough capital in reserve in case of vacancies. To protect your business going forward, you need to have a contingency.

5. Take on a more active role
Effective relationships are key for lasting real estate partnerships. Taking on a more active role when it comes to clients can help you be more visible, while also ensuring you know what’s going on. While nobody is expecting you to manually fix the plumbing or take care of maintenance, it can bring you a lot of benefits to put in more face-time with your clients and maintain better communication.

While the industry is currently facing a lot of challenges following the pandemic, there is still a bright and optimistic future for commercial real estate. Focusing on how you manage your business and how you can take it forward can help you secure its future, ensuring it remains a profitable investment for you.

Six Weeks To Learn SEO Strategies

Three focuses of my blog are Financial Literacy/Money, Business/Entrepreneurship and Technology. In today’s digital world, if you have some sort of online presence, you will come into contact with the field of “Search Engine Optimization” or SEO for short. Whether you’re a blogger, a YouTube content creator or if you own a business, you need some understanding of this field. The following contributed post is entitled, Six Weeks To Learn SEO Strategies.

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SEO is a complex set of strategies that you need to learn to rank higher on search engines like Google. But there is hope! This blog post will discuss SEO concepts, tools, competitor analysis, keyword research, link building, local SEO, and measuring your success with these strategies. By following the six-week plan outlined here, you’ll be well on your way to mastering SEO techniques for any website.

Week 1- SEO Concepts

The first week of the six-week SEO learning plan covers how to use a few basic concepts and tools. The most significant idea is that search engines can’t read HTML, so you need to write your content in a way that crawls it correctly.

You have two options for writing web pages: validate HTML or write XHTML syntax (XHTML is newer). Validate HTML will help catch errors on your page, while XHTML has fewer mistakes because it’s stricter with its coding requirements. So if you’re using an old-style webpage editor like FrontPage 2003, then make sure to convert code from validating HTML into XHTML before publishing them online.

Week 2- SEO Tools

SEO is all about the tools. Tools can help you do everything from keyword research to checking backlinks and anchor text, ranking your pages higher in search engines, monitoring rankings around the clock, analyzing social media mentions of your brand or product on a platform like Facebook. Here are some great SEO tools that will make it easier for beginners to get off the right foot!

Tool One: Keyword Research Tool- This tool helps with brainstorming keywords related to any topic and provides information such as global monthly searches (GMS) and word count estimates. It also provides links to similar keywords which may be more popular than the ones initially selected

Tool Two: Backlink Checker- With this tool, you can find out who is linking to your competitors and see how many links they have. It also helps with the analysis of anchor text by telling what percentage of backlinks are from external domains

Tool Three: Rank Tracker- A rank tracker tracks where a web page ranks in search engine results pages (SERPS) for specific keywords or phrases, helping you determine which content on your site needs improvement

Tool Four: Social Media Monitoring Tool – It allows brand managers to monitor mentions across social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook so that responses are timely

The tools shown here will make SEO much easier for beginners. They provide information like GMS, word count estimates, keyword popularity rankings related terms, and others.

Week 3 – Competitor Analysis and Keyword Research

An excellent way to get started is by tailoring your content strategy for what people are looking for. This research will tell you which keywords have the most competitive and where you should focus your efforts.

Google Analytics can help with this task, but always use more than one tool to ensure that you’re making an accurate assessment of a keyword’s search volume and competitiveness. Tools like SEMrush offer valuable stats such as clickstreams from Google Search Console or Adwords Keyword Tool data about how specific competitive phrases are over time.

Look at both high-volume terms and synonyms. Don’t try to rank on too many different long-tail phrases simultaneously. Instead, focus on getting to rank quickly on one word before moving onto another term.

Week 4- Link Building

Link building is the process of getting backlinks by creating content on your website that other people want to link to. For this strategy to work, you need a strong marketing campaign with compelling reasons why they should share and promote your content rather than someone else’s.

For example, if you write about how important it is for small business owners to start using Twitter in their social media marketing plan, find experts who agree with you. Then, interview them and create an article around what they have said. When people come across it online or read more information about the subject from these sources (or hear it as part of a podcast), they will go back towards your website because there has been such an effective promotional push behind it.

Week 5-Local SEO

When you are looking for an SEO strategy that will be most effective in your region, it can be complicated knowing where to start. It’s tempting to use the same methods as everyone else and hope that they work for you too, but this could mean missing out on much more targeted approaches that would have better results! So instead, you can Check out this post by FAT JOE for even more detail on how to optimize your eCommerce website; it will be an excellent place to start.

Week 6- Measuring SEO

There are many ways to measure your success in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and understanding how the different metrics work will help you know what needs changing when things aren’t going as well as they should be. But, of course, the easiest way to start with measurements is by looking at your traffic.

For a website owner or professional marketer to know if their site is optimized effectively, they need some tool or analytics software installed. It will give them all sorts of data points about where visitors came from and which keywords they used in searches leading up to those visits. Some people will have access to this information from their website hosting company, but many will need a tool like Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is free and easy to install on your site with just one line of code added. It comes in two types: basic and advanced. The only difference between the two is the number of features available for each class. So if you’re not sure what kind of data you want or how much analytics experience you can handle, then go with the standard version first, which should give enough insight into where things might be going wrong before upgrading to get more in-depth results.


In conclusion, the key is to be patient and experiment with the various SEO techniques. If you are looking for more information on learning SEO strategies in six weeks, you can start with these six essential lessons.